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4 Project Details for ESA.



Rationale for Selecting ESA.01

As the Detailed Area Plan is selected based on the urgency and relative significance, careful selection and prioritization are vital issues in choosing the focus of the plan. According to the proposed draft Structure Plan and Urban area plan of Barisal, the study area is located in the Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA.01) Zone (Map 2.1 & 2.2). This area is selected for Detailed Area Plan in accordance with the objectives of the structure plan. The riverine network in and around Barisal is the base of its socio-economic structure. One of the objectives of Structure Plan is that the future development strategy for Barisal should focus on exploring new avenues to utilize the riverine network and other wetlands. The strategy should be such that higher value addition can be achieved to the existing products and services. The economic and communication potential of Barisal possesses the opportunity to support a larger share of the countrys rapidly growing population than it does at present. Rivers and canals in and around Barisal had helped develop water transport system. In 1834 steamer service was introduced in Barisal to connect Khulna railway station and Barisal. In 1884 regular steamer service was introduced between Barisal and Khulna. Later the steamer service not only served the internal communication of Bakarganj (Barisal, Bhola, Pirojpur and Jhalokhati) but also became the communication hub between Kolkata and other regions of Bangladesh. Regular communication was also established with Chittagong, Noakhali and Madaripur. The canals inside the town served as the backbone of rural-urban communication. Some of these canals are still serving as communication routes. Barisal has the history and potential to become a water transport hub. All policies should support the development and promotion of water transport facilities centering Barisal. It should be ensured that Barisal develops as a water transport hub through rehabilitation and development of coastal and inland water way transport

Barisal has a very attractive physical setting with its rivers, canals and agricultural hinterland. The town is the administrative center of the southern Bangladesh and the nearest divisional headquarters to Dhaka. After the construction of Padma bridge at Mawa journey time from Dhaka will be something near three hours. Barisal can serve as a transitional point to travel to some of the prime tourist
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destination like Kuakata at Patuakhali, Char Kukrimukri at Bhola, Katka and Tiger Point at Bagerhat and Nijhum Dweep at Hatiya. With these advantages and many others Barisal has high potentiality for the development of tourism industry. The scheme chosen as part of the Detailed Area Plan for Barisal will help achieve multiple objectives regarding the development of this city: - Restore a sense of identity to the once famous city of Barisal - Initiate the growth of an industry that utilizes local natural resources - Create an employment base - Generate revenue from local and, gradually, international market - Help preserve the areas that are crucial to the balance of the local ecology Any major and flourishing economic activity can help create a sense of vitality among the people of the community, especially if that sector utilizes and enhances local resources. The current plan intends to do just that. Moreover, it incorporates the livelihood structure of the inhabitants into the project. These two factors make the plan intertwined with the local lifestyle making it sustainable both for the current and future generations. The plan aims at taking an indigenous resource that is generally being neglected and turning it into the source of a thriving industry. This can reinstate the confidence of the people of the city upon their abilities and their own resources; the kind of confidence and cultural pride that once created personalities from Barisal who changed the course of history of not only this country but the whole sub-continent.


Links with Structure Plan and Master Plan of Barisal

Structure plan Policies relating to Ecologically Sensitive Area


Development of tourism focusing regional resources

Tourism can be a lucrative source of income and employment for Bangladesh endowed with huge natural and historical resources. Developing Tourism will simultaneously help create many ancillary professions besides the principal trade -both in private and public sectors. Tourists will have a stop over at Barisal to visit Kuakata Sea beach, river network, different islands and forests, etc. have pleasure

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trips in sight seeing through boats and other water transport, have river cruise, and thus will create many subsidiary occupational scopes for a good number of poor and informal entrepreneurs. Establishment of Parjaton Corporation Office, Hotel, Motel at steamer ghat area; ensuring all sorts facilities for the visitors, availability of standard transportation, good food, security, smart guides etc.; facilitating private entrepreneurs to set up hotels, restaurants and ensuring hygienic and variety of food items in these restaurants to attract local as well as foreign tourists; and arrangement of fleet of various types of water transportation to conduct water cruises in the rivers, tributaries, canals around the city etc.


