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The sTudenT vOice since 1904

VOL. 116 issue 12

t Sigma Nu

tHurSday, September 1, 2005


Fraternity under investigation

National headquarters explores potential violations
By Louis Mora
Kansan staff writer

The lower level of the Sigma Nu house, 1501 Sigma Nu Place, is dark last night, while lights burn upstairs. Sigma Nu is under investigation by its national chapter.
Kristin Driskell/KANSAN

Representatives from the national headquarters of Sigma Nu fraternity are looking into allegations of hazing at the local chapter. Brad Beacham, executive national director, confirmed that representatives were in Lawrence investigating the fraternity. We are looking into allegations with the risk management policy, Beacham said. There was no timetable for completion of the investigation,

which is ongoing, Beacham said. We still have some more work. Were in the early stages, Beacham said. When reached for questions, Jason Shaad, president of Sigma Nu, said he had no comment. Others in the greek community see the investigation as casting a negative light on the organization. Even accusations such as this can really have a negative image on the greek community, which makes it all the more important to publicize our posi-

tive contributions, said Scott Shorten, president of the Interfraternity Council. While no punishment has been issued, any incidents of hazing would be handled by the University of Kansas in addition to the national organization. Incidents other than hazing would be dealt with by the IFC judicial board, Shorten said. We have full faith in the Sigma Nu national organization, he said. This is not the first time the fraternity, established at the

University of Kansas in 1884, has been under investigation for incidents related to hazing. In October of 2003 the fraternity was placed on probation as a result of an investigation conducted by University staff and members of IFC. That hazing incident, which occurred Aug. 13, 2003, involved a tradition where members of the house threw a pledge into the air. On that occasion, the pledge was thrown out a window and suffered a head injury. Edited by Anne Burgard

t greek life

Pi Kappa Phi fears losing house to returning fraternity

By Louis Mora

t HurriCaNe katriNa
Kansan staff writer

Pi Kappa Phi is growing concerned about its housing as the men of Alpha Tau Omega are making a push to return to campus. Pi Kappa Phi currently leases the house at 1537 Tennessee St. from Alpha Tau Omega, which left the University of Kansas in 2001. Now that the fraternity is making an effort to return to campus, Pi Kappa Phi could soon be looking for another place to live. I really dont try to think about it too much. I know its in the back of my mind, said Zack Zimmerman, Wichita senior and president of Pi Kappa Phi. The members of Alpha Tau Omega signed a three-year lease with two one-year renewals, allowing the men to live in the house for five years.

The lease will end in a year, and though the members of Alpha Tau Omega would like to re-establish their fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi would like to buy the house. Were going to try and acquire the facility, said Charlie Mitts, housing corporation president for Pi Kappa Phi. Fraternity and sorority life buildings are hard to find in Lawrence. Zimmerman said it would be difficult for the group that owns the house to re-establish. Its a tough situation, Zimmerman said. You want to see the greek community thriving at KU but at the same time if it could be a threat of our living conditions then I dont want to see that happen. Despite Pi Kappa Phis plans, Alpha Tau Omega plans on moving back in to the house.

FeARs on PAge 4A

Aghast over prices


evacuees have filled a gym on the campus of Louisiana State University in Shreveport, La. Classes are canceled at the university indefinitely. The University of Kansas has agreed to open its doors to college students whose universities were closed because of Hurricane Katrina.

University to accept students

Late fees waived for those from campuses hit
By Frank Tankard
Kansan staff writer

Jared Soares/KANSAN

Kay Patterson, Johnson County Community College sophomore from Overland Park, pumps gas at the Phillips 66 on Ninth and Louisiana streets. Drivers filled up there for $2.85 a gallon yesterday. The increase in gas prices have affected many people who travel from Lawrence to Kansas City. Todays weather

A week ago, Laury Pflaum was getting ready for her junior year at Tulane University. Now Pflaum, an Overland Park native, may be looking for a new school. For students from Gulf Coast colleges that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina, that new school could be the University of Kansas. Hurricane Katrina has shut down several colleges, including Tulane, and forced thousands of students to find new places to study. Nearly 30 students had called the University of Kansas by 2

p.m. yesterday and asked about being admitted to the University, said Lisa Pinamonti Kress, director of admissions and scholarships. Pflaum, who has sought shelter in Galveston, Texas, said she was waiting for Tulane to announce if and when classes would resume before deciding what she would do. She said she was originally scheduled to start classes yesterday. Pflaum, a finance major, was worried that some of her business classes wouldnt transfer and that she wouldnt be able to make up for lost class time. Im still holding out, she said. Im hoping the university will make the announcement soon. Itll be hard for a university to accept us because we started so late. Hopefully theyll make a decision in the next couple days.

Kansans urged to stay home

Kansas Emergency Management is urging Kansans concerned about Hurricane Katrina not to head to the Gulf Coast but rather to stay home and donate to the American Red Cross and other professional aid organizations. We know that their hearts are in the right place, and there will probably be opportunities for people to volunteer. But right now, we need to let the professionals do their jobs, assessing the situation to see what is needed and where it is needed, Major General Tod Bunting, Kansas adjutant general and director of Kansas Emergency Management, said in a statement, Organizations currently providing food, water, medical supplies and other necessities to the Gulf Coast region include the U.S. Coast Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Transportation, the National Guard, the Department of Agriculture and the American Red Cross. The Lawrence JournalWorld reported yesterday that four local Douglas County Red Cross volunteers were headed to the Gulf Coast this week. Joy Moser, spokesperson for the Kansas Adjutant Generals Department, warned against untrained Kansans heading south. Were not encouraging people to do any volunteering other than through professional organizations at this point, she said. Frank Tankard

ACCePT on PAge 4A


Sunny and Comfortable

Alex Perkins KUJH-TV


Instant messages have become an integral part of college communications. Their brevity and penchant for abbreviation can cause problems, however.


Mostly sunny




Partly cloudy

All contents, unless stated otherwise, 2005 The University Daily Kansan

A University of Kansas professor is organizing a trip to the island of Bonaire during winter break. Students will scuba dive and earn three credits in marine biology. Page 1B

The Caribbean in January

Though it wasnt always pretty, the KU soccer team got its first victory last night against Missouri State. Kansas freshman Jessica Bush collected the first goal of her collegiate career. Page 2a

One in the win column

Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A Crossword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Horoscopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A

2A The UniversiTy DAily KAnsAn

What do you
By Megan PenrOd
Kansan correspondent

t middle east
By Malinda OsBOrne similar value and a job offer in the places that they move, Ravid said. He said he agreed with the argument that because of security risks, it wasnt worth it for Jewish settlers to remain in Gaza. The ball is now in Palestines court, Ravid said. But Kahlil Saad, Wichita senior and a Lebanese-American, said it was ridiculous to assume the Palestinian authority could take control immediately. Saad said the evacuation was not about bringing stability to Gaza. Demographics are its biggest threat, Saad said. Saad is referring to comments Sharon made in a televised speech last week. Sharon said that Israel could not hold on to Gaza because more than a million Palestinians live there and that the number doubles with each generation. The Israel government is actually setting up conditions contrary to that of a stable government, Saad said. Sharon wants to wash his hands from the responsibilities of the Gaza Strip but he is still required to protect basic human rights. But the withdrawal seems to be the first step in a long process for Palestinian stability in Gaza. According to the CIA World Fact Book, the Gaza Strip has a population of 1,376,289, in an area that is little more than twice the size of Washington, D.C. Few natural resources add to the nations woes. Saad said the evacuation actually defied provisions set forth by the Geneva Conventions by controlling economic development while neglecting to provide for the citizens welfare. Israel maintains control of water, sewage, telecommunications and electricity in Gaza, Saad said. But they also reserve the right to reinvade and continue

ThUrsDAy, sepTember 1, 2005

Evacuation affects students
Kansan staff writer

Editors Note: As part of the new, daily 2A features, every Thursday the Kansan will have a What do you Think, which will ask students about a recent news topic.

