Final Community Diagnosis of Tigbi Tiwi Albay

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DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Center for Health Development V

Legazpi City

Republic of the Philippines


Submitted by:

Jaena Paula G. Balbedina Eduard E. Gandul Jr. Michelle D. Colasi Richilda A. Jadie Jose Edmar C. Rodriguez Jr.
RN HEALS Batch 1 Tiwi, Albay

2011 - 2012


Introduction: A. Rationale

B. Purpose C. Objectives 1. 2. D. Methodology E. Scope and Limitations General Objectives Specific Objectives


Target Community Profile: A. Geographic Identifiers 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Historical Background Spot Map Total Estimated Population of the Barangay Total Number of Household Surveyed Sex Dependency Ratio Civil Status Religious Distribution Educational Attainment Illiteracy Rate a. Children who are Not Attending Elementary b. Children who are Not Attending High School 3. Occupational Status a. Type of Occupation b. Type of Business/ Industry c. Nature of Employment 4. Family Income Status a. Households With Income Below Poverty Threshold b. Households With Income Below Food Threshold c. Households That Experience Food Shortage 5. Housing a. Type of Housing Structure b. Households Who are Informal Settlers

B. Population Profile

C. Socio Economic Indicators

D. Environmental Indicators 1. 2. E. Health profile 1. Nutritional Status a. Malnourished Children 0 5yrs old F. Morbidity and mortality data 1. Pregnancy related Deaths Source of Drinking Water Households With Access to Safe Sanitary Toilet Facility


Analysis of data A. Identification of health problems B. Prioritized problem identified


Action plan based from prioritized problem identified A. Intervention strategies B. Specific activities to be done






Appendices: A. Spot map B. Survey questionnaire C. Definition of terms D. Letters 1. 2. 3. Barangay officials Health center School

E. Organizational chart 1. 2. Barangay officials Health centers

Community is defined as a group of people with common characteristics of goals and shared interest living together within a geographical boundary, has a population and environmental resources. Community is somehow divided into

different sectors like political sector in which they are considered as the leaders of the community. Another sector is that cultural sector they are the ones responsible for the cultural profile of their community, environmental sector they are for the restoration of our forest and most importantly the health sector these are composed of doctors and mostly nurses, they are the ones who can gave so much contribution to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates. The health sector in the community that intervenes for the improvement of the health of the community is known as the Community Health Nursing. According to the WHO CHN is a special field of Nursing that combines skills of Public Health and some phases of social assistance and function as a part of the total health program. For the promotion of health improvement in the conditions of social and physical environment, rehabilitation of illness and disabilities. According to the Department of Health, Community Health Nursing is a unique blend of nursing and public health practice woven into human serviceIt is not just all about caring and curing the sick but it is more on developing the individual as part of the community. It is unique in such a way that the client has a role in developing his own self. There is an open communication between the nurse and the client thus, creating an atmosphere of interaction and understanding between them. This is a big task for a nurse because it takes for a long period of time for the preparations of intervention, equipments to use, the budget available, the resources available and the most important of all the participation of the community people in such activities that are planned to perform. The community health nurses emphasize the possible disturbance of certain environmental factors in the maintenance of a healthy living. The promotion and observance of different health values may be affected by the social status of the community. Starting from the health beliefs up to the dreaded health problems, all are being reflected by the kind of community an area has. With that in mind, community diagnosis is being held. Community diagnosis, as part of Community Health Nursing that provides basis for the health condition of the community. It is an overview of what possible health problems affect the community as shown by certain factors and variables. It imparts knowledge on the community health nurses on what aspect of health the community

is in crisis. Community diagnosis assesses the communitys health status, thus providing hints on what and where the community health nurse must focus to promote and further maintain health.


As nurses deployed by the Department of Health in rural areas working in the municipalitys Rural Health Unit, community diagnosis is an essential tool in determining the communitys health status in general. Community diagnosis serves as a guide for Community Health Nurses in determining the socio demographic profile, health, nutrition, status and environmental sanitation status of the community as a whole and determining their strong point as well as the health needs of the families and their most pressing problems or issues. Knowing the major areas of health concerns of the families allows us as community health nurses to create solutions to these problems, monitor for progress and development of these solutions, and further strengthen campaign for improvement on these areas, thereby boosting health promotion and disease prevention in primary health care.


Survey and analyze the socio demographic profile, health needs and concerns/ problems of the community including the sources of problems identified.

To serve as data reference for the health care providers and as basis of setting indicators for evaluation of health care.

Identify and evaluate the health resources, services and health care delivery system available in the community and indicate the priorities for resource allocation.

Analyze the cultural beliefs and practices of the community towards health, and the attitude and probability of acceptance of the community towards the implementation of the health programs.

Identify priorities, establish goals, and determine courses of action to improve the health status of the community

General Objectives
After six (6) months of community immersion, the community health nurses deployed by the DOH should have assessed and acquired the essential demographic, socio-economic-cultural, environmental, and health resources of the municipality of Tiwi, Albay.

Specific Objectives
1. To establish rapport with the families in the community.

2. To obtain the communitys socio-demographic profile including its total population, geographical distribution, and topography.

3. To observe and evaluate the environmental variables in the study including water supply, garbage and excreta disposal, air supply/ ventilation, food storage, and structural housing that plays an important role with the communitys health and wellness and detection of possible sources of contamination and spread of infection.


To determine the health statistics of the community including births, morbidity, and mortality necessary to establish a baseline data and determine the trends.

5. To identify the communitys health problems and needs, set the health priorities and offer feasible solutions.

6. To identify the sources in the community that provides health services and meet their health related needs, including the health care providers (i.e. doctor/s, nurses, midwives, and BHWs) and the health care delivery system available.

