Disaster Management

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Disaster management

Abstract With the tropical climate and unstable landforms, coupled with high population density, poverty, illiteracy and lack of adequate infrastructure, India is one of the most vulnerable developing countries to suffer very often from various natural disasters, namely drought, flood, cyclone, earth quake, landslide, forest fire, hail storm, locust, volcanic eruption, etc. Which strike causing a devastating impact on human life, economy and environment. Though it is almost impossible to fully recoup the damage caused by the disasters, it is possible to (i) minimize the potential risks by developing early warning strategies (ii) prepare and implement developmental plans to provide resilience to such disasters (iii) mobilize resources including communication and telemedicinal services, and (iv) to help in rehabilitation and post-disaster reconstruction. Space technology plays a crucial role in efficient mitigation of disasters. While communication satellites help in disaster warning, relief mobilization and tele-medicinal support, earth observation satellites provide required database for pre-disaster preparedness programmes, disaster response, monitoring activities and post-disaster damage assessment, and reconstruction, and rehabilitation. The article describes the role of space technology in evolving a suitable strategy for disaster preparedness and operational framework for their monitoring, assessment and mitigation, identifies gap areas and recommends appropriate strategies for disaster mitigation vis--vis likely developments in space and ground segments. Introduction Various disasters like earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruptions, fires, flood and cyclones are natural hazards that kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year. The rapid growth of the world's population and its increased concentration often in hazardous environment has escalated both the frequency and severity of natural disasters. With the tropical climate and unstable land forms, coupled with deforestation, unplanned growth proliferation non-engineered constructions which make the disaster-prone areas mere vulnerable, tardy communication, poor or no budgetary allocation for disaster prevention, developing countries suffer more or less chronically by natural disasters. Asia tops the list of casualties due to natural disaster. Among various natural hazards, earthquakes, landslides, floods and cyclones are the major disasters adversely affecting very large areas and population in the Indian subcontinent. These natural disasters are of (i) geophysical origin such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, land slides and (ii) climatic origin such as drought, flood, cyclone, locust, forest fire. Though it may not be feasible to control nature and to stop the development of natural phenomena but the efforts could be made to avoid disasters and alleviate their effects on human lives, infrastructure and property. Rising frequency, amplitude and number of natural disasters and attendant problem coupled with loss of human lives prompted the General Assembly of the United Nations to proclaim 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) through a resolution 44/236 of December 22, 1989 to focus on all issues related to natural disaster reduction. In spite of IDNDR, there had been a string of major disaster throughout the decade. Nevertheless, by establishing the rich disaster management related traditions and by spreading public awareness the IDNDR provided required stimulus for disaster reduction. It is almost impossible to prevent the occurrence of natural disasters and their damages. However it is possible to reduce the impact of disasters by adopting suitable disaster mitigation strategies. The disaster mitigation works mainly address the following: (i) minimise the potential risks by developing disaster early warning strategies, (ii) prepare and implement developmental plans to provide resilience to such disasters, (iii) mobilise resources including communication and tele-medicinal services and (iv) to help in rehabilitation and post-disaster reduction. Disaster management on the other hand involves: (i) pre-disaster planning, preparedness, monitoring including relief management capability. (ii) prediction and early warning. (iii) damage assessment and relief management. Disaster reduction is a systematic work which involves with different regions, different professions and different scientific fields, and has become an important measure for human, society and nature sustainable development. Role of Space Technology Space systems from their vantage position have unambiguously demonstrated their capability in providing vital information and services for disaster management ( Fig.1).The Earth Observation satellites provide