How do you feel about the Lawrence ordinance that may reduce the penalty for people caught with marijuana?
I think its a great idea. They did it in Columbia, Mo., and I know a couple of friends from there and they said its worked out better because marijuana is not as violent as alcohol. I dont think that the government should control what people put in their own bodies anyway. -Kelly Kerr, Leawood sophomore

t science

Winter break class offered to Caribbean

By Travis rOBineTT
Kansan staff writer

Living in a landlocked state wont matter this winter for several students who want to study marine biology. James Thorp, a University of Kansas professor in the department of Kansas Applied Remote Sensing, will accompany students to the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean Sea over winter break. The students will earn three credit hours in marine biology. I was a student at KU interested in marine biology, and there were no opportunities like this at that time, Thorp
Tell us your news Contact Austin Caster, Jonathan Kealing, Anja Winikka, Josh Bickel, Ty Beaver or Nate Karlin at 864-4810 or Kansan newsroom 111 Stauffer-Flint Hall 1435 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045 (785) 864-4810

Sure, go ahead and make it a lesser offense. It isnt all that bad. It definitely isnt as bad as most people tell you. I think, generally, it makes people very complacent, so I still dont see a reason to have it be illegal per se. It was a poor decision by the courts to make medical marijuana illegal. -Andrew Smith, Virginia Beach, Va., junior

Someone could do it knowing it could get expunged off their record. Itll probably make the problem worse. If its banned federally were just saying its OK now. -Justin Venkatsammy, Olathe sophomore

I agree with it. With as much spending that theyre doing or the amount of trouble theyre in with the student budget regarding education, I think its ridiculous that people can get in so much trouble and have their financial aid revoked for a marijuana violation. Some people disagree because they think theyre letting people get away with everything. The cops show up at a party and make the underage drinkers dump out their cups, but arrest the people with marijuana and dont punish the people drinking. -Ashton Martin, El Dorado junior

Images of Israelis wailing and protesting the evacuation of people from the Gaza Strip hit close to home for Zohar Ravid, Overland Park junior, who was born and raised on a kibbutz in Israel. Former classmates of his are in the Israeli army overseeing the pullout. One friend had to tell an older woman to move and she asked him to sit down and explain to her why he was doing this, Zohar said. My friend said I have no choice, we have to do this. On Aug. 15, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the Israeli army to have all Jewish settlers leave their homes in the Gaza Strip and relocate peacefully within 48 hours. Sharon ordered the evacuation as a territorial compromise to Palestine. For all Israelis abroad, the latest developments in Gaza continue to evoke strong feelings. Ravid, who visits Israel every summer, was there a week before the evacuations began. He said the atmosphere throughout the country was intense. Popular opinion was almost evenly divided. Those who supported the pullout wore blue and those who were against it wore orange. Blue and orange were everywhere. The colors were on cars, buildings and clothing, Ravid said. The pull out was the only thing people could talk about. But Ravid said he supported the pullout because his friends in the Israeli army were trained to be peaceful and could not carry weapons during the process. The Israeli government worked to ensure that the settlers who were displaced did not encounter any financial losses. People were offered a house of

Joshua Bickel/KANSAN

The Gaza Strip borders the Mediterranean Sea, near Egypt and Israel. The total area is 360 square kilometers. to limit any sort of movement. In these conditions, factions such as Hamas rise to power. Hamas is a militant Islamist Palestinian organization that opposes the existence of Israel and favors the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine. A relative poverty and lack of opportunity for Palestinians in Gaza are one source of what seems to be the source of extremism and exclusivism in Gaza, said Jonathan Boyarin, Jewish studies professor. But Boyarin also stressed Palestinians arent just a fanatical tribe. Boyarin urged understanding on all sides. Whatever the politics are, it seems a human imperative that the residents of Gaza be integrated into the regions economy, Boyarin said. Edited by Anne Burgard

study abroad in Bonaire

F Students will receive three credit hours in either BIOL 420 or BIOL 701. F There is an 11 student maximum. F Preference will be given to students who scuba dive, but snorkelers will be considered. F Grades will be based on one or more tests, a field notebook and a group remore sun exposure. Being in the sun while scuba diving is important for regulating core body temperature, Thorp said, because diving can cause body temperature to drop. He said Bonaire is one of the finest search project conducted in marine habitats. F 12 boat dives and unlimited shore dives will take place to investigate the fringing coral reef. F No prerequisites are required. F Application deadline is Oct. 1.

said. When I joined the faculty, I wanted to give students a chance to do fieldwork. According to the course announcement, students going on the trip will enroll in Biology 420 or Biology 701. The trip will include lectures, tests, field trips and research projects and will be from Jan. 4 to Jan. 18, 2006. The deadline to turn in applications is Oct. 1. Bonaire is a tropical island off the coast of Venezuela in the Netherlands Antilles and has rich coral reef communities. The lectures will cover topics such as basic marine biology and ecology; biology; and identification of marine invertebrates, fish, mammals and turtles. The field trips will allow students

to explore the marine, terrestrial and inland aquatic habitats. Katie Roach, Redwood Falls, Minn., graduate student said she wanted to take the class in Bonaire so she would be able to teach it later. Besides Roach, four to five students have expressed interest to Thorp. Thorp said because of transportation restrictions and his limited ability to watch over students underwater, he will allow no more than 11 students on the trip. He said he would give priority to students who complete scuba diving training by January but that it would not be an absolute requirement. He will require students to be able to

swim reasonably well. This is not the first time Thorp has arranged a trip like this. Thorp said he has led marine biology trips to the Caribbean from two other universities and has led two trips from the University. The last trip was to the island of Roatan, off the coast of Honduras, in January 2005. Thorp moved this trip farther south for better weather conditions. He said Bonaire is better protected from storms and that winds at diving areas are consistent in their direction, which makes for easier diving. Thorp also said Bonaire is a desert island, where the rainfall is less and divers therefore receive

Source: Formal Course Announcement

diving sites in the Caribbean. Students can find out more about the trip by contacting Thorp at 864-1532 or the Office of Study Abroad at 864-3742. Edited by Erin Wisdom

media partners
For more news, turn to KUJHTV on Sunflower Cablevision Channel 31 in Lawrence. The studentproduced news airs at 5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. every Monday through Friday. Also, check out KUJH online at KJHK is the student voice in radio. Each day there is news, music, sports, talk shows and other content made for students, by students. Whether its rock n roll or reggae, sports or special events, KJHK 90.7 is for you.

The University Daily Kansan is the student newspaper of the University of Kansas. The first copy is paid through the student activity fee. Additional copies of the Kansan are 25 cents. Subscriptions can be purchased at the Kansan business office, 119 StaufferFlint Hall, 1435 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045. The University Daily Kansan (ISSN 0746-4962) is published daily during the school year except Saturday, Sunday, fall break, spring break and exams. Weekly during the summer session excluding holidays. Periodical postage is paid in Lawrence, KS 66044. Annual subscriptions by mail are $120 plus tax. Student subscriptions of are paid through the student activity fee. Postmaster: Send address changes to The University Daily Kansan, 119 Stauffer-Flint Hall, 1435 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045

et cetera

thursday, september 1, 2005

Study time in law school
A paper published by two California law professors criticized the third year of law school. Here is some data comparing how much time first and third year law students study a week. Amount of time Less than 20 hours 20-29 hours 30-39 hours 40-49 hours 50 or more First-year students 11.2% 30.8% 32.7% 18.5% 7.0% Third-year students 66.9% 22.9% 6.1% 3.5% 1.9%

the university daily Kansan 3a

F Mondays University Daily Kansan contained an error. The owner of the Raven Bookstore, 8 E. Seventh St., is Pat Kehde.

KU alumnus gives money for research

When Frank BowmanTyler died in 2003, he donated $1.8 million for cancer research at the University of Kansas and the University of Kansas Medical Center. We dont know why he left it, said Jen Humphrey, devel opment editor of the Kansas University Endowment Association. He left it for us as a gift through his estate plan. According to a press release from the Endowment Association, the money donated by the 1947 KU graduate will fund three new positions at the University: a deputy director for clinical cancer care, a director of therapeutic cancer treatment development and an assistant director to coordinate the Universitys basic science cancer research programs. The new positions will help the Universitys cancer programs receive cancer center status from the National Cancer Institute, which will provide more federal funding. Humphrey said the extra funding would help with greater access to federal clinical trials and federal research dollars.
Travis Robinett



No plans to delete year

Third-year students know how to study more efficiently than first-year students, said Michael DiPasquale, third-year law student from San Diego, Calif. It used to take three hours to read eight pages, but now I can do it in 45 minutes, he said. DiPasquale said he was focusing more on social activities than he had in the past. Hes going out to bars more often and spending time playing intramural sports. Third-year students know what they have to do for school and work and how to plan around that, he said. Case Collard said he was using his third year to get ready for the real world. Hes working at a legal aid clinic to gain experience. The third-year law student from Leavenworth is applying for a federal clerkship a process that only occurs in the fall of the third year. However, Collard said, his class schedule is easier this semester. Hes taking only one traditional law class, which will have one only one test, and he doesnt have class on Fridays. Edited by Tricia Masenthin


By John Jordan
Kansan staff writer

Recent changes made by the American Bar Association have increased the amount of instructional hours required for law students to graduate. Meanwhile, some critics are calling for the abolishment of the third year of law school. But students at the University of Kansas say their final year of law school is essential for finding jobs and gaining work experience. Kate Allen, 2002 graduate and a KU alumna, said she worked the hardest during her third year of law school. She worked at a firm in Overland Park, took diverse classes to focus on different areas of law and tried to raise her grade point average. She said her final year of school was challenging as she was learning the ropes of realworld trial work something students cant learn in class. Learning the ABCs doesnt teach you how to speak, Allen said. A paper published in 2002 by two California law professors concluded that many stu-

on the record
F An 18-year-old KU student reported that her purse was snatched about 11 p.m. Aug. 30 on the 500 block of West 11th Street. The purse and contents were valued at $630. F A 53-year-old reported that a $2,800 40-foot by 8-foot trailer was stolen between 1 p.m. Aug. 25 and 7:30 a.m. Aug. 26 on the 2000 block of Becker Avenue. F A 19-year-old KU student reported that a $180 pair of glasses, a $50 black purse and $20 were stolen about 7:45 p.m. Aug. 30 in the Kansas Union lobby. F A 22-year-old KU student reported that a financial card was stolen sometime between 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Aug. 23 in Green Hall. About $81 was taken.