7. To recognize the communitys political and leadership that plays an important role in community organization and assists and participates in mobilization of health care delivery and services, and maintenance of peace and order in the community. 8. To make people aware of social realities toward the development of local initiative, optimal use of human, technical, and material resources, and strengthening of peoples capacities through health empowerment. 9. To aid in the establishment of an immediate effective health plan that will target the priority health concerns of the community.

To formally start the Community Diagnosis, the group of nurses deployed by the DOH in the municipality of Tiwi, Albay paid courtesy call with the Barangay Captain and Officials of Brgy. Tigbi, the barangay chosen as the area of the study, to ask permission from the barangay officials headed by Brgy. Chairman Nelson C. Villanueva and to inform them about the purpose and objective of the community survey. Afterwards, the community nurses had an ocular observation to assess the barangays environmental conditions and interview a total of 616 families as mere representatives of Barangay Tigbi. This was done through convenient sampling based on the availability of the household members. A survey questionnaire was utilized to gather pertinent data about the socio-economic, cultural-demographic, and environmental profile of the barangay. The data gathered were carefully tallied, thoroughly analyzed, and were clearly interpreted in the construction of the community diagnosis.

SCOPE AND LIMITATION The study cover 616 families composing of 2,822 individuals representing the residents of Barangay Tigbi, Tiwi, Albay, within its 550,000 square-meter land area. Data gathered were based from the interview made by the student-nurses to the head of the family or any family member who is knowledgeable and capable of answering the essential information of their family. The data collected from the survey-questionnaire includes the family members background education, occupation, income, religion, origin and residency. It also pertains to the respondents way of living including their housing condition, water supply, excreta disposal and garbage disposal. Other topics covered in the survey include their food storage, practice of family planning, infant feeding practice and immunization status, health seeking behaviors and sources of health information. Due to time constraint, only the pertinent data were gathered and this will merely serve as a basis to determine the health needs and problems of Barangay TIGBI.


NELSON C. VILLANUEVA Brgy. Chairman CUERA, EDGARDO H. Brgy. Secretary RODRIGUEZ, MARISTE T. Brgy. Treasurer

ZEPEDA, PELAGIA S. Brgy. Kagawad

MONFORTE, ZANDRA A. Brgy. Kagawad .

CARULLA, JOSE C. Brgy. Kagawad


DACIR, ROLANDO C. Brgy. Kagawad

TRINIDAD, FELIX C. Brgy. Kagawad

DA, RICHARD B. Brgy. Kagawad





Fig. 2 Organizational Chart of Brgy. Tigbi



During the Spanish Times, the place where the town proper is located was referred to as EL Pueblo. This was so until the 1900s.In 1960 R.A. No. 2370 was enacted into law authorizing the creation of Barrios headed by a barrio lieutenant to be elected. El Pueblo became a barrio and Mr. Cipriano Competente was the first barrio lieutenant to be elected. However, the name El Pueblo has been replaced by TIGBI as the official name of the barangay through the efforts of the late OIC Mayor Jose Templado and the late Mayor Oriel Clutario. TIGBI is the old legendary name of the municipality.

Physical Characteristics
BARANGAY TIGBI is located at the main commercial district of the town or it is the heart of the town, having only .55km or 54.8 hectares of the total land area of the municipality of Tiwi, province of Albay. Surrounded by brgy. Libjo at the north, brgy Libtong at the west, brgy Oyama at the southwest, brgy. Gajo at the south, brgy Baybay at the east and brgy Bolo with a small portion located at the north east. 100%

flat land occupied mainly by commercial establishments at the near center of the Municipal plaza where the municipal building and other government offices located, and residential houses divided by puroks including a subdivision, theres also a creek on the north side and at the south that cross the national road.

Educational Health and Service Facilities

This barangay is strategically located where government offices was located and a catholic church where most of the people live are devoted Catholics, that makes this barangay the center where all of business transaction were made, be it public or private in any way. Being so, this barangay has the biggest population in primary school hosted by the Tiwi Central School which covers a number of barangay aside from other private institution that offers elementary education including preschools and kindergarten. Theres only one private school here in barangay Tigbi that offers secondary school, other high school students had to find their choice other barangay which mostly public school. Here also located the Municipal Rural health center under LGU, Headed by a Municipal Health Physician, and medical staffs that treats all kinds of non serious illness, conduct medical checkups including pregnant women, they also had here a maternity rooms for child deliveries, a laboratory for medical examination, other services given was issuance of medical clearances, referrals and papers that pertains medical status.

Spot Map of Barangay. TIGBI

Mode of Public Transportation

There are several types of public transportation in this barangay because of its location being the common destinations for a private and public transactions done within the municipality. Motorized tricycle, jeepneys, occasional buses and others.

Water & Electric Supply

Barangay Tigbi is supplied by a number of spring sources through a pipeline that runs across neighboring barangay, which relying their water supply on this same source. Electricity is supplied solely by ALECO a local electric cooperative, where the barangay depends its power source.

Waste Management
There was a project created by the barangay council for waste management several years ago, but due to limited fund it was put aside to give way to priority projects.

Peace and Order

Considering the geographical location of this barangay, it caters to a various types of people that make business every day till late nights; the barangay council assigned enough personnel to watch and observe peace and order in this barangay, including the presence of the PNP personnel. The situation is quite peaceful except during public celebrations, that needs the utmost cautions.

