August 12 Bulletin

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383

Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 12th 2012

Mass Linens
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity that you can do at home? We are looking for a person(s) who would like to wash/dry the Mass linens every other week. You can take them home---wash them, dry them and bring them back. Maybe you and a friend would like to do this as a team? Please call our office if you are interested. Thank you.

Spaghetti Dinner Meeting

The next Spaghetti dinner planning meeting will be on Sunday, August 19th during the French Toast breakfast at 10am in Carvlin Hall. There will be a reserved table set off to the side for the get together. All are welcome.

Parish Newcomers
Welcome to the parish! We would like to invite you (and your family) to a Newcomers get-to-gather on Saturday, Sept.15th, at 5pm (out by 7:00pm) in Carvlin Hall. While we are having dinner (pizzas, salad, and water/soda) People from the various parish groups will be moving from table to table to describe what their committee does and to answer any questions you may have about their group. Father Charlie will be there to officially welcome you (even if you have been here for 3 years!) and to answer your questions about the parish. Please let other family or friends know about this upcoming event. Please mark this on your calendar now and then either call (503-231-4955) or email us: or Let us know how many will be in your party and RSVP.

Parish Breakfast Next Sunday

French toast will be served next Sunday after the 8:30am and 10:30am Masses. Adults are $5 and children are $3. Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast with us and talk with fellow parishioners.

Holy Day Mass this Wednesday

For the Assumption of Mary, (Holy Day) we will be having an 8am Mass in the Church as well as a 7pm mass. All are welcome to join us. The Feast of the Assumption, celebrated every year on August 15th, is a very old feast of the Church, celebrated universally by the sixth century. It commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven.

Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time August 12th 2012

This Weeks Calendar and Mass Intentions 8:00am Mass (The Dos Great Granmother&Grandfather) 8:00am Mass (Jane Kolongowski) 8:00am Mass (Holy day) 8:00am Mass (Flora Rigotti) 12:10pm Mass (Eleanor Oreste<A>) 8:00am Mass (For the sick) 4:00pm-Mass (Lewis Rossetto) Sunday August 19th 8:30am Mass (People of the Parish) 10:30am Mass (Anthony McPherson) 10:00am Deaf Community Mass Call the office if you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death or marriage, birthday, etc. Church Cleaning August 13-19th April Magnussen, Mary Jane Navarra Monday August 13th Tuesday August 14th Wednesday August 15th Thursday August 16th Friday August 17th Saturday August 18th Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Church Church Church Chapel

Parish Office Hours

Monday: 9:00 am to 12:00pm Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm Parish Staff Pastor Director of the NW Paulist Center Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x.117 Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x.111 Associate Pastor Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x.109 Director of Adult Faith Formation Barbara Harrison, x.107 Business Manager Jeanne McPherson, x. 103 Secretary/Receptionists Angelica Liharik, x. 101 angelical@stphilipneripdx.or Rose Wolfe x. 101 Building & Grounds, Maintenance Edward Danila Bulletin Announcements Must be submitted by 12pm Tuesday before target weekend to

Recycle Old Cell Phones

Do you have an old cell phone or two around the house? The parish is going to start a phone recycling program. To limit the amount of unacceptable phones that we will need to dispose of, there are folders in the foyer that lists the acceptable phones for the two companies we will be using. Please take a moment and look at the lists to see if you have any phones to bring in. Questions? Call the parish office 503 231-6423. Thank you for participating in our recycling programs.

Parish Picnic!
Save the date for Sunday, September 9th at Carvlin Hall for our Parish Picnic. Bring family and friends. This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners and bond as a community.

Prayer Box
Philip Neri Campanga Flora Rigottis family Betsy Nicholas

Prayer Cards and Rosaries

At the front desk of the Parish Office there is a free, please take one box filled with rosaries, cards, and sometimes medals. Stop by the office today and bring in your old rosaries to donate to this box or feel free to trade for others. The Paulist center also has prayer books among other items for sale as well.

Next Sundays Scripture Readings

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time(August 19th) Prv 9:1-6,|Eph 5:15-20| Jn 6:51-58(119)

Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time August 12th 2012

Pastoral Corner Sunday, August 12th 2012
Recently I heard from a woman who discovered a new depth to her relationship with God on a cross-country ski trip. She had always had difficulty going back down the hill on her skis, and would often fall down in the snow, arriving at their car wet and cold. She told how she would always say a prayer to God as she started down, saying something like, Dear God, help me to make it down this time without falling. But one day, she was moved to pray a little differently. Dear God, lets do this together. She skied all the way down without a fall, and with great enjoyment. She discovered that through the Spirit she was ready to experience God as her constant companion on her journey. Her relationship with God had entered into a new closeness.

Our Relationship with God

Human beings have tried to keep the gods at a safe distance, lest an almighty god make a real demand on our lives. We wanted a god to be close enough to help us when needed, but not close enough to know us intimately, and to place expectations on us Perish the thought that we human beings might owe real obedience and loyalty, and even love, to a god who loves us, perfectly. But then Almighty God called to our ancestor Abraham, and made an everlasting covenant of fidelity with him, and with his descendants in faith. And this God even revealed his name to Moses when God sent him to rescue the people from slavery, and to lead them out of Egypt into freedom in a land he promised them as their home. Then in the fullness of time, God sent his Son to be our redemption from the slavery of sin and death, and to teach us to call Almighty God, Our Father. His Son also revealed to us that Gods Holy Spirit would dwell with us to keep leading us to recognize the Risen Son in ourselves and in others. This, then, is the story of our relationship with God in a nutshell, and how God has drawn close to us so that we may discover how close we are to God. When we have a tendency to think of God as out there, and we feel that we need to call upon God to come close to us, and to help us in our needs, we may actually be going back to that ancient idea of God as at a distance from us. We may dwell in our prayer on asking God to hear us, and to grant us favors for ourselves and for others. How close is God to us? Does God know what

Father Jim McCauley, CSP

Share your Photographs
Pictures of Parish History for the Centennial Year Bulletin Board is being assembled. If you have any you'd like to loan us, contact Rose Wolf in the Parish Office.

The next B-Catholics meeting will be on September 5th, at 7:15 in St. Lukes room at the Paulist center. The subject of discussion will be A God of Understanding. Mark your Calendars.

Childrens Liturgy
Childrens Liturgy of the Word and Sunday PreSchool will start back up in September on the 9th at the 10:30am Mass. Thank you to all those who help put this together for the Children.

A Word from Servant of God Isaac Thomas Hecker

To day is the holy day of the Assumption of the dear blessed Mary mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. Oh may I be found worthy of her regard and love. Diary, August 15, 1844.

Food Pantry Donations

Our Food Pantry is always in need of items (diapers, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, soap) and nonperishable items like tuna, chili, soup, fruit, packages of macaroni, spaghetti, rice.) When you go to the store think about picking up just two extra items to share.

we need even before we ask? What would it be like to experience God as our very close companion in our lifes journey?
(Continued in next Colum)

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