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Notes on biomolecules (CARBOHYDRATES) Carbohydrate (Cx(H2O)y) Monosaccharides Sweet, crystalline in nature Soluble in water All reducing sugar due

due to presence of carbonyl group C6H12O6 Major classes Glucose Structure Example of aldose sugar (C=O group at the end) Exist in open chain form and stable ring structure 1 C react with oxygen atom on 5C to form 6sided ring Isomers o Alpha glucose (OH same side) o Beta glucose (OH opposite sides) Example of ketone sugar (C=O in the middle of the chain) 2 C reacts with oxygen on 5C to form 5-sided ring Formed by polymerization reaction called condensation 1 water molecule eliminated Glucose + glucose -> maltose + water Breakdown product during digestion of starch by enzymes Brewing of beer Found in milk (energy source for young mammals) Storage sugar in plants o Very soluble and relatively unreactive chemically Functions Respiratory substrates Raw materials for synthesis of other carbohydrates Exert osmotic pressure


Disaccharides Sweet, crystalline Hydrolysed easily into monosacchari des by adding water



Glucose + galactose -> lactose + water Glucose + fructose -> sucrose + water (1->2) glyco bond Non-reducing as no free carbonyl group as carbonyl groups are used in the bond between C-1 of glucose and C-2 of fructose Polymer of several hundreds of alpha glucose Made up of amylose


Polysaccharides Starch (C6H10O5)n Not sugar => no sweet 1|Page Created by SefLRho (2012) DHS

Stores large amt of energy Compact and ideal for storage

Do not exert osmostic pressure Glycosidic bonds easily hydrolyzed by conc. Acid/enzymes



and amylopectin Amylopectin easily (amylopectin > amylase) hydrolysed by 70-80% : 30% debranching enzymes Amylose a(1->4) Insoluble, therefore glycosidic bond osmotically inactive o Unbranched Enzymes that target starch straight chain amylase (cleave o Coil helically randomly) due to intra H amylase (cleave from bond between the ends) C2 and C3 Debranching (cleave at o OH groups 1->6 bonds projected into the interior o Responsible for the blueblack colouration in iodine test Amylopectin a(1->6) glycosidic bond and a(1>4) glycosidic bond o Highly branched and compact o Gives red-violet colour wit iodine in KI Branched chain of a Storage polysaccharide glucose in animals. Favoured form of energy store Structure similar to because it does not amylopectin but has exert osmotic pressure greater branching that and can be prevented amylopectin from diffusing out of Hydroxyl group the cell projected inwards and Energy stored in C-H thus no cross-linking => bonds easily hydrolyzed to monosaccharides when Readily converted to required glucose by enzyme action (glucagon) Made up beta glucose Structural support forming linear, Great tensile strength unbranched chain Form cell walls (prevent b(1->4) glycosidic bonds cell from bursting by unbranched linear endo-osmosis chains lie parallel to Fully permeable and each other does not restrict solute cross-linking H bonds movement between chains Most organisms do not chains associate into have enzymes to digest groups to form cellulose and therefore microfibrils cellulose produce fibers

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microfibrils twisted into large bundles to form macrofibrils glycosidic bonds requires a rotation in a space of 180o of alternating sugar residues

for peristalsis

Food tests for carbohydrates o BENEDICTS: test for reducing sugar Prepare water bath, add Benedict reagent, heat 5 min (no more, if not possibility of false positive results) Results (quantitative) Blue<Yellow<Orange<Brick-red o ACID + BENEDICT: test for surcrose Acid is used to hydrolyze sucrose Neutralize acid with sodium carbonate until neutral pH7 then add Benedicts Benedicts reagent is not active at above pH7 o IODINE: test for starch Add aq I2 at room temperature Blue-black colouration in presence of starch due to amylase Reason: formation of iodine-amylose complex Upon heating, discolourisation takes place because heating breaks transient H bonds that hold the structure together

Notes on biomolecules (LIPIDS) Analyse the molecular structure of triglyceride

Constituents of lipids Fatty acid Unsaturated (kinks and C=C) Saturated (straight, C-C)

Structure Hydrocarbon chain with carboxyl group (COOH) General formula: R-COOH R group consist of long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms which are uncharged and hydrophobic Different fatty acid differ in length and determine many of the properties of lipids Shorter hydrocarbon chains have a lower molecular weight and therefore lower melting points Glycerol Organic compound with 3 OH groups C3H8O3 Soluble in water Colourless, sweet tasting Formation of triglycerides o Each OH group react with carboxyl group of COOH through condensation reaction, resulting in the formation of ester bond o Fatty acid donate OH from carboxyl group (COOH), glycerol donate H from OH group o Ester bond (COO) is formed while a molecule of water is lost Properties and functions of lipids o Oils and fats Short fatty acid chain, more C=C bonds tend to be liquid (common in plants) 3|Page Created by SefLRho (2012) DHS