POPULATION PROFILE This socio-economic Profile is Copyright from Community Based Management System 2011; Municipal Planning & Development Office, LGU- Tiwi , Albay

1. The Total Population of the Barangay is 2822 as of 2011 2. Population Density: Total Number of population x 1000 Formula: PD = _______________________________ Total number of Square meters 2822 x 1000 Population Density = ____________________

550,000 square meters Population Density = 5.130909 The Total Population of the area surveyed is 2822 4. The Total Population of the Families is 616 families 5. Total number of household surveyed is 616 6. Socio-demographic profile 7. The total population of families surveyed is 616 families 8. Total population surveyed is 2822 9. Total number of household surveyed is 616 1. AGE AND SEX RATIO No. of Males Formula: SR = ------------------------ x 100 % No. of Females 1400 SR = ---------- x 100 % 1422 = 98.45 Sex Ratio = 98 males: 100 females

Total Estimated Population of the Barangay

The estimated Total population of Barangay Tigbi, Tiwi, Albay is 2,822, of which, 1,400 are male and 1,422 are female, giving the ratio of 98 males: 100 females. Of the 1,400 males, 314 are from Purok 1; 177 are from Purok 2; 114 from Purok 3, 60 from Purok 4; 59 from Purok 4; 149 from Purok 6; 101 from Purok 7; 269 from Purok 8; and 157 from Purok 9. Of the 1,422 females, 326 are from Purok 1; 184 from Purok 2; 112 from Purok 3; 63 from Purok 4; 59 from Purok 5; 163 from Purok 6; 102 from Purok 7; 277 from Purok 8; and 136 from Purok 9. The sex ratio between the males and the females are 96.31 from Purok 1; 96.19 from Purok 2; 101.78 from Purok 3; 95.23 from Purok 4; 100 from Purok 5; 91.41 from Purok 6; 99.01 from Purok 7; 97.11 from Purok 8; and 115.44 from Purok 9.

Analysis and Interpretation:

The tables and figures below shows that there are nearly equal males and females in the barangay, which levels the playing field for both sexes, so to speak, in terms of education and occupation.
Table 1. Population by Sex by Purok

POPULATION PUROK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Total 640 361 226 123 118 312 203 546 293 2822 Percentage 22.68 12.79 8.01 4.36 4.18 11.06 7.19 19.35 10.38 100 Male 314 177 114 60 59 149 101 269 157 1400 Percentage 22.43 12.64 8.14 4.29 4.21 10.64 7.21 19.21 11.21 99.98 Female 326 184 112 63 59 163 102 277 136 1422 Percentage 22.92 12.94 7.88 4.43 4.15 11.46 7.17 19.48 9.56 99.99 Sex Ratio 96.31 96.19 101.78 95.23 100 91.41 99.01 97.11 115.44 98.45

Fig. 3. Population of Barangay Tigbi, Tiwi, Albay

Total Number of Household Surveyed

The total number of households surveyed per purok yielded the the following results: there are 136 (22.07%) households in Purok 1; 70 (11.36%) in Purok 2; 57 (9.25%) in Purok 3; 27 (4.38%) in Purok 4; 34 (5.51%) in Purok 5; 64 (10.38%) in Purok 6; 43 (6.98%) in Purok 7; 125 (20.29%) in Purok 8; and 60 (9.74%) in Purok, which totaled to 616 households respectively . The average household size ranged between 3 to 4 members, with 5 as the most common number of household members.

Analysis and Interpretation: The data from the tables and figures below suggests that most of the households live within Purok 1 and Purok 8 areas. While the least number of families within Purok 4 area, respectively. The average household size ranges between 3 to 5 members, with 5 as the most common number of household members. This suggests that most of the families in the area are small to moderate-sized. This further suggests that the families in the barangay are practicing family planning methods.

PUROK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL

Total 136 70 57 27 34 64 43 125 60 616

HOUSEHOLD Percentage (%) 22.07 11.36 9.25 4.38 5.51 10.38 6.98 20.29 9.74 100

AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD SIZE 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 4 5 5

Table 2. Number of Households

Fig. 4a. Number of Households

Fig. 4b. Percentage Distribution of Households

Sex Dependency
Sex dependency ratio compares the number of economically dependent (0 14 years old) with the economically productive group (15 64 years old) in the population in relation to sex. The sex dependency ratio for 0 14 years old totaled to 917 (32.51%), consisting of 473 males and 444 females. For 15 64 years old, it totaled to 1,748 (61.96%), consisting of 865 males and 883 females. Finally, for the ages 65 and above, it totaled to 156 (5.53%), which consist of 62 males and 94 females.

Analysis and Interpretation: According to the data shown on the tables and figures below, the ages 15 64 years old, which consists of the economically productive age group, composed the bulk of the population. This is followed by the less productive age group of 0 14 years old, which composes more or less half the number of age group 15 64 years old. The least number belonged to the ages 65 and above, who composes the elderly/ senior citizens. Which means that there are more productive people than children and elderly. Of all the members of the age-group 15 64 years old, the females outnumbered the males, which means there are more productive females than males. This data suggests that those who are within their productive years (15 64 years old) are busy people who put greater priority on their occupation. Since there are more productive women than men, and with the low number of dependents (ages 0 14 years old) this suggests that they maintain their number of dependents to a minimum, primarily because of the difficulty of working while taking care of their children.

Table 3. Sex Dependency


0 - 14yrs old 15 - 64yrs old 65 above TOTAL

917 1748 156 2821

32.51 61.96 5.53 100

473 865 62 1400

33.79 61.79 4.43 100.01

444 883 94 1421

31.25 62.14 6.61 100

Fig. 5a. Sex Dependency Percentage Distribution

Fig. 5b. Sex Dependency

Civil Status
There are 1665 (59.04%) singles, composed of 866 males and 799 females; 962 (34.11%) are married, composed of 472 males and 490 females; 123 (4.36%) are widow/widower, composed of 29 males and 94 females; 24 (0.85%) are divorced/ separated, composed of 8 males and 16 females; 36 (1.3%) are common-law/ live-in,

composed of 18 males and 18 females; and 10 (0.35%) are unknown in status, composed of 10 males and 4 females.

Analysis and Interpretation: The data from the tables and figures shows that majority of the population of Barangay Tigbi are either single or married; many are widows/ widowers; and few are living together as common law or live-in partners and as divorced/ separated, respectively. This suggests the conclusion that the population of Barangay Tigbi have strong family values and respects and honors the sanctity of marriage.

