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2 1. (A) p 8q > 0 q <

p 8

( )2 16

p 2 p

4q 2 8


8 p

Hence q

8 ,

2. (B) a + 10 d = log3 2 a + 15 d = log3 (3x 1)2/3

x a + 25 d = log3 (3 + 3)

Hence 5d = log

1 2

2 3

and 10d = log 3


3 1
2 3

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1 2

4 3

= 3


3 1

which (3 1) = 2(3 + 3)
2 x y 2y 8 = 0, where y = 3 1

(y 4) (y + 2) = 0
x 3 1 = 4 or 2, ( 2 is rejected) x 3 = 5 x = log3 5. 2 2 2

3. (D)

7x 24y 25 1 2 2 2 is in the form SP = PM . y = 25 25 25 Hence the curve is a parabola with 7x + 24y 25 = 0 as its directrix. Hence the required locus is 7x + 24y 25 = 0 x

4. (B) Angles are 18, 36, 126 c a = sin 126 sin 18 = cos 36 sin 18
2 n

5 5

1 1

3 2

1 5. (C) L = lim n n

r = 1

r n

1 = 1

1 1


r n


1 x


1 x

1 x
2 2

dx 2

1 x

1 2


1 x

1 2

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6. (B) Curves, intersect at A (1, 1) A =

0 4


2 cos

2 cos d

x dx

= 0

by putting x = 2 sin

= 3 12

sin 2 2 2

2 3

1 2

2 3

SECTION II 7. (A), (B) If |Z + 5i| > |Z + 3i|, then Z lies above the line y = 4 Now |Z + 4i| = |Z + 3i| Z lies on the line y = 7 2 or Im Z = 7 2 9 2

Similarly if |Z + 5i| < |Z + 3i|, then Im Z = 8. (B), (D) AD = 3 4 5 9 =2 4 3 2 3 2 = 4 3

AB = AD cosec 60 = Area of ABC = 9. (A), (B) 1 2



4c 3c + 3s 4s + (4sc 3) (s c) where s = sin , c = cos = 4c 4s 3c + 3s + 4c 4c 4s + 4s 3s + 3c = 4(c s) = 4 2 sin

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if sin

<0 4 < 2n 4

(i.e.,) if (2n 1) < 0 4

(i.e.,) if 2n



(B) is a subset of (A) and hence this interval is also valid 10. (C), (D) The graph of y = x + 2(a + 4)x 5a + 64 is strictly above the X-axis if only the discriminant is negative.
2 (i.e.,) 4(a + 4) 4 (64 5a) < 0 2 a + 13 a 48 < 0 2

16 < a < 3 Since a is a positive integer a can be either 1 or 2 SECTION III x tan 11. (A) Statement 1: lim
x 3

1 x 1
2 2


x x 1 x 1 x
2 2



3 x

7 x

1 = 1 = 1


x x

7x x

8 x
a 3

12. (A) 13. (B) Statement 2: Besides 14. (A)

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f x

dx =

f a

x dx is required

SECTION IV 15. (B) y = mx + 1 2 2 2 is a tangent to y = 4x. If it touches x + y + 2x = 0 then m


x +


1 m 1 m

2x = 0 must have equal roots. 1 3 1 3 x 3 and y = 1 3 x 3

16 4 (1 + m2)


The two common tangents are y =

These meet the X- axis at A ( 3, 0). The third common tangent is x = 0 CAB = 60 and symmetry is equilateral 16. (C) One tangent meets the Y-axis at (0, 3 ), the second at (0, 3 )

The side of the equilateral = 2 3 and its area = 2 3 4 17. (A) Inradius = 1 2 a 2 tan 30 = 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 2x 1 = 1

= 3 3

18. (D) f x

= cos

2 x

= cos (1 + 2x + 1 1 [2x])

