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Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Bawang Merah. She lived in a small hut in Kampung Berembang with her stepsister, Bawang Putih along with her stepmother. Her father had died a long time ago. Bawang Merah was a beautiful, kind hearted and lovely girl while her stepsister was lazy and very jealous of her. Bawang Putih and her mother always bullied Bawang Merah and asked her to do all the housework. One day, Bawang Merah was washing clothes while singing her favourite song when a charming prince was hunting nearby. The prince heard the lovely voice and wondered who it was. He searched for the person who was singing, and found Bawang Merah by the river bank. Bawang Merah was shocked to see him and ran away. The prince followed her but then he realized that he had left his servants behind. He rushed back to his servants and asked them to find the girl with the lovely voice. The prince and his servants searched here and there and finally they reached a small hut. They met Bawang Merahs stepmother and asked her if she had a daughter who could sing. Thinking that she might be rewarded, she assured them that Bawang Putih was her daughter, and she was the one that they were looking for. She called out Bawang Putih to meet the prince. Without any delay, the prince asked her to sing, but she could not sing very well. The prince got angry and wanted to punish both of them. The stepmother was frightened and quickly called Bawang Merah. Bawang Merah came out with her dirty old clothes, looking untidy and scared. The prince was feeling very unsatisfied because he expected a beautiful young lady. Even so, he asked Bawang Merah to sing. Bawang Merah, who was very scared, sang her favourite song. When they heard her voice, the prince and his servants were very impressed and realized that she was the girl that they were searching for. Without any hesitation, the prince requested Bawang Merah to marry him and move into the castle. Bawang Merah, who was also fond of the prince, agreed and followed him to the castle. They lived happily ever after.

Answer all the questions 1. Where and with whom did Bawang Merah lives?

2. Why did Bawang Merahs stepfamily dislike her?

3. Do you think Bawang Merahs stepmother is a greedy person? Why?

4. What will happen if the stepmother lie to the prince?

5. Why do you think the prince marry Bawang Merah?

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think Bawang Merah will happy after her marriage with the prince?

2. If you were the prince, will you punish Bawang Putih and her mother?

3) Do you think every stepmother is a cruel mother? Why?

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