CIVIL STATU S Single Married Widow/ er Divorce d/ Separat ed Commo n Law/ Live-in Unknow n TOTAL

SEX TOT AL 1665 962 123 24 PERCENT AGE 59.04 34.11 4.36 0.85 MAL E 866 472 29 8 PERCENT AGE 61.9 33.7 2.1 0.57 FEMA LE 799 490 94 16 PERCENTAGE 56.2 34.5 6.61 1.12
Table 4. Civil Status by Sex







10 282 0

0.35 100.01

6 139 9

0.43 99.98

4 1421

0.28 99.97

Fig. 6a. Civil Status by Sex

Fig. 6b. Civil Status Percentag e

There are a total of 2,777 (98.5%) Roman Catholics, composed of 1,374 males and 1,403 females; 9 (0.3%) Protestants, composed of 7 males and 2 females; 9 (0.3%) members of Iglesia ni Cristo, composed of 5 males and 4 females; 11 (0.4%) Muslims, composed of 5 males and 6 females; and 14 (0.5%) belonging to other sects, composed of 8 males and 6 females.

Analysis and Interpretation: Majority of the population, consisting of 2,777 (98.5%) individuals, composed of 1,374 (98.2%) males and 1,403 (98.7%) females are Roman Catholics. The remaining 1.5% are divided among the remaining sects. This data concludes that the people of Barangay Tigbi have strong religious belief and faith in the Roman Catholic church.

Table 5. Religion by Sex

RELIGI ON Roman Catholic Protesta nt Iglesia ni Cristo Aglipay Islam Others None TOTAL 282 0 100 139 9 100 1421 99.9 11 14 0.4 0.5 5 8 0.35 0.6 6 6 0.4 0.4 SEX TOT AL 2777 9 9 PERCENT AGE 98.5 0.3 0.3 MAL E 137 4 7 5 PERCENT AGE 98.2 0.5 0.35 FEMA LE 1403 2 4 PERCENT AGE 98.7 0.1 0.3

Fig. 7a. Religion by Sex Distribution of Religion

Fig. 7b. Percentage


There are 467 (17.6%) College Graduates; 437 (16.5%) Elementary Undergraduates; 382 (14.4%) High School graduates; 358 (13.5%) College Undergraduates; 325 (12.3%) High School Undergraduates; 253 (9.6%) Elementary graduates; 195 (7.4%) unschooled/ uneducated; 91 (3.4%) PS graduates; 62 (2.3%) finished Nursery/Kinder/Preparatory school; 37 (1.4%); 31 (1.2%) are PS undergraduates; and the remaining few consist of 2 individuals who have reached Post Graduate studies, and 5 individuals graduated with Masters/Doctoral degree.

Analysis and Interpretation: The data shows that generally, the population of Barangay Tigbi have high educational attainment rate. Majority of the population are educated. This suggests that the people of Barangay Tigbi puts high importance on education; and whatever their socio-economic status may be, they strive to achieve/attain some degree of education at least, no matter how modest.

Educational Total Attainment No Grade Day Care 195 37

Percent a g e 7.4 1.4 2.3 16.5 9.6 12.3 14.4 1.2 3.4 13.5 17.6

Nursery/Kinder/Prepar 62 atory Elementary 437 Undergraduate Elementary Graduate 253 HS Undergraduate HS Graduate PS Undergraduate PS Graduate 325 382 31 91

College Undergraduate 58 3 College Graduate 467

With Units in 2 Masters/Doctor al Masters/Doctoral Degree TOTAL 5 2645 0.2 99.8

Fig. 8b. Educational Attainment Percentage


Table 6. Educational Attainment

Fig. 8a. Educational Attainment

Illiteracy Rate

A total magnitude of 4 (2 males and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 0.79 (0.82 males and 0.77 females) out of a 504 persons (243 males and 261 females) aged 10 years old and above in Purok 1 are illiterate. A total magnitude of 3 (1 male and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 1.09 (0.76 males and 1.39 females) out of 275 persons (131 males and 144 females) aged 10 years old and above in Purok 2 are illiterate. A total magnitude of 6 (3 males and 3 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.41 (3.3 males and 3.53 females) out of 176 persons (91 males and 85 females) aged 10 years old and above in Purok 3 are illiterate. A total magnitude of 4 (1 male and 3 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 4.26 (2.38 males and 5.77 females) out of 94 persons (42 males and 52 females) aged 10 years old and above in Purok 4 are illiterate. A total magnitude of 2 (0 males and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 0.79 (0 males and 1.55 females) out of 253 persons (124 males and 129 females) aged 10 years old and above in Purok 6 are illiterate. A total magnitude of 3 (1 male and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 0.71 (0.49 males and 0.9 females) out of 425 persons (203 males and 222 females) aged 10 years old and above in Purok 8 are illiterate. Finally, a total magnitude of 2 (2 males and 0 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 0.87 (1.76 males and 0 females) out of 230 persons (120 males and 111 females) aged 10 years old above in Purok 9 are illiterate. Meanwhile, no persons 10 years old and above from Puroks 5 and 7 are illiterate.

Analysis and Interpretation: Out of a total of 2,215 persons 10 years old and above composed 1,078 males and 1,137 females in Barangay Tigbi, a magnitude of 24 ( 10 males and 14 females) or a proportion of 1.08 (0.93 males and 1.23 females) are illiterate. The highest total magnitude of 6 (3 males and 3 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.41 (3.3 males and 3.53 females) out of 176 persons (91 males and 85 females) aged 10 years and above are illiterate. This is followed by a total magnitude of 4 in Puroks 1 and 4; a total magnitude of 3 in Puroks 2 and 8; and a total magnitude of 2 in Puroks 6 and 9, respectively. Whereas, there are no illiterate persons 10 years old and above in Puroks 5 and 7 of Barangay Tigbi. The data from the table and figure below suggests that there is very minimal number of illiterate persons 10 years old and above in Barangay Tigbi, which further validates that the people of Barangay Tigbi put a great importance on education and strive to attend school as much as their financial capacity can afford.

