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tuesday, october 4, 2005

Todays weather
All contents, unless stated otherwise,
2005 The University Daily Kansan
isolated showers
partly cloudy
88 63
Partly Cloudly
Christina Flowers, KUJH-TV
Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7A
Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8A
Crossword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7A
Horoscopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7A
Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A
Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A
The glue that holds the
soccer team together
Team members say
that the success of the
Kansas womens soccer
team lies not in it acco-
lades, but in its chemis-
try and strong sense of
unity. Page 12a
British company approved to sell vaccine in U.S.
The delays and shortages of influenza vaccina-
tions that marked last years flu season should not
be a problem this year. Page 3a
Stagnant offense could change quarterback
Kansas football coach Mark Mangino said that
unproductive performances by the three quarter-
backs would lead to more snaps in practice for
freshman quarterback Kerry Meier. Page 12a
65 42 65 40
VOL. 116 issue 34 www.kAnsAn.cOm
The sTudenT vOice since 1904
t tuition
Utilities fuel increase
By Ann Weltmer
Kansan correspondent
The University of Kansas quietly
raised tuition this semester an extra 4
percent from last years tuition, partly
to cover rising natural gas prices and
other maintenance costs.
This years tuition for an in-state stu-
dent taking 15 credit hours is $2,706.50,
$338.25 higher than last year.
The 4 percent increase is on top of the
$247.50 increase students already pay un-
der the Universitys tuition enhancement
plan, now in its fourth of fve years.
The increase gives the University an
extra $5.2 million in its maintenance
fund to cover utilities and other costs
the University needs to run buildings.
Natural gas is just one of the utili-
ties that the maintenance budget pays
for, but it is the one that has signif-
cantly gone up in price this year.
Lindy Eakin, vice provost for ad-
ministration and fnance, said the
Universitys utility costs were expected
to be $7.1 million this year. The Uni-
versity estimated it would pay $7.10
per 1,000 cubic feet of natural gas, he
said. Eakin estimated that rates would
increase to $12 per 1,000 cubic feet
this winter.
In an e-mail sent out to all faculty
and staff last Friday, Provost David
Shulenburger stated that the Uni-
versity was paying $14.25 per 1,000
cubic feet of natural gas last week.
Right now, the University uses about
400,000 cubic feet of natural gas per
fscal year.
Eakin said the University decided to
have students help pay maintenance
costs because it didnt get enough
money from the state to cover them.
see UTILITIes on page 5a Photo illustration by Rachel Seymour
F Mondays The University Daily Kansan contained
an error. The photo caption accompanying Fake
IDs threaten bar should have read Everyone
thinks were closed, but were not, said John Hele-
niak, co-owner of The Hawk, in response to the
rumor that the bar is now closed because of recent
citations for serving minors. The bar is not closed.
t administration
holds legal
edge on logo
By GABy SouzA
Kansan staff writer
The confusion regarding the logos of the Univer-
sity of Kansas and Kutztown University in Kutztown,
Pa., has brought up issues dealing with copyright and
The University
introduced its new
logo this semester
after nearly two
years of work by
the University and
a consulting frm
based in Portland,
Ore. The Univer-
sity was surprised
to learn that Kutz-
town University
had a very similar
logo. Both logos
are in Trajan font,
and both feature
a k that swoops
underneath the
u. But Kutztown Universitys logo was developed
in 2003. The issue that has come up deals with the
trademark of the letters k and u used together. The
University has had the trademark on KU since 1979,
said Paul Carrtar, executive vice chancellor for external
affairs. Both universities said they did not anticipate a
lawsuit from either side. Philip Breeze, director of li-
censing, marketing and university relations for Kutz-
town University, said some kind of legal agreement
would have to be made to ensure that both universities
could use their logos.
I dont anticipate any unpleasantness with this
situation, Breeze said.
Scott Stockwell, a copyright attorney who prac-
tices in Lawrence, said if a lawsuit was fled about
the logos, the University would have the better
stand. This is because Kutztown University was
not in existence as a university when the Univer-
sity made KU a trademark. Carrtar said any talks
regarding the logo would be in consideration of the
Universitys best interest. Carrtar also said the Uni-
versity was not making any plans to redo the logo
or any of the new visual elements released this se-
mester. The University spent $88,900 on the devel-
opment of the logo, which included working with
focus groups to fnd the best logo possible. Carrtar
said the money was well spent, considering the
amount of work that went into the visual identity
and the product the University received.
We understand the underlying values of the Uni-
versity and what the symbol embodies, he said. We
defnitely got our moneys worth.
Edited by Erick R. Schmidt
t Vandalism
Sara garlick/KaNSaN
Students walk on recent graffti on the steps near Mallot Hall heading toward Wescoe Hall. The graffti try to link mathematical negatives to the word nigger. University
offcials are working on its removal. The University is in the process of removing the messages.
An uncomfortable equation
By mAlindA oSBorne
Kansan staff writer
Perplexing graffti with several refer-
ences to the word nigger were found
on a set of stairs on campus this week-
end. Jake Kenyon, Atchison junior, said
he saw an individual marking on the
stairs about 5:15 Friday night.
After turning in a physics lab re-
port, Kenyon left Mallot Hall and
took the stairs between Wescoe Hall
and Anschutz Library. As he ascend-
ed the stairs, Kenyon said he saw
someone lying on the stairs, writing.
When I passed by on the stairs
he glanced up at me. I was on the
phone, and I saw that he was doing a
whole bunch of mathematical equa-
tions so I didnt really think anything
of it, Kenyon said. If I had known
he was writing racist stuff, I would
have done something.
Scrawled on the cement were in-
coherent phrases such as just the shit
existence of negativity and bad intent
and nigger = symbol of negativity. The
phrases were accompanied by what ap-
peared to be mathematical sketches,
such as a downward parabola, a circle
within an equilateral triangle, and a la-
beled human fgure.
The KU Public Safety Offce in-
formed the Facilities Operations
offce of the graffti yesterday, and
it sent painters to assess the situa-
tion and remove the writing during
the afternoon, said Vickie Baldwin,
work manager at Facilities Opera-
tions. The Public Safety Offce is cur-
rently investigating the graffti.
Robert Page, director of the Offce of
Multicultural Affairs, notifed Marlesa
Roney, vice provost for student success,
and informed her of the writing. He said
the writings were hard to interpret and
seemed to focus on the intent and in-
terpretation of the words Negro, Negra
and Nigger.
It talks about the word being
used both positively and negatively
and how this word has purpose and
the message through drawings and
formulas, Page said. At this point
we are seeking help to interpret the
Saul Stahl, mathematics profes-
sor, said from a mathematical stand-
point, the drawings were mean-
ingless and incorrect. The only
sketch Stahl recognized was the Py-
thagorean theorem.
see gRaFFITI on page 5a
By eric JorGenSen
Kansan correspondent
University of Kansas students
trying to study abroad in Israel
have a barrier preventing them
from taking classes in the Mid-
dle East nation.
Since the Intifada, a Palestin-
ian uprising against Israelis began
in September of 2000, the Univer-
sity has banned all students from
studying abroad in the Middle East
country after the U.S. government
issued a travel warning for tourists
or travelers heading to the area.
The Universitys policy states
that if a travel warning is issued
for a country, no student will be
sent there to study, said Stacey
Satchell, Offce of Study Abroad
outreach coordinator,
This is not a new policy,
Satchell said. Its been this way
for years. It is not a study abroad
policy, it is a University policy to
not allow students to travel to
these countries.
Today, many students want
the ban gone. To these individu-
als, the barriers against study-
ing in Israel are excessive and
see IsRaeL on page 5a
Study abroad ban decried
F Cte dIvoire
FIsrael, theWest Bank andGaza
FSaudi Arabia
FCentral African Republic
Source: U.S. Department of State
current travel warnings
Joshua Bickel/KaNSaN
Travel Warnings are recommendations from the State Department that americans
avoid a certain country. The countries listed below are currently on that list. In
addition to this list, the State Department issues Consular Information Sheets for
every country of the world with information on such matters as the health condi-
tions, crime, unusual currency or entry requirements, any areas of instability, and
the location of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate in the subject country.
The 4 percent increase is on top of the $247.50
increase students already pay under the Universitys tuition
enhancement plan, now in its fourth of fve years.
