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Automotive Laboratory Development: Small Engine Dynamometer System Design Preliminary Design Report

Team 04006 Benjamin Duprey Matthew Lazzaro Timothy Trapp David Wuchter Aron Youngs
Department of Mechanical Engineering Kate Gleason College of Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology 76 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY 14623-5604

1. Executive Summary
This preliminary design report summarizes the progress achieved by the Automotive Laboratory Development Senior Design Team. Currently the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology utilizes a DYNO-mite dynamometer made by Land and Sea, Inc. The goal of the team is to design, manufacture, and test a replacement dynamometer system. With an impending expansion of the Kate Gleason College of Engineering a need arises for multiple dynamometer systems to be used in a yet-to-be-built automotive laboratory. It is not cost effective to procure the numerous dynamometer systems for both financial and educational reasons. The team must design a pilot production system that specifically fulfills all requirements of students and staff at RIT. This engine test fixture will ultimately be reproduced and modeled from the pilot production model and according to the plans and specifications of the design team. The Engineering Design PlannerTM methodology was used to shape the design process of the dynamometer system. At the completion of the RIT 20032 Winter term the first five facets of this design process have been completed. The first step of the project was to recognize and quantify the need. This goal will push the project in the correct direction and set the scope, goals, and motivations of the design. The second step provides an overview of the concept development stemming from the needs assessment. This document discusses the various dynamometer devices and subsystems generated by the team. The third step provides a feasibility study of the proposed concepts. A formal process was used to quantify between the concepts and determine the best possible design system. The next step lay out the specific intentions of the design team final concept. All goals, design practices, and safety requirements are determined and recorded. The fifth step is the analysis of the chosen design. This section quantifies and qualifies the reasoning for design decisions and specifications, while also providing justifiable calculations and information. The final section of this document recognizes the status of the project after the design phase. A future plan and schedule is created to keep the team on target for a successful pilot production dynamometer design. The current drawing package, budget, and bill of materials of the project are included in a technical data package. Utilizing the Engineering Design PlannerTM the dynamometer system advanced. The final design became an open loop water brake absorber system. The water brake acts as a very inefficient pump absorbing the energy produced by an engine. A casing houses the impeller type water brake. The impeller is directly connected to the driveshaft of the test engine. As engine speed increases the water brake rotates. Load is applied by controlling the amount of fluid allowing into the casing surround the water brake. The impeller design absorbs the kinetic energy and creates an output flow from the casing. The dynamometer system uses an array of sensors to accurately measure the characteristics of the test engine. A data acquisition system records and analyzes the sensor outputs. When fabricated, the system will be capable of absorbing the full 5 horsepower produced by the specified Kohler test engine. Experimentation will be conducted prior to the completion of the pilot production system to validate the dynamometer meets design objectives and specifications.

1. 1. 2.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.................................................................................................2 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................3 Needs Assessment ...................................................................................................5 2.1. Project Mission Statement................................................................................5 2.2. Product Description .........................................................................................5 2.3. Scope Limitations ............................................................................................8 2.4. Stake Holders...................................................................................................9 2.5. Key Business Goals .........................................................................................9 2.6. Top Level Critical Financial Parameters.........................................................10 2.7. Financial Analysis..........................................................................................10 2.8. Primary Market ..............................................................................................11 2.9. Secondary Market ..........................................................................................11 2.10. Order Qualifiers .........................................................................................11 2.11. Order Winners............................................................................................12 2.12. Innovation Opportunities............................................................................12 2.13. Background................................................................................................13 3. Concept Development............................................................................................16 3.1. Water Braking System Concept......................................................................17 3.2. Resistance Load Generator System Concept...................................................18 3.3. Mechanical Brake System Concept ................................................................19 3.4. Sensor Package ..............................................................................................19 3.5. Data Acquisition Package ..............................................................................21 4. Feasibility Assessment...........................................................................................23 4.1. Water Brake System Feasibility .....................................................................24 4.1.1. Closed Loop...........................................................................................24 4.1.2. Open Loop .............................................................................................25 4.2. Resistance Load Electric Generator System Feasibility ..................................25 4.3. Mechanical Brake System Feasibility.............................................................27 4.4. Feasibility Conclusion....................................................................................28 5. Performance Objectives and Specifications............................................................29 5.1. Design Objectives ..........................................................................................29 5.2. Performance Objectives .................................................................................30 5.3. Design Practices Used by the Team................................................................31 5.4. Safety Objectives ...........................................................................................32 6. Analysis of the Problem and Synthesis of Design ..................................................33 6.1. Water Brake Impeller Design .........................................................................34 6.1.1. Water Brake Impeller Radius .................................................................35 6.1.2. Water Brake Inertia Optimization...........................................................38 6.1.3. Profile of Impeller Blades.......................................................................40 6.1.4. Water Brake Impeller Design Conclusion...............................................45 6.2. Water Brake Casing Design ...............................................................................45 6.3. Torque Arm Design ...........................................................................................49 6.4. Motor Mounting Design and Setup ....................................................................50 6.5. Sensor Placement and Mounting ........................................................................53 3

6.6. Data Acquisition Design and Setup....................................................................55 6.7. Controls and User-Interface Design ...................................................................57 6.8. Structure and Assembly .....................................................................................58 7. Budget ...................................................................................................................60 8. Future Plans...........................................................................................................61 8.1. Schedule ............................................................................................................63 9. Conclusion ............................................................................................................63 10. References .........................................................................................................65 11. Appendix ...........................................................................................................66


Needs Assessment


Project Mission Statement

The Automotive Lab Development Senior Design Team is to design and fabricate a working pilot production system. The final design will provide a flexible bench top, educational engine test fixture. The design must incorporate hands on experience to further enhance theory from coursework. The solution must be safe, robust, flexible to change, and intuitive to operate.


Product Description

Figure 2.2.1 Kohler Engine

Currently at Rochester Institute of Technology, a single small engine dynamometer is utilized in labs and coursework. With the impending expansion of the Kate Gleason College of Engineering building, there are plans to build a new automotive test cell facility. This state of the art laboratory will be a dramatic improvement over the current situation. Students have only had one small engine dynamometer available for use. Even with small laboratory groups the learning experience from using the dynamometer was minimized. RIT has proposed to incorporate six new small engine dynamometers into the new automotive laboratory. This equipment will be the main components of the lab. The current dynamometer was procured from Land and Sea, Inc. The Land and Sea DYNO-mite is not being used to its full potential. This system is not properly matched to its end use at RIT, learning. The DNYO-mite is capable of conducting its own dyno runs with minimal operator interface. The system includes servo-motion control of throttle and load, along with a stand alone data acquisition system and computer; it is a black box system. To simply purchase more units from Land and Sea is not the best direction for RIT to pursue. The cost of each unit is on the order of $30,000, while the value to the institution and students is far less. The DYNO-mite unit has many advanced features that are irrelevant to learning and unused. The unique data acquisition system does not allow standardization. Maintenance and repair must be done by Land and Sea technicians. Replacement parts are not common and therefore must be routed from Land and Sea as well.

In order to fully meet the needs of the College of Engineering and the future Automotive Laboratory, the only viable solution is to design and build an original dynamometer. The new system will be tailor-fitted to meet the specific needs of students and professors at RIT. The new dynamometer will designed around a stockpile of small single cylinder engines currently owned by RIT. The College of Engineering has a large quantity of Kohler Command engines. This five horsepower, single cylinder, air cooled, four stroke power plant is robust and reliable. The purpose of a dynamometer is to place a load on an engine and measure its performance. The application of the mechanical load creates energy. The fundamental goal of a dynamometer is conversion or translation of energy. The Kohler engine creates five horsepower therefore the design must be able to dissipate at a minimum of five horsepower in order to completely stall the engine. There are a variety of designs and systems for dynamometers. The final design will best fit the needs of students and professors. The goal of the design group is to produce a single unit. The ultimate intention of the College of Engineering is to reproduce this pilot production model. Depending on budget and space requirements six to ten dynamometer units will be reproduced. The Kate Gleason College of Engineering expansion building plans for the automotive laboratory will take into consideration the new dynamometer design.


Scope Limitations

The pilot production Automotive Laboratory Small Engine Dynamometer shall be fully designed by the end of RITs winter quarter and be fabricated and fully assembled at the completion of spring quarter.

At the end of Winter Quarter 20032, the senior design team will hold a Preliminary Design Review. At this time the group will be responsible for: Needs Assessment Concept Development Feasibility Assessment Drawing Package Analysis and justification of final design Bill of Materials Budget

At the end of Spring Quarter 20033, the senior design team will present the working pilot production system. The end responsibilities will include: Functioning pilot production dynamometer system Operating and Training Manual Final Report and Binder

The senior design team will not be responsible for the following:

Performance modifications to the Kohler engine Design of laboratory building and structure Generating laboratory experiments


Stake Holders

The key stake holders are the students and professors using the future Automotive Laboratory. Other stake holders include the students of the senior design team and their future employers.


Key Business Goals

The senior design team will be successful when it has designed and fabricated a pilot production small engine dynamometer that meets the academic and research needs of the RIT College of Engineering students and staff. If this has been done then: The members of the team will have learned how to work on an engineering team in a professional manner. RIT will have a pilot production model of a new small engine dynamometer specifically suited to the needs of the College of Engineering. The design package will be able to be replicated and reproduced depending on the requirements and demands of students and the institute.


Top Level Critical Financial Parameters

The dynamometer must be cheaper than the current Land and Sea DNYO-mite dynamometer.

The dynamometer system must be easily reproduced. Common parts, simple machining, and RIT standards will be used to minimize cost of cloning the design.

Human interface of dynamometer design must provide an intuitive educational experience.

Data and analysis must be accurately conveyed.