Table7. Number of Illiterate Persons 10 yrs old and Above by Purok

Number of Persons 10 yrs old and Above Total Male 1078 Female Total 1137 24 Illiterate Persons 10 yrs old and Above Magnitude Male 10 Female 14 Total 1.08 Proportion Male 0.93 Female 1.23



504 275 176 94 97 253 160 425 230

243 131 91 42 45 124 79 203 120

261 144 85 52 52 129 81 222 111

4 3 6 4 0 2 0 3 2

2 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 2

2 2 3 3 0 2 0 2 0

0.79 1.09 3.41 4.26 0 0.79 0 0.71 0.87

0.82 0.76 3.3 2.38 0 0 0 0.49 1.67

0.77 1.39 3.53 5.77 0 1.55 0 0.9 0

Children who are Not Attending Elementary School

A total magnitude of 16 (11 males and 5 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 18.6 (23.91 males and 12.5 females) out of 86 children (46 males and 40 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 1 are not attending Elementary School. A

total magnitude of 9 (5 males and 4 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 12.86 (13.16 males and 12.5 females) out of 70 children (38 males and 32 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 2 are not attending Elementary School. A total magnitude of 4 (1 male and 3 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 14.29 (9.09 males and 17.65 females) out of 28 children (11 males and 17 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 3 are not attending Elementary School. A total magnitude of 3 (0 males and 3 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 10.34 (0 males and 27.27 females) out of 29 children (18 males and 11 females) aged 6 12 years old and above in Purok 4 are not attending Elementary School. A total magnitude of 1 (1 male and 0 female) or equivalent to a total proportion of 7.14 (11.11 males and 0 females) out of 14 children (9 males and 5 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 5 are not attending Elementary School. A total magnitude of 10 (4 males and 6 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 25 (17.39 males and 35.29 females) out of 40 children (23 males and 17 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 6 are not attending Elementary School. A total magnitude of 2 (0 males and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 6.06 (0 males and 11.11 females) out of 33 children (15 males and 18 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 7 are not attending Elementary School. A total magnitude of 13 (4 males and 9 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 14.77 (8.33 males and 22.5 females) out of 88 children (48 males and 40 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 8 are not attending Elementary School. Finally, a total magnitude of 13 (8 males and 5 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 25.49 (28.57 males and 21.74 females) out of 51 children (28 males and 23 females) aged 6 12 years old in Purok 9 are not attending Elementary School.

Analysis and Interpretation: Out of a total of 439 children (236 males and 203 females) aged 6 12 years old in Barangay Tigbi, a total magnitude of 71 (34 males and 37 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 16.17 (14.14 males and 18.23 females) are not attending Elementary School, which means that there is a minimum to moderate number of children aged 6 12 years old who are not attending Elementary School for whatever reason, financial or otherwise. The data from the table and figure presented further shows that there are more male children than female in Barangay Tigbi. The data gathered suggests that out of these children more females aged 6 12 years old are not attending elementary education, compared to males, however small the difference.

Table 8. Children 6-12 yrs old who are Not Attending Elementary School by Sex, by Purok


Number of Children 6-12 yrs old

Children 6-12 yrs old Not Attending Elementary

Magnitude Total 439 Male 236 Female 203 Total 71 Male 34 Female 37 Total

Proportion Male Female 18.23

16.17 14.14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

86 70 28 29 14 40 33 88 51

46 38 11 18 9 23 15 48 28

40 32 17 11 5 17 18 40 23

16 9 4 3 1 10 2 13 13

11 5 1 0 1 4 0 4 8

5 4 3 3 0 6 2 9 5

18.6 12.86 14.29 10.34 7.14 25 6.06 14.77 25.49

23.91 13.16 9.09 0 11.11 17.39 0 8.33 28.57

12.5 12.5 17.65 27.27 0 35.29 11.11 22.5 21.74

Children who are Not Attending High School

A total magnitude of 16 (8 males and 8 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 25.81 (27.59 males and 24.24 females) out of 62 children (29 males and 33 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 1 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 10 (6 males and 4 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 29.41 (46.15 males and 19.05 females) out of 34 children (13 males and 21 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 2 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 2 (1 male and 1 female) or equivalent to a total proportion of 20.00 (12.5 males and 50 females) out of 10 children (8 males and 2 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 3 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 1 (1 male and 0 female) or equivalent to a total proportion of 16.67 (25.00 males and 0 female) out of 6 children (4 males and 2 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 4 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 4 (0 male and 4 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 40.00 (0 males and 50.00 females) out of 10 children (2 males and 8 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 5 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 7 (3 males and 4 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 24.14 (20.00 males and 28.57 females) out of 29 children (15 males and 14 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 6 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 4 (3 males and 1 female) or equivalent to a total proportion of 30.77 (60.00 males and 12.5 females) out of 13 children (5 males and 8 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 7 are not attending High School. A total magnitude of 16 (9 males and 7 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 33.33 (36 males and 30.43 females) out of 48 children (25 males and 23 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 8 are not attending High School. Finally, a total magnitude of 11 (6 males and 5 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 42.41 (42.86 males and 41.67 females) out of 26 children (14 males and 12 females) aged 13 16 years old in Purok 9 are not attending High School.

Analysis and Interpretation: Out of a total of 238 children (115 males and 123 females) aged 13 16 years old in Barangay Tigbi, a total magnitude of 71 (37 males and 34 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 29.83 (32.17 males and 27.64 females) are not attending High School, which means that there is a moderate number of children aged 13 16 years old who are not attending High School, for whatever reason, financial or otherwise. The data presented further shows that there are more male children aged 13 16 years old than females who are not attending High School.