Source: The Happy Charade: An Empirical Examination of the Third Year of Law School

dents viewed the last year of law school as irrelevant. The study used surveys of 1,000 law students. The study recommended turning law school into a twoyear academic program with an additional year of specialized training. But law school administrators at the University say they dont plan on changing the schools program to two years of class work any time soon. Todd Rogers, career services director for the school, said the third year was both traditional and effective. Students wouldnt have the depth of experience not having

three years of school and two summers of experience, Rogers said. He said that spreading classes over three years of course work gave them the opportunity to get work experience in the summer. These working experiences are as important to potential employers as class work, Rogers said. The surveys also found that third-year law students study less and are less prepared. Sixty-seven percent of third-year students said they studied 20 hours or less a week, compared with 11 percent of first-year students. The surveys also found that third-year students came to class with a lower proportion of assigned readings completed.

t HurriCAne kAtrinA

New Orleanians evacuate city

By adam nossiter
the associated Press

NEW ORLEANS With thousands feared drowned in what could be Americas deadliest natural disaster in a century, New Orleans leaders all but surrendered the streets to floodwaters Wednesday and began turning out the lights on the ruined city perhaps for months. Looting spiraled so out of control that Mayor Ray Nagin ordered virtually the entire police force to abandon searchand-rescue efforts and focus on the brazen packs of thieves who

have turned increasingly hostile. Nagin called for an all-out evacuation of the citys remaining residents. Asked how many people died, he said: Minimum, hundreds. Most likely, thousands. With most of the city under water, Army engineers struggled to plug New Orleans breached levees with giant sandbags and concrete barriers, and authorities drew up plans to clear out the tens of thousands of remaining people and practically abandon the below-sea-level city. Most of the evacuees includ-

ing thousands now suffering in the hot and muggy Superdome will be moved to the Astrodome in Houston, 350 miles away. There will be a total evacuation of the city. We have to. The city will not be functional for two or three months, Nagin said. If the mayors death-toll estimate holds true, it would make Katrina the worst natural disaster in the United States since at least the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, which have been blamed for anywhere from about 500 to 6,000 deaths.

F Student Union Activities is hosting First Fridays tomorrow, featuring an open mike contest and musical performance. The event will be held at 7 p.m. on the patio outside the Hawks Nest of the Kansas Union. The musical performer is Lawrence band Ike Turner Overdrive. The winner of the open mike contest will receive a prize. The event will be held on the first Friday of every month. Note: The University Daily Kansan prints campus events that are free and open to the public. Submission forms are available in the Kansan newsroom, 111 Stauffer-Flint Hall. Items must be turned in two days in advance of the desired publication date. On Campus is printed on a space available basis.

on campus


The First Baptist Church, in Gulfport, Miss., still stands, but in ruins after it was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Cleanup work continues.

4A The UniversiTy DAily KAnsAn

t Service

Center finds headquarters

Pinet House becomes hub for volunteers

Playing the waiting game Accept 1a

continued from page


ThUrsDAy, sepTember 1, 2005

based service organization in the area they are selected to serve. What is hoped is that through classroom teaching and learning, students will have the opportunity to engage their academic learning in a rich way through applying it to community needs, Linda Luckey, By GaBy Souza assistant to Provost Kathleen Cluskey-Fawcett, said in an e-mail Kansan staff writer interview. Kevin Hager, Shawnee senior The KU Center for Service Learning has found a new use and associate director of the Pifor the Pinet House. It will be the net House, spoke from personal experience when he said that volcenters new hub. The Pinet House, located across unteering as part of a class was a 12th Street from The Crossing, rewarding experience. Hager said he has taken two 618 W. 12th St., was the location sociology classof the Robert J. es, one at the Dole Institute of he Center was University and Politics before it moved to its cur- just recently funded one at Johnson County Commurent site west of the Lied Center. and we dont even nity College, that required service It is named afphones and hours. He volunter Robert Pinet, have at Jubilee who was a hiscomputers yet. We teeredas part of Cafe tory professor at the University of will be searching the class at the University. Kansas. It will give The Center for for a faculty direcfirst-hand exService Learning will work to- tor in the coming perience to students of systems gether with the months. theyre studying, Center for ComLinda Luckey Hager said. munity Outreach A work group, to find nonprofit Assistant to Provost made up of stuorganizations dents, faculty that need asand staff, was sistance or volunteers. Students in individual formed in 2003 to look at the posclasses will then be given a num- sibilities for service learning at ber of volunteer hours they need the University, Luckey said. They to complete on their own time at a decided that forming the Center for Service Learning was the best certain organization. The long-term goal of the Cen- plan. The project was funded by ter for Service is to work together tuition dollars. The Center was just recently with faculty to provide service opportunities that deal with individ- funded and we dont even have ual classes, said Jackson Sellers, a phones and computers yet. We Volunteers in Service to America will be searching for a faculty divolunteer who is living at the Pinet rector in the coming months, House. Volunteers for VISTA de- Luckey said. vote a year of their lives to working for a particular community- Edited by Anne Burgard

Nicoletta Niosi/KANSAN

Burcu Pinar Alakoc, graduate student from Turkey, played the piano yesterday on the fourth floor of the Kansas Union. Alakoc decided to play the piano while she waited to call her parents in Turkey.

Pflaum said she was heading to her Overland Park home today, where shell figure out her next step with her family. Before the storm hit, more than 400 Tulane students were evacuated to Jackson State University in Jackson, Miss., where they are being sheltered and fed temporarily. Others were evacuated to Dallas and Atlanta. Tulane reports an enrollment of 13,000. Tulanes Web site has posted emergency messages to keep students updated. One message contains the following condition report, which was posted Tuesday night: As expected, our facilities have been damaged; however, based on our preliminary assessments, the majority of the damage can be remediated in a reasonable period of time. The uptown campus is covered with debris from fallen trees and shrubs, making it almost impossible to drive or even walk on campus. We have no power in any of the buildings other than a few where we control the power source. Tulane has not announced when or if this semesters classes will begin. Provost David Shulenburger said the University would send

facilities have been damaged; however based on our preliminary assessments, the majority of the damage can be remedied in a reasonable period off time.
Tulane University
Web site statement a message to faculty members advising them to allow transfers from hurricane-battered colleges to make up missed work. Weve got everyone alerted to work with students as they appear, he said. Marlesa Roney, vice provost of student success, said the University would waive the late enrollment fee for these students. If we can make that happen for students and help them get a good semester under their belts, then, obviously, thats a lot better than not going to college at all, she said. Edited by Tricia Masenthin

As expected, our


continued from page

1a The goal is within two years from now, we would really like to move in, coming that fall, said Chad Sinclair, associate director of expansion for Alpha Tau Omega. Alpha Tau Omega has just started its first week of a five-week recruitment process. The group will hold informational meetings and provide information for interested students. The fraternitys goal is to attract 20 to 30 members to start a colony group, which would allow the members to

in two years from now, we would really like to move in, coming that fall.
Chad Sinclair
Associate director of Expansion Alpha Tau Omega work together to develop the future of the fraternity. Well stay as long as it takes, until we get the 20 guys, Sinclair said. Once the colony group is established, Alpha Tau Ome-

The goal is with-

ga would aim to become a chapter beginning next fall with at least 40 new members. The group would then build up recruitment until it has about 75 members, which would be enough to fill the house. Meanwhile, Pi Kappa Phi is furthering its presence in the greek community to gain support. Zimmerman said the recruitment process Alpha Tau Omega is undertaking has only served to motivate his fraternity. Their trying to recruit gives us a bigger push to make more of an impact on

campus, he said. Each year is kind of like youre making yourself known on campus. The threat to Pi Kappa Phis current housing has elicited mixed reactions from around the greek community. Im a little concerned for Pi Kappa Phi because they are an outstanding chapter for us, said Scott Shorten, president of the Interfraternity Council. (Alpha Tau Omega) is absolutely welcomed back on campus. The more we can get greek life here the better. Edited by Theresa Montao
t Face oFF