Financial Analysis

A $5000 budget has been proposed for the RIT Automotive Lab Development Senior Design team. This budget shall include: Mechanical components of dynamometer Coupling for connecting Kohler engine to dynamometer Data acquisition equipment and software Sensor package Mounting platform or cart Raw materials for machining mounts and mechanical control system Computer system to run DAQ software and provide user interface



Primary Market

The primary market of the new small engine dynamometer system is the College of Engineering. This consists of both students and professors primarily in the Mechanical Engineering department.


Secondary Market

The secondary market includes the commercialization of the use of the new automotive laboratory. Potentially RIT could create a program in which it sells dyno time to businesses and individuals wishing to test small engines. Also RIT could sell or distribute the design specifications to other colleges and institutions as a learning tool.


Order Qualifiers

The Automotive Laboratory Development team will create a pilot production small engine test fixture. The design will meet the needs of the College of Engineering. The design will also incorporate future reproduction plans of the system. Upon completion a user-guide and training manual will document operation of the system for future users and maintenance issues.



Order Winners

The new design will be cheaper than the existing dynamometer currently in use. Comply with OSHA safety standards. Ease of operation for students with minimal assistance from instructor. A compact portable design to efficiently utilize laboratory space. System will verify experimental data collected conforms to theoretical calculations.

Maintenance issues will be minimized with widespread use of common parts. System will be designed with ease of reproducibility in mind.


Innovation Opportunities

The new design of the small engine test fixture has the potential to be marketed by RIT to other colleges, learning institutions, and private industries. The dynamometer and incumbent system will be focused on learning rather than just collecting raw data.




Figure 2.13.1 DynoMite Dynamometer A dynamometer can be defined as any device for measuring power output of a source. More specifically it is a device for measuring the tangential forces incident to a rotating mass. In terms of engine and automotive interests a dynamometer is a way of accurately measuring the specific output of an engine. Dynamometers typically apply some form of measurable resistance on the engine. The resistance is called the load, and serves as a benchmark, something to measure the engines power against. There are a variety of ways to measure this output, and these are dictated by the basic mechanism of the dynamometer design. The most common form of dynamometers today, use oil or water circulating with a pump to provide the load requirement. This system works on a simple concept: the harder the pump and fluid work the harder the engine must work. Increasing the flow of the fluid to the point the engine cannot output enough power, will cause the engine to


slow down. Likewise, reducing the flow of the fluid will cause the engine to speed up until equilibrium is reached. Utilizing a valve to regulate inlet fluid flow allows control of the applied load. There are two variations of this design. The first design calls for a pump to be driven by the output of the measured engine. Using a positive displacement pump mechanically forces the fluid out of the pump outlet. This mechanism allows load to be applied to the engine by regulating, with a valve, the inlet amount of fluid to the pump. Measuring the power of the engine is then directly related to the fluid flow exiting the pump. The pump converts the test engines power into a fluid flow. Water brakes are another form of hydraulic pump absorbers. These designs consist of one or more vaned rotors spinning in between pocketed stator housings. Load is controlled by adjusting the level of fluid in the brake with adjustable inlet orifice. Raising the fluid level increases the rotational drag of the rotor, applying more resistance to the engine turning it. The water brake is easily compared to a very inefficient pump; it efficiently uses up engine power by converting it to fluid flow and heat. The simplest and earliest form of dynamometer brakes were mechanical brakes. A rotating drum with a friction brake was used to apply drag at the engines output shaft. This crude form of absorber proved difficult to accurately apply a consistent load for prolonged periods of time. Mechanical brakes convert kinetic energy into thermal energy by using pressure to apply varying levels of friction. The heat lost to surrounds is difficult to measure further enhancing characteristic drawbacks of these simple systems. Electric dynamometers convert mechanical power to electric power. The engine drives a generator. The more electricity generated, the harder the engine has to work.


The voltage created by a generator is more or less constant. Therefore, by varying the amount of electrical current load on the generator, the mechanical load on the engine is varied. Varying the load can be accomplished by adding resistance to the electric output of the generator. Generator style dynamometers are great for steady state conditions, but have significant drawbacks for transient testing. Generators have a high polar moment of inertia. High inertia means a lot of power is required to accelerate the armature. Likewise, a lot of stored horsepower will be returned when dropping down in engine speed. This effect skews the test data whenever engine speed is changing. Eddy current brake dynamometers are similar in operational characteristics to electric generator absorbers. The main difference is that eddy current brakes do not generate electricity. Rather, they use an electrical power supply to charge electromagnetic coils. The dynamometers input shaft spins a metallic rotor inside the resulting magnetic field. When the current to the magnetic field is increased, the rotor shaft becomes harder for the test engine to turn. Regardless of the dynamometer device in use, a method to gathering information must be in place. The most basic piece of information from a dynamometer is torque. Knowing the torque of the driveshaft and measuring the engine speed, output power can then be determined. Besides the output of the engine other vital measurements include pressure in the combustion chamber, intake temperature, and exhaust temperature. With these basic measurements the thermodynamic cycles of the internal combustion engine can be compared against theory. The key element of any dynamometer system is accurately measuring the type of loads and conditions you are trying to simulate.



Concept Development
The Automotive Laboratory Development Senior Design Group developed a large

list of possible solutions to satisfy the need of producing an inexpensive dynamometer as a teaching tool. The list was generated from numerous brainstorming sessions and based on initial feasibility assessments focused on three schools of thought. The concepts developed for the dynamometer design stemmed from a fluid braking system, a mechanical braking system and an electrical braking system. These 3 basic designs were then expanded upon and more closely evaluated. Group and individual drawings were initially generated to develop more formal plans. The group drawings generated five concepts and individually, each member was assigned to generate three concept drawings. There was a great deal of overlap and from 23 concepts there ended up being nine individual proposals. These nine concepts were: an inertial dynamometer system, an open system water brake, a resistance load electrical generator brake, a mechanical brake, an eddy current brake, a competing engine brake, a load cell electric generator brake, and a closed system water brake. A second feasibility assessment was conducted to eliminate the competing engine brake, the load cell electric generator brake and the eddy current brake. After this elimination a great deal of debate occurred over the feasibility of each of the three semi-final designs. Each of these concepts is presented in detail below.



Water Braking System Concept

The water braking system concept is largely based upon centrifugal pumping laws. A centrifugal pump works on the concept of displacing fluid radially from its inlet to its outlet, about the impeller of the pump. The load a centrifugal pump encounters is related to the input power and the input flow. The less the input power and the larger the flow the easier it is to stall, or brake, the pump. The same theory applies for a water brake dynamometer system. A water brake dynamometer is directly connected to the engine output shaft. The pump impeller and the power of the engine produce dictate the pumping ability and thus output of the system. Varying the inlet water flow through a valve can control the amount of load placed on the engine. A closed system water brake incorporates a pump and reservoir to drive the fluid into the absorber. This creates a large packaging sized dynamometer. By using the closed system approach, more heat is generated due to the use of a common water supply and a pump. Due to this generation of heat, a cooling system would need to be implemented to allow the system parameters to remain constant and efficient. However, because the system is closed, measuring the pumping losses due to heat generation is straightforward. Despite the varying temperature a closed system water brake is more environmentally friendly in its handling of water and potentially various working fluids could be used. An open system water brake dynamometer uses tap water as the inlet flow and has no re-circulation; allowing for a small unit packaging size. By using an open system approach, heat is generation in negligible; a cooling system is unnecessary. However, since the system relies on tap water, the flow may not to be constant. This effect is


directly related to the plumbing facilities and configurations the system is connected to. The lack of a reservoir and pump will allow measuring heat loss slightly harder than that of a closed system.


Resistance Load Generator System Concept

The resistance load generator system concept is based on constant voltage laws that dictate that a system will absorb a designated current based on its level of resistance. The system design calls for an AC electric generator to be attached to the output shaft of the engine and a bank of switch-selected resistors to be wired in series to the generator power output line. By selecting specific resistors, which correspond to a certain level of current absorption, the load can be varied on the basis that power is the product of voltage and current. Another resistance loaded dynamometer concept can utilize switch-selected light bulbs, LEDs or heating coils. This would provide a visual representation of the impending load to the user. Despite the simplicity of an electric generator style dynamometer there exists a great deal of inefficiencies in converting mechanical power into electrical power. Similarly, because the resistance loads required have to absorb high levels of power, thus generating heat, the inherent electrical inefficiencies of the resistors skyrocket unless cooling systems are integrated.



Mechanical Brake System Concept

The mechanical brake system concept is based upon transferring mechanical energy into thermal energy or heat. This is accomplished through the torque generated from friction about a designated rotating radius. Exactly like an automotive disc brake, the system turns input hydraulic pressure into a normal force that is applied to a friction pad, and is then applied to a surface that radiates heat. Applying a disc brake system to an engines output shaft gets the same response. By varying the hydraulic pressure, many different loads can be achieved. Despite the simplicity of a mechanical dynamometer system there exists a great deal of data acquisition problems associated with the heat transfer through the brake system. To measure this thermal energy loss, very sophisticated sensors would be necessary to determine the heat transferred to the surrounding environment.


