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speed of light in free space, permeability of free space, permittivity of free space, elementary charge, the Planck constant, unified atomic mass constant, rest mass of electron, rest mass of proton, molar gas constant, the Avogadro constant, the Boltzmann constant, gravitational constant, acceleration of free fall,

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

3.00 108 m s1 4 107 H m1 8.85 1012 F m1 = {1/(36)} x 109 F m1 1.60 1019 C 6.63 1034 J s 1.66 1027 kg 9.11 1031 kg 1.67 1027 kg 8.31 J K1 mol1 6.02 1023 mol1 1.38 1023 J K1 6.67 1011 N m2 kg2 9.81 m s2

0 0
e h u me mp R NA k G g

uniformly accelerated motion, work done on/by a gas, gravitational potential, refractive index, displacement of particle in s.h.m, velocity of particle in s.h.m, resistors in series, resistors in parallel, electrical potential, alternating current / voltage, transmission coefficient s v2 W = = = = = = = = = = = = ut + at2 u2 + 2as p V Gm/r 1/sinC vo cos t R1 + R2 + ... 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ... Q/4 0r x0 sin t exp(-2kd)

n x = v v R 1/R V x T

xo sin t

where k = radioactive decay, decay constant x = =

8m(U E ) h2
xo exp(t) 0.693/t

SECTION A Multiple Choice Questions


The density and the pressure, p, of a gas are related by the expression


where c and are constants. Given that has no unit, what is the unit for c? A. m s-1 B. kg s-2 C. m2 s-2 D. kg m s-1


Which of the following statements about systematic errors is correct? A. B. C. D. Systematic errors can be reduced by taking multiple measurements and calculating the average value. Systematic errors have the same magnitude but different signs. The precision of an experiment can be improved by reducing systematic errors. Systematic errors occur when measurements are made using an incorrectly calibrated instrument.


To determine the length of a wall, a student counted the number of tiles along the length of the wall to be 50 and measured the length of one tile to be (23.5 0.1) cm. What is the percentage error in the length of the wall obtained? A. 0.10% B. 0.43% C. 14% D. 21%

5. In determining the specific heat capacity of a solid using the electrical method, the

experiment is normally repeated so that heat loss to the surroundings may be eliminated in its calculation. Which of the following quantities must be kept the same in the two experiments? A B C D the electrical power input the initial and final temperatures the mass of the solid the initial temperature

8. A B C D

Which of the following situations is impossible? An object has zero velocity but non-zero acceleration. An object has a constant non-zero acceleration but changing velocity. An object has a constant non-zero velocity and changing acceleration. An object has non-zero velocity but zero acceleration.

9. The displacement-time graph of an object is shown below. Which of the following velocitytime graphs could represent the motion of this object?


B v

t D v

t t


An object is being projected vertically upwards with a speed of 20 m s -1 from the top of a building 50 m high. Ignoring air resistance, at what speed will this object strike the ground? A B C D 21 m s-1 24 m s-1 37 m s-1 140 m s-1


The various trajectories of three balls are shown in the diagram below. resistance, which of the following statements is correct?

Ignoring air



The vertical component of the launch velocity is the same for all the three trajectories. The horizontal component of the launch velocity is the same for all the three trajectories. Trajectory X has the least time of flight. All three trajectories have the same launch speed, just different angles of projection.


The diagram shows a body A supported by strings passing over two smooth pulleys with the weights attached. The system is in equilibrium

27.6 Y


Not to scale 57.0 N 142.0 N

The weight of A is A. 126 N B. 130 N C. 134 N D. 157 N


Figure below shows a circular drum of radius 8.0 cm around which a rope is wound. The drum is turned by means of a handle of length 40 cm to which a force of 180 N is applied at right angle to the handle. Calculate the tension T when the circular drum is in equilibrium.

8.0 cm

40 cm handle

180 N

A. B. C. D. 14.

36 N 450 N 900 N 1800 N A parachutist of mass 80 kg descends vertically at a constant velocity of 3.0 m s-1. Taking the acceleration of free fall as 10 m s-2, what is the net force acting on him? A B C D 800 N upwards zero 360 N downwards 800 N downwards


A neutron moving with initial velocity u has a head-on elastic collision with a stationary proton. After the collision, the velocity of the neutron is v and that of the proton is w. Taking the masses of the neutron and proton to be equal, which one of the following statements is wrong? A B C D Conservation of momentum shows that u = v + w. Conservation of energy shows that u2 = v2 + w2. The momentum and energy equations taken together imply that the speed of the proton after the collision is the same as that of the neutron before the collision. The fact that the collision is elastic implies that the proton and neutron move off in opposite directions with equal speeds.

