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Scriptures Prohibiting the Wearing of Pants by Women?

By Stephen Mann A) Verses Teaching No Pants I have cut and pasted all five verses prohibiting women wearing pants from my KJ V. Please study the five verses below with an open mind and you will see what the B ible actually says about women not wearing pants.... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (That's right, friend, there are absolutely no verses at all that prohibit pants on women!) B) Deuteronomy 22:5 Ah, but you say what about this verse... The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man p ut on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy Go d. Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV) Well quite simply, there are four reasons why I have difficulty with the no-pant s interpretation from this passage... 1. The passage doesn't clearly prohibit pants on women but there are very clear prohibitions for eating pork, not keeping Friday/Saturday (Sabbath) holy, not we aring mixed apparel of linen and wool etc., so even if there was (which there is n't), it still wouldn't mean it is for us today if it isn't taught to Gentiles i n the new covenant. 2. If Deuteronomy 22:5 is to be seen as a law to be obeyed today, then a consist ent interpretation would mean the prohibited mixed threads, Kosher foods and oth er laws in the same chapter should also be followed. Why are anti-pants teachers overlooking these others? 3. If the Deuteronomy 22 passage is to be used as a principle, it should also be applicable to prohibit other male garments on women such as t-shirts, boots, un derwear, scarves, gloves, sneakers, etc. Why is this principle not followed to i ts natural implications? 4. Lastly, if the Deuteronomy 22 passage is to be used as a principle for today (and the previous three points are overlooked), then it remains to be proved tha t pants are men's clothing. Culturally they were on women in China long before t he Western men left off wearing tights (which by the same principle should be ca lled men's apparel!) and hence fail on historical grounds as well. C) Hebrew for the word translated 'garment' Let's look at the Hebrew word that 'garment' is translated from: 8071 simlah (si m-law'); Strong says: "perhaps by permutation for the feminine of 5566 (through the idea of a cover assuming the shape of the object beneath); a dress." Some would focus in on the word Strong uses above (dress), saying that the word in this passage teaches that the dress is female attire. They overlook the fact that Strong goes on to say... "especially a mantle: apparel, cloth (-es, -ing), garment, raiment. comp. 8008. " Strong says the majority of times it is translated raiment, clothes and garment (as it is here in Deuteronomy 22:5 in the KJV). Not once is it translated into t he English word 'dress'. Rather similar to when we say men and women's dress se nse, we are not talking about only female attire. The word means clothes, not dr esses! Some commentators teach the passage is specifically prohibiting women wearing me n's armour, but whether it's apparel or armour there is no teaching here that pa nts are for men only. D) Skirts While Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 is often quoted, verse 30 is often overlooked... "a man shall not take his father s wife, nor discover his father s skirt" Deuteronomy 22 :30 KJV

If ladies wanted to legislate doctrine for men, here's a good place they could h ave started! Did men wear skirts back then? Yes! Is it Biblical? Yes. Here in verse 30 you have it straight from the KJV Bible that all you women wear ing skirts are cross dressers! This is really men's apparel. Consider this verse ... Then David arose, and cut off the skirt of Saul s robe privily 1 Sam 24:4 There are many more Bible verses for men wearing skirts than women wearing them! The Bible speaks of men's skirts twelve times: (Dt 22:30, Dt 27:20, Ru 3:9, 1 S a 15:27, 1 Sa 24:4, 1 Sa 24:5, 1 Sa 24:11, 1 Sa 24:11, Eze 16:8, Hag 2:12, Hag 2 :12, and Zec 8:23). If you're really going to follow the Bible literally and get back to Biblical me n's and women's garments, then get those sewing machines buzzing, men, and stop those women from wearing your skirts!! (Yes I am joking.) E) History In ancient Egypt their normal clothing was a loincloth wrapped around the hips a nd girdled at the waist. A cape was worn on the shoulders and later a long garme nt called a kalasiris was introduced. Men wore this as a skirt around their wais t; women wore it over their upper body, or as a full-length garment that sometim es had sleeves. The Hebrews, Assyrians, and Babylonians all wore a long, sleeved garment similar to a nightshirt, with cloaks or kalasiris-like overgarments. These clothes appe ar to be stiff, with fringed and tasselled borders and square or rounded corners . For thousands of years in history we don't find pants and it is a relatively mod ern and culturally brief period of history where there was a distinction of pant s only on men and dresses only on women. Even today in the Pacific and other areas of the world, many continue to wear a sarong or robe on males and females with only a small distinction between them. F) Summary There is no verse in the Scriptures prohibiting women wearing pants or saying th at a dress was all a female could wear. Instead we find, in the Bible and in his tory, men wearing similar garments to women (what we would call dresses today). There is also no Biblical precedent or teaching regarding males alone wearing pa nts. Although there may be some cultural norms in some countries today, there is no prohibition by God and it is never referred to (as many falsely preach today ) as an abomination to God. This is a sad example of denominational ignorance an d eisegesis (reading meaning into the text) instead of exegesis (reading the tex t's meaning)

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