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Volume 124 Issue 85

Monday, January 30, 2012

ConCEAlEd And CArryinG

university campuses may be forced to allow firearms
rACHEl SAlyEr A bill in the Kansas House of Federal and State Affairs Committee would allow concealed carry permit holders to bring firearms onto college and university campuses. The committee heard testimony Wednesday and Thursday on House Bill 2353, introduced by Rep. Forrest Knox, R-Altoona. Under the current law, public and private buildings may prohibit entry of permit holders firearms with signs posted at every entrance, which the University currently does. According to the new bill, public places would not be able to prohibit firearms by licensed carriers unless it had adequate security measures, including security guards and metal detectors at all public entrances. The University and Kansas Board of Regents oppose the bill. The safety and security of our campus community is a top priority, Jill Jess, University Director for News and Media Relations, said. However, we at KU agree with the Board of Regents and all university police chiefs in Kansas that concealed carry on campus will not increase security and public safety. Since May 2007, 385 deaths occurred by killers with concealed carry permits, according to the Violence Policy Centers website, which updates the tally monthly. In 2010, 12,996 homicides occurred by firearms, according to the FBIs website. When comparing the two numbers, Dillon Barnes, a senior majoring in psychology from Maple Hill, Kan. thinks there is very little risk of a concealed carry permit holder abusing their firearm. There is a bad apple in every group, Barnes, a concealed carry permit holder, said. People who want to get a gun illegally will find a way to do so, whether its legal to carry a firearm or not. Barnes regularly takes his firearm with him in public, and would take his gun on campus if the bill passed. Barnes believes allowing permit holders to bring their firearms on campus would help improve personal safety. People dont know that theyre already around carriers. Because they are concealed and there hasnt been any problems with them, people dont even notice, Barnes said. On behalf of all university police chiefs in Kansas, Richard Johnson, Director of Public Safety, wrote a letter to the board of regents, stating their opposition for the bill. It is our firm belief that allowing weapons on campus would significantly increase the risk of danger and tragedy, and not make anyone safer. It should not be assumed that the limited training persons licensed to carry a concealed weapon receive, will enable them to react in a safe, reasonable, and legal manner during a volatile situation, Johnson said in his letter. Many supporters of the bill believe it is their constitutional right to carry firearms in public under the Second Amendment. However, Richard Levy, University School of Law professor of constitutional law, does not think current interpretations of the amendment call for concealed carry on campus. I dont think there is a strong argument under the law as it stands that it is required by the state to allow concealed carry in public places under the Second Amendment, Levy said. Levy said the original interpretation of the amendment was the right to bear arms for militia purposes, but in 2008 the Supreme Court ruled individuals have the right possess firearms for personal protection under District of Columbia V. Heller. The Second Amendment didnt create conceal and carry, Levy said. The Second Amendment doesnt tells us if you have the right to have the weapon on your person, or which places it is and isnt okay to have a weapon, Levy thinks if the bill passes it would be difficult to have it overturned. Following the hearings, the committee will decide to favorably recommend the bill to the house or not. A bill similar to House Bill 2353 passed the House last year, but failed to gain traction in the Senate. Governor Sam Browbacks office said he has not made a public decision on whether he would sign the bill into law or not if it passed. Edited by Tanvi Nimkar

the student voice since 1904

Jayhawks dismantle Red

Jayhawks PAGE 6
first Big 12 loss

Track and field set NCAA bests Friday night



PHoTo illUSTrATion By TrAViS yoUnG/KAnSAn


Cyber criminals may be people you know

MArSHAll SCHMidT According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, many young couples share email and Facebook passwords to show their affection. However when considering ways to develop intimacy, these couples should be using greater protection. Theyre sharing things about themselves that they shouldnt, and they should consider the long term implications of giving someone such access to their online life, said Julie Fugett, network security architect for the University and an alumna. Married for ten years, Fugett and her husband have not shared their facebook, banking, or KU ID passwords. Cyber security isnt just about credit information or social security numbers, its also about your privacy and personal information, said David Day, communications coordinator for the University. Day said that one of the simplest ways to remain secure is to keep track of personalelectronics, such as laptopstablets and cell phones. Brett Gerstenberger, information technologist for the University, said that theft of electronic devices is the most common crime on campus. Students leave their devices in the library while going to the bathroom, and they end up stolen, dents should update their comhe said. puter software regularly and install Gerstenberger also added that it anti-virus software. The University is important to lock devices when offers students free SOPHOS left unattended, and report them anti-virus software, which can be missing as soon as possible. If a downloaded at cell phone is stolen, the owner can antivirus/. Also, KU Information contact their service provider to Technology posts cyber security erase the data on the phone. tips on its facebook page, facebook. Students also need to protect com/besekure. their information on social media Gerstenberger says that taking websites such as Facebook and time to think about cyber secuTwitter. Gerstenberger said that rity can prevent the inconveniences users should regularly check their that come with cybercrime. privacy settings to limit outsiders Once its online, its online foraccess to their information. ever, Gerstenberger said. If your If you dont know a person, do identity is stolen, it usually takes not friend them, he said. forty hours of your life to recover According to Gerstenberger, your identity. another way people compromise their privacy on the internet is by Edited by Caroline Kraft clicking on suspicious links and advertisements that introduce malware to the computer. Theres no such thing as a free iPad, Gerstenberger said. Also students should not use public, unsecured computers for activities that involve personal bankaccounts and other private CHriS nEAl/KAnSAn information. the information technology office of the university says theft Finally, stuof electronic devices is the most common crime on campus.
CryPToqUiPS 4 oPinion 5 SPorTS 12 SUdoKU 4


Ku orchestra performs to drum-up support in Eutin

KU Symphony Orchestra members played a successful New Years celebration concert in the Lawrence sister-city of Eutin, Germany on Jan. 14. David Neely, the director of orchestral activities, and dean of the School of Music Robert Walzel led a small group of student musicians and singers to Eutin to play in the St. Michaels Church to an audience of nearly 350 to promote awareness and support for a coming summer collaboration. The people were great, said Christopher Cobbett, a graduate student from Boston studying opera who sang in the New Years celebration concert. They were very excited and the applause just seemed to kind of go on forever. The University orchestra last performed in Eutin in the summer of 2011, helping to save the citys annual music festival from shutting down by providing the music and performers for many of the festivals shows, according to local coordinators. Former organizers of the festival had filed for bankruptcy in the fall of 2010, which put the future of the event in jeopardy. According to director Neely, 20 orchestra musicians and 20 singers from the University are planning to attend this summers festival, where they will perform along with European student musicians in three stage productions. Basically, the hope is to, in the long term, build a real summer institute, said Neely, referring to the goal of having the Eutin summer festival become a continual boon for the University musicians. German music director Urs Theuss traveled to the University to meet with Neely for the first time in December 2011 to hold student auditions for the summer festival. Theuss will be responsible for assembling a group of European music students to form one-half of the summer orchestra and working with the KU student musicians who will make up the other half. I very much look forward to working with the students and faculty from Lawrence, Theuss wrote in an email. My goal is to have the 62nd Eutin music festival be a great success for all involved. Theuss went on to say that he hopes the 2012 season will make enough money to help stabilize

Pianist Breanna Ellison and violinist shan-Ken chien rehearse at the st. Michaels church in Eutin, Germany before the night of their performance. Ku symphony orchestra performed in Lawrences sister city for a new Years celebration.

ConTriBUTEd By JAniS PoriETiS

the festivals finances so that it may continue without issue. Edited by Nadia Imafidon


fire outside oliver Hall

Police responded to a fire on the south side of oliver Hall sunday night around 9:50 p.m. sam catir, a resident of oliver, said he used a fire extinguisher to help police put out the fire

before Lawrence Fire and Medical personnel arrived. catir said he suspected fireworks may have caused the fire. He did not see fireworks sunday night, but had seen them fly toward oliver from the direction of 19th street in the past.

Ku Public safety officers and student Housing staff at the scene declined to comment.
Ryan Schlesener


ClASSifiEdS 11 CroSSWord 4

All contents, unless stated otherwise, 2011 the university daily Kansan

Dont forget

check out Geoffrey Benzings Animals exhibit at the Kansas union Gallery from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Todays Weather

Forecasts done by university students. For a more detailed forecast, see page 2A.

HI: 68 LO: 41
Is it spring already?


moNDAY, jANUARY 30, 2012


whats the
Yesterday was Kansass 151st birthday. Kansas became a state in 1861, just four years before it created the coolest university in the country.



The UniversiTy Daily Kansan

NEwS mANAGEmENt Editor-in-chief Ian Cummings managing editor Lisa Curran ADVERtISING mANAGEmENt Business manager Garrett Lent Sales manager Korab Eland NEwS SECtIoN EDItoRS Art director Hannah Wise News editor Laura Sather Copy chiefs Marla Daniels Jennifer DiDonato Alexandra Esposito Dana Meredith Designers Bailey Atkinson Megan Boxberger Stephanie Schulz Nikki Wentling Hannah Wise opinion editor Alexis Knutsen Photo editor Chris Bronson Sports editor Max Rothman Associate sports editor Matt Galloway Sports web editor Mike Vernon Special sections editor Kayla Banzet web editor Laura Nightengale ADVISERS
General manager and news adviser

Monday, January 30
whAt: Open Mic Night whERE: The Bottleneck, Lawrence whEN: Jan. 30, 9 p.m. ABoUt: Hear what could be the next big hit. The event is 18 and up. whAt: WWE Raw Supershow whERE: Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. whEN: Jan. 30, 7:15 p.m. ABoUt: Professional wrestlers throw down at the Sprint Center whAt: Karaoke Idol: Anything But Clothes theme whERE: Jazzhaus, Lawrence whEN: Jan. 30, 10 p.m. ABoUt: Put on a costume and come out to serenade the Jazzhaus

HI: 57 LO: 35

HI: 54 LO: 35
Mostly sunny. Clouds appear overnight.