Section B Short Structured Questions

Answer all questions. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. 16. (a) The drag coefficient CD of a car moving with a speed v through air of density is given by F CD = 1 v 2A 2 where F is the drag force exerted on the car and A is the maximum cross-sectional area of the car perpendicular to the direction of travel. Show that CD is dimensionless (i.e. it does not have a unit). [4]

(b) A student wants to determine the acceleration of free fall by obtaining the period of oscillation, T, of a simple pendulum. He makes the following measurements: Time for 20 oscillations, t = (37.3 0.3) s Length of pendulum, L = (0.850 0.001) m The acceleration of free fall, g, can be obtained using the relation:

T = 2

L g

Based on these measurements, determine: (i) the value of g, (ii) the uncertainty of g [3] (iii) Express the value of g with uncertainty.



Another student made similar measurements to obtain the period of oscillation for different lengths of pendulum and plotted a graph of T2 against L to obtain a value of g. (iv) Explain one advantage in using this approach to find g. [2]



Define acceleration.


_________________________________________________________________ (b) A stone is dropped from a height and it hits a soft ground 12 seconds later. The stone then undergoes a constant deceleration before coming to a stop in another 5.0 seconds. [2]

(i) Show that the speed at which the stone hits the ground is 118 m s-1.

(ii) Determine the deceleration experienced by the stone in the soft ground before coming to a stop. [2] (iii) Sketch the velocity-time graph of the stone for the entire 17 seconds. [2]

(iv) Using the graph in (b)(iii) or otherwise, determine the total distance travelled by the stone before coming to a stop. [2]

20 (a) Explain what is meant by the term impulse of a force.


(b) A toy airplane of mass 60 g was ejected from a catapult. It remained in contact with the elastic band of the catapult for 8.0 ms. Fig 35.1 shows how the force acting on the toy airplane increases from zero to a maximum value of Fmax and then decreases to zero again within the short time of contact of the toy airplane with the elastic band of the catapult. Fig. 35.2 shows how the speed, v, of the toy airplane varies from the start t = 0 ms to t = 8 ms.

Calculate i) the impulse applied to the toy airplane, [2]

ii) the average force applied to the toy airplane during its contact with the elastic ban of the catapult, [2]
iii) the maximum force Fmax applied to the toy airplane,


iv) Explain how you would use the information provided by the question to find the distance

travelled by the toy airplane while it is in contact with the elastic band of the catapult. [2]

21 (a)

(i) State the principle of conservation of momentum. (ii) Explain what is meant by an elastic collision.

[2] [1]

(b) A sphere of mass m travelling in a straight line with speed u collides head on with a

stationary sphere, also of mass m. The collision is perfectly elastic. The final speeds are v1 and v2 respectively as shown in the figure below. u

before collision

after collision



Write down expressions in terms of the quantities shown to illustrate (i) the principle of conservation of linear momentum

(ii) the principle of conservation of energy.

Use these expressions to find v2 in terms of u.

What happens after the collision to the incoming sphere ? [7]

22(a) State the two conditions for mechanical equilibrium of a body.


(b) Fig. 23 shows a uniform pole of weight 30 N hinged to a wall at one end and supported by a horizontal cable at the other end.


Fig. 23


Copy the diagram and draw arrows to indicate all the forces acting on the pole. [2] Find the tension in the cable. Explain what is meant by upthrust. [2] [1]

(ii) (c)

(d) Two identical beakers (A and B) filled to the brim with water are balanced on a beam. The mass of each beaker and its contents is 620 g. The beakers are separated by 42.0 cm, as shown in the diagram.
42.0 cm A B

An object of mass 350 g and density 3.5 g cm-3, supported by a string is gently lowered into the beaker and suspended as shown in the diagram below. Assume all the water displaced falls onto the ground without leaving any trace on the beam. [water = 1000 kg m-3]

Object supported by string

A pivot

(i) (ii)

Calculate the upthrust on the object.


Determine where Beaker B should be placed in order to keep the beam in balance again. [3]

Learning check Circular Motion 1. A pendulum of mass 0.30 kg swings in a conical pendulum attached. If the angular velocity is 8.0 rad s-1 and the string makes an angle of 250 with the vertical, calculate (a) the tension in the string, [2]

(b) the radius of circular motion, r. [2]

2. An object is given an initial velocity vo which causes it to move up a circular track of diameter 40 cm. If the object is to remain in contact with the track throughout its motion, (a) Calculate the minimum velocity vm it must have at the top of the track; [2]

40 cm


(b) Assuming no loss of energy throughout its motion, calculate the minimum value of v0 required. [2]


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