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June 2007, No. 2

The art of science

Newsletter No 2
Move to more with us!
Welcome to this second edition product developments and their We believe that everyone will
of TECHSIANEWS, our semi- use. Within these pages you will find something of interest and of
annual newsletter keeping you find articles and notes covering value within these pages.
informed of the latest develop- our client communication tools,
ments in the Techsia software new software developments For those of you attending the
and offering some further hints (Malcom© for chemical analysis, SPWLA Conference in Austin
and tips to help you make the the new BHI Module plus de- this year, please take time to visit
most of our extensive software tails of the new release of our booth in the Exhibition
products. Techlog©) and hints and tips on Hall; we will be giving demon-
usage of key parts of the system strations and presentations of
Client feedback concerning our (Saturation-height modeling and aspects of Techlog© each day of
first edition was universally posi- Python®) the event. We look forward to
tive and complimentary. We are seeing you there!
very grateful to all who have
commented on and discussed
that edition and we are very
gratified that it was so well re-
In this issue
In this edition of TECHSIA- Highlights 2
NEWS, we have tried to main-
tain the balance of topics that Malcom V2007.1 5
was appreciated in the last edi-
tion by providing you with in-
formation concerning the inter-
Techlog V2007.1 11
nal developments in Techsia SA
as well as information about our Technical focus 21

Expanding worldwide to be closer to you

Techsia were pleased to be present at the MEOS Trade
Show in Bahrain last March...
In the following article, we describe the thinking behind,
and the objectives for, the “Techsia Information System”
(TIS) and give an update on where we are in a develop-
ment that will significantly enhance our communication
capability with you, the clients...

MEOS 2007 3
Techsia Information System 3

Techsia Middle East
vital that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is


now a discipline in itself
and, as a result, Infor-
at MEOS 2007 mation Systems have
been designed to answer
Bahrain to the needs highlighted
by CRM as a backbone
to help a company de-
fine its organization
Techsia Middle
through workflows and
East (TME) was
project teams. From the
invited by their
outset, Techsia has had
Saudi Arabian
a CRM solution. How-
Sponsors, Gulf
ever, the CRM solution
Wells Corp., to
has had to be adapted to
join their stand at
the team’s needs in or-
MEOS 2007 in
der to ensure the same
Bahrain. Chris Christelle Guillermou
client support quality, or
Chouker (General joined Techsia in September
2005 to be Techsia Communica- rather, to make it even
Manager of TME) tion Manager. better. Along the way, as
took the opportu-
you know, we have been
nity to introduce
expanding to be closer
his organisation
to our clients and to offer greater petrophysical and techno-
and staff (Muscat Majed M. AlArji, General Manager
of Gulf Wells Corp. and Dr. logical expertise. As a consequence, our organization has
b a s e d Te ch s i a
Stéphanie Gottlib-Zeh, CEO of been evolving and is set to continue to evolve worldwide in
branch office) to
Techsia the future. Our choice for CRM system has been directed
the regional oil
by our vision to secure our core values in our relationships
and gas commu-
with our clients: reactivity, expertise, flexibility.
nity. Live demos of
Techlog as well as smaller sessions allowed presentation of
the latest develop- Matching needs and CRM solutions
ments and up- We chose to use project management techniques to imple-
grades in our soft- ment the new Techsia Information System (TIS). A year
ware package to a ago, Techsia management appointed a team composed of
broad, multi- a representative of the Board of Management, an IT ex-
disciplinary and pert, a Petrophysicist representative of the Support Team, a
international audi- representative of each subsidiary and a project coordinator
ence. The presence (with strong knowledge in Information System implementa-
of our senior staff tion). Various one-on-one and group interviews were car-
from the head- ried out in order to assess Techsia’s individual, discipline
quarters in France and subsidiary needs. The resulting document helped us to
(Dr. S. Gottlib- define a short list of CRM solutions that were then tested
Zeh, B. Moss, C. in-house by various departments. The selected solution
Gourbail) under- stands out for many reasons, and among them: the capabil-
lined our com- ity to design our own workflows, escalation rules and notifi-
mitment to deliver cation system, the level of customization, the integration
Brian Moss, Director Business
Development and Petrophysics technology to the into Outlook™, the adaptability not only to customer sup-
Advisor and Dr. Chris Chouker, industry in the port but also to marketing campaigns, licence and training
Techsia Middle East LLC Manager Gulf Region. We follow-ups…
would like to thank
all our customers TIS implementation
and potential customers in the region for their interest, The implementation started in October 2006. In February
trust and support shown during the exhibition. 2007, the whole Techsia team was trained and started using
the TIS. This implementation phase is very important as it
helps us to define whether the workflows in place are re-
sponding to the internal needs to make the information

Techsia Information
flow more efficiently between all the players in order to
respond faster to the clients and to generate more effective
reporting to them. Techsia’s strategy has been to make sure
System that the internal resources have fully adopted the informa-
tion system before reaching the next step: launching the
A collaborative Client Portal. Now that the whole organization is using the
TIS (Client Support, IT, Marketing, Sales, Management…)
enterprise and that the workflows are refined for a higher reactivity
and transparency, we are ready to include our clients on the
Nowadays, it is something of a cliché to say that a com- participative client portal that we have been implementing
pany’s goal is to reach a high level of customer satisfaction. and that has already been launched in its first version.
It is no longer a goal; it is the condition to keep a business
alive and growing. This corporate objective has become so

Our strategy • the client can follow up his requests and the
requests of the users who are reporting to him.
To ensure the success of this participative client portal, our
strategy has various aspects:
• first: we have recently hired an expert in client support, to
be the link between the petrophysicist team and the IT
team, while ensuring the liaison for the testing, the tutori-
als and clients’ requests.
• second: we are involving clients in the client portal’s
specifications write-up to ensure that we are in tune with
their needs.
• third: our goal is to start with the core but standard func-
tionalities to be able to move to more with a better un-
derstanding of the participative tools that can bring value
to our clients and, down the line, to the petroleum com-
munity as a whole.
• fourth: we took the opportunity of the SPWLA event in
Austin (3-6 June 2007) to communicate about our sup-
port team to share with you the importance and the en-
ergy we give to better serve you. We hope that those of Case follow-up
you who were there had the opportunity to visit us at our
booth in the Exhibition Hall to enjoy our animation
movie highlighting the various levels of international Other functionalities
support we provide. In the near future, we foresee the following functionalities:
• a sophisticated access management platform to
allow the clients to prioritize their requests
through the principal reporters, who will have a
tool to validate the requests made by their team.
• the capability to report bugs and questions directly
from within Techlog with simplified but compre-
hensive attachment functionalities.
• the opportunity to exchange ideas and best prac-
tices in various types of forum.
• the build-up of a knowledge base with access to
the tutorials and other user-guide on-line Help
June 2007, official launch systems.
Early June 2007, we launched our participative client portal
with the following functions accessible to the clients via a
login and a password: As we proceed with the implementation, we welcome your
feedbacks and suggestions to make this portal as collabora-
• the client is able to enter requests (bug report- tive as possible. We are striving to bring value to you not
ing, request for enhancements, and request for only through the functionalities we are adding to Techlog
training and other questions…) but also through our exchange of best practices and joint
Research and Development with oil majors through the
client portal…
As you, the clients, build your awareness of and involve-
ment in this forward-thinking initiative of Techsia, should
you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to
contact Christelle Guillermou in Montpellier:
Thank you in advance for your participation and custom-
ary high quality feedback.