Identify and preserve Ecologically Critical Area (ECA)

Major sights of ecological interest should be immediately identified and declared as ECA. Any development or activity that disrupts the local ecosystem of the area must be prohibited, because any disturbance in these areas can propagate and affect the environment of the entire region.

CF.09 Identify the potential recreational places

The khals are the local natural resources that should be protected against harmful activities. The banks of these channels can be built as recreational sights. People can go there for getting a fresh breath. Suitable places should be identified for Community Parks. Different types of plantation can be done in them. These facilities can be maintained by ward authorities.


Preventing intrusion into the protected areas by identifying and minimizing the root causes of illegal encroachment and occupancy

Natural resources like khals and open spaces are often intruded for financial gains and used for different commercial and industrial purposes. But sometimes the reasons are much deeper. Landless/homeless people from various parts of the city or an evicted group sometimes take shelter in these places. The word conservation means very little to people whose basic needs of food, shelter and security havent been met. Whatever the reasons are, in-depth analysis can reveal the pattern of intrusion. The findings can be disseminated among the proper authorities for taking action to eliminate the sources of illegal intrusion. This can substantially reduce the recurring need of eviction from critical sights.


Bringing up the ecologically and culturally valuable sights into prominence and making them functional

People have to be aware of the presence of these critical areas and be informed about their significance. That way, itd be harder for them to get lost in oblivion. They also have to be made functional and intertwined with the livelihood pattern of the local people. Natural resources can be used
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to create parks and recreational facilities and historic sights can be turned to major tourist spots. The socio-economic fabric created this way will naturally protect these resources from dissolution.


Preserve and utilize natural network of Khals as Transport Corridors

Establishing the network of Khals as vital corridors of transportation, especially for goods movement would create a viable alternative to road transport and also help preserve this traditional mode. Water transport is usually cheap. And as goods delivery generally has a lead time, waterways can play crucial role in this sector. It can also serve recreational purposes for the city dwellers. A comprehensive network of Khals of 43 km (approx.) length including Sagordi, Amanatgonj, Jail Khal, Diapara, Napitkhali, and Bamni Kati Khal has been identified as major corridors of transport. Rest of the Khals will play as minor transport routes.

Guidelines of Urban Area Plan for Ecologically Sensitive Area


No garbage (solid or liquid) be disposed into the khals/ Ecologically Sensitive areas. No drain line be ended into the Khals. All khals must be Rehabilitated (Eviction, excavation) Identify khals based on two criteria: to keep its original form or to excavate following the mouza map if possible or excavate the khal as possible as the plan required. Provide pedestrian walkway to both sides of the khals and only allows bicycle as a mode of transport Preserve natural forests on both sides of khals and take afforestation schemes where natural forest is absent Existing bridges must be redesign considering the tidal effect and the height of water transport Provide new bridges as suggested in Detail Area Plan considering the tidal effect and the height of water transport Relocate those people who lost their shelter for eviction and excavation programme with full compensation and gradually prepare full fledged Local Area Plan for them. Excavate proposed khal to make link between two important khals.



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Area Profile

The study area (Map 3.1) is located in the central part of the structure plan area. It comprises of the part of seven wards (ward 11,12,13,14, 21, 22, 23). Ward 22 and 23 covers the important part of the study area. The basic landuse of this area is Khal (Sagordi and Napitkhali) and a proposed boundary. A proposed khal is inside the area which will make link between two important khals of the area. Beside this Khal network there are two important roads: Tiakhali road and Nabogram road and these two roads make link with C&B road and Shahid Ziaur Rahman Road. The area is rural in nature. Ponds and derelict water bodies are abundant in the area. Vacant land areas are mostly located in the western and northern part of the study area.

