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Public Health Department Training of

Emergency Medical Technicians for Bioterrorism

and Public Health Emergencies: Results of
a National Assessment
David Markenson, Michael J. Reilly, and Charles DiMaggio

Hypothesis: The public health system has a specialized body of day-to-day role, the emergency medical services (EMS)
knowledge and expertise in bioterrorism and public health system is one of the key components in disaster, terror-
emergency management that can assist in the development and ism, and public health emergency preparedness and
response. The EMS system has developed over the past
delivery ot continuing medical education programs to meet the
30 years into an effective means of delivering prehos-
needs ot emergency medical service providers. Methods: A pital medical care, and often serves as the point of en-
nationally representative sample of the basic and paramedic try for millions of uninsured Americans into the health
emergency medical service providers in the United States was
surveyed to assess whether they had received training in
The article and ttie data collection activities were partiaily supported via funding
weapons ot mass destruction, bioterrorism, chemical terrorism,
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury
radiological terrorism, and/or public health emergencies, and Prevention grant numbers U38/CCU422276-01 and numbers U38/CCU424164-
01 - 1 . In addition, support for personnel who worked on the article was provided
how the training was provided. Results: Local health
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Public Health
departments provided little in the way ot training in biologic, Preparedness grant number U90/CCU22421 -01 -2.
chemical, or radiological terrorism to responders (7.4%-14.9%). The authors acknowledge the invaluable assistance provided by ttie National
Registry of EMTs and its staff without whom this research project could not have
State health departments provided even less training
been conducted. We also acknowledge the National Registry of EMTs LEADS
(6,3%-17.3%) on all topics to emergency medical services project that provided the mechanism for data collection and provided the data for
this project and article. Last, we thank the leadership of the National Association
providers. Training that was provided by the health department of EMTs who in their ongoing critical etforts to advocate for and support the work
in bioterrorism and public health emergency response vi/as done by EMS professionals provided the organizational support for this project.
Specifically, we thank former president Nathan Williams whose vision allowed us
associated with responder comtort in responding to a to begin this project, the current president Ken Bouvier who has provided constant
bioterrorism event (OR = 2.74, 95% Cl = 2.68, 2.81), guidance and support, and Ms Lisa Lindsay whose daily support and assistance
was critical to the success of this project.
Conclusions: Local and state public health agencies should
Corresponding author: David Markenson, MD, FAAP, EMT-R Rediatric Emer-
work with the emergency medical services systems to develop
gency Medicine, Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, Westchester Medical Center,
and deiiver training with an all-hazards approach to disasters Valhalla, NY 10595 (e-mail:

and other public health emergencies.

David Markenson, MD, FAAP, EMT-P, is Principal Investigator, NAEMT CDC
Linkages Grant, Director, Program for Pediatric Preparedness, Deputy Director and
KEYWORDS: bioterrorism, emergency medical services, public Senior Research Scientist, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Assistant
health, training, weapons of mass destruction Professor of Population and Family Health, and Chief, Pediatric Emergency Medicine,
Maria Fared Children's Hospital, Westchester, County Medical Center/Emergency
Medical Associates, Columbia University, Mailman Sctiool of Pubiic Health, New York.
Emergency medical providers are called upon ev- Michael J. Reilty, MPH, NREMT-P, is Coordinator for Training and Content
ery day to deliver lifesaving care to millions of Ameri- Development, Center for Pubiic Health Preparedness, National Center tor Disaster
cans experiencing medical crises. In addition to this key Preparedness, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, New York.
Charles DiMaggio, PhD, MPH, PA-C, is Director, Program for Health Care
J Public Health Management Practice. 2005, November(Suppl), S6B-S/4 Preparedness, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, and Assistant Professor of
© 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Clinical Epidemiology, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, New York.