Case entering screen

Powerful, game-changing,
chromatography analysis tool

In Refining, as in Exploration and Production, the charac- Furthermore, this functionality is delivered to the industry
terization of the petroleum fraction constituents is a funda- within an easy to use interface to aid and speed client uptake
mental step, however its challenging nature causes it to re- of the product.
main a weakness in many petroleum engineering applications We are proud to be able to announce the commercial release
today. of Malcom 2007.1.
Malcom is the synthesis of key solutions to difficulties met by
petroleum engineers using gas chromatography. It is a prod-
uct developed through extended collaboration within the
petroleum industry and with special application to very com-
plex mixtures. It is equipped with extremely powerful and
very innovative tools to fully enable the user in ability, per-
formance and accuracy in the domain of fluid analysis.


Multi-analysis Data reduction


Satistical Classification
Malcom is a versatile application with the capa- Quantitative

deconvolution Uncertainties
bility to treat and interpret many types of gas management
chromatography data acquired from various sys- Integration Mixture
tems such as GC/FID, GC/MS, GC/AED.


Malcom has been developed in cooperation with Indexation Calibration
petroleum engineers to empower the user to Spectral Processing
deconvolution automation
manage the challenging nature of crude oil
Automated Dynamic & shared DB
analysis. Its high degree of automation and in- identification
User defined reporting
novative tools suit very well the needs encoun-
tered in this difficult domain. Malcom saves days
of tedious work in performing an analysis and
enables much greater detail and precision in the
Malcom roadsign
results, bringing a step change in performance
not seen before in this industry.

Main Functionalities
One single Platform for various instru- tion chromatography and liquid chromatogra-
ments phy.
Malcom is able to treat many types of data ac- As a result, a key feature of Malcom is its com-
quired from a gas chromatography system cou- patibility with many types of systems, replacing
pled with a variety of detectors (FID, MS, the need to have a variety of software to manage
AED…). a variety of instruments. Malcom realizes the
The supported file formats are as follows: goal of using a single application for all instru-
AIA(*.cdf), ChemStation (*.ch and *.MS), Finni- ments. This greatly optimizes the users’ learning
gan (*.ms), Varian Saturn (*.ms). It is planned to curve in this domain and facilitates communica-
further broaden the software capabilities to other tion between laboratories.
system data types such as GC-2D, gel permea-
Spectral analysis
of GC-MS data

Multi-analyses management dows, which mitigates uncertainties and aids


An engineering project often requires several error detection.
analyses, and direct controls and comparisons
between these analyses are not easily enabled in
commonly available software. Furthermore, for a
large majority of users, routine analysis com-
mands need to be tediously repeated for each
analysis performed.
Malcom manages projects as a group of several
analyses, rather than independently. All opera-
tions performed on one fluid can be automati-
cally carried out on all other fluids grouped
within the project by means of a simple mouse
click. Direct and straightforward comparisons
between several analyses are immediate and are
enabled through full interactivity between win- Two chromatograms and associated mass spectra

Multiple sample analy-

sis for components
with results displayed
simultaneously for
direct comparison

Improved detail and precision
Analysis of complex mixtures such as crude oils is not an easy task: coelutions and baseline locations
induce problematic lack of detail and precision.
Specific and powerful algorithms have been implemented through the Malcom software to improve the
resolution of the column and to enhance the precision of the integrations. Example tests performed on
complex parts of petroleum fluid chromatograms have shown that the precision of the integrations is
improved by a factor of 10, as is the resolution (number of compounds detected).

M a l c o m p ro p o s e s
Innovative deconvolution tools pro- deconvolution tools to
vide 'smart' integration address these difficul-
ties, enabling peak
area, as well as mass
spectra, to be sepa-
rated from raw data
into pure compounds

Split of a raw mass spectrum into

pure components mass spectrum

Customizable platform
In the Malcom platform all properties linked to any window can be adjusted (colours, fonts, positions,
margins…) to fully enable customization to the users preference or further enable clients to design an
interface for specific deployment within their organization.

Cumulative view of GC-

MS data

Automatic identification Easy to use


The process of manual identification of hun- The Malcom interface has been designed from
dreds of components is a tedious and time con- the ground up to be easy to use. Paramount has
suming task. In addition, non-specialists can mis- been removing the complexity from the complex
interpret identifications leading to a poor analy- task of fluid analysis and eliminating the need for
sis. continual reference to the user manual to use the
A series of tools have been developed to address
these issues: The ergonomics of Malcom delivers the follow-
ing benefits:
• a powerful automatic Identification tool local-
izes hundreds of user-defined compounds from • Control and data manipulations are performed
several analyses, all within a time period of a with the mouse,
few seconds • Easy processing automation, requiring no IT
• a dynamic database system enables each com- knowledge,
pound to be manually defined only once; these • Easy multi-windows management,
compounds can then be automatically detected
in all other fluids • Single Drag & Drop system between graphics,
files, windows, extractions…
• client know-how and compound identifications
are retained and can be shared through the • Graphics can be switched into numerical ar-
local network. This provides clients with the rays and vice-versa
ability to propagate knowledge through their • A Context help and context commands are
domain to impact the efficiency and expertise attached to each tool and each window
of their users
As a result of the power of Malcom, the time to
perform analysis of complex mixtures such as
petroleum fluids can be reduced from several
days to less than a few hours..