Unclear graffti
raises questions,
t student traVel
By DaviD Espo
The AssociATed Press
dent Bush nominated White
House counsel Harriet Miers to
a Supreme Court in transition
Monday, turning to a longtime
loyalist without experience as a
judge or publicly known views
on abortion to succeed Justice
Sandra Day OConnor.
Miers will strictly interpret
our Constitution and laws.
She will not legislate from the
bench, the president said as
the 60-year-old former private
attorney and keeper of cam-
paign secrets stood nearby in
the Oval Offce.
Miers was Bushs second
selection in three months for
vacancies on a high court long
divided on key issues. The an-
nouncement came shortly be-
fore the president attended a
ceremony marking John Rob-
erts new tenure as the nations
17th chief justice.
The wisdom of those who
drafted our Constitution and
conceived our nation as func-
tioning with three strong and in-
dependent branches has proven
truly remarkable, Miers said at
the White House before depart-
ing for the Capitol and a confr-
mation campaign already taking
shape in the Senate.
Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-
Tenn., said through his spokes-
man he wanted a confrmation
vote by Thanksgiving, a com-
pressed, seven-week timetable
by recent historical standards.
Sen. Arlen Specter, chairman
of the Judiciary Committee,
pledged thoroughness.
There needs to be, obvious-
ly, a very thorough inquiry into
her background as a lawyer
and her activities, people who
will know her on the issues of
character and integrity, which
we will fnd out, he said.
In conference calls and inter-
views, the White House worked
aggressively during the day to
tamp down concern among
conservatives determined, as
Bush has pledged, to turn the
court in a new direction.
Despite criticism, initial
reaction suggested Bush had
managed to satisfy many of the
conservatives who helped con-
frm Roberts without infam-
ing Democrats who repeatedly
warned against the selection of
an extreme conservative to suc-
ceed OConnor, who has voted
to uphold abortion rights and
preserve affrmative action.
Several offcials familiar with
Bushs consultations with Con-
gress said that Sen. Harry Reid
of Nevada, the Democratic
leader, had recommended that
he consider Miers for the vacan-
cy. In a written statement, Reid
praised the Dallas native as a
trailblazer for women as man-
aging partner of a major Dallas
law frm and said he would be
glad to have a former practicing
attorney on the court.
Frist greeted Miers by telling
her, Were so proud of you.
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,
the second-ranking Republican
in the Senate, issued a state-
ment saying he looked forward
to Ms. Miers confrmation.
Republicans hold a 55-44 ma-
jority in the Senate, with one in-
dependent. Barring a flibuster,
they can confrm Miers on the
strength of their votes alone.
Miers has served as an advis-
er to Bush for more than a de-
cade, in positions as varied as
private attorney, chairwoman
of the Texas Lottery Commis-
sion and in the White House.
When Bush decided to run
for governor of Texas in the early
1990s, he turned to Miers to re-
search his own background for
information that his opponents
might try to use against him. When
terrorists struck the United States
in 2001, she was with him as staff
secretary on what had been a rou-
tine trip to Florida.
While her loyalty to Bush is
unquestioned, Democrats pub-
licly and Republicans privately
wondered about her qualifca-
tions for the high court.
The president has selected
a loyal political ally without
a judicial record to sit on the
highest court in the land, said
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
At the same time, several
senators, Reid and Specter
among them, said they would
be pleased to have a justice
with no prior judicial experi-
ence, and the White House
moved to fend off any charge
that Bush was merely picking a
longtime associate.
The administration released
material showing that 10 of
the 34 justices appointed since
1933 had worked for the presi-
dent who picked them. The list
included the late Chief Justice
William H. Rehnquist, frst
tapped for the court by Richard
M. Nixon, and Byron White,
named by John F. Kennedy.
Republican concerns tended
to be more muted. Sen. Sam
Brownback, R-Kan., a strong
foe of abortion, pointedly de-
clined to issue a statement re-
sponding to the nomination.
First-term Sen. John Thune,
R-S.D., said he was reserving
judgment. It has been my ex-
pectation that President Bush
would nominate someone in
the mold of Justices Scalia and
Thomas and it is my hope that
Harriet Miers will prove to be
such a person, he said. Both
justices have voted to overturn
the 1973 abortion ruling.
news 2A The UniversiTy DAily KAnsAn TUesDAy, ocTober 4, 2005
The University Daily Kansan is the student newspaper of the University of Kansas. The first copy is paid through the student activ-
ity fee. Additional copies of the Kansan are 25 cents. Subscriptions can be purchased at the Kansan business office, 119 Stauffer-
Flint Hall, 1435 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045. The University Daily Kansan (ISSN 0746-4962) is published daily during the
school year except Saturday, Sunday, fall break, spring break and exams. Weekly during the summer session excluding holidays.
Periodical postage is paid in Lawrence, KS 66044. Annual subscriptions by mail are $120 plus tax. Student subscriptions of are
paid through the student activity fee. Postmaster: Send address changes to The University Daily Kansan, 119 Stauffer-Flint Hall, 1435 Jayhawk
Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045
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For more
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Tell us your news
Contact Austin Caster,
Jonathan Kealing,
Anja Winikka, Josh Bickel,
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111 Stauffer-Flint Hall
1435 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
(785) 864-4810
media partners
et cetera
By CourtnEy HagEn
KAnsAn corresPondenT
Top 10 books sold at Borders
Books and Music during the
month of September
10.Point Blankby Catherine
9.Lipstick Jungleby Candace
8.The Historianby Elizabeth
7.The DaVinci Codeby Dan
6.Polar Shift: A Novel From the
NUMA Filesby Clive Cussler
5.Goodnight Nobodyby
Jennifer Weiner
4. Anansi Boys by Neil
3. Harry Potter And The
Half-Blood Prince (Harry
Potter #6) by J.K. Rowling
2. The March by E.L
1. The Eldest by
Christopher Paolini
Kristin Driskell/KANSAN
Vjeko Jadric, a second-year graduate student from Stari Grad, Croatia, is
the frst student to pursue a joint masters degree in business and Russian
and Eastern European studies. He graduated from the University of Maine at
Presque Isle with a bachelors degree in international relations and political
science before coming to Lawrence.
t on the boulevard
Croatian turns Kansan
By Frank tankarD
KAnsAn sTAff wriTer
Born in Berlin, raised in Cro-
atia, schooled in Montana and
Maine, he now sits squarely in
the middle of the United States
with a blue Rock Chalk bracelet
hugging his wrist.
Vjeko Jadric is a second-year
graduate student, but his path to
the University wasnt a typical one.
It began in Berlin, where he was
born to two Croatians. In 1986, at
the age of six, he moved with his
mother to Hvar, a Croatian island
in the Adriatic Sea that served as
a refugee outpost during the Croa-
tian battle for independence from
Yugoslavia. At the time he lived
there, the war wasnt ongoing, but
Jadric saw the side effects of a war-
time nation.
It was basketball that brought
the 6-foot-7 Jadric to America. Af-
ter graduating from high school,
his coach found a scholarship for
him at Miles Community Col-
lege in Miles City, Mont. Jadric
jumped at the opportunity.
At that point, everything in
America was the same to me. I
didnt know the difference between
Chicago and Montana, he said.
He eventually got used to the
barren Montana landscape and
quickly began to like the people.
Ive never had a problem with
people in smaller towns in Ameri-
ca. Theyre very pleasant., he said.
After two years at Miles Com-
munity College, Jadric transferred
to the University of Maine at Pr-
esque Isle, where he played bas-
ketball for two years in the NAIA.
He averaged nearly 10 rebounds
per game and graduated with a
bachelors degree in international
relations and political science.
He then returned to Europe
to try to play professional bas-
ketball. He signed an agent, but
when he wasnt able to fnd a
team, Jadric came to the Univer-
sity on the recommendation of a
Presque Isle professor.
So now hes here, in the lobby
of the Kansas Union. His basket-
ball days are now limited to play-
ing on an intramural team and
an occasional pickup game at the
Student Recreation Fitness Cen-
ter. Hes a year and a half away
from graduating with a masters
of business administration and a
masters of arts in Russian, East
European and Eurasian Studies.
Hes the frst student to pursue
the joint degree.
There arent, frankly, a lot of
students with the full compli-
ment of international experience
Vjeko has, said Bart Redford,
international programs coordi-
nator at the School of Business,
who helped him get into the
Jadric said hed probably look
for work at an American com-
pany after graduation.
Ive really blended in and
gotten used to the American life-
style, he said. Being abroad was
never really a problem for me.
Editors note: University
Daily Kansan reporter Frank
Tankard writes a regular fea-
