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No 1

Implementation of Static Data member, Default Argument and Friend Function

Aim Algorithm

//program to using static members, default arguments and friend function #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> class Matrix; class Vector { private: static int size; int a[10]; public: void getVector(int=2); void showVector(); friend Vector mulVectorMatrix(Vector,Matrix); }; int Vector::size; void Vector::getVector(int num) { size=num; cout<<"Enter "<<size<<" values"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } } void Vector::showVector() { cout<<"The vector elements are"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } cout<<endl; } class Matrix { private: static int rows; static int cols; int a[3][3]; public: void getMatrix(int=2,int=2); void showMatrix();

friend Vector mulVectorMatrix(Vector,Matrix); }; int Matrix::rows; int Matrix::cols; void Matrix::getMatrix(int r,int c) { rows=r; cols=c; cout<<"Enter "<<rows*cols<<" elements of a matrix"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<r;i++) { for(int j=0;j<c;j++) { cin>>a[i][j]; } } } void Matrix::showMatrix() { cout<<"elements of a matrix"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<rows;i++) { for(int j=0;j<cols;j++) { cout<<a[i][j]<<"\t"; } cout<<endl; } } Vector mulVectorMatrix(Vector v, Matrix m) { Vector result; int sum=0; if(v.size==m.cols) { for(int i=0;i<v.size;i++) { for(int j=0;j<m.cols;j++) { sum=sum+v.a[j]*m.a[j][i]; } result.a[i]=sum; sum=0; } } else { cout<<"Vector-Matrix multiplication is not possible"<<endl; exit(1); } return result; } int main() { Vector v1;

v1.getVector(); v1.showVector(); Matrix m1; m1.getMatrix(); m1.showMatrix(); Vector v2; v2=mulVectorMatrix(v1,m1); cout<<"After Vector Matrix multiplication the "; v2.showVector(); getch(); }


Enter 2 values 24 The vector elements are 2 4 Enter 4 elements of a matrix 35 47 elements of a matrix 3 5 4 7 After Vector Matrix multiplication the The vector elements are 22 38

Ex. No 2 Implementation of complex number class with operator overloading and type conversions Aim To write a C++ program to implement complex number class with

operator overloading and type conversions such as integer to complex, double to complex, complex to double. Algorithm Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Create a class with necessary data members and member functions. Step 3: Create a constructor to initialize the variables. Step 4: Perform addition of two numbers overloading the necessary operators. Step 5: Create an object for the Complex class and call the required functions to perform the action. Step 6: Perform the type conversion from double to complex, integer to complex and complex to double. Step 7: Display the result. Step 8: Stop the program. Program

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class complex { float real,img,temp; public: complex() { real=img=0; } complex(int a) { real=a; img=0; } complex(double a1) { real=a1; img=0.0; } void outdata() { if(img>=0.0) { cout<<real<<"+"<<img<<"i"; } else { cout<<real<<img<<"i"; } } complex operator+(complex c) { complex temp; temp.real=real+c.real; temp.img=img+c.img; return(temp); } complex operator-(complex c) { complex temp1; temp1.real=real-c.real; temp1.img=img-c.img; return(temp1); }

complex operator*(complex c) { complex temp2; temp2.real=real*c.real-img*c.img; temp2.img=real*c.img+img*c.real; return(temp2); } complex operator/(complex c) { complex temp3; temp3.real=(((real*c.real)+(img*c.img))/((c.real*c.real)+(c.img*c.img))); temp3.img=(((img*c.real)-(real*c.img))/((c.real*c.real)+(c.img*c.img))); return(temp3); } operator double() { double magnitude; magnitude=sqrt(pow(real,2)+pow(img,2)); return magnitude; } }; void main() { clrscr(); complex c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6; int real; double real1; cout<<"Enter the real number"; cin>>real; c1=real; cout<<"Integer to complex conversion"<<endl; cout<<"Enter the real number"; cin>>real1; c2=real1; cout<<"Double to complex conversion"<<endl; c3=c1+c2; c4=c1-c2; c5=c1*c2; c6=c1/c2; cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"addtion result is:"; c3.outdata(); cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"subraction result is:"; c4.outdata(); cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"multiplication result is:"; c5.outdata(); cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"division result is:"; c6.outdata(); cout<<"Conversion from complex to double"<<endl; double mag=c3; cout<<"Magnitude of a complex number"<<mag; getch(); }
Output Enter the real number4 Integer to complex conversion Enter the real number5 Double to complex conversion addtion result is:9+0i subraction result is:-1+0i