HI: 50 LO: 32

Mostly sunny. West winds of 5-10mph.

Mostly sunny. 20% chance of showers in the afternoon.

Forecaster: Jack McEnaney and Sasha Glanvill KU Atmospheric Science

Wheres my white tee?

Yup, in my white tee.

You steal my sunshine.

The weekly calendar

Tuesday, January 31
whAt: Hawks on the Hill visit to the Kansas Statehouse whERE: Olympian Room, Burge Union, Lawrence whEN: Jan. 31, all day ABoUt: Let your voice be heard by state legislators whAt: School of Business Majors Roundtable whERE: Relays Room, Burge Union whEN: Jan. 31, 4 p.m. ABoUt: Considering a business major? Find out what youre getting into whAt: Dave and Ethan: College Dating Coaches whERE: Woodruff Auditorium, Kansas Union, Lawrence whEN: Jan. 31, 8 p.m. ABoUt: Finding true love isnt easy; let these guys help

Wednesday, February 1
whAt: Scale Down Challenge whERE: Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center, Lawrence whEN: Feb. 1, all day ABoUt: Enter the competition to lose weight and you could win some big bucks whAt: February Sisters 40th Anniversary Commemoration whERE: Wescoe Hall, Lawrence whEN: Feb. 1, 9 a.m. ABoUt: Students reenact the February Sisters sit-in protest of 1972 whAt: 2012 Study Abroad Fair whERE: 4th floor lobby, Kansas Union, Lawrence whEN: Feb. 1, 10:30 a.m. ABoUt: Learn where you can go to broaden your horizons

Thursday, February 2
whAt: Workshop: Resumania whERE: Koch Commons, Summerfield Hall, Lawrence whEN: Feb. 2, 11 a.m. ABoUt: Have a professional look over your resume before you apply for a job whAt: Panel: North Korea NOW whERE: Parlors A, B and C, Kansas Union, Lawrence whEN: Feb. 2, 4 p.m. ABoUt: A discussion about North Korea, post Kim-Jong Il whAt: ELVIS LIVES whERE: Lied Center of Kansas, Lawrence whEN: Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m. ABoUt: A tribute to the king of rock and roll


Gingrich discusses ethical issues surrounding in vitro fertilization

LUTZ, Fla. Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich called Sunday for a commission to study the ethical issues relating to in vitro fertilization clinics, where infertile women receive treatment to get pregnant and large numbers of embryos are created. If you have in vitro fertilization you are creating life. And therefore we should look seriously at what should the rules be for clinics that do that because theyre creating life, said Gingrich, who opposes ASSoCIAtED PRESS abortion and says life begins at Republican presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich, speaks to the media about in conception. vitro fertilization outside the Exciting Idlewild Baptist Church, Sunday, Jan. 29, Gingrich, who is campaign- 2012, in Lutz, Fla. ing for votes in Tuesdays Florida primary, did not expand on his hope of treatments or even cures that were already in existence, proposal for a commission. His for a variety of diseases. which scientists subsequently said remarks seemed to open the posThe issue of stem cell research had been compromised. sibility of a larger federal role over has become politically charged President Barack Obama, who IVF clinics across the country than over the past decade, as scientific supports abortion rights, jetticurrently exists. technique has soned Bushs restrictions on fedStanding outadvanced. eral funding for stem cell research side the Exciting If you have in vitro F o r m e r after taking office. Idlewild Baptist President In vitro fertilization involves fertilization you are Church, where George W. creating an embryo outside a he had attended creating life. Bush, who womans body, then implanting it Sunday woropposed abor- inside the womb. Excess embryos NEWT GINGRICH ship services, tion rights, may be stored at the clinic, disRepublican presidential candidate Gingrich also signed an exec- carded, used for research or made said he opposes utive order in available to other couples. A study the use of leftover 2001 that said nearly a decade ago estimated embryos for stem cell research, federal funds could be used for there were as many as 400,000 in which advocates say offers the stem cell research only on lines existence.

Information based off the Douglas County booking recap.

A 20-year-old Lawrence man was arrested Sunday at 5:57 a.m. on suspicion

of theft of property more than $1,000, driving under the influence first offense, fleeing or eluding an officer, criminal damage of property under $1,000, reckless driving, possession of controlled substances, leaving the scene of a noninjury accident and failure to report an accident. Bond was set at $3,700.

A 22-year-old Wellsville woman was arrested Sunday at 4:10 a.m. on sus A 39-year-old Lawrence man was arrested Saturday at 12:50 p.m. on suspicion of theft of property less than $1,000 and removal of a theft detection device. Bond was set at $2,000.

picion of operating under the influence and driving without insurance. Bond was set at $600.

A 23-year-old Lawrence man was arrested Saturday at 4:51 a.m. on sus A 35-year-old Lawrence man was arrested Saturday at 2:52 a.m. on suspi A 19-year-old Overland Park man was arrested Saturday at 1:20 a.m. on

picion of criminal damage of property less than $1,000, criminal trespass, battery and harassment by phone. Bond was set at $750.

Malcolm Gibson

cion of theft of property less than $1,000 and burglary of a vehicle with intent to commit a felony. Bond was set at $2,000.

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The University Daily Kansan is the student newspaper of the University of Kansas. The first copy is paid through the student activity fee. Additional copies of The Kansan are 50 cents. Subscriptions can be purchased at the Kansan business office, 2051A Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS., 66045. The University Daily Kansan (ISSN 07464967) is published daily during the school year except Saturday, Sunday, fall break, spring break and exams and weekly during the summer session excluding holidays. Annual subscriptions by mail are $250 plus tax. Send address changes to The University Daily Kansan, 2051A Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue.

Contact Us

suspicion of criminal trespass, interference with duties of an officer and possession of others drivers licenses. Bond was set at $300.

A 26-year-old Tonganoxie man was arrested Friday at 11:11 p.m. on suspi-

cion of possession of methamphetamine precursors and possession of opiates, opium, narcotic drugs, or stimulants. Bond was set at $2,000.

A 37-year-old Lawrence man was arrested Friday at 8 a.m. on suspicion of

driving while under the influence third offense. Bond was set at $1,000.

A 35-year-old Lawrence man was arrested Friday at 5:05 a.m. on suspicion

of domestic battery. Bond was set at $500. Vikaas Shanker



Check out KUJH-TV on Knology of Kansas Channel 31 in Lawrence for more on what youve read in todays Kansan and other news. Also see KUJHs website at KJHK is the student voice in radio. Whether its rock n roll or reggae, sports or special events, KJHK 90.7 is for you. PoliticalFiber exists to help students understand political news. High quality, in-depth reporting coupled with a superb online interface and the ability to interact make PoliticalFiber. com an essential community tool. Facebook: twitter: PoliticalFiber

2000 Dole human Developement Center 1000 Sunnyside Avenue Lawrence, Kan., 66045


moNDAY, jANUARY 30, 2012 edUCATIoN


NEwS of thE woRLD


Associated Press


Police stop violent protest with force

lice fired guns and used batons on crowds of stone-throwing opposition activists in several Bangladesh towns Sunday, killing at least three people and injuring more than 100, a news report and doctors at two hospitals said. The opposition party said 1,200 of its activists were arrested, but the figure could not immediately be confirmed. The main Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its key Islamist ally Jamaat-e-Islami are demanding an independent caretaker government oversee elections. The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina scrapped the 15-year-old system last year, saying it contradicted the constitution.

Fire at rehabilitation center kills 26

LImA, Peru A fire swept
through a two-story private rehabilitation center for addicts in a poor part of Perus capital Saturday, killing 26 people and critically injuring six. The Christ is Love center for drug and alcohol addicts was unlicensed and overcrowded and its residents were apparently kept inside like prisoners, Health Minister Alberto Tejada told The Associated Press. Six men rescued from the building were hospitalized in critical condition, said Perus fire chief, Antonio Zavala. The local police chief, Clever Zegarra, said the cause of the 9 a.m. fire was under investigation. There has been talk of the burning of an object, of a mattress, but also of a fight that resulted in a fire. All of this is speculation, he told the AP. Ive been here at the scene from morning to evening but for the moment the exact cause of the fire is not known. one resident of the center on a narrow dead-end street in Limas teeming San Juan de Lurigancho district said he was eating breakfast on the second floor of the center when he saw flames coming from the first floor, where the blaze apparently began. Gianfranco Huerta told local RPP news radio station that he leaped from a window to safety. The doors were locked; there was no way to get out, he told the station.