ture on KU students, faculty
and staff who have a story to
tell. If you have an interesting
story or know someone who
does, e-mail Frank at ftan-
Edited by Erick R. Schmidt
t supreme court
Bushs latest justice nomination has no experience as judge
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
White House counsel and Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers walks out
with RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie following their meeting with Sen. Mitch Mc-
Connell , R-Ky, Monday, in Washington. President Bush nominated Miers to
the Supreme Court Monday to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day OConnor.
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After stops in three countries and two states,
graduate student fnds latest home at University
news tuesday, october 4, 2005 the university daily Kansan 3a
on the record
F A 21-year-old KU student reported $2,175 in valu-
ables stolen sometime between 3 and 5:10 p.m.
Sept. 28 from the 700 block of Rockledge Road.
FA 21-year-old KU student reported $1,000 in
damage to a Mazda pickup truck sometime
between 1:30 and 2 a.m. at the 1700 block of
Ohio Street.
FA 20-year-old KU student reported $500 il-
legally charged to a credit card at about 6:40
p.m. in Lawrence.
FA 22-year-old KU student reported $900 in
valuables stolen from a vehicle sometime
between 2 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Oct. 2 at the
2300 block of West 26th Street.
FA 21-year-old KU student reported an esti-
mated $1800 in damage to a Nissan Maxima
sometime between 11 p.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Sept. 29 at the 1600 block of Indiana Street.
FAn 18-year-old KU student reported an
estimated $800 dollars in damage to a
windshield and hood of a Pontiac Grand Prix
around 11:40 a.m. Oct. 2 at campus lot 102,
next to Lewis Hall
on campus
FCarlos Mencia, star of the Comedy Central show
Mind of Mencia, is performing at 8 p.m. at the
Lied Center. Admission is $8 with a student ID
and $16 for the general public. Tickets can be
purchased at the SUA box offce, level four of the
Kansas Union, or at any campus box offce.
FBon Voyage, a French flm set during the
German invasion of France in World War II,
will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at
Woodruff Auditorium in the Kansas Union.
Admission is $2. The department of French
and Italian is showing the flm as part of the
Tournes KU French Film Festival.
FThe Department of Theater and Film is
performing Anton Chekhovs play Three
Sisters at 7:30 p.m. today through Friday,
5 p.m. Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, and 7:30
p.m. Monday and Tuesday in the William Inge
Memorial Theatre at Murphy Hall.
By Travis roBineTT
Kansan staff writer
There should be no shortage of
infuenza vaccine this fu season.
Before last fu season, the British
Medicines and Healthcare Prod-
ucts Regulatory Agency removed
fu vaccines manufactured by Chi-
ron Corp. from the market, citing
safety concerns stemming from the
manufacturing process.
The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
ministration followed suit, lead-
ing to last years shortage.
On March 2, the British agency
renewed Chirons license to manu-
facture the vaccine. Chiron an-
nounced Aug. 31 that its facility
in Liverpool, England, passed the
FDAs inspection and was allowed
to resume distribution to the Amer-
ican market.
Shortages of the fu vaccine
and delays in its manufacture are
common because only four com-
panies prepare, manufacture and
distribute the vaccine, according
to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. Any problems at
any step in the process can lead to
disruptions. Shortages and delays
happened three out of the last fve
fu seasons.
Jack Brown, professor of mo-
lecular biosciences, said a lot of
work was required to make the
vaccine available to the public.
Its not an overnight process,
Brown said. Brown said the
procedure from vaccine manu-
facture to approval for the con-
sumer use was complex and
required the vaccine to be effec-
tive and not contaminated.
Four versions of the fu vac-
cine will be available in the United
States: Fluzone, Fluvirin, Fluarix
and FluMist. Patricia Denning,
chief of staff at Watkins Memo-
rial Health Center, said there were
small differences among the four
vaccines, but all contained the
same main ingredients.
People who are in high-risk
priority groups such as health
care workers can currently
receive a vaccination.
Watkins has accepted the CDCs
advice and will not provide vacci-
nations for everyone until Oct. 24.
Denning said the fu season fuctu-
ated, but usually started in Decem-
ber and continued through March.
The CDC projected as many
as 96 million doses of the vaccine
would be available in the U.S.
Fluzone, manufactured by
Sanof Pasteur Inc., will be the
most widely available vaccine. Chi-
ron, which makes Fluvirin, is pro-
jected to provide the second most
doses, with as many as 26 million.
FluMist, a nasal spray instead of a
shot, is projected to be available in
three million doses.
A fu shot costs $15, while the
FluMist nasal spray is $25.
Edited by Patrick Ross
t health
Flu vaccine
to be available
this season
Individuals meeting these clas-
sifcations can receive a vac-
cine now. Everyone else can
receive the vaccine beginning
Oct. 24.
F 65 years or older
F Health problems such
as heart disease, kidney
disease, asthma, diabetes,
anemia, cancer, HIV/AIDS
or neuromuscular disor-
ders that cause breathing
F Pregnant women
F Health care workers in-
volved in direct patient care
F Have a child fewer than six
months old
Source: Center for Disease Control
and Prevention
Shot eligibility
Intoxicating Oktoberfest
Waitresses dance on a table at the end of the beer festival Oktoberfest in Munich, southern Ger-
many, Monday evening. More than 6.1 million people have visited the worlds largest folk festival
during the last 17 days.
F An article in Mondays The University Daily
Kansan contained an error. The article, Ousted
fraternity regroups to perform in charity play,
should have said former members of Sigma Nu
fraternity registered as a special interest group
named Friends, Inc. The group will participate
in the Rock Chalk Revue because the advisory
board can grant a non-residential group the op-
portunity to participate in the event. No funding
or resources can come from Sigma Nu and the
group cannot use the Sigma Nu name.
Students report seven bikes
stolen in nine-day span
KU students reported seven bikes
stolen sometime between Sept. 22 and
Sept. 30, according to KU Public Safety
Offce and Lawrence Police Department
The students estimated their losses
at $2,920, which includes the value of
stolen or damaged bicycle locks.
Sixteen KU students and employ-
ees have reported their bikes stolen to
police since Sept. 12.
Fourteen of the bicycles were re-
ported stolen to the KU Public Safety
Offce. They were reported stolen from
campus or surrounding neighbor-
Ten bicycles were reported stolen
to the Public Safety Offce during the
2004-2005 academic year.
Steve Lynn
Ex-womens basketball
player charged with battery
Aquanita T. Burras, former KU wom-
ens basketball player, was arrested and
then charged with domestic battery
and criminal trespassing Saturday
evening, according to Douglas County
Jail records.
Kelly Hilgenkamp, 25-year-old
Lawrence resident, was the victim of
domestic battery and criminal tres-
passing about 3 p.m. Saturday in the
2300 block of Surrey Drive, accord-
ing to Lawrence Police Department
Sgt. Dan Ward of the Lawrence Po-
lice Department said a person returned
to Hilgenkamps residence and refused
to leave. After refusing to leave, she
and the person had a physical alterca-
tion, Ward said.
Steve Lynn
October 4, 2005
Join Kansas Connections: Helping Small Town Students Succeed for their
rst o cial meeting of the semester. Dr. Kathryn Nemeth Tuttle,
Associate Vice Provost for Student Success and Oberlin, Kansas native will
speak about some of the Untold Stories of KU (beyond the popular
history you might already know). You will also have a chance to give the
group feedback as to what kind of events youd like the group to be doing.
If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Ladd at
October 6th
In front of Stouffer Flint
10am - 1pm
Come Learn about Israel!
**Free food, free t-shirts,
give-aways, and prizes
Sponsored by: KU Hillel, KU Israel Alliance,
KU College Republicans, & KU Young Democrats
Israel on the Hill
October 4, 2005 @ 7:30 pm | Pine Room, Level 6, Kansas Union
Untold Stories of KU
We hope to see you next Tuesday!
Volunteer Fair
October 6th 11-3pm
Kansas Union |
Co-Sponsored by University Career Center and
the Center for Community Outreach
Meet every Tuesday
@ 7:30pm
Everyone is welcome!
The Dole Institute of Politics Fall Study Groups this week:
Rep. Barbara Ballards study group:
"A Community of Civil and Responsible Citizens
Wednesday, October 5 from 4:00-5:30 (repeating every Wednesday)
Former Congresswoman Karen McCarthys study group:
Who Can? A Citizen Can!
With special guest Walter Shapiro, columnist for the USA Today
Thursday, October 6 from 4:00-5:30 (repeating every Thursday)
*Both events will be in the Simons Media Room of the Dole Institute of Politics for details & location!
Queers & Allies
NetworkNamedropNationally Known Speakers
Visit or call 864-4900 for more information
WHO: KU College Republicans
WHAT: Meeting w/ Speaker of the House Doug Mays
WHEN: Tuesday, October 4, 7:30 pm
WHERE: Kansas Room, Kansas Union


