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Page 1 Panel 1 Peter Par er, stripped to his underwear sits on the floor.

Caption How could Electro and Shoc er do this? Panel 2 Peter starts to stand. His arm is swollen. Caption Mysterio, Doc Oc , Goblin, hell, even Vulture could do this. Panel 3 He is now standing. Caption But, them? THEM?! Panel 4 He starts pacing the room. Caption They're stupid. They'd have to be wor ing with one of them. Page 2 Panel 1 A hole falls out of the roof. PETER PARKER Hello? Panel 2 All we see is the hole. There is dirt surrounding it. Caption Underground? I'm underground? Panel 3 He webs up to it. Panel 4 He starts climbing up the dirt. Panel 5 He sees the light of day. Caption Yes, yes, yes... Page 3 Panel 1 He climbs out of the hole and stands, ta ing it all in. PETER PARKER YES!!! Panel 2 He starts to wal . Caption Third time now. Where am I? Panel 3 He continues. Caption Also, what can I do? I'm in my underpants. Panel 4 He sees a house.

Caption I'm in my frea ing underpants. Panel 5 He wal s to it. Caption Here's to hoping.

VOICE (off panel) Come in, come in, dear. Page 4 Panel 1 He opens the door.

PETER PARKER Hello? Panel 2 An old woman turns around. WOMAN Hello, deary. Panel 3 He wal s to her. PETER PARKER Do you have clothes? WOMAN Actually I just got some. Would you li e anything, dear? PETER PARKER Just the clothes than s. Panel 4 She hands him a box. PETER PARKER Where am I, by the way? WOMAN We're just out of Cooperstown, dear. PETER PARKER Damn. I'm from the city. WOMAN How'd you get here? Panel 5 He starts opening the box. PETER PARKER Good question. Page 5

Caption What ever happened to don't tal

Panel 6 He

noc s on the door.

to strangers?

Panel 1 He loo s in the box, it's his Spider-Man suit. His eyes widen. Page 6 Panel 1 The woman removes her face to show the CHAMELEON. Caption I hate this guy. CHAMELEON Yes, dear? Something wrong? Panel 2 Chameleon pulls out a gun. CHAMELEON If there is I can return it. Panel 3 He starts shooting but, Peter has ta en off. Panel 4 He runs behind Chameleon. Panel 5 He punches Chameleon in the bac . Panel 6 Chameleon doubles over, while Peter runs out the bac door. Page 7 Panel 1 Peter runs down the street.

Caption Burning. My legs, burning. Panel 3 He pants for air. Caption So tired Panel 4 He opens the box again. Panel 5 He puts the suit on. Page 8 Panel 1 He runs again. Caption This might help give me confidence. Panel 2 He starts panting again. Caption Or not. Page 9 Panel 1 Chameleon gets in a truc . Caption Why didn't I see that? Panel 2 He starts speeding at Spider-Man.

Panel 2 He

eeps running.

Caption Bad move, Pete. Panel 3 He webs at it. Caption But it wor s out in the end. Panel 4 The web stic s to the metal on the front of the car. Panel 5 He yan s up. Page 10 Panel 1 It flips over his head. SPIDER-MAN You missed. Panel 2 He shoots a web net to catch the truc . Panel 3 He runs over to get in. Page 11 Panel 1 He opens the door. Chameleon smiles. CHAMELEON Let's go. Panel 2 Chameleon pulls out a gun. Panel 3 Spider-Man throws him out of the car. Panel 4 Chameleon lands with a thump. SPIDER-MAN (off panel) I'd love to but, I don't have time. Panel 5 Spider-Man slams his foot into the gas. Caption That's where Grand Theft Auto would come in handy. Panel 6 The truc speeds down the road, Chameleon stares at it with a drop of blood coming out of his mouth. Page 12 Panel 1 A shadow forms over Chameleon. SHADOW Good wor . Very good wor . Panel 2 Chameleon smiles. SHADOW But, we both now... Panel 3 Chameleon starts standing up.

SHADOW Your wor isn't yet done. Panel 4 Chameleon stands up and smiles again, blood surrounding his teeth. Page 13 Panel 1 Spider-Man speeds in the truc . Caption Drive-thru sounds good right now. Panel 2 The speeding truc enters a highway. SPIDER-MAN (singing) Life is a highway, Panel 3 The truc speeds down the highway. SPIDER-MAN And I wanna ride it all night long. Panel 4 The truc swerves through traffic. SPIDER-MAN Yeah, I wanna ride it all night long, Giddie giddie giddie yeah! Page 14 Panel 1 The truc continues swerving. Caption I hate that song. Panel 2 An Albany exit sign fills the panel. Caption What the... Panel 3 We see Albany in flames. Caption Loo s li e that city needs saving. Page 15 Panel 1 The truc gets off the exit. Caption Luc y for them, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was in the area Page 16 Panel 1 The truc drives into the city. Panel 2 It par s just on the outs irts. Caption Here we go! Panel 3 Spider-Man jumps out.

Caption Now, lets see what's going on. Panel 4 He webs up. Panel 5 He lands on the roof of a building. Page 17 Panel 1 The city is being attac ed by nearly a thousand Shoc er and Electro bots. Caption Thousands of these guys. Page 18 Panel 1 He jumps down. Caption I suppose it's time to party. Panel 2 He punches one Shoc er-bot in the face, noc ing it's head off. SPIDER-MAN Someone get me an Easy button... Panel 3 The robot explodes. SPIDER-MAN Because that was... Panel 4 Spider-Man is electrocuted by the explosion. SPIDER-MAN Easy. Page 19 Panel 1 Spider-Man dives headfirst into a wave of them. SPIDER-MAN Note to self, robots explode electricity. Panel 2 He punches two at once. Panel 3 He dives out of the way as they explode. SPIDER-MAN Aw, but, then it's boring. Panel 4 He shoots a web. Panel 5 It lands on an Electro bot. SPIDER-MAN Let's spruce it up a bit shall we? Page 20

Panel 1 He swings it behind him. Panel 2 He swings around and slams a wave of robots. SPIDER-MAN This, you see, is a lot more fun. Panel 3 He does it again. Panel 4 And again. Panel 5 And again. Page 21 Panel 1 And again. Panel 2 And again. Panel 3 The robot on the web explodes. SPIDER-MAN I'm dizzy, that helps. Panel 4 He jumps at the last 10 robots. Page 22 Panel 1 He slams one in the chest. Panel 2 Another on the head sending flying off. Panel 3 He slams two together.

Panel 5 He does another jump, ta ing out three (two with a ic , one with a punch.

Page 23 Panel 1 He dives out of the way as they explode. Panel 2 The last one wal s at him, and electrocutes him. SPIDER-MAN Oh no, you don't. Panel 3 He lunges at it and headbutts it. Panel 4 The head falls off but, Spider-Man falls bac ward. SPIDER-MAN That was li e headbutting Iron Man. Page 24 Panel 1 He stands up. Caption Ow, my head.

Panel 4 He jumps in the air, and

ic s two.

Caption That's a migraine. Panel 3 He gets in. Caption Bad one too. Page 25 Panel 1 He speeds off. Caption That won't help. Panel 2 He sees smo e is on the horizon. Caption And I'll need all the help I can get...

Panel 2 He wal s bac

to the truc .

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