Sensor Package

The main objective of building the dynamometer system is to place a load on the engine. The above mentioned concepts all deal with the placement of the load, whether mechanical or electrical, on the engine itself. The most important and integral part of the dynamometer is the sensor package. The sensor design is independent, or generic, to the dynamometer concept used. The sensor package is to be designed according to the needs assessment. The educational 19

purpose of the dynamometer system is to relate experimentally, how the internal combustion Kohler engine operates, and compare those attributes to theory learned in the classroom. This goal can be achieved by measuring a fundamental set of data points. Intake temperature and exhaust temperature will be used with cylinder pressure to model the thermodynamic cycle in the engine cylinder. A thermocouple placed in the intake manifold, before the combustion chamber will record an average intake temperature. A thermocouple place in the exhaust flow will determine the average temperature of the gasses exiting the after the combustion cycle. A pressure transducer mounted in the cylinder head of the engine will record the dynamic pressure throughout the thermodynamic process. A second pressure transducer will be used to measure intake pressure. A mass air flow sensor used in conjunction with an oxygen sensor will be used to calculate the amount of fuel flowing into the engine. A wide-band oxygen sensor uses a chemical reaction to output a voltage that is related to the air and fuel mixture in the exhaust. The output voltages of the sensor can be measured and can be related to corresponding air-fuel ratios. The mass air flow sensor measures the amount of flow into the engine. Using the flow rate and the air-fuel ratio the amount of fuel is equal to: Flow Rate of Air / Air-Fuel Ratio = Flow Rate of Fuel To relate emissions to the laboratory a hydrocarbon measuring device will be placed in the exhaust flow. This device measures the average concentration of hydrocarbons. This reading can be used to relate emissions to engine speed and load.


The sensor needs to be mounted somewhere in the exhaust flow path and outputs a voltage that corresponds to specific hydrocarbon concentrations. Engine speed will be measured using a Hall-Effect sensor. This sensor is used in conjunction with one or more small magnets. As the magnets pass by the sensor a voltage is output. The magnets can be mounted on the driveshaft, as the driveshaft turns the sensor will measure the engine speed. Using the data acquisition system to read the amount of voltages output from the sensor over a given period of time the engine revolutions per minute can be recorded and displayed. The load applied from the dynamometer is dependant on the style of system used in the final design. A mechanical of fluid style dynamometer will use a torque arm to measure the rotational force, torque. A strain gauge mounted on the torque arm converts the mechanical load into a measurable voltage. An electric generator style dynamometer will measure the load on the engine in terms of power. An ammeter style device can measure the current produced by the generator. Power is equal to the product of current and voltage, and therefore can be calculated and recorded.


Data Acquisition Package

The data acquisition, DAQ, subsystem is independent of concept choice. The DAQ equipment will interpret the readings taken from the sensors and relate them to data and measurements understandable by the users. The output of each sensor is either a


current or voltage. The DAQ is programmed for each sensor to read the electrical output and display or record various measurements. According to the Kate Gleason College of Engineering National Instruments equipment and LabVIEW Software will be used. This software is the industry standard for data collection. The constraining requirement of the DAQ is the sampling rate for the in-cylinder pressure transducer. Due to the nature of the Kohler engine, and engine speed, the DAQ system and pressure sensor must accurately record in-cylinder pressure at speeds up to 6000rpm. This requires a sampling rate of 100 samples per second. Intake and exhaust temperatures do not require a high sampling rate. These properties change gradually over time depending on atmospheric and loading conditions. The engine speed will be read by the DAQ as an input voltage. Within the software a scale factor will be programmed with a timer to display and record engine revolutions per minute. The load placed on the engine by the dynamometer will be output through the strain gauge. LabVIEW will be programmed to interpret this voltage or current and display and record a value for torque. Using the formula:

Power = Torque * EngineSpeed LabVIEW can be programmed to calculate the power produced by the Kohler engine as well.



Feasibility Assessment

The three basic concepts presented in the previous section are the results of team and personal brainstorming involving initial investigation and evaluation. Once each potential concept had been clearly defined and understood by all members of the team a feasibility assessment was generated using the steps provided in the Design Planner package. This assessment looked at technical, performance, schedule, economic, and resource factors affecting the completion of the project. Each question was compared with the project baseline, which is the current dynamometer described in the section 1, Needs Assessment. These questions were graded on a scale of 0 to 3, with a score of 2 representing the same as the base line, 0 being not feasible, 1 being less feasible and 3 being more feasible. The team used these factors to rank the concepts and decide which direction the team and the design project should move in. The feasibility of each concept is described below.



Water Brake System Feasibility

4.1.1. Closed Loop The closed loop water brake dynamometer was compared to a baseline of the current dynamometer, an open loop water brake. The 13 questions were broken into subgroups and discussed as shown. First, an assessment was done regarding resource feasibility. The team has sufficient skills, sufficient equipment and enough people to satisfy the goal of the project. The resource feasibility assessment received a score equal to that of the baseline. Second, an assessment was done regarding economic feasibility. The teams budget would be enough to support this concept. However, if it were to fail, due to the necessity of purchasing pumping equipment the left over budget may not be enough to start over. The economic assessment received a score slightly below the baseline. Third, an assessment was done with regard to schedule feasibility. The chances of meeting intermediate mileposts, PDR and CDR requirements are very close to that of the baseline. By adding the necessary parts to produce a closed loop system some level of intricacy is added to the design. Due to these intricacies, the schedule assessment received a score slightly less than the baseline. Fourth, a feasibility assessment related to the technical aspect of the closed loop was conducted. The senior design team has the basic skills necessary to implement a closed loop system. However, the team may require assistance in designing an appropriate cooling system for the water. Similarly, the data acquisition and tuning


associated with the heat transfer issues could potentially require assistance. The technical assessment received a score slightly below the baseline. Lastly, an assessment was done regarding performance aspects. Having a closed loop system certainly satisfies the needs assessment. It achieves the same result as the baseline in producing a useful teaching tool. However, it is less wasteful with water and easier to establish efficiently losses due to thermal energy losses. The performance assessment received a score slightly higher than the baseline.

4.1.2. Open Loop

The open loop water brake has the same characteristics as the baseline. Therefore it has the same score in the feasibility assessment.

4.2. Resistance Load Electric Generator System Feasibility

The resistance load electric generator dynamometer was compared to a baseline of the current dynamometer, an open loop water brake. The 12 questions were broken into subgroups and discussed as shown. First, an assessment was done regarding resource feasibility. The team has sufficient skills, sufficient equipment and enough people to satisfy the goal of the project. However, the team has no electrical engineers; therefore consulting RITs staff could be


necessary. The resource feasibility assessment received a score slightly less than that of the baseline. Second, an assessment was done regarding economic feasibility. The teams budget would be enough to support this concept. However, if it were to fail, due to the necessity of purchasing an electric generator, numerous resistors and switches the left over budget may not be enough to start over. The economic assessment received a score slightly below the baseline. Third, an assessment was done with regard to schedule feasibility. The chances of meeting intermediate mileposts, PDR and CDR requirements are not so close to that of the baseline. The intricacies inherent in having many switch selected high power resistors and the potential need for a cooling system could generate trouble for post production testing. Due to these intricacies, the schedule assessment received a score less than the baseline. Fourth, a feasibility assessment related to the technical aspect of the electrical dynamometer was conducted. The senior design team has the basic skills necessary to implement an electrical dynamometer system. However, the team may require assistance in designing an appropriate cooling system for the resistors. Similarly, the data acquisition and tuning associated with the heat transfer issues could potentially require assistance. The technical assessment received a score slightly below the baseline. Lastly, an assessment was done regarding performance aspects. Having an electrical dynamometer system certainly satisfies the needs assessment. It achieves the same result as the baseline in producing a useful teaching tool. However, it is less


efficient due to converting mechanical energy to electrical energy. The performance assessment received a score slightly lower than the baseline.


Mechanical Brake System Feasibility

The mechanical brake dynamometer was compared to a baseline of the current dynamometer, an open loop water brake. The 12 questions were broken into subgroups and discussed as shown. First, an assessment was done regarding resource feasibility. The team has sufficient skills, sufficient equipment and enough people to satisfy the goal of the project. The resource feasibility assessment received a score equal to that of the baseline. Second, an assessment was done regarding economic feasibility. The teams budget would be enough to support this concept. However, even if it were to fail, despite the necessary purchasing of sophisticated sensors the left over budget would likely be enough to start over. The economic assessment received a score equal to the baseline. Third, an assessment was done with regard to schedule feasibility. The chances of meeting intermediate mileposts, PDR and CDR requirements are very close to that of the baseline. By adding the necessary sensors to produce a mechanical system and subtracting the water pumping and sensing system it is likely to be similar to the baseline. Therefore the schedule assessment received a score equal to the baseline. Fourth, a feasibility assessment related to the technical aspect of the mechanical brake was conducted. The senior design team has the basic skills necessary to implement a mechanical system. However, the team may require assistance in the data acquisition


and tuning associated with the heat transfer issues. The technical assessment received a score slightly below the baseline. Lastly, an assessment was done regarding performance aspects. Having a mechanical system certainly satisfies the needs assessment. It achieves the same result as the baseline in producing a useful teaching tool. However, it isnt wasteful but is likely harder to establish thermal energy losses. The performance assessment received a score equal to the baseline.


Feasibility Conclusion

Based on the analysis presented above, the team was able to examine each concept and decide which concept should be further developed. The scores of each concept and a radar chart can be seen in Appendix B. The team decided to select the baseline, the open loop water brake dynamometer as it had the highest feasibility grade. However, depending upon a more formal economic and technical assessment we may integrate a closed loop system into the design.
Base Line: Water Brake Open Loop Water Brake Closed Loop Electro Generator Mechanical Brake R1 2 2 1 2 R2 2 2 2 2 E1 2 2 2 3 E2 2 1 1 2 S1 2 1 1 2 S2 2 2 2 2 S3 2 2 2 2 T1 2 1 1 2 T2 2 2 1 1 P1 2 2 1 2 P2 2 3 1 1

Feasibility Assessment
R1 3 2 1 P1 T2 T1 S3 S2 0 E2 S1 Mechanical Brake Base Line: W ater Brake Open Loop Water Brake Closed Loop E1 Electro Generator

P3 P2



Figure 4.4.1


Performance Objectives and Specifications

The team acknowledges that certain objectives and specifications have to be determined so that it can measure the performance of the engine dynamometer system. These objectives and specifications are discussed in this section.