A detail of automated peak detection Raw integration


Post-treatments and statistical tools

The migration and processing of results from At the end point of the analysis process, the user
chromatographic data treatment in specialized can easily return to the chromatographic data,
and standalone statistics software is often an making it possible to directly check or correct
awkward process. dubious results.
In addition, switching backwards and forwards The statistical tools in Malcom deliver a huge
from the results given by the chromatographic gain in time and confidence in the reliability of
data treatment to the latter results given by statis- the results whilst providing very instructive and
tical tools, for the purpose of checking and cor- enriching feedback to understand and to com-
rection, is often cumbersome and inhibitive. pare mixtures.
To address this deficiency statistical tools dedi-
cated to the treatment of chemical analysis re-
sults have been implemented in the Malcom plat-

Statistical fluid

“Techlog© will help us to develop and im-
plement further new applications. We are
already seeing its impact on project cycle
times and look forward to further benefits,
using the Techlog© platform.”
Hans de Waal, Global Head of Petrophysics

Techlog 2007.1
The comprehensive and fully interactive
multi-well petrophysical solution
We now provide an extensive update on the latest develop-
ments in our flagship product, Techlog©, where, each day, we
advance and extend the capabilities beyond the boundaries of
a conventional petrophysical system...
Amongst the many enhancements and improvements listed
in the following pages, we have also now finished implement-
ing three significantly sized, advanced capabilities covering:
deterministic and stochastic thin-bed analyses algorithms
based on the Thomas-Stieber model, with the latter includ-
ing full sensitivity analysis of the equivalent hydrocarbon
column, and a comprehensive saturation-height modeling
capability that allows the user to start from special core data
and continue through to application in the log domain.

Improvement list

Techlog 2007.1

> Platform user interface

• The menus can be “tear-off ”
• The workspace is scrollable
• The dock windows corners can be adapted
• The dock windows can be included inside tab
• No more limitation of the number of icons
• Techlog now can be opened several times on the same computer without the GDI objects
• Possibility to have a quick property access (move the properties to the mouse cursor) using
F4 shortcut

> Project management

• The access to the project information is optimized
• The project country database is updated (names and flags)
• The project country is displayed in the recent project list
• On project creation, users can select to open the new project inside a new Techlog instance
(instead of the current one)

> Partial project loading

• A sub part of the project can be loaded (dataset or well list)
• Datasets not already loaded can be loaded from the project browser menu

> Families
• Added new families:
• “Hole Deviation”
• “Pore Column”
• “Hydrocarbon Pore Column”
• “Clay Grain Fraction”
• “Net Sand Fraction”
• Renamed families:
• “Core Permeability Horizontal”  “Core Permeability”
• “Pad 1 Azimuth”  “Pad A Azimuth”
• “Borehole FMI PadA Array1”  “Borehole PadA Array1”
• Small updates on the family assignment rules
• Possibility to see the sub properties (colors, thickness...) defined on the different levels and
“delete” them (undefined on specific level)
• Well alias system is working in all the modules

> Multi-user session

• Datasets created by other users are now available when “reload the well” operation is used

> Shortcut system
• The new shortcut system is applied to all the menu options

> Project browser

• The filter can be done on the date of last creation/modification
• Conditional selection can be created from the context menu and saved as template for
import/export convenience
• The number of wells/datasets/variable are also displayed in the properties (the Quanti
and PQC wells are no longer included in the counting)
• Variable compare operation is now handling array data
• Better merge operation when the two references don’t have the same unit
• Option (in the property) to overwrite the original dataset with the appended dataset with-
out creating a new version of the dataset

> Resampling tool

• Specific management of the resampling of variable with angle degree (dega) unit (man-
agement of the 360° wrapping)
• "Linear" method is automatically selected instead of "anti-aliasing" when the target step is
10 times larger than the original one (example of zonation reference resampling)
• Potential confusion is fixed with the selection of resampling method when several variables
with different incompatible resampling methods are invoked

> Splice tool

• New tool to manage variable splice operations graphically and easily

> Import
• Possibility to convert the variables unit using the default family unit
• DLIS/LIS properties are stored on the dataset level except the list of predefined well
• SEG-Y seismic data format can be imported

> Inventories
• Alias inventory possibility to define empty item per cell
• Optimization of the speed of many manipulation actions

> Queries
• Optimization of the speed of the data manipulation actions

> TVD computation

• The computation can now be done from a “tie” point using tie point information (MD,

> Python
• Optional variables can be defined
• Possibility to access the unit of the variable from the script
• The result of functions like sqrt(-1), log10(-1) is now MissingValue (-9999)


> Zonation
• By default the zone “ALL” is setup to pale blue color

> File System Database

• Speed and memory use optimization (add/modify/delete variable or array operations;
data properties information loading)

> Import ASCII data wizard

• Top-Bottom files can be loaded without well name column defined
• Better management of unsorted columns

> Export
• CSV concatenated file was disabled

> Global
• Better management of shading gradient and transparency
• The user boundaries are initialized with previously used boundaries family or variable (if
the “keep user boundaries” option is not used)

> Depth plots headers / footers

• Improved header management (rich text)
• Advanced header editor is available

> Cross-plots
• Better display of the selected points
• Possibility to remove the selected or not selected points (like cross-plot array-array)
• New neutron-density charts added

> Cross-plots Array-Array

• Techcore best-fit functions can be saved and reloaded
• Techcore best-fit functionalities are now available only if the Techcore license is available

> Histogram
• Possibility to use advanced filter
• In case of multiple zone selection, the histogram can display the “global” histogram of all
the zones or the histogram of each individual zone
• Possibility to display quantiles
• Corrected display of the cumulated curve in the multi-well histogram with empty dataset

Techplot > Depth plots
• Zonation track
• Reference track improvements (additional tick display)
• Variable wrap mode display
• Partial track mode display (“Half track”)
• Repeated mode display of the variable (for seismic data)
• Equation variable (similar to the data editor functionality to create a new variable from
variables present or not inside the layout)
• Separation track can be easily added on the left or right side of the current track
• Area fill can be created between variables from different datasets
• Area fill created between neutron and density variable proposes by default the yellow and
brown colours
• Possibility to use a well list of a predefined ordered (saved as well filter) for “apply to” op-
erations (for cross-sections)
• Better display of variables measured in degree angles (360° wrap)
• More options for zonation display (over the grid/over the variables/below the grid, trans-
parent factor)
• Casing shoes display improved
• Interactive modification of the variable display boundaries (with Ctrl+Shift and mouse
• Vertical data shifting with keyboard shortcut (Shift + Key_Up/Key_Down)
• Allow to change family of a displayed variable in the properties
• Improved usage of aliases for building templates by saving the alias request, even if no
variable found in the well
• Apply a template layout on a dataset is working again
• When recalling a plot layout in the event that the target data in the layout have been re-
named or removed, the user may select a new target dataset from a dialog box
• Reference track: better management of the spacing when the unit of the reference data is
• Accept zone limit alignment even if the zone is not present in the well
• BHI display:
• Added azimuth scale in the image header
• The image orientation can be modified
• The image header contains more information
• Allow to reverse the image palette

