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Scenario The City


Sergeant, I just got a look on the other side of that wall and you're not gonna believe who all showed up for the party.Cygnar Ranger Summary: The wall has fallen from around the wartorn city and armies from all over are swarming in to loot and pillage while others are coming to fend off the invading hordes. The City is played on (4) 4'x4' boards laid end to end for 16' of play space. 4 players deploy to a board, one in each corner. 10" deployment zones. 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

The Factory

The Market

The Park

The Docks

Armies are 35 points and players get 10 minute turns (if all players are done before the time limit, the next turn will start). All players of the same deployment position (1,2,3,4) take their turn at the same time. So, all 1's will go at the same time, all 2's, etc. All models of players down one side of the tables are considered friendly models. All models of players on the opposite side of the table are considered enemy models. So, 1's and 3's are friends and 2's and 4's are their enemies. As the battle is taking place in a city, there will be a number of buildings on the boards. Buildings can be destroyed, but follow all of the rules for structures (Structure Rules- Warmachine Prime MKII Pg. 88-89, Hordes Primal MKII Pg. 90-91). When a building is placed on the table, 2 cards are placed underneath it. One is a random damage grid of either 10 or 15 boxes, ARM 18. The other is a Loot Card. Once the last point of damage is done, the player who dealt the damage may claim the loot card. Players can do 3 things with loot cards. They may use them immediately, save them for use later, and or trade/give ONE (per turn) to an adjacent friendly player. Loot card effects count as upkeep effects. Players continue to play until their warcaster/warlock has been destroyed. Players may join the game at any time (up to the beginning of the fifth hour of each session) as long as there is an open spot for them to deploy. To reduce lockout shenanigans, if a player is eliminated, any enemy models in their deployment zone are placed back in their (the enemy player's) original deployment zone. Advanced deployment models deploy in their usual manner. Victory Conditions Don't get your warcaster/warlock killed. Good hunting.

Created by: GRiPT Games Greg Marcraxus Shoemaker, Rick Belaphon Wright, Philip PG_Goldstep Goldstein, Taylor Electrosis Peterson any question, please contact me @

GRiPT Games The City Gencon 2012

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