Public Health Department Training of EMTs

system. Although the original goal of the EMS system designed to bolster the preparedness education and
was primarily to deliver rapid care and transportation training programs offered by health departments, EMS
to trauma victims, the expanded scope of practice has agencies were not specifically mentioned in this fund-
allowed the EMS system to effectively manage a variety ing program, which continues today.^^ In 2002, the
of life-threatening medical conditions as well.'"^ congress enacted the Public Health Security and Bioter-
In some recent reports, the role of EMS within rorism Response Act (HR 3448), which provides fund-
the public health system has been described.*^ Walz ing assistance to ensure state and local public health
and colleagues describe the feasibility of using para- preparedness for bioterrorism threats and public health
medics to administer vaccinations. They conclude that emergencies, but nevertheless does not specifically list
paramedics have adequate training to provide this ser- EMS training or education as a target of this funding.
vice and outline reports of paramedics being used In the fall of 2003, The Hazardous Site Response Act
to administer hepatitis B, influenza, childhood im- provided funding to several academic sites through-
munizations, rabies vaccines, and tuberculosis tests.'' out the country to develop curriculum-based enhance-
MacDonald and colleagues detail a system that was put ments for the education of health professionals on the
in place during the 2003 Toronto severe acute respira- response to disasters and public health emergencies.'^
tory syndrome outbreak, which utilized paramedics, In addition, they allocated funding to develop medi-
EMS communications professionals, and physicians to cal and allied health continuing education programs
implement an EMS-based interfacility transfer control on the subject of disaster and public health emergency
and tracking center. This helped contain infectious se- response. These initiatives are designed to influence the
vere acute respiratory syndrome patients to noncon- future training of healthcare professionals, and they at-
taminated medical facilities throughout the metropoli- tempt to ensure that throughout the public health work-
tan Toronto area ? Eurthermore, in a report by McKenna force there is a baseline level of knowledge regarding
et al, Boston's bioterrorism surveillance system is de- the medical and public health management of disasters.
tailed and the close relationship between Boston's EMS The CDC through their Centers for Pubhc Health
agency and the Boston Health Commission's Commu- Preparedness and the Public Health Training Network
nicable Disease Control Division is highlighted as a (PHTN) have developed a variety of training and edu-
critical partnership in the success of the surveillance cation programs designed to increase the knowledge of
system.'* the practicing health professional in the area of emerg-
Despite the importance of EMS in public health and ing infectious diseases, bioterrorism, and public health
their key role in emergency preparedness and response, emergencies. These programs, however, have largely
recent reports have highlighted major weaknesses in targeted the health professionals already in the prac-
the overall preparedness of EMS agencies in respond- tice setting. To ensure preparedness on a national level,
ing to chemical, biological, and radiological events and health professionals at all levels need to be prepared to
public health emergencies.^-^"''^ In a 2002 survey of state participate on an interdisciplinary level as soon as they
trauma and EMS systems, the Health Resource Ser- graduate and enter the healthcare workforce.
vices Administration reported that preparedness train- In addition to the increase in federal funding to pub-
ing nationwide, particularly in the areas of chemical lic health agencies to develop and enhance the capa-
and biological incidents and disaster response, were bilities of the health system to respond to bioterror-
inadequate.^'"" This survey highligted the lack of train- ism events and other public health emergencies, most
ing and education among EMS personnel. Only six health departments at the state and local level have
(12%) states required prehospital providers to have ed- regulatory oversight of the EMS systems. In addition,
ucation on disaster-related topics, only one (2%) state health departments have internal subject matter exper-
required biological agent training, and three (6%) re- tise in areas that specifically relate to preparedness is-
quired education on chemical agents.^"'* sues, including infectious and communicable diseases,
Within the past several years, the US Congress has epidemiology and outbreak investigation, toxicology,
passed a number of acts calling for a national level radiation safety, food and water safety, vaccination pro-
of readiness that specifically addresses the need for grams, hazardous materials emergencies, environmen-
well-trained and well-prepared healthcare profession- tal sampling, and monitoring, etc.
als. Among these are the 2003 Homeland Security Bill Health departments are in a unique position through
and the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Amendment of 1997. their expertise, regulatory authority, and recent fund-
In 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- ing provisions to assist the EMS system by developing
tion (CDC) started the Bioterrorism Preparedness Re- and delivering education and training programs to
sponse Program, which made $40 million available to increase the capacity of the prehospital workforce to
state health departments for the development of pre- respond to a bioterrorism event or other public health
paredness initiatives.'^ Although Eocus Area "G" was emergency.
S78 I Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