Design Objectives

There are a number of design objectives that required the attention of the team. These objectives need to be specified in order for the team to have a set list of goals to achieve. These objectives are listed below. 1) The most important goal that the team has to achieve is the production of a functional engine dynamometer. This goal lies at the core of the project and the design elements must include this objective at every phase. 2) Another objective is to design the engine dynamometer as a functional teaching tool. This goal is central to the objectives illustrated in the needs assessment. 3) Another objective that has been incorporated into the design of the engine dynamometer is accuracy. The acquisition of data must provide a high level of accuracy for the engine dynamometer to be a functional lab tool.


4) The team will also ensure that the engine dynamometer is safe, reliable and robust. This objective is essential to the uptime of the engine laboratory and therefore essential for the dynamometer as a teaching tool.


Performance Objectives

The team has decided that a number of performance specifications need to be met in order for the project to be successful. These specifications are based on the minimal requirements of the engine dynamometer to be designed by the team. Therefore the final product needs to be able to meet these minimal requirements so that the basic objectives of the project are fulfilled. These specifications have been kept in mind when designing the engine dynamometer and are listed below. 1) The engine dynamometer shall be able to absorb at least 3.7 kilowatts of power. An important objective that has been incorporated into the design of the engine dynamometer is for the dynamometer to be able to stall the engine. This is essential for the performance of a lab and thus is critical to having the dynamometer as a teaching tool. 2) The sensor package must be accurate and robust. The sensors must be able to handle a large range of operating parameters. For example, the in cylinder pressure transducer must be able to withstand 10,061 kilopascals. The exhaust thermocouple must be able to withstand 1,500 degrees Celsius. The mass airflow sensor must be able to withstand 11.44 cubic feet per minute. The sensors also must be able to come close to continuous sampling i.e. have/handle high frequencies and high resolutions.


3) The team will also ensure that the engine vibration does not interfere with the data acquisition and that the torque arm be optimally designed so as to handle 8.4 ftlbs of torque. 4) The engine dynamometer will have minimal inertia. We are not designing an inertial dynamometer; therefore any non-liquid additional inertia is not necessary and would be intrusive upon our overall accuracy.


Design Practices Used by the Team

The team discussed a number of design practices to be considered when designing the engine dynamometer. These practices are provided below. 1) Design for Manufacturability The team has designed the engine dynamometer such that the parts are designed custom for this application, however they can be easily reproduced. 2) Design for Assembly The team designed the engine dynamometer such that a few assemblies and sub-assemblies exist in order to make the entire assembly process easier. 3) Design for Minimal Cost The team designed the engine dynamometer such that the cost of making the dynamometer is kept to a minimum. Unnecessary parts and materials were kept to a minimum and the materials were selected after assessing benefits versus costs.


4) Design for Reliability The team has selected materials and parts that will make the engine dynamometer as reliable as possible.


Safety Objectives

The team found set safety standards for this projects handling of combustible fluids and exhaust. Also, the nature of an engine and an engine dynamometer require guidelines related to fast moving parts. The most important safety issue of an indoor engine dynamometer is related to the handling of combustible fluids. An engine requires fuel to run, and in our case that fuel is gasoline. ASME requires gasoline to be contained in a certain fashion. The engine we are using for the engine dynamometer has an ASME certified gas tank. The second most important safety issue of an indoor engine dynamometer is related to the handling of exhaust emissions. OSHA requires exhaust emissions to be ventilated from all indoor rooms to the outside. A vacuum ventilation system is going to be central to the operation of the engine dynamometer indoors. The engine lab cell is going to have this type of system when the building is completed. Thirdly, the nature of mechanical systems with fast moving parts requires all exposed moving parts to be guarded for operator safety.



Analysis of the Problem and Synthesis of Design

The analysis of the open loop water brake dynamometer system focused on

several different aspects of the overall design. The system design was split up into the component sections: water brake impeller, water brake casing, torque arm, motor mounting, sensor placement, data acquisition, controls and user-interface, and structure and assembly. The water brake was designed to provide sufficient load to stall the Kohler engine as well as be flexible for use with other small engines that may be used in the future. The impeller blade angle and surface area were modeled and optimized to provide the most favorable results best suited for the teams design requirements. Machine-ability and remanufacture-ability were also major criteria when specifying the water brake impeller geometry. The water brake casing was designed around the impeller. The casing was designed to withstand worst-case scenario operating conditions. A Finite Element Analysis, FEA, was conducted on the casing for proof of concept data. The torque arm was designed and optimized to translate the most accurate toque reading to the DAQ system. Strength of materials calculations were used to determine size and shape of the arm. Placement of the strain gauge was also chosen to best suit the needs of the system and equipment. The motor mounting hardware was designed and specified to effectively isolate the inherent vibration cause by the engine. Without this feature an undesirable amount of


electrical noise would be created. This effect would interfere with sensor and DAQ equipment, rendering the system inaccurate if not useless. The data acquisition equipment was specified to meet the requirements of the needs assessment. The equipment did not need to be designed, rather procured. The DAQ software, LabVIEW, will be programmed next quarter, as part of the build-phase. The controls and user-interface were designed to be intuitive and straightforward. An engine speed control and variable load control must be incorporated into the final system. They must be able to handle the use and abuse associated with student operated laboratory equipment. The user-interface design includes both the LabVIEW display on the system computer monitor as well as a visual tachometer and flow-meter. A pre-fabricated industrial cart will be used as the backbone of the structure. The system will be packaged to fit entirely on the cart.


Water Brake Impeller Design

The impeller is made of two separate pieces: the actual impeller, which is machined out of 6061 aluminum, and the collar the impeller and the case rests on, which is made out of steel. The design has two focus points: the radius of the impeller, and the profile of the impeller blades. The radius of the design constrains the maximum power the impeller can dissipate. The profile design determines the efficiency of the impeller.


6.1.1. Water Brake Impeller Radius

The design team needed to determine the optimized radius for the water brake according to the needs assessment requirements. Using the following equation (Equation 6.1.1) the water brake can be designed to fit desired parameters.
Tshaft = R22 Q

Equation 6.1.1

In this equation, T shaft is the torque on the motor shaft; is the angular velocity of the impeller; R2 is the radius of the impeller; is the density of the fluid; and Q is the mass flow rate of the fluid. By varying R2, different values for T shaft could be calculated and used Equation 6.1.2:
W m = Tshaft

Equation 6.1.2

T shaft is the torque on the motor shaft; is the angular velocity of the impeller; and Wm is the work done by the motor on the impeller. Optimizing the size of the impeller, R2, was done for the given power rating of the Kohler engine, five horsepower. The minimum radius requirement of the impeller design calls for a 2.75 radius in order to completely absorb the engine output. One requirement of the needs assessment addresses a flexible system. The water brake impeller design justifies that size and character of the engine being loaded. Increasing the impeller radius allows for seamless integration with the Kohler engine as well as higher output power plants. Figure 6.1.1 shows the maximum power various size impellers can absorb at 3600rpm. The Kohler Command engine produces maximum output at 3600rpm. 35

Figure 6.1.1

Power vs. Impeller Diameter: Engine Speed 3600rpm




Wm (HP)





0 0 1 2 3 4 R2 (inche s) 5 6 7 8

The team decided on an impeller design with a radius of 6. This size will allow a maximum of 45HP at 3600rpm. These characteristics will allow the system to remain flexible without having any negative effects on lower output engines such as the Kohler Command. The water brake impeller is directly connected to the output shaft of the engine. As engine speed increases the water brake can effectively absorb an increasing amount of energy. Figure 6.1.2 displays that a 6 radius impeller design is capable of absorbing 126HP at an engine speed of 6000rpm.


Figure 6.1.2

Power vs. Impeller Diameter: Engine Speed 6000rpm

200 180 160 140 120

Wm (HP)

100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 R2 (inche s) 5 6 7 8

Figure 6.1.3 Final Impeller Model


6.1.2. Water Brake Inertia Optimization

Ideally, since the dynamometer is to be used with the low output Kohler engine inertia should be minimized. Since this engine only produces an approximate maximum power of 5 horsepower the percent error caused by a massive water brake would render the system inaccurate. The inertia of the water brake impeller was calculated using a straight-edged blade design. Later in this document the justification of the blade design will be explained. Using this assumption the inertia of the impeller can be determined by breaking up the impeller design in two geometric matrixes, a disc and a series of rectangles. The disk is used to model the back of the impeller, while the blades are assumed to be rectangles. The volume of the disc can be found by: Vdisc = * ( R 2 R1) * h (Equation 6.1.3)

Where R2 is the outer radius of the impeller, R1 is the inner radius of the impeller, and h is the thickness. The volume of the blades can be calculated using:
Vblade = W * T * (R 2 R1

)2 * N

(Equation 6.1.4)

Where W is the blade width, T is the blade thickness, and N corresponds to the number of blades. Using the volumes of the disc and blades the mass of the impeller was determined. The using the 6061 Aluminum density property of 0.102 lb/in^3 the mass is equal to the quotient of the density and the total volume.


Once the mass was know the inertia of the impeller was calculated using Equation 6.5:
1 2 I = * mass * (R 2 R1) 2

(Equation 6.1.5)

Figure 6.1.3 shows the relationship between impeller size and its inertia.
Figure 6.1.3

Impeller Radius vs. Inertia

160.00 140.00
Inertia (lb*in^2)

120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 3 4 5 6 7 Outer Radius (in) 8 9 10

Using an impeller design size of 6 inches has a moment of inertia of 9.06 lb*in^2. Compared to a 10 inch impeller with a moment of inertia of 135.88 lb*in^2, the 6 inch design minimizes inertia while retaining a versatile power absorbing range. These assumptions and calculations in the inertia analysis of the water brake were simply used to steer the team in the correct direction of the design. The actual inertia of the water break was found using a ProEngineer tool box to be 4.677lb*in^2. The assumption to model the blades as rectangles is the reason for the error between actual and calculated. This error does not affect the choice of impeller size since the error is linear for all designs.


