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MARTIN LUTHER KING HIGH SCHOOL Underwater Robotics Team 2012 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Digging, Research, Engineering, Water, Work (DREWW)

CEO- Chantelle Picton Chief Financial Officer and Researcher- Yahmeenia Hayes Chief Analytic Officer- Taylor Layton Electrician- Quentin Archie Engineer- Ahsiym Miller

Advisors Dr. Baxter, Ms. Green, Mr. Jones, Ms. Williams

Table of Contents List of Contents Abstract Photographs Company Profile Expense Sheet Design Rationale Challenges Conclusion References 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 Page Number

Abstract On March 24, 1989 there was a disastrous oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. The oil spill was caused by the ship Exxon Valdez crashing into Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound. As a result of the spill, there were more than eleven million gallons of crude oil spilled into the ocean. Futhermore, Exxon Valdez caused for 254,000 animals to die. On March 27th Alaska Environmental Conservation Group contacted DREWW (Digging, Research, Engineering, Work and Water) to assist with a special project. DREWW was asked to find 2000 pounds worth of clams that fell off of Exxon Valdez. DREWW built a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to assist with this mission. On the ROV we installed a claw and camera to assist with this project. The claws will pick up the clams from the bottom of the ocean to be placed inside the net. The video camera will help us see where the clams are on the ocean floor so that we may direct the ROV in the proper direction. DREWW values the ability to support Alyeska in correcting the damages done as a result of the tanker Exxon Valdez crashing into Bligh Reef. Our hope is to collect all of the missing clams that fell into the ocean.


Figure 1. The 3 back motors.

Figure 2. The back of the ROV with the back motors.

Figure 3. Side angle of the ROV.

Figure 4. The PVC pipe and the foam.

Figure 5. Team name.

Figure 6. Top view of the ROV.

Figure 7. A motor securely attached to the PVC pipe.

Figure 8. Team photo with Yahmeenia Hayes absent.

Figure 9. Side angle of the ROV.

Figure 10. Side angle of a motor secured to the frame using cable ties.

Company Profiles Digging, Research, Engineering, Water, Works (D.R.E.W.W.) was founded by Chantelle Piston (CEO), Yahmeenia Hayes (CFO), Taylor Layton (CAO), Ahsiym Miller (Lead Engineer) and Quentin Archie (Lead Electrician) during the summer of 2012 in Philadelphia, PA. The primary location of D.R.E.W.W. is the West Oak Lane area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Prince William Sound, Alaska. These areas are where D.R.E.W.W. operates and provides its services. D.R.E.W.W. works to recover specific underwater items like plants and fish. Currently, there are fifty employees on D.R.E.W.W.s payroll. Chantelle Picton Chantelle Picton was born at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital in Jamaica. She will be a student at Martin Luther King in the fall of 2012. Currently, Chantelle is the Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O) of D.R.E.W.W. As the CEO, Chantelle is responsible for making sure everything is running well in the company. While working for D.R.E.W.W. Chantelle helped design the prototype for underwater ROVS and helped the researcher gather information. Chantelles goal for D.R.E.W.W. is to build underwater ROVSs that can help underwater animals such as clams and fish. She founded D.R.E.W.W. because she wanted to help assist with the clean-up efforts after human and natural disasters. Yahmeenia Hayes Yahmeenia Hayes was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 12, 1996. She will be attending KIPP Dubois Collegiate Academy in the fall of 2012. At D.R.E.W.W. Yahmeenia serves as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and researcher . Her job as the CFO and researcher has brought Yahemeenia great joy. As the CFO, Yahmeenia's responsible for balancing the budget and ensuring that the money D.R.E.W.W. spends matches the merchandise purchased as well as making sure D.R.E.W.W. is making more money than they are spending. As the Lead Researcher, Yahmeenia is responsible for gathering data and information for the companys technical paper. Yahmeenia continues to work for the D.R.E.W.W. because she enjoys mathematics, engineering and research. Taylor Layton Taylor Layton was born in Trenton, New Jersey and currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In September 2012 she will be a student at Paul Robeson High School. She was hired by D.R.E.W.W. to serve as the Chief Analytic Officer (CAO). Her responsibilities include analyzing data and performance for the company to determine how well the company is operating. In addition, Taylor is a talented writer who has also been employed to assist with the technical writing for D.R.E.W.W. Taylors most accomplished moment was writing the abstract for the companys technical paper. Taylors would like to see D.R.E.W.W. design an underwater ROV that has the capability of assisting in the clean-up process after human and natural disasters. She desires for D.R.E.W.W. to develop a reputation for being an asset for the environment. Taylor works for D.R.E.W.W. because she wants to be part of a good effort, which is, cleaning up after disasters. Quentin Archie Quentin Archie was born in Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Pennell Elementary School, Leeds Middle School and in the fall of