Thursday, sepTember 1, 2005

page 5a

Contraceptives convenience creates clash

Current availability most realistically responsible
Sometimes accidents happen. Women get pregnant quite frequently without trying. This is why there are many different types of birth control options on the market, both over-the-counter and prescription. The Food and Drug Administration is trying to approve the emergency contraceptive Plan B as an overthe-counter option for women over the age of 17, instead of prescription-only, as it is now. The drug would still remain prescription-only for those under 17. According to an article in the Aug. 27 edition of The Washington Post, the FDA denied the approval of the drug as an over-the-counter treatment last Friday, but this isnt stopping advocates like Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) from attempting to legalize it. Plan B, also known as the morning after pill, should be taken up to 72 hours after having unprotected sex. According to the drugs Web site, If it is taken within 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected sex, it will decrease the chance that you will get pregnant by 89 percent. That means seven out of every eight women who would have gotten pregnant will not get pregnant. To have this drug sold as an over-the-counter option seems like a dream for some women. What could be better than not going to the gynecologist to receive prevention, other than condoms, from pregnancy? Sounds great, right? Wrong. The negatives of this drug outweigh the positives. There are other methods of prevention that are far safer, such as the time-tested condom. If a condom breaks, or another form of birth control fails, the morning after pill is already available through a prescription. If a woman cannot use ample protection or go to a doctor within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, is her responsibility level high enough to be having sex? Another reason that Plan B should remain a prescription-only drug is that the FDA is trying to make it legal for 17-year-old women to buy the drug. The editorial board certainly advocates the use of birth control for women of all ages, but it feels that the overthe-counter use of any contraceptive should not be an option for these young women. The problem lies in the fact that Plan B would be sold alongside pain relievers and cough drops. Does it really make sense that young women, who cant even purchase cigarettes or lottery tickets, would be able to buy a drug that allows them to have unprotected sex whenever they want? This counteracts everything that women are taught in sexual education classes, which attempt to inject a sense of responsibility through their curriculum. Sexually transmitted diseases could cause other problems. If women and men both know that there is a drug readily available that can prevent pregnancy without the use of condoms, sex without the use of condoms may rise. This in turn could cause the number of STDs to also rise. These are only a few of the problems that could occur if the FDA were to eventually approve Plan B to be sold over-the-counter. If the nation wants to erase the problem of teen pregnancy, decrease the number of STD cases and also promote responsible safe sex, then it should spend more time and effort educating young women to have protected sex rather than promoting a drug that will provoke unsafe sex. F Erin Wiley writing for the editorial board. The new horoscopes suck. Can we change it back? (Editors Note: I see disappointment in your future.)

Americas reluctance to green light pill indicates distrust

The condom broke? Forgot your pill? What if a woman was sexually assaulted? What would her options be? Fifty-eight hospitals in Kansas dont fill the morning after pill prescription, even in cases of sexual assault. Five out of seven Catholic hospitals will not write prescriptions for emergency contraception (E.C.). Wal-Mart will not fill E.C. because of corporate policies. Douglas County Health Clinic and Planned Parenthood both fill the prescription, but are not open on the weekends. Here at the University, an office fee is applied to appointments at Watkins after 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays and all day Sunday during the school year. Lawrence Memorial Hospital, our only hospital, offers the morning after pill to sexual assault survivors with the exception of a few doctors. These doctors refuse to prescribe it because of moral issues or conscious clauses. In all cases, the doctor/pharmacist is judging the integrity of the woman. It is her rights and integrity against the morals of the doctor/pharmacists. People are presuming that women are irresponsible, and assuming that over-the-counter emergency contraception will open the door for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to increase is a myth. Over-the-counter E.C. does not devalue our youths morals, it does not warrant us to have unhealthy sexual intercourse. These presumptions might be made because some do not understand how emergency contraception works. Anytime you have sex, not just when you are unprotected, you run the risk of getting an STD. Contraceptives are designed primarily to inhibit conception, not STDs. Even male condoms are not 100 percent effective in preventing STDs. Are these contraceptives any different than the morning after pill? No. The morning after pill is a high dosage of birth control. Lets be real, distrust of the morning after pill is indicative of a distrust of women and a belief that they are inherently irresponsible. By denying women the right to choose, or by denying the information to decide what to do with their own bodies, society is robbing women of basic human rights. If your concern is that the younger generation will not understand this concept, then the fault lies with a lack of proper sexual education. A proper education plan must encompass how contraception and preventative sexual health practices can reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS, STDs, and pregnancy. If one were against abortion, why would one be against emergency contraception? According to information collected by Sylvie Rueff and the Kansas Choice Alliance, the rate of abortion has dropped in the last two years because of comprehensive, effective contraception and sexual education campaigns. Knowledge and access to over-the-counter contraception would decrease the abortion rate by one third. The availability and use of contraception will not increase the likelihood of a person having intercourse. It only decreases the chances that they would inevitably get pregnant. Women are not being trusted with decisions that pertain to their own bodies. There is no reason why emergency contraception should not become an overthe-counter treatment. F Joy Lawson and Mia Gonzalez writing for the editorial board. Sylvie Rueff contributed to this editorial.

The nefarious Plan C.

t There can be only one

Doug Lang/KANSAN

Try talking to iPeople, not iPods

Betsy Mcleod

Do you hate people? Well, have no fear my anti-social friend, for the age of technology is here to save you the trouble of having actual human contact. Too lazy to go patrol your local red light district? Just switch on your computer and head to one of the many fantasy-specific porn sites. Or if you want more than a solid relationship with your right hand, head to one of the many online dating sites and begin your search for your one and only. Hate dealing with those nerdy kids behind the counter at blockbuster? Order a movie online. Does the human race seem rude, obnoxious, and utterly stupid? Lucky for you, now theres a business, web portal or complimentary service available to keep you from dealing with them ever again. Years ago, boys who stayed inside playing video games instead of throwing around a football would have been considered losers. Now, whole fraternities will kick aside the basketball in order to decapitate people in Halo 2. Guys everywhere are ditching

the park in order to meet online for a rousing game of Counterstrike. These days it seems all human contact is being replaced by technology. You can even listen to church in podcasts. In an August article in the New York Times, it was recorded that since the beginning of July, the number of people or groups offering spiritual and religious podcasts listed on PodcastAlley. com has grown from 177 to 474. Are people really that busy now that they cant go to church? One of my favorite Family Guy episodes is the one where Peter Griffin gets his own theme music for his everyday actions. Wouldnt it be cool, I thought, to have a sound track to your everyday life? Well, thanks to iPod, now I can. You cant go anywhere on campus

without seeing someone jamming to their own theme music. While escaping everyday reality can be a nice break sometimes, slipping on headphones for the long trek from Wescoe to Strong seems a bit ridiculous. You can get from one side of campus to the other in less than 10 minutes, which is barely time enough to hear two songs. Is it really that necessary to ignore everyone you see for two songs? Sure, iPods and CD players are great things to have when running on a treadmill or zoning out in class, but why not talk to people in line at the Underground? I met my best friend and current roommate because I started talking to her on the bus last year. Yes, its annoying when youre in a grumpy mood and some Chatty Cathy wont leave you alone, but hey, people skills are a great thing to have in life, so suck it up and deal with the human race; they arent going anywhere. F Betsy McLeod is an Overland Park sophomore fin journalism and French.

Football coach encourages fan attendance, enthusiasm

Dear KU students: Get ready for another funfilled season this fall. I know you are excited about this Saturdays game against Florida Atlantic University!Get to Memorial Stadium early this year and join the student section on the east side of the Stadium. Cheer loud and wave the wheat all night long. Even if you arent a football fan, youll enjoy our outstanding band, dance team and yell squad. Not to mention the beautiful view of Campanile Hill at night. Our student section has been awesome and a real noise factor for the Big 12 conference. Thanks for your support and please cheer responsibly! Go Hawks! F Mark Mangino Kansas football coach

ku football
F Who: University of Kansas vs. Florida Atlantic University F When: 6 p.m. Saturday F Where: Memorial Stadium F Why: Beat the Owls!


Call 864-0500

Im going to keep getting high regardless of the punishment and law enforcement.

I was going to comment on the reefer-endum opinion piece, but Im so high that I forgot what I was going to say.

The picture of our linebackers is hilarious. The Kansan should blow it up and sell posters.

Free for All callers have 20 seconds to speak about any topic they wish. Kansan editors reserve the right to omit comments. Slanderous and obscene statements will not be printed. Phone numbers of all incoming calls are recorded.

People die in Katrina and we complain about oil prices?

Pot smokers dont even read the paper, and wont hear about the law.


To us

The Kansan welcomes letters to the editors and guest columns submitted by students, faculty and alumni. The Kansan reserves the right to edit, cut to length, or reject all submissions. For any questions, call Austin Caster at 864-4810 or e-mail opinion@kansan. com. General questions should be directed to the editor at

Austin Caster, editor 864-4854 or Jonathan Kealing, managing editor 864-4854 or Matthew Sevcik, opinion editor 864-4924 or Sarah Connelly, business manager 864-4014 or addirector@kansan. com John Morgan, sales director 864-4462 or addirector@kansan. com Malcolm Gibson, general manager, news adviser 864-7667 or Jennifer Weaver, sales and marketing adviser 864-7666 or

guest column guidelines

Maximum Length: 650 word limit Include: Authors name; class, hometown (student); position (faculty member); phone number (will not be published) Also: The Kansan will not print guest columns that attack another columnist.