post graduate
4a The UniversiTy Daily Kansan TUesDay, ocTober 4, 2005 news
By John Jordan
Kansan staff writer
A grant from the French gov-
ernment will fund the Tournes
KU French Film Festival at
the University of Kansas on
Bon Voyage, the frst of
fve flms to be shown, starts at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Wood-
ruff Auditorium in the Kansas
An $1,800 grant from the
French American Cultural Ex-
change will cover part of the
cost of the festival. Money
and support from the Kansas
Memorial Union Corp. and
French department covered
the remainder of the approxi-
mately $3,500 cost of the fes-
Delphine Nurdin, Dijon,
France, graduate student, said
the festival was a great way to let
students get a glimpse of French
She said she missed her cul-
ture and la qualit de la vie
the quality of life.
The refnement of French
culture is top-of-the-line, Nur-
din said.
Van Kelly, chairman of the
department of French and Ital-
ian, said he hoped the festival
would help introduce students
to all facets of French culture.
French culture covers a wide
geographical area, Kelly said,
something the average Ameri-
can is unaware of. He selected
fve flms to show the many
French sub-cultures. The flms
portray World War II-era Paris,
religious and political issues in
modern-day French-speaking
parts of Africa, as well as urban
fight and immigration in todays
Some people think Paris
when they think France,
Kelly said of French culture.
Its actually all around the
Delphine Selles, spokes-
woman for the French Ameri-
can Cultural Exchange, said
the purpose of the festival
was to expose young people
to the French language and
Students dont get to see many
French flms because many the-
aters dont show them because
of costs, language barriers and
the diffculty of turning a proft,
Selles said.
Universities are a place
to expose people to the lan-
guage, she said. Demand for
the grants has been rising ev-
ery year.
Theres really high demand
based from professors and bud-
get cuts, Selles said.
Demand has led the ex-
change to allow universities to
receive the grant only every fve
This is the 10th anniversary
of the exchanges establishment
of the Tournes festival.
Four other flms, all in French
with English subtitles, will be
shown for the festival in the
next four weeks. Tickets are $2
per flm.
The Tournes flm festival begins Wednesday. All shows are
at 7:30 p.m. at Woodruff Auditorium in the Kansas Union.
All flms are in French with English subtitles.
Tickets are $2 per flm.
Wednesday Bon Voyage
Oct. 19 Pas sur la bouche (Not on the lips)
Oct. 25 Moolade
Nov. 2 Lesquive (Games of Love and Chance)
Nov. 15 Lautre monde (The Other World)
Source: Department of French and Italian
Film festival offers glimpse of French culture
By Chris Carola
the associated Press
passengers aboard a tour boat
that capsized on Lake George
were sitting on long benches
and slid sharply to one side of
the vessel just before it fipped
over, killing 20 people, authori-
ties said Monday.
Wayne Bennett, State Police
superintendent, said that in-
vestigators do not know what
initially caused the Ethan Allen
to tip. But he said passengers ei-
ther slid or were thrown to one
side of the boat after it began
And that, of course, would
automatically mean an even
bigger shift of weight, Bennett
The captain of the 40-foot
glass-enclosed boat told author-
ities it was hit by waves from
at least one other vessel and
turned over as he tried to steer
out of them, authorities said ear-
lier Monday. The boat fipped so
fast that none of the 47 passen-
gers all senior citizens, most
of them from Michigan could
put on a life jacket.
There was no immediate con-
frmation that another boat that
could have churned up waves
was in the area, and survivors
were giving investigators differ-
ing versions of what happened
before the boat went down, au-
thorities said.
Eight people were hospital-
ized with shortness of breath,
broken bones and other inju-
Mark Rosenker, acting chair-
man of the National Transpor-
tation Safety Board, said inves-
tigators would focus on such
things as the history of the boat,
the pilots record, whether the
boat had enough crew mem-
bers, and whether the number
of passengers played a role in
the accident.
Its much too early to de-
termine what happened out on
that lake, Rosenker said.
The boats captain, Richard
Paris, was the only crew mem-
ber aboard, but state rules allow
for just one crewman for up to
50 passengers. Also, New York
state regulations require that life
jackets be made available for ev-
ery person on a boat, but people
do not have to wear them.
Earlier in the day, Bennett
said the seats were not secured
to the deck. But later, State Po-
lice said that was incorrect.
Rep. John Sweeney, R.-N.Y.,
said investigators are looking
at whether there was too much
weight on board the boat, even
though the vessel was just below
its capacity of 50 people. He
said the Coast Guard assumes
a weight of 150 pounds per per-
son in calculating a vessels ca-
pacity an assumption he said
may have been off the mark.
Gov. George Pataki said li-
censes for two other boats oper-
ated by the Ethan Allens owner,
Shoreline Cruises, have been
suspended while the investiga-
tion continues. He and others,
however, said people should not
draw any conclusions about the
I do not believe there is
any criminal culpability on any
of the parties we have spoken
with, said Sheriff Larry Cleve-
On Monday afternoon, crews
using infatable bags raised the
sunken vessel 70 feet to the sur-
face. They planned to pump it
out and tow it to shore. NTSB
investigators will then examine
the wreck.
By Mark sherMan
the associated Press
is investigating only about half
the criminal cases it did before
the Sept. 11 attacks because of
its focus on stopping terrorist
Investigations of fnancial
fraud, bank robberies and
some drug cases have suffered
as a result, but other federal
agencies as well as state and
local law enforcement have
picked up the slack in most
areas, Justice Department in-
spector general Glenn A. Fine
said Monday.
This reprioritization has
affected not only the FBIs op-
erations but also the investi-
gative operations of other law
enforcement agencies, Fine
The FBI did not comment.
Four years after the Sept. 11
attacks and FBI Director Rob-
ert Muellers decision to make
counterterrorism the bureaus
top priority, the decline in
traditional criminal investi-
gations was steepest in drug
cases and extended to orga-
nized crime, bank robberies,
civil rights, health care fraud,
corporate fraud and public
corruption, Fine said in a 194-
page audit.
Portions he said contained
sensitive law enforcement infor-
mation were blacked out.
Among the FBIs traditional
criminal investigations, gang,
obscenity and child pornogra-
phy cases increased, Fine said.
The report looked at cases
opened and the deployment of
agents in the 2000 government
spending year the last full
year before the attacks and
in 2004.
The FBI opened 62,782
criminal investigations in 2000
and 34,451 last year, a drop
of 45 percent, Fine said. Drug
cases declined by 70 percent,
he said.
There were 2,200 fewer feld
agents investigating criminal
matters in 2004, he said.
Drugs squads in some FBI
feld offces have been deci-
mated. The Miami offce lost
six of its nine drug squads be-
tween 2000 and 2004. In Los
Angeles, 57 of the 79 agents
focusing on drug cases were
FBI field managers re-
ported that the timeliness and
quality of such investigations
has been impaired, the report
said. The Drug Enforcement
Administration has filled the
gap in some cities, the report
State and local law enforce-
ment offcials said they felt the
effect of changes at the FBI most
keenly in complex fnancial
fraud cases that the FBI handled
before Sept. 11.
Jim Pasco, executive direc-
tor of the Fraternal Order of
Police, disputed that the new
focus on terrorism has meant
that other crimes go uninves-
Ninety-six percent of law en-
forcement assets in this country
are at the state and local level,
said Pasco, who runs the na-
tions largest union for law en-
forcement offcers.
The Justice Department also
has directed DEA and other
federal agencies to take more
responsibility for crimes in their
domains, Pasco said.
FBIs emphasis on
terrorism decreases
crime investigation
Cause of capsizing remains a mystery
Divers foat alongside the Ethan Allen after they raised it from the bottom of Lake George in upstate New York, Monday. Twenty people died when the boat capsized.
Rules for life jackets, weight
may have added to problems
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t 2
. G
f G
Study abroad
continued from page 1a
One option for KU students
wanting to study abroad in Is-
rael is to drop from the Uni-
versity, study in an Israeli
school, then re-apply to the
Tanya Johnson, Dallas ju-
nior, has been to Israel many
times, and she said she wished
to return some day to study.
She said the guidelines of the
ban were unfair to her and other
If a student wanted to study
abroad in Israel and went
through the process of dropping
out of KU, they could possibly
lose their scholarships, if they
had any, Johnson said.
Satchell echoed this. She said
if a student wanted to study in
any of the nations with a travel
warning, they would have to
drop out of the University and
then enroll in the foreign college
She said students do risk los-
ing fnancial aid if they choose
this route.
Lauren Rabinowitz, Min-
netonka, Minn., sophomore,
said she thought the Universitys
ban was unnecessary.
I dont think its fair. If stu-
dents want to go they should be
allowed to, Rabinowitz said.
Other schools are letting their
students go. Theyre also afraid
that another incident like the
Shannon Martin murder will
happen, but that was a different
Martin was murdered in May
2001 while studying abroad in
Costa Rica.
Satchell said the Martin in-
cident was different from the
situations students would face
if they went to a country on the
state departments list of travel
There was no travel warning
on Costa Rica when Shannon
went, Satchell said. The poli-
cy was around before Shannon.
It was not created as a result of
Jay Lewis, executive director
of Hillel, an organization that
often sends students to Israel,
said the places where students
would study are not the same
places that make headlines in
international news.
I have full confdence in
their (the students) safety. They
are not going to places you see
on CNN, Lewis said. Theyre
not studying in Gaza or the
West Bank.
Satchell also said the dangers
in Israel and other countries
with travel warnings were dif-
ferent from Martins experience.
Many of the warnings are in
place because of terrorism or in
the case of Uzbekistan, a politi-
cal coup.
Johnson also said that be-
cause other schools let their
students go, it was only fair
for the University to do the
They need to take their
own stance, Johnson said. If
they see their students want-
ing to be there, they need to
make it happen. Its the stu-
dents right and choice.
Johnson and students inter-
ested in studying in Israel are
working on a proposal to the
study abroad program.
The proposal is a waiver for
students to sign that would al-
low them to study in Israel on
the grounds that if something
happened to the student, the
University would not be held
Other attempts to lift the ban
have been unsuccessful thus far.
Students attempted lifting the
ban by creating a petition.
According to Satchell and
Study Abroad Director Su-
san Gronbeck-Tedesco, a few
years ago a student had con-
tacted Congressman Dennis
Moore (D-Kan.), who later
agreed with the Universitys
stance. Satchell said the Uni-
versity policy was unlikely to
I doubt the policy will
change. Its been that way for
years, Satchell said.
Lewis said he thought that
the situation in Israel was
improving, and that the Uni-
versity would recognize the
demand to study abroad in Is-
rael was too great to continue
barring students from attend-
ing college in the Middle East
Were optimistic theyll al-
low study abroad in Israel,
Lewis said.
With the removal of Israeli
residents from the West Bank
and Gaza during the past few
weeks, these students hope
tensions will decrease in the
area, thus allowing travel re-
strictions and warnings in
the area to be removed and
removing the ban on study
abroad in Israel.
I hope it (Israeli removal)
will decrease attacks in the
area, Rabinowitz said. Most
of Israel is already very safe.
Most the attacks were in the
West Bank or Gaza, so hope-
fully the security risk will go
Edited by Theresa Montao
continued from page 1a
The state legislature gave the
University $140 million this fs-
cal year.
Last year, state funding for
the University was $136.6 mil-
lion. In 2003-04, it was $132
million. In 2002-03, it was $131
Other Kansas universities
asked the state for more funding
to help pay increasing energy
costs, said Kip Peterson, direc-
tor of government relations and
communications for the Kansas
Board of Regents, which ap-
proves the universities budgets.
Chevron, the natural gas
company the University uses,
guarantees a discount on natu-
ral gas prices because the Uni-
versity did a study three years
ago to make campus more en-
The University spent $18 mil-
lion dollars on upgrading buildings
by installing lower-wattage bulbs
and putting solar flm on windows.
Solar flm decreases sunlight while
still letting enough in to have natu-
ral light in the room. The flm also
reduces the amount of energy that
gets into the room, keeping it much
Still, the improvements did
not lower energy costs enough
to cover the Universitys utility
For the 2003-04 school year,
$1.9 million was set aside for
utilities, but the University spent
$2.8 million when the cost for
natural gas was $5.25 per 1,000
cubic feet.
We were $700,000 in the
hole, Eakin said.
In 2004-05, utility costs
continued to exceed the bud-
get. The price per 1,000 cubic
feet of natural gas went from
$5.25 to $7.10, a 40 percent
increase. The University bud-
geted $2 million, but spent
$3.1 million.
In the same e-mail, from the
offce of the provost, the pro-
vost asked faculty and staff to
start conserving energy. Some of
the conservation alternatives for
this winter include maintaining
occupied rooms at 69 degrees,
turning off equipment that does
not automatically shut off and
cutting hot water from some
Gaby Souza contributed to this
article. Edited by Kellis Robinett
continued from page 1a
All of the other formulas, he
said, were just nonsensical frag-
Marie Hampton, Lawrence
junior, saw the drawings Satur-
day evening. She was the frst to
report the matter to the Black
Student Union at the groups
meeting Sunday.
Hampton said she was upset
about the repeated use of the
word nigger in the phrases.
This raises awareness that
racism still exists, Hampton
said. It hits close to home.
Page said he could not com-
ment on whether he thought the
graffti was negative without fur-
ther information. Nonetheless,
he said the incident provided an
educational opportunity for the
entire campus community.
It reminds us that we cannot
become too comfortable on our
campus when it comes to issues
of oppression because interpre-
tation is diverse, Page said
Kasey Cullors, Wichita sopho-
more and vice president of pub-
lic relations for BSU, said the
group would discuss the issue
at its meeting tonight and how it
shows racism is still evident.
Edited by Ty Beaver
The state legislature
gave the University $140
million this fscal year.
Last year, state funding
for the University was
$136.6 million. In 2003-
04, it was $132 million.
In 2002-03, it was $131
It reminds us that we cannot become too
comfortable on our campus when it comes to
issues of oppression because interpretation is
Robert Page
Director of Multicultural Affairs
News Tuesday, OcTOber 4, 2005 The uNiversiTy daily KaNsaN 5a
Free for All callers have 20 seconds to speak about any topic
they wish. Kansan editors reserve the right to omit comments.
Slanderous and obscene statements will not be printed. Phone
numbers of all incoming calls are recorded.
Call 864-0500
I think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie should make a
porno together, because thatd be hot.

