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Aisha: The Truth is Revealed

Has the Prophet (PBUH) ever mentioned Aisha as of the Greatest Women of the World? What do our Narrations tell us, here we will point to nothing but the narrations of our Sunni brothers and sisters which where they themselves accept these narrations as Authentic! Aisha the greatest/excellent of Women? So is Aisha of the most excellent of the women in paradise? Just because the Quran gives you the title of Om al-Momineen, this does not protect you from anything, or gives you a special status. Wasnt the wives of Prophet Noah (as) and of Prophet Lut (as) as well called Om Al-Momineen? Werent they also cursed in the Holy Quran? Nevertheless, this is not our topic at hand. Our first question will be answerd with these two narrations here: Imam Ahmed records: Anas narrated that the prophet (s) said: "The most excellent of the women of all worlds are: Mary the daughter of Imran, Khadija the daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad, and Asiya the wife of Pharaoh" Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume 3 page 135 Hadith 12414 Shaykh Shoib al-Arnaut stated: Sahih on the conditions of two Shaykhs We also read: Ibn Abbas narrates that Rasulullah (s) made four lines on the earth, then He (s) said to his companions, Do you know what is this? They replied: Allah and his messenger know best. He (s) replied: The most excellent of the women of Paradise are Khadija the daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad, Asiya the wife of Pharaoh, and Mary the daughter of Imran Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume 1 page 293 Hadith 2668 Shaykh Shoib al-Arnaut stated: The Chain is Sahih, the narrators are reliable (Thuqat), narrators of Sahih (books) So never has the Prophet (PBUH) in any way shape or form every has mentioned Aisha as of the greatest of women. Ayesha's jealousy of Khadija (as) is clear proof that she was not the most beloved wife In Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5 Tradition 166, Ayesha herself narrates:

"I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet as much as I did of Khadija though I did not see her, but the Prophet used to mention her very often, and whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the women friends of Khadija. When I sometimes said to him, "(You treat Khadija in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadija," he would say, "Khadija was such-and-such, and from her I had children." According to wikipedia Jealousy typically refers to the negative or angry thoughts, feelings, and behaviours of insecurity, fear, and anxiety that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival, or when another person is percieved to have some type of advantage . Jealousy is a trait inherent in a person who is envious of the superior position of another, and Ayesha's admission "I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet as much as I did of Khadija", is clear proof that Ayesha was fully aware of the superior rank of Khadija. Had Ayesha indeed been the most superior wife there would have been no need for her to be jealous. These four women are the most superior in rank amongst women. Only one wife of Rasulullah (s) is selected in this group and that wife is Khadija (as) NOT Ayesha. This tradition PROVES that Khadija is the MOST superior amongst Rasulullah's wives. If Ayesha was, then why did Rasulullah (s) not elevate her to the station of Leaders of women in Paradise? Aisha accuses the Prophet (PBUH) of bewitchment? One of the first things that Aisha lied against the Prophet (PBUH) is that she accused the Prophet of being bewitched! That the jews bewitched the Messenger of Allah and his bewitchment lasted for six months, and that he imagined that he did things, but in reality did not do it. That he also imagined that he would have sexual relationships with his wives, but in reality didn't. i.e. Meaning that his mind was confused, meaning bewtiched This claim that Aisha says about the Prophet (PBUH) one cannot reject it since it comes from the most Sahih of their Books (authentic), in Sahih Bukhari. Open up this book: Arabic Version: Volume 4, page 91 English Version: Volume 4, Book 53, Narration #400 in the Chapter The Character of Iblis and his Soldiers If you go Chapter is also called One-fith of Booty Bukhari put this narration in this Chapter, so why? we know that Magic is that of the Accursed Satan, a magician seeks the help of Satan in order to affect the bewitched one by his magic.