6.1.3. Profile of Impeller Blades

Before looking at the equations it is helpful to see the velocity diagram in Figure 6.1.4: Figure 6.1.4 Vrb2 2 V2 U2 = r2

In the figure Vrb2 is the velocity relative to the blade, V is the absolute resolved velocity, and U is the runner speed which can be found by using the Equation 6.1.6:
U = r

Equation 6.1.6

In this equation r is the radius of the impeller, and is the angular velocity. This velocity diagram shows two unknowns; therefore an initial guess must be made at one of the variables and then re-substituted iteratively into the equation. Translating the Vrb2 vector along the U vector, geometric laws can be used to simulate results. By using an initial guess of Vrb2, and the law of cosines the absolute velocity can be modeled.


The profile of the impeller blades will effectively determine the efficiency the impeller operates as a pump, displacing fluid of a given rate at a design characteristic velocity. The velocity relative to the blades will be known as Vrb2. The size of the passages will be called b. The blade profile will determine the average velocity of the fluid at both the inlet and outlet of the water brake. By varying the angle and profile of the impeller blade, , the velocity relative to the blade varies as shown in Figure 6.1.5:
Figure 6.1.5

Blade angle vs Vrb2: at 3600rpm

160 140 120 100

( )

80 60 40 20 0 30 30.5 31 31.5 32
Vrb2 (ft/s)





Analyzing the graph in figure 6.1.5, the relation between blade angle and relative velocity can be seen. An obtuse angle relative to the spinning impeller direction produces a far


slower velocity than an acute blade angle. This graph demonstrates the flow characteristics that the team used as a basis for the design calculations and assumptions. Figure 6.1.6 graphically represents the specific speed values associated with various impeller blade designs.

(Figure 6.1.6) The profile of the impeller blade affects the specific speed of the absorber. Due to machining ability and reproduction concerns the simplest profile was chosen; a blade angle of 90 degrees with a straight vane. The design team made this assumption knowing that measures must be taken in order to compensate for not using the most efficient design. The specific speed is used in Equation 6.1.7:
Q H1 = 1 N scu
1 2 1

4 3

Equation 6.1.7

In this equation H represents head, is the angular velocity, Q is the mass flow rate of the fluid, and Nscu is the specific speed of the impeller. By using 500 as the specific speed a head value of 4.76 ft was determined.


Next the power of the fluid needed to be calculated. This energy was found using Equation 6.1.8:
Pfluid = gQH water

Equation 6.1.8

In this equation Pfluid is the power of the fluid, g is the constant of gravity, Q is the mass flow rate of the fluid, H is the head, and water is the density of the fluid, which in this case is water. The power of the fluid was calculated to be 0.00135 in units of horsepower for the given specific speed. Figure 6.7 compares various specific speeds associated with different impeller designs.

The efficiency of the impeller can be determined. This was calculated by using Equation 6.1.9:

Pfluid Pmech

100 0 0

Equation 6.1.9

In this equation is the efficiency, Pfluid is the power of the fluid, and Pmech is the power of the engine supplied by the shaft.


Figure 6.1.7 compares various specific speeds associated with different impeller designs.
Figure 6.1.7

Impeller Efficiency at 3600rpm







0 0 500 1000 Nscu 1500 2000 2500

The graph clearly shows that the specific speed associated with a straight impeller blade is the worst choice when compared to the 2000 specific speed associated with a Francis vane style impeller. Continuing with the assumption previously mentioned, although the blade geometry is not optimized, the size geometry is. If the team were to use a curved profile the same results of power absorption could be achieved in a smaller package. The water brake characteristic design is to become a very inefficient pump. The purpose of the device is to absorb energy. This is the reason for such low efficiency. In a dynamometer, the lower the efficiency of the water brake, the better the design.


6.1.4. Water Brake Impeller Design Conclusion

The final impeller design the team has a 6 inch outer diameter. The twelve vanes on each side of the impeller are of a straight design. A single vane extends 0.515 inches and measure 0.19 inches thick. After the calculations and data gathered from the analysis the team is confident this design will exceed all expectations of performance. Figure 6.8 is a drawing of the final impeller design.


Water Brake Casing Design

The casing of the water brake must be manufactured out of a readily available, inexpensive and easily machinable metal. From these criteria, 6061 aluminum was chosen. The casing is easily manufactured using an engine lathe. Its purpose is to contain the water and impeller during dynamometer operation. The bearings that the impeller run on are installed into the casing as well are the shaft seals. In order to get water into and out of the case, there are two fittings. One for the inlet which will accommodate a common garden hose and the other for the outlet. A small vent hole is also added to help the water brake drain after a power run. The radial bolt circle will seal the outer edge. The casing of the water brake must remain stationary because it is how the torque is transmitted from the impeller to the torque arm. In order to accommodate this, an adaptor shaft was designed to allow the impeller to turn and the casing to remain stationary. The shaft will be press fit into the impeller and bored to fit the output shaft on the engine. Two countersunk holes will also be added to one end to accommodate magnets for the


Hall-effect sensor (for RPM measurement). Because it is a bearing race and a shaft seal race, it will be made out of mild steel and will be ground. The bearings chosen are standard deep-groove ball bearings. They offer good reliability, are readily available and are inexpensive. The shaft seals are single lip design with an integral garter spring to make them self adjusting to wear. The inlet and outlet passages were analyzed using centrifugal pump equations obtained in the Introduction to Fluid Mechanics textbook. The inlet passage delivered the fluid normal to the blades of the impeller, and the outlet passage allowed fluid to leave the impeller tangentially. The diameters of both passages were found by using the following equation (equation 6.2.1) was used:
b2 = Q 2R2Vrb2

Equation 6.2.1

In this equation b2 is the diameter of the passage; Q is the mass flow rate of the fluid, R2 is the radius of the impeller at the passage point, and Vrb2 is the velocity relative to the blade. For the inlet passage Vrb2 was found graphically by using an iterative method and using 30 (ft/s) as an initial guess the results can be found in (fig. 6.2.1). These values for Vrb2 were then substituted into equation 6.2.1 to find the corresponding values of b. During this analysis though b seemed to result in vary small values as can be seen in table in the appendix. This makes sense however for such large Vrb2 values minimizing the outlet hole would be preferable. Due to machining purposes b was decided to be increase, also maximizing Vrb2 is not an important design point so figure 6.2.2 was created to analyze the effect of varying b on Vrb2. This makes sense; as you limit the area fluid has to escape the passage would act like a nozzle. The value of 1 was decided upon for pragmatic reasons. This was done for both passages inlet and outlet. 46

Figure 6.2.1

Vrb (ft/s) vs. b (for = 90 )

0.000358 0.000356 0.000354 0.000352 0.00035 0.000348 0.000346 0.000344 0.000342 0.00034 0.000338 30.6




31.4 Vrb







Figure 6.2.1

Vrb (ft/s) vs. b (for = 90 )

0.000358 0.000356 0.000354 0.000352 0.00035 0.000348 0.000346 0.000344 0.000342 0.00034 0.000338 30.6




31.4 Vrb






Figure 6.2.2 Water Brake Model Exploded View



Torque Arm Design

The purpose of a torque arm is to, as its name implies, measure torque. This is done by mounting a strain gage to the surface of the torque arm near the impeller housing. As the impeller turns, it churns the water inside the casing. The more water inside the casing and/or the faster the engine turns, the greater the braking force exerted on the engine. Viscous friction inside the housing will cause it to rotate, and by having an arm mounted to the housing that in turn presses against a hard stop at its free end, an internal moment in the arm is produced. A strain gage is mounted to the surface of the arm at a location closest to the housing (where the internal moment will be the greatest) and by measuring this strain, the user can back-calculate the torque being exerted by the engine. The calculations involved taking the maximum output torque of the engine and determining the corresponding distance/force combinations of the arm. Once this was done, several cross-sectional dimension combinations were chosen to analyze and the respective moments of inertia were calculated. Aluminum was chosen for the material of the arm for its low weight, relatively low cost (for the sizes required), and good metal working properties. Max Compressive and Tensile Bending Stresses were calculated next, at which point the Maximum Deflection and Maximum Slope of each arm were found. While the slope calculation was performed more of as an exercise, the deflection calculation was the important one since it was critical to know if the deflection of the chosen cross-sections would be too large or too small. The x x 16.4 bar was chosen since it is small enough to allow for visible deflections but not so much so that the


bending stresses would be too high. In addition, it was desirable to have the arm not exceed the width of the cart on which everything is mounted. The last necessary computation was determining strain, and Equation 6.3.1 was used was for the case of uniaxial strain: = E (Equation 6.3.1)

Where = bending stress, E = elastic modulus, and = strain. This is the value that will be read directly from the strain gage on the completed dynamometer. Since the elastic modulus for the material of the arm is known, one can then calculate the resulting bending stress. From here, the bending stress formula, Equation 6.3.1 = Mc/I (Equation 6.3.2)

is used in the form M = I/c. The moment of inertia, I, and distance from neutral axis to surface, c, can be calculated and measured, respectively, at which point the moment may be calculated. All calculations can be found in the appendix of this document.


Motor Mounting Design and Setup

The Kohler motor to be used with the engine dynamometer test cell vibrates when running. This means that when the motor is attached to the cart we plan to use the vibrations will be transmitted throughout the cart and into other components. These vibrations have to be considered because the amplitudes of the transmitted forces can easily cause damage and may lead to failure of DAQ equipment, sensor, computer or any other device attached the cart.


