19 Anglès

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What do ou 2nd ESO stud t ur d O dents th hink a about learnin l ng Engli and our E ish d English spea aking

c classes? ?
And what do yo think abo learning English? w ou out g
Its im mportant to le earn English b because its th basic language he to com mmunicate with all the peop in the wor ple rld. We have to know how to expre ourselves in English, w h ess when we tra without o parents w need to talk in English. To avel our well find a good job its i important, too. Englis will help m its import ish me, tant to learn it because Ill use i it whe I go to university. en When you look fo a job and you dont sp n or peak English you have fewer possibi f ilities to get i because no it, owadays with hout English its so comp plicated to go abroad and if you know m more ages, its better for you. langua If you dont find w u work here an you have to go to anot nd t ther countr youll prob ry, bably have m more opportunities if you can speak English.

And what about the s speaking cla asses?

I like them; I think its a g good idea to d divide the class because we can participate more. s n e son If there are less people in the class, the teacher can teach the less better. I like the sp peaking activi ities because you can speak in English and they are fun. on asses. People pay more attentio in these cla I agree with the idea of d h dividing the cl lass into two groups. Its not the same a cla with e ass thirty studen than with f nts fifteen. You ca speak an more and ask to the teach k her. Its easier and funnier to learn English through ng these speakin activities.


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