Hey, I lost my voice. Can you even understand me?

Who the hell is writing this weed article? No ounce

ever cost $1,200, and smoking does not take you to a
another place that youve never been.

I dont think James Foley has ever even

seen weed in his life.

Why is it that every single hot girl on this

campus smokes? It is such a turn off.

Come back, wolf-man. KU needs you!

Im skipping class so I can give blood.

Does the karma cancel itself out?

The smokers are feeling all of my fresh air!

Im giving blood so I can help people!

And so I can get drunk off of two beers.

Siegfried and Roy met at a frat party.

Shout out for my peeps.

I just heard Bill Bennett say on the radio,

Its true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you
could - if that were your sole purpose,
you could abort every black baby in this country, and
your crimerate would go down.
Thats pretty messed up to say.

When Im drunk, I can predict the future.

I just walked by a guy with a pink iPod, and thats hot.

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Make Calcu-less mistakes
Teach for America: Does it make the grade?
By the time children growing
up in low-income communities
are 9 years old, they are already
three grade levels behind 9-year-
olds in high-income areas.
This means that there are
children who are barely able to
read Sesame Street books who
should be able to read Harry
Even more alarming is that
students in low-income commu-
nities, by virtue of where they
are born, are seven times less
likely to graduate from college
than their more-wealthy peers.
Teach For America believes
that ending this educational in-
equity must be our generations
civil rights movement.
Teach For America recruits
the top students from all elds.
These students are leaders who
have the qualities to excel as a
teacher despite immense chal-
lenges and will ultimately as-
sume great inuence in our
We have seen it proven time
and again that the teachers who
are able to move their students
to the greatest academic heights
are those with determination
and drive.
It doesnt matter what stu-
dents major is. On average,
Teach For America corps mem-
bers, of whom only 1 percent
are education majors, make
more than 10 percent more
growth than other new teachers
(as stated in the CREDO survey,
The impact of Teach For
America teachers is even more
clearly shown by the fact that
74 percent of all principals of
Teach For America corps mem-
bers surveyed stated that they
were more effective than tradi-
tional new teachers, and 63 per-
cent went as far as to say they
were more effective than all of
the teachers at their school.
We want the Universitys
outstanding seniors to join our
movement; The children in the
communities we serve need and
deserve you to.
This year, 3,500 corps mem-
bers are affecting the lives of
more than 300,000 students.
During their two years, corps
members gain the insight and
experience to become more ef-
fective leaders in the movement
to end educational inequity
and become lifelong advocates
of change within their chosen
eld, whether it is education,
medicine, law, business or sci-
For those of you who want to
ght for social justice, it is im-
portant to remember that you
cannot make important changes
if you dont know exactly what
the problems are.
Corps members serve as full-
time, paid teachers throughout
the country in San Francisco,
Chicago, Miami, Washington,
D.C., rural North Carolina and
more than a dozen other loca-
As a KU student, you are priv-
ileged with an excellent educa-
tion that has and will continue
to open doors for you.
Many of you were also privi-
leged growing up to have dedi-
cated teachers that instilled you
with the basics and a strong
foundation for future learning.
Every child deserves this type
of education, and now you have
the ability to help provide it to
those who may not otherwise.
Some of you have experi-
enced the unequal conditions
that exist in many urban and ru-
ral schools rsthand.
Now you know better than
anyone how vital a good educa-
tion is and you have the ability
to provide it to others in this
similar circumstance.
Your education says youre
able; you have to decide that
youre willing.
We will have KU alumni
and Teach For America corps
members and alumni coming
to campus to speak about their
experiences during the coming
months. If youre even slightly
interested, please come to one
of these events.
After 15 years, Teach For
America is even more commit-
ted than ever to our mission.
Weve seen that educational
disparities do not need to exist,
but to truly reach the day when
where youre from doesnt deter-
mine your educational outcome,
we need the most committed
and exceptional among you to
step up and lead our efforts.
Stephanie Craig
Edmond, Okla., senior
in English and economics.
Kevin McKenzie
Salina senior in political
science and American
Note: The following article will
not teach you how to cheat. Cheat-
ing is wrong and despicable. Those
who do it take value away from ev-
eryone elses GPA.
Math has always been one of the
toughest subjects for college stu-
The class toughness is increased
because it has nothing at all to do
with what most of us are studying.
Why on earth do we need to
take any math classes if were study-
ing underwater basket weaving,
competitive lawn-gnome tossing or
something equally as useless, such
as political science?
But, because we are forced to
take these classes, it makes sense
that we should get an A in them
and not just any A, a 100-percent
A. To do this you can do one of
two things.
First, you could study long hours
into the night to make sure you can
integrate and nd the derivative of
every type of formula your teacher
might throw at you on a test.
Or you can gure out how to get
the correct answer on your TI-83
calculator so that you can always
check your answer and make sure
youre correct before turning in your
The rst option might take time
away from your late-night Bible
study groups or tutoring little chil-
dren at Big Brothers/Big Sisters so
the second option is the choice that
we must go with as socially-con-
scious individuals who desperately
want to use our time to grow our
knowledge of religion or help chil-
dren learn.
The rst trick: Integrate anything
on your calculator. Hit the y= but-
ton in the top left of your calcula-
tor, then enter in whatever formula
youd like to integrate into the Y1
Exit out of that screen, then press
the math button on your calculator
and hit 9 to get fnInt( to appear on
your screen. Press the Vars button
then and hit the right arrow once to
move into Y-functions, choose y1
and hit enter.
Type a comma then an X, an-
other comma and then your lower
bound, and another comma and
your upper bound then hit enter
and voila!
Your problem will be integrated.
So, if you were to integrate your
function from 0 to 10 it would
look like this before you hit enter:
fnInt(Y1, X, 0, 10).
The second trick: Check any de-
rivative on your calculator.
Go back into the y= screen and
go all the way down to Y6, then hit
the math button and hit number 8
to put nDeriv( into the formula
After that, go back into the Vars
button and put in Y1 then a comma
and an X and another comma and
an X. So, it should look like this:
nDeriv(Y1, X, X).
Now simply put whatever for-
mula you want to nd the deriva-
tive for in the Y1 line and what you
think the derivative is in the Y2 line
and you can check your answer by
going to the table (hit the 2nd button
then the Graph button) and making
sure that the numbers under Y6 and
Y2 are equal.
These are two neat tricks that will
make sure that you know if your an-
swer is correct and should guaran-
tee you an A in the class.
Make sure that you always show
your work though as math teachers
are infamous for their dislike of writ-
ing only the answer.
Portillo is Kansas City, Kan. ju-
nior in accounting and electrical
We agree with the propa-
ganda put forth by Teach For
America (TFA): the state of
education in this country is
pitiable and in serious need
of passionate, dedicated and
knowledgeable professionals.
We disagree, however, in
how to fix to this problem.
Teach For America is simply
not the fix-all solution that it
purports to be.
Look first to TFAs struc-
ture. To begin, the sum total
of training for TFA corps is
comprised of six courses dur-
ing five weeks, compared to
between two and four years
of vocational training in a tra-
ditional school of education.
Accepted applicants then
teach in a rural or urban
school for two years upon
completion of little more
than this month of intensive
TFA neglects the fact that
successful educators are not
Rather, a combination of
pre-professional training, in-
class experience and profes-
sional development creates
effective teachers.
Teaching builds upon itself,
and takes years to master. A
two-year commitment adds
little, if anything, to the pro-
fession as a whole.
You would never propose
a mere two-year commitment
to any other profession and
expect to be taken seriously.
Educators continually
struggle to be recognized as
the professionals that they
are. TFA undermines these ef-
forts by suggesting that their
specially-trained college
graduates can outperform ful-
ly licensed and trained pro-
fessional educators in a mat-
ter of two short years.
There is no such thing as
Neurosurgeons for America
for a reason.
TFA claims 74% of all
Principals of Teach For Amer-
ica corps members surveyed
stated that they were more
effective then traditional new
TFA features a strong sup-
port network that is unavail-
able to the average beginning
The National Education
Association cites lack of sup-
port as the number one obsta-
cle first-year teachers face.
If TFA was truly committed
to reform, it would provide
non-exclusive support to all
first-year teachers, not simply
their corps members.
Furthermore, many stu-
dents who are attracted to
this program view TFA as a
two-year volunteer opportu-
This attitude does not re-
flect the necessary commit-
ment to long-term reform
which education so badly
needs. A true commitment to
education is pursuing teach-
ing as a lifelong career.
The single most important
issue in this country today is
education, and we need well-
prepared, passionate lead-
ers who are in it for the long
TFAs intentions are noble;
yet do not adequately address
the problems surrounding ed-
ucation today.
If you are passionate about
leading educational reform,
we applaud you.
Prove your genuine com-
mitment to the causethe
KU School of Education is
accepting applications for fall
admission to the Teacher Ed-
ucation Program until Febru-
ary 1, 2006.
Elaine Jardon
Overland Park junior in
secondary English and
Spanish education.
Ryan Good
Overland Park senior in
American studies, English,
and geography.
On the same day (Sept. 30) that the Kansan ran a
story on needed maintenence tasks that the Univer-
sity is deferring for lack of money, the Lawrence Jour-
nal-World disclosed that the University paid $89,000
for a new logo similar to the one that cost Kutztown
University in Pennsylvania a mere $20,000.
Meanwhile, the KU Libraries are throwing out
books in dumpsters, the Provost is resigning on sur-
prisingly short notice and for the rst time that I re-
member, the registrar screwed up the fall nal-exam
schedule. Contrary to the apparent motive for the
new logo, the Universitys identity isnt hard to de-
ne. This is Klutztown University!
William O. Scott
Professor of English
Kansas blew it on new logo
Hey GDI's, don't be pissed
because you didn't make the cut.

The picture of the provost eating Chik-Fil-A is the

funniest thing I've ever seen in the Kansan.

Ill get ve bonus points if you put this in, and I just
failed my last test, so I could really use your help.

Thank you, Michelle Goodrick, for saying

what all women on campus wanted to say.

Youd think that if you were going to put a

hand on the cover of Jayplay, it wouldnt be
covered in hangnails.

I am so hot for Eric Jorgensen right now.

You know why the Rhombus House is

constantly in the Free for All? Because all you
GDIs so badly want to be in a fraternity.

I only have $5 in my pocket.

Hey, Jayplay, you guys need

to get a new movie reviewer.

Michelle Goodrick is my hero.

Milk Duds just arent that exciting.

The name says it all.

Im pretty high right now, and I was wondering

if you guys want to switch legs.

Free for All, I challenge you to a dance-off!

Anytime, anywhere.

Some kid from my town got arrested.

I always thought Id be the rst one from
my town to get arrested.

Its my birthday and Ill cry if I want to. Or Ill get

drunk if I want to. Yeah, that sounds like more fun.

This is the rst time Ive called you sober.

Arent you proud of me?

I dont have anything to say.

Free for All, what would you know?