Occupational Status Type of Occupation

From a total of 766 employed persons (462 males and 304 females), a total magnitude of 30 (20 males and 10 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.92 (4.33 males and3.29 females) are employed as officials of government and specialinterest organizations, corporate executives, managers, managing proprietors and supervisors; a total magnitude of 105 (41 males and 64 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 13.71 (8.87 males and 21.05 females) are employed as physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals; a total magnitude of 52 (48 males and 4 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 6.79 (10.39 males and 1.32 females) are employed as technician and associate professionals ; a total magnitude of 61 (25 males and 36 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 7.96 (5.41 males and 11.84 females) are employed as clerks; a total magnitude of 108 (61 males and 47 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 14.1 (13.2 males and 15.46 females) are employed as service workers and shop and market sales workers ; a total magnitude of 22 (22 males and 0 female) or equivalent to a total proportion of 2.87 (4.76 males and 0 female) are employed as farmers, forestry workers and fishermen; a total magnitude of 147 (67 males and 80 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 19.19 (14.5 males and 26.32 females) are employed as trades and related workers; a total magnitude of 27 (22 males and 5 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.52 (4.76 males and 1.64 females) are employed as plant and machine operators and assemblers; a total magnitude of 181 (134 males and 47 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 23.63 (29.00 males and 15.46 females) are employed as laborers and unskilled workers; and lastly, a total magnitude of 33 (22 males and 11 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 4.31 (4.76 males and 3.62 females) are employed as having special occupations.

Analysis and Interpretation: The data presented suggests that there are more males employed than females. Furthermore, most of these employed persons are laborers and unskilled workers. A lot work in trades and related works; service workers and shop and market sales workers; and physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals. This shows that majority of employed people of Barangay Tigbi are employed in blue collar jobs and service work.

Type of Business/ Industry

From a total of 766 employed persons (462 males and 304 females), a total magnitude of 19 (18 males and 1 female) or equivalent to a total proportion of 2.48 (3.9 males and 0.33 females) are employed in the business/industry of agriculture, mIning and forestry; ), a total magnitude of 2 (0 male and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 0.26 (0 males and 0.66 females) are employed in the business/industry of fishing; a total magnitude of 28 (9 males and 19 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.66 (1.95 males and 6.25 females) are employed in the business/industry of manufacturing; a total magnitude of 56 (43 males and 13 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 7.31 (9.31 males and 4.28 females) are employed in the business/industry of electricity, gas and water supply; a total magnitude of 100 (94 males and 6 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 13.05 (20.35 males and 1.97 females) are employed in the business/industry of construction; a total magnitude of 144 (76 males and 68 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 18.8 (16.45 males and 22.37 females) are employed in the business/industry of wholesale and retail trade, and vehicle repair; a total magnitude of 17 (8 males and 9 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 2.22 (1.73 males and 2.96 females) are employed in the business/industry of hotel and restaurants; a total magnitude of 65 (63 males and 2 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 8.49 (13.64 males and 0.66 females) are employed in the business/industry of transportation, storage and communication; a total magnitude of 13 (8 males and 5 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 1.7 (1.73 males and 1.64 females) are employed in the business/industry of financial intermediation; a total magnitude of 30 (18 males and 12 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.92 (3.9 males and 3.95 females) are employed in the business/industry of real estate, renting and business activities; a total magnitude of 47 (36 males and 11 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 6.14 (7.79 males and 3.62 females) are employed in the business/industry of public administration and defense; a total magnitude of 70 (12 males and 58 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 9.14 (2.6 males and 19.08 females) are employed in the business/industry of education; a total magnitude of 29 (7 males and 22 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.79 (20.35 males and 1.97 females) are employed in the business/industry of health and social work; a total magnitude of 82 (59 males and 23 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 10.71 (12.77 males and 7.57 females) are employed in the business/industry of other community, social or personal activities; a total magnitude of 61 (9 males and 52 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 7.96 (1.95 males and 17.11 females) are employed in the business/industry of private households with employed persons; and finally, a total magnitude of 3 (2 males and 1 female) or

equivalent to a total proportion of 0.39 (0.43 males and 0.33 females) are employed in the business/industry of extra territorial organizations. Whereas, there is nobody employed in the business/ industry of mining and quarrying. Analysis and Interpretation: The data shows that there are more males employed in the business or private industry than females. The data furthermore suggests that majority of employed persons in Barangay Tigbi are mostly employed in construction, wholesale and retail trade and vehicle repair, who are skilled workers, belonging to blue collar industry.

Nature of Employment
From a total of 766 employed members of the labor force (462 males and 304 females), a total magnitude of 556 (307 males and 249 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 72.58 (66.45 males and 81.91 females) are employed as permanent employees; a total magnitude of 182 (132 males and 50 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 23.76 (28.57 males and 16.45 females) are employed as short-term, seasonal or casual employees; and a total magnitude of 28 (23 males and 5 females) or equivalent to a total proportion of 3.66 (4.98 males and 1.64 females) worked on different jobs on day-to-day or week-to-week basis.

Analysis and interpretation: This data below shows that there are more males who are employed members of the labor force, than females. It also shows that most of them are working as permanent status, which attests to their adequate financial capacity to support their families; a few work on a short-term, seasonal or casual status. The remaining few of them are working on different jobs jobs on day-to day or week-to-week basis.