multiplication result is:20+0i division result is:0.8+0iConversion from complex to double Magnitude of a complex number9 Result Thus the program to implement complex number class with operator overloading and type conversions such as integer to complex, double to complex, complex to double is implemented.

Ex. No 3 Implement the Matrix Class using Constructor, Destructor,Copy Constructor, Overloading assignment operator Aim To Write a C++ program to Implement Matrix Class using Constructor,

Destructor, Copy Constructor, Overloading assignment operator Algorithm Step 1: Start the Process. Step 2: Create the class name as MATRIX. Step 3: Declare the data member and member function. Step 4: Declare constructor, destructor and copy constructor Step 5: Display the result. Step 6: Stop the process. Program
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class matrix { private: int row; int col; int **p; public: matrix() //Constructor { row=col=0; p=NULL; } matrix(int r,int c); ~matrix(); //Destructor void read(); void show(); void add(matrix &a,matrix &b); void sub(matrix &a,matrix &b); void operator =(matrix &m1) { row=m1.row; col=m1.col; p=new int *[m1.row]; //dynamic allocation for(int i=0;i<m1.row;i++) { p[i]=new int[m1.col];//dynamic allocation } } matrix(matrix &m2)//copy construtor { row=m2.row; col=m2.col; p=new int *[m2.row]; //dynamic allocation for(int i=0;i<m2.row;i++) { p[i]=new int[m2.col];//dynamic allocation } for(i=0;i<m2.row;i++) for(int j=0;j<m2.col;j++) { p[i][j]=m2.p[i][j]; } } }; matrix::matrix(int r,int c) { row=r; col=c; p=new int *[row]; //dynamic allocation for(int i=0;i<row;i++) p[i]=new int[col];//dynamic allocation } matrix::~matrix() { for(int i=0;i<row;i++) delete p[i]; delete p; } void matrix::add(matrix &a,matrix &b) { int i,j; row=a.row; col=b.col; for(i=0;i<row;i++) for(j=0;j<col;j++) p[i][j]=a.p[i][j]+b.p[i][j]; } void matrix::sub(matrix &a,matrix &b) { int i,j; row=a.row; col=b.col; for(i=0;i<row;i++) for(j=0;j<col;j++)

p[i][j]=a.p[i][j]-b.p[i][j]; } void matrix::read() { int i,j; for( i=0;i<row;i++) for( j=0;j<col;j++) { cout<<"Matrix["<<i<<","<<j<<"]="; cin>>p[i][j]; } } void matrix::show() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<row;i++) { cout<<endl; for( j=0;j<col;j++) { cout<<p[i][j]<<"\t"; } } } void main() { int m,n,p,g,q; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter the A matrix"<<endl; cout<<"How many rows?"; cin>>m; cout<<"How many col?"; cin>>n; matrix a(m,n);; matrix b; b=a;//overloading assignment operator cout<<Overloading assignment operator Invoked<<endl; cout<<Enter the B matrix;; cout<<"Matrix A is ..";; cout<<endl<<"Matrix B is..";; matrix c(m,n); c.add(a,b); cout<<endl<<"c=a+b..";; matrix d(m,n); d.sub(a,b); cout<<endl<<"d=a-b..";; cout<<"\nCopy constructor invoked"<<endl; matrix e(d);//Copy Constructor; getch(); }

Enter the A matrix How many rows?2 How many col?2 Matrix[0,0]=2 Matrix[0,1]=3 Matrix[1,0]=4 Matrix[1,1]=5 Overloading assignment operator Invoked Enter the B matrixMatrix[0,0]=5 Matrix[0,1]=6 Matrix[1,0]=7 Matrix[1,1]=8 Matrix A is .. 2 3 4 5 Matrix B is.. 5 6 7 8 c=a+b.. 7 9 11 13 d=a-b.. -3 -3 -3 -3 Copy constructor invoked -3 -3 -3 -3

Result Thus the C++ program to Implement Matrix Class using Constructor, Destructor, Copy Constructor, Overloading assignment operator is implemented.

