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Psychology of

By Le Thi Giao Chi, M.A., M.Ed. College of Foreign Languages University of Danang
March 2011 1

Lead -in

No matter how you re communicating, youre always DEALING WITH PEOPLE

SENDING a message OR RECEIVING a message

Just as people may be different, youre always DEALING WITH DIFFERENCES

Understanding Communication Psychology

March 2011 2

Why Communication Psychology?

deals with the principles of human behaviour and human motivation helps make communication effective
Select and present topics that will meet your receivers needs communicate your ideas effectively obtain the desired results
March 2011 3

Why Communication Psychology?

Helps avoid approaches that may threaten an individuals selfimage and block effective communication

Helps promote goodwill and ensure understanding in all communication situations.

March 2011

Principles of communication psychology

How much we know about human


A look at our needs Our needs determine our reaction

Non-verbal communication Our language affects our behaviour

March 2011 5

What do we know about human behaviour?

How much do we know about science and technology ? How much do we know about human behaviour? Communication mishaps caused by lack of


Understanding human behaviour is a necessary March 2011 foundation for being a successful communicator

What do we know about human behaviour?

Research in
psychology (individual behaviour); sociology (group behaviour); anthropology (cultural behaviour) contributes to our understanding of human behaviour helps us to apply its principles to communication psychology

These theories are useful only to understand how and why most people behave as they do there are always exceptions March 2011 7

A look at our needs

We all have certain needs at certain times. These needs determine our behaviour and the goals we set for ourselves A successful communicator has the ability to understand the needs of those who will receive his/her message.

A successful communicator speaks and writes with the receivers needs in mind at all times.
March 2011 8

A look at our needs

There are levels of needs that can be compared to the

rungs of a ladder.

Only when we are fairly well-settled on one rung,

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Maslows hierarchy of needs

Self-esteem or ego needs Social and love needs

Safety and security needs Physiological needs

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Maslows pyramid in ascending order

Rung 1 Basic Physical Needs (lowest)
What basic things do we need before we can turn our attention to other things? we need food, shelter, clothing, sleep, and even sex physical needs. Until these needs are reasonably met, we think of little else.

March 2011

Maslows pyramid in ascending order Rung 2 - Safety and Security Needs

Now we think about keeping ourselves

free from physical harm or mental abuse

Most of us try to avoid situations that could cause us physical harm or people that threaten our peace of mind. the first two rungs represent lower-level needs. March 2011 12

Maslows pyramid
Rung 3 - Social and Love Needs (The need to belong)
The need for affection, a sense of belonging, We all want to feel that we are part of a group:
our families a sense of belonging; our friends, colleagues relationships, affection, care

social activities, friendship, giving/receiving love

March 2011


Maslows pyramid
Rung 4 - Self-esteem or Ego Needs
(The need to be Somebody)

The need for self respect, confidence, personal reputation, and esteeming others We all want to feel that were good at something (swimming, persuading, communicating, v.v.) and feel happy with the recognition
March 2011 14

Maslows pyramid
Rung 5 - Self-actualisation (The need to
help others and be creative) (the highest level) Involve realising ones full potential becoming
everything that one is capable of becoming Once the above needs are reasonably met, two things will happen: Were more willing to help people whore still struggling on the lower rungs of the ladder; We become more creative, and creative people make a better quality of life for us all.

March 2011

Reflecting and sharing ...

How many of those needs have you met in your current job or role? Identify the needs you expect to meet in buying certain products and services What levels of needs do you expect to meet when selling your products or services?
March 2011 16

Our Needs determine Our Reaction

Determining the needs of people to whom youre writing or speaking can help facilitate successful communication

Think of situations where youve been

successful or unsuccessful in communication because of your efforts or failure to understand the receivers need

March 2011


Our Needs Determine Our Reaction

Identifying these levels of needs and relating them to all our communications whether youre: looking for a job, buying or selling products or services, ordering supplies, or asking for information Think of particular situations where youve identified these needs Put ourselves in the place of our receiver, decide what our receivers needs are, and the phrase our message to meet those needs. In this way, we can get the reaction we want.
March 2011 18

Our Language Affects Our Behavior

The words we use can make us behave in different ways Words are only symbols, and meaning is added by people. What do you think? Give examples where meaning is added by communicators. Words, phrases, or symbols can be interpreted to mean two different things To communicate a message successfully look beyond the written and spoken word to understand how communication works.
March 2011 19

Application Exercises
Visit a department store and note five ways that appeals are made to your physical and safety needs (Rung 1, and Rung 2) through advertising, display, and pricing. Prepare an oral account of a newspaper or magazine advertisement or of a television or radio commercial that made a direct appeal to you need to be somebody Tell which need levels the following items would appeal to: A crunchy chocolate bar A home fire alarm A sports car A business class air travel
March 2011 20

Non-verbal Communication
Many people believe that Non-verbal communication:

Cultural and environmental differences contribute to conscious or unconscious body movements that communicate our true feelings;
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facial expressions posture, gestures All contributes much to oral communication;

Whats wrong with this picture?

March 2011


Non-verbal Communication
Some movements and facial expressions seem to be common to all humans, e.g. people everywhere seem to turn up the corners of their mouths to show amusement.

Do you know of any other common facial expressions or gestures? Share and show them with a partner How about personal space?
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Body language
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a. Could you come here a minute? b. Could you keep the noise down? c. Great! d. Im warning you e. I dont know f. Who, me?
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Customs vary with culture

March 2011


Avoid misunderstandings

March 2011


When in Rome ...

Saudi Arabia Mexico Taiwan Brazil
You shouldnt point the sole of your shoes at anyone; its extremely rude. When beginning any first business meeting, you should shake hands and exchange your business cards. Dont give generous gifts; you will embarrass the recipient. You are expected to show an interest in your hosts family. Never give the okay sign of a ring formed by the thumb and index finger. This is a very obscene gesture. Dont express admiration for a persons possessions; he will have to give them for you.
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Bring comfortable semi-casual clothes for business in the north, and comfortable dark suits or dresses in the south. Dont discuss your hosts wife and daughters or your own. You should close the fist and should the thumb up to indicate approval over a business matter. You should never talk about business over lunch with a client. When giving things, you should use both hands. You dont have to arrive exactly on time for a business appointment.
Which of the above manners do surprise you? Do you know of other manners to add to this list?
March 2011 29

What to aim for in a message

March 2011


Knowing you Knowing me

March 2011


What are her possible needs?

March 2011


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