4.3.1 General Description

Area of Interest Area of Khal Number of Structure Number of Ponds Area of Ponds Land covered by road network Vacant Land Type of Structure

: : : : : : : :

733.62 Acres 17.60174 Acres 2230 Nos. 436 Nos 36.2249 Acres 17.07983 Acres 628.1653 Acres Pucca : 490 Nos

Semi- Pucca : 524 Nos Katcha No. of Household No. of Business enterprise : : less than 2282 163 Nos : 1216 Nos

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Project Description

To develop the area as a natural tourism center the provisions are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Resort Zone Boat Club Car Parking Boat landing station Restaurant Banquet Hall Angling Club Amphitheatre Raised Wooden Walkway: The length of raised wooden walkway is 11,240


meters. The width of walkway lane will be 10 feet.

lane will be 8 feet.

Cycle Path: The length of cycle path is 11,084 meters. The width of bi-cycle


Bridge: There are seventeen small bridges each 10 meters long and 3

meters width and three large bridges each 100 m long and 20 meter width.


Entrance to the Park: There are nine entrances to the park. One would be

the main entrance with vehicular access and the other eight are for pedestrians and cycles. 13. 14. Motel Zone Natural Reserve

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General Civil Construction Guideline

The civil construction guidelines for developing the area as a natural tourism center are:


Building material restriction: No RCC or brick structure above ground level All building structures above ground level should be of wood, bamboo, paper fabric or other bio-degradable material Height restriction: up to two storey

b. c. d.

Resort boundary will not have any hard boundary or fencing Construction of cottages with office, dining and other facilities should be through raised wooden walkway Ground cannot be covered with hard non-porous material


Estimate for the proposed provision

The cost estimation for the specific components of the project is described below:

Component # 01: Land Acquisition

The project area consists of land from three Mauza- Bagura Alekanda, Rupatali and Sagordi. This component only considers the value of required land. A separate component has been considered for the existing structures situated in the project area. The land values have been calculated using land price schedule from Barisal Sadar Sub-registry Office for the year 2007 (attached in Survey Data with Report-II, Annex Volume).

Table 4.1
Sl No. 1 2 3

Cost of Land Acquisition

Mauza Bagura Alekanda Rupatali Sagordi Total Number of plots 714 55 1151 1920 Land Area (Acre) 309.1197 13.44902 387.7692 710.338 Rate/Acre (Tk.) 1,91,46,428.57 27,38,900.00 27,82,800.00 Value (Tk.) 591,85,38,549.00 3,68,35,531.24 107,90,84,169.00 703,44,58,249.00

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Component # 02: Acquisition of Structure

The structures placed within the project area have been classified according to their construction typePucca, Semi-pucca and Katcha. The cost of acquisition has been estimated according to the structure type.

Table 4.2
Sl No. 1 2 3

Cost of Acquisition of Structures

Structure Type Katcha Semi-pucca Pucca Total Area: Floor Area (sqm) 62,684 39,116 78,624 1,80,424 Rate/sqm (Tk.) 4,800 6,700 8,400 Total Value: Value (Tk.) 30,08,82,965.00 26,20,76,872.00 66,04,43,599.00 122,34,03,436.00

Component # 03: Car Parking

There are two car parking provision covering total area of 5,577 Sq. meters (one is 3,718 sq. meter and the other is 1,869 sq. meter). R.C.C. surfacing has been considered suitable for the parking areas.

Table 4.3 Item No. 1 2

Summary of cost for Car Parking Description Size (sqm.) Cost per sqm. (Tk.) 1500.00 1500.00 Amount in Tk. 55,77,000.00 28,03,500.00 83,80,500.00

Car Parking (R.C.C.)-1 3718.00 Car Parking (R.C.C.)-2 1869.00 Gross Total

Component # 04: Boat Landing Station

There are 6 Landing Stations in the compound. The major constituents of a landing station are R.C.C. ramp, steel gangway and pontoon. The pontoon has been designed considering a minimum water level of 0.25m and a maximum of 6.0m. A detailed illustration of the landing station is provided in figure 3.1.

Table 4.4

Summary of cost for one (1) landing station (R.C.C. Ramp, Gangway and SPUD)

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Item no. 1 2

Description R.C.C. RAMP Steel Gangway

Amount (Tk.) 8,10,150.00 11,00,000.00 14,97,600.00 34,07,750.00

3 Steel SPUD Total Cost

Total cost for 6 stations (34,07,750.00 6) = 2,04,46,500.00 Tk.