The problem was analyzed as a single degree of freedom, and the motor was modeled as a mass with a harmonic force = Fcos(t). The cart was modeled as a mass that was supported by a spring with very high stiffness and a deflection of zero. Essentially the cart is a fixed mounting surface for the motor with the very high spring rate. This in mind, the motor needs to be isolated so there is very little to no vibration forces transmitted to the cart. Ideally, the engine needs to sit on a cushion of air, which would transmit no vibrations. The design calls for a spring/damper mount that is very soft and can absorb large shocks. After an effort to solve the problem it was seen that an analytical solution may be very difficult to find. The team did not have enough information on the engine to calculate the eccentric mass. This eccentric mass causes an imbalance in the rotating assembly of the engine. This imbalance is the harmonic force that is transmitted. Also, measuring the transmitted force of the engine could have been done with equipment in the Vibrations Lab but due lack of time and experience with lab equipment this was not an option. The problem was then discussed with Dr. Kochersberger, a vibrations professor at RIT. His expertise suggested avoiding analyzing the vibrations problem due to its complexity. With the nature of use of a dynamometer, the engine will be constantly run at different speeds with varying loads. This creates an infinite range of calculations and measuring. These constantly changing conditions make it extremely difficult to find an ideal spring/damper motor mount. Dr. Kochersberger recommended searching machine components suppliers to see what is available and most effective.


McMaster ( has a wide range of spring/damper mounts for motors. After searching the site, a mount was found under the Vibration Damping Mounts sections in their online catalogue (pp.1218). The Vibration Damping Mounts are described to isolate vibration, shock, and noise transmitted from machinery. On pp.1223 of their online catalogue, Steel Spring-Action Mounts appear to be the best solution to isolate engine vibrations. They are designed for high deflections and are claimed to provide the best vibration, shock, and noise isolation. The mount chosen for this project can handle a 60lb load with a deflection of 1.3in. This mount has a spring rate of 46.2lb/in and there will be four of them to support the engine. Figure 6.4.1 shows the specifications of the mount design to be used.
Steel Spring-Action Mounts
High-deflection mounts provide the best vibration, shock, and noise isolation for slow-operating machines (machinery operating at speeds as low as 500 rpm). The upper and lower cast iron housings keep the steel spring contained and help prevent horizontal movement of the mount. Neoprene between the housings prevents metal-to-metal contact, while a neoprene pad bonded to the base plate provides additional resistance to movement. These mounts also provide leveling capabilities (for best results, adjust leveling bolt so that upper housing is 1/4"- 1/2 " above the top of the lower housing). Mounts are furnished with a mounting bolt and nut. Temperature range is -40 to +160 F. Compressio n Max. Load, Thread lbs. Deflection @ Max. Load Flange Flange Hole Hole (A) (B) (D) (E) Ctr. to Ctr. Dia.* Each

3/8"-16 3/8"-16 3/8"-16 3/8"-16 3/8"-16 3/8"-16 3/8"-16 1/2"-13 1/2"-13 1/2"-13 1/2"-13

60 1.3" 100 1.3" 165 1.2" 260 1.0" 370 0.8" 450 0.5" 700 0.5" 900 1.02" 1100 0.83" 1300 0.74" 1500 0.70"

3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 5 1/4" 5 1/4" 5 1/4" 5 1/4"

5 7/8 " 5 7/8 " 5 7/8 " 5 7/8 " 5 7/8 " 5 7/8 " 5 7/8 " 7 3/4 " 7 3/4 " 7 3/4 " 7 3/4 "

2 3/8" 2 3/8" 2 3/8" 2 3/8" 2 3/8" 2 3/8" 2 3/8" 3" 3" 3" 3"

3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3 1/2 " 3 1/2 " 3 1/2 " 3 1/2 "

5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2"

7/16 " 7/16 " 7/16 " 7/16 " 7/16 " 7/16 " 7/16 " 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8"

6219K83 6219K84 6219K85 6219K86 6219K87 6219K88 6219K89 6219K91 6219K92 6219K93 6219K94

$30.17 30.17 30.17 30.17 30.17 32.98 35.44 43.60 48.09 48.09 50.33

Bolt length. * Flange hole is slotted.

(Figure 6.4.1) Source:, page 1223 online catalogue In the design facet of this project an experiment will be conducted to ensure these specified mounts effectively isolate the vibration of the engine. This experiment will place the engine and mounts on a surface similar to the final mounting platform and


measure for any transmitted vibrations. If a problem exists a vibrations analysis will be required to determine the corrective actions the team needs to make.


Sensor Placement and Mounting

Pressure sensors will be mounted and placed in the engine to measure intake pressure and combustion pressure. Measuring intake pressure will be done by locating a pressure transducer in the intake runner. A hole will be drilled and tapped for the size of the transducer to screw it in just after the carburetor. The location of the hole is easy to access along with plenty of material to work with. The pressure transducer for measuring combustion pressure will be located in the cylinder head next to the spark plug. Again, a hole will be drilled and tapped to the size of the transducer where there is plenty of material to mount the transducer while leaving easy access. The combustion pressure transducer will not interfere with valves, spark plug, piston, and cooling fins. Figure 6.5.1 depicts the approximate position of the in-cylinder pressure transducer.


(Figure 6.5.1) Type-K thermocouples will be mounted in the engine to measure temperatures of oil, intake and exhaust. The oil temperature sensor will be placed in a drain plug in the bottom of the crank case that is not used for anything. A hole will be drilled and the thermocouple will be mounted in the plug with a high-temperature epoxy. Both intake and exhaust thermocouples will be mounted in the intake runner and exhaust pipe by drilling hole and sealing them with an epoxy. The engines air flow will be measured with an air flow meter and Mass-Air-Flow (MAF) sensor. This will be done by modifying the air flow meter pipe and the engines air cleaner so they can be attached or detached if needed. Within the air cleaner the MAF sensor will be mounted with a small bracket so as to not disturb air flow into the engine. An Oxygen (O2) sensor and Hydro-Carbon sensor will be mounted in the exhaust pipe to tell what air-fuel ratio the engine is running at and the amount of Hydro-Carbons going out the tale pipe. To do this, the exhaust pipe will have a hole drilled and a threaded bung will be welded in place. With the bung welded in place the O2 sensor can easily be screwed in and tightened down. The Hydro-Carbon sensor will be mounted inside the exhaust pipe or muffler. Measuring engine speed (RPM) will be done using a Hall-Effect sensor. The Hall-Effect sensor consists of small magnets and a pick-up sensor. The collar on the water brake will have four equally spaced counter-bores drilled. The magnets will be pressed into the counter bores. The pick-up sensor for the Hall-Effect will be mounted to the case of the water brake near the rotating collar where the magnets are.


To measure torque from the engine a torque arm will be used with a strain gauge. The torque arm is attached near the center of the water brake housing and the other end rests on a stop. The strain gage will be attached to the end of the torque arm that is secured to the water brake housing.


Data Acquisition Design and Setup

The DAQ for the pilot production dynamometer system is to be provided by the Kate Gleason College of Engineering. Currently RIT owns a number of DAQ carts for coursework and research. These carts meet and exceed all requirements of the needs assessment and data collection. The equipment is all National Instruments brand. Figure 6.6.1 shows the equipment included on the cart, to be used by the team.
DAQ Multifunction DAQ PCI Card Rack Mounted Terminal Accys Rack Mounted Terminal Accys Rack Mounted Terminal Accys Chassis Strain Gauge Input Module Isolation Amplifier Signal Conditioning Module Feedthrough Panel Multiplexer Input Module Thermocouple Input Module

(Figure 6.6.1) The team will use the thermocouple input module to record the intake, exhaust, and engine temperatures. The strain gauge input module will record torque output of the engine. The pressure transducers, Hall-Effect sensor, oxygen sensor, mass air flow


sensor, and emissions equipment will all be directed into the DAQ system through the rack mounted terminals. Also included in the cart setup is a desktop computer running National Instruments LabVIEW software. The focus of the DAQ portion of the senior design team will be to construct a program within LabVIEW to interpret all the readings from the system sensors. Preliminary goals of the design process, consulting with RIT and National Instruments staff, have ensured that the DAQ system is capable of these requirements. During the next phase of the design process all programming will be implemented. The main goals of the DAQ software interface include: Obtaining all required measurements as addressed in the needs assessment and project specifications. Creating an output file of data that can easily be analyzed and interpreted by the user. This will most likely be a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Build a graphical-user-interface.

Design work is straight forward. The sensors plug into the DAQ equipment, and then need to be calibrated according to manufacturer requirements. The calibration can be done using the LabVIEW software or a basic voltmeter and ammeter. The sensors output either a voltage or current reading. The DAQ equipment measures these outputs and the LabVIEW software program interprets these readings into measurements.



Controls and User-Interface Design

The needs assessment requires the dynamometer system to be easily operated and intuitive to its users. The main user-interface will be the DAQ computer and the LabVIEW graphical user interface, GUI. The GUI will display on screen virtual gauges. These gauges will show current characteristics of the engine and dynamometer including; engine speed, engine torque and power, intake and exhaust temperature, engine oil temperature, air-fuel ratio, and emissions hydrocarbon concentration. Starting up the entire dynamometer system will include powering up all electronic equipment, turning on the flow into the water brake at the tap, and starting the engine. The electronic equipment will be started by plugging the DAQ cart into a conventional 120VAC outlet and turning on the computer and DAQ equipment. A valve will start and stop the water flow into the system. A globe valve, downstream the main valve and before the water brake inlet, will be used to control load placed on the engine by the dynamometer. The engine will be pull started by the user. Operating the dynamometer system will involve varying engine speed, water brake load, and recording data. The engine speed will be controlled by a push-pull cable and lever assembly. This system will be connected to the Kohler engine throttle. The Kohler engine throttle is outfitted with a torsion return spring; this design automatically closed the throttle when there is no external force applied. As the lever is pulled and pushed the throttle will open and close changing engine speed. The dynamometer load is controlled by regulating the amount of fluid allowed into the water brake. A globe valve allows more fine tuning control than a convention 57

gate valve. Closing the globe valve will reduce the amount of load; a fully open valve will produce maximum loading conditions. The throttle push-pull assembly and globe valve will be mounted next to one another to allow safety and ease of operation. Data logging will be triggered using the LabVIEW GUI and computer. Using the computer mouse to click an on-screen button will begin data collection. A Visual Flow-meter will provide a visible arbitrary gauge. This will be mounted to show the air flow into the Kohler engine. As the engine speed and dynamometer change the flow meter will visually illustrate the dynamics processes. The gauge is simply a cylinder encasing a floating sphere. As the flow increases the sphere rises in the cylinder.