Summit addresses technology reforms for classroom use

Blackboard as a classroom tool, but summit attendees encouraged further technological expansion. Faculty and students met The program strives to find ways last Friday to discuss improv- to use technology already at stuing technology use in University dents fingertips to change the classrooms. The meeting, called traditional classroom format. Harnessing Information and The summit also suggested Multiplying Knowledge, was setting up a high-performance the fourth summit in the Bold computing facility for University Aspirations program. researchers, increasing bandThe Bold Aspirations pro- width and incorporating more gram focuses on improving four social media strategies to enhance themes at the University: trans- classroom experience. I feel like portation and energy, informa- technology is being woven into tion technology, health and well- everything, Anrenee Reasor, being, and building and sustain- a freshman from Thayer, Kan., ing communities. It plans to use said. My econ teacher uses a the ideas from summit meetings Twitter hashtag to answer questo create a strations outside of tegic plan for class. I think most students are each. Besides parS u m m i t hungry for an interactive ticipating in attendees specifsummits, Bold analysis of information, ically proposed Aspirat ions using technol- not just regurgitating the has conducted ogy to make the information. research to classroom learnimprove ideas LeoNARd KRIS KRISHTALKA ing environment to better the Summit planning committee co-chair more hands-on U n i v e r s i t y s with critical technology use. thinking. The program has created outI think most students are lines for collaborations between hungry for an interactive analysis different departments and hiring of information, not just regurgi- additional faculty that can carry tating the information, Leonard out the programs missions. Kris Krishtalka, co-chair of the The plan over the next few summit planning committee said. years is for KU to hire 62 new facWe want classes to discuss why a ulty concentrating on the ideas in subject matters, or how to think these four summits, Krishtalka about it, instead of just delivering said. straight information. Students already use Edited by Christine Curtin

DhAKA, Bangladesh Po-

The opposition, led by Hasinas archrival former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, says elections will be rigged if held under the current government and without a caretaker system in place. Two men died from bullet wounds at a government hospital in the eastern town of Chandpur, physician Mahmudunnabi told The Associated Press by phone. They were shot by police who fired at a procession of protesters trying to march forward by breaking a police barricade, the United News of Bangladesh agency said. Separately, a youth died and four people with bullet wounds were being treated at a government hospital in Laxmipur, another eastern town, said doctor Mohammad Nizam Uddin.



U.S. hostage kidnapped by gunmen

LAGoS, Nigeria A U.S. citizen kidnapped by gunmen in Nigerias oil-rich southern delta has been freed after a week in captivity, the U.S. embassy said. U.S. embassy spokeswoman deb MacLean told The Associated Press on Friday that the man had been released after being kidnapped Ock in Warri in delta state on Jan. 20. MacLean declined to offer any other details, citing privacy rules. delta state police spokesman Charles Muka said he had not been informed about the mans release. The freed hostage was identified
as William Gregory ock, 50, of Bowdon, Georgia, by his sister, dee dee Patterson. The only thing we know is that he is safe and he is in a secure location, Patterson said by telephone. It was not immediately clear whether a ransom had been paid to secure his release, though many companies working in the region carry kidnap insurance and simply pay a negotiated price to see their employees freed. Kidnappers had made contact with authorities previously and demanded a $333,000 ransom. The attack Jan. 20 occurred outside a bank branch in Warri, one of the main cities in nations Niger delta. The gunmen attacked ock as he came outside, shooting his police escort to death before abducting him, Muka said.

A police officer stands next to a group of bodies outside the Christ is Love center for drug and alcohol addicts in Lima, Peru, Saturday. A fire swept through the private rehabilitation center for Saturday, killing at least 26 people and injuring 10 as firefighters punched holes through walls to rescue residents trapped inside.




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Please submit at: or e KU Bookstore By February 15th No Artistic Experience Needed

Because the stars know things we dont.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 Money comes in. It could be easy to spend it all on food, comfort or other sensual treats. Have some of that. Pay down a debt, and save some, too. Have it all. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 Hermit-crabbing sounds appealing. Taking care of business close to home recharges your social batteries. Get in the spotlight later. gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 8 Its getting easier to step forward. It seems so comfortable to hide out, but there are costs. Your creativity wants to escape. Cook something up. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is an 7 The conversation is rich: The revelation youd been looking for gets discovered by the group. You begin to understand. Defer gratification. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 8 Tap into abundance without spending more. Get the word out, and it goes farther than expected. Remember, loves the most important part. Be patient with someone. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 Plan a fabulous adventure. A new assignment baffles. Slow down and puzzle it out. Organize for efficiency. Theres fun ahead. Make a change for the better. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 8 Home vies with career for your attention. Consider your options carefully, including an unreasonable request. Dont worry about status. Set priorities. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 9 Youre on top of your business game. Create new partnerships and complete negotiations. You have many reasons to be happy. Your friends are there for you. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.21) Today is a 9 Entering a very busy two-day phase. Focus on the difference you can make. Expect changes in your career, and glitches in communication. Relax. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 Youd rather play for the next few days. Balance finances and romance. With some creativity, you can make it all work. Hold that carrot out on a stick. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 Build abundance with a foundation of love. Avoid going out on spending sprees. Things go smoother at home. Keep your promises, and be respectful. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 7 Youre even smarter than usual for the next few days. You can find the solution to that old problem. The assignment changes. Stand up for whats right.




PAge 4

ABBA releases first track in 18 years


STOCKHOlM Mamma Mia, here they go again. ABBA fans will soon again be saying Thank you for the music with the release of a new track on a special edition of the disbanded 70s pop groups The Visitors album. The record, including new track From a Twinkling Star to a Passing Angel, is the first official new release by the Swedish group in 18 years. universal Music Group spokeswoman Mia Segolsson said Friday that the special edition of The Visitors will be available in stores from April 23. Known for 70s and 80s hits such as Dancing queen, and Money, Money, Money ABBA have sold 400 million records worldwide.


Associated Press


Mars Denton


See Starwars: episode I theatre re-release in 3D

lOS AnGElES The George lucas universe returns to theaters on Feb. 10 when Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace opens in 3-D, and it looks like he will be using every Jedi trick to get fans into seats on opening weekend. Some of the special offers and giveaways: At all RealD theaters, Darth Maul

glasses will be handed out (while supplies last) to fans who buy tickets on the movies opening day. And now, you dont have to break them in half at the end of the movie. At all AMC Theaters, fans will get the all-new Hasbro Star Wars Fighter Pod with the purchase of each RealD 3-D ticket for Episode I, all weekend long, Feb. 10-12. The limit is one per ticket and the offer is good only while supplies last. At 10 select AMC theaters in the

u.S., starting at 11 a.m. Feb. 11, there will be special events, interactive fun and giveaways. At those sites, fans can expect a lego feature area, Darth Maul face painting, character appearances, special pod-racer 3-D glasses, a demonstration of the upcoming Xbox Kinnect Star Wars game and a Hasbro collectible toy giveaway. The movie will released first in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, los Angeles, new York, Phoenix, San Francisco. Associated Press



Israeli film earns Oscar nomination

JERUSALEM The budgets are bare-bones and the talent pool is limited, but Israel has emerged as a surprising powerhouse in the foreign film industry. The Israeli film Footnote, up for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film this year, is Israels fourth such nomination in the past five years, giving Israel more nominations during that period than any other country. Its an indication to the renaissance of Israeli cinema, which has grown from a fledgling industry with poor cinematography and low box office sales to a darling of world film festivals. Thats in spite or perhaps because of the countrys troubled international reputation, due to its lengthy conflict with the Arab world. The last three Israeli films that made it to the Oscar shortlist all mine the countrys troubles with its Arab neighbors. Beaufort, nominated in 2008, and Waltz with Bashir, nominated a year after, both explored Israeli soldiers experiences in Lebanon. Ajami, the 2010 nominee, centers on Arab-Jewish tensions in a violence-ridden neighborhood near Tel Aviv. This years nomination went to an Israeli film featuring a more internal conflict two professors of Talmud, a father and son, dueling for academic prestige and a coveted national prize. Its a badge of honor for Israel, said Moshe Edery, producer of Footnote, at a news conference after the Oscar nomination. Its Israels best business card around the world, especially these days. Israeli cinema was long an embarrassment. Cheap comic melodramas were the norm in the 1960s and 1970s. Called bourekas films the Israeli equivalent of spaghetti Westerns they dealt with ethnic stereotypes of European and Middle Eastern Jews.

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MondAy, jAnuAry 30, 2012



Communication skills are deteriorating

The art of conversation is slowly disappearing as email and text become a preferred method.
Additionally, I can post a memo on the office bulletin board and scurry away to my corner office faster than the guys from LMFAO can do the shuffle. So, Ill put up with the taunting for now. Ill watch the funny, engaging guy get the girl every time, even though hes slightly less handsome than me. Ill put off dating and friendship for a few years. I still have Chat Roulette to keep me company, even though I skip to the next person automatically when someone tries to start a conversation with me. Long story short, Im not ashamed of my condition. Okay, Im slightly ashamed of my condition. More importantly, though, Im hopeful for the future. When the rise of texting has withered away the communication skills of those around me until they are as decrepit and impersonal as mine, Ill finally be the alpha male. Ill probably even run for president. So, all the single ladies out there, put your hands up. And try to slip me your cell phone number during class so I can shoot you a text later.
Ethan Lovell is a sophomore in creative writing from Overland Park.