2012 he will attend Martin Luther King High School. At D.R.E.W.W. Quentin serves as the electrician. His job is very important because he puts all the electronics together. Quentins sodders the wires together, makes his own control boxes out of scratch and puts all the wires together to make the robots and ROVs work. Quentin enjoys working at D.R.E.W.W. because he gets to work with very experienced people. Quentin also works for D.R.E.W.W. because he loves to work with electronics and hopes to take lessons learned from D.R.E.W.W. to help start his own company. For now, his goals for the company are for it to go global and make a change in the world by doing more with less. Ahsiym Miller Ahsiym Miller was born in the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ahsiym lives and works in his hometown of Philadelphia. He works as an engineer and building expert for the company D.R.E.W.W. (Digging, Research, Engineering, Water, Works). Ahsiyms job responsibilities include developing blueprints for ROVs and building them. Ahsiym has a quick building process; he has the ability to construct technological items together skillfully. Ahsiyms goal for the company is to build the best inventions used for discovering new information on things people do not know that much about. Ahsiym works at D.R.E.W.W. because of his keen interest in building ROVs and learning about the ocean and other bodies of water. Expense Sheet Item Camera Motors Carabineer Wire hanger PVC pipe PVC Joints 14 Gauge wire Chicken wire Switches & eletrical connecter Blige pump Plastic crate Vinyl tubing Flex tubing Pyle 7" TFT display Aluminum attache case Plexiglass sheet Origin Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Purchased Quantity 2 4 5 4 5 10 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 Cost $147.39 $17.07 $14.00 $1.75 $6.58 $0.99 $10.50 $4.99 $19.95 $79.99 $24.98 $11.98 $1.99 $300.00 $15.00 $21.98 Total Cost $294.78 $68.28 $70.00 $7.00 $32.90 $10.00 $21.00 $9.98 $39.90 $239.97 $24.98 $11.98 $1.99 $300.00 $45.00 $109.90

Black & decker electromate Claw/Hand

Purchased Purchased

1 2



$28.97 $59.94 Total 1440.57

Design Rationale DREWWs ROV is used to help assist with the damage after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Below is an explanation of how the different parts were used or what they do. ROV Frame The frame is made of PVC joint connector, PVC elbows and cable ties. The purpose of the frame is to allow for the ROV to go underwater and move around. The ROV look like a robot submarine. It is shaped like a flotation device built with PVC and electronics such motors and a camera. Claw The claw is used to pick up different objects. The claws are placed on the front left side and the front right side. The reason we have claws is to pick up heavy things like people and animals. We decided to pick-up heavy things because we would like to help save animals. Motor The motor is like a fast fan that is used to make the ROV go faster. The motor collaborates with switches to push the button to make the motor go faster or slower. The motors are located on both up and down .we have 4 motors because we thought that having extra motors for up and down would make the ROV neutrally buoyant. Electric box The electric box is black with silver buttons and has black screws. The electric box is located outside of the ROV. It cannot go underwater because of the wires. The purpose of the electric box is to control the ROV. We used it this way we wanted the ROV to move under water and not stay in one place. Camera The camera is placed in the top middle so we can see on top and under the ROV. The camera is small and looks like a flashlight. The purpose of using a camera is to be able to see what is going on in the ocean. By having a camera we will also be able to see the clams as well as avoid running into the ocean animals, seaweed, kelp, rocks. Carbineer The Carbineer is used to catch animals or rocks in the way of the clams. The Carbineer is made of medal. The Cabineer is also used to get any dead animal out of the ocean.

Challenges Digging, Research, Engineering, Water, Works (D.R.E.W.W.) was founded during the STE2AM program at Martin Luther King High School during the summer of 2012. Team members a part of D.R.E.W.W. faced some personal and functional issues. Personal issues that D.R.E.W.W. team members faced included: bossiness and new members. Functional issues that D.R.E.W.W. team members faced were theft and having to rebuild our Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). In our group we had one team member who was extremely bossy. This individual focused more on trying to have things done their way then working with the team. All members should try not to be selfish and work isolated. We should all come together to benefit D.R.E.W.W. The second personal issue that our group faced was having a new member added to the team after we were already developed. Adding this member to the team was a problem because we had to catch her up with the notes. Also, some members did not want to add the new member. We were forced to accept the new member because she had nowhere to go and she wanted to join our group. The first functional problem we faced is related to our second functional problem. Our ROV went missing because someone accidently took it. This was a problem because we had to rebuild our ROV. Having to rebuild our ROV was a problem because when we had to rebuild our ROV for a second time some team members changed their mind about how the ROV should look. In the end we decided to build a ROV that included parts of everyones idea. Conclusion During the STE2AM summer program, DREWW was able to build a ROV independently. We also achieved coming to the program, getting our work done, and getting to program. Team members achieved this by coming to the program every day, working together, and being focus. Through our work, DREWW was able to help make sure the animals in the ocean were safe. DREWW helped to clean-up the oil from the spill caused by the ship Exxon Valdez crashing into Bligh Reef. As a result of the crash, eleven million gallons of crude oil spilled and 2800 claims died (Oceana, 2012, para. 3). The recommendation DREWW has is for people to come to the MLK STEM Program because the teachers are very cool. They love their student a lot, especially when the students do not have attitudes. References Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Exxon valdez. Retrieved from Oceana. (2012). Exxon valdez oil spill facts. Retrieved from Teachers Domain. (2012). Exxon valdez. Retrieved from

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