> Printing
• New option: fixed width and keep proportion on height
• Better management of the objects displayed over two pages
• Option to print the header also as footer (in the bottom of the pages)
• Margins can be setup to 0 even if the printer doesn’t support

> Global
• The output layout is the “multi well” layout (instead of the old “single well” mode layout)
• Better default display of the layout with zonation track and pale zone colours in back-


Quanti > Summation

• Optional fluid flag can be used to split the results
• Better management of the same zone present several times in the same dataset (now indi-
vidual line will be displayed for each “layer”)
• Possibility to “roll-up” the average if the zone name or fluid code is present more than one
time in the dataset or zone
• Weighting input variable can be used as a thickness weighting (local “net to gross” for each
• The output layout is displayed using the selected reference type for the computation
• Better management of thin zone (smaller than the sampling rate)

> Saturation
• Saturation height modeling (Capillary pressure model applied at the log scale)

> Monte Carlo

• Better interface (unit displayed, grey out of the parameters not used)
• Relative or absolute uncertainties can be managed

> Porosity
• The neutron-density porosity method proposes the possibility to select the tool type (NPHI,
BA2435, BA2420, APLS, TNPH)
• Additional unclipped porosity output is available for all the Total and Effective methods

> QV
• Compute QV for water bearing shaly sands

> Quanti custom - Python scripts

• Optional variables can be managed
• Correct management of "InOut" variables
• More than 13 input families/aliases can be used inside the script. The first 21 variable
inputs can be customized using the family/alias selection dialog, the other inputs need to
be defined inside the script

> Pre-computations
• Better management of the gradient parameter present inside two methods within the same
• Possibility to pre-compute the temperature with the TLI/BLI method

Quanti > Fluid properties
• New item added with 10 pre-computation methods:
1. Water resistivity from temperature and salinity
2. Salinity from temperature and water resistivity
3. Water resistivity from temperature and ion concentration
4. Water resistivity from temperature and spontaneous potential
5. Saturated salinity concentration from temperature
6. Water properties from temperature, pressure and salinity
7. U from salinity
8. Natural gas density and hydrogen index from temperature, pressure and gas gravity
9. Oil properties
10. Waxman B from temperature and salinity

> Environmental corrections

• More environmental corrections for “Density tool” were added:
1. Schlumberger – LDT
2. Schlumberger – FDC
• More environmental corrections for “Neutron tool” were added:
1. Schlumberger – CNL (NRAT)
2. Schlumberger – CNL (Pre-Mod)
3. Schlumberger – CNL (Pre-Cna)
4. Baker Atlas – 2418
5. Baker Atlas – 2420
6. Baker Atlas – 2435

> Global
• Management of non-linear equations (tool types: NPHI, TNPH, SNP, APLS, BA2435,
• Waxman-Smits B computation improvement
• Neutron hydrocarbon correction equation improvement (use of the equation without the
lithological factor)

> Global
• Saturation height modeling
• Capillary pressure modeling tool with 3 methods available:
• Possibility to calibrate the model based on the porosity and/or permeability inputs


> Global
Thin bed
analysis • Interactive, graphical based parameterisation solution to the Thomas-Stieber model using
probabalistic log inversion incorporating full sensitivity analysis on the effects of each input
log and interpretation parameter on the resultant Equivalent Hydrocarbon Column. Sen-
sitivy results clearly illustrated in a dedicated “Tornado” plot.
• Advanced deterministic Thomas-Stieber module. Many different combinations of input
logs and calculation preferences can be combined to produce flexibility in output; interac-
tive graphical selection of appropriate end-point parameters combined with graphical
selection of interpretation intervals makes the module particularly easy to use.

> Global
• Time to depth: improvement of management of tie point inside the sonic interval
• Gassmann can be used per zone
• Gassmann: if the initial saturation is different from 1 the computation for this sample is
• Synthetics can be created in time domain or depth domain
• Filtering process is separated from the synthetics creation

> Global
• OBMI and dual-OBMI handling. Tool type can be selected at the bottom of the family
This new module will be selection window in Speed Correction or Concatenation workflow, selections are memo-
released with Techlog
2007.2 rized for subsequent workflows.
• Enables following options for FMI in Speed Correction and Concatenation workflows via
‘Property-Pads and flaps organization’:
1.Interlaced: yes/no – to enable handling for field or processed FMI format
2.Pad arrays order: 1-2/2-1 – to enable reordering of arrays during concatenation (for
certain processed formats)
3.Flap arrays order: 1-2/2/1 – to enable reordering of arrays during concatenation
(for certain processed formats)
• Enabled user access to ‘Array 1 to Z accelerometer’ offset via Properties-Tool properties
field. These values default to standard values (but can be modified) :
1.FMI 16”
2.OBMI 30”
3.Dual_OBMI 204”
• Improved handling of pre-concatenated image arrays for LWD/Acoustic image import
(CBIL, UBI etc)
1.Creation of main parameters ‘reference caliper’ fields for image pictures, to enable
user to easily link a caliper variable to an imported image picture for subsequent use
in dip picking. The caliper variable and its dataset is simply selected by the user from
a drop down menu
2.When importing non-FMI or OBMI image_arrays or image_pictures, please update
the family assignment to main family: borehole image, family: borehole image array
or borehole picture. The imported image_array can then be normalized or the im-
ported image_picture can be dip processed

• Made SCD (Shift Correct Depth) input optional for Speed Correction
BHI 1.If no SCD input selected, Techlog assumes no previous speed correction applied
before applying Techlog speed correction
2.If SCD input selected, Techlog assumes a previous speed correction is applied, and
will first back this out, before applying TL speed correction
• Entire datasets can now be ‘drag-and-dropped’ together to combine, as opposed to previ-
ously having to individually select each variable to drag and drop
• Updated following families and assignment rules:
3.‘Tool azimuth’ to ‘Pad A azimuth’
4.‘Hole inclination’ to ‘Hole Deviation’
5.Array families renamed from ‘Borehole FMI Pad/Flap**’ format to generic ‘Bore-
hole Pad/Flap**’ in harmonization with non-FMI applications
6.Updated family assignment rules for OBMI & dual-OBMI
• Fixed Speed Corrected output arrays units assignment
• Ability to drag and drop previously created dip variables to variable creation track, and
continue dip picking
• Resolved wrap scale display bug in log viewer, azimuth and relative bearing variables are
now displayed correctly wrapping in Techplot
• Addition of ‘reverse palette’ functionality on right mouse click menu to enable image
negative creation
• Inclusion of additional default BHI palettes in the palette library
• Resolved azimuth reversal bug when picking dips (previously 180 degs offset)
• Ability to vary image transparency when overlaying images via ‘Properties-Appearance-
• Addition of image orientation scale in log header, driven by ‘orientation’ parameter in
main parameters field of image picture (this is the beginning step to introduce image rota-
• Addition of auto-colour when classifying dip, and right mouse button (dip variable-save
the dip classification) short cut to save classification variable only. When classifications
saved classification colour updates automatically.
• Resolution of various dip variable handling bugs
• Inclusion of video help files to demonstrate workflows in BHI online help menu