Getting caught with a little bit of pot is no reason to lose financial aid. People who smoke marijuana should be arrested so I can get financial aid and they dont. I had to pay my tuition with a credit card because the financial aid office doesnt believe that I got married.

Did your headline really say reefer-endum? Dont you think thats a little corny and unprofessional.

I enjoy the WNBA more than mens collegiate basketball.

To the kid who just called about the WNBA, his man-card just got revoked.

The new law wont make Lawrence a weed town. It already is a weed town! Look around!

McDonalds should deliver!

editorial board
Elis Ford, Yanting Wang, Julia Melim Coelho, Dan Hoyt, Anne Weltmer, Julie Parisi, Nathan McGinnis, Josh Goetting, Sara Garlick, Chase Edgerton, Ray Wittlinger, David Archer

We dont call ourselves liberals, progressive or radicals. We call ourselves people who are against the war, the military, and the American empire. We say we dont want recruiters on our campus lying to our students to get them to sign up to fight an illegal and unjust war.

To the people in the Triangle fraternity, get ready for Rhombus fraternity!

Letter guidelines
Maximum Length: 200 word limit Include: Authors name and telephone number; class, hometown (student); position (faculty member); phone number (will not be published)

The editorial board needs to get their facts straight. You dont go to jail when you smoke pot.

submit to
Kansan newsroom 111 Stauffer-Flint Hall 1435 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045 (785) 864-4810

To the editorial board: who buys weed by the bowl?

Please stop misspelling instances of its and whose.

6a thE UnivErsity Daily Kansan

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t horoscopes
F ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A relaxed mood early in the week could give way to high-temperature disputes. The Aries Lamb should resist being pulled into heated quarrels that could really singe your wool. F TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Satisfy that practical obligation first, then you can feel free to indulge in your creative endeavors. Also, check for hidden or overlooked areas where repairs might be long overdue. F GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Home is still the Twins major focus this week. But outside matters begin to take on added importance, especially those involving possible career moves. Stay alert for signs of change. F CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A travel plan might need to undergo some considerable adjustment because of unexpected changes. Keep an open mind and let the facts guide you on how you want to handle this. F LEO (July 23 to August 22) Playing cat and mouse with a matter you dont really want to tackle wastes time, energy and, most important, an opportunity. Ask someone with experience to help you get started. F VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A shift in policy might not please you, but before you put up a No Go wall of resistance, examine the circumstances. You might be quite pleasantly surprised by what you find. F LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Yesterdays critiques about your methods might have already evolved into todays praise for your achievements. Good for you. Now go on and continue to build on your credibility. F SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) An occasional temperamental flareup might occur as you continue to help get things back to normal. Stay with it. You should soon get some idea of where to take things next. F SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A negative reaction to what you believe was a well-deserved request might mean that you need to reconsider your position and make changes accordingly. F CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Theres always room for someone new at the Sea Goats table. And the someone new this week could bring a message youve been waiting a long time to hear. F AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A pile-on of personal matters this week might seem too overwhelming to deal with. But handling them on a one-by-one basis could have you out from under it by the weekend. F PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A friend might need your good advice regarding a matter. Be supportive. But unless you can be absolutely sure you have all the facts, be careful about any suggestions you might be asked to offer.

Solutions to yesterdays puzzle






Minnesota Twins Brent Abernathy slides back into third but is tagged out by Kansas City Royals third baseman Mark Teahen in the ninth inning yesterday. Abernathy was caught off base as he tried to advance to home on a wild pitch by Mike MacDougal and then was thrown out by catcher Paul Phillips.

Future uncertain for New Orleans Saints


Royals hold Twins scoreless


KANSAS CITY, Mo. Emil Brown singled home Denny Hocking with one out in the ninth to lead Kansas City to a 1-0 victory yesterday over the Minnesota Twins, who set a team record by getting 13 hits in a shutout. The Twins bounced into four double plays and had runners thrown out at third and home. It was also a Royals record for most hits allowed in a shutout, breaking the mark of 10 which had been done four times. The Twins previous record for hits in a shutout was 12 in a 1-0 loss to the California Angels in 1975. Hocking singled off Matt Guerrier (0-3) leading off the ninth, and reached second when third baseman Terry Tiffee misplayed a grounder by Chip Ambres. Terry Mulholland relieved and struck

out Matt Stairs, before Brown grounded a single just inside the bag at third. Mike MacDougal (3-4) pitched the ninth for the win. The Twins had runners at second and third with one out in the ninth but pinch runner Brent Abernathy was thrown out at third after MacDougals pitch to Michael Ryan sailed to the backstop. Abernathy started to come home, then changed his mind and tried to get back to third but catcher Paul Phillips throw beat him. Ryan then took a called third strike. It was the second straight game every Twins starter hit safely. Kyle Lohse gave up only three hits and one walk in seven innings and had a perfect game until Terrence Longs two-out single in the fourth. The veteran right-hander did not allow another baserunner until Paul Phillips doubled into right-center leading off

the sixth. Royals starter Mike Wood gave up eight hits and two walks in six innings but kept the Twins scoreless with the help of double plays in the first, second and fourth. He was relieved starting the seventh by Andrew Sisco. The Royals turned an unusual double play to keep the Twins from scoring in the fourth. With runners at first and second and one out, Tiffee grounded to first baseman Joe McEwing. He threw to second for the force out there, but the throw back to first to get Tiffee was late. Jacque Jones, who had singled leading off the inning, tried to score from second but was cut thrown out at home by Wood, who had covered first. The Twins also had two runners on base with one out in the first and second innings but Jones and Mike Redmond each rolled into double plays.

Jones also bounced into a double play in the eighth. Notes: 1B Mike Sweeney missed his third straight game with pain in his lower back. Manager Buddy Bell said it was not believed as serious as the upper back pain, which had sidelined Sweeney for long periods before. ... Twins 2B Nick Punto made an outstanding play in the first, diving to his right to stop Longs hard-hit grounder and then throwing him out from his knees. ... Ryans single in the seventh stretched his hitting streak to a career-high seven games. ... A moment before he broke up Lohses no-hitter with two out in the fourth, Long fouled a ball off his right leg and lay on the ground in pain. He finally got up and then rifled a single into right, but was replaced at the top of the fifth in left field by Ambres. The Royals said Long had a bruise on his lower right leg.

There is only one certainty about the New Orleans Saints future: They will live and work out of the Marriott Riverwalk in San Antonio for a while. Beyond that, question marks abound. Its highly unlikely theyll be able to hold their home opener Sept. 18 at the Superdome and they may not be able to play there at all this season after the stadium was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. So that rst game against the New York Giants could be at the Alamodome in San Antonio. Or at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, La. Or even at Legion Field in Birmingham, Ala. And all of those sites could host other home games for the Saints, who escaped the hurricane by ying with their families last weekend to San Jose, Calif. New Orleans plays at Oakland on Thursday night in its nal exhibition game. While the Saints and NFL ofcials have been discussing a variety of alternatives, they havent talked yet with many of the people at the proposed sites. We can say is LSU an option, yeah, but is it an option with them? Saints spokesman Greg Bensel said Wednesday by phone from San Jose. Thats the next hurdle. We havent crossed that hurdle yet. Only one hurdle has been crossed. Following the Raiders game, the Saints will go to San Antonio, where they will stay at the same hotel they stayed at last season when Hurricane Ivan chased them out of New Orleans in the second week of the regular season. The Saints will also use the same practice facilities at

Trinity University, so they will have, as Bensel put it, a certain comfort level with where we are. That would seem to make the Alamodome, which holds 65,000 for football, a logical alternative, although its about 550 miles from New Orleans, farther than the NFL would like. But at this point, no one really knows the options. Commissioner Paul Tagliabue and league ofcials have discussed the situation over the past few days. Location hasnt been the most important topic. Weve been talking about how we as a league can assist with relief efforts, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said. Not only for Saints players and ofcials and their families, but also for a lot of other players in the league who live or have families in the region. The Saints arent the only ones in sports affected by the damage done to the 65,000seat Superdome. Bowl Championship Series spokesman Bob Burda said Sugar Bowl ofcials hoped to meet within the next few weeks to talk about what to do with the game scheduled for Jan. 2 in the Superdome. Its just too early on their end to even speculate, said Burda, adding that bowl ofcials had been in contact with BCS coordinator Kevin Weiberg. Its unlikely ofcials would want to let the Sugar Bowl leave Louisiana, even for just a year. Independence Stadium, home of the Independence Bowl, in Shreveport has been renovated in recent years and holds about 53,000. Tiger Stadium could also be a plausible option, with a capacity of almost 92,000. None of the options for the Saints seem ideal.