Ex. No 4 Aim

Overloading of new and delete operators for addition of vector elements

To write a C++ program to Overload the new and delete operators for addition of vector elements to provide custom dynamic allocation of memory. Algorithm Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Declare the necessary function prototype. Step 3: Define void *operator new (), void operator delete () functions to allocate storage and to delete the memory with the help of malloc and free functions respectively. Step 4: read () and sum () functions to get and calculate the vector addition. Step 5: Stop the program. Program

#include<iostream.h> const int asize=10; class vector { int *a; public: void * operator new(size_t ) { vector *v; v=::new vector; v->a=new int[asize]; return v; } void operator delete(void *vec) { vector *v; v=(vector *)vec; delete(int*) v->a; ::delete vec; } void read() { for(int i=0;i<asize;i++) {

cin>>a[i]; } } int sum() { int sum=0; for(int i=0;i<asize;i++) { sum+=a[i]; } return sum; } }; void main() { vector *v=new vector; cout<<Enter the vector elements; v->read(); cout<<the sum of vector elements<<v->sum(); delete v; }

Enter the vector elements10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 the sum of vector elements 460

Result Thus the program to Overload the new and delete operators for addition of vector elements to provide custom dynamic allocation of memory is implemented.

Ex. No 5 Implementation of Template for Linked List Class with necessary methods Aim To write a C++ program to implement the template of linked list class.

Step1: Start the program Step2: To create a circular linked list do the following steps. i. ii. iii. Create a node by using new() function Read the details for a node from user. Connect the node with the list .If the list is empty, set the head pointer of the list to new node. Otherwise connect the node in the last position of the list. Step3: To insert a new node in the start of the list do the following. i. Check whether the list is empty or not, if the list is empty assign new node as head. ii. If the list is not empty, assign head as new node link and new node as head. Step4: To insert a new node in the end of the list do the following i. Check whether the list is empty or not.if the list is empty assign newnode as head ii. If the list is not empty assign newnode as lastlink.

Step5: To insert a new node in an intermediate position in the list. i. Check whether the list is empty or not.If the list is empty assign newnode as head. ii. If the list is not empty get the address of the proceeding node after which newnode is to be inserted and assign previous link as newnodelink and newnode as previous. Step6: To modify the node in the list do the following. i. ii. iii. Check whether the list is empty or not if the list is not empty search for the node to be modified Change the information part of the node

Step7: To delete a node from the start of the list do the following i. Check whether the list is empty or not if the list is not empty search for the node to be modified ii. Change the information part of the node assign second node as head and release the memory of the deleted node. Step8: To delete a node from the end of the list do the following i. Check whether the list is empty or not. Set the link field of the previous node to NULL and release the memory for the deleted node. Step9: To delete a node from an intermediate position in the list do the following i. Check whether the list is empty or not if the list is not empty set previous link to current link and release the memory for deleted node. Step10: To display the information in the linked list do the following i. ii. iii. Assign the address of head pointer to a variable. Display the information in the data field. Traverse the list from one node to another by advancing the pointer.

Step11: Stop the program.


#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> template <class T> class Linklist { int n,i,j,ins_ctr;

T *a,temp,y; class node { friend class Linklist<T>; T data; node *link; } *head,*p,*q,*tail; public: Linklist() { head=NULL; tail=NULL; Menu(); } void insert(T x) { node *n_node; p=NULL; n_node=new node(); n_node->data=x; n_node->link=NULL; if(!head) { head=n_node; tail=n_node; n_node->link=head; } else if(head->data >x) { n_node->link=head; head=n_node;