> Global
• Python script added to merge point dataset
scripts • Import of Well Header Properties


> Web access

• Client’s logo embedded in all web pages.
2007.1 • Login page with a new smart logo.
• External web access enables the client to test CoreDB everywhere.
• Administration:
• consult sessions added in the list.
• Filters:
• automatic loading filter.
• geographic/experiment/object filter cancel.
• Images:
• Core image viewer (with low and high resolution).
• Plug image viewer.
• Viewer allows you to zoom in, zoom out, scroll, show the depth, etc…
• You can easily switch between data and images.
• Plotter:
• New enhanced data plotter (the same as Techlog).
• Different plots mode available: histograms, curve-plots, cross-plots.
• Second variable histogram.
• Ability to save data plotter models.
• Plot properties: scale, limit, top/bottom, normalization, etc…
• Export:
• Export in Techlog format (with families, dataset …) using the drag & drop
• Report:
• Excel reports enable you to export plot properties, data and plots in an Excel
> Loader
• Connection to Finder well database.
• Import core images easily

“Using Techlog©, our petrophysicists have
successfully tackled several difficult
facies-based analyses in a short amount
of time”
Dean Gulick, Petrophysicist
Chevron Energy Technology Company

Let’s have a closer look
In this section we offer information and guidance in the use data and the propagation or the resulting models within the
of some of the new capabilities offered within Techlog©... log domain; finally, we continue the very well received Tips
First, we present our comprehensive borehole imaging inter- section on the use of Python®, the immensely powerful
pretation capability; second we discuss one of the new meth- scripting language offered with Techlog©.
ods for saturation-height modeling from capillary pressure

BHI module 22
Saturation modeling 24
Useful Python® Script 27


BHI (BoreHole Images)

Utilize your Image Data
By Richard Ellam

Understanding our clients need Strengthen your Petrophysical domain

A common issue reported by oil companies today BHI extends to the Petrophysical user the ability
is mass under-utilization of image data for both to utilize their familiar Techlog platform to har-
processing and handling, and an inability to lever- monize and visualize image data alongside other
age its use in Petrophysical workflows. This data is petrophysical data, and leverage use within petro-
expensive to acquire, so it is critical that it can be physical workflows. These include such functional-
fully exploited for use in-house within an easy to ity as net-to-gross calculations, sand count process-
use application. Further issues are lack of exper- ing, lamination factors, thin bed processing, image
tise in handling the workflows required to manage classification etc. BHI fully enables the user to
such image data and an inability to consolidate optimize image data within their petrophysical
image log data in harmonization with other domain.
petrophysical data, presenting barriers of use and Empower your expert users
reliance on 3rd parties. BHI further provides an in-house ability to man-
Realize value from image data age and process image data to the expert user,
We are pleased to introduce to the Techlog plat- enabling reprocessing of all commonly run wire-
form our latest module, BHI. Designed to enable line and LWD services from raw data, normaliza-
our clients to fully realize the value of their image tions, filtering, full dip handling, conversion, dis-
data in their technical domains, BHI brings to the play, import and export of images and dips, auto
Techlog platform ease-of-use imaging workflows dip picking, dip classification with a variety of dip
within a familiar Techlog environment. As you will display plots, all from within a versatile applica-
have come to expect from a Techlog product, BHI tion. Last but not least, through use of the power-
offers multi-tasking, multi-well imaging ability as ful Python programming module in Techlog, the
standard with graphically illustrated workflows to functionality available to the user is truly limitless
ensure clarity of processing. in the multi-well environment.

Some of the BHI workflows currently offered

1 Speed Correction
3 Remove and/or reapply speed correc-
tion to raw or processed data arrays
2 Concatenation
1 Preloaded visual templates to create
oriented Image Arrays from raw input
3 Normalization / Image Processing
Easily apply Normalization schemes and
Filters to Image Array data
4 Dip Handling
Manual and Automatic dip processing,
dip classification etc
5 Apparent / True Dip Handling
Conversion from apparent-true, true-
apparent, dip intensities etc
6 6 Dip Removal / Parameter Extraction
Imaging flattening, dip removal process-

Embrace BHI to maximise use of your image data

Generic Data Handling


BHI is designed from the ground up to be a ge-
neric borehole imaging module. We support all
industry imaging services from the raw data stage,
and further support pre-processed images and
arrays for dip picking, re-orientation or evaluation

Composite Display

Dip Handling
Dips can be efficiently manually or automatically
generated and external dips imported for display
and manipulation. Multiple dip display plots are
available and easily manipulated by interval or
Screen shots of the variety of tools supported zone. Dip intensities, strikes etc are handled; fur-
ther unlimited processing functionality sourced via
the versatile Python processing module.
Ease of Use
Since inception a primary objective of BHI has
been ease of use. For instance, BHI optimizes
graphical representation of image services to
maximize clarity of button orientations, has active
shortcuts that are conveniently placed, and has a
helpfile with embedded video help as per stan-
dard. This ensures, for example, a Petrophysical
user can fully optimize use of available image

Dip intensity using Python®

Example of the helpfile with embedded movies

Petrophysical Ability
Use BHI to optimize use of your image data in
your Petrophysical domain. Due for delivery at
commercialization, further workflows to easily
enable net-to-gross calculations, sand count proc-
essing and definition of lamination factors. Utilize
Dip handling
the resolution of your images to enhance your thin
bed processing, or perform image classification
techniques to enhance your facies identification. Multi-task
Through standard Techlog capabilities, BHI gives
Composite Display you the ability to bulk process image data, process
Manage and display dip and image data alongside by zone and/or process multiple datasets in one
other Petrophysical data. step. Further ability to define imaging workflows
and apply to any number of wells.
For the future, join us into the third dimension….
watch this space.