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Text your FFA submissions to 785-289-8351

That awkward moment when your sisters email is hacked and she sends a Canadian pharmaceutical ad for Viagra to your moms boss. Walked behind Jeff Withey on campus today. Not only does he block shots, he even blocks the sun from my eyes. #blockmaster What do you get when you cross T cells with a retrovirus? A biology majors thesis. The elevator maintenance staff for Fraser is outraged by the recent FFA posts. Dear editor: Ive always wondered... how much do you judge us for some of these submissions? Editors note: Sometimes when I read the FFAs, I lose hope in humanity. A bad TA is unintelligible. A good TA is prepared to spend extra time to ensure you understand the subject. A great TA plays laser tag with your entire lab. You can thank me for defeating the whale in Potter Lake. English majors, the gauntlet has been thrown. At dawn, WE RIDE. Nine out of 10 dentists agree that Mizzou is awful. Dear FFA editor, I love frat guys... Editors note: Youre one of the few. Girl on bus: It really does affect going out on a weeknight....well no shit Sherlock. Im a student ambassador and I explain the FFA to all my tour groups. They need to understand... Im an art major, but my back-up plan was engineering. Is it really so hard for the two to get along? Next time you hear a girl say all guys are assholes and there arent any good guys, tell her to check the friend zone. So youre 21? Explain to me again why youre at The Hawk? All the other route 43 drivers now have the mentality of If you can do it for Dan why cant you do it for me? Its because you dont sing and whistle. To whoever lost their dignity: I found it half-dead laying in the gutter next to my standards. Did you really think geology would be exciting? #captainobvious You could be the good kind of plastic surgeon. Like doing breast implants? If you hop on the back of the bus and block the entrance, I will bowl you over. I spent Friday night with my parents. It was totally worth it because I saw my mom drunk for the first time and she won $13 off a lottery ticket with her lucky dime and gave me the money. My kids just need to be attractive. I can beat intelligence into them. #ilovemyroommate The frat pack system actually seems like a great idea to me, especially on a cold days like today. #mayijoin Who else noticed the matching Nike shoes on Iowa States coaches?

dont want to sound conceited, but Im a pretty good conversationalist. Im fairly witty and sometimes even enthralling. I can hold your attention, and Im extremely tactful. Most importantly, I can personally guarantee that I will make you laugh at some point during our conversation. Unfortunately, Ill never hear that laugh. It will be sent to my phone as a series of electronic frequencies and will read either haha or lol. My powers as a conversationalist are extremely limited. They dont apply to most real world situations. Ladies, if you bring me home to meet your family, I wont be able to charm your mother with my dashing good looks and smooth compliments, and I wont be able to win over your protective father with well-told tales of my high school football glory days. But none of that matters, because I probably wont be able to win your heart in the first place, unless your favorite form of communication is texting, and you prefer the strong, silent type. Perhaps the answer for me is to seek out a long distance relationship. Maybe what I need is a blind text hook-up with the friend of a friend who goes to school in

By Ethan Lovell

Tennessee. Maybe that will give me the opportunity to show my true colors before she encounters my fatal flaw. Sure, the first time we meet in person is bound to be awkward, with me stuttering, attempting to answer her questions in a coherent manner, and attempting to hold back nervous tears. If you currently think Im all sorts of pathetic, let me explain to you the advantages of my condition. Weve entered the age of texting. Yes, verbal communication is still around, and even quite popular in some cultures, but I am the communicator of the future. As the era of face-to-face conversation dies out, I will rise from the ashes of those less skilled in the art of texting. For those of you who think I have little chance of surviving in the professional world, fear not: Im also quite skilled at emailing.

Ryan Benedick

Point, Counterpoint: Controversy surrounds parts of the recent National Defense Authorization Act
On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act. Under this law, the U.S. government can indefinitely detain people who participated in the September 11 attacks or members of terrorist organizations.


he National Defense Authorization Act has already been passed and signed into law, but one particular section is still getting a lot of attention, and rightly so. Portions of the NDAA authorize indefinite detention of suspected terrorists. The bill includes vague language that is so flexible in nature that it could be used to intern individuals who are part of movements who have some goals similar to violent terrorist organizations, but use peaceful means in order to bring about political change (Amnesty International, Jan. 5). The bill also stipulates that individuals held at Guantanamo Bay who are exonerated must be kept in custody if there is any case of detainee recidivism in the exonerated detainees country, which essentially holds each individual responsible forth exactions of another citizen of his or her country (Congressional Research Service, Jan. 11). There are no geographical limitations that prevent people from being detained far from the battlegrounds of war, which also provides possibilities for abuse. President Obama signed the bill into law with serious reservations. He had the opportunity to take a firm stance supporting human rights and veto the NDAA despite the fact that it would be overridden; but because of political pressure and the recent lack of cooperation from across the aisles he made the decisions to compromise. While I support compromise in some situations in which it awards to greater beneficial productivity, President Obama should not have compromised here. In recent days, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has been pushing support for a repeal of Section 1021 to prevent what he calls the possibility of American citizens being detained indefinitely. Regardless of whether or not the ambiguous language could be applied specifically to U.S. citizens in future administrations, repealing this section is a necessary protection of human rights. RESPONSES: (Jacobs arguments are in italics. Kellys responses are below.) This bill provides funding for Veterans Affairs, funds suicide prevention program, ensures all deployed service members receive multiple individual mental health assessments, and instructs the Department of Defense to research and report on identifying and treating post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Mr. Keplar is absolutely right. There

By Kelly Cosby
are numerous aspects of the NDAA that authorize the funding for programs indispensable for our military, particularly those for veterans healthcare and suicide prevention. The bill also addresses response to sexual assault in the military, which needs attention. That value cannot be denied If President Obama had vetoed the bill, it is likely that his veto would not have hampered any of these programs. In that sense, it would not have prevented indefinite detention at a fundamental level, either; this is because the bill likely had enough votes to override a veto. President Obamas veto still would have meant something, however, in the sense that he would have made a stronger statement about the value of protecting human rights as well as the practice of adding controversial sections to an otherwise important and passable piece of legislation, something of which individuals both parties have been guilty. The bill also provides funding for counterterrorism operations including the offering of rewards, assisting countries whose militaries are also combating terrorism, instructs the Department of Defense to assess and report on money given to Pakistan for its assistance during Operation Enduring Freedom and funds and supports special operations forces. In an ideal world, the clauses related to indefinite detention would not have any bearing on whether or not individuals stood in support or against a bill funding the military. It is important to remember that any opposition to the NDAA or support of a veto because of the indefinite detention clauses is not an anti-soldier stance or a dismissal of the value of providing our troops with important services. On the contrary, such opposition to the NDAA is in support of human rights.
Kelly Cosby is a senior in political science and English from Overland Park.

hen President Obama recently signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, criticism of his decision began immediately. Most of this criticism has been centered on only one section of the act and failed to recognize the many parts of the NDAA that are both useful and necessary. Although the war in Iraq has ended and the withdrawal from Afghanistan has already begun, many veterans and current service members still require, and will so for some time, medical care and mental health treatment. The NDAA funds the Defense Healthcare Program which provides medical services for active duty military personnel. A study conducted by the Center for New American Security and later presented to Congress showed that suicides in the military have spiked in recent years, particularly in the Army. Funds for suicide prevention programs and mental health assessment were appropriated in the NDAA. The act also instructs the Department of Defense to research and report on methods of identifying and treating post-traumatic disorder and traumatic brain injury. Military and veterans healthcare will be crucial over the next few years and the NDAA provides funding to address this issue. In last weeks State of the Union Address, President Obama reiterated Americas commitment to stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. The NDAA imposes financial sanctions against Iran, including its central bank, in an effort to place further pressure on the Iranian government. In President Obamas recently announced strategic guidance, a greater emphasis will be placed on the Asia-Pacific region. In keeping in line with the presidents new strategy, the NDAA instructs the Department of Defense to review the military capabilities of China and North Korea and report on their findings. In order to continue combatting terrorism, the NDAA funds several counterterrorism efforts including the offering of rewards for information, assisting countries who are battling terrorism in their own countries, and funding for special operations forces. The act also orders of review of money given to Pakistan for its help in Afghanistan. Bills like the NDAA are critical to provide the health care that many veterans will need. The flaws in the bill are small in number and can be addressed separately now that President Obama has signed the NDAA into law. RESPONSES: (Kellys arguments are in italics. Jacobs responses are below.) Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act includes vague language that

By Jacob Keplar
is so flexible in nature that it could be used to intern individuals who are part of movements who have some goals similar to violent terrorist organizations but who use peaceful means in order to bring about political change. It also stipulates that individuals held at Guantanamo Bay who are exonerated must be kept in custody there if there is any case of detainee recidivism in the exonerated detainees country, which essentially holds each individual responsible for the actions of any other citizen of his or her country. The possibility of abusing the powers provided by the NDAA is certainly a very valid concern. But these powers are likely to disappear as they are already being challenged. The American Civil Liberties Union vowed to fight the bill immediately after its signing. Ron Paul recently took a day out of his campaign and returned to Washington where he introduced a bill that will repeal section 1021 of the NDAA, the section that provides the government with an expansive authority to detain individuals. Even though President Obama signed the NDAA into law, he claimed he had serious reservations about the bill and signed statements promising never to use the authority given to him and his administration. President Obama had the opportunity to take a firm stance supporting human rights and veto NDAA, but because of political pressure and the recent lack of cooperation from across the aisle, he made the decision to compromise. While I support compromise in situations in which it leads to greater productivity, President Obama should not have compromised here. Between the Presidents signed statements and recently introduced legislation by Ron Paul, the authority provided by the NDAA is unlikely to ever be used. In order to pass these important pieces, politics, not common sense, included one section into the bill that provides the government with an over-reaching authority. But with the opposition to this section, it is likely that section 1021 will ultimately be repealed.
Jacob Keplar is a junior from Rosalia, KS.