comprehensive, synoptic and multi temporal coverage of large areas in real time and at frequent intervals and 'thus' - have become valuable for continuous monitoring of atmospheric as well as surface parameters related to natural disasters(Table-1). Geo-stationary satellites provide continuous and synoptic observations over large areas on weather including cyclone-monitoring. Polar orbiting satellites have the advantage of providing much higher resolution imageries, even though at low temporal frequency, which could be used for detailed monitoring, damage assessment and long-term relief management. The vast capabilities of communication satellites are available for timely dissemination of early warning and realtime coordination of relief operations. The advent of Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) and Ultra Small Aperture Terminals (USAT) and phased - array antennae have enhanced the capability further by offering low cost, viable technological solutions towards management and mitigation of disasters. Satellite communication capabilities-fixed and mobile are vital for effective communication, especially in data collection, distress alerting, position location and co-ordinating relief operations in the field. In addition, Search and Rescue satellites provide capabilities such as position determination facilities onboard which could be useful in a variety of land, sea and air distress situations. Table 1. Applications of space remote sensing in disaster management Prevention Preparedness (Warning) Relief Mapping geological lineaments land use Geodynamic measurements ofstrain accumulation Locate stricken areas, mapdamage Mapping lava flows, ashfallsand lahars,map damage Mapping slide area Map flood damage Map extent of floods Map extent of damage Map extent of damage Map amount, extent of damage Monitoring vegetative biomass;

Disaster Earthquakes Volcanic eruptions Landslides Flash floods Major floods Storm surge Hurricanes Tornadoes Drought

Topographi and land use Detection/measurement of maps gaseous emissions Topographic and land use maps Land use maps Flood plain maps; land use maps Rainfall,slope stability Local rainfall measurements Regional rainfall;evapotranspiration

Land use and land cover Sea state;ocean surface wind maps velocities Synoptic weather forecasts Nowcasts; local weather Local weather observations Long ranged climate models

Normal Underlined

Volcano Hazard Assessment for the Construction of Volcano Hazard map priority map using GIS 1. Introduction Many of the known porphyry Cu deposits are situated in the Central Iranian Volcanic Belt(Figure 1). This belt has a great potential as far as Tertiary porphyry copper mineralization is concerned. Given the poor soil development, relatively poor vegetation cover but abundant outcrops the arid/semiarid part of the belt is suitable for airborne geophysical survey and remote sensing

studies. Two airborne geophysical surveys were done over the study area. The first airborne geophysical survey (radiometry and magnetometry) over the area was done in 1977 by PraklaSeismos GMBH on behalf of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran(AEOI). The aim of this survey was exploration for uranium and thorium minerals. The flight line spacing was chosen at 500 meters and nominal terrain clearance was 120 meters. In the second survey a helicopter magnetic/electromagnetic/radiometric survey (HMER) was flown by Geonex Aerodat Incorporated over an area of 7000 km 2, in Kerman Province(in 1992). The aim of the project was mainly for exploration of porphyry and vein-type mineralization in the Kerman region. The survey was conducted over the area in 200 meters flight spacing and constant height at average elevation of 60 meters for spectrometer, 45 meters for magnetometer and 30 meters for electromagnetic coils. The data then, was processed by various filtering and enhancement techniques for noise removal and data correction(Pitcher et al. 1994). Pitcher et al. (1994) and Ranjbar et al. (2001) have worked on a part of HMER data and concluded that the porphyry copper deposits in the Kerman region are associated with a distinct magnetic low, relative to the host rocks, a potassium high and resistivity low. skelt map and porphyry-type Cu deposits sub parallel to the Zagros Thrust Zone(Shahabpour, 1994) 1- Bahreasman, 2- Takht, 3- Kuhe Panj, 4- Darrehzar, 5Sar Cheshmeh, 6- Meiduk, 7- Gowde kolvary, 8- Darre Zereshg, 9- South of Ardestan, 10- Sharif Abad, 11- Songun. Geological map of Sar Cheshmeh area. 1Recent alluvium(Quaternary), 2- Younger gravel fan(Quaternary) , 3- Calcareous terraces(Quaternary), 4- Neogene sediments, mostly arenites with pebbles and boulders of volcanic and intrusive rocks. Dacites and dacitic pyroclastics, 5Oligocene-Miocene Granodiorite, quartz diorite, diorite porphyries and monzonite, dikes, 6- Volcanic-sedimentary complex. Trachyandesites, trachybasalts, basaltic andesites, pyroclastics etc.(Eocene), 7- Fault, 8- Working mine and copper deposit, 9- hydrothermal alteration (After, Dimitrijevic et al., 1971). The integration of multiple data sets is a necessary step in mineral potential mapping. A major focus in modern exploration programs aims at the search for blind ore bodies. Because of the advent of advance computer technologies, various multivariate techniques have been introduced to interpret and synthesize multiple geo-data sets for target selection (Agterberg, 1989). Principal component analysis is a multivariate analysis which can be used for data which are spatially distributed and have common geographical locations. Statistical analysis of geophysical data has been reported by many authors in the recent years (e.g. Duval, 1977; Pan, 1993; Ranjbar et al., 2001). The previous studies have shown that the elevated potassium in the sericite zone is often observed around the mineralization areas and also acid sulfate conditions resulting from weathering of near surface sulfides can result in eTh mobilization from host rocks and can precipitate with iron in gossan (Dickson et al., 1996). The integration of satellite and geophysical data, over the Central Iranian Volcanic Belt, has been reported by many workers(e.g. Ranjbar and Roonwal, 1997, Asadi and Hale, 1999, Tangestani and Moore, 2001 and Ranjbar et al. 2002). The integration of geophysical and satellite data can be done either in vector or raster format. A comprehensive literature review of GIS analysis in raster format is reviewed by DeMers(2002). In this study ETM+ data(Acquisition