} else { for(p=head;(p!=tail) && (p->link->data <x);p=p->link); if(p!=tail) { n_node->link=p->link; p->link=n_node; } else { p->link=n_node; n_node->link=head; tail=n_node; } } } void display() { for(p=head;p!=tail;p=p->link) cout<<p->data<<"\t"; cout<<p->data<<"\n"; } void deletion(T x) { if(!head) cout<<"List is empty\n"; if(head->data==x) { q=head; head=head->link;

delete q; } else { for(p=head;(p->link!=tail) && (p->link->data !=x);p=p->link); if(p->link!=tail) { q=p->link; p->link=p->link->link; delete q; } else if(p->link->data==x) { q=p->link; p->link=p->link->link; tail=p; } else cout<<"Element Not in the List\n"; } }

void Menu() { int ch,flag=1,x,ctr; cout<<"Circular linked list\n"; cout<<"1.Add\n2.Delete\n3.Display\n4.Exit\n\n"; while(flag) { cout<<"Enter your choice:\n"; cin>>ch;

switch(ch) { case 1:cout<<"Enter the new element:"; cin>>x; insert(x); display(); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter the element to be deleted\n"; cin>>x; deletion(x); display(); break; case 3: display(); break; case 4: flag=0; } } getch(); } }; void main() { clrscr(); Linklist <int> l1; }

Result Thus the program to implement the template of linked list class is implemented. Ex. No 6 Aim To write a C++ program to implement the Templates of standard sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quick sort Algorithm Page 20 Generating Templates for standard sorting algorithms


Step 1: Start the Process. Step 2: Create the template to handle bubble sort, insertion sort, and quick sort, merge sort. Step 3: Call the template function for sorting. Step 4: Display the result. Step 4: Stop the process. Program
//program to demonstrate template for bubble sort #include<iostream.h> template<class T> class Bubble { private: T a[10]; int size; public: Bubble(); void getData(); void showData(); void sortData(); }; template<class T> Bubble<T>::Bubble() { } template<class T> void Bubble<T>::getData() { cout<<"Enter the size of the array"; cin>>size; cout<<"Enter "<<size<<" elements"; for(int i=0;i<size;i++)

{ cin>>a[i]; } } template<class T> void Bubble<T>::showData() { cout<<"The array elements are"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } cout<<endl; } template<class T> void Bubble<T>::sortData() { T temp; for(int i=0;i<size-1;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++) { if(a[i]>a[j]) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=temp; } } } } int main() {

Bubble<int> b1; b1.getData(); b1.showData(); b1.sortData(); cout<<"After sorting "; b1.showData(); Bubble<float> b2; b2.getData(); b2.showData(); b2.sortData(); cout<<"After sorting "; b2.showData(); return 0; }




#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> template<class T> void insertionsort(T arr[],T length) { T i,j,tmp; for(i=1;i<length;i++) { j=i; while(j>0&&arr[j-1]>arr[j]) { tmp=arr[j]; arr[j]=arr[j-1]; arr[j-1]=tmp; j--; } } } void main() { int num[25]; int i,size; clrscr(); cout<<"Program to sort elements using insertion sort"<<endl; cout<<"Enter size of elements <max-25>"<<endl; cin>>size; cout<<"Enter elements"<<endl; for(i=0;i<size;i++) cin>>num[i]; insertionsort(num,size); cout<<"Sorted elements are "<<endl; for(i=0;i<size;i++)

{ } getch(); } Ex.No.: 5.2 DATE:

cout<<num[i]; cout<<"\t";


AIM: To implement a merge sort algorithm

ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program Step 2: Get the initial n elements Step 3: Find the mid value of the array Step 4: Using the mid value split the list into two equal halves and place them in a separate array Step 5 : Recursively sort the array Step6 : By using the concept of merging create the final sorted list in a separate array Step 7 : Stop the program


#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> template<class T> class merge { private: T*a; int n,i; public: void getdata() { cout<<" Enter the number of elements"; cin>>n; a=new T[n]; cout<<"Enter the elements:"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

cin>>a[i]; } sort(0,n-1); } void sort(int low,int high) { if(low>=high) return; else { int mid=(low+high)/2; sort(low,mid); sort(mid+1,high); int i=low; int j=mid+1; int p=0; T *temp; temp=new T[high-low+1]; while((i<=mid)&&(j<=high)) { if(a[i]<a[j]) { temp[p]=a[i]; p++; i++; } else { temp[p]=a[j]; p++; j++;