Youre just a virgin who cant drive.
Matthew Sevcik/KANSAN
Application deadlines are
Oct. 30 and Feb. 17.
Info Session with KU
Alum and 2003 Teach
For America Corps
Member Jessica Risley
Tues Oct 4 at 7 pm
Jayhawk Room of the
Kansas Union
t horoscopes
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2005: You discover
that your efforts are sometimes
futile, but not because of a lack of
imagination or determination on
your part. This year, your endur-
ance might be tested more than
in the past. Focusing on your
long-term goals will help you move
through different situations. Cre-
ativity is your strong suit, and as a
result, your income will increase
as long as you are not changing
fields or overspending. If you are
single, you might be a bit pos-
sessive when you hook up with a
special person. Often, this person
could go on a tirade. That behavior
has to do with him or her, not you.
If you are attached, be easygoing
with your partner. He or she might
want to redefine parts of your
relationship. Scorpio helps you
make money.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
HHH Dont buck the trends. Key
discussions today will probably need
to happen again. You might only be
adding to your frustration. Investigate
and evaluate, but take no major ac-
tions. Tonight: Listen to a key friend or
loved one.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
HH Though you have lots of
energy, you still might need to redo
a project or anything you do right
now. Perhaps you could relax or
get some exercise. Play it low-key
for now. Tonight: Respond to a call
or an invitation.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
HHHH You are up for a key talk, be it
about a personal matter or a creative
project. Though you are a sign that
communicates well, you will have
to repeat key discussions right now.
Dont assume that someone is getting
the gist of your message. Tonight:
Lounge around.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
HHHH If you want to handle a
domestic or investment situation,
postpone it for a day. You might not
hit a home run right now, but in-
stead get thrown out of the game.
Tonight: Allow your imagination to
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
HHH You might think you are quite
direct and concise, and you might be.
The problem might be your audience
and their lack of ability to concentrate
right now. Instead, return calls; send
out memos; catch up on errands.
Tonight: Mosey on home.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
HH Be careful with any decisions,
situations or actions that could impact
your fnances. Postpone anything hav-
ing to do with this segment of your life,
if you can. Later in the day, make calls
and schedule a get-together. Tonight:
Talk to a close relative.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
HHHH Sometimes your words fall on
deaf ears. Such is the case now. Even
if someone shakes his head as if he
understands or is in agreement, dont
count on not having to address the
issue again. Be careful when dealing
with an associate. Tonight: Order in.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
HH The lower your profle, the better
off you are right now. You might hit a
logjam if you try to move a situation
or project ahead. Even if it looks like
you made progress, you might have
a backfre later. Relax. Tonight: Nap,
then go out on the town.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
HHH Use the daytime to catch up on
news or to network. You might have
some spare energy that you want to
plug into a project. Careful, because
you could make a mistake or trip up.
Focus on others. Tonight: Why not an
early bedtime?
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
HHH Your leadership skills can only
be enhanced by your creativity. The
problem lies in that others simply dont
get it right now. Relax and take it easy.
Do as much as you can by yourself.
Tonight: Friends surround you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
HHH Taking an overview might be
tough with someone, or an issue might
invade your thoughts. Still, you can do
it. Imagine what it would be like to be
the other person involved. Empathy
and understanding will save the day.
Tonight: Call or visit with an older rela-
tive or friend.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
HHHH Work with others, knowing
that anything can change, even if you
think you have reached a solid deci-
sion. Dont worry, but try to absorb as
much as you can about where others
are coming from. Tonight: Seek solu-
tions rather than wallow in problems.
The Stars Show the Kind of Day Youll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Diffcult
Greg Griesenauer/KANSAN
t damaged circus
t peNguiNs
t Fresh times
t FaNcY comiX
Doug Lang/KANSAN
Steven Levy/KANSAN
Andrew Hadle/KANSAN
PARIS - Jane Fonda can-
celed plans to attend a pre-
miere of a documentary about
her former husband Roger
Vadim in southern France
because of hip and back prob-
Karine Lyons, a spokeswom-
an for the French Riviera resort
of Saint-Tropez, where the
screening was to be held Mon-
day night, said fying to France
had left Fonda with hip and
back pain. Lyons said Fonda,
67, had previously undergone
a hip operation.
Philippe Aubert, producer
of Vadim, This Billionaire of
Happiness, said the actress
was expected to attend a sec-
ond showing of the 90-minute
documentary tonight in Paris.
Fonda was married to Vadim
from 1965 to 1973. He died in
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES Oscar-win-
ning actor Nicolas Cage is a
new father.
His wife, Alice Kim Cage, gave
birth Monday to a boy, Kal-el
Coppola Cage, in New York City,
said Cages Los Angeles-based
publicist, Annett Wolf. No other
details were available.
Cage is a nephew of flm-
maker Francis Ford Coppola.
The couple married in July
2004. It was the third marriage
for Cage and the frst for his
new wife. He was previously
married to Lisa Marie Presley
and actress Patricia Arquette.
The Associated Press
Hip, back problems
halt actress plans
Actor Nicolas Cage
welcomes baby boy
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Amy at 785-832-0101
Get Paid To Drive a Brand New Car!
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4-5 BR house, 2 BA, whirlpool tub, wood
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Subs, salads, wraps & sushi 10% dis-
count for students wi th student ID.
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785-691-5794 $1100. Two months
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3 BR, 2 BA Townhome FOR RENT, near
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3 BR townhomes avail. now. Brighton Circle
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PETS. 841-4785.
Newly remodeled 1, 2 ,3 BR available
immediately. Rent specials. 841-7849.
4 BR + office house next to campus. 1628
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entertaining. Avail. Sept. 1. 423-1223.
Roommate wanted. Prefer quiet student,
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$425/month incl. util. W/D. Call 691-9848.
9 BR, 4 BA. 1232 Ohio. Accommodates
15 residents. $4,365/mo. 1 block from
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Stop Renting! Buy!Awesome foreclosure.
onl y $3,900! Must see! Li sti ngs
800-385-4006 ext G340.
Data Handler
The University of Kansas Center for Re-
search on Learning Div. of Adult Studies
has a student hourly position opening for
a Data Handler. For more information
and to apply please visit:
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Classifieds Policy: The Kansan will not knowingly accept any advertisement for
housingor employment that discriminates against any personor groupof persons based
on race, sex, age, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or disability. Fur-
ther, theKansan will not knowinglyaccept advertisingthat is inviolationof Universityof
Kansas regulationor law.
All real estate advertisinginthis newspaper is subject tothe Federal Fair HousingAct
of 1968whichmakes it illegal toadvertise any preference, limitationor discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an
intention, to make any suchpreference, limitationor discrimination.
Our readers are hereby informed that all jobs and housing advertised inthis newspa-
per are available onanequal opportunity basis.
By Jenna Fryer
The AssociATed Press
Favre showed he still has some
Monday night magic just not
enough to prevent the Green
Bay Packers from getting off to
their worst start in 17 years.
Favre threw four touchdown
passes but couldnt overcome
two early turnovers that the
Carolina Panthers used to build
a big lead and then held on for
a 32-29 victory.
The Packers fell to 0-4 for the
frst time since 1988.
Rallying Green Bay from a
19-point third-quarter defcit,
Favre threw two touchdown
passes and for two 2-point con-
versions in the fourth quarter
and had the Packers in position
to possibly win the game on
their fnal drive.
But with running back Ah-
man Green on the sidelines
with an injured knee and no
timeouts left, Favre had to do it
all on his own when Green Bay
got the ball back with 1:58 to
play. He completed two passes
before Carolina (2-2) stopped
the Packers on a fourth-and-2.
Favre threw the ball to Don-
ald Driver past the frst down
line but Chris Gamble knocked
the ball out of his hands and it
fell incomplete.
Favre, a 15-year veteran and
future Hall of Famer who is
possibly playing his fnal sea-
son, stood alone at the 44-yard
line. Soon, Carolina tight end
Kris Mangum, a fellow Missis-
sippian, walked over and pat-
ted the dejected Favre on the
helmet. Mike Wahle, the left
guard who spent seven seasons
protecting Favre before signing
with Carolina, embraced him.
The Panthers let out a sigh
of relief after nearly giving one
Jake Delhomme threw two
touchdown passes and Stephen
Davis ran for two more as the
Panthers built an early lead and
put themselves in position to
ride out an easy win.
Perhaps thats just where Fa-
vre wanted them.
I was just praying for our
defense to get a stop, Delhom-
me said. He was awesome to-
night. Im just honored to be on
the same feld with him.
Trailing 26-7 midway through
the third quarter, Favre turned
it up a level. He led by example
on an 80-yard scoring drive,
sprinting up the middle for a
12-yard gain on third-and-8
then fnishing it off with a 26-
yard TD pass to Driver.
Favre fnished 28-of-47 for
303 yards and four touch-
downs. It was his 19th game
of four or more touchdown
passes, second to Dan Marinos
record 21.
The pass to Driver was Fa-
vres 50th touchdown pass on
Monday Night Football, second
only to Marinos 74, and it cut
Carolinas lead to 26-13.
The Panthers pushed it to
32-13 on Davis second score
of the game, a 1-yard run with
14:44 to play that gave them
what seemed to be an insur-
mountable lead.
But after a Packers punt,
Delhomme fumbled the ball
away when his arm was hit by
Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila. Green
Bay recovered and Favre made
the Panthers pay for it one play
later with a 16-yard scoring
strike to Donald Lee.
His fnest work, though,
came on the Packers next drive.
Favre was 8-of-12 on a 90-yard
drive, hitting Antonio Chatman
on a 4-yard touchdown in the
back of the end zone.
Favre threw the 2-point con-
version to Robert Ferguson
to make it 32-29 with 3:07 to
The Panthers were suddenly
hapless on offense, going three-
and-out to give the ball back to
Favre for one fnal chance.
sports tUEsday, oCtoBEr 4, 2005 thE UnivErsity daily Kansan 9a
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Te Kansan is hosting a Crossword contest
onWescoe Beach.
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You get 5 minutes to ll out as much of the
crossword you can.
Te winner gets their picture in the paper as
well as free pizza vouchers
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rd rrrrrddd crosswor o
By Doug Tucker
The AssociATed Press
a laughingstock of the league,
the Kansas City Royals naturally
spawned plenty of jokes.
Some of the best ones even
made the late-night comedy
shows and brought a chuckle to
Allard Baird, who found laughs
hard to come by as general man-
ager of the worst team in the
Losses bother me, Baird
said. Jokes do not. The losses
were tough.
Tough, but abundant. The
Royals of 2005 grittily sticking
to a no-pain, no-gain rebuilding
campaign fnished 56-106, an
all-time low in the 37-year his-
tory of a once-proud franchise.
They suffered through a team-
record 19-game losing streak
while dropping at least 100
games for the third time in four
Jose Lima (5-16), the worst
pitcher on the worst team, had
an ERA of 6.99.
No one in baseball history
with at least 30 starts ever had
one higher. Runelvys Hernan-
dez (8-14) led in victories de-
spite going 0-5 with a 9.15 ERA
in his fnal nine starts. Its the
lowest club-leading total the
Royals ever had.
And what about that unbe-
lievable rally by Cleveland?
Only two other visiting teams in
baseball history ever scored 11
runs in the ninth inning.
Baird insists, however,
that things are fnally turning
around. Phase I of his long-term
reclamation project is com-
plete, he said, with the arrival
of young players such as catcher