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thUrsDAy, september 1, 2005

Player debuts with a grand slam

By Tim Reynolds
The AssociATed Press

continued from page

MIAMI Floridas Jeremy Hermida became the second player to hit a grand slam in his first major-league at-bat and the first to do it as a pinch-hitter, connecting in the seventh inning off the St. Louis Cardinals Al Reyes in the Marlins 10-5 loss last night. The only other player with a grand slam in first major league at-bat was pitcher William Frosty Bill Duggleby, who did it for Philadelphia at home against the New York Giants in the second inning on April 21, 1898, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. Hermida, an outfielder whose contract was purchased from Double-A Carolina earlier in the day, batted for pitcher Brian Moehler with Florida trailing 10-0 and connected on the third pitch he saw in the big leagues. Only a few thousand people in the announced crowd of 20,656 remained to see Hermidas hit. The Marlins top pick in the 2002 amateur draft and the 11th pick overall, he remained in the game as Floridas left fielder to start the eighth inning. Yet most of the nights other offensive fireworks came from the Cardinals. Albert Pujols had a season-high three extrabase hits, scored twice and reached the 100-RBI mark for the fifth consecutive season, and Hector Luna also had three extra-base hits. The loss put the Marlins (70-63) one game behind Philadelphia a 8-2 winner in New York over the Mets in the wild-card race. Florida starts a stretch on

Friday where 25 of its final 29 games will be against NL East foes; the remaining four games are at Houston, another wildcard hopeful, from Sept. 12-15. David Eckstein stayed hot with three hits, including his seventh home run. Luna and Eckstein each finished with three RBIs. Jeff Suppan (13-10) threw five scoreless innings, leaving after a 35minute rain delay in the bottom of the fifth. Luna, who managed only five extrabase hits in his first 41 games of the season, also scored three times for the NL Central leaders, who took two of three in the series. Juan Pierre had two hits for Florida, which hadnt had a player other than Miguel Cabrera or Carlos Delgado home runs since Aug. 5. Pujols doubled off left fielder Cabreras glove and scored in the third, then drove in his 100th run of the year on a triple his second of the season and only the 11th in his career in the Cardinals four-run fifth against Jason Vargas (5-2). Pujols doubled again in the sixth. Suppan allowed three hits, threw 61 of his 91 pitches for strikes to avoid what would have been a season-long threegame losing streak. Then again, the Cardinals simply havent endured any long slides this season: Theyre now 41-8 after a loss. Yadier Molina drove in two runs and So Taguchi had two hits for St. Louis, which dealt Vargas the toughest outing of his brief major-league career. He lasted five innings, gave up career-highs in runs (seven) and hits (10), and saw his ERA rise from 3.16 to 4.15.


St Louis Cardinals Hector Luna rounds third base after hitting a two-run home run off Florida Marlins Jason Vargas in the fifth inning yesterday in Miami. Scott Seabol scored on the home. The Cardinals won 10-5. where in our Kansas world of athletics. It just seems to be the not-so-good influences that we tend to listen, learn and write about. You can find evidence of our athletes showing their class all over campus. Basketball players are known for stopping and signing autographs on their way out of Allen Fieldhouse after games. Softball and baseball players are also spotted signing and talking with fans after nearly every home game. Tons of kids waited patiently for football players to get to them on kids day. More than 700 fans participated. Yeah, enough is enough of this bad publicity. Congrats to the writers who broke the latest breaking news story. You did a great job. Now maybe we can have the opportunity to show why we also cover a class of people worth looking up to. F Bauer is a Winfield senior in journalism.


continued from page

12a She didnt get tested too much today, but for the whole team its good to get a shutout, Francis said. Quinn, who has started every game as goalkeeper this year, also reflected on her role. Its kind of day-to-day, Quinn said of her status as keeper. But it helps when your teammates are supporting you. Francis noted that he hadnt thought it would take his team

three games to get its first win. But he also said he understood that the schedule to this point may have something to do with the fact that it did take three games. The important thing is that we got the W, Francis said. Note: Senior forward Jessica Smith played only 23 minutes after injuring what appeared to be a hamstring. The Jayhawk co-captain started the game but was pulled in the first half as a precaution, according to Francis. Edited by Erin Wisdom


continued from page

12a I hope the kids look up to it as a goal for them, senior forward Caroline Smith said. What people do on this team is pretty incredible, between managing school, soccer and our personal lives. Its definitely worth the time and effort. There they are. Positive role models. And even better is the fact that those good guys are every-

12a They have both been very competitive and positive. They will both be impact players for us this year, Pinkel said. Senior safety Jason Simpson will be the leader on defense. Simpson was a secondteam, All-Big 12 selection last season and was voted team safety of the year. He started all 11 games and had 98 tackles last season. The biggest hole to fill for the Tigers will be the void left by linebacker James Kinney. Kinney led the team in tackling last season, but exhausted his eligibility. Junior linebacker Dedrick Harrington is the leading candidate to take Kinneys spot. The offseason did not generate many bright spots for the Tigers either. In July, during a voluntary workout, freshman linebacker Aaron ONeal collapsed and died from what was later diagnosed as viral meningitis. Pinkel said it has been a very hard and traumatic time for his football team, and he is proud of the way they are handling it. Every player adjusts differently and every young man has to deal with it in different ways and the stages of what they are going through, he said. The big thing is we have to support one another, and through time we will work through this. Pinkel said he knew the team had to focus on the upcoming season and dedicated it to ONeal. Pinkel said the seniors were supportive and provided leadership for the younger players. Missouri will have an opportunity to return to the field Saturday, playing Arkansas State in Kansas City, Mo. Other key games on the Tigers schedule will include an Oct. 15 date with Iowa State and an Oct. 22 home game against Nebraska. Missouri will close out its season Nov. 19 at Kansas State. Edited by Anne Burgard




several conferences, including the Big 12, Conference USA, Southeastern and Sun Belt, to discuss potential scheduling problems. But because of communication problems along the Gulf Coast, Mallonee said he had not yet spoken with ofcials from schools such as LSU, Tulane and New Orleans that face the biggest recovery challenges. Mallonee said in his 20 years with the NCAA, he had never seen a weather-related catastrophe of this magnitude and that the NCAA wanted to help aid the recovery effort. We need to make sure we have our priorities right, he said. Were the NCAA and we deal with it from an athletic perspective. But this is much bigger than that. It puts things in a unique perspective.


Regulations relaxed

Youre out!

INDIANAPOLIS The NCAA is considering temporarily changing some of its rules that place restrictions on travel costs and benets being given to athletes families as players and universities recover from the destruction left by Hurricane Katrina. Any rule that can negatively impact an institution or the student-athletes, I think well be proactive in, Steve Mallonee, the NCAAs managing director for membership services, told The Associated Press yesterday. The message wed like is that we have a process that can and will be exible to any of our institutions that are impacted.

Other potential changes include allowing athletes to compete even if theyre not enrolled in school because there is the possibility that some schools may not be able to immediately hold classes and allowing teams to where games are played, Mallonee said. Mallonee acknowledged that the effect of rules changes could be far-reaching and not necessarily limited to the hardest hit areas along the Gulf Coast. For instance, Mallonee said, if Southern California had a basketball player who lived in New Orleans, the NCAA might ease travel restrictions to help the athlete return to Los Angeles for classes without worrying about violating NCAA rules. Mallonee said he had already been contacted by ofcials from

Arizona Diamondbacks Royce Clayton is called out at third by San Diego Padres Sean Burroughs in the eighth inning of the Padres 9-5 victory yesterday in San Diego. Clayton was trying to go from rst to third on a run-scoring single by Chris Snyder.