Structure and Assembly

The entire dynamometer system is to be mounted on to a procured cart. The engine, water brake, computer system, and DAQ will be place on the mobile cart. The Kohler engine will be mounted to the cart using the vibration damping mounts. The mounts will be secured directly to the cart surface. The engine drive shaft will be drilled and tapped in order to provide a mounting point for the water brake assembly. The dynamometer will utilize a hollow collar cylinder to mount to the engine drive shaft. The impeller will be press-fit onto the collar. The collar will then pass through the casing bearings and oil seals allowing the impeller


to freely spin within the casing. The collar and water brake assembly will be bolted to the drilled and tapped engine drive shaft. The collar will protrude from the water brake and allow a mounting point for the magnets to be used be the Hall-Effect sensor. The actual sensor will be mounted fixed on the casing and measure the engine speed off the spinning collar. The torque arm will be bolted to the outside of the water brake casing. The arm will rest on a stop to prevent the dynamometer from rotating under load. For the pilot production, the RIT provided DAQ system will remain on its original cart, even though the dynamometer system has space available. Since the DAQ system may have other future uses it will remain separate for flexibility. The throttle will be mounted to the top surface of the cart. The load controlling globe valve will mount in a hole next to the throttle.

Figure 6.8.1 Assembly Model



Part Number Dyn-001 Dyn-002 Dyn-004 Dyn-005 Dyn-006 Dyn-007 Dyn-008 Dyn-009 Dyn-010 Dyn-011 Dyn-012 Dyn-201 Dyn-202 Dyn-203 Dyn-204 Dyn-205 Dyn-206 Dyn-207 Dyn-208 Dyn-209 Dyn-210 Dyn-211 Dyn-301 Dyn-302 Dyn-303 Dyn-304 Dyn-305 Dyn-306 Dyn-307 Dyn-308 Dyn-309 Dyn-310 Dyn-311 Dyn-901 Dyn-902 Dyn-903 Dyn-904 Dyn-905 Dyn-906 Dyn-907 Dyn-908 Dyn-909 Material Quantity Vendor Aluminum 0.2 Yard Mild Steel 1 Yard Steel 2 McMaster Steel 2 Chicago Rawhide Steel 1 McMaster Aluminum 0.25 Yard Aluminum 0.05 Yard Steel 1 Yard Rubber & Cast Iron 4 McMaster Aluminum 1 Yard Aluminum 1 Yard 1 (5 Pack) Superlogics 1 (5 Pack) Superlogics 1 Optrand 1 Superlogics 1 TSI Flowmeters 1 TSI Flowmeters 1 Superlogics 1 Radio Shack 2 Radio Shack 1 1 Thermo-Electro 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 National Instruments 1 Supertrapp 1 Supertrapp 1 McMaster 1 McMaster 1 McMaster 1 McMaster 1 Home Depot 1 Home Depot 1 Kohler Price Line Price $120.00 $24.00 $2.00 $2.00 60355K82 $10.77 $21.54 12577 CRW1 $7.00 $14.00 2892T54 $380.00 $380.00 $120.00 $30.00 $120.00 $6.00 $1.00 $1.00 6219k83 $30.17 $120.68 $12.00 $12.00 $1.00 $1.00 TC-61XJBEX36A $60.20 $60.20 TC-61XKBEX72A $44.00 $44.00 PSI Plug 3ksi $645.00 $645.00 Press-ICP-101A02 $475.00 $475.00 4226-01-02 $245.00 $245.00 4225/4226/4235-x-x $19.00 $19.00 Strain-ICP-740B02 $195.00 $195.00 276-1646 $2.00 $2.00 64-1895 $2.00 $4.00 36531-P07-003 $195.00 $195.00 FX-IR-67-0022-01 $1,380.00 $1,380.00 NI-PCI-6052E $1,595.00 $1,595.00 NI-TC-2095 $395.00 $395.00 NI-BNC-2095 $395.00 $395.00 NI-BNC-2090 $395.00 $395.00 NI-SCXI-1001 $1,595.00 $1,595.00 NI-SCXI-1520 $2,295.00 $2,295.00 NI-SCXI-1125 $1,395.00 $1,395.00 NI-SCXI-1531 $2,295.00 $2,295.00 NI-SCXI-1180 $95.00 $95.00 NI-SCXI-1104 $1,295.00 $1,295.00 NI-SCXI-1102 $1,295.00 $1,295.00 317-0875 $33.55 $33.55 310-0400 $50.35 $50.35 3125K44 $25.55 $25.55 1373K13 $33.25 $33.25 4600K14 $28.00 $28.00 5683K97 $32.09 $32.09 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Command 5 Fuel Tank $44.95 $44.95 Total $17,189.16 Total minus RIT Freebies Vendor Part Number

Part Name Impeller Collar Ball Bearing Oil Seal Cart Casing Back Plate Torque Arm Stop Engine Mount Torque Arm Tachometer Sensor Bracket Thermocouple (J) Thermocouple (K) In Cylinder Pressure Transducer Pressure Transducer MAF Sensor MAF Cable Strain Gauge Hall Effect Sensor Rare Earth Magnets Wideband Oxygen Sensor Hydrocarbon Sensor Multifunction DAQ PCI Card Rack Mounted Terminal Accys Rack Mounted Terminal Accys Rack Mounted Terminal Accys Chassis Strain Gauge Input Module Isolation Amplifier Signal Conditioning Module Feedthrough Panel Multiplexer Input Module Thermocouple Input Module Muffler Casing Muffler Core Push-Pull Cable Push-Pull Cable Lever Globe Valve Hose Fittings Fasteners Gas Tank




Future Plans
At this point the senior design team has completed the first six facets of the

automotive laboratory development project. The team is now ready to begin building, assembling, and experimentation of the open-loop water brake dynamometer system. All machining and assembly will be conducted in-house using the RIT machine shop facilities. All work will be conducted by team members eliminating cost of hired machinists and labor. As soon as the raw material is in stock and accounted for, all required machining can begin immediately. Preliminary testing must be done concerning the vibration mounting of the engine. This experiment will verify proof-of-concept for the design specified motor mounts. The Kohler engine will be mounted on a scrap piece of material similar to the cart mounting surface using the intended engine mounts. In order to pass this test the mounts must effectively isolate the motor vibrations from the mounting surface. Upon graduation from this experiment, the engine and motor mounts can be assembled onto to the cart. This is a key step since the rest of the dynamometer assembly depends on the engine being mounted. Software programming of LabVIEW can begin immediately. The first task of the DAQ team is to setup the system to record the outputs from the system sensors. Upon completion the sensors will be calibrated prior to mounting. After calibration the GUI will be constructed. Before sensor mounting, all necessary machining required for mounting can be completed. The cylinder head will be drilled and tapped for the pressure transducer mount. The intake and exhaust will be modified to accept respective thermocouples. The 61

mass air flow sensor will need be mounted prior to the intake. The exhaust will be fitted with a sound deadening muffler, oxygen sensor, and emissions equipment. During this work the engine driveshaft can be drilled and tapped for mounting of the water brake. After calibration of the sensors, mounting will begin. Once placed, an experiment will connect the sensors to the DAQ to check function of both systems. Final assembly will entail mounting of all hardware and controls. This is the last step in the build process. A final experiment will be run with the entire assembly. The dynamometer system will be used to conduct the experiment carried out in the Thermal Fluids Laboratory class offered by the department of mechanical engineering. Accurately completing this experiment along with addressing all product specifications in this report will declare the design successful. An operational and maintenance manual will be created. This document will be used to address questions by future users. The design package, experimentation results, and manual will provide adequate knowledge for replication and future use of the dynamometer system.




A schedule has been developed for the RIT spring quarter, 20033. This timeline will keep the team on target to complete all project goals.
March Tasks
Procure Raw Materials Collect sensors and Fittings LabVIEW programming Priliminary Engine Vibrations Experiment Sensor Calibration Water Brake Machining Sensor Mounting Final Assembly Final Experiment and Testing Create maintenance and operation manual CDR Technical Documentation

8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26

3 10


The team has completed the first five processes of design this quarter. These

processes included needs assessment, project objectives and specifications, concept development, feasibility assessment, analysis and synthesis of the design, and the preliminary design. The proposed design will be cost effective, more sensitive to the needs of the instructors conducting the labs, and more sensitive to the students trying to participate in the labs. The goal is to produce a working dynamometer that is both visual and practical. It also needs to be safe, user friendly, and robust, however it still needs to be accurate and give a good representation of the motor characteristics.


By developing four concepts and assessing their feasibility the concept that would best support these features was found. These concepts included; an open loop water brake dynamometer, a closed loop water brake dynamometer, a resistive load electric generator dynamometer, and a mechanical brake dynamometer. Even though each concept proved not to be completely unfeasible the open loop water brake design was decided to be the best given the mechanical nature of the design, the budget provided, and the outcome of the feasibility assessment. Many parameters were analyzed for the water brake. An FEA analysis was completed on the casing of the water brake, along with calculations on the diameter of the outlet passageway. The diameter of the impeller was taken into consideration, along with the profile and thickness of the impeller blade. A stress analysis was completed on the torque arm. This was done to ensure that the design would meet the set requirements. By the end of spring quarter the team hopes to have fabricated and assembled a functioning dynamometer, located and placed all needed sensors on the engine, and properly programmed every output from the sensors into LabVIEW. The team will test to make sure that the dynamometer properly loads the engine while all the sensors are taking accurate readings. The team will also design some sample laboratory experiments to show the abilities and the limitations of the dynamometer.