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ian cummings, editor 864-4810 or lisa curran, managing editor 864-4810 or alexis Knutsen, opinion editor 864-4924 or Garrett lent, business manager 864-4358 or Korab eland, sales manager 864-4477 or

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Members of The Kansan Editorial Board are Ian Cummings, Lisa Curran, Alexis Knutsen, Angela Hawkins, Ryan Schlesener and Mandy Matney






Kansas Iowa state JayhawK sTaT lEadERs

Points Rebounds

34| 30 64 37 | 35 72


MENS BASKEtBALL REwIND Cyclones upset No. 5 Kansas

KORY CARPENtER Ames, Iowa For the second time this season, Iowa State proved to be a matchup problem for Bill Self and his Jayhawks. But unlike their pervious meeting in Allen Fieldhouse, the Cyclones used their advantage to capture a 72-64 victory in front of a sold out Hilton Coliseum crowd Saturday afternoon. In the first matchup, Iowa State out-rebounded Kansas 46-38 but lost the game, 82-73. This time around the Cyclones came out ahead in both instances. Their whole team crashed the glass, Junior forward Thomas Robinson said. And their guards are good rebounding guards. It makes them a good rebounding team. The Cyclones out-rebounded Kansas 36-23, led by sophomore forward Royce White who grabbed nine. It was a total team effort, though, as five different Cyclones players had at least four rebounds in the game as opposed to just two for Kansas: Robinson and junior center Jeff Withey. The reason they got us on the boards is because I just thought they outmanned us, Kansas coach Bill Self said. When your guards combine for four rebounds for the game and they shoot long shots, thats a bad sign. Self said he was especially impressed with junior guard Tyrus McGee, who tallied just one rebound but kept plenty of balls alive, securing extra possessions for Iowa State in the process. Kansas trailed in the rebounding department 20-13 at halftime but was down just three, 37-34 at the break. In the first 3:07 in the second half, baskets by every Jayhawk starter gave the visitors a 45-39 lead despite the rebounding woes. It was the biggest lead they would hold in the game. More Iowa State hustle shrunk the lead before the Cyclones eventually took a two-point advantage with just more than six minutes to play, which they never relinquished Self said when the team controls 70 percent of the so-called fiftyfifty balls, his team is pretty good. When they dont, they quickly turn into an average squad. We didnt steal any extra possessions today, Self said. Iowa State was much quicker to the ball than us. Iowa State coach Fred Hoiberg said he looks at rebounding as an energy stat, and Hoiberg seemed proud of holding Kansas to just five offensive rebounds as well as his plus-13 rebounding margin overall. That was such a huge key for us coming into this game, Hoiberg said. What kept us in the game down there was doing such a good job on the boards. That was such a big thing for us. Iowa State senior guard Scott Christopherson, one of just two seniors to play Saturday, was credited by White and coach Fred Hoiberg with the leadership and maturity needed for the upset. He also added four rebounds but credited his teammates for another solid effort against Kansas this season. This is the second time weve played Kansas, Christopherson said. And both games our bigs did a heck of a job against some of the best frontline players in the country. Edited by Nadia Imofiden


*all games in bold are at home Date Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 nov. 15 nov. 21 nov. 22 nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Jan. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 Feb. 1 Opponent PIttSBURG StAtE FORt hAYS StAtE tOwSON KEnTUCKY GEORGETOWn UCLA/CHAMInADE DUKE (MAUI InvITATIOnAL) FLORDIA AtLANtIC USF LONG BEACh StAtE OhIO StAtE DAVIDSON USC hOwARD NORth DAKOtA KANSAS StAtE OKLAHOMA TEXAS TECH IOwA StAtE BAYLOR TEXAS tEXAS A&M IOWA STATE OKLAhOMA MISSOURI BAYLOR OKLAhOMA StAtE KAnSAS STATE tEXAS tECh TEXAS A&M MISSOURI OKLAHOMA STATE tEXAS Result/Time w, 84-55 w, 101-52 w, 100-54 L, 65-75 W, 67-63 W, 72-56 L, 68-61 w, 77-54 w, 70-42 w, 88-80 w, 78-67 L, 80-74 W, 63-47 w, 89-34 w, 84-58 w, 67-49 W, 72-61 W, 81-46 w, 82-73 w, 92-74 w, 69-66 w, 64-54 L, 72-64 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 6 p.m. 3 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.

Player T. Robinson J. Withey T. Taylor E. Johnson T. Releford n. Tharpe C. Teahan J. Wesley K. Young totals Pts 13 10 16 10 10 0 3 0 2 64



Rebs 7 6 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 23 A 0 0 10 3 4 0 1 0 0 18 tOs 5 3 2 4 0 0 1 0 0 18


FG-FGA 3FG-3FGA 5-11 4-5 6-11 4-6 3-5 0-0 1-7 0-0 1-5 24-50 0-1 0-0 1-3 2-3 2-3 0-0 1-6 0-0 0-1 6-17

IOwa sTaTE
Player C. Babb M. Ejim C. Allen S. Christop. R. White J. Railey A. Booker T. Mcgee totals Pts 7 15 3 14 18 0 7 8 72 FG-FGA 3FG-3FGA 3-7 4-9 1-2 2-7 6-11 0-0 2-5 2-4 20-45 1-4 1-2 1-2 1-2 0-1 0-0 2-4 1-2 7-17 Rebs 3 8 0 4 9 0 4 6 36 A 1 1 0 3 5 0 0 1 11 tOs 0 7 4 1 6 0 1 0 19

Feb. 4 Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 27

Junior forward Thomas Robinson gets help up from his opponents after he got knocked down on the play during Saturdays game against Iowa State where Kansas lost 64-72.


March 3

PRImE Plays
FIRsT halF (sCORE aFTER Play)
12:15- After grabbing a steal from Conner Teahan, Cyclones Chris Babb takes it the other way for a layup to give Iowa State a 19-11 lead. Bill Self takes a full timeout. 3:57- After clawing their way back for most of the first half, Tyshawn Taylor intercepts a pass and finishes with a layup to tie the game at 29. 2:37- With the game tied at 31, Tyrus McGee connects on a 3-pointer to give the Cyclones a 34-31 lead, which they would hold for the rest of the half.

Tyshawn Taylor, senior gaurd
Taylor recorded his first double-double of the season with 16 points and 10 assists. He airballed a three-point shot early in the game, and the Iowa State student section didnt let him forget it. He ignored the jeers and gave Kansas an offensive threat that it so desperately needed. He continued to protect the ball, surrendering only two turnovers in a high pressure atmosphere.

Iowa State fans celebrate on the court after defeating Kansas 72-64 Saturday at the Hilton Coliseum. The loss was the first conference play defeat for the Jayhawks.



Thomas Robinson, junior forward
13 points and seven rebounds is a solid outing for most forwards, but Robinson isnt most forwards. He seemed rattled in the paint, traveling several times. He couldnt help slow down Iowa State sophomore forward Royce White and he admitted after the game that he just wasnt playing like himself. Hell look to get back on track against Oklahoma on Wednesday night at Allen Fieldhouse.

sECONd halF
18:14- Taylor hits a jump shot near the free throw line to give Kansas a 40-39 lead, its first since the 3:14 mark of the first half. 8:21- Taylor finds an open Elijah Johnson near the hoop who finishes with a dunk to give Kansas a 53-52 lead. 1:24- With a chance to cut the Iowa State lead to three or two, Johnson turns the ball over to Babb, who pulls up for a three and connects. The Cyclones take an eight-point lead which is to much for Kansas to overcome.



We got stops, but I didnt think we cleaned up.
coach bill self


KEy sTaTs

36-23 1-7 34 5

The Cyclones outrebounded the Jayhawks by this margin, leading to several second chances. Kansas coach Bill Self yells at his players during Saturdays game against Iowa State at Hilton Coliseum. The Jayhawks lost to the Cyclones 64-72.

Senior guard Conner Teahan shot this rate from the field, as he continues to struggle on the road. The Cyclones attempted 34 free throws and made 25 of them. The Jayhawks got just five points from their bench on Saturday.

Junior guard Elijah Johnson moves around his opponent to make his way to the basket during Saturdays game against Iowa State where Kansas lost 64-72.


The five offensive rebounds for Kansas were the fewest they grabbed all season. Five different Jayhawks scored double-figures for just the second time this season. With 16 points and 10 assists, Tyshawn Taylor earned his first double-double of the season. Thomas Robinson failed to grab an offensive rebound for just the second game this season.

Senior guard Tyshawn Taylor launches a three in the first half of Saturdays game against Iowa State where Taylor went 1-3 from behind the arch and scored a total of 16 points and contributed 10 assists in the 64-72 Kansas defeat.


PAGE 8 track

MoNDAY, jANUARY 30, 2012


Dixon, track team shine at Jayhawk Classic

MAx GooDwIN Sophomore Diamond Dixon, an All-American sprinter, was nervous going into the 400-meter dash on Friday. The Jayhawk Classic is by no means the biggest meet of the season, but Dixon was racing on the same track as professional sprinter Monica Hargrove. The talented young sprinter had nothing to be nervous about. She not only ran faster than Hargrove, she set the fastest time in the NCAA this season. I feel like I could have ran a little bit better, but Im pretty happy with the way it turned out. Diamond Dixon said. Her time of 53.75 converts down to 53.05 because it was ran on an unbanked surface. There were a total of 14 individual Jayhawks to win event titles, as well as a Kansas sweep of the four relay races. Another NCAA leading mark was set by Andrea Geubelle in the triple jump. Her jump of 13.20 meters placed only third in the competition behind professionals Crystal Manning and Kimberly Williams. The jump still stands as the leading triple jump in the NCAA. It really prepared me for some bigger, professional meets and hopefully the Olympic Trials. It definitely helped push me today, which was awesome. Geubelle said of competing with professional athletes. Rebeka Stowe, senior distance runner, broke the Anshutz Pavilion record winning the 3,000 meter race in a time of 9:37.70. Its great to get that record and fun to have my name here for a little while, Stowe said. We have a lot of good girls coming up, so who knows how long itll stick. The Kansas female athletes were victorious in the pole vault as well; Sophomore Demi Payne won the competition with a jump that ranks 10th in the NCAA this season. On her last attempt Payne appeared to be just inches from clearing a bar that would have put her in the NCAA top five. The thing about pole vaulting is you always end on a miss, thats what makes you want it so bad, Payne said after the competition. Freshman Colleen OBrien won the high jump competition; it was the fourth victory of the season for both OBrien and Payne. Junior distance runner Austin Bussing walked away from the mens mile run victorious and was also a member of the mens distance medley relay team that won the event. Senior Donny Wasinger won the 1,000 meter race and freshman Kenneth McCuin won his first collegiate race in the 600 yards. Were starting to get in really good shape but, unfortunately, Im never satisfied Coach Stanley Redwine said following his teams overall successful day. Edited by Max Lush

sophomore sprinter diamond dixon sprints in the womens 400 meter dash. dixon won the event and broke an aschutz Pavilion record with a time of 53.75.


