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Tanya St-Pierre Graduate in Visual Arts UQTR (Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires) (Qc, Canada), 1998

Exhibitions, Performances and Artist Residencies

(2012) (2012) (2012) 2012 2011 2011

Pieta, video art presented during a group show organized by Folie-Culture, Qubec, Qc, Canada.
Paintings and Drawings presented during the exhibition The Indivisible curated by Vicky Chainey Gagnon, Foreman Art Gallery, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Artist residency at Damon media art centre for the project Draps, Gatineau, Qc, Canada. Artist residency at Centre Sagamie for the project Something is Happening, Alma, Qc, Canada.

Tltoxie Remix, presented at L'cart, lieu d'art actuel, Rouyn-Noranda, Qc, Canada.
Nozefer CWU Pantonalit (Appendix), sound performance at Centre des Arts de la Scne Jean-Besr, during Espace Immdia, media art biennal, Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada).

2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008

Tltoxie, presented at Action Art Actuel artist run center, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc, Canada. Curator : ric Mattson.
Artist residency at Sagamie artists-run center, Alma, Qc, Canada. Invitation to the 5e Biennale d'art performatif de Rouyn-Noranda , Qc, Canada.

La pratique des cordes, performance at l'Oeil de Poisson, artists-run center, Qubec, Qc, Canada. Tltoxie, new media art installation finished during an artists residency at the Studio dEssai/Productions Recto-Verso, Qubec (Qc, Canada). Perfides hirophantes, performance at Sporobole centre dart actuel, during Espace Immdia, media art biennal, Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada). Perfides hirophantes, performance during the event Viva! Art Action, Montreal (Qc, Canada).
Sound and light research for the project Tltoxie during artist's residency at Diapason art sound gallery in Brooklyn (New York, USA). Group show: At the crossroads of art and medecine , curator: Marie-France Beaudoin, Foreman Art Gallery of Bishops University, Sherbrooke (Qc, Canada).

Mythe (e)sc(h)atologique et gense de la fontaine magique du jardin secret de NOZEFER CWU, installaction in Montral (Quartier phmre) for the international resedency and habitation project called Knock on Woods (Yvette Poorter). Mythe (e)sc(h)atologique et gense de la fontaine magique du jardin secret de NOZEFER CWU, performance presented at the gallery 03/4 (Atelier Silex), TroisRivires, and presented at the event Art nomade, Chicoutimi, (Qc, Canada). The Flying Baby, 4e chronicle of the AMH , presented in a group show at the Fine Arts Museum of Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada). La comdie musicale de NOZEFER CWU en 12 tableaux , sound performance during the Home Music Festival, galerie L Oeil de Poisson, Qubec, (Qc, Canada).


2007 2006

Tanya St-Pierre - 2012

Exhibitions, Performances and Artist Residencies (continued)ies (suite)

2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2002 2000 2000

Nozefer CWU III, performance (4 days), DSM-V+ event, Folie Culture, Qubec, (Qc, Canada). Nozefer CWU IV Au sujet de la naissance des affects bruyants, performance presented at Horace Gallery in Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada). Butins, muses et autres curiosits, collective exhibition at Horace gallery in Sherbrooke, (Qc, Canada). Nozefer CWU2 - Petits jeux de tension, performance at Le Lieu, Qubec, (Qc, Canada). Urban realities, project of intervention in Sherbrooke and collective exhibition at Galerie Horace (Qc, Canada).
Group show: Zones de convergence, Centre culturel Yvonne L. Bombardier, Valcourt (Qc, Canada). Solo exhibition: Parcelles de lAMH - Introduction lAbsurdus Medecina Hospitalis , Galerie Horace (Qc, Canada). Group show : Hangar4 prsente la peur, at Galerie dArt du Parc, Trois-Rivires (Qc, Canada). Invited artist, symposium of contemporary art: mergence 2003, lot Fleurie (Qc, Canada).

Hell section of Les Industries Perdues project, Atlas de lAu-Del at Centre dexposition du Vieux-Palais de St-Jrme, (Qc, Canada).
Invitation to the 9e biennale nationale de cramique at the Maison de la Culture de Trois-Rivires (Qc, Canada). Catalogue: ditions dArt Le Sabord.

Prizes and grants in visual art

2011 2010 2009 2009 2007 2005 2005 2004 2003-04 Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Qubec grant of research and creation (visual art) for the project Draps, in collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier. Grant from Sherbrooke City for an artist residence at Centre Sagamie, Alma, Qc, Canada. Grant from Sherbrooke City for the residence and diffusion of Tltoxie at the Studio dEssai in Qubec City. Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Qubec grant of research and creation in media arts received for Tltoxie, collaboration with Philippe-Aubert Gauthier. Sherbrooke City grant from for Les affiches mdicales de lAbsurdus Medecina Hospitalis. International Photography Awards (two honorable mentions). Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Qubec grant of research and creation received for Au-del des apparences, 5e chronique de lAMH. International Photography Awards (honorable mention). Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Qubec grant of research and creation received for Le Bb Volant, 4e chronique de lAMH.

Tanya St-Pierre - 2012

Activities in visual arts

2012 2010 - ... 2010 Enterprises Collections and The Art Market formation given by Jo-Ann Kane and Genevive Goyer-Ouimette, organized by the CCE, Sherbrooke, Qc.

Charg de projet at SPOROBOLE centre en art actuel, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.

Conference on performance at Sporobole centre en art actuel, within the framework of a formation supported by the Conseil de la Culture de l'Estrie, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Member of a jury for CALQ Estrie grant program, Qc, Canada. Member of CamEstrie Media Art, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. Board of directors (vice president) SPOROBOLE centre dart actuel, Sherbrooke, Qc. Employed by the artist Jennifer Angus for exhibition assistance - mounting installation - at the Museum of Joliette, Quebec, Canada. Employed by Foreman Art Gallery for exhibition assistance for the installation of J. Angus - at the Foreman Art Gallery of Bishops University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Computer graphics, digital image treatment formation, Sherbrookes University, Qc. Invited speaker (visual art certificate), University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

2010 2008 2009-10 2007 2006

2004 2003

Publications summary
2011 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2004 2003 2000 2000 2000 2000 Art Magazine Le Sabord, numro 89, chronique numrique page 49. Catalog: At the crossroads of art and medecine, edited by the Foreman Art Gallery of Bishops University and the Culturel center art gallery of Sherbrookes University. Vie des Arts magazine, number 213 - winter 2008-2009, dossier analyse, At the crossroads of art and medecine, page 68 to 71. Inter art actuel 100, fall 2008, page 102, (Qc, Canada). Inter art actuel 95, winter 2007, page 69, (Qc, Canada). Publication: Folie/Culture, DSM-V+ dvidoir de syndromes magnifiques, (Qc, Canada). Short text published in Folie/Culture no 9-1-1 Trousse de premiers soins en sant mentale. Art Le Sabord no 64, cover page and p. 8 to 12, january 2003. Catalog: 9e biennale nationale de cramique, ditions Art le Sabord, Trois-Rivires. Spirale, no.175, "L Atlas de lau-del", Anick Bergeron, page couverture et pages 3435, novembre dcembre, 2000. Art Presse, no 273, p. 73-74, "St-Jrme (Qubec) : L Atlas de lAu-Del", Laurier Lacroix - 2000. Book: dition du Millnaire, vingt ans de cration, Association Presse-Papier, p. 140.

Tanya St-Pierre - 2012

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