Nature of Employme nt

Number of Employed Members of the Labor Force

Employed Members of the Labor Force and their Nature of Employment Magnitude Male Femal Total e Proportion Male Female

Total Male 766 Permanent Short-term, seasonal or casual 462

Femal Total e 304 556 182

307 132

249 72.58 50 23.76

66.45 28.57

81.91 16.45

Worked on different jobs on day to day or week to week






Table 21. Employed Members of the Labor Force and Their Nature of Employment

Family Income Status Households with Income Below Poverty Threshold

Out of a total of 616 households of Barangay Tigbi with a magnitude of 261 or an equivalent proportion of 42.37 households have income below the poverty threshold, which is composed of the following: with a magnitude of 55 and a proportion of 40.44 out of 136 households from Purok 1; a magnitude of 44 and proportion of 62.86 out of 70 households from Purok 2; a magnitude of 20 and proportion of 35.09 out of 57 households Households with from Purok 3; a magnitude of 8 and Income Below proportion of 29.63 out of 27 households Number Poverty Threshold of Magnitu Proporti from Purok 4; a magnitude of 13 and a Purok Househo d on proportion of 38.24 out of 34 households lds from Purok 5; a magnitude of 28 and e proportion of 43.75 out of 64 households 616 261 42.37 from Purok 6; a magnitude of 8 and a proportion of 18.6 out of 43 households from Purok 7; a magnitude of 57 and a proportion of 45.6 out of 125 households 1 136 55 40.44 from Purok 8; and lastly, a magnitude of 2 70 44 62.86 28 and a proportion of 16.57 out of 60 households from Purok 9. 3 57 20 35.09 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 34 64 43 125 60 8 13 28 8 57 28 29.63 38.24 43.75 18.6 45.6 16.57 Analysis and Interpretation: This data shows that the largest number of households in Barangay Tigbi are located within Purok 1 and 8, which also have the most number of households with a family income below poverty threshold.

Table 13. Number of Households with Income Below Poverty Threshold by Purok

Fig. 15. Number of Households with Income Below Poverty Threshold by Purok

Fig. 16. Number of Households with Income Below Food Threshold by Purok

Households with Income Below Food Threshold

Out of 616 households of Barangay Tigbi, a magnitude of 166 and a proportion of 26.95 have income below food threshold. These are composed of the following: a magnitude of 37 and a proportion of 27.21 from 136 households of Purok 1; a magnitude of 34 and a proportion of 48.57 from 70 households of Purok 2; a magnitude of 10 and a proportion of 17.54 from 57 households of Purok 3; a magnitude of 5 and a proportion of 18.52 from 27 households of Purok 4; a magnitude of 8 and a proportion of 23.53 from 34 households of Purok 5; a magnitude of 15 and a proportion of 23.44 from 64 households of Purok 6; a magnitude of 5 and a proportion of 11.63 from 43 households of Purok 7; a magnitude of 33 and a proportion of 26.4 from 125 households of Purok 8; and a magnitude of 19 and a proportion of 31.67 from 60 households of Purok 9.

Analysis and Interpretation:

The data shows that, based on magnitude, the highest number of households with income below food Purok threshold belongs to Puroks 1, 2, and 8. Howerever, based on proportion, they are Purok 2, 9, 1, and 8. These data suggests that there are some households who have income below food threshold.

Number of Househol ds 616

Households with Income Below Food Threshold Magnitud e 166 Proportio n 26.95

136 70 57 27 34 64 43 125 60

37 34 10 5 8 15 5 33 19

27.21 48.57 17.54 18.52 23.53 23.44 11.63 26.4 31.67

Table 14. Number of Households with Income Below Food Threshold by Purok

Households that Experience Food Shortage

A magnitude of 45 out of 616 households with a proportion of 7.31, experience food shortage. These consist of: a magnitude of 14 out of 70 households of Purok 1, with a proportion of 7.35; a magnitude of 14 out of 70 households of Purok 2, with a proportion of 20.00; a magnitude of 3 out of 57 households of Purok 3, with a proportion of 5.26; a magnitude of 12 out of 34 households of Purok 5, with a proportion of 35.29; and a magnitude of 1 out of 125 households of Purok 8, with a proportion of 0.8, respectively. Whereas, no households in Puroks 4, 7 and 8 experience food shortage.

Analysis and Interpretation: The data presented suggests that there are a few households that experience food shortage, mostly within the area of Purok 5. In other areas including Puroks 5 and 7, no household experienced food shortage.


Number of Househo lds

Households who Experienced Food Shortage Magnitu Proporti d o e n




136 Table 15. Number of Households who Experience Food Shortage by Purok 70

10 14

7.35 20

Fig. 17. Number of Households that Experience 57 3 5.26 Food Shortage by Purok

27 34 64 43 125 60 housing.

0 12 5 0 1 0

0 35.29 7.81 0 0.8 0

Housing Type of Housing Structure

The data shows that there are 437 houses made entirely of full concrete, 113 houses made of half-wood and halfconcrete, 57 houses made of bamboo/nipa, and 10 households made of makeshift Type of Housing Structure Makeshift Housing Bamboo/ Nipa hut Half-wood, HalfConcrete Full Concrete TOTAL Number of Households 10 57 113 437 617

Analysis and interpretation:

The data presented suggests that most houses are made of full concrete; many houses are made of half-wood and half-concrete; and few houses are made of light materials/ makeshift housing materials, which show that most of them are adequately settled.

Table 16. Type of Housing Structure of Households

Fig. 18. Type of Housing Structure of Households Number of Househo ld 136 70 57 27 34 64

Households who are Informal Settlers


The data presented shows that there are households in Barangay Tigbi who are informal settlers including 1 out of 136 householdsin Purok 1; 2 out of 70 households in Purok 2; 1 out of 57 households in Purok 3; 1 out of 34 households in Purok 5; 1 out of 64 households in Purok 6; 2 out of 43 households in Purok 7; and 2 out of 125 households in Purok 8. Meanwhile, no households in Puroks 4 and 9 are informal settlers.

Househo lds Who Are Informal Settlers (By Purok) 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 10

Analysis and Interpretation:

43 125 60 TOTAL 616

These results suggests that there is very minimal number of households in Barangay Tigbi who are informal settlers. These households, which forms an insignificant number of the total number of households, are mere squatters in the area, and have no ownership of land.