• Methods cate whether any training involved "hands-on" compo-

nents or simulations as a part of the curriculum. In ad-
A nationally representative sample of basic and dition to trainings, providers were also asked whether
paramedic EMS providers in the United States was sur- their agencies have the necessary equipment to respond
veyed {N = 1,919). The study employed a sampling to these specific emergencies.
methodology that had been developed and validated Providers were asked to gauge their comfort level
by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Tech- in responding to various types of disasters based upon
nicians (NREMT). The current study was an extension four levels of comfort (very comfortable, comfortable,
of an earlier prospective survey of a random popu- uncon:\fortable, very uncomfortable). To calculate odds
lation of prehospital providers certified at either the ratios, these four choices were split into two categories.
emergency medical technicians (EMT)-Basic or EMT- Responses "very comfortable" and "comfortable" were
Paramedic level. This sample had been created to be considered comfortable, and responses "uncomfort-
representative of the national population and for use able" and "very uncomfortable" were considered un-
both in a longitudinal study and in periodic surveys comfortable. Odds ratios are presented with 95% con-
related to specific areas of interest regarding prehos- fidence intervals.
pital providers and prehospital care. The details of this All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS
sample and its use for longitudinal and snapshot analy- version 13.0. Tables and figures were created using
ses have been previously described.'^''' This study was Microsoft Excel 2002.
approved by the Columbia University Medical Center
Institutional Review Board.
Eight hundred twenty-three (42.9%) completed
questionnaires were returned. Sampling was strati- • Results
fied by both EMT status (ie, EMT-Basic versus EMT-
Paramedic) and duration of continuous registration at Eew responders had received training in chemical, bio-
each level (less than 1 year [new] or greater than 1 year logical, or radiological terrorism from a health depart-
loid]). The sample was further stratified by race to al- ment (6.3%-14.9%) (Eigure 1). Health departments that
low oversampling of minorities. Participants were cat- did conduct training for EMS providers did so in the ar-
egorized as "minority" if they identified themselves as eas of mandatory infectious disease reporting (17.3%-
Asian, Black, Hispanic, or Native American and were 31.8%), public health emergencies (15.1%-25.6%), and
categorized as "white" if they identified themselves as suspicious case reporting (13.5%-22.5%) (Eigure 2). Of
white or other, or if they did not provide information providers who did receive training in public health-
on race. Sample size w^as intended to maximize the ef- related topics, 38.9 percent had received this as part of
ficiency of the sample for comparing different types a CME program, 21.5 percent had this as part of their
of EMTs, as well as for estimating population parame- initial provider training, and less than two percent re-
ters. Sampling probabilities (ie, weights) within strata ceived public health training from the health depart-
were adjusted to reflect nonresponse. A two-stage sys- ment (Eigure 3).
tematic random selection sampling process was em- Training that was performed by the health depart-
ployed based on state use of national EMT registrations ment in the area of bioterrorism emergency response
as either the sole basis for, or as part of, their initial li- was associated with provider comfort in responding
censure/relicensure requirements and levels of EMT- to these incidents (OR = 2.74, 95% Cl = 2.68, 2.81)
Basics and EMT-Paramedics. The precision of the esti- (Table 1). In addition, training that was performed by
mates for the sample was calculated to be ±4.2 percent the health department in the area of public health emer-
as has been previously described.''"'^ gency training was also associated with provider com-
Individuals were asked to indicate whether they fort in responding to these incidents (OR = 2.9, 95%
had received training in the areas of general weapons Cl = 2.8, 3.0) (Table 1). Local health departments pro-
of mass destruction knowledge, chemical, biological, vided more training to EMS providers than state health
radiological, decontamination, or pediatric terrorism departments (Eigures 1 and 2).
considerations in their initial EMS provider course, or Regardless of whether training had been provided,
in any continuing medical education (CME) within the when questioned about whether they had the time to
last 24 months. The source of this training and the perform public health activities while on-duty, 62.5 per-
providers training in mandatory infectious disease re- cent stated they could accomplish disease reporting,
porting, public health emergencies, and suspicious case and 42.6 percent and 47.6 percent stated they would
reporting were also surveyed to determine whether be able to accomplish symptom cluster recognition
the local or state health department had provided the and reporting and public health education, respectively
training. In addition, providers were asked to indi- (Eigure 4).
Public Health Department Training of EMTs I 871

c • Local health department
D State health department

HGURE1. Sources of emergency medical ser-

vices provider training in biological, chemical,
and radiological terrorism. Biological Chemical Radiological

