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Introduction In one of the Sun Zis Art of War and Business Strategies, first mover has a lot of advantages.

Sun Zi said who arrive first at the battleground will have sufficient time to rest and prepare against the enemy. In the business world, a first mover is a company that aims to gain an advantageous and perhaps insurmountable market position by being the first to establish itself in a given market. Once a first mover has become established, the fact that someone has already arrived becomes in itself a barrier to entry for prospective competitors and the competitors have to rush into business to perform good business. When competitors are success to perform good business they already exhausted because the first-mover have prospect new product or better product. The first-mover advantage refers to the first significant company to move into a market, not merely the first company. A first-mover needs to show the figure of the overall rewards is more than the beginning or underlying risks it becomes a success first-mover. Sometimes first-movers are rewarded with huge profit margins and a monopoly like status. First-mover is person that can adept in warfare seeks to control and manipulate his enemy instead of being controlled and manipulated. The first-mover is not able to capitalize on its advantage, leaving the opportunity for other firms to compete effectively and efficiently versus their earlier entrants. These individuals then gain a second-mover advantage. Examples of first movers include (books), Travelocity (airline tickets), and eBay (online auctions). Although each of these has encountered competition, their early arrival and commitment to becoming the predominant owner of their market has seemed to assure their success.

Content According to Sun Tzu, whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted which means those who arrives at the battlefield first will be at ease and unhurried, and will have the opportunity to seize the initiative; while those who arrive later and join the battle in haste will easily be fill into a defensive position. When we use this principle applies to the business, company who has invented something new, it has the more advantages such as it can monopoly the market. So, before others competitor arrive, the company have already make the important step with first enroll to the market which can build good reputation, population and have the big opportunity to initiate the market. For those late comers in the market, they have to work harder in order to catch up the first mover because they lack of experiences and population. So, for the late comers of the competitor, to gain a good population, they have to consume a lot of time to build their business in successfully. Besides that, the late competitor need to prepare by being attack from others competitor, it is because in the market not only got one competitor, there are still many more competitor. Secondly, Sun Tzu did mention about by holding out advantages to him, he can cause the enemy to approach of his own accord; or, by inflicting damage, he can make it impossible for the enemy to approach. For this principle, first mover has the chance to cause competitors to be peace with it. Sometimes, a big company will be interested to merge or co-operate with another company in order to make them stronger. But, first mover has also the bigger opportunity to inflict damages to its competitors for not to approach, it is because the others competitors may influence their incomes or reputation of their company. In the long run, first inventor has the more experiences; it can advance its products so that other companies could not compare with the first mover. Besides that, the late comers employees may face jobhopping to the first mover company, because of their high pay and bonus which can attract them to work for them. So it is hard for the late comers to compete with the first movers.

Sun Tzu Art of War highlights that you can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended. You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked. First mover could easily defeats competitors based on their general knowledge and experience. Competitors could not stop struggling because they are attacked by first mover to their weakness, and they cannot make any revenge since first mover is moving too fast to catch up. The competitors have to meet the challenge even if they are safe behind deep trenches and high ramparts because first mover attacks the area that the competitors must rescue, or else they have to quit the market. When first mover does not wish to engage the competitors, it can set up a place for defend anywhere like maintaining its businesses and the competitors will not come to attack it because it had diverted their attention elsewhere such as grab their attention to other competitors. Some of the first mover would like to wait the late comers to take action first, because this method can make the first mover to increase their product and compare with the late comers. The late comer cannot compete with the first mover causes their product can even improve highly like the first mover or compare with them. So in this situation, first movers have the advantages to attack the late comers and some of the late comers cant even defense in the market.