Table 17. Number of Households who are Informal Settlers by Purok

Fig. 19. Number of Households who are Informal Settlers by Purok


Source of Drinking Water

The barangays source of water ranges from Level 1 to Level 3 of which, 597 (92.56%) households belong to Level 3; 37 (5.74%) households belong to Level 2; and 11 (1.70%) households belong to Level 1. Where, Level 3 includes community water system that are owned; Level 2 includes community water system that is adequately covered/cemented and shared , spring/river/stream/lake, artesian well; and Level 1 includes shallow/deep well.

Interpretation and Analysis: These results suggest that majority of the households in Barangay Tigbi have access to safe drinking water.

Table 18. Source of Drinking Water Source of Drinking Water Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 TOTAL *Level 1: Shallow/Deep Well Number of Households Total 597 37 11 645 Percentage 92.56 5.74 1.70 100 *Level 3: Community water system (owned) *Level 2: Community water system (shared), Spring/river/stream/lake, Artesian well

Fig. 20a. Source of Drinking Water

S ourceof D rinkingW ater

2% 6%
Level 3


Level 2 Level 1

Fig. 20b. Percentage Distribution of Source of Drinking Water

Households with Access to Safe Sanitary Toilet Facility

Out of a total of 616 households in Barangay Tigbi, 16 have no access to safe sanitary toilet facility. This includes 1 out of 136 households from Puroks 1; 3 out of 70 households from Purok 2; 1 out of 57 households from Purok 3; 2 out of 34 households from Purok 5; 1 out of 64 households from Purok 6; 1 out of 43 households from Purok 7; and 7 out of 125 households from Purok 8. Whereas, no households from Puroks 4 and 5 are without access to safe sanitary toilet facility.

Analysis and Interpretation: From the data presented, it can be deduced that in general, very few/ minimal number of households have no access to safe sanitary toilet facility, which means that generally, the households of Barangay Tigbi, except for a few (most of which are within Purok 8), have access to safe sanitary toilet facility.
Number of Household 136 70 57 27 34 64 43 125 60 616 Households Without Access to Safe Sanitary Toilet Facility 1 3 1 0 2 1 1 7 0 16

Purok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Table 19. Number of Households without Access to Safe Sanitary Toilet Facility by Purok


Fig. 21. Number of Households without Access to Safe Sanitary Toilet Facility by Purok


Nutritional Status Malnourished Children 0 5 yrs old

There is a total magnitude of 20 (11 male and 9 female) out of 358 children (183 males and 175 females) aged 0 5 years old, with a total proportion of 5.59 (6.01 males and 5.14 females) who are malnourished throughout Barangay Tigbi. Out of this number, a total magnitude of 6 (3 males and 3 females) out of 87 children (45 males and 42 females) aged 0 5 years old, with a total proportion of 6.9 (6.67 males and 7.14 females) from Purok 1; a total magnitude of 9 (4 males and 5 females) out of 50 children (24 males and 26 females) aged 0 5 years old, with a total proportion of 18.00 (16.67 males and 19.23 females) from Purok 2; a total magnitude of 1 (1 male and 0 female) out of 11 children (6 males and 5 females) aged 0 5 years old, with a total proportion of 9.09 (16.67 males and 0 female) from Purok 5; and a total magnitude of 2 (1 male and female) out of 25 children (16 males and 9 females) aged 0 5 years old, with a total proportion of 8.00 (6.25 males and 11.11 females) from Purok 7, are malnourished. Whereas, no children aged 0 5 years old in Puroks 3, 4, 6, and 9 are malnourished.

Analysis and Interpretation: From the data presented, it can be deduced that there is very minimal/ few children aged 0 5 years old who are malnourished. In fact, in the areas of Purok 3, 4, 6, and 9, there are no children aged 0 5 years old who are malnourished.


Number of Children 0-5yrs old Male 45 24 19 6 6 10 16 37 20 358 183 Female Total 42 26 17 8 5 23 9 26 19 175 6 9 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 20

Malnourished Children 0-5yrs old Magnitude Male 3 4 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 11 Female Total 3 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 6.9 18 0 0 9.09 0 8 3.17 0 5.59 Proportion Male 6.67 16.67 0 0 16.67 0 6.25 5.41 0 6.01 Female 7.14 19.23 0 0 0 0 11.11 0 0 5.14

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL 87 50 36 14 11 33 25 63 39

Table 20. Malnourished Children by Sex, by Purok

Fig. 22. Malnourished Children 0 5yrs old Percentage MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY DATA Distribution

Pregnancy-related Deaths

There is a total of 64 births which included the following: 21 (0.33%) from Purok 1; 10 (0.16%) from Purok 2; 8 (0.125%) from Purok 3; 2 (0.03%) from Purok 4; 4 (0.06%) from Purok 6; 3 (0.05%) from Purok 7; and 10 (0.16%) from Purok 8; and 6 (0.09%) from Purok 9. Among these births, there has been no reports of maternal/ pregnancy and birth-related deaths of women.

Analysis and Interpretation: From the data presented, it can be concluded that there has been no reports of maternal/ pregnancy and birth-related deaths of women. Number of Child Births (Less than 1yr old) Percenta ge 1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 21. Number of Child Births vs. Maternal Mortality by Purok


Maternal Mortality (Pregnancy-related deaths) Magnitud e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proportio n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tota l 21 10 8 2 0 4 3 10 6 64

0.33 0.16 0.125 0.03 0 0.06 0.05 0.16 0.09 1.005

7 8 9 TOTA L

Num of ChildB ber irths(L than1y ess r old)

21 10 10 2 1 2 3 4 4 0 5 Purok 6 3 7 8 6 25 20 15 10 5 0 9 Num of Child Births (Less ber than 1yr old) 8

Fig. 23a. Number of Child Births by Purok

Fig. 23b. Number of Child Births Percentage Distribution

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