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Dave Reeds Key Votes Below I have listed 18 General Acts passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor Key Votes for 2012-2012-2010 which I rated as For Liberty or Against Liberty Tier 3 High Impact on Liberty - in The Liberty Index.

14 impacted The Forgotten Taxpayer. A vote against The Forgotten Taxpayer is a vote against Liberty. 4 of 18 had no direct monetary impact on The Forgotten Taxpayer but did impact our Liberty.

11 screwed The Forgotten Taxpayer

and 3 Were Taxpayer Friendly

4 bills related directly to individual liberty:

3 were For Liberty

and 1 Against Liberty

Of the 18 Key Votes, Rep. Dave Reed voted For the Forgotten Taxpayer 7 times and against 7 times and on Individual Liberty Votes, Dave Reed voted 3 times For Liberty and 1 time Against Liberty.
In addition to votes, which were consistent with Republican Leaderships agenda, Rep. Dave Reed benefits from the very generous state pension which is bankrupting the Pennsylvania Taxpayer. The Marcellus Shale and the Shell Cracker Votes were not in the interest of The Forgotten Taxpayer.

1) Act 13 of 2012 Marcellus Shale Impact Tax A YEA Vote Was a VOTE AGAINST LIBERTY and AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER

Dave Reed Voted YEA Against Liberty

TIER 3 AGAINST LIBERTY this was a virtually UNANIMOUS VOTE and there appear to be valid reasons for a yea or nay vote. ALL MEMBERS will get equal credit and have 50 point deducted from the grade because this is another tax, and not a true impact fee, on an essential commodity that we all need and raises its cost. Lower energy costs lead to more productive businesses and jobs and lower the cost of energy to businesses and residences raising the standard of living for us all.

Against The Forgotten Taxpayer and Against Liberty 2) Act 16 of 2012 Shell Cracker Keystone Opportunity Zone Tax Exemption for Shell Ethane Cracker Plant A YEA Vote Was a VOTE AGAINST LIBERTY and AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER

Dave Reed Voted YEA Against Liberty TIER 3 AGAINST LIBERTY This was a virtually UNANIMOUS VOTE, only Sen. John Eichelberger voted NAY in the General Assembly and there appear to be valid reasons for a yea or nay vote. ALL MEMBERS will have 50 points subtracted from the grade because politicizing economic decisions corrupts both politics and business. This is corporate welfare, special treatment for a favored taxpayer, effectively reducing tax liability. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

FOR LIBERTY 3) Act 18 of 2012 Photo ID For Liberty A YEA Vote Was a VOTE FOR LIBERTY

Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA For Liberty TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY - Major Impact on Liberty -- A YEA vote will add 50 points to the grade and a NAY vote will deduct 50 points from the grade. Voter ID has been upheld by US Supreme Court and is necessary if every vote is to count. ^^^^^*****^^^^^*****

For Liberty 4) Act 38 of 2012 Real ID Prohibited Participation For Liberty


Dave Reed Voted YEA For Liberty TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY - Major Impact on Liberty -- A YEA vote will add 50 points to the grade and a NAY vote will deduct 50 points from the grade. Americans do not need to give the government the ability to monitor everything we do. ^^^^^*****^^^^^*****

FOR LIBERTY 5) Act 60 of 2012 Reduced Cost of Employment Compensation to Pennsylvania Employers A YEA Vote was a vote For Liberty

Dave Reed Voted YEA For Liberty Act 60 Jun 12 SB 1310 Unemployment Compensation Law TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY YEA VOTE ADDS 50 POINTS TO GRADE; A NAY SUBSTRACTS 50 POINTS FROM GRADE. This refinance pays off a debt to federal government and reduces future costs for Pennsylvanias Employers and Taxpayers.
Pa Independent, 12 June 2012,, sums up Act 60 of 2012 Governor signs bill to refinance federal debt 12 June 2012 PA Independent Melissa Daniels: The [Act 60] allows Pennsylvania to refinance the debt it owes to the federal governments Unemployment Trust Fund by borrowing a $4.5 billion bond, which has a lower interest rate. The bill also includes eligibility tweaks that will save the state millions in unemployment benefits by limiting access to around 50,000 workers. Follow up from PaIndependents Eric Boehm: Unemployment debt cleared as PA refinances with Citibank By August 7, 2012 | By Eric Boehm | Posted in Governor HARRISBURG Pennsylvania successfully refinanced more than $3 billion in unemployment debt with the federal government last week, a move the state says will save businesses an estimated $12 million in taxes and penalties over the next seven years. Because the state was more than $3 billion in debt to the federal government after borrowing repeatedly to cover unemployment compensation payments during the economic downturn, businesses would have had to pay a 1.1 percent effective rate on payroll taxes, instead of the normal effective rate of 0.8 percent.

Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Julie Hearthway said the refinancing of Pennsylvania's unemployment compensation debt would help grow businesses and create jobs. The increased rate would have cost employers $110 million this year alone, according to an analysis by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Businesses, not taxpayers, will still have the responsibility to pay off the debt, though at a lower rate than before. (Bobs note: Hammering business, which produce goods and provide services we want and need, create jobs and raise the standard of living for us all. Unemployment Compensation is a form a welfare that may well be justified but it does redirect capital from production.) Legislation authorizing the refinancing of the federal debt was approved in June. Denisco said the law that allowed the state to refinance the federal debt included a hodgepodge of other changes that would make the unemployment compensation trust fund the fund which the state uses to pay claims more solvent in the future. Among those changes is an increase in the taxable wage base that will direct more dollars to the trust fund starting this year and changes to eligibility that will keep claimants with one high quarter of income from being able to get higher benefits.

For Liberty

6) Act 18 of 2011 PennWATCH State Spending Transparency on Web A YEA Vote Was a VOTE For LIBERTY

Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA For Liberty

TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY All Members voted YEA The Vote was unanimous in both House and Senate and All Members will get equal credit and have 50 points added to the grade ^^^^^*****^^^^^*****

7) Act 22 of 2011 Welfare Reform

A YEA Vote Was a VOTE FOR LIBERTY and FOR THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA For Liberty TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY - Major Impact on Liberty -- A YEA vote will add 50 points to the grade and a NAY vote will subtract 50 points from the grade.


8) Act 25 of 2011 School Property Tax Voter Referendum Expanded A YEA Vote Was a VOTE FOR LIBERTY and FOR THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA For Liberty

The Liberty Index scores Act 25 of 2011 TIER 3 FOR LIBERTY because it is a big step in the right direction of giving taxpayers more control over public sector, union driven bureaucratic spending. The Exceptions remain significant to the detriment of The Forgotten Taxpayer. A "YEA" vote will add 50 points to grade and a "NAY" vote will subtract 50 points from the grade. ^^^^^*****^^^^^*****

9) Act 46 of 2011 Workers Compensation Firefighter Cancer


Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA Against Liberty The Vote was unanimous in both House and Senate and All Members will get equal debit and have 50 points subtracted from the grade because this Act is a very expensive for The Forgotten Taxpayers of Pennsylvania. This was a big win for the Public Sector Unions.



Act 79 of 2011 Harrisburg Bond Bailout Bill

A YEA Vote Was a VOTE AGAINST LIBERTY and AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA Against Liberty Harrisburg Spider Web of Establishment Insiders Bonds, Bankruptcy and Republicans Selling Out The Forgotten Taxpayer The Liberty Blog 1 May 2012

RACP/Capital Budget 11) Act 130 of 2011 Capital Budget Authorization 2011-2012 RACP added $1.6 billion in debt A YEA Vote Was a VOTE AGAINST LIBERTY and AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA Against Liberty TIER 3 AGAINST LIBERTY- ALL MEMBERS will get equal debit and have 50 point deducted from the grade because this is another tax because this bill adds $1.6 billion dollars in debt, (deferred tax), to the burden of Pennsylvania Taxpayers.

The Project List 2011-2012 Millions for Billionaire Big Business Corporations in Philadelphia. ^^^^^*****^^^^^*****


Act 131 of 2011 Redistricting (Gerrymandering) Pennsylvania House and Senate districts


Rep Dave Reed voted YEA Against Liberty TIER 3 AGAINST LIBERTY 50 POINTS MAJOR IMPACT ON LIBERTY ALL MEMBERS will get equal debit and have 50 point deducted from the grade because this is another tax because this is a complicated bill containing good provisions and bad provisions and there are valid reasons for voting YEA or NAY. This bill was declared unconstitutional by Pennsylvania Supreme Court. ^^^^^*****^^^^^*****


13) ACT 118 of 2010 Imposed New Tax on Amusements for funding Emergency Services A Against Liberty A YEA Vote Was a VOTE AGAINST LIBERTY and AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER

Dave Reed Voted YEA Against Liberty



Act 120 of 2010 PSERS and SERS Union Pension Bailout Bill


Rep. Dave Reed Voted YEA

Against Liberty

15) to 17) Four Key Votes Aggregated: General Acts 46, 47 and 48 Capital Budget are directly related to General Act 82 RACP Capital Project Itemization. These Acts add Debt, which is deferred taxation, to Pennsylvania Taxpayers heavy load. These four General Acts were Against Liberty. A YEA vote would be a vote Against Liberty and a NAY vote would be For Liberty.

Rep. Dave Reed voted NAY For Liberty on all four Capital Budget Acts


Act 82 RACP Capital Budget Authorization


Rep. Dave Reed voted NAY For Liberty


Act 46 of 2010 Capital Budget Authorization


Rep. Dave Reed voted NAY For Liberty

17) Act 47 of 2010 Capital Budget Authorization Against Liberty VOTE FOR LIBERTY and FOR THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER

NAY Vote Was a

Rep. Dave Reed voted NAY For Liberty

18) Act 48 of 2010 Capital Budget Authorization Against Liberty A NAY Vote Was a VOTE FOR LIBERTY and FOR THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER

Rep. Dave Reed voted NAY For Liberty

Governor Ed Rendells Budget

2010-2011 NAY Reed Nay Smith YEA Turzai YEA Governor Rendells Last Budget 2009-2010 YEA Reed Yea Smith YEA Turzai YEA 2008-2009 YEA Reed Yea Smith YEA Turzai NAY

2007-2008 NAY Reed Nay Smith YEA Turzai NAY

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