date, 23/6/2001) has been integrated with airborne geophysical data for proposing a model for further exploration activities in the Central Iranian Volcanic Bel

Flood Hazard Assessment for the Construction of Flood Hazard Map and Land Development Priority Map Using NOAA/AVHRR Data and GIS
INTRODUCTION There have been many destructive floods in Bangladesh, including very severe floods of 1987, 1988 and 1998. The 1988 flood set a new record for flooded area, while 1998 flood was unprecedented with its long duration. Different Governmental organizations such as Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization, and the Bangladesh Water Development Board normally investigate the flood conditions in Bangladesh. After the big flood of 1987, a Japanese inquiry commission investigated the disaster from the aspect of meteorology, geomorphology, hydrology, river engineering and sociology in order to be able to plan structural and non-structural countermeasures (Muramoto 1988; Oya 1993). In 1988, Bangladesh experienced one of the worst floods in living memory, which resulted in a total cost to the national economy of approximately $2 billion, and it was estimated that 45 million people were directly affected (Brammer 1990). The official death toll was put at 2379; the number of houses affected was 12.8 million, including 3.8 million totally destroyed; and crop damage was 7.54 million ha (Sado & Islam 1997). In addition, the damage to the infrastructure was enormous. Therefore, flood management is necessary not only for saving lives, but also for safety of crops and infrastructure. Then a study team comprising a core group of international consultants provided by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Asian Development Bank, the European Economic Community, and the World Bank (Bangladesh government and UNDP 1989; World Bank 1989) and local experts investigated the flood damages and its remedy. In the course of its work, the team consulted various donor country missions to Bangladesh. Different donor countries have made extensive investments in the development of flood control works. Although various flood control and management measures have been adopted and some flood control works have been done by extensive investment of the donor countries, the 1998 and 2003 severe floods proved that floods and damages are not decreasing. The flood damage potential is increasing due to the possible causes of climate change, urban concentration in the three river basins, encroaching of settlements into flood prone areas, and overreliance on the safety provided by flood control works such as levees, reservoirs, and so on (Kundzewich & Takeuchi, 1999). Bangladesh lies in the downstream area of the three river basins of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna as shown in Fig. 1. The three mighty rivers enter Bangladesh from India through northwest, north, and northeast of the country, respectively. High magnitude floods strike on a regular basis in these river basins in Bangladesh, India and the peninsular area (Bhattacharyya 1997; Kale & Pramod 1997; Kundzewich & Takeuchi 1999; Muramoto 1988; Rahman 1996; Islam & Sado 2000c) because of the passage of tropical depressions and cyclone storms during the monsoon season. Bangladesh has limited control over the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers. For adequate and timely flood forecasting, Bangladesh depends on information from surrounding countries. The frequently occurring floods are very costly in terms of human life and economic loss. Therefore, the ability to estimate damages associated with the flood events is very important and is necessary for the evaluation of future alternate flood control policies. In a roundtable discussion following the 1998 flood event, experts from different fields recommended the need for flood hazard maps for proper planning and management for future flood disasters (Center for Alternatives 1998; Nishat 1998). In our previous studies (Islam and Sado 2000a,b,c), we have developed flood hazard maps