In this assignment, our group members have decided to choose first mover advantage which is the one of the concept for the weaknesses and strengths. This concept can be applied to company such like Levi Strauss & Co. Company, also well known as Levis Company. In this company, Levis using the first mover advantage business strategies; it is the first company that invents blue jeans at 1873 by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss. Levi Strauss & Co. is the only company which sells blue jeans from 1873 till 1980; therefore Levis is the first mover advantage in the market. At the first, Sun Zi said that those who arrive first at the battleground will have sufficient time to rest and prepare against the enemy. This theory can apply to Levi Strauss & Co. Company. Levis have the most experience in selling blue jeans among other competitor which like Calvin Klein Jeans, DKNY Jeans, Lois Jeans & Jackets, Guess Jeans and others. For comparison between Levis Jeans and Calvin Klein Jeans, Levis Jeans introduce to the market on year 1873 but Calvin Klein Jeans introduce on year 1980. From this comparison, we may know that Calvin Klein Jeans Company less well know of the market than the Levis Jeans Company because of Levis Jeans Company has at least 107 years of experience in business before the Calvin Klein Jeans Company introduce. Therefore, we know that the first introduce company will have more opportunities and advantages win the on the market. In the other hand, Sun Zi also said that those who arrive late at the battleground will have to rush into battle when they are already exhausted. This theory can be applied to those companies that which late introduce on market than Levi Strauss & Co. Company. For example, Guess Jeans Company is one of the competitors that late introduce on market than Levis Jeans Company. Guess Jeans Company founded in year 1981, it is about 108 years late than Levis Jeans Company. Therefore, Guess Jeans Company very hard to compete with Levis Jeans Company. In the first mover advantage concept, Sun Zi also said that the person adept in warfare seeks to control and manipulate his enemy instead of being controlled and manipulated; this theory also can be applied to Levi Strauss & Co. Company. Levis Company is the most experience and specialized in the jeans field, when people mention bout Levis Company, they will automatically think about the Levis jeans. Nowadays, the popularity

of Levis jeans is the most famous among all other brands. Levis jeans also did have the power of controlling the trend of jeans, such like changing the style and design of jeans. Because Levis Company is the first mover advantage concept, therefore Levis Company have design many different type and style of Levis jeans, and the most famous and well known jeans are Levis 501. This concept has been follow by other jeans company such like DKNY Jeans Company.


In conclusion, we can conclude that there are many opportunities become a first mover to enter the market. For example, the one of the advantage is as a first mover will have enough time to prepare to against the enemies. This is because the first mover can stand firm and forestall the enemies in the market so that when the competitors arise, they also hard to overthrow or surpass the first mover. Besides that, first mover can also control and manipulate his enemies instead of being controlled and manipulated. First mover has priority to control the direction of the market. So, the enemies would not know what are the next steps will adopt by the first mover with the intention that the enemies cannot also compete or assault with the first mover. In addition, we can also know that as a first mover, although the risk is higher, the return also will become higher. When the first mover opens a new market, it will decrease the job vacancies and increase job opportunities in the country. Moreover, the first mover also has more percentage to become a dominator in the market. The first mover can be used to adapt and familiar the new market and also capture the best time to take the offensive to the market. These are the superiorities of the first mover


As the recommendation, we suggest that we should use the 4P strategic by applying the principles of the Sun Zis Art of War in this business project. First of all, the company should find a good Terrain such as Key ground. We should occupy it and then camp on higher, sunny ground to await the arrival of the enemy. If the enemy occupies the key ground first, he has to be lured away. So in this concept, we should open the boutique of our company faster or become the first mover than others company. It means we should set the target by each state or each country allocates our branch and distributes it into different channels. We also should provide the online business by showing the product price, quality and how to buy it. We can make some guide payment by teaching the customers how to pay and how they received their product. Besides that, delivery cost should not charge on those customers who buy a lot of product, which mean give them free of charge for their delivery cost. It would make the company increase their sales more effectively by this method. Secondly, the company should set the price of the product which is affordable for the customers and do some research or analysis which show the comment on our product price and quality. It can improve the relationship of our customers and our company. This is the strategic of know the other side, and then know yourself. Sun Tzu also highlighted that if he who knows the other side (the enemy) and knows himself will not be defeated in a hundred battles. He who does not know the other side (the enemy) but knows himself will have an even chance of victory or defeat. He who does not know the other side (the enemy) and he is bound to be defeated in every battle. So, if we know the customers need and want by doing research, we can make the company become more effectively. Thirdly, the company should change the way of promotion become more attractive and advertise our production in the website, television program, poster, magazine, newspapers and etc. It should be change to the easy way by those customers can find our product easily in the website, magazine, or elsewhere. Advertising can be more attractive by offering the idol or artist wearing our product or promote our product. Example: An artist may influence their admirer to buy the product which they represent the companys product. Lastly, the company must maintain or try to increase the quality of product. In this case, Sun Tzu highlighted that when need to offend or defend based on the characteristics. So, to

fight in the market, certain information of our enemy is needed and we can based on their strength and weakness to force or make us become stronger and effectively.

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