} } while(i<=mid) { temp[p]=a[i]; p++; i++; } while(j<=high) { temp[p]=a[j]; p++; j++; } for(i=low;i<=high;i++) { a[i]=temp[i-low]; } } } void display() { cout<<"After sorting"<<"\n"; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"\n"; cout<<a[i]; } } }; void main()

{ clrscr(); merge<int>m; m.getdata(); m.display(); getch(); } Ex.No.5.3 DATE: QUICK SORT

AIM: To Perform the quick sort on a given set of elements. ALGORITHM Step 1: Start the program Step 2: Read the number of elements to be sorted Step3: Initialize a pivot (center) , left and right positions Step 4: Check whether the center element is less than the left element Then swap left and center values Step 5: Check whether the right element is less than the left element Then swap right and left values Step 6: Check whether the right element is less than the center element. Then swap center and right Step 7: finally the element in the left of pivot will be less than the pivot Element and the element to the right of the pivot will be greater Than the pivot element . Step 8: Repeat the steps until the given elements are arranged in a sorted Manner Step 9 : Stop the program.


#include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> int a[10],n; void swap(int &a,int &b) { int tmp; tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; } int median3(int a[],int left,int right) { int center=(left+right)/2; if(a[center]<a[left]) swap(a[left],a[center]); if(a[right]<a[left])

swap(a[left],a[right]); if(a[right]<a[center]) swap(a[center],a[right]); swap(a[center],a[right-1]); return a[right-1]; } void quicksort(int a[],int left,int right) { if(left<right) { int pivot=median3(a,left,right); int i=left,j=right-1; for(;;) { while(a[++i]<pivot); while(pivot<a[--j]); if(i<j) swap(a[i],a[j]); else break; } if(i<right) swap(a[i],a[right-1]); quicksort(a,left,i-1); quicksort(a,i+1,right); } }

int main() {

int i,ch; cout<<"Enter the no.of elements :"; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter the array elements :"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>a[i];

cout<<"\nQuicksort\n"; quicksort(a,0,n-1); cout<<"The sorted result :\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; return 0; }

Result Thus the program to implement the Templates of standard sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quick sort is implemented.

Page 26


Ex. No 7a Aim

Design of Stack classes with necessary Exception handling

To write a C++ program to implement the stack class with necessary exception handling. Algorithm Step 1: Start the Process Step 2: Create the class for stack. Step 3: Declare the member function for push and pop operation. Step 4: Push operation to insert the element. Step 5: Pop operation to delete the element. Step 6: Stop the Process. Program #include<iostream.h> #define MAX 5 class stack { protected: int arr[MAX]; public: int item; int top; stack() { top=0; } class overflowException{}; void push(int a) { cout<<top; if(top<MAX) { top++; arr[top]=a; } else {throw overflowException(); } } class underflowException{}; int pop() Page 27


{ if(top==0) { throw underflowException(); } else { int data=arr[top]; top--; return data; } } }; int main() { char ch; int choice; stack a; do { cout<<1.Push\n2.Pop<<end1; cout<<"Enter the choice"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: try { cout<<"enter the item"; cin>>a.item; a.push(a.item); cout<<Item pushed; } catch(stack::overflowException ) { cout<<"Stack overflow"; } break; case 2: try { cout<<Item Popped:<<a.pop(); } catch(stack::underflowException) { Page 28


cout<<"Stack is empty"; } break; } cout<<"do u want to continue"; cin>>ch; } while(ch=='y'); return 0; } Output 1.Push 2.Pop Enter the choice:1 enter the item:2 Item pushed do u want to continue Y 1.Push 2.Pop Enter the choice:1 enter the item:3 Item pushed do u want to continue Y 1.Push 2.Pop Enter the choice:2 Item Popped:3 do u want to continue n

Result Page 29


Thus the program to implement the stack class with necessary exception handling is implemented.

