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Fundamentals of Mechanics - CIVE 1140 Kinetics Examples

Section 1: Velocity and acceleration 1.1 A swimmer swims at a steady 1m/s across a lake and then swims back at a steady speed of 0.5m/s. What is the swimmers average speed? (2/3 m/s) s/t1 = 1 t1 = s It takes twice as long to return i.e. t2 = 2t1 = 2s Total distance = 2s Total time = t1+t2 = 3t1 = 3s Average speed = Total distance / total time = 2s /3s = 2/3 m/s 1.2 A car travelling at 50 km/h stops in 11m. Find its deceleration (assuming it is uniform.) (8.87 m/s2) 50 km/h = 50 1000 / 3600 = 13.89 m/s v2 = u2 + 2as 0 = 13.892 + 2a11 a = -8.76 m/s2 deceleration = -a = 8.76 m/s 1.3 A wagon starts to run, from rest, down an incline. In 30 s it travels 100m. How long would it take to travel 800m from rest? (8.48 s) s = u t + 0.5 a t2 100 = 0.5 a 32 a = 22.2 m/s2 s = u t + 0.5 a t2 800 = 0.5 22.2 t2 1

Convert speed to m/s

t = 8.48 s 1.4 A stone is dropped down a vertical shaft 200m deep. The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s. Find the time that elapses before the person dropping the stone hears it hit the bottom. (6.986 s) s = u t + 0.5 a t2 200 = 0.5 9.81 t2 t == 6.38 s Time for sound to travel v = s/t t = 200/300 = 0.606 s Total time = 0.606 + 6.38 = 6.986 s 1.5 A lift starts from rest and accelerates at 2m/s2 until it reaches a speed of 3m/s. It then travels at constant speed until it is finally brought to rest with a deceleration of 1m/s2. The total time of motion is 20s. Sketch the speed / time graph and find the total distance travelled. (53.25 m) a = (v u) /t t = 3/2 = 1.5 s Last part of motion a = (v u) /t -1 = (0 3) /t t = 3s Time of constant speed = 20 1.5 3 = 15.5 s Draw the v/t graph. Area under the graph is the distance travelled s, s = (1.53)/2 + 15.53 + (33)/2 = 53.25 m 1.6 A crane lifts a load of 900kg vertically with constant acceleration from rest. The load rises 10m in 5s. Find the acceleration of the load and the tension in the lifting cable. (0.8 m/s2, 9.54 kN) s = u t + 0.5 a t2 10 = 0.5 a 52

Time of stone to reach the bottom

First part of motion

a = 0.8 m/s2 m = 900 kg F = m(a+g) = 900 ( 0.8 + 9.81) = 9549 N 1.7 A hoist raises material from the ground to the top of a building 100m high. It accelerates at 1m/s2 for 1s and decelerates at 0.8m/s2. Sketch the speed / time graph and find the uniform speed and the total time of travel from the ground to the top of the building. (1 m/s, 101.125 s) a = (v u) /t 1 = (v 0) / 1 v=1 Final part of motion a = (v u) /t from above u = 1 -0.8 = (0 1) / t t = 1.25 s Draw the v/t graph Distance under the graph is the distance travelled s = 100m 100 = (1 1) /2 + (1 T) + (11.25)/2 T = 98.875 s Total time of travel = 98.875 + 1 + 1.25 = 101.125 s 1.8 A train accelerates and decelerates at 0.5m/s2. What is the minimum time it can take to travel between two stations 5km apart? (200 s) s = 5000 / 2 = 2500 m s = u t + 0.5 a t2 2500 = 0.5 0.5 t2 t = 100 s total time = 200 s 1.9 A man gets out of a train and walks along the platform at 2m/s. the train begins to move 30s later and accelerates at 0.5m/s2. How much further time will elapse before the door from

First part of motion

which the man left the train overtakes him? (20 s) Man v = s/t s=vt= s = 2 30 = 60 At start man is 60m away , distance he must move is 60 + 2t s = u t + 0.5 a t2 60 + 2t = 0.5 0.5 t2 t2 - 8 t 240 = 0 t = 20 s 1.10 A pulley with diameter 1m rotates 120 times per minute. It has a belt passing round it. What is the angular speed of the pulley? What is the linear speed of the belt? (12.57 rad/s, 6.28 m/s) n = 120 rev /min = 120 /60 = 2 rev/s = 2 n = 12.566 rad /s v = r = 6.28 m/s 1.11 Find the linear speed of a point on the earth's equator assuming that the radius of the earth is 6380km (464 m/s) r = 6380 103 m rotates once every 24 hours = 24 3600 s n = 1 / (24 3600) = 0.11574 10-4 rev /s =2n v=r= r2n v = 6380 103 2 / (24 3600) v = 464 m/s 1.12 A flywheel rotates at 300 rev/min. It slows down uniformly to 180 rev/min in 30s. What is its angular acceleration? (-0.42 rad/s2) n1 = 300 rev /min = 300/60 rev /s n2 = 180 rev /min = 180/60 rev /s t = 30 s 1 = 2 n1 = 4

2 = 2 n2 = (2 - 1)/t = 2 (n2 - n1)/t = -0.42 rad /s2 1.13 A grinding wheel is accelerated uniformly from rest to 3000 rev/min in 3.0s. Find its angular acceleration. If the wheel diameter is 200mm, find the final linear speed of a point on its rim. (104 rad/s2, 31.4 m/s) 1 = 0 2 = 2 n2 2 = 2 (3000/60) = 314.16 rad /s = (2 - 1)/t = 104.72 rad/s2 v = r = 0.1 314.16 = 311.416 m/s 1.14 A train on a level straight track accelerates uniformly from rest to 60 km/h in a distance of 300m. Find its acceleration. If the driving wheels are 1.5m diameter, find their angular acceleration and the final angular speed of a point on the rim of the wheel. (0.463 m/s2, 0.617 rad/s2, 22.2 rad/s) v2 = u2 + 2as (60000 / 3600 )2 = 0 + 2 a 300 a = 0.463 m/s2 = a / r = 0.463 / 0.75 = 0.617 rad /s2 v=r (60000/3600) = 0.75 = 22.22 rad /s

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