using only the 1988 event. Therefore, in this study we focus on the 1988 and 1998 severe floods and 1995 medium flood. The capacity of the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) and Landsat series of satellites to assess flooding has been well documented (Hallberg et al. 1973; Rango & Salomonson 1973) as well as some works already done using NOAA AVHRR data (Wiesnet et al. 1974; Hue et al. 1985a,b,c; Ali & Quadir 1987; Islam & Sado 2000a,b,c). NOAA AVHRR data are found to be very useful for monitoring large surface phenomena, such as floods, in the fields throughout the world on local, regional, and international scales. The results of analysis of NOAA AVHRR data, from the series of NOAA satellite 10 and 12, are used for the flood hazard assessment in Bangladesh in this paper. There are no available land development priority maps in Bangladesh incorporating flood hazard assessment and population density. The objective of this study is to utilize Remote Sensing (RS) technique with the available geographic information system (GIS) data to construct a set of GIS data, a flood hazard map, and land development priority map to help the responsible authorities develop, design, and operate flood control infrastructure and prepared aid and relief operations for high-risk areas during future floods. The GIS plays a major role in flood control technique, and the integration of this data in a spatial database is crucial --especially for a development country. The role of GIS as a tool to enable the visualization and analysis of inundation with RS for flood hazard assessment, and the development of a map for land development on priority basis, is obviously important. Consequently, the paper presents a unique use of GIS and RS to delineate flood prone areas, and shows how to determine the relative sensitivity of the individual pixel of flood prone areas within Bangladesh. This enhances the capability in Bangladesh to utilize GIS for water resources planning and management, and may help implement or act as the basis for a hydrological decision support system to ascertain critical locations. This technique can be used from a local or regional scale to a global scale.

Landslide hazard zonation in hilly area of Southern Caspian Sea Iran bases on RS & GIS tools
Introduction The Alborz range is an area with several geohazard (active deformation and faulting, landslide and rock falling) running along the southern side of the Caspian Sea. Central Alborz is highly populated region between eastern and western parts of Alborz that is surrounded by a set of strong active faults and landslide. Mass movement and rock falling are two main types of landslide hazards in this zone. Landslides coupled with earthquake in this high-risk area act as double disaster to villages, farmlands and roads as well the exacerbation of erosion of the land surface. Detecting landslide and monitoring their activity using remote sensing are powerful methods to provide a wealth of information for assessing and mapping landslide hazards. The major advantages of using GIS in Landslide Hazard Zonation is the utilization of multiple datasets as

layers and deciphers their importance for preparing hazard zonation maps and risk analysis. Area study This work incorporates investigation of landslide hazard assessment and risk analysis in part of central Alborz called Marzanabad. It is located in the Central Alborz at a distance of 30 km to Caspian Sea in the north and 100 km to the capital city of Tehran in the south. It covers an area of about 1048 sq km and is located between Latitudes 36 1500 N to 36 3500 N Longitudes 51 0730 E to 51 2730 E. ( fig 1)

Geomorphology and geology setting The study area is a cut by northeasterly flowing Chalous River forming a deeply incised valley called as Chalous valley. It is one of most important river in central Alborz that transfers water from dry area with annual precipitation less than 300 mm to the low land in south Caspian with annual precipitation above 1000mm The elevation of area decreases from south (4200m in Deewanh-A-Khu Mountain) to north (200m in runoff Chalous River) with a total length of 34 Km. (fig 2)

