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SOURCES - Pius XII, MP Crebrae allatae, 22nd of February 1949, AAS 41 (1949) 89-119. - Pius XII, MP Sollicitudinem nostrum, 6th of January 1950, AAS 42 (1950) 5-120. - Pius XII, MP Postquam apostolicis litteris, 9th of February 1952, AAS 44 (1952) 65-150. - Pius XII, MP Cleri sanctitati, 2nd of June 1957, AAS 49 (1957) 433-600. - Second Vatican Council, Decree Orientalium Ecclesiarum . - Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Latin-English Edition, New English Translation, Canon Law Society of America, 2001, 860 p. - Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium auctoritate Joannis Pauli PP.II promulgatus. Fontium annotatione auctus, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citt del Vaticano, 1995, 617 p. - Congregation for the Eastern Churches, Instruction pour lapplication des prescriptions liturgiques du Code des Canons des Eglises Orientales, Librairie Editrice Vaticane, Cit du Vatican, 1996, 114 p. INSTRUMENTS - Pontificia Copmmissio codici Iuris Canonici Oirentalis Recognoscendo (PCCICOR), Nuntia, 31 vol., Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Cit du Vatican, 1975-1990. - UEK I., Index analyticus Codicis Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, coll. Kanonika 2, PIO, Roma, 1992, 375 p. COMMENTARIES - Guide (A) to the Eastern Code. A Commentary on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, edited by G.Nedungatt, coll. Kanonika 10, PIO, Roma, 2002, 976 p. - POSPISHIL V., Eastern Catholic Church Law according to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Saint Maron Publications, Staten Island-New York, 19962, rev. and augm., 938 p. (19931, 699 p.) - Studium Romanae Rotae, Commento al Codice dei Canoni delle Chiese orientali, Corpus Iuris Canonici II, a cura die Mons. Pio Vito Pinto, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citt del Vaticano, 2001, 1341 p.

MISCELLANEOUS (contributions in different languages) - Atti del Congresso Internazionale : Incontro fra canoni dOriente e dOccidente (3 vol.), a cura di R.Coppola, Cacucci Editore, Bari, 1994, (vol.1. : 624 p., vol.2 : 666 p., vol.3 : 153 p.) - BHARANIKULANGARA J.B., The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches. A Study and Interpretation. Essays in honour of Joseph Cardinal Parecattil, President, Pontifical Commission for the Revision of Eastern Canon Law, Alwaye (India), St. Thomas Academy for Research, 1992, 328 p.

- BHARANIKULANGARA K. (ed.), Il Diritto Canonico Orientale nellordinamento ecclesiale, coll. Studi Giuridici 35, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citt del Vaticano, 1995, 274 p. - Chiese (Le) sui iuris. Criteri di individuazione e delimitazione. Atti del Convegno di studio svolto a Koice, 6-7, III, 2004, a cura di L.Okulik, Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2005, 204 p. - Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, Ius Ecclesiarum Vehiculum Caritatis, Atti del simposio internazionale per il decennale dellentrata in vigore del Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, Citt del Vaticano, 19-23 novembre 2001, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2004, 992 p. - Diritto particolare nel sistema del CCEO. Aspetti teoretici e produzione normativa delle Chiese orientali cattoliche, coll. Orientalia et Occidentalia, Analecta Instituti Studiis Spiritualitatis Orientalium Occidentaliumque provehendis nomine P.Michaelis Lacko appellati, a cura di imon Marink, Koice, 2007, 544 p. - Il matrimonio nel Codice dei canoni delle Chiese orientali, coll. Studi Giuridici 32, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citt del Vaticano, 1994, 325 p. - Ius Canonicum in Oriente et Occidente. Festschrift fr Carl Gerold Frst zum 70. Geburtstag, E.Gthoff and K-H.Selge (eds), coll. Adnotiationes in Ius Canonicum 25, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2003,1153 p. - Kanon, Yearbook of the Society for the Law of the Oriental Churches, Ed. Herder, Vienna, since 1973 (the Society has catholic and orthodox canonists as its members). - Nuove terre et nuove Chiese. Le communit di fedeli orientali in diaspora, a cura di L.Okulik, Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2008, 265 p. - PALLATH P.(ed.), Catholic Eastern Churches, Heritage and Identity, Rome, Mar Thoma Yogam, 1994, 307 p.