Lower melting point and lower molecular weight Longer fatty acid chain, less C=C bonds, tend to be soild (common in animals) Higher melting point and molecular weight o Compact and insoluble in water Good energy stores (non polar) Contain greater number of carbon atoms per gram than carbohydrate therefore only need half the mass for the same amount of energy stored Yields twice as much energy as one gram of carbohydrate when oxidized Yields twice as much metabolic water as carbohydrate of the same weight Insoluble Does not affect water potential in cells Stored as fat droplets o Conduct heat slowly Heat insulator Bubbler in polar bear o Less dense than water Give buoyancy to aquatic animals o Absorb shock Protective layer around vital organs o Important component of myelin sheath of nerve cells Speed up electrical impulse Analyse the molecular structure of phospholipid o One molecule of phosphoric acid reacts with one of OH group of glycerol by condensation reaction o The other two OH groups react with fatty acids o Form phosphoester bond between phosphate group and glycerol o Amphipathic Hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail Components of phospholipid = phosphate + organic molecule + fatty acid Analyze the molecular structure of steroid and sterols o Steroids are lipids characterized by carbon skeleton consisting of 4 interconnected rings o Insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvent o Functions Cholesterol (sterol) Used to maintain membrane fluidity in cell membrane systems and increase membrane impermeability Precursor for many hormones

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Notes on biomolecules (PROTEINS) Describe the structure of an animo acid o Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins o Plants are able to synthesize all the amino acids, animals are unable to synthesize all the amino acids they need, therefore they must obtain some amino acids directly from the diet o Amino acids are bonded by peptide bonds Chemical composition include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur Has an alpha-carbon atom bonded covalently to four groups o Amino group (NH2) - basic o Carboxyl group (COOH) acidic o Hydrogen atom (H) o R group accounts for the unique physical and chemical properties of amino acids NH2.R.CH.COOH Amino acid has 2 function group NH2 and COOH except proline which have only COOH




Hydrophilic vs hydrophobic Depending if R group is polar or non-polar Polar = hydrophilic Non-polar = hydrophobic Charges of R group Colourless and crystalline solids with high melting points Soluble in water Exist as zwitterions which are dipolar in neutral aq solution o COOH -> COO- + H o NH2 + H -> NH3+


Amphoteric (contain both basic and acidic properties) Charges on amino acid change with pH and at a pH where a specific type of aa is electrically neutral and zwitterions predominate, it is at its isoelectric point Act as pH buffers o Amphoteric state of amino acid allow they to resist slight pH changes o Behave as base in presence of H+ o in acidic solution where there is high [H+], COO- will be able to accept some H+ making molecule becoming +vely charged o Basic as acid in presence of OHo In alkali solution where [OH-] is high, NHs donate H+ to form

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water. Molecule become vely charged. Charges of R groups play a part in determining the 3D conformation o proteins (impt for enzymes especially) Describe the formation and breakage of peptide bonds Through condensation reaction where amino group and carboxyl group react to form peptide bond with the removal of 1 water molecule



Further reactions can occur to form tripeptide, polypeptide Through process of hydrolysis where peptide bond is broken between amino and carboxyl group with the addition of 1 water molecule Explain the terms primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure of proteins Linear sequence of amino acid residues attached together by peptide bonds Refers to the specific number, type and sequence of amino acids Order is determined by inherited genetic information Folding of polypeptide chain due to presence of hydrogen bonds which occurs at regular intervals between the CO and NH groups of the peptide bonds Results in regular, repeating organization Alpha helix Due to intramolecular hydrogen bonds Occur between the O atom of the carbonyl group (C=O) and the H atom of the imino (N-H) group 4 amino acids away between every fouth peptide bond Makes a complete turn a every 3.6 amino acids Stable and spring like due to strong hydrogen bonds Beta pleated sheet Folding back and forth Arranged in parallel or anti-parallel direction to each other Stabilized by large numbers of interchain hydrogen bonds between C=O and N-H groups of adjacent chains Generally for b-sheet shape, polypeptide must have compact R groups Triple helix 3 polypeptide chain wound around each other Each chain largely made up of proline and glycine residues