Junior andrea Geubelle begins her second attempt of the triple jump during Fridays Jayhawk classic at anschutz Pavilion. Geubelle broke the anschutz Pavillion record with a jump of 13.20 meters.


Freshman Micheal stigler bounds over the hurdles at the Jayhawk classic at anchutz Pavillion Friday night. stigler placed fifth in the mens 60-meter hurdles.



heat grab victory in rematch Rumors of No Mom Tom of eastern conference Finals shirts prove to be false
MIAMI LeBron James scored 35 points, while reigning NBA MVP Derrick Rose wasted two chances in the final 23 seconds and the Miami Heat escaped with a 97-93 win Sunday over the Chicago Bulls. Chris Bosh scored 24 points and added 12 rebounds for the Heat, who never trailed but this win in a rematch of last seasons Eastern Conference finals was not easy. Dwyane Wade added 15 points for Miami. Rose scored 34 points for Chicago, but missed a pair of foul shots that would have given Chicago the lead with 22.7 seconds left. He had made all 29 of his free throws in the fourth quarter this season. And Rose had a shot to tie in the final seconds, but his short jumper bounced off the rim. Bosh sealed it with two free throws with 0.1 seconds left for Miami, which has now won five straight over the Bulls counting the last four games of last seasons East title series. Both sides said this game was supposed to be just another regular-season matchup, one without extra meaning. So not true. The Bulls erased what was a 12-point deficit and tied the game at 84 on a brilliant layup by Rose with 6:55 left. The Heat answered with a 10-2 run, before Roses three-point play with 49.1 seconds left cut the lead to 94-93. Rose then lost the ball on a drive, but drew contact from Miamis Udonis Haslem and went to the line with Chicago down one with 22.7 seconds left. Roses first hit the front of the rim and bounced away, and his second rimmed out. James grabbed the rebound and was fouled by Joakim Noah only to miss both free throws himself. After the second miss, Bosh appeared to emerge with the rebound, but an inadvertent whistle led to a jump ball. James outleaped Taj Gibson, getting the ball to Mario Chalmers, who made one free throw for a two-point lead. Chicago wound up getting one last chance with 9.9 seconds left, calling time-out. Naturally, it went to Rose, who weaved his way into the lane but came up short. Bosh got the rebound, and Miami began celebrating. Rip Hamilton and Noah each scored 11 for Chicago, which got 10 apiece from Ronnie Brewer and Carlos Boozer. The Bulls played without forward Luol Deng and guard C.J. Watson, both sidelined with wrist injuries. Watson may be back in Chicagos lineup as early as Monday, and Deng who has a torn ligament in his left, non-shooting, wrist is very close to a return, Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau said. Miami took an 11-point lead early in the fourth on back-to-back 3-pointers from Shane Battier and James. The Bulls roared back, as they did for most of the day whenever the Heat seemed on the cusp of taking control. They just never got the lead, despite Roses best efforts.

border showdown

ANDREw joSEPh The Twitter feeds of Jayhawk fans everywhere were especially active last week, as the Border War became the latest victim of the Internet rumor mill. On Thursday, word spread that Missouri fans planned Robinson to wear t-shirts that displayed the letters NMT, meaning No Mom Tom during the Feb. 4 match-up with Kansas in Columbia. The phrase is reference to the passing of Thomas Robinsons mother in January of last year. However, like most rumors started on Twitter, there is little truth to these claims, even though it spread like wildfire. The phrase originated on the popular Missouri message board

called, but the widespread use of this reference to Robinson appears to be misconstrued amongst the Jayhawk faithful. There have been a total of eight posts using the phrase No Mom Tom or the abbreviation NMT referring to Thomas Robinson directly on this board, operator Nick Witthaus said. The acronym for Robinson made its first appearance on the board in November of last year, and every subsequent post has been reported and deleted from the website. Despite the bitter nature of the rivalry between Kansas and Missouri, the use of the phrase NMT was met with entirely negative reactions from the Missouri posters on the board. There was only one mention on Tigerboard to the production of NMT t-shirts, and it did not come from a user that frequents

the message board. The t-shirt rumor was posted on the 26th from a first-time poster who registered about half an hour before the post was made. That poster was using an IP address reserved for an apparel company in California, Witthaus said. Just like the previous seven times, the NMT reference to Robinson was reported and deleted, but the word had already made its way around the Jayhawk fanbase. The well-known faction of the Missouri student section, The Antlers, issued a tweet on Thursday in an attempt to bury the rumor. We arent making any signs, shirts, billboards or keychains with a NMT slogan. Thats below us, the tweet read. Edited by Tanvi Nimkar


the offensive end, he struggled to establish himself and find comfort in the paint, traveling repeatedly and missing several shots that were uncontested and close to the hoop. He even missed a wide-open, onehanded dunk, and the ball sailed over the rim. Im just not playing my game, he said. Im speeding up again and not taking my time. White might have had something to do with that. He has the ability to bring the ball up-court like a point guard on one possession, then muscle his way inside for a tough two points on the next. His mobility and ball control are rare for a 6-foot-8, 270-pound weapon. Its a combination that forced the Jayhawks into some touch decisions. We had to pick our poison, senior guard Tyshawn Taylor said. It felt like whichever way we tried to trap him, they made a shot that we laid off. In a three minute span at the end of the game, White scored eight straight points for the Cyclones. He first backed down junior center Jeff Withey, who was plagued with fouls throughout the game. Once Withey failed, White took on Robinson, who also wasnt able to shut him down. Nobody really played well, Self said. But Thomas certainly labored today. Edited By Max Lush


I really just let the game come to me, Harper said. I wanted to do my best for the team and help them out any way I could. Angel Goodrich also finished in double figures with 10 points and added eight assists. She hit two-of-three from beyond the arc. Freshman guard Asia Boyd hit a three pointer late in the game. They were her first points since Dec. 28 against Sam Houston State. Boyd entered the program as the highest ranked recruit under Bonnie Henrickson, but has yet to play significant minutes. Kansas has a quick turnaround before they host Oklahoma on Tuesday night. Henrickson said the main things they need to work on are limiting turnovers and increasing on-ball pressure. There are times when we beat ourselves and didnt control what we could to control and thats stuff you have to learn from, Henrickson said. Harper said Oklahoma is a good opportunity for the Jayhawks to bounce back and play a good game. The biggest thing is taking care of the ball and defending, Harper said. Weve just got to forget about this one and move on to the next one. Edited by Pat Strathman

PAGE 9 college basketball

second-half push gives ohio state victory over rival


Special Olympians in the Phog

c.J. MAtSON Allen Fieldhouse was a sight to behold Sunday afternoon, but no game took place inside the historic venue. A day after leaving Ames, Iowa, dejected because of a loss against Iowa State, the Kansas mens basketball team was full of smiles when they hosted the 28th annual Wilt Chamberlain Clinic. The Wilt Chamberlain Clinic is an event when a hundred Special Olympians from all across the state of Kansas and the Kansas City metropolitan area gather inside the Fieldhouse to play basketball with the team. The money to fund the event was left in Chamberlains estate. With the basketball hoops lowered, the players ran stations that included shooting, dribbling, passing and dunking, arguably the most popular station of all. The Special Olympians also competed in fiveon-five scrimmages. Taking time away from a tough schedule to interact with the Special Olympians is an opportunity that players and coaches cherish. This is a highlight for all of us, coach Bill Self said. We lost a game that we probably deserved to lose, but we had every opportunity to have a different outcome, and these guys lift our spirits today. Self also said that working with Special Olympians was great because everything seemed unconditional. The love that the Special Olympians gave to the team made him think that they received more out of the clinic than what the Special Olympians themselves received out of it. The smiles and laughs from the players, coaches, Special Olympians and parents of the Special Olympians inside the Fieldhouse were contagious. Hosting the event made players like Tyshawn Taylor put this gathering into perspective. It is a humbling situation for all of us, Taylor said. There is such a bigger picture out there. Basketball is something we love to do, and it is recreation. Thomas Robinson once said publically that basketball was an escape for him after he tragically lost his mother, grandmother and grandfather. Basketball was also an escape for the Special Olympians who try to overcome unique and difficult obstacles. Its a blessing, Robinson said. You can come out here and make someones day. Thats all that matters. These kids can go home happy. They support us all year-round, so to go out there and make them happy is definitely a big thing. The coaches and players recognize that being a member of the Kansas mens basketball team means more than just coaching and playing basketball. It is an honor that many people dont possess. Giving back to those who are not as fortunate is essential, even if you are not a basketball player or coach. Any time you sacrifice your time for the good of others that may have been dealt a difficult hand is something that everyone should do regardless of what you do or who you are representing, Self said. When Taylor was asked what advice hed give to the Special Olympians who are presented difficult challenges and must overcome adversity, he said to believe in yourself, stay as strong as you can and remain positive because it is tough when people doubt you and tell you that you cannot do certain things. When asked the same question, Robinson gave a one-word response: smile. Edited by Pat Strathman