STUDIES AND ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS - ABBASS J., Apostolic See in the New Eastern Code of Canon Law, Mellen University Press, Lewiston/Queenston, Lampeter, 1994, 190 . - ABBASS J., Marriage in the Codes of Canon law, Apollinaris 68, 1995, 521-565. - ABBASS J., Two Codes in Comparison, coll. Kanonika 7, PIO, Roma, 1997, 303 p. - ABBASS J., Canonical Dispositions for the Care of Eastern Catholics Outside Their Territory, Periodica 86, 1997, 321-362. - ABBASS J., Transfer to Another Religious Institute in the Latin and Eastern Catholic Churches, Commentarium pro Religiosis 79, 1998, 121-151. - ABBASS J., The Interrelationship of the Latin and Eastern Code, The Jurist 58, 1998, 140. - ABBASS J., The Roman Rota and Appeals from Tribunals of the Eastern Patriarchal Churches, Periodica 89, 2000, 439-490. - ABBASS J., Assemblies of Hierarchs for Eastern Catholic Bishops in the Diaspora, Studia Canonica 40, 2006, 371-396. - ABBASS J., The Consecrated Life: A Comparative Commentary of the Eastern and Latin Codes, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, 2008, 513. - CONNOLLY P., Contrasts in the Western and Eastern Approach to Marriage, Studia Canonica 35, 2001, 357-402. -FARIS J., Eastern Catholic Churches. Constitution and Governance according to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Saint Maron Publications, New York, 1992, 731 p.

- FLUMMERFELT R., Theology of Marriage : Complementarity between the Latin and Eastern Codes, Canon Law Society of America, Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention, Pittsburgh (Penns.), 11 -14th October 2004, Washington DC, 2005, 13-25. - G.GALLARO-D.SALACHAS, Interecclesial Matters in the Communion of the Churches, The Jurist 60, 2000, 256-309. - G.GALLARO-D.SALACHAS, The ritus sacer of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Byzantine Churches , Folia Canonica 11, 2008, 135-157. - KOCHUTHUNDIL J., A Study of Reciprocal Rights and Obligations of the Eparchial Bishop and Presbyters in the Light of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Saint Maron Publications, New York, NY, 1998, 350 p. - MARINI F., The Power of the Patriarch. Patriarchal Jurisdiction on the Verge of the Third Millennium, Saint Maron Publications, New York, NY, 1998, 413 p. - MARINI F., The Adjudication of Interritual Marriage Cases in the Tribunal, Folia Canonica 2, 1999, 231-266. - MARINI F.(ed.), Comparative Sacramental Discipline in the CCEO and CIC. A Handbook for the Pastoral Care of Members of Other Catholic Churches sui iuris, CLSA /The Catholic University of America, 2003, 258 p. - MARINI F., The Establishment of New Eastern Jurisdictions in the West, Canon Law Society of America, Proceedings of the Sixthy-Seventh Annual Convention, Tampa Bay (Florida), 3-7th October 2005, Washington DC, 2006, 163-176. - NEDUNGATT G., The Spirit of the Eastern Code, Rome/Bangalore, Centre for Indian and Inter-Religious Studies/Dharmaram Publications, 1993, 261 p. - NEDUNGATT G. M.FEATHERSTONE, The Council in Trullo Revisited, coll. Kanonika 6, PIO, Roma, 1995, 466 p. - NEDUNGATT G., The Patriarchal Ministry in the Church of the Third Millennium, The Jurist 61, 2001, 1-89. - NEDUNGATT G., Celibate and Married Clergy in CCEO Canon 373, Studia Canonica 36, 2002, 129-167. - NEDUNGATT G., USA : Forbidden Territory for Married Eastern Catholic Priests, The Jurist 63, 2003, 139-170. - PALLATH P., The Synod of Bishops of Catholic Oriental Churches, Mar Thoma Yogam, Rome, 1994, 234 p. - POSPHISHIL V., Eastern Catholic Marriage Law according to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Saint Maron Publications, Brooklyn NY, 1991, 534 p. - RACHFORD N., Norms of Particular Law for the Byzantine metropolitan Church sui iuris of Pittsburgh, USA and its Implications for the Latin Dioceses, Canon Law Society of America, Proceedings of the Sixthy-Second Annual Convention, 2000, 233-243. - SOUCKAR M., The Subsidiarity and the Codex Canonicum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, Canon Law Society of America, Proceedings of the Sixthy-Fifth Annual Convention, 2003, 213-238. - THAZHATH A., Patriarchal Assemblies in the Church, Ius Canonicum in Oriente et Occidente. Festschrift fr Carl Gerold Frst zum 70. Geburtstag, E.Gthoff and K-H.Selge (eds), coll. Adnotationes in Ius Canonicum 25, Frankfurt am Main, Peter lang, 2003, 613-634. - VATTAPALAM M., The Congregation for the Eastern Churches. Origins and Competence, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999, 251 p. - UEK I., Understanding the Eastern Code, coll. Kanonika 8, PIO, Roma, 1997, 479 p.


You can use the different bibliographies mentioned below : - Canon Law Abstracts, section Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (two issues annually; bibliographical references with abstracts of articles (no books) published in international periodicals of canon law). - Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis, section Ius Canonicum, Disceptationes speciales iuxta ordinem CCEO (issue 2-3 of each volume contains a bibliography of books and articles). - Folia Canonica (Hungary), annual publication with an Eastern Canon Law Bibliography. - Periodica, first part of the bibliography Studia Generaliora divided into Libri and Studia (articles, fascicule I of each volume).

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