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Almost every 3rd aa is glycine (smallest aa in chain) o Small glycine allows 3 strands to lie close together to form tight coil o It cannot form alpha helix because proline do not have NH group for hydrogen bonding o Triple helix of collagen lies parallel with other triple helices to form microfibrils then macrofilbrils through covalent bonds resulting in great tensile strength Tertiary Irregular manner in which the helical and non-helical regions of a polypeptide are folded to form precise globular structure Occurs from interactions between R groups Not random but occurs in specific conformation Disulfide, ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions Quaternary Interaction between more than one polypeptide chain to form intact functional protein Protein with 2 units known as dimer Protein with more than 2 unites known as oligomer Due to disulfide (rare), ionic, hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions Describe the types of bonds found in protein structure Disulfide bonds Ionic bonds Reaction between 2 sulphdryl group (SH) of R group on cysteine aa forming disulfide bonds through oxidation Reaction between acidic and basic R groups Acidic R groups -vely charged Basic R groups +vely charged pH can disrupt ionic bonds formed between H from hydroxyl group or from imino group (NH) with oxygen from carbonyl group or nitrogen atom of imino group or form between R groups weak bond but cumulative effect considerably stabilized the structure

Hydrogen bonds

Hydrophobic interactions Analyse the molecular structure of a protein and relate structures to functions o Collagens (eg of fibrous protein) Found in teeth, bone Structure Right-handed triple helix: each chain has a left-handed helical conformation and 3 chains are twisted together to form a righthanded triple helix, a cooperative quaternary structure Large molecular size 3 polypeptide chain wound around each other Regular arrangement of amino acid residue (gly-pro-X) and small in size allowing the 3 chains to lie close together (compact structure) Every 3rd aa is glycine (smallest aa) 7|Page Created by SefLRho (2012) DHS Function/Properties Insoluble in water Good for structural support

Rigid and extremely stale Good for structural support

Hydrogen bonds between NH and adjacent Stabilize structure CO groups of the peptide bonds to hold the 3 chains together Triple helix lie parallel with other triple Great tensile strength helices to form fibrils and joined by strong Resistant to stretching and tearing covalent bonds between C and N ends at the staggered ends to form macrofibrils May undergo post-translation modification in Golgi body such as the addition of hydroxyl group to its side chain for proline (form hydroxyproline), OH groups on hydroxyproline then can form H bonds to stabilize structure. Possible addition of OH group to lysine to form hydroxylysine which can form covalent bonds with lysine residues between tropocollagen molecules to form collagen fibril After post-translation modification, the polypeptide chains are moved to the extracellular environment via exocytosis where secretory vesicles bud off the Golgi and migrate towards the cell surface releasing the collagen molecules (triple helix) Outside the cell, the non-helical ends of triple helices are cleaved off via enzyme procollagen peptidase which was also secreted by the cells into the extracellular environment, overlapping trip helices line up to form collage fibrils and then into fibers via covalent bonds function collagen is thus formed o Haemoglobin (eg of globular protein) Structure Quaternary structure, globular and compact Function/Properties More hemoglobin molecules can be packed into 1 rbc Globular structure provide a hydrophobic environment for the haem group to site 1 molecule of haemoglobin can bind with 4 molecules of oxygen, increase efficiency Allows haemoglobin to bind with oxygen

Consist of 4 subunits Is a conjugated protein with haem groups Haem groups is orientated that its Fe2+ on one face is complexed to an amino acid residue leaving the other face accessible for binding to oxygen Polypeptide chain in haemoglobin consists of both hydrophobic aa and hydrophilic aa Is an allosteric protein allowing for slight 3D conformation change when oxygen is bound to 1 subunit to increase efficiency of taking up a second molecule of oxygen and so on until all 4 subunits are bound to oxygen Fe2+ bind reversibly

Makes haemoglobin soluble Aids in transport of soluble oxygen in blood Increases efficiency

Oxygen can be taken in and released when needed

Comparing fibrous protein and globular protein o Fibrous proteins are described as long polypeptide chain forming parallel chains, crosslinked at intervals forming long fibers or sheets

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Globular protein refer to polypeptide chains tightly folded into a compact globular/spherical shape Globular Importance in tertiary structure May or may not have quaternary structure Polypeptide chains Is tightly folded to form a spherical shape Soluble in water to form colloidal solutions as hydrophilic R groups juts outwards and hides the hydrophobic R groups inside Highly specific as minor substitution can result in major alteration to function of protein Length of chain always identical in two samples of same protein Irregular Perform metabolic functions Relatively unstable

Fibrous Do not have tertiary structure. Importance lie in secondary structure Polypeptide chain cross-linked to form long fibres or sheets Insoluble in water due to large number of hydrophobic R groups exposed Amino acid sequence may vary slightly Length of chain many vary Very regular, every 3rd aa is glycine Provide structural support Stable

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