Ex. No 7b Aim

Designing of Queue classes with necessary Exception handling

To write a C++ program to implement the Queue class with necessary exception handling. Algorithm Step 1: Start the Process Step 2: Create a class for queue. Step 3: Declare the member function for front and rear operation. Step 4: Provide necessary exception handling for stack and queue. Step 5: Display the result. Step 6: Stop the Process Program #include<iostream.h> class que { int size; int arr[5]; int rear,front; int data; public: que() { size=5; rear=-1; front=-1; } class quefullException{}; void enque(int data) { if(rear+1>=size) { throw quefullException(); } Page 30


else { if(rear==-1&&front==-1) { front++; } rear++; cout<<"rear"<<rear; arr[rear]=data; cout<<arr[rear]; } } class queEmptyException{}; int deque() { if(front>rear) { throw queEmptyException(); } return(arr[front++]); } }; int main() { que q; char choice; do { Cout<<1.Insert\n2.Delete<<endl; cout<<"enter the choice:"; int ch; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: try { cout<<"enter the element to insert"; int item; cin>>item; q.enque(item); cout<<Item inserted; } catch(que::quefullException) { Page 31


cout<<"Queue is full"; } break; case 2: try { cout<<"the deleted item from queue"<<q.deque(); } catch(que::queEmptyException) { cout<<"queue is empty"; } break; } cout<<"continue(y/n)"; cin>>choice; }while(choice=='y'); } Output 1.Insert 2.Delete Enter the choice:1 enter the element to insert :2 Item inserted continue (y/n)y 1.Insert 2.Delete Enter the choice:1 enter the element to insert :3 Item inserted continue (y/n)y 1.Insert 2.Delete Enter the choice:2 the deleted item from queue:2 continue (y/n)n Page 32


Result Thus the program to implement the Queue class with necessary exception handling is implemented.

Ex. No 8

Implementation of Graph for calculating Minimum Spanning Tree

Aim To Write a C++ Program to implement the graph and to obtain a minimum

cost spanning tree. Algorithm Step 1: Start the Process. Step 2:.Create a class to get the edges and cost of the graph. Step 3: Define a Graph class which represents the collection of Point and Arc objects. Step 4: Write a method to find a minimum cost spanning tree in a graph. Step 5: Stop the Process. Program
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class kruskal { private: int n; //no of nodes int noe; //no edges in the graph int graph_edge[100][4]; int tree[10][10]; int sets[100][10]; int top[100]; public: void read_graph(); void initialize_span_t(); void sort_edges(); void algorithm(); int find_node(int ); void print_min_span_t(); }; void kruskal::read_graph() { cout<<*************************************************\n <<This program implements the kruskal algorithm\n <<*************************************************\n; cout<<Enter the no. of nodes in the undirected weighted graph ::; cin>>n; noe=0; cout<<Enter the weights for the following edges ::\n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<=n;j++) { cout<< < <<i<< , <<j<< > ::; int w; cin>>w; if(w!=0) { noe++; graph_edge[noe][1]=i; graph_edge[noe][2]=j; graph_edge[noe][3]=w; } } } // print the graph edges cout<<\n\nThe edges in the given graph are::\n; for(i=1;i<=noe;i++) cout<< < <<graph_edge[i][1] << , <<graph_edge[i][2] << > ::<<graph_edge[i][3]<<endl; } void kruskal::sort_edges() { /**** Sort the edges using bubble sort in increasing order**************/ for(int i=1;i<=noe-1;i++) { for(int j=1;j<=noe-i;j++) { if(graph_edge[j][3]>graph_edge[j+1][3]) { int t=graph_edge[j][1]; graph_edge[j][1]=graph_edge[j+1][1]; graph_edge[j+1][1]=t;