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possible with determination. Its a lot harder in the spring, because we miss so much class, Filberth said. Were gone almost every weekend, so we miss lots of Friday classes and some Monday ones. The team remained optimistic for this semester. In the fall its easier to study since we travel less, Smith said. I feel I do better when I have a lot of things to do. With tennis and school, Ill stay focused. Filberth also said the fall semester is less time-consuming, allowing for more time to study. She said she had faith that her teammates could maintain last semesters high standards. I think all the girls are smart and capable, Filberth said. We know how to work hard. The team will have more free time to study until September 7

ThUrsDAy, sepTember 1, 2005

t SwImmINg

Players go for the grades

By Eric JorgEnsEn team found itself studying on the road and during the evenings after practices. Sophomore Stephanie Smith said she was pleased the team was able to accomplish such a feat during the tennis season. Im amazed, Smith said. Everyone worked hard, and the fact that it was during the spring semester when we travel a lot more is even more impressive. Smith, a journalism major, received several accolades for her 4.0 GPA last semester. Among the awards were the Athletic Directors Honor Roll and the Big 12 Conference Commissioners Honor Roll. Junior tennis player Ashley Filberth also earned a 4.0 last semester. She was named first team All-Academic Big 12. The Kansas City, Mo., native said balancing academics and athletics was not easy, but it was

Women score all-time best grade report
Kansan sportswriter

Report Card
Spring 2005 Cumulative Team GPAs F Tennis - 3.49 (New all-time Athletics Department record) F Mens Golf - 3.30 F Soccer - 3.23 F Swimming & Diving - 3.21 F Rowing - 3.19 F Volleyball - 3.18 F Womens Track & Field - 3.10 F Softball - 3.02 F Womens Basketball - 2.93 F Mens Track & Field - 2.88 F Mens Basketball - 2.81 F Womens Golf - 2.79 F Football - 2.59 F Baseball - 2.57

Swimmers strive for unity and skill

By KElly rEynolds
Kansan sportswriter

The Kansas tennis team proved last semester that managing athletics and academics is possible. The team had a cumulative grade point average of 3.49, which was higher than any other sports team at the University. In a statement released by the Athletics Department during the summer, the department said that the 3.49 GPA was an all-time record. The athletics program as a whole averaged a 2.92 GPA last semester. Often cramped for time, the

when practice starts. Then players will be back to the usual grind of school, practice and late-night studying. Edited by Tricia Masenthin

t U.S. OpEN

Sharapova battles wind, opponent in U.S. Open

By stEvE WilstEin
the associated press

NEW YORK Wispy Maria Sharapova was one strong gust away from getting knocked over, though not out, at the U.S. Open. Im really glad I had a piece of chocolate cake last night, she joked, otherwise I would have been blown away. It made me heavier. Nearly as thin as her racket, the top-seeded Sharapova had more trouble with gales up to 36 mph playing tricks with the balls than she did with any of the shots by Dally Randriantefy in a 6-1, 6-0 rout yesterday that took all of 49 minutes. The first few games I was serving 69 miles per hour, Sharapova said. Its pretty funny. I think its even funnier from TV because they

cant see the wind. These people probably think we look like beginners. Thats the sad part. A trailing front from remnants of Hurricane Katrina blew through the Open, the sun played peekaboo all day, dark clouds came and went after morning rain and the lingering heat and humidity continued to test the mettle of players. Paper and plastic scudded across the courts, umpires microphones rumbled with the sound of the wind, and the jets that are often diverted away from the National Tennis Center roared constantly overhead to and from nearby LaGuardia Airport. Lobs that looked as if they were perfect sometimes sailed long, sometimes flew back toward the net. It was a day for double-faults, a day for muttered curses.


Maria Sharapova of Russia returns to Dally Randriantefy of Madagascar at the US Open tennis tournament in New York yesterday. Sharapova won the match 6-1, 6-0.

Technique and team-building are two focal points for the Kansas swimming team. Although the season doesnt kick off until Oct. 8, Kansas swimming coach Clark Campbell is guiding the team through a five-week skills and drills clinic. The five week period is a time for the team to become efficient in their strokes and starts and to do weight training and stretching. Were not training hard right now, Campbell said. Were focused on content and building a foundation, two building blocks of success. With 10 new swimmers and divers on this years squad, Campbell said he was already impressed with his young teams maturity, spirit and willingness to learn. He partially credits senior leadership for the energized atmosphere. Senior co-captains Gina Gnatzig and Emily Rusch have met with Campbell and established a few team goals, including maintaining a team grade point average of at least 3.0 and placing in the top three at the Big 12 Conference Championships in February. The team recently attended a bonding trip to Clinton Lake to help team unity. Both Gnatzig and Rusch are beginning their fourth year as Jayhawks and think that the enthusiasm of the team, as well as its chemistry and its planning with Campbell, has them prepared for an excellent year. We are a lot closer as a team now than we were at this point last year, Gnatzig said. Incoming freshmen Molly Bramer and Kendall Matous said they felt welcomed as new additions to the team. Both said

training hard right now. Were focused on content and building a foundation, two building blocks of success.
Clark Campbell
Kansas swimming coach that Campbells five-week clinic was making the transition from high-school swimming to college swimming easier. The adjustment has been just fine, Matous said. Im so excited and also so nervous, but the captains have made it clear that they are very open and willing to talk to us. In addition to their aim to contribute to the success of the team, both Bramer and Matous have set individual goals. Id like to make NCAAs, Bramer said. That would be good. Matous added that she would like to be a part of the All-Big 12 Conference team. With goals in place and lines of communication open between captains, team and coach, Campbell is confident that the Jayhawks will come together. We just need to prepare, and take each day as it comes, Campbell said, and in February, well be a different team. Sept. 26 ends the five-week foundation-building and begins the training phase of the swimming season. The Jayhawks will open the season with Minnesota on Saturday, Oct. 8th at Robinson Natatorium. Edited by Erin Wisdom



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The student voice. Every day.

Thursday, sepTember 1, 2005

athletics calendar
TODAY F Volleyball at Utah Valley State (BYU/UVSC Challenge), 8 p.m., Orem, Utah TOMORROW F Volleyball at Montana State (BYU/UVSC Challenge), 1 p.m., Provo, Utah F Soccer vs. Arkansas, 5 p.m., Jayhawk Soccer Complex F Volleyball at BYU (BYU/UVSC Challenge), 8 p.m., Provo, Utah SATURDAY F Cross Country, Bob Timmons Invitational, 9 a.m., Rim Rock Farm F Football vs. Florida Atlantic, 6 p.m., Memorial Stadium

t Volleyball
By Matt Wilson noon in Provo, Utah. Montana State is 2-1, with its only loss coming to second-ranked Washington, the team that eliminated the Jayhawks from the NCAA tournament last year. MSU is led by senior middle blocker Megan Zanto, who garnered first-team AllBig Sky Conference honors last season. The marquee match up of the tournament, however, will come tomorrow night when Kansas takes on BYU. The Cougars are looking to return to the NCAA tournament after missing out on the postseason last year. BYU is picked to win the Mountain West Conference, in which they finished third in 2004. The Cougars return three all-conference performers among 10 letter winners. First-year coach Jason Watson will rely on their experience to push the team to the postseason. Tomorrow nights match will be emotionally charged. BYU will name the floor at Smith Fieldhouse after legendary coach Elaine Michaelis, who compiled a record of 886-225-5 while coaching the Cougars from 1961 through 2002. Bechard said the scene will make the Jayhawks task difficult. Well have to sort through all of the emotion and do the things necessary for us to be

The universiTy daily Kansan 11a

Volleyball travels to Utah

Kansan staff writer
The Kansas volleyball team embarks on its first road trip of the season tonight as it takes on Utah Valley State in the first match of the UVSC/Brigham Young Challenge. Utah Valley State is in its third season of Division I volleyball. The team had its best season last year, going 11-16. The Wolverines return seven players from that squad, including a second team all-independent selection in junior setter Lacee Koelliker. Kansas volleyball coach Ray Bechard said his team might be at a slight disadvantage. The Jayhawks will be playing in Orem, Utah, on the Wolverines home court and they dont know much about their style of play. Its their first match, so theyve probably seen us on tape, and we dont have that opportunity, Bechard said. Early on well probably have to make a change on the run. Were not sure what to expect. Kansas is 2-0 going into the match up with UVSC. Victories over Alabama and MissouriKansas City last weekend have the team confident that it will be ready to play in Utah. Kansas will take on Montana State on Saturday after-

talk to Us Tell us your news. Contact Kellis Robinett or Eric Sorrentino at 864-4858 or

t NFl

Chiefs quarterback undergoes procedure

the associated Press 1999 preseason. He had undergone a battery of tests for several days to find the cause of the numbness. I cant tell you the exact time that they found it, but as soon as they found it they quit looking for something else and went to work, Vermeil said. It was a circulation problem and I think it stemmed around four knee operations and things passing through scar tissue and they had to clean it up. But it was just like going to the dentist, he said. Greens backup, Todd Collins, is out with a hand injury and No. 3 quarterback Damon Huard has a slight concussion. Jonathan Quinn will have the start on Friday against the Rams for the winless Chiefs. Quinn, a journeyman who was with the Chiefs for two years and played last season for Chicago, was out of football when the Chiefs gave him an emergency call two weeks ago. Vermeil also said linebacker Kendrell Bell, a former NFL defensive rookie of the year who was acquired in the offseason, would make his first appearance against the Rams. I think hes getting excited about playing his first game. I know hes practiced real well, Vermeil said. Hes working up to it. He may not play very much but hell play.