John Buck, third baseman Mark
Teahen, shortstop Angel Berroa
and pitchers like Zack Greinke,
Mike MacDougal, Mike Wood
and Hernandez.
Promising but inconsistent,
they all struggled at times. Most
were hurried through the minors
and sometimes foundered while
learning on the fy.
People ask who our best
prospects are. Theyre here.
Theyre right here, Baird said.
Now we have a core group
we feel are ready to move into
the big leagues next season that
were already here.
Next comes Phase II add-
ing some veterans and free-
agent fnds to complement the
developing youngsters.
Thats when we start look-
ing for more results, Baird
said. We had this year to go full
steam ahead. Next year were
in that next phase where were
looking for more results.
And Phase III?
Id like to compete in 2007,
Baird said. Thats what Ive said
all along.
Therell be more money.
Owner David Glass has said the
payroll is going up from around
$36.9 million to more than $50
million paltry to large-market
powers but an upgrade for bud-
get-conscious Kansas City.
Royals need a break
t nfL
Panthers outlast Favre magic
Carolina Panthers quarterback Jake Delhomme throws the ball as he is
hit by Green Bay Packers Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila during the frst quarter in
Charlotte, N.C., Monday. The Panthers held out for a 32-29 victory.
10a The UniversiTy Daily Kansan TUesDay, ocTober 4, 2005 sporTs
continued from page 12a
Being a part of a team like
this is indescribable, Sauer
said. We have tons of fun to-
gether off the field, but then
when it comes time to play
soccer, we work hard for each
other and against each other,
but the moment we step off
the field we are best friends
In fact, when players have
free time, they spend that time
together, too. Bush said some
of her older teammates would
spend time in her residence hall
room just to watch television.
Michelle (Rasmussen, ju-
nior midfelder) and I are into
Sweet Sixteen, Bush said, as
she broke into the MTV shows
theme song. Everybody watch-
es it.
The teams chemistry also
helps newcomers to succeed.
Kansas started four freshmen in
its last match at Iowa State. Bush
and freshmen midfelders Missy
Geha and Jenny Murtaugh have
started all 12 matches.
Everybody just helped us
ease into it and were like OK,
class doesnt matter here. You
guys are freshmen, but youre a
part of this team. It doesnt mat-
ter when you step on this feld.
Do what youve got to do and
were going to win together,
Bush said.
Karfonta said the sense of
family among the Kansas se-
niors had always been there but
seemed to have gotten stronger.
Its defnitely something that
has gotten better every year,
Karfonta said. Just like any-
thing, you have to work at it. We
all want it so we work at it.
Despite falling into a three-
game winless slump, the Jay-
hawks knew they had some-
thing unique. No amount of
talent could match the way the
team played the game together
or how they defned teamwork.
I think teamwork is know-
ing that youre going to go out
every game and bust your butt
off, not only for yourself, but
for each other, Bush said.
Its picking each other up off
the ground when youve had a
bad day. Its about each other
not about yourself.
Edited by Theresa Montao
The Kansas Athletics Depart-
ment is planning a ceremony
to honor the 1995 Aloha Bowl
championship team at the
Kansas-Oklahoma game at Ar-
rowhead Stadium on Oct. 15.
Players, coaches, support
staff and managers from the
1995 team will be recognized
at halftime. The Jayhawks fn-
ished 10-2 during that season,
setting a school record.
Members of the team are
asked to contact Pat Hender-
son with the Athletics Depart-
ment if they plan to attend the
Ryan Colaianni
By Mike Fitzpatrick
The AssociATed Press
Trying to end an 88-year
championship drought, the
White Sox need only look across
the feld to fnd hope.
After all, the Red Sox fnally
won it all. Why not Chicago?
It would be comparable if
we could ever pull this thing off;
it would be a lot of parallel lines
to what they have done, slug-
ger Paul Konerko said Monday.
Shoeless Joe Jackson, Happy
Felsch and Eddie Cicotte led
Chicago to its last World Series
title in 1917, just a few years be-
fore the famous Black Sox scan-
dal ended their major league
As these White Sox prepared
for their playoff opener against
Boston, other teams were think-
ing big, too.
The St. Louis Cardinals want
to make up for last years wipe-
out in the World Series, and the
Atlanta Braves are tired of their
annual October fops.
In the American League, Der-
ek Jeter and the Yankees havent
won it all in fve years, and thats
too long as far as theyre con-
The Los Angeles Angels have
the bullpen to get deep into Oc-
tober, and the Red Sox are hop-
ing to repeat after winning their
frst title since 1918.
Boston is the AL wild card for
the third straight season and
that might be the perfect spot
in these playoffs, which begin
Tuesday afternoon with the NL
West champion San Diego Pa-
dres playing in St. Louis.
The last three World Series
champions have been wild
cards, including the Angels in
2002. They upset New York that
year and are looking forward to
opening the rematch at home
By Doug tucker
The AssociATed Press
day after, everybody was still
blinking their eyes and wonder-
ing how in the world this hap-
How could the Kansas City
Chiefs, with what they feel is
one of the best home-feld ad-
vantages in the NFL, let a robust
18-point lead dissolve into a dis-
quieting 37-31 loss?
One part of the equation is
clearly Donovan McNabb and
the strength of a Philadelphia
team that represented the NFC
last year in the Super Bowl.
Once he got rolling, McNabb
was unstoppable, jumping on
every mistake and leading the
Eagles on a stunning 31-0 scor-
ing blitz.
But another, more painful
reason was poor execution by
the Chiefs after they seized leads
of 17-0 and 24-6.
The feeling around Arrow-
head Stadium on a gloomy
Monday afternoon was that
without four Kansas City turn-
overs, not even McNabb and
the Eagles could have come all
the way back.
Not in Arrowhead.
It was very disappointing,
said Dante Hall, who returned
a kickoff 96 yards for a touch-
down, but whose fumble during
a later return led to a Philadel-
phia score.
Its hard to swallow when
you beat yourself. Thats just
tough, tough, tough to digest
when you look back at all the
mistakes you made.
Well, it had something to do
with them. Although he was
supposedly playing with an as-
sortment of aches and pains in-
cluding a painful sports hernia,
McNabb threw for 369 yards
and three touchdowns.
Terrell Owens caught 11 balls
for 171 yards and a TD.
Coaching may also have been
a factor. The Chiefs got two
touchdown and a feld goal ear-
ly and seemed to be moving at
will. But then the Eagles adjust-
ed their defense and the Chiefs
managed only 72 total yards in
the second half until their fnal
touchdown drive.
By then, the Eagles had taken
a 37-24 lead.
The best thing that could
have happened to us in the
second half is to convert some
third downs and not turn the
ball over, said coach Dick Ver-
meil. They got 23 points off
turnovers. We had a couple of
dropped passes.
It was the second straight loss
for the Chiefs after a 2-0 start. A
slow start at Denver on Monday
night led to a 30-10 defeat.
We were down 17-0 (at
Denver) and we werent able to
come back, said tight end Tony
Gonzalez. They (Philadelphia)
were down 17-0 and the crowd
was in it, the team was in it and
we just couldnt get it done.
Roafs hamstring injury is ex-
pected to be healed in time for
the next game against Washing-
ton on Oct. 16. Also back will
be cornerback Eric Warfeld and
offensive lineman John Wel-
bourn after serving their four-
game suspensions.
Kansas City Chiefs coach Dick Vermeil looks at the scoreboard during the
game against the Philadelphia Eagles at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City,
Mo., Sunday. The Eagles beat the Chiefs 37-31.
t nfl
Chiefs fumble home match
Too many turnovers make
victory unrecoverable
looks to
end slump
Athletics Department
to honor Aloha team
t mlb
Being a part of a team like this is indescrib-
able. We have tons of fun together off the feld,
but then when it comes time to play soccer, we
work hard for each other and against each other,
but the moment we step off the feld we are best
friends again.
Afton Sauer
Junior defender
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sports tuesday, october 4, 2005 the university daily Kansan 11a
The Kansas Jayhawks will
make their second television
appearance of the season
Oct. 15 against the Oklahoma
Sooners at Arrowhead Sta-
This is the second time TBS
has aired a KU game. The frst
game on TBS was KUs 36-7
loss to Kansas State in 1982.
The game will air at 6 p.m.
Kansas will make its frst
television appearance of the
seasons on Fox Sports Network
Saturday against Kansas State.
Ryan Colaianni
K-State, Oklahoma
games to be televised
By Eric AmmErmAn
Kansan sportswriter
Kansas bowlers took their
game on the road this week-
end with both teams placing
in the upper halves of their
The Kansas mens and wom-
ens bowling teams competed
in Milwaukee at the 35th An-
nual Hammer Midwest Col-
legiate Bowling Champion-
The mens team placed sixth
out of 39 teams, and the wom-
en placed third in a feld of 19
Leading the womens team,
Natalie Bennett, Topeka sopho-
more, placed ffth overall with
an average of 191.
Chris Dilley, Overland Park
senior, lead the mens team with
an average of 195 and placed
11th overall.
Although we fnished sixth
in mens, it was a success,
bowling coach Alan Emmons
said. This tournament had a
very competitive feld.
Emmons said that both the
mens and womens teams were
capable of winning large tour-
naments and that he expected
both to be ranked in the top fve
nationally before the end of the
I felt we had good team com-
munication, and we did well
with analyzing the lanes, Em-
mons said.
Emmons said both teams
needed to improve specifc ar-
eas of play.
We need to work on differ-
ent releases, and we most need
to work on spare shooting,
Emmons said. Also, we need
to focus more on making good
shots and preparing for lane
The overall winners of the
tournament were Vincennes
University for the mens division
and California State-Fresno in
the womens division.
The bowling Jayhawks will
travel to Wichita for the Mid-
states Tournament on Oct.
Edited by Theresa Montao
t bowling
In the right lane for success
FWomens golf at Battle at the Lake, all day,
Tulsa, Okla.
FVolleyball vs. Kansas State, 7 p.m., Horejsi
Family Athletics Center
FSoccer vs. Oklahoma State, 4 p.m.,
Jayhawk Soccer Complex
FFootball at KansasState, 11a.m., Manhattan
FSwimmingvs. Minnesota, 2p.m., Robinson
FVolleyball vs. Nebraska, 7 p.m., Horejsi
Family Athletics Center
FSoftball vs. Johnson County Community
College, noon, ArrochaBallpark
FSoccer vs. Oklahoma, 1 p.m., Jayhawk
Soccer Complex
FSoftball vs. Missouri Western, 2 p.m.,
Athletics calendar
t nFl
t Mlb
By Jim SAltEr
the associated press
ST. LOUIS St. Louis Rams
tight end Roland Williams will
miss the rest of the season with
a knee injury, coach Mike Martz
said Monday.
Cam Cleeland, 30, who
played for the Rams in 2003
and 2004, may return. He was
expected in St. Louis today,
but Martz wasnt certain if
Cleeland would be ready for
Sundays game at home against
Id love to have him back on
this team. I know what he can
do. He can make a lot of plays
for us, Martz said.
Williams, a starter for the 1999
Rams team that won the Super
Bowl and back in St. Louis this
season after a four-year absence,
tore ligaments in his right knee
midway through the frst quar-
ter in Sundays 44-24 loss to the
New York Giants.
He will have to have a major
repair of the knee, Martz said.
The loss sets about a con-
tinuation of musical chairs at
tight end. Williams, 30, spent
his first three seasons in St.
Louis before being traded to
Oakland prior to the 2001
season. He was with the Raid-
ers in 2001, 2002 and 2004,
with a stop in Tampa Bay in
Cleeland, meanwhile, played
for the Rams in 2003 and 2004.
He caught just seven passes for
57 yards last season, but his
touchdown catch beat Seattle
in the frst round of the play-
With Williams available in
the offseason, Cleeland was
not re-signed. Williams caught
three passes for 21 yards this
Martz said his game plan for
the Giants game had called for
running Steven Jackson behind
frequent two-tight-end sets, a
plan that ended when Williams
was hurt on a tackle by Curtis
Deloatch less than eight min-
utes into the game.
We had a lot of things we
were excited about doing that,
as soon as he was injured, were
done, Martz said.
The St. Louis Rams Roland Williams, above, goes down in the second quarter after a tackle by the New York Giants Curtis Deloatch at Giants Sta-
dium in East Rutherford, N.J. Williams suffered an injury on the tackle and left the game on a cart.
Rams scramble to fll spot at tight end
big 12 football
Texas is ranked second in
the country and is favored to
beat Oklahoma Saturday, but
Longhorns coach Mack Brown
said that wouldnt matter
much in that rivalry.
The Longhorns (4-0, 1-0)
havent beaten the Sooners
(2-2, 1-0) since 1999 Bob
Stoops frst season with the
Despite losses to UCLA and
Texas Christian, Brown said
Oklahoma would be competi-