It was a teaching moment for the freshman, according to COLUMBUS, Ohio Beilein. Michigan coach John Beilein He did a really good job for a was already anticipating the 19-year-old kid in this situation, rematch. he said. Im sure well look at It goes both ways, but well be the video and well say, All right, looking forward to that, Beilein lets learn from this thing. Hell said after No. 4 Ohio State hung look at it and learn. a 64-49 loss on his 20th-ranked Lenzelle Smith Jr. scored Wolverines on Sunday. We cir- 17 points and had a careercle every game on the calendar. high 12 rebounds to lead the The Wolverines (16-6, 6-3 Big Buckeyes. All-America forward Ten) were in the thick of things Jared Sullinger was limited by until Ohio State (19-3, 7-2) went foul trouble but had 13 points. on a 14-2 second-half run that William Buford and Deshaun broke the game open. Thomas each had 12 for Ohio Things we could control a State, which ran its winning little bit standing in there, streak over its archrival to six taking a charge instead of back- straight. ing away and hitting somebody Ohio State focused on legally in a box out could have going inside far more than the made a big difference in this Wolverines did. Maybe that game, he said. The good news explains the disparity in free is we can control those things in throws. the future, hopefully. The Buckeyes finished 15 of The bad news is we didnt 18 at the line while Michigan do them today and that really didnt shoot a free throw until helped Ohio State get the lead there were just over 2 minutes in the first half and then take it left, making 3 of 4 for the game. away in the second half. A lot of theirs came off their Tim Hardaway Jr. had 15 offensive rebounds, Beilein said points for the Wolverines. Trey of Ohio States 38-28 upper hand Burke, the conferences top fresh- on the boards, including 14-10 man point guard, returned to his edge in offensive rebounds. We hometown to play for the first got 10 offensive rebounds but time against we didnt get Sullinger, his the good news is we can to the line. So former high they got fouled school team- control those things in the better than we mate, and fin- future, hopefully. did. ished with 13 By the end John beilein points, five of the game, a Michigan head coach assists, two capacity crowd steals and five of 18,809 was turnovers. singing, We Treys a Dont Give great player, said Ohio State A Damn For the hole State of counterpart Aaron Craft, who Michigan. had seven points, four assists The important note for the and three steals. Hes one of Wolverines was that theyve got those guys you want to have on a lot of time to work on things your team. You know hes going before the rematch on Feb. 18 at to be in attack mode all the Crisler Arena. whole game. It was definitely a great team effort on him.

super boWl
Freshman guard naadir tharpe helps one of the athletes shoot the ball at his station sunday afternoon. this event was the 28th Wilt chamberlain basketball clinic and gave the olympians autographed team pictures and commemorative basketballs.


Protests could persist during the Super Bowl

inDianapolis Facing a legislative vote that would make indiana a right-to-work state, alarmed union members are thinking about making their case on perhaps the nations biggest stage the super bowl. labor activists are deciding whether to go ahead with protests that could include teamsters clogging city streets with trucks and electricians staging a slowdown at the convention center site of the nFl village. Whats holding them back is a fear the effort could create a backlash from those who think sports and politics dont mix. the last thing the city needs is a black eye, said Jeff combs, organiz-

bill self speaks to special olympians from all over the kc metro area at the beginning of the Wilt chamberlain basketball clinic sunday afternoon at allen Fieldhouse.


ing director for teamsters local 135 in indianapolis, one of the unions discussing strategy. union locals are awaiting guidance from the indiana aFl-cio before deciding what to do. the debate about tactics reflects the desperation of organized labor as the legislature prepares to vote on the right to work measure, which would ban union contracts mandating that workers pay dues for representation. republicans, who see the bill as an advantage for recruiting businesses to the state, outnumber Democrats 60-40 in the house and 37-13 in the senate. indiana would become the 23rd state with a right-to-work law, and the first in 10 years to pass the measure.
Associated Press


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senior guard tyshawn taylor and Freshman guard naadir tharpe watch as special olympians shoot the ball at their station sunday afternoon at allen Fieldhouse.


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PAGE 10 baseball

moNDAY, jANUARY 30, 2012


Weather greets teams first spring practice

ANDREw joSEPh The 2012 campaign for Kansas baseball officially began Friday afternoon with the first practice of the spring season at Hoglund Ballpark. I think were just really excited to get started. Its been a long two and a half, three weeks with the individuals, and the weather has been incredible, coach Ritch Price said. Last season, the baseball team spent the days of practice shoveling pounds of snow off the turf of Hogland Ballpark, but this year practice started differently. With some unusually warm winter conditions, the team was able to stretch and throw outside. We feel really fortunate with the way the weather has been with the opportunity to get outside, Price said. The warm weather forecasts for the upcoming days should give Kansas even more chances to prepare for the season in ideal baseball conditions. The Jayhawks ended the 2011 season with a 26-30 record, failing to qualify for the Big 12 Tournament. This year, Kansas welcomes back six starters and the core of the starting rotation. Price is in his 10th season at Kansas and holds a record of 299250-2, and he named pitcher Jordan Jakubov, infielder Chris Manship and infielder Jake Marasco as captains for the 2012 season. The Jayhawks will travel to Nashville, Tenn., opening the season against Middle Tennessee State on Feb. 17. Edited by Tanvi Nimkar

Tucker Tharp Right Field


Jason Brunansky Center Field Thomas Taylor Right Handed Pitcher

Kaiana Eldredge Second Base

Jake Marasco First Base

Frank Duncan Right Handed Pitcher Kevin Kuntz Short Stop

Kansas Projected Starters

Wes Benjamin Left Handed Pitcher

Michael Suiter Left Field

Chris Manship Designated Hitter

Tanner Poppe Closer: Right Handed Pitcher

Zac Elgie Third Base

James Stanfield Catcher

Tiger falters in final round

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) Tiger Woods talked all week about his improved ball control then it let him down when he needed it most. Woods resembled the Tiger of old over the first three rounds at the Abu Dhabi Championship, stringing together a trio of rounds below par before shooting an even 72 in Sundays finale to finish in a tie for third place behind winner Robert Rock and U.S. Open champion Rory McIlroy. The 117th-ranked Rock shot 70 for an overall 275 to beat McIlroy (69) by a shot. Woods was a further shot back with Thomas Bjorn (68) and Graeme McDowell (68). The 18-year-old Italian Matteo Manassero (69) and George Coetzee (70) of South Africa were another shot back. Today I just didnt give myself enough looks at it, Woods said. Most of my putts were lag putts. I didnt drive the ball in as many fairways as I should have ... It was a day I was just a touch off the tee and consequently I couldnt get the ball close enough. It marked the second straight time Woods hasnt won with at least a share of the lead after 54 holes. He failed to win the Chevron World Challenge in 2010 after going into the final round with a four-shot lead over McDowell. The 14-time major winner appears to have recovered from a two-year victory drought in which he was sidelined by injuries and personal turmoil. But Woods must now face the fact that, at age 36, there are plenty of players known and unknown who can potentially beat him. Theres plenty of big events to go, but Im pleased at the progress Ive made so far, said Woods, who won the Chevron World Challenge last month to end his drought. I just need to keep building, keep getting more consistent, and today was a day where I putted beautifully. Just didnt give myself enough looks. Coming into Sunday, Woods was tied for the lead with the unheralded Rock and was the clear favorite to win. Rock had only one victory under his belt compared to 83 for Woods worldwide, but it was Rock battling his nerves over playing alongside one of his golfing idols who held it together down the stretch. Its pretty hard to believe that I managed to win today. Very surprised, the Englishman said. I played good. So I guess I had a chance from early on, a couple of birdies made the day feel a little bit easier. But its difficult playing with Tiger. You expect almost every shot to threaten to go in. It felt a lot of pressure and couldnt afford any lapses in concentration at all. It was a storybook ending for Rock, who rose from a club pro to join the European Tour in 2003 and only got his first tour win last year at the Italian Open. The victory will elevate him into the top 60. It doesnt get an awful lot harder than playing with Tiger Woods, Rock said. So I guess barring a major championship, I know I can handle that again. So thats pretty nice to know. Rock wobbled on the 18th when his drive landed in a pile of rocks near the water forcing him to take a drop but he recovered beautifully, reaching the green in four and two-putting for the win. I was just focusing on trying to hit fairways and then hit my iron shots as good as I have been and give myself chances at birdies, Rock said. Both Tiger and Peter struggled on occasions on a few holes and I managed to keep my ball in the right position and didnt put myself under too much stress until the last, which was a relief.





YOU 2.1.12

events today.





Thats an ugly dude. You cant tell me he doesnt look like Mr. Ed. Falcons cornerback Ray Buchanan during Super Bowl XXXIII media day talking about then Broncos tight end Shannon Sharpe.

What to follow before the Super Bowl


fAct Of thE DAY

The Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans have never played in the Super Bowl. Yahoo Sports

verybody watches the Super Bowl. Everybody. But for most sports nerds out there like myself theres more to it than the Bud Light commercials and chatting with friends at a party. So for all you diehard NFL fanatics, here are some things to look out for this week that might catch your attention on your television, laptop or smart phones.

By Ryan McCarthy
Sunday hype is happening (e.g. The superlong pregame and the halftime shows). Here are some of my early favorites for the game: How many times will Peyton Manning be shown during the game? (over/under 3.5 times) How many times will David Tyrees 2008 Super Bowl catch be shown on television during the game (over/under 1 time) One of my all-time favorites, what color is the Gatorade going to be when its dumped on the winning coach. (This ones almost impossible to predict.) Prop bets are entertaining because they provide funny storylines to look at leading up to the game.