Component # 05: Amphitheatre

There is a proposed amphitheatre in the compound at the south-western part. Its an open gallery with a stage in front. The gallery is arranged in 7 steps. Approximately 1500 people can sit and enjoy any program at a time. The facility can be used for various events including cultural programs like drama, traditional jatra etc. and also different types of conventions and gatherings. The cost for amphitheatre is 30,00000 Tk.

Component # 06: Raised Wooden Walkway, Cycle Path & Bridge

There are 3 R.C.C. bridges 100m each. These are on the major roads for vehicular movement. The 17 wooden bridges of each 10m length are over the khal within the project compound for pedestrian crossing. R.C.C. road is designed as bicycle track along the periphery of the area. The total track length is 12000m. Raised wooden walkway is to be constructed along the khals, most of it on both sides of the khal. Length of the walkway is 11290m.

Table 4.5
Item No. 1 2 3 4

Summary of cost for Road and Structure

Size (m) Length 100 10 12000 11290 Width 20.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 Gross Total 3 17 1 1

Descriptio n R.C.C. Bridge Wooden Bridge R.C.C. Road Walk Way (Wooden)

Total Length (m.) 300.00 170.00 12000.00 11290.00

Cost per m. (Tk.) 5,00,000.00 60,000.00 3,200.00 14,000.00

Amount (Tk.) 15,00,00,000.00 1,02,00,000.00 3,84,00000.00 15,80,60,000.00 35,66,60,000.00

Component # 07: Entrance and Boundary Wall

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The boundary wall has been designed as a semi-transparent screen. The height of the wall is 6 feet. Its base is 2 feet brick work and the rest is iron grill. Only the main entrance is designed for vehicular access. All the other entries are pedestrian access controlled by iron gates.

Table 4.6

Summary of cost for boundary wall and entrance

Item No.
1 2 3 4

10 Brick Work in Foundation 5 Brick Work Grill Pedestrian Entrance

Length in Mtr
14410 14410 14410 8 nos.

Height in Mtr
0.45 0.6 1.2

Cost per unit Tk.

4000/cum 530/sqm 2500/sqm 12000 each

Amount in Tk.
64,84,000.00 45,82,380.00 4,32,30,000.00 96,000.00

Gross Total


Component # 08: Roads surrounding the Project Area

There are 4 roads recommended surrounding the project area. These roads would create alternative access for the local people as the project land would eventually block access to some properties and also disturb existing roadways. The land values have been calculated using land price schedule from Barisal Sadar Sub-registry Office for the year 2007 (attached in Survey Data with Report-II, Annex Volume).

Table 4.7
Sl No. 1 2 3 4 ID DAP 01 DAP 02 DAP 03 DAP 04

Summary of cost for Surrounding Roads

Type Connector Connector Access Access Length (Mtr) 1580 2012 510 110 ROW (Ft) 45 45 30 30 Land value (Tk.) 1,48,87,980 1,89,78,696 2,20,59,838 47,58,004 Pavement Width (Ft) 30 30 20 20 Construction Rate/m (Tk.) 9,000 9,000 6,000 6,000 Cost of Construction 1,42,20,000 1,81,08,000 30,60,000 6,60,000 Gross Total: Total Cost (Tk.) 2,91,07,980 3,70,86,696 2,51,19,838 54,18,004 9,67,32,518

A summary of the cost of different components of the project are summarized below: Table 4.8 Summary of the cost of different components of the project

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Sl No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Land Acquisition Acquisition of Structures Car Parking Landing Station Amphitheatre Road and Structure Boundary wall and entrance Surrounding Roads

703,44,58,249.00 122,34,03,436.00 83,80,500.00 2,04,46,500.00 30,00,000.00 35,66,60,000.00 5,43,92,380.00 9,67,32,518.00

Grand Total


Both Government and private land must be acquired. This will create involuntary displacement which must be mitigated through resettlement and rehabilitation programme. To meet this objective of mitigation a comprehensive Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has to be prepared and implemented. The framework for resettlement programme and questionnaire for collecting supporting data for resettlement programme are attached in the Appendix-A and B.

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