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YPA0 sound oLinisaLion for auLonaLic seaker seLu

Audio inuL assiqn caauiliLy for R0Ml and cononenL video inuL
AuiliLy Lo chanqe R0Ml lnuL while in SLanduy !hrouqh node
iPodjiPhone conaLiuiliLy wiLh oLional Y0S-12 bniversal 0ock
Wireless connecLion for iPodjiPhone wiLh oLional Yl0-W10
8lueLooLh A20P} conaLiuiliLy wiLh oLional Yanaha 8lueLooLh Wireless Audio
Peceiver Y8A-10
iPodjiPhone sonq LiLles dislayed in Enqlish and WesLern Euroean lanquaqes on Lhe
fronL anel and on-screen dislay
0ialoque LifL
Audio 0elay for ad|usLinq Li-Sync 0-260ns}
PreseL renoLe uniL
8ackqround video feaLure for Luner and bS8 only}
Surround Realism
R0 Audio decodinq wiLh ClhEMA 0SP 80 17 0SP roqrannes}
Conressed Music Enhancer wiLh ClhEMA 0SP
virLual Presence Seaker funcLion for ClhEMA 0SP 80 surround wiLhouL FronL
Presence Seakers
AdaLive 0PC 0ynanic Panqe ConLrol} and AdaLive 0SP Level
SlLEh! ClhEMA and virLual ClhEMA 0SP
Versatile Zone Control
Zone 2 onjoff and conLrol on fronL anel
Zone slee and sysLen slee
PenoLe inuLjouLuL
Proqrannaule +12v Lriqqer ouLuL
Eco-Friendly Design
AuLo ower down funcLion wiLh variaule Line seLLinq
Low SLanduy Power ConsunLion of 0.1 W
Low SLanduy Power ConsunLion of 2.0 W R0Ml SLanduy !hrouqh node}
AV Receiver
Network AV Receiver with 6 in/1 out HDMI (3D and ARC compatibility),
iPhone app compatibility, front panel HDMI and USB connections, HD Audio
decoding with CINEMA DSP 3D, and 1080p upscaling.
Audio Features
7-channel owerful surround sound
1,060W = 160W x 7 4 ohns, 1 kRz, 0.0 % !R0, 1 ch driven [Euroean Model|}
80W = 00W x 7 8 ohns, 20 Rz-20 kRz, 0.00 % !R0, 2 ch driven}
1,060W = 160W x 7 8 ohns, 1 kRz, 10 % !R0, 1 ch driven, JEl!A}
R0 Audio fornaL decodinq: 0oluy !rueR0 and 0!S-R0 MasLer Audio; 0oluy 0iqiLal Plus
and 0!S-R0 Riqh PesoluLion Audio
0iscreLe an confiquraLion
Pure 0irecL for R0 Audio and video en|oynenL
Low |iLLer PLL circuiLry hels oLinise sound inaqinq
Assiqnaule anlifiers for ui-an connecLion
lnLelliqenL assiqnaule anlifiers for Surround 8ack <-> FronL Presence or Zone 2
Video Features
Analoque and R0Ml video uscalinq Lo full R0 1080
1080-conaLiule R0Ml: inuLs 1 on fronL} and 1 ouLuL
SuorLs 0ee Colour 80j8 uiL}, x.v.Colour, 24Rz Pefresh PaLe and AuLo
Li-Sync conensaLion
Riqh qualiLy video rocessinq wiLh recise deinLerlacinq
- MoLion adaLive and edqe adaLive deinLerlacinq
- MulLi-cadence incl. 8-2 ull-down} deLecLion
R0Ml wiLh 80 and Audio PeLurn Channel
Advanced Features
SCEhE uuLLons 80j0v0, !v, C0 and Padio}
- 0uick and sinle Lo use
- R0Ml CEC owers u conaLiule !vs and 8lu-ray 0isc" layers
heLwork funcLions
- Av ConLroller a for oeraLinq various funcLions fron an iPhone, eLc.
- Access Lo: lnLerneL Padio v!uner}: MP8, WMA
SLreaninq Services hasLer for bKj6ernany only}
Music files on PC: WAv, MP8, WMA, AAC, FLAC
- 0LhA 1.6 cerLified
FronL anel bS8 0iqiLal ConnecLion for iPod and iPhone
Advanced nulLi-lanquaqe 6bl on-screen dislay wiLh aluun arL
R0Ml fronL anel inuL for devices such as cancorders and diqiLal caneras
R0Ml CEC wiLh versaLile conLrol fron Av Peceiver renoLe conLrol
Technical Data 1
The RX-V671 offered with black,
titanium and gold finish available
in some areas.
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