Justin ONeal/KANSAN

KANSAS CITY, Mo. Quarterback Trent Green underwent an outpatient procedure to improve circulation in his leg but will be ready for the season opener on Sept. 11, Kansas City coach Dick Vermeil said Wednesday. Green, whos been having numbness in the lower left leg and foot, will not play Friday night when the Chiefs meet St. Louis in their final preseason game. Vermeil said Green, who played only two series last weekend against Seattle, did not have a blood clot. He had a little problem. It was a minor problem and its taken care of. Vermeil said it was not major surgery and that Green would be at the stadium on Thursday for team meetings and return to practice on Monday. Theres a procedure that they go through to do those things, but its not like having a heart transplant, Vermeil said. Youll talk to Trent tomorrow and hell tell you what they did. He watched them do it. Green has never missed a start since the Chiefs gave St. Louis their first-round draft pick for him in 2001, and for the past three years has led one of the NFLs top-scoring offenses. His endurance has been something of a surprise in light of his four knee operations after an injury in the

Senior middle blocker Josi Lima spikes the ball past a UMKC defender during a game Saturday night. The volleyball team travels to Utah for the BYU/UVSC Volleyball Challenge today and tomorrow. successful, Bechard said. We cant get in a situation where we allow that emotion to creep in and impact points or even game outcomes. Junior outside hitter Jana Correa said the Jayhawks would have a tough time with the Cougars, ceremony not withstanding. The main focus is passing and defense, Correa said. When we play BYU, theyre going to hit pretty hard and we need to be prepared for that. Bechard said the match could have a big impact on both teams seasons. It might be a point where you look later in the year where both teams may or may not be considered for NCAA tournament play, Bechard said. In that sense it may be pretty important. It will be a great test for us. Edited by Anne Burgard

Almost ready for air

Nicoletta Niosi/KANSAN

Tim Fields, Smithville junior, and Alan Emmons, recreation coordinator for the KU Memorial Union, assembled a new air hockey table in Jaybowl yesterday. Emmons said he expects the table to be ready for use today.

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Visit our website at
t soccer

thursday, september 1, 2005

page 12a
t seventh-inning strech

Third games the charm

alissA BAuer

Athletes deserve positive coverage

Kansas athletics is taking a beating in the whole being nice area. Insults directed at our most prominent sports figures pour in with each and every breaking news story. Even at the Kansan sports desk, reports come out declaring enough is enough. There is validity to that complaint. Being constantly updated on every juvenile activity our athletes are up to does tend to get old, and not to mention, impossible. Lets not forget that this is a college campus, and trying to find any student athlete or not that has kept a squeaky clean record would be a challenge. But one of the many factors that makes life as a collegiate athlete ohso glamorous is those famous faces they quickly develop, followed by a level of class and reputation that is passed on for them to uphold. Im here to say they are upholding it. Two weeks ago, I had finished up my interviews after the Drake game and headed for the exit at the Jayhawk Soccer Complex. It was nearly impossible to get out because rows of tables were full of tired and sweaty soccer girls busily signing autographs for a line of fans. I felt slightly disgusted with myself for letting the words hot, tired and I even mingle around in my head together. These girls just finished running a close equivalent to a 90-minute sprint. They barely knocked off Drake and now planned on signing autographs until each fan was happy.

Rylan Howe/KANSAN

Senior forward Kimberly Karfonta takes a shot during the first half against Missouri State defender Megan Beebe and goalie Jackie Jasper. The Jayhawks had 12 shots on goal and put two in the net to shut out Missouri State for their first win yesterday at Jayhawk Soccer Complex.

After falling short in its first two matches, Kansas soccer finally gets a win
By AlissA BAuer
kansan sportswriter

The pressure of sealing a first victory broke last night, as Kansas shut out Missouri State 2-0 at the Jayhawk Soccer Complex. In a game that Kansas soccer coach Mark Francis said was not played worth a dime, his girls took the lead in the 15th minute and never looked back.

I think the biggest thing today is that we won the game, Francis said. It wasnt pretty. In fact, it was pretty ugly at times. Taking advantage of Missouri State freshman goalkeeper Jackie Jasper, Kansas freshman forward Jessica Bush picked up a fumbled ball and sent it to the back of the net. The 15-yard, unassisted goal was the first of the game and of Bushs collegiate career.

It was really exciting. Michelle played a really good ball to me, Bush said in reference to junior midfielder Michelle Rasmussen. The goalie made a mistake. It was good for our team because we really havent been finishing as well. That goal was one of six first half shots on goal, five of which belonged to Kansas. The Jayhawks went on to triple the Bears shots 18-6 and quadrupled their shots on goal for the game 12-3. Although Missouri State, tallying only one shot on goal in the first half, did not seem to be putting up much of a fight, Francis was upset that his team was playing without emotion and

think the biggest thing today is that we won the game. It wasnt pretty. In fact, it was pretty ugly at times.
Mark Francis
Kansas soccr coach looking flat. So much so that he admitted to ripping into the girls at halftime to get them into the game. There was power in his words,

evidently, and Kansas worked through it. Francis mentioned that even senior forward Caroline Smith wasnt entirely on her game in the first half. She promptly got on her game in the second half and put the Jayhawks up 2-0 in the 84th minute of the game. Smiths unassisted 20-yard shot meant she had scored in all three games this season. Sophomore goalkeeper Colleen Quinn recorded her first shutout last night against the Bears, boosting confidence in herself, her coach and her teammates.

CHARM on pAge 8A

BAUeR on pAge 8A

t football

Friendship improves play

Linebackers closeness builds team chemistry
By ryAn ColAiAnni
kansan staFF writer

Kansan file photo

Jermial Ashley, then junior defensive end, and Nick Reid, then junior linebacker, stop Kenny Higgins, then Toledo senior wide receiver, in midair during a game last season. The Jayhawk defense is expected to be a major factor for Kansas this season.

They are three of the mosttalented linebackers in the Big 12 Conference. Between them they have more than 595 career tackles and intimidate offensive players each week. And through their play on the field, they have become great friends. Senior linebackers Nick Reid, Kevin Kane and Banks Floodman share a bond that comes from more than foot-

ball. Beyond sitting through the same meetings and running the same drills every day in practice, they manage to spend time together off the field. We are all great friends, we hang out, we finish each others sentences, Reid said. We know what the other one is going to do. Reid and Kane are roommates, so their time together is virtually endless. Reid said that Kane did some unusual things for a football player. He doesnt really wash his hair too much, Reid said. He says his hair gets poofy. Thats kind of weird he doesnt like his hair poofy. Other than that, hes a pretty straight-forward, laid-back guy. Whether its going to movies

or going out, the three usually are together. They think that their friendship has helped them become better football players. It makes it that much better to be out there playing with people that you are such good friends with, Floodman said. It helps build chemistry not only on the defense but on the whole team, especially when you are the leaders. Reid said that the friendship helped him know exactly what either Kane or Floodman were going to do on the field. The three have put their mark on Kansas defense. Reid was named to the All-Big 12 first team after last season. Reid had more than 100 tackles in each of the previous two seasons, and with another 100-tackle

campaign, he could move up to second on the all-time Kansas tackle mark. Floodman had 47 tackles last season and was an honorable mention All-Big 12 selection two seasons ago. Kane was also an honorable mention All-Big 12 selection last season. The three will walk together onto the field at Memorial Stadium Saturday for the beginning of their final season together. Floodman said it felt a little weird, knowing that hes near the end of his career. I am pumped up, just ready for the opener. I think it adds a little bit when you are a senior, your final opener. Its exciting, Floodman said. Edited by Becca Evanhoe

t big 12 football

Missouri aims for bowl game invitation

By DAniel Berk
kansan senior sportswriter

Editors Note: This is the last of 11 articles previewing Kansas competition in the Big 12 Conference. Two years ago, life was good for Missouris Brad Smith. In 2002, the senior quarterback became only the second quarterback in Division 1-A history to throw for more than 2,000 yards and run for more than 1,000 yards

in the same season. Smith then finished the 2003 season and rushed for more than 1,000 yards, led his team to a bowl game for the first time in five years and was being talked about as a legitimate Heisman Trophy candidate for the 2004 season. Then, in the 2004 season, nothing would go right for Smith or his team. Missouri was picked by several media outlets to win the Big 12 North and play in a major bowl game. Instead, the Tigers faltered to a 5-6 record and missed out on a bowl game.

This season, with a new offense installed, Missouri football coach Gary Pinkel said he expected Smith to have a big season and lead the Tigers back to a bowl game. Brad, as he has matured, he wants to work on his throwing, work on his footwork, work on all kinds of things to make himself a better player, as he has done this year, Pinkel said. We want him to be a complete player, and he has worked very hard, and I expect him to have a very good year.

Smith will have talent around him, as senior wide receiver Sean Coffey returns for another season. Coffey caught 39 passes for 648 yards and 10 touchdowns last season. Sophomore running backs Marcus Woods and Tony Temple will join Smith in the backfield. Even though Pinkel has yet to name a starter, he said he expected both players to have big 2005 seasons.

Kansan file photo

InVITATIon on pAge 8A

Clark Green, then junior running back, almost collides with teammate Travis Dambach, then sophomore offensive lineman. while being taken down by Missouris James Kinney during the game in Columbia, Mo., last season.

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