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CERVICAL CANCER Health is something of great value to human life.

Human health depends on how people can keep themselves and their environment, so that disease can not easily invade the human body. The disease is unpredictable when it comes from. Most people do not know what is going on in their body before specific symptoms occur. One disease that has claimed many human lives are cancer. At the present time, women were haunted by one of the diseases included in the cancer group. Cervical cancer, cancer is one disease that claimed the lives of many women. Cervical cancer is cancer that attacks the lining of the endometrium or uterine cervix which is the area that connects the cervix and vagina. The main cause of cervical cancer is Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. Cervical cancer at an early stage did not show any indications, therefore difficult to detect cervical cancer early. Most patients with cervical cancer became aware of the disease after the disease symptoms are serious and have reached a more advanced stage and only then do the treatment. Cervical cancer affects women who are married or have been sexually active. Cervical cancer usually affects women aged 30-40 years, but can also occur in women with a younger age. Cervical cancer is also prone to attack women who have undergone menopause, because the older the woman the higher the risk for this disease. You can prevent cervical cancer by paying attention to personal hygiene and control of your own activities. As a woman you should consider several things that you can prevent cervical cancer disease 1. If you have a vaginal discharge you must consider whether the whitish discharge is normal or not. Normal vaginal discharge is whitish with clear mucus, no smell and no itching. If the discharge continues and is not normal you better consult a doctor immediately. 2. Avoid changing lifestyles or casual sex partners that will open up your chances of developing the disease is transmitted through sexual contact such as HIV-AIDS or HPV virus. 3. Wear a hygienic and sanitary napkins and avoid wearing pads that contain dioxin. 4. Wash your feminine area with clean water and take care of your feminine area properly. This will reduce the incidence of various diseases in the area. 5. If you are a young woman under the age of 21 years, consider before you have sex, because it opens the possibility you could develop cervical cancer. Physically female sex organs will mature at the age of 21 years. If you are a woman who has been active in the sex you should be checked regularly for your health, it can prevent various diseases that may be too late for you to know. For women who have had sex or who are minors, you can prevent the disease by vaccination. You may consult further with your doctor to get vaccinated. But if you are a woman who had cervical cancer you should not be discouraged, now widely offered treatment to help you from the dangers of cervical cancer. The treatment can you get with a doctor so treatment can be done as such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or other treatments that doctors recommend.

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