The geomorphologic units have been enumerated on the basis of the processing of IRS 1D/1C LISS III and Pan Imageries as well as interpretations of aerial photo mosaics. A DEM was generated and applied for extracting the geomorphologic features and morphometric analysis. This was further authenticated by field data collection and field checks. The important geomorphological parameters discussed are terrain mapping, drainage pattern, slope and aspect, soil, land use / land cover as input layer for landslide models (Fig 4 ) The investigated area, forming a part of the Alborz belt, has been subjected to repeated phases of tectonic movements which has resulted in a very complex geology The rocks of the this area are highly disturbed due to repeated folding faulting and thrusting.. (Clark et.al.1975; SeyedEmami, 2003; Ghasemi-Nejad et.al., 2004; Fursich et.al.2005) The identification of different litho-units was carried out on the basis of two geological sheets at 1:100,000 scale namely Marzanabad and Chalous.(GSI, 2001 aerial photographs and Satellite Images. Geological Survey of Iran have mapped the study area in)vA modified digital geological map of area has been prepared and discussed into different units as an input into landslide hazard studies based on the age of the rock formations, lithology, area of the unit and population in following table: In this study the major structures such as thrust and faults that have been considered as important parameters for the landslide hazard studies have been discussed. The area of investigation is traversed by number of thrust of regional extent, which generally shows NW-SE with northeasterly dips varying 30-59 degree. The various litho-units of area have been displaced by a number of faults. Most of these faults are transverse with reference of the thrusts. Landsliding in the area The landslide map of the area has been prepared in this study on the basis of arial photographs,

satellite (Visible and Radar) and field investigations. The area has been subdivided into old landslide, active landslide; reactive landslides and rock falls.

Method for Landslide hazard zonation: Many methods have been proposed to evaluate landslde hazard spatially. Two approaches are the most promising: methods based on the statistical analysis of geo-environmental factors related to the occurrence of landslides; and deterministic modeling based on simple mechanical laws that control slope instability. (Guzzetti et al., 1999). The Information Value Based Method (Yin and Yan, 1988; Wu et al., 2000) has been selected for this research. This is the probabilistic approach based on the observed relationship between each factor and distribution and occurrence of the past and present landslides in the area of study. The methodology derived for the present studies has taken into consideration some well known factors like lithology, fault/lineament, slope, morphology, slope aspect, soil, relief, drainage, landuse and incidence of landslides in the area.

Data preparing and landslide zonation: The outcome of image processing is a set of thematic maps that are utilized as data inputs in different layers. The Geographic Information Science based data integration technique enabled us to analyze and interpret all these layers together for a Landslide Hazard zonation map. The Landslide Hazard Zonation map have been accomplished in five stages 1- Data Quantification all thematic maps were quantified and rasterised to specific pixel size (50m x 50m) Entire qualitative thematic information has been converted to quantitative data sets. A binary method was adopted for cross match of each parameter with respect to occurrence landslides map. 2-, Calculation of Score Factor- The score factor was calculated by determining susceptible factor of each variable for landslide failure. 3- Integration - all the influencing factors of different variables were simply added together to find out the probable areas of landslide occurrence. 4- Model Testing- primary result was tested for accuracy in the area of study. 5- Zonation & Classification - the whole range of variation was classified into five different groups of a

The calculation and analysis of landside hazard zonation map over the GIS environment for risk assessment shows number of settlements and the population that falls under different classes of landslide hazard zones in relation to the number of persons at risk.

Table 2 : Landslide hazard in relation to no. of villages and population at risk in the area Area on risk Landslide Hazard zone Area (sqkm2) 3.53 137.73 532.90 347.12 27.15 1048.43 (%) 0.33 13.13 50.82 37.10 2.58 100.00 Villages on risk Population on risk No: 2 33 79 18 2 134 (%) 1.5 24.62 58.95 13.43 1.5 100.00 population 69 17648 23673 3360 215 44965 (%) 1.15 39.24 52.68 7.47 0.48 100.00

Very low landslide hazard zone Low landslide hazard zone Moderate landslide hazard zone High landslide hazard zone Very high landslide hazard zone Total -

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