If you cant wait until Sunday to get your commercial fix, then go and rewatch the classics. CBS consistently does an excellent job of mixing the old with the new for this special. You can stroll down memory lane with some of the great ones. The mean Joe Greene Coca-Cola commercial, the chameleon Bud-weis-er commercials, and of course the first-ever E-trade baby commercial. Since ESPN, NBC, and every other major sports network will be camped out in Indianapolis this week, the major story until Friday will be the status of Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowskis ankle. Weve seen these go both ways in the past. In 2011, Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey said last year that he was going to play after suffering a high ankle sprain in the AFC Championship Game, he ended up sitting out Super Bowl XLV. Two years ago, Dwight Freeney also had an ankle injury that got more attention than the Presidents State of the Union address. He ended up playing, but wasnt able to do much against the Saints. So get ready football fans, it will be Gronk watch 24/7 for the next week. I think hell end up playing and be pretty effective. 5. Live studio shows on-site


Q: In Super Bowl XXXI, which defensive lineman set a record for sacking Drew Bledsoe three times in the game? A: Reggie White of the Green Bay Packers.

Theres nothing quite like the scene of thousands of reporters asking 106 premier athletes about what their Super Bowl experience will be like. There are always a few laughs, there are always a few pranks, but above all else its just a circus. My predictions: The Giants will have fun with the day like most teams do. Except for Chad Ochocinco, the Patriots will come out and have a boring media day as always. Especially since Ochocinco is not playing much, the eccentric receiver will take this opportunity to get more attention and Twitter followers for himself. Im not much of a gambler myself, but I always enjoy looking at the prop bets for the Super Bowl. They add a little fun to the game, mainly when all the Super Bowl

1. MedIa daY (TueSdaY)

4. RoB GRonkowSkIS ankle InjuRY

2. PRoP BeTS

3. SuPeR BowlS GReaTeST CoMMeRCIalS, wedneSdaY, 7 P.M., CBS

The Indianapolis Star came out with a solid story on Saturday, discussing all the live studio shows that will be in their city this week. It wont be nearly as fun to watch as last year in Dallas when all the hosts of the shows froze their butts off in the North Texas late winter. Still theres plenty of good stuff to watch on the television. Bob Costas will be debuting his Costas Tonight show on NBC Sports. Hell have NFL Commissioner Rodger Goodell and hall of famer Dan Marino on. ESPNs NFL Live will be there all week to over analyze the matchup. This show is great background noise for an afternoon nap. And finally, my personal favorite, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon will be camped out in Indianapolis Wednesday through Friday to give you some comic insight on Super Bowl week. Enjoy all the hype, folks. edited by Max lush

This week in athletics

Womens Basketball
vs. Oklahoma 7 p.m. Lawrence

Mens Basketball
vs. Oklahoma 8 p.m. Lawrence

There are no athletic events today.

Womens Swimming
vs. Iowa State 6 p.m. Ames, Iowa

Mens Basketball
vs. Missouri 6 p.m. Columbia, Mo.

There are no athletic events today.

There are no athletic

New Balance Invitational All Day New York, New York

New Balance Invitational All Day New York, New York

Womens Basketball
vs. Texas A&M 7 p.m. College Station, Texas

Womens Swimming
vs. Iowa State 10 a.m. Ames, Iowa

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Volume 124 Issue 85


Monday, January 30, 2012

grading tHe road loss

IoWa STaTe 72, kanSaS 64

cHamberlain clinic
JayHaWkS TeaCH oLymPIanS
pAgE 9


Life on the road is tough

By Clark Goble


Hilton magic strikes Max Rothman Ames, Iowa Royce White, Iowa States sophomore forward with a full menu of skills, woke up on Saturday morning after having nightmares of missing free throws. It becomes like an island up there when youre on a bad streak, White said of his struggles at the free throw line. So he went to the gym early and shot free throws with his coach, Fred Hoiberg. Whites teammates encouraged him the entire day, even during the game, and he made the shots when they counted most. With 1:42 left on the clock and Iowa State leading No. 5 Kansas by three points, White drained his final two shots from the line. After one of his six converted free throws, White walked from the free throw line to underneath the hoop, then looked up at the net. That was for Thomas, he said of junior forward Thomas Robinson. He said I was going to miss them. White, who tallied 18 points, nine rebounds and five assists, not Robinson, the national player of the candidate, who was the best player in Saturdays 72-64 upset over Kansas (17-4, 7-1) posting 18 points, nine rebounds and five assists. The Jayhawks 23 fouls resulted in 34 free throw attempts for the Cyclones. Free points stung Kansas, especially after it was outrebounded 36-23. Royce was a monster down there, Hoiberg said. Robinson, who normally vacuums rebounds with two hands, grabbed a pedestrian seven rebounds. On

max rotHman

erhaps the best thing about college basketball is that each team controls its destiny. Keep winning and youll keep playing. You cant be left behind by computers or uninformed voters. The harsh reality, though: college basketballs regular season isnt all that important in determining a national champion. Losing a road game in conference, like the Jayhawks did in Ames, Iowa on Saturday, means little. Kansas should still have its sights on the Final Four. How did last years Final Four teams fare in conference road games? Virginia Commonwealth best muttered under the breath followed by several curse words lost road games at Georgia State, Northeastern and Drexel in conference. Not exactly elite programs. Butler lost four times on the road in the Horizon: to UW-Milwaukee, Wright State, Valparaiso and Youngstown State, which finished 9-21 overall. You say: those teams are midmajors. Hard to fairly compare teams from the CAA and the Horizon to teams from BCS conferences. I say: the bigger teams in last years Final Four also struggled in conference road games. Connecticut dropped five games on the road in the Big East: to Pittsburgh, Notre Dame, St. Johns, Louisville and West Virginia. Tough teams, certainly, but the Huskies finished 5-5 on the road. Kentucky lost six games on the road in the SEC and finished with a 10-6 conference record. You say: thats just one year. Last year was a fluke. I say: lets assume Kansas loses two more conference road games and keeps winning at Allen Fieldhouse to go 15-3 in conference. The Jayhawks lose two out of these three games: at Missouri, at Baylor and at Kansas State. Is there another team that lost three road conference games one to a fringe NCAA tournament team like Iowa State and went undefeated at home? Heres one: the 2008 national champions, Kansas. That year, the Jayhawks lost road games to Texas, Kansas State and Oklahoma State. Texas and KSU made the tournament; OSU made the NIT. So lets not turn Saturdays loss into some kind of tragic blow that proves Kansas cant hang with the big boys. One lackluster effort on the road in a hyped environment, in the bigger scheme of things, means nothing. Teams play NCAA tournament games on a neutral court for a reason. The way a team finishes its season plays a much larger role in how it fares come tournament time. Three of the four Final Four teams last year won their conference tournaments. Quality teams, even ones with an extremely thin bench like Kansas, will lose road games against lesser opponents in conference play. Its not quite as reliable as death and taxes, but its pretty close. Edited by Pat Strathman

see game page 12

Junior forward Thomas Robinson raises his hands asking for a foul from the referees during Saturdays game against Iowa State. Robinson had a quiet night with just 13 points and seven rebounds in the Jayhawks 64-72 defeat.

cHris bronson/kansan

WomenS BaSkeTBaLL

No. 1 Bears too much for Jayhawks

the first 10 points and blocked two shots for Kansas in those first eight minutes, but sat out Last week the Jayhawks talked the remainder of the half. about tweaking their offense and Freshman forward Cheldefense to face Brittney Griner sea Gardner entered the game and the Baylor Bears. Carolyn for Davis and was met with a Davis stepped out for a series quick block from Griner. Gardof 19-foot jump shots and CeCe ner, Tania Jackson and Aishah Harper hit two three pointers as Sutherland worked in the post, Kansas worked in this adjusted but they were outscored 54-20 game plan. in the paint. Griner finished with However, No. 1 Baylor was up a game-high 28 points and shot 20 points at the half and with a 12-for-15 from the field. The Jay10-4 run out of the break, it eas- hawks were also outrebounded ily defeated Kansas in a 74-46 46-29 and allowed 14 second victory in Waco. The Jayhawks chance points. fell to 16-4 overall and 5-3 in You get nothing inside and conference play. you are shooting tough twos and We killed ourselves, coach threes and she is standing under Bonnie Henrickson said. We the rim so then they just throw it didnt pressure the ball and that up to her and score, Henrickson is such a big part of post defense said. and even more magnified with The Jayhawks switched beher. tween a man-to-man and diaJunior forward Carolyn Davis mond-and-one defense in the extended her range with three hopes of slowing down the Bears jumpers at the top of the key. She attack, but Baylors balance improved this part of her game proved too much for Kansas. to score over Griner. It was just too many easy opI had been practicing a lot and portunities when we break down I knew I was defensively to good enough hang around, to knock that We didnt pressure the Henrickson down and be ball and that is such a big said. s u c c e s s f u l , part of post defense. Sophomore Davis said. I guard CeCe was just trying Harper hit two BonnIe HenRICkSon to be confident three-pointers kansas womens baskelball coach and grab the and a pair of ball when it free throws for came to me. her career-high Davis led the Jayhawks with 12 10 points. She has been playing points and two blocks, but played more minutes this season as the limited minutes after picking up first guard off the bench. two fouls with 12 minutes left in the first half. Davis scored six of

katHleen gier

see Womens page 12

Baylor guard Lindsay Palmer loses control of the ball moving it up court as Palmer collides into kansas Cece Harper in the second half of an nCaa womens college basketball game Saturday in Waco, Texas. Baylor defeated kansas 74-46.

associated press

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