Saturation modeling from core data


Creation of saturation models is an integral part of the petrophysical workflow. Therefore, it is recom-
mended to take into consideration all valid data available during the process of formation evaluation in
order to estimate the water saturation correctly. In addition to the log derived saturation models, we
deliver in Techlog several further saturation methods from utilization of in-situ core data.
One of the Techcore methods will be illustrated here and has a workflow comprising two principal
parts. Firstly, using the capillary pressure data in Techcore, we build a conceptual saturation model
based on the core porosity and/or permeability. In a second step, using Quanti, we apply the model at
the log scale so the saturation can be compared with other models such as Dual Water, Waxman-Smits

Build a Capillary Pressure Model (CPM) - Techcore

To begin with, these basic parameters need to be entered: Capillary Pressure and Core Water Satura-
tion (array data) with Core Porosity and Core Permeability (variables).

Fig 1: build a capillary

pressure model. Data
input and methods of

For the moment, three methods can be used: Brooks-Corey, Lambda and Thomeer (Figure 1). Satura-
tion models may be built with respect to normalized pressure, pressure or height directly.
These methods calculate the TOTAL water saturation allowing one term of reducible and another
term of irreducible water saturation.
In the example shown below we use the Brooks-Corey method to build the model.
As a first step, for each saturation profile (derived from a core sample), we calculate the three parame-
ters of the Brooks-Corey method (SWirr, PCe and N). The system automatically searches the best fit of
each parameter against each of three associated core parameters (ø, k, SQRT(k/ø)). By doing so, each
parameter will become a function of the core porosity or permeability. Then, using a matrix cross plot
(Figure 2), we can review all the fits of the Brooks-Corey parameters to the core porosity and perme-
ability. We propose five regression types to fit each parameter: a linear, exponential, logarithmic, power
or simple average and the best-fit in each case is illustrated. In a third step, for each saturation profile, it
is possible to fix any of the Brooks-Corey parameters to a particular function or constant and then new
values are re-calculated for the other parameters, resulting in new functions.
By limiting the calculated parameters, the user can apply geological constraints on the model, hence
adapting the model to a specific case/reservoir.

Fig 2: A matrix plot
relating the three
parameters of the
method to the po-
rosity and perme-
ability. By default,
the function with the
highest correlation
coefficient (R2) is
shown. In this case
the PCe vs. K func-
tion has been cho-
sen to be fixed,
hence the excellent
correlation seen in
the middle plot.

Fig 3: The calculated

regressions, their
parameter of de-
pendence (ø ,k) and
the functions coeffi-
cients (CPM C1 and
CPM C2) in relation
to one of the
Brooks-Corey pa-

Saturation Height Modeling - Quanti

Once a conceptual model is created in Techcore, we can apply the model to the wells of interest. In the
Quanti workflow, the depth variable is the only mandatory input needed. Uploading the model pa-
rameters and defining the reservoir properties (Figure 4) will result in a saturation model based on the
core data which can be compared to other saturation models.

Fig 4: Definition of
the reservoir prop-


Fig 5: A layout dis-

playing the results
of the method.

As can be seen in Figure 5, the modeled curve (SW_CPM) is displayed in the fourth track. The calcu-
lated saturation from the log derived Dual Water method is displayed in the last track in order to com-
pare the two results and check the quality of the models.
At any step along the process (within the Quanti and Techcore workflows), the user can re-define and
modify each of the parameters, from the coefficients for the fitting functions to the density contrast in
the surroundings of the well.
All the used models can be easily exported as functions or tables in order to be used in reports or reser-
voir modeling software.

Techsia acknowledges the assistance of technical experts from Shell in the development of the workflow illustrated here and
would like to express its thanks to the individuals concerned.

Useful Python® Script


By Ivayla Gueorguieva & Yasmina Kechida

This article provides some additional and useful information on one of the many Python® scripts found
within the Techlog application, written and provided for general use by the Techsia development team
(see page 32 for a complete list of current groups included with the installation files).
To illustrate the power, versatility and simplicity of the Python® script within Techlog and provide the
reader with an introduction to script handling, we will take a closer look at one of these scripts. The
script we have chosen is a common functionality request, and is listed in the program Tutorial section of
the Techsia script archive as example 7.1 “Import of Well headers”. The objective of this script is to
extract input data from a CSV file and write the constants into the well header properties.

How to populate constants to the well header via a Python®


I) The structure of the CSV file

First the user performs a simple reorganization of the data into a spreadsheet shown in Table 1. The
first line contains the name of the well properties and the second line the units (optional). The first col-
umn should be populated with the well names.
Some variables are predefined in Techlog which facilitates to recognize the property. For example, the
parameter ‘Elevation’ is recognized and this value is used in different applications of Techlog. The fol-
lowing table presents some parameter names.

FT FT FT ft ft ft m m
well001 20-Sep-05 20-Sep-05 86 4808 10692 10695 10989 10992 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N129897 6.88E+07
well002 13-Oct-04 13-Oct-04 54 4805 10500 10503 10278 10281 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N087573 6.88E+07
well003 29-Dec-05 29-Dec-05 78 4875 9887 9890 9698 9701 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N144579 6.88E+07
well004 23 AVR 2006 23 AVR 2006 89 3589 7889 7892 7489 7492 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N103483 68829840
well005 14 FEV 2005 14 FEV 2005 88 3450 10578 10581 10134 10137 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N154984 6.88E+07
well006 13 MAI 2006 13 MAI 2006 73 3999 10192 10195 9789 9792 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N148715 6.87E+07
well007 25-Nov-05 25-Nov-05 68 4378 9806 9809 9444 9447 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N117799 6.88E+07
well008 04 AVR 2006 04 AVR 2006 59 4500 9420 9423 9099 9102 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N117801 6.88E+07
well009 21 JUIN 2005 21 JUIN 2005 81 3889 9034 9037 8754 8757 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N117801 6.88E+07
well010 06-Jan-06 06-Jan-06 82 2678 8648 8651 8409 8412 Exploration Well 114º 25' 19.234''
6º 02' E4.367'' 6
N117801 6.88E+07

Table 1: example of Data organization

II) To import well header properties:

The Python® script ‘Import of Well Headers’ can be run ‘stand alone’ and is accessed through the text
menu by right clicking on the Python® script name in the project browser (see figure 1), as a result the
Python® script editor window will automatically appear (figure 2).

Fig 1: Access to Py-

thon® scripts in the
Techlog script archive


Fig 2: The Python®

script editor

In the parameter table within the script editor (figure 3) the user needs to specify the CSV file location
in the ‘wellHeaderCSV’ value. The user has the option to create a new well present only in the external
file but not in the Techlog project; to enable this the option ‘createMissingWell’ has to be set to ‘yes’.
Also, if the second line in the input CSV contains units, the parameter ‘unitSecondLine’ should be set
to ‘yes’ and the separator character should be specified. The script is applied by clicking on the green
arrow at the top left of the script editor.

Fig 3: Parameters specification of the Python® script: ‘wellHeaderCSV’, createMissingWell’, ‘unitSecondeLine’ and ‘separator’.