10. References
Fox, Robert W., McDonald, Alan T. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hensel, Edward. Personal Interview. 21 Jan. 2004. Juvinall, Robert C., Marshek, Kurt M. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, 3rd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kempski, Mark. Personal Interview. 19 Jan. 2004. Kochersberger, Kevin. Personal Interview. 16 Feb. 2004. Mc Nally, William. All about specific speed 7-3, Moran, Michael J., Shapiro, Howard N. (2000). Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pulkrabek, Willard W. Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine, 1st Edition. New York: Prentice Hall. Sciremammano, Frank. Personal Interview. 29 Jan. 2004. Steinke, Mark. Personal Interview. 17 Dec. 2003. Wellin, John. Personal Interview. 21 Jan. 2004.


11. Appendix
A. B. C. D. E. F. Feasibility Assessment Scores and Radar Chart Impeller Calculations and Graphs Torque Arm Calculations Impeller and Casing FEA results Bearing Fatigue Life Drawing Package


A. Feasibility Assessment Scores and Radar Chart

R1 2 2 1 2 R2 2 2 2 2 E1 2 2 2 3 E2 2 1 1 2 S1 2 1 1 2 S2 2 2 2 2 S3 2 2 2 2 T1 2 1 1 2 T2 2 2 1 1 P1 2 2 1 2 P2 2 3 1 1

Base Line: Water Brake Open Loop Water Brake Closed Loop Electro Generator Mechanical Brake

Feasibility Assessment
R1 3 2 1 P1 T2 T1 S3 S2 0 E2 S1 Mechanical Brake Base Line: W ater Brake Open Loop W ater Brake Closed Loop E1 Electro Generator

P3 P2



B. Impeller Calculations and Graphs

Constants = = Q= U= 3600 1.46 1.5 35 RPM 3 slug/ft GPM ft/s


Impeller Diameter R2 (in) Tshaft (ft*lbf) 1 1.8395957 1.25 2.8743683 1.5 4.1390903 1.75 5.6337618 2 7.3583828 2.25 9.3129532 2.5 11.497473 2.75 13.911942 3 16.556361 3.25 19.43073 3.5 22.535047 3.75 25.869315 4 29.433531 4.25 33.227697 4.5 37.251813 4.75 41.505878 5 45.989892 5.25 50.703856 5.5 55.64777 5.75 60.821633 6 66.225445 6.25 71.859207 6.5 77.722918 6.75 83.816579 7 90.140189 Results R2 (in) 7

Blade angle vs. Diameter Vrb (ft/s) 33.564933 initial guess 2 2 () V (ft/s) Vrb (ft/s) 30 82.118232 33.56493 35 110.80354 33.57116 40 143.75434 33.52761 45 180.9079 33.45058 50 222.19352 33.35 55 267.53258 33.23227 60 316.8388 33.10172 65 370.01831 32.96136 70 426.96988 32.81339 75 487.58511 32.65944 80 551.7486 32.50077 85 619.33822 32.33837 90 690.22531 32.17302 95 764.27492 32.00538 100 841.34611 31.83596 105 921.29217 31.66524 110 1003.9609 31.49361 115 1089.195 31.32142 120 1176.8321 31.14896 125 1266.7054 30.97652 130 1358.644 30.80435 135 1452.4727 30.63268 140 1548.0129 30.46173 145 1645.0828 30.2917 W m (hp) Results 1.26093 () Max 90 1.970202 V (ft/s) 32.173024 33.57116 rb

2.837091 3.861597 5.043718 6.383456 7.88081 9.53578 11.34837 13.31857 15.44639 17.73182 20.17487 22.77554 25.53382 28.44972 31.52324 34.75437 38.14312 41.68948 45.39346 49.25506 53.27427 57.4511 61.78555

Vrb (ft/s) vs. b (for = 90 )

Initial guess @ 90

Vrb (ft/s) 30 31.098384 31.791743 32.239901 32.542257 32.753464 32.909578 33.02943 33.121101 33.191032 33.2485 33.298189 33.341121 33.378194 33.410193 33.437799 33.461609 33.482137 33.499833 33.515084 33.528224 33.539546 33.549298 33.557698 61.78555 33.564933

Vrb (ft/s) 30.768902 31.263147 31.544353 31.714612 31.824792 31.899663 31.953956 31.995057 32.026167 32.049713 32.068944 32.085488 32.099721 32.111966 32.122502 32.131566 32.139366 32.146078 32.151854 32.156824 32.161101 32.164783 32.167951 32.170677 32.173024

b (in) 0.000356 0.00035 0.000347 0.000345 0.000344 0.000343 0.000342 0.000342 0.000342 0.000341 0.000341 0.000341 0.000341 0.000341 0.000341 0.000341 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034


b (in) vs. Vrb (ft/s) b (in) 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 3/16 1 1/4 1 5/16 1 3/8 1 7/16 1 1/2 1 9/16 1 5/8 1 11/16 1 3/4 1 13/16 Vrb (ft/s) 0.1750704 0.0875352 0.0583568 0.0437676 0.0350141 0.0291784 0.0250101 0.0218838 0.0194523 0.017507 0.0159155 0.0145892 0.013467 0.012505 0.0116714 0.0109419 0.0102983 0.0097261 0.0092142 0.0087535 0.0083367 0.0079577 0.0076118 0.0072946 0.0070028 0.0067335 0.0064841 0.0062525 0.0060369


Power vs. Impeller Diameter: Engine Speed 3600rpm




Wm (HP)





0 0 1 2 3 4 R2 (inches) 5 6 7 8

Blade angle vs Vrb2: at 3600rpm

160 140 120 100
( )

80 60 40 20 0 30 30.5 31 31.5 32
Vrb2 (ft/s)






Vrb (ft/s) vs. b (for = 90 )

0.000358 0.000356 0.000354 0.000352 0.00035 0.000348 0.000346 0.000344 0.000342 0.00034 0.000338 30.6




31.4 Vrb






b (in) vs. Vrb (ft/s)

0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12


0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0





1 b

1 1/5

1 2/5 1 3/5

1 4/5


Impeller Efficiency at 3600rpm







0 0 500 1000





C. Torque Arm Calculations

Possible combinations of Torque Note: This is the length Arm parameters to counteract this measured from center of torque output shaft to location of applied force. Output Torque ft-lbf 8.4 in-lbf 100.8 in 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Length ft 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Note: See Drawing. Distance from center of first hole to end of arm, inches 3.35 2.7 8.7 14.7 20.7 26.7 32.7 38.7 44.7 Note: Neutral Axis is in the center of the bar because the bar is a symmetrical shape. Force lbf 16.8 8.4 5.6 4.2 3.4 2.8 2.4 2.1 Arm Dimensions, inches b 0.5 1 h 0.5 1

Moment of Inertia, 3 Ix = 1/12*b*h in 0.0052 0.0833


c = perpendicular distance from the neutral axis to a point farthest away from the neutral axis, where max acts. ctop inches 0.25 0.5 cbottom inches -0.25 -0.5

Bending Stress, x = Mc/I Max Tensile Max Compressive (top) (bottom) psi psi 4838.4 -4838.4 604.8 -604.8

For 6061-T6, E= 10000


Maximum Slope 0.5 x 0.5 rad 0.0011 0.0060 0.0115 0.0172 0.0229 0.0287 0.0344 0.0402 degrees 0.065 0.346 0.661 0.985 1.313 1.642 1.972 2.303 1x1 rad 0.00007 0.00038 0.00072 0.00107 0.00143 0.00179 0.00215 0.00251 degrees 0.0041 0.0216 0.0413 0.0616 0.0820 0.1026 0.1232 0.1439

Maximum Displacement 0.5 x 0.5 inches -0.0020 -0.0348 -0.1127 -0.2367 -0.4070 -0.6237 -0.8868 -1.1964 1x1 inches -0.0001 -0.0022 -0.0070 -0.0148 -0.0254 -0.0390 -0.0554 -0.0748

Normal Strain, upper surface, = /E 0.5 x 0.5 Max gage = 4.84E-04 Fail 1x1 1.0E-04 6.05E-05 Pass


Torque Arm
Required Force, lb f

20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Length, ft y = 8.4x -1

Displacement vs. Length

Maximum Displacement, inches

0.200 0.000 -0.200 0 -0.400 -0.600 -0.800 -1.000 -1.200 -1.400 Length, inches 0.5 x 0.5 1 x1 10 20 30 40 50


Displacement vs. Reaction Force

Displacement, inches

0.000 -0.200 0.0 -0.400 -0.600 -0.800 -1.000 -1.200 -1.400





Reaction Force, lbf 0.5 x 0.5 1 x1


D. Torque Arm and Casing FEA


E. Bearing Fatigue Life

Engine Torque = Torque Arm Length = Reaction Force = Bearing Inner Diameter = Bearing Inner Diameter = Tangential Force On Bearing Inner Race = Bearing Dynamic Load Rating = Factor Of Safety = Static Loading = Fequiv. dynamic = Fradial static + Fdynamic Fequiv. Dynamic = P = L10 = RPM = 95.64 lb 18227.66 millions of revolutions 3600 8.4 ft*lb 1.25 ft 6.72 lb 1.25 in 0.104167 ft 80.64 lb 2517 lb 31 15 lb

Life =

84387 hours of continuous operation

*Calculations Assume Perfect Operating Conditions With No Contaminants*

F. Drawing Package


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