• Discussion local health departments provide such training, first re-

sponders are more comfortable providing care. This in-
There is no shortage of evidence described in the lit- creased comfort level may translate into a greater will-
erature that EMS professionals lack training in pub- ingness to report to duty during biological, chemical,
lic health emergency and disaster response.^''''^''"" Rea- or radiological events. As such public health needs to
sons for this include lack of national standard EMS focus additional resources to in this area of EMS educa-
curricula components addressing disaster and/or the tion to help improve our first responder preparedness
terrorist response, lack of an accepted role for EMS and response for disasters, terrorism, and public health
during a public health emergency, and lack of educa- emergencies.
tion/training and equipment grants to assist in the pro- It has been argued that public health agencies have
curement of educational and operational resources and not sought out EMS providers for training or contin-
technology.'- uing education because of the notion that the public
Throughout the United States, state health depart- safety and first responder comnfiunity is not within the
ments provide most of the regulatory oversight for EMS purview of the health department.'^ This is inaccurate
systems and either approve EMS CME or provide it in that at a minimum in all states EMS is regulated by
themselves in areas such as pediatrics, infection con- public health. Even more compelling is the fact that
trol, compliance, and ambulance operations. Despite there has been good evidence that an EMS-public health
EMS being in the public health community's "back- partnership can work to enhance the overall ability of
yard," regulated by public health and having their CME the health system to deliver the necessary emergency
approved by public health, very little training is be- medical care to the public during many types of disas-
ing provided to EMS providers by the health depart- ters and public health emergencies.'^-^^-^"^ Specifically,
ment in the area of public health, emergency prepared- through paramedic-administered vaccinations and im-
ness and response to disasters, terrorism, and pub- munizations, decontamination, case and contact trac-
lic health emergencies. Training that is delivered to ing, prehospital syndromic surveillance systems, and
EMS by the health department is largely compliance emergency communications, EMS can offer the public
based and not necessarily emergency response oriented health emergency management community a wealth of
(Eigure 2). Yet, this study has shown that when state or resources to bolster public health ^^'^

Mandatory Public health Suspicious Biological Chemical Radiological

infectious emergencies case
disease reporting
Training topic
HGURE 2. Types of training provided by local and state health departments to emergency medical services personnel.
872 I Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

i3 45 38,9
c 40
a 30
20 17 0

c 10
0) 5

CME Initial Health Public health Medical Never

provider department school school received
training program for program for program for fonnal
EMS EMS EMS training in
Training provider
HGURE 3. Where emergency medical services (EMS) providers receive training on public health topics, CME
indicates continuing medical education.

Furthermore, as seen in this study, most prehospital • Limitations

personnel are willing to take on public health-related
activities while on-duty. There were a few potential limitations in our study. Pre-
Health departments at the state and local level are vious investigators using this sampling methodology
able to assist EMS agencies develop and enhance the and cohort have found no significant demographic or
capacities of EMTs and paramedics in responding to socioeconomic differences between respondents and
acts of terror and public health emergencies by con- nonrespondents. Although our sample size was robust
tributing valuable content and subject matter expertise at 1,919 responders, response rate of 42.9 percent may
to EMS educators who can design and implement effec- introduce bias. This sample may be more motivated
tive training programs. By using existing model emer- than the general population of EMS providers, and it
gency response competencies for health workers and could be argued that providers who felt more comfort-
emergency responder operations guidelines, health ed- able with responding to these incidents may be more
ucators can ensure that EMS professionals are learn- willing to answer this survey than their colleagues who
ing the skills necessary to be effective in responding to were not as comfortable.
large exposures or outbreaks and other public health Responses in this survey were not controlled or strat-
emergencies ified for the type of EMS system that the provider

TABLE 1 Univariate odds ratios of the association between the type of training provided by tbe local healtb department
and emergency medical services providers' comfort level responding to such an incident

95% CI

Variable Odds ratio Lower Upper

Received bioterrorism training from local health department
Comtort handling multiple biological patients 2,743 2,676 2.812
Comfort handling a public beaith emergency patient 2,686 2.594 2.782
Comfort handling a biologicai patient 2.395 2,336 2.456
Received public health emergency training from local health department
Comfort handiing a public healfh emergency patient 2.917 2,837 2.998
Comfort handling multiple biological patients 2,254 2,208 2.300
Comfort handling a biological patient 2,019 1.978 2.060
Public Health Department Training of EMTs I 873


Symptom cluster
HGURE 4. Activities emergency medical Public health
services providers indicate they would Disease reporting recognition and
have time to accomplish while on-duty. reporting

worked in. This could introduce information bias as one and maximally participate in the public health emer-
would expect that in certain EMS systems (fire based, gency response.
hospital based) they may have access to specific equip-
ment or training grants, which make it more likely that
the workers in these systems have certain equipment
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