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The Fundamentals vol. 3 ch.

XII THE DOCTRINES THAT MUST BE EMPHASIZED IN SUCCESSFUL EVANGELISM Three points why evangelistic efforts fail: a. Unless God-ordained conditions are met failure is inevitable. b. Few receive new members c. Spiritually dead members Preaching the Gospel according to divine conditions and directions A. Discipleship B. Power C. Faith Directions A. Go B. Preached C. Brave Witness Message of Doctrinal preaching a. Universality of Sin b. Nature of sin c. Consequences of sin 1. Judgement 2. Wrath 3. Eternal torments d. Gospel 1. Motive of atoning worklove for us 2. Redemption through blood 3. Resurrection of Christ 4. Justification

5. Regeneration Method a. If repentant receives word of God into heart and life, believes and obeys b. Holy Spirit accomplished new birth c. Born again d. Saved by washing Titus 3:4-7 6. Repentance 7. Conversion 8. Faith 9. New obedience 10. Assurance a. he who heareth, believe , has passed from death to life b. He who has the Son has life c. Those who believe in the only-begotten of God d. Everyone who believeth is justified Ch. XIV PASTORAL AND PERSONAL EVANGELISM, OR WINNING MEN TO CHRIST ONE BY ONE Pastoral or Personal Evangelism 1. Presence and power of Holy Spirit 2. Bible a. 1 Cor. 1:18, 21 b. 1 Cor. 2:1ff, 5, 9 c. If he doubts have him pray Lord, help my unbelief. d. Heb. 11:1ff e. 1 Cor. 12 last verse and 13 how can God love me f. 1 Cor. 13:4 then through 14:1

g. John 3:16 h. Luke 15;11 ff i. 1 John 3, 5

j. Rev. 3:20He must open the door for Christ k. Isaiah 1:18 if he is overcome with guilt l. Rom. 7 and 8 from vs. 14, 17 m. Rom. 8:11 n. Rom. 12 tell how Rom 1-11 Just. By Faith, 12 is the practical living it out. o. Eph. 3:14-21, re-read 20 and 21leads us to our knees. 3. Prayer 4. Knowledge and appropriate use of Gods Worduse Scripture passages. Prayer 1. Pray for them 2. Pray with them 3. Have them pray for themselves 4. Have others pray for them. Method and means --Seeking individuals --Bringing them to meetings a. train individuals to canvas neighborhood b. pastors pre-eminent work the pulpit he must also lead by doing the evangelist work the Invitation Committee Published by Presbyterian Board of Publicatin, Philadelphia, Pa 1. One cannot use Gods Word without studying it. 2. You cannot win others to Christ unless you believe in Him and keep near Him yourself.

3. He must work through you. Apart from Me ye can do nothing. 4. Prayer must be a reality and a power to you. Ask and ye shall receive. 5. Confidence in Christ power must attend your effort. 6. Common sense means putting yourself in the other mans place. Do not merely argue. Use the Word of God 7. Do not do all the talking; win the confidence of the one fore who you are working, and let him tell his story. 8. Do not be in haste. Remember Gods delays are not denials. Work and wait. Be patient and persistent. 9. Pray with your man and well as for him. Dont be afraid of falling on your knees in the presence of another. 10. Get him to pray for himself. 11. Learn to pray anywhere and in any posture. . . . 12. Get your man alone. . . . 13. Study your case beforehand. . . . 14. Do not approach your case with fear but with prayer and faith . . . . 15. Learn how by doing, and gain confidence through experience. 16. Remember you are not only Christ representative but that Gods Holy Spirit is working through you. The power is His. 17. Approach and do your work with a happy heart and with joy. . . . 18. Beware of the temptation to postpone. . . . 19. If you fail, do not be discouraged, but determine to get nearer to God and to gain more power through your apparent failure. 20. Win back to service the Christian man who has lost interest, and lost touch with Christ and the Church. Another method is correspondence. One of the best means of reaching others is to babe to put ones self directly in the place of another.

Another most effective way must be through the Sunday School.

Comments: Some of this would appear to be common sense for the Christian. However two things I think are troublesomethe effectiveness of the Word due to the sanctity of the individual Christor even if the one sharing the Gospel is even a Christian smacks of Donatism. The other is the emphasis on the individual one is trying to convert to Christ. The emphasis is on His decision for Christ and not Christ decision for him. Even if they are being eventually directed to a local congregation, the means of grace, not only the Word, but the sacraments are discounted. The sacraments being Gods good action toward the individual. XV THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS TRUE EVANGELISM The true Sunday School is the Church of Jesus Christ engaged in systematic study and teaching of the Word of God for three great purposes: to bring into the body of Christ those with the membership of the Sunday School who are not yet members of the church or of Christ; to train up those who are in Christ into a full-grown knowledge and appropriation of the riches which are theirs because they are Christs; and to send out into the world fully equipped, victorious soulwinners who shall be Christs living epistles to those who do not yet know Him. Comment: I dont know how much a problem Lutherans would have with the first two purposes. I think the same could be said of the divine service. The third purpose is where I think a problem exist. For it is not the purpose of Christian education to make evangelistsa subsection of the office of the ministry. Rather it is for the equipping of the saints to live out their vocations as Christians and so they may better answer those who ask about their faith. The purpose of Sunday School is Bible study for justification, sanctification and service. Comment: Not that these do not happen in Sunday School, for the SS uses one of the means of grace namely Gods Word. But the last one, service, begs the question, what type of service. There are many methods of evangelism of which the Sunday School make a blessed one. Decision Day when wisely observed has resulted in great blessing. Comment: Points the decision of the pupils for Christ as opposed to coming to baptism to be received by God and regenerated there. Comment: It should be noted the other chapters in this volume supplement the content of these evangelism programs namely: 1. Biblical conception of sin 2. Pauls testimony to the doctrine of sin

3. Sin and judgment to come 4. What Christ teaches concerning the future retribution 5. The atonement 6. At-one-ment, by propitiation 7. The grace of God 8. Salvation by grace 9. The nature of regeneration 10. Regeneration, conversion, reformation 11. Justification by faith

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