t=graph_edge[j][2]; graph_edge[j][2]=graph_edge[j+1][2]; graph_edge[j+1][2]=t; t=graph_edge[j][3]; graph_edge[j][3]=graph_edge[j+1][3]; graph_edge[j+1][3]=t; } } } // print the graph edges cout<<\n\nAfter sorting the edges in the given graph are::\n; for(i=1;i<=noe;i++) cout<< < <<graph_edge[i][1] << , <<graph_edge[i][2] << > ::<<graph_edge[i][3]<<endl; } void kruskal::algorithm() { // ->make a set for each node for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { sets[i][1]=i; top[i]=1; } cout<<\nThe algorithm starts ::\n\n; for(i=1;i<=noe;i++) { int p1=find_node(graph_edge[i][1]); int p2=find_node(graph_edge[i][2]); if(p1!=p2) { cout<<The edge included in the tree is :: << < <<graph_edge[i][1]<< , <<graph_edge[i][2]<< > <<endl<<endl; tree[graph_edge[i][1]][graph_edge[i][2]]=graph_edge[i][3]; tree[graph_edge[i][2]][graph_edge[i][1]]=graph_edge[i][3]; // Mix the two sets for(int j=1;j<=top[p2];j++) { top[p1]++; sets[p1][top[p1]]=sets[p2][j]; } top[p2]=0; } else { cout<<Inclusion of the edge << < <<graph_edge[i][1]<< , <<graph_edge[i][2]<< > <<forms a cycle so it is removed\n\n; } } } int kruskal::find_node(int n) { for(int i=1;i<=noe;i++) { for(int j=1;j<=top[i];j++) { if(n==sets[i][j]) return i; } } return -1; } int main() { clrscr(); kruskal obj; obj.read_graph(); obj.sort_edges(); obj.algorithm(); return 0; getch(); }

OUTPUT: ************************************************* This program implements the kruskal algorithm ************************************************* Enter the no. of nodes in the undirected weighted graph ::4 Enter the weights for the following edges ::

< 1 , 2 > ::4 < 1 , 3 > ::3 < 1 , 4 > ::5 < 2 , 3 > ::2 < 2 , 4 > ::6 < 3 , 4 > ::7 The edges in the given graph are:: < 1 , 2 ::4 < 1 , 3 ::3 < 1 , 4 ::5 < 2 , 3 ::2 < 2 , 4 ::6 < 3 , 4 ::7 After sorting the edges in the given graph are:: < 2 , 3 > ::2 < 1 , 3 > ::3 < 1 , 2 > ::4 < 1 , 4 > ::5 < 2 , 4 > ::6 < 3 , 4 > ::7 The algorithm starts :: The edge included in the tree is :: < 2 , 3 > The edge included in the tree is :: < 1 , 3 > Inclusion of the edge < 1 , 2 > forms a cycle so it is removed The edge included in the tree is :: < 1 , 4 > Inclusion of the edge < 2 , 4 > forms a cycle so it is removed Inclusion of the edge < 3 , 4 > forms a cycle so it is removed

Result Thus the Program to implement the graph and to obtain a minimum cost spanning tree is implemented.

Ex. No 9 Aim

Implementation of dynamic polymorphism & RTTI

To write a C++ program to implement Hierarchy classes with Dynamic polymorphism and Use Virtual concept along with RTTI Algorithm

Step 1: Start the Process. Step 2: Create a class SHAPE with data member and one member function as Virtual. Step 3: Create a derived class square,rectangle,polygon,circle and triangle with SHAPE as base class. Step 4: Create a Object in the main function. Step 5: Invoke the appropriate function using object. Step 6: Finally display the result. Step 7: Stop the Process. Program

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class shape { public: int x,y; public: void getdata(int a,int b=0) { x=a; y=b; } virtual void area() { cout<<"shape "; } }; class square:public shape { public: void area() { cout<<"area of square:"<<x*x<<endl; } }; class rectangle:public shape { public: void area() { cout<<"area of rectangle:"<<x*y<<endl; } }; class circle:public shape { public: void area() { cout<<"area of circle:"<<(3.14)*x*x<<endl; } }; class triangle:public shape {

public: int area1; void area() { cout<<"area of triangle:"; area1=(0.5)*x*y; cout<<area1<<endl; } }; class polygon:public triangle { public: void area() { cout<<"area of polygon:"<<6*area1<<endl; } }; void main() { clrscr(); shape *s; triangle t; square sq; rectangle rt; polygon p; circle c; s=&t; s->getdata(3,2); s->area(); s=&sq; s->getdata(4); s->area(); s=&c; s->getdata(3); s->area(); s=&rt; s->getdata(2,4); s->area(); s=&p; s->area(); getch(); }
area of triangle:3 area of square:16 area of circle:28.26 area of rectangle:8 area of polygon:23904

Page 40


Result Thus the program to implement Hierarchy classes with Dynamic polymorphism and Use of Virtual concept along with RTTI is implemented.

