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Easy Balancer

Update Manual

VMI AB Torsgatan 1, S-603 63 Norrkping, Sweden Phone: +46 11 311667 Fax: +46 11 311678 Email:

Easy-balancer Update manual page 1

Connection diagram for Easy Balancer update

Use the same serial communication cable that was included in the instrument delivery and that you use when you are communicating with the SpectraPro program. Connect the battery eliminator to a power source with a switch. Use the switch to turn off and on the power to the instrument for about 3-4 seconds each time the computer screen instructions says: >>Please restart instrument

Remove the batteries!!

Easy-balancer Update manual page 2

Use the files in this directory for Easy-Balancer update.

Read this manual before you start the update.

Copy the language files you want to use from the Extra languages directory to the Languages directory. Note 1! For each added language in the Language directory you will lose memory space comparable with one spectrum. Note 2! You must use Reinstallation in the next appearing window if you have made changes in the Languages directory

Click on this file to start the Easy-Balancer update.

Warning! As a safty measure, save the measurement to the computer before starting the Update, the files in the instrument might be unreadable or erased during the update process.

Note! You must use Updater_Expert.bat when updating to version 4.16.00 because some parts in the file system has been changed.

Easy-balancer Update manual page 3

Update of Easy Balancer:

Remove the batteries. Use the external battery adapter that was included in the delivery. Run the Updater_Expert.bat file from the CD or from the place where you have stored these files. Note, read this warning before you proceed any further.

Choose Reinstallation if you have made changes in the Language file.

Note! Reinstallation will erase all measurements.

Choose Upgrade if you want to keep the measurements.

Dont try to update an Easy-Balancer with the Easy-Viber software. The instrument will crash because the program memory is located in different locations.

Note! You must choose Reinstallation when updating to version 4.16.00 because some parts in the file system has been changed.

Select the COM port, one of the Installation alternatives (Reinstallation or Upgrade) and the Software alternative Easy-Balancer by clicking in the circle or box. Contact VMI or your local agent if you are uncertain. Click on Next. If the update does not work, then try to select Initial speed 19200 in the Communication settings. This might be necessary on some older instruments, 57600 is default.

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This line shows that the serial port in the computer has opened. Click on this Start button to start the program downloading to the instrument

Now connect the serial communication cable between the computer and the instrument if it is not already done. Do not touch the buttons on the instrument. The communication is working even if the instrument appears to be dead. Connect the external battery adapter to the instrument and turn on the power to the adapter. Because you must restart the instrument quite many times during the programming process it is better to have this battery adapter connected to a 220VAC source with a power switch. Then you do not need to disconnect and connect the battery adapter to the instrument each time.

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Disconnect the power to the instrument for a few seconds.

Note! Some older instruments may not restart after you have disconnected the power. Then press the ON/OFF button on the instrument and the Communication should open again.

To erase and format the flash memory in Easy-Balancer may take some minutes.

This text will appear when the formatting of the memory is finished. Disconnect the power to the instrument for a few seconds.

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The program xloader.hex is being downloaded.

Disconnect the power to the instrument for a few seconds.

The basic program is now downloaded and the remaining programs XMAIN, XP01, XP02, XENVELOPE, and the language files will be automatically downloaded.

The downloading is finished when this text appears.

The total program information has been transferred to the instrument when the blue bar is full. The instrument is ready to be used!!!

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