The imported constants will populate the tab properties of the well as shown in figure 4.

Fig 4: Well properties

database: three cells
are generated: the
property value, the
unit value, and also
the description. The
parameters are rec-
ognized by Techlog,
and the properties are
unknown parameters.

This concludes the basic operation and use of this script example through the script editor. A detailed


description of the Python® script follows which enables the user to distinguish the different steps within
the script, and provides guidance for reutilization in his/her own script programs.

III) The keys to decrypt the Python® script:

The Python® script can be seen in its complete form below:

f = open(wellHeaderCSV, 'r') # open the file

pnl = [] #property name line
pul = [] #property unit line
pdl = [] #property description line
pc = 0
columnSize = 0
cl = -1 #currentline

for l in f.readlines():# read the file line by line

cl = cl + 1
l = l.rstrip() # Cut the end of line characters

if cl == 0: # first line with the properties name

pnl = l.split(separator)
del pnl[0] # remove first cell
columnSize = len(pnl)
if cl == 1 and unitSecondLine == "yes":
pul = l.split(separator)
del pul[0] # remove first cell
pdl = [""] * columnSize
if cl == 1 and unitSecondLine == "no":
pul = [""] * columnSize
pdl = [""] * columnSize

cll = l.split(separator) # line with the prop-

erty value for current well
w = cll[0] # current well
del cll[0] # remove first cell

print cll
if len(cll) == columnSize:
if not db.wellExists(w): # check for well
if createMissingWell == "yes":
print "The well '<b>" + w +
"'</b> is not present in the project, creation of the well..."
db.datasetCreate(w, "Empty",
"Ref", "", "", [1])

db.wellPropertyListChange(w, pnl, cll,

pul, pdl)
pc += columnSize

print "Number of well header properties imported:", pc

The Python® script can be described in five steps:
• Open and read the file line by line,
• Definition of the variables,
• Read the current line in the Python® body,
• Update of the well list,
• Write the well properties into the well database.

Open and read the file line by line

f = open(wellHeaderCSV, 'r') # open the file (1)
for l in f.readlines(): # read the file line by line (2)
l = l.rstrip() # Cut the end of line characters (3)

1. Open the file: Firstly, the program specifies how to open the CSV file defined by the parame-
ter f. The parameter ‘r’ is here to specify the ‘read only’ mode
2. Read the file line by line: Then a command to read line-by-line is incremented. The pa-
rameter l is the current line of the file
3. Cut the end of line characters: Note that at the end of each line the operating system adds
characters that should be removed by this command.

Definition of the variables

pnl = [] #property name line (1)
pul = [] #property unit line (1)
pdl = [] #property description line (1)
pc = 0
columnSize = 0
cl = 0 #currentline (2)

1. The well header properties comprise three elements:

• the property name
• the property unit
• the property description
For each element we have to create a list [ ] as shown in the Python® script.
2. The parameters ‘columnSize’ and ‘cl’ of the current line are declared.

The Python® body

cl = cl + 1
# First case (1)
if cl == 1: # first line with the properties name
pnl = l.split(separator)
del pnl[0] # remove first cell
columnSize = len(pnl)
# Second case (2)
# First sub-case (a)
if cl == 2 and unitSecondLine == "yes":
pul = l.split(separator)# second line with the
del pul[0] # remove first cell
pdl = [""] * columnSize # create empty cells
# Second sub-case (b)
if cl == 2 and unitSecondLine == "no":
pul = [""] * columnSize #create empty
pdl = [""] * columnSize # create empty

cll = l.split(separator) # line with the prop-

erty value for current well
w = cll[0] # current well
del cll[0] # remove first cell

1. The first case:

• The program reads the first line with the properties name. The separator is detected
and a column is generated for each property. Note that the first cell with the well name
is removed.
2. The second case:
a.First sub-case:
• if the parameter unitSecondLine == ‘yes’ then a new column is generated
with the property unit and another one empty for the description.
b.Second sub-case:
• if there is no unit then the program generates two empty cells in the tab
• The program detects the different separators for the current well. The well
name is detected and this property value is removed.

Update of the well list

if len(cll) == columnSize:
if not db.wellExists(w): # check for well name (1)
if createMissingWell == "yes":
print "The well '<b>" + w + "'</b> is not pre-
sent in the project, creation of the well..."
db.datasetCreate(w, "Empty", "Ref", "", "",
[1]) # create a new well with an empty dataset (2)
continue # go to the next well (3)

1. Before adding all the properties, the script checks for the existence of the well in the project.
2. If the well doesn’t exist and the parameter ‘createMissingWell’ is set to ‘yes’, the script gener-
ates a new well with an empty dataset.
3. If the “createMissingWell” parameter is set to ‘no’ then the script goes to the next line (next

Update the well header properties

db.wellPropertyListChange(w, pnl, cll, pul, pdl)
pc += columnSize

print "Number of well header properties imported:", pc


The final step consists in writing the property value into the well property database.

There are many more scripts made available to the user within Techlog, to enable a variety of other
functionality or further customization to client needs. They are provided as part of the Techlog product,
and details on their use are available within the help documentation. We hope you will quickly realize
the power of Python® within your operations, and its ability to fully optimize Techlog in line with your
Petrophysical needs.

Techlog 2007.1 Python® script list

Techlog archive Techlog Name Script Name Description

BHI Dip data classification dipClassif This script calculates

fracture intensity outputs

QCField Delete all the variables DeleteAllVariablesWith- Script to delete all the
without family outFamily variables without family

QCField Check for duplicated DuplicatedVariablesDe- Detection of the dupli-

variables tection cated variables compar-
ing stats in first place to
optimize the execution

QCField Check for empty vari- EmptyVariablesDetection Detection of the empty

ables variables

QCField Check for inversed data- InversedDatasetCorrec- Check for inversed data-
sets tion sets

Techlog archive Techlog Name Script Name Description

Quanti_Saturation Archie Archie Archie equation descrip-


Quanti_Saturation Saturation QVn QVn computation

Quanti_Volume of Gamma Ray (equation) VSH_GRequation Description of the shale

shale volume computation

Quanti_Volume of Gamma Ray (library) VSH_GRlibrary Example how to call the

shale Vsh Gammaray function
from TechlogQuanti

Techcore Compute a SW_CC_FIT Compute a

SW_CC_CPM array SW_CC_CPM array
from capillary pressure from capillary pressure
(PC_CC) array and fit (PC_CC) array and fit
function parameters function parameters

TechData_Data ma- Add to the well proper- AddToTheWellProperti- Create well properties
nipulation ties the zone X Y posi- esTheZoneXYpositions recording zone location
tions positions

TechData_Data ma- Convert variable using ConvertVariableUsin- "Convert all the variables
nipulation lookup CSV file gLookupCSVFile with name 'variableIn' in
the filtered project to
variable 'variableOut' in
the same dataset using
lookup table (external
CSV file).

