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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Post Graduate Programme: 2nd Year Instructors: Dr Anadi Pande/Prof Jitendra Mishra Introduction: A Strategic Management

(SM) course is a capstone course in management studies. SM borrows extensively from other disciplines of management such as Organization Behaviour, Industrial Organizations, Finance, Marketing, Accounting etc., yet it has its own theoretically rigorous underpinnings. It is one of the youngest siblings of myriad management disciplines. In theory building, research in SM is inherently multi-disciplinary; similarly in practice in a firm, it is inherently an integrative cross-disciplinary activity. This course is designed to give insight which is integrative and teaches students on how organizational strategies are formulated and implemented. It is designed to enable students to identify and understand the principles on why the firms behave the way they do rather than list the characteristics that lead to automatic success. Students need to be equipped to understand why firms succeed or fail by analyzing decisions in terms of principles of strategic action. Such understanding would empower them to have superior probability of success when as executives they apply these in the context of perpetually changing environments which throw new challenges and opportunities. The course will deal with both the Content and Process of Strategic Management. It will deal with integration of Strategic Intent and Strategic Programming while helping appreciate Organization Learning perspectives. It will deal with Environmental and Resource Based View and finally with perpetually perplexing and complex issues of Strategy Implementation through Structure and Systems. Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understand perspectives on Strategic Management Content and Process of Strategic Management Understand Principles and techniques for Strategic Analysis Strategy Formulation and Implementation Appreciate new themes in Strategic Management Term: IV Credit: 3.0 (30 Hours)

Evaluation: Quiz: Case Analysis/Discussion Mid Term Exam: End Term Exam: Books: Text Book 1. Miller, Alex, Strategic Management, Pub: Irwin McGraw Hill 20% 10% 30% 40%

Reference Book 2. Besanko,D., Dranove,D., Shanley,M., Schaefer,S., Economics of Strategy, Pub: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3. Barney Jay B., Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Pub: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi 4. Hill, Charles W.L., Jones Gareth R., Strategic Management Theory, An Integrated Approach, Pub: Houghton Mifflin 5. Porter, M.E., Competitive Advantage Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, Pub: The Free Press

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