Ex. No 10 Aim

File operations with randomly generated complex Number

To a C++ program to implement the randomly generates complex numbers and write them two per line in a file along with an operator. The numbers are written to file in the format(a+ib).Write another program to read one line at a time from this file, perform the corresponding operation on the two complex numbers read and write the result to another file. Algorithm Step 1: Start the Process. Step 2: Create two files. Step 3: One file is to read and another file to write. Step 4: Do the operations in one file and write the result in another file. Page 41


Step 5: Display the result. Step 6: Stop the Process. Program

#include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<ctype.h> class Complex { private: int real; int imag; public: void getComplex(); void showComplex(); friend istream& operator >>(istream&, Complex&); friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Complex&); friend Complex operator +(Complex, Complex); friend Complex operator -(Complex, Complex); }; void Complex::getComplex() { cout<<"Enter real and imaginary part:"; cin>>real>>imag; } void Complex::showComplex() { cout<<real; if(imag<0) { cout<<imag<<"i"<<endl; }

else { cout<<"+"<<imag<<"i"<<endl; } } istream& operator >>(istream &fin, Complex &c) { fin>>c.real; fin>>c.imag; return fin; } ostream& operator <<(ostream &fout, Complex &c) { fout<<c.real<<" "; fout<<c.imag<<" "; return fout; } Complex operator +(Complex c1, Complex c2) { Complex c; c.real=c1.real+c2.real; c.imag=c1.imag+c2.imag; return c; } Complex operator -(Complex c1, Complex c2) { Complex c; c.real=c1.real-c2.real; c.imag=c1.imag-c2.imag; return c; } int main() {

Complex c1,c2,c3; char oper; char ch; fstream file; fstream rsul;"result.dat",ios::out);"z:\complex.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);

if( { cout<<"unable to open"<<endl; } do { cout<<"Enter real and imaginary part of two complex numbers"<<endl; cin>>c1; file<<c1; cin>>c2; file<<c2; cout<<"Enter a operator"; cin>>oper; file<<oper<<endl; cout<<"Another? "; cin>>ch; }while(toupper(ch)=='Y'); file.seekg(0); while(1) { file>>c1; file>>c2; file>>oper; if(

break; cout<<c1; cout<<c2; cout<<oper; switch(oper) { case '+': c3=c1+c2; cout<<endl; c3.showComplex(); rsul<<c1; rsul<<c2; rsul<<" "<<c3<<endl; break; case '-': c3=c1-c2; cout<<endl; c3.showComplex(); rsul<<c1<<c2<<" "<<c3<<endl; break; } } file.close(); rsul.close(); return 0; }

Output: Writing in a file: enter the complex number11 1 enter the complex number21 1

enter the operation to perform+ do u want to write one more y enter the complex number1 2 2 enter the complex number2 1 1 enter the operation to performdo u want to write one more y enter the complex number1 1 1 enter the complex number2 1 1 enter the operation to perform* do u want to write one more y enter the complex number12 1 enter the complex number2 2 2 enter the operation to perform/ Page 45


do u want to write one more n Text file a.txt: 1,i1 2,i2 1,i1 2,i1 Out.txt 2 i2 1 1i 0 2i 1.2 -0.4i + * / 1,i1 1,i1 1,i1 2,i2

Result Thus the program to implement the randomly generates complex numbers and write them two per line in a file along with an operator. The numbers are written to file in the format(a+ib).Write another program to read one line at a time from this file, perform the corresponding operation on the two complex numbers read and write the result to another file is implemented.

Page 46

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