TechData_Data ma- Harmonized dataset DatasetHarmonisation Possibility to merge to-

nipulation gether continuous dataset
and point dataset in the

TechData_Data ma- Split an array to several SplitAnArrayToSever- How to split an array

nipulation small arrays alSmallArrays into several individual

TechData_Data ma- Access via the 'open with ChangeDatasetSamplin- Duplicate existing dataset
nipulation the system explorer' gRate with a new sampling rate

TechData_Data ma- Access via the 'open with DatasetHarmonisation Create a LQC dataset
nipulation the system explorer' merging both continuous
variables and point data
(core dataset).

TechData_Data mi- Quanti parameters con- QuantiParametersCon- Convert a parameter file

gration vert from 2006.1 to vert- from old to new format
2006.2 From2006_1To2006_2

TechData_Import Import of the LWD da- DirecLoadFinalUser Import of the LWD da-
ta_ splice during the ta_ splice during the
import import

TechData_Import Import Cyrillic LAS file ImportCyrillicLASWith- Import of cyrillic LAS

with codec detection CodecDetection file with Cyrillic detection

TechData_Import Import Russian RGI ImportRGIusingLAS- Import of RGI file for-

ASCII file (using LAS conversion mat

TechData_Import Import of well Headers WellHeaderImport Import of the well

header properties from
CSV file

Techlog archive Techlog Name Script Name Description

Tutorial Example 1.1 - Hello Example1_1HelloWorld Example 1 of the tuto-

World! rial: how to use the 'print'

Tutorial Example 1.2 - SyntaxEr- Example1_2SyntaxError Example 1.2 with a syn-

ror tax error of the indenta-

Tutorial Example 10.2 - Write Example10_2Excel- Example of code to write

and/or read Excel file ReadWrite and/or read Excel file

Tutorial Example 2.1 - Function Example2_1Function- Example how to use the

limit Limit variables 'def', 'if/elif/
else', 'or', 'return',
'=,<,<='', 'from Techlog
import Missing value'

Tutorial Example 2.2 - Function Example2_2Function- Example how to use the

limit with test LimitWithTests variables 'def', 'if/elif/
else', 'or', 'return',
'=,<,<='', 'print A et B'
and how to converts nu-
merical value to alpha-
numerical value

Tutorial Example 2.3 - Range Example2_3Range Example how to use the

range of integers num-
ber, 'Return' to the list
containing arithmetic
progression of integers

Tutorial Example 3.1 - Function Example3_1FunctionAr- Example how to use the

Archie chie function: 'text'; the miss-
ing value -9999, the
power function, the divi-
sion, and the decimal

Tutorial Example 3.2 - Division Example3_2DivisionTest Example how to divide

test an integer value by an-
other, '//'.

Tutorial Example 3.3 - Function Example3_3FunctionAr- Example how to use the

Archie with tests chieWithTests absolute value 'abs()', how
to display the value in the
output, how to use the
functions : 'parame-

Tutorial Example 3.4 - Call func- Example3_4CallFunc- Example how to use the
tion with parameters tionWithParameters call function

Tutorial Example 3.5 - Print Example3_5PrintDemo Example how to use the

demo functions the square root
'sqrt()', the TechlogMath',
the 'MissingValue', the
round value 'round()', the
integer value 'int()', the
horizontal rule '<hr>'
and how to give an 'intel-
ligent' rounding

Tutorial Example 3.6 - Function Example3_6Help Example how to use the

help help function

Techlog archive Techlog Name Script Name Description

Tutorial Example 3.7 - Round Example3_7RoundEx- Example how to use the

examples amples round function

Tutorial Example 3.8 - log10 Example3_8log10Exam- This little example script

example with exception ples shows the results of per-
management forming non-feasible calls
to mathematical func-
tions such as log10(-1)

Tutorial Example 4.1 - QVn vari- Example4_1QVnVari- Example how to use a

able computation ableComputation LOOP

Tutorial Example 4.2 - Archie Example4_2ArchieVaria Example how to use the

variable computation bleComputationWithExt function 'moduleName
with external library ernalLibrary function A and how to
import a function

Tutorial Example 4.3 - Smooth Example4_3Smooth- Smooth variable compu-

variable computation VariableComputation tation

Tutorial Example 5 - Techlog Example5_1PrintAnd- Example how to use the

database access - Print CountTheListOfVari- function 'db', the func-
and count the list of vari- ables tions 'A append (x), 'len()'
ables and the 'help(db)' the
online Techlog help for
more information

Tutorial Example 6 - Export of all Example6_1ExportOfAll Example how to import

the zones multi-well to TheZonesMultiWellToC all the functions from an
CSV file SVFile external file to the cur-
rent script, how to use
"time()" - return the cur-
rent time…

Tutorial Example 7.1 - Import of Example7_1ImportOf- Import of the well

well headers WellHeaders header properties from
CSV file

Tutorial Example 8.1 - Computa- Example8_1Computatio Example how to use

tion of the mean value of nOfTheMeanValueOfO 'Variable', 'Array', 'A
one array for each depth neArrayForEachDepth value(l,c), 'A reference-
Size()', 'A columnSize'

Tutorial Example 8.2 - Creation Example8_2ArrayCrea- Creation of an array

of an array from three tionFromVariables from three variables

Tutorial Example 9.1 - Launch Example9_1LaunchEx- Example how to launch

external executable ternalExecutable external executable with
some parameters and
retrieving the output

Tutorial Example 10.1 - Summa- Example9_1LaunchEx- Example how to execute

ries example (with class ternalExecutable an external executable in
objects) the Python® script

Rendez-vous with next
The next edition of TECHSIANEWS will keep you in-
formed as to the progress and developments within our
company and products.
On the organizational side, we will provide an update and
more detail on the mode of operation and the features
available through the client portal that has been intro-
duced through these pages.
On the technical side, we will have completed and deliv-
ered Techlog 2007.2, which will contain many new func-
tions such as an integrated and interactive Formation
Pressure module, an NMR evaluation module, the man-
agement of contacts and fluid levels, a new look at nor-
malization of log curves via an impressive graphical inter-
face and many other improvements and enhancements.
Full details will appear in the next issue of TECHSIA-
NEWS, along with our now regular Tips and Best Prac-
tice articles to help you get the most out of Techsia soft-

MEOS 2007
Techsia stand

For more information on Techsia products, please contact us at:


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