So this is of the character of Iblis, and imagine that they were able to control the Messenger of Allah and bewitch him. Aisha says: Once the Prophet was bewitched, so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done. Meaning that Prophet (PBUH) would imagine he would enter into bed with his wives, but in REALITY he did not, why because he was bewitched. Bukhari has added a commentary in this narration by Sufyan, the Son of Uyaynah, the narrator of this Narration: He says: That is the most intense of magic as it has such an effect This means that the Prophet (PBUH), according to Aishas claim, was bewitched by the most of intense magic there is! So, how do you answer to Aisha? How can you believe Aishas claim? With these words Aisha herself contradicts the Holy Quran, and supports the claim of the disbelieving polytheists. Her claim confirm that Satan has power and control over the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), because he had been bewitched! Can we accept this? That Satan have control over a believer with a sincere faith? The Seal of the Prophets? Prophet Muhammad is The Master of the Believers, is hard to accept...this is just one of the narrations, in fact she has many narrations saying that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was bewitched. These accusations by Aisha can bring the concept of Prophethood to fail, someone that can be controlled by the devils cannot be considered a Prophet!

What does Allah (swt) say about Satan? Indeed, he has no power over those who believe and put trust in their Lord. HIs power is only over those who befriend him, and those who polytheist in Him. (Nahl:99-100) So Satan cannot have the power over a believer, but his powers can be over that the befriends him. Over the disobedient, the sinner, the disbeliever, the hypocrite, and the rejector! If we wouldve confirmed that the Messenger of Allah was bewitched, it means that Satan had power over him! This contradicts the Holy Quran, everything just fails because of Aishas claims. Allah (swt) in the Quran Promised and said: Allah will suffice you (for defense) against them. [Quran 2:137] Allah will suffice him from the evil of the devils, magicians, disbelievers and hypocrites.

She denies the Quran, and she does what with her claims? with these Claims she helps the polytheists in their accusations against Muhammad, Allah (swt) said that in the Quran, Who accused the Prophet of being a crazy magician? And the oppressive said: You are not following but a bewitched man! [Quran 25:8] This means that Aisha took a stand with the oppressors polytheists that accused the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) So this can easily prove what? That Aisha was an oppressor, and disbeliever, she breaks the Seal of the Prophethood with her words. A Muslim would not believe that his Prophet wouldve been bewitched. In fact, our problem with the Christians, the Jews, the atheists, the religions enemies, the enemies that attack the Seal of The Prophet (PBUH). They usually say: The one that reveled to you Prophet wasnt God, but was a devil, he was bewitched and the devil was revealing to him, and he than came with this new religion, not a real prophet, this is what the enemies of Islam claim. This is what is used against us, as support to prove that Prophet was not a Prophet because of Aishas Claim. This proves Aisha is an oppressive and an infidel, according to what the general public says: Abo Bakr al-Jassas look at what he says, in his book Ahkam al-Quran, Volume 1, page 60 He criticizes those that accept these narrations of Aisha on the bewitchment of the Prophet: - And they have authorized, from the act of the magician, what is more terrible, and that is that they claimed that the Prophet (as) was bewitched, and that the magic worked on him to such a degree that he would think that he would say or do something which in reality did not say or do...until Abo Bakr alJassas says..and Such narrations that are fabricated by the infidels to mock inferior people and to lead them to revocate the miracles of the Prophets and doubting them. - This is of their own scholars in their own books that says this, one of their biggest scholars. - He clearly says narrations such as these comes from Infidels. - Clearly even if you ask a Wahabi scholar, were these fabricated? they will clearly tell you no, so this narration that is narrated from Bukhari of a chain of narrators ending with Aisha is authentic (SAHIH) - Their scholars will surely admit that its the saying of Aisha, and that no one fabricated this Hadith upon Aisha - If she is an infidel, it means what? we need not to discuss it as infidels are in Hellfire. Abo Bakr al-Assam, Book: Al-Majmu, by Nawawi, volume 19, page 243: - The Narration of his [The Prophet] bewitchment that is narrated here is to be refuted because they support the saying of the disbelievers on that the was bewitched, and is contrary to the words of the Quran, in which Allah belied him.

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