What Is Europe ?

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LECT (Wk. 1)

Societies of Europe Intro

1. Defining cultural identity AUSTRALIA What defines Austs cultural identity: multicultural (what about Germany, France?) success in sport carefree elements of self-definition, other ppl labelling us wealth + opportunity (well off) young country; but then we must acknowledge the Aborigines Many ways to conceptualise cultural identity: generally static + whole, on one hand fluid, constantly evolving and sbj to change, including hybrid + transntl, on the other a range of factors tend to stabilise a societys cultural identity/ change it Which factors contribute to creation and stabilisation of (European) societys cult identity Which factors contribute to

ESSAY 1: Is there such a thing as European identity? Which factors work for or against it? (Europe extends beyond just the EU specify) 2. Europe and identity So many different countries why should we argue for a shared Euro identity; is a shared identity that transcends ntl boundaries still a good idea? Defining a Euro identity GEOGRAPHY: stops on the west, ocean; the east, Ural Mtns who sets these? RELIGION: Avicennas medical book = combination of Islamic, Greek, etc. (is it mainly based on Christianity? not inherent in Euro cult) MYTH of EUROPA: bull and woman a narrative of the origin of Euro, perpetuated thru history (similar to the Rainbow Serpent for the Aborigines) = creates an identity SHARED CULT + CULT HERITAGE DEMOC TRAD POLITICAL GOAL: a unified Europe Society = gps of ppl who feel as though they belong to the same culture Nation (according to Benedict Anderson) = an imagined community defined by narratives telling the nations story, thru symbols (e.g., flags) and drawing borders to emphasise geog space Europe = TRANSNATIONAL UNION: does it have shared narratives that tell its history?



LECT (Wk. 1)

EUROPE BEFORE 1945 Ancient Greece considered cradle of Euro civilisation Holy Roman Empire German Nation Middle Ages Renaissance (re-birth, returning to antiquity) and Reformations (of religion, changed perception of who belongs to a cult, and who doesn't) Enlightenment and Absolutism Descartes: Cogito ergo sum (Age of reason) French Revolution (Liberty, equality, fraternity) considered the basis democracy Napoleon Bonaparte (forced a lot of Euro countries to become one Europe) Industrial Rev (UK) Imperialism (expanding empires, taking Euro ideas and spreading them thruout the world)

WORLD WARS (1914-45; Europe in eclipse) WWI + WWII (memory shapes how we see ourselves today) After WWII: Euro completely divided by the Iron Curtain

THE COLD WAR (1945/47 1989/91) a time of aggression and division Geopolitical, ideological, economic issues networks of econo, ideological, military alliances, trade embargo, propaganda, espionage 1947: Truman Doctrine (containment) Germany, Marshall plan = new currency (Mark) 1961: Berlin Wall 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis 1962-79: Dtente (Brandt) 1979: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan From 1980, the ice started to thaw 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev (reforms) 1988: Fall of the Berlin Wall Why would the WWs and Cold War be important for later attempts to create a EU? Highlights the importance of peace (sth bigger at stake than mere money) After 1945: Europe called for peace and moved toward the EU thru econo and political alliances 1950: Schuman Declaration pooling French and German coal and steel (these two countries had underlying political tension, but instead, focus on economic incentive) 1957: Treaties of Rome protecting against nuclear energy + ECC (to remove trade barriers and form a common market) 1967: EURATOM + EEC = ECSC single parliament 1992: Treaty of Maastrich = coop btw member state govt built upon community to create the EU 1993: Completion of the single market 1995: EU expands to 15 members 2002: Euro notes + coins introduced 2004: 10 more countries join (w/ their own ideals)



LECT (Wk. 1)

Now, EU has 27 member states; geographically expands thruout population of nearly half a billion (third largest pop after China + India); 23 official languages Current presidency: Cyprus (sits outside of where Europe geographically finishes) EU anthem = Ode to Joy (Beethoven; encourages, crossing borders, peace)

IMPORTANT FEATURES of the EU Economics: single market, currency, European Central Bank, common agricc policy, fisheries policy Foreign Policy Shengen Agreement: no passport control single space of mobility to live, travel, work + invest

EUROPE TODAY Davos Angela Murkos National debt crisis Underlying tension btw ntl and transntl concepts of identity Juncker: important powers in fiscal policy should shift toward Europe, and debt securities like euro bonds would be introduced in return Germany, Finland, Netherlands strictly opposed joint debt, France and others against transfer of sovereignty to European level how much are the member states willing to share? Look at EU crisis from diff lang perspectives For the future: identity national or European? National and European? Whether or not we endorse the idea of a united Europe depends on our conception of cultural identity



LECT (Wk. 1)

EUL101 ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Brainstorm Extract 3 main points Research using different kinds of resources (articles, books, internet, journal articles) Structure ideas into a logical manner Dvlp argument/ hypothesis

6. Write body 7. Support argument w/ relevant examples, illustrations, numbers a variety of examples 8. Write intro and conclusion (conc draws upon main body to make a logical consequence, or future aspects to be explored) 9. Bibliography MLA (?) 10. Leave essay for two days 11. Read thru w/ critical eyes a. Is essay relevant b. Are all aspects answered c. Have you dvlp your own argument? (or are you merely repeating whats been said) d. Does the essay flow? (argument, structure, logic) e. Have you references ALL sources?

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