tive against Texas.
Stoops said his teams 43-21
victory against Kansas State
couldnt have come at a better
It was great timing in that
it really gives us a boost and
momentum and confdence
coming into this game, he
The Associated Press
Texas poised to upset
Oklahoma in rivalry
By r.B. FAllStrom
the associated press
ST. LOUIS St. Louis Cardi-
nals reliever Al Reyes tore a lig-
ament in his right elbow in the
regular-season fnale and will
require reconstructive surgery,
forcing him to miss the playoffs.
Reyes, who was 4-2 with a
2.15 ERA in 65 games with three
saves, was the teams top middle
reliever and was equally tough
on right- and left-handed hit-
ters. He struck out the side with
the bases loaded to get the win
on Friday and had 67 strikeouts
in 62 2-3 innings while holding
opponents to a .177 batting av-
Al Reyes was in the middle
of any situation in the last three
or four innings when we were
trying to close out a game,
manager Tony La Russa said.
He had a great year.
La Russa said it was just an-
other obstacle for a team that
had played much of the year
without four starters and also
would be without third baseman
Scott Rolen for the postseason.
Rolen had season-ending shoul-
der surgery in August.
You make too big of a thing
of it and it sounds like How do
we win without him? and we
have to, La Russa said. Its not
important who takes his spot.
Trainer Barry Weinberg said
Monday that Reyes had not re-
ported any problems with the
elbow before the injury in the
sixth inning Sunday against the
Reds, and he left the game with
a 3-2 count on Felipe Lopez. An
exam on Monday morning con-
frmed the teams suspicions,
Weinberg said.
It was a one-pitch episode,
Weinberg said. He felt some
discomfort and knew it wasnt
The 35-year-old Reyes had
reconstructive surgery on the
elbow in 1995. The injury is
expected to sideline him for a
Its bad luck, Weinberg said.
Its horrible luck for him.
Weinberg said Jim Edmonds,
who didnt start the last two
games of the regular season
because of shoulder soreness,
would be in the lineup for the
opener of the Cardinals frst-
round playoff series against the
Padres on Tuesday.
Hes doing much better,
Weinberg said. Hell be ready
to go.
By Daniel Berk
Big 12 Conference play began
last weekend, and the North didnt
fare well, winning only two games.
Nebraska and Colorado were
the only two teams to register
victories. Kansas State lost to
Oklahoma on the road, Missouri
lost its conference home opener
against Texas, and Kansas was
unable to upset Texas Tech.
Nebraska had the closest
game of the weekend, defeating
nationally-ranked Iowa State at
home in double overtime.
Nebraska quarterback Zac
Taylor led the Cornhuskers to an
upset victory, throwing for more
than 430 yards and two touch-
downs. He was named Big 12
Conference Offensive Player of
the Week for his performance.
Taylors game was completed
in the second overtime when he
connected with running back
Cory Ross on a nine-yard touch-
down pass that proved to be the
difference as Nebraska held on
It was a total team win, Ne-
braska football coach Bill Cal-
lahan said. It was anybodys
game, and it could have gone
either way. We were fortunate to
come away with a win.
Nebraska plays Texas Tech
at home next weekend and will
look to improve to 2-0 in con-
ference play.
Callahan commended the
Kansas defense for its efforts
against Texas Tech and said he
knew it would be tough to shut
down Texas Tech quarterback
Cody Hodges.
Colorado is tied with Ne-
braska at the top of the North
division after a 34-0 pounding
on the road against Oklahoma
It was Colorados frst road
victory against a team from the
South since the 2001 season,
when it defeated Oklahoma
Though it was only the frst
game, Colorado football coach
Gary Barnett said the confer-
ence season could not have
started better for the Buffaloes.
Whoever wins the North
division is going to have to
win road games against South
teams, Barnett said. It is al-
ways big to win on the road, and
this was no exception.
Colorado returns home this
weekend to face Texas A&M,
which won its conference
opener 16-13 against Baylor at
The Buffaloes will try to go
2-0 before heading to Austin,
Texas, in two weeks to play the
No. 2 Texas Longhorns.
Kansas States 43-21 road loss
at Oklahoma could have im-
pacted Kansas chances in the
Kansas State football coach
Bill Snyder said he was upset
with the way his team played
and said the team had a lot to
work on before playing in the
Sunfower Showdown this
The OU game wasnt really
a contest. If it was, we werent
involved, Snyder said. Kansas
has developed into a good foot-
ball team, and we will have our
hands full. Before focusing on
them, we have to get our own
game fgured out.
The Kansas vs. Kansas State
game is set to kick off at 11 a.m.
Saturday and will be televised
on Fox Sports.
Missouri will try to rebound
from its 51-20 loss to Texas when
it travels to Stillwater, Okla., to
play Oklahoma State.
Edited by Ty Beaver page 12a tuesday, october 4, 2005
Mangino considers change
By ryan Colaianni
A weak performance this
weekend by a trio of Jayhawk
quarterbacks could lead to a
new face in the backfield.
After the offense struggled
to move the ball in Saturdays
30-17 loss at Texas Tech,
Kansas football coach Mark
Mangino talked Sunday about
the likelihood of using fresh-
man Kerry Meier this season.
We still think we are still in
the part of the season where
we are working with him ev-
ery day, trying
to see if he can
be ready to play
in games here
in the near fu-
ture, Mangino
We are re-
ally not to the
point where we
would say just
yet that we would absolutely
redshirt him, but we havent
made a decision.
On Saturday, senior quar-
terback Brian Luke started,
but was ineffective.
He went 13-for-27 for 109
passing yards, with a touch-
down and two interceptions.
Junior Adam Barmann was
8-for-10 for 45 yards, while
freshman Marcus Herford
went 0-for-1.
Mangino stressed that work
on the practice field this week
would be key in determining if
Meier would play this season.
Mangino said he now plans
to keep having Meier receive
repetitions during practice to
help him develop.
He said there were still a few
weeks to decide if he would put
the redshirt on Meier and that
special circumstances would
have to occur to make him con-
sider using Meier this season.
We would play him after
five or six games if we needed
to, if we felt we were in posi-
tion to compete for a champi-
onship, Mangino said.
Meier was in contention for
the starting job during training
camp this summer, but he un-
derwent a procedure just be-
fore the Jayhawks first game
to fix a heart problem. That
kept Meier out of practice for
more than a week.
Mangino said that any deci-
sion to redshirt Meier would
be discussed with the quarter-
We want him to feel com-
fortable, whether he should
play at any particularly point
in time, Mangino said.
During the Big 12 coach-
es teleconference Monday,
Mangino didnt say that Luke
would be his starter for the
game against Kansas State.
Mangino said that it would
be important for his offense to
play two halves of football.
The Jayhawks were shut
out in the first half against
Texas Tech before scoring 17
points in the second half. The
team also struggled to score
in the first half against Loui-
siana Tech.
Edited by Erick R. Schmidt
LUBBOCK, Texas The game
is called college football, but this is
more accurately a football college.
During the past fve years, Texas
Tech has undergone a nearly $90
million renovation of its football
facilities and the surrounding area.
The result is top-notch facilities
that would impress any recruit. At
Kansas, Mark Mangino has spent
the past two years lobbying for a
similar, $40 million facility.
But Texas Techs expansion
has come at another cost. The
neighborhood across the street
from the stadium has been bull-
dozed to make room for a ho-
tel. More land has been cleared
nearby to make room a highway
that will run from Interstate 27
directly to the stadium.
The next time Mark Mangino
or Lew Perkins say Kansas needs
new football facilities to compete,
remember that keeping up with
the Joneses or the Jones SBC
Stadium comes with a cost.
Perkins has handled the issue
commendably, assuring students
and staff that the building will
not have an effect on graduation
ceremonies that take place on
the hill. At some point, however,
the demands of a top-25 football
team come in direct confict with
those of a college community
like the one in Lawrence.
Currently, the football team
has to take a bus from the offces
in Anschutz Sports Pavilion to
Memorial Stadium to practice.
When the fnal $22 million is
raised for the $40 million facility,
a site will have to be chosen.
If the choice is a site near Me-
morial Stadium, no matter the
exact location, it will cause an
uproar from students and fac-
ulty. But Mangino and his staff
would likely be unhappy with
any other location.
In Texas, where football is the
state religion and the Red Raid-
ers are beginning to contend
for major bowl games, residents
are fne with devoting several
blocks of campus to football. It
also helps that the campus is on
a wide-open piece of land.
At Kansas, Mangino has none
of these luxuries. He coaches in a
city where the frst basketball prac-
tice will be televised, but the frst
conference football game was not.
Lawrence residents claim to
want a successful football team,
but only in the same way that you
want a clean bedroom. Itd be nice,
but you dont want to expend any
effort to make it happen.
Perkins is committed to mak-
ing the Jayhawks a consistently
good football team, and Mangi-
no is the right man for the job.
Once he is provided with the
right tools, he should be able to
compete for the same caliber of
players as Texas Tech.
Right now, Lawrence residents
want it all. They want a big-game
atmosphere on Saturdays and a
chance at going to January bowl
games. They also want the area
around Memorial Stadium to re-
main untouched, giving football
a small corner of campus but
keeping everything else intact.
It doesnt work both ways.
Schools like Texas Tech have
raised the bar, and it wont be
lowered anytime soon. There is
a cost to being on top, and right
now its one that most Kansas
fans arent willing to accept.
Thats why the Jayhawks will
continue to play college football
while Texas Tech is a football
F Phillips is a Wichita junior in
MiChael phillips
has price
By alissa Bauer
While competitors focus on
their opponents, champions fo-
cus on one another.
The Kansas soccer team, re-
turning from a Big 12 Confer-
ence championship, has cap-
tured what many teams only
attempt. It has found the basis
for success, which is more im-
portant than talent, awards,
accolades and All-Americans:
team chemistry.
I think a lot of times the
difference between an average
team and an exceptional team
is team chemistry, Senior for-
ward Kimberly Karfonta said,
We work at it because we are
a family.
Although accurately measur-
ing team unity may be diffcult,
freshman forward Jessica Bush
said she noticed differences
between Kansas and its oppo-
We have very talented ath-
letes on our team, but there are
a lot of things that set us apart
from other teams, Bush said.
I dont know a lot about teams
in the Big 12, but so far, in the
games that we have played, its
our team chemistry.
Junior defender Afton Sauer
praised the coaching staff, led
by Kansas soccer coach Mark
Francis, for contributing to team
Even our team chemistry
with the coaches is big, Sauer
said. We have a very good re-
lationship with our coaches that
most teams dont have. Coach
has opened up his own family to
us, and that is something really
special, and that you dont see
in other programs. His family is
our family.
The soccer women may have
a bond to rival other Kansas
teams as well.
Im not really sure, but if
other teams are like ours Id
be really shocked, Bush said.
Were all really good friends,
and its just kind of rare that you
see that.
Sauer said despite their tight
bonds, team members pushed
each other to improve every
We never go easy in practice,
so this makes our team even bet-
ter on game days, Sauer said.
We know each others limits. It
shows on the feld that we are
willing to work for every single
person on the team.
see TOGeTHeRNess ON paGe 10a
Nebraska quarterback Zac Taylor throws against Iowa States Tim Dobbins in
Lincoln, Neb., Saturday. Taylor completed 36 of 55 passes for 431 yards on a day the
Huskers all but abandoned their running game. He set school records for comple-
tions and yards. Nebraska defeated Iowa State in double overtime, 27-20.
North left in cold in conference openers
t big 12 football
t dancing nachos
Kansan fle photo
Senior forward Kimberly Karfonta moves the ball past Missouri State sophomore defender Megan Beebe Aug. 31.
Karfonta made her frst career start this weekend in Lincoln, Neb., during the game against the No. 25 Cornhuskers.
Togetherness, on and off the feld
t soccer
Coach may use redshirt freshman to spark offense
I think a lot of times
the difference between
an average team and
an exceptional team
is team chemistry. We
work at it because we
are a family.
Kimbely Karfonta
Senior foward

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