= cos (1 + 2x [2x]) = f(x) 19. (D) y = f(x) cuts the X-axis, if cos (1 + 2x [2x]) = 0 if 1 + 2x [2x] = 2 ; if 2x = 2 1 since [2x] = 1 2 2 1 = 0

if x =
4 1 2

20. (C) Area required =


cos 1
1 2




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cos 1

2x dx
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1 2

= 1 sin 1 2 = 1 2 sin 2


4 0

sin 1

sin 1 2

21. (B) C = 12, the possible values of a and b are as below a b 1 12 2 11 to 12 3 10 to 12 .... .... 6 7 to 12 7 7 to 12 8 8 to 12 ... ... 12 12 Total number of possibilities = 2 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) = 42 22. (C) C = 13. Possible values of a and b are as below a b 1 13 2 12 to 13 ... ... 6 8 to 13 7 7 to 13 8 8 to 13 ... .... 13 13 Total number of cases = 2 (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 6) + 7 = 49 23. (D) C = 24, Possible values of a and b are as below a 13 14 .... 23 b 13 14 .... 23

24 24 Total number of cases = 12

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PART B : PHYSICS SECTION I 24. (D) Current in the primary circuit I = 20 2 400 0.2 = 0.02 A

Potential drop across AB V = I R = 0.02 400 0.2 = 1.6 V Hence (A) is correct, because the value of E in the secondary circuit is 1.5 V. For E = 1.0 V, the balance point is let us say at distance x cm from A. Then E E
1 2

l l

1 2

1.6 400 = 1 x x= 400 1.6 = 250 cm

Hence choice (B) is correct. Since potentiometer can measure upto 1.6 V, we cannot compare the emfs of two cells which are more than 1.6 V. Hence choice (C) is also correct. Consequently correct choice is (D) 25. (C) The situation is as shown in the Figure. At any time t its location is described by two components, r i.e., the distance from centre and the angle rotated by spoke in time t .

v (velocity of bead at time t) = ue r along radial and tangential directions. v = ue ut e where r = ut and

r e where e and e are unit vectors

t r t

dr dt

= u
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26. (A) Let the first truck move to the right and the second to the left. Let us take the rightward direction as positive. In the horizontal direction, friction being absent, no external force is acting on the system. Hence momentum is conserved. momentum brought in by the second sack to the first is m ( v2) The momentum carried away by a sack thrown from the first is mv1, the By the law of conservation of momentum of (truck + sacks of rice) (M + m) v1 mv1 + m ( v2) = (M + m) v1 where v1 is the new velocity of truck 1. Mv1 mv2 = (M + m) v1 v1 = = M M 200 250 m 50 v m

v m

M 50 250

200 = 0

Similarly considering conservation of momentum of the second (truck + sacks of rice), we get for the second truck v =

M M m


200 200 250

50 50 = 150 m/s 250

27. (C) With respect to the point O, the bob has two acceleration a and g at an angle of 60 as shown in Figure The net acceleration of the bob is g = = a
2 2

2ag cos 60 g

g 7 4

1 2

4 = g

T = 2

2l 7g

= 2

2 0.3 7 9.8

= 0.95 s

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28. (B) Work done W to take the satellite to height h = change in potential energy = energy required say, E1 E =

GMm h GMm

GMm R h = mgR h R h R

= R

= 1

mgh h R

h R

Energy required to put it into orbit is, say E2 is given by

2 2 E2 = 1 mv (because energy of a body in orbit is 1 mv ) 0 0 2 2


mv R

2 0


GMm R h

h gR R h gR 1 h R m

or v =

E2 =

1 2

gR 1 h R

mgR 2 1 h R mgh


1 2

h R

= 2 1 2h R

mgR h R

E1 : E2 = 2h : R
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29. (A) We have L = L0 (1 + ) For brass LB L For iron L

iron B 0

= L
iron 0

B 0


= L

iron 0

Effective increase in length of the iron wire l = L

iron 0



Extra tension = Y Strain A

2 = Y r

l L
iron 0 B 0

B 0

= L

iron 0

= Y r2 iron = 21 10

B iron 0

6 6

3.14 (0.3 10 )2 (12 10 0.945 106 dynes

8 10 ) 40

= 95 104 dynes

SECTION II 30. (A), (B), (C) = A L = dL dL dt

dt plane.

is perpendicular to both A and L , because A and L are in the same

Here L cos is the component of L parallel to A i.e., L dL


= 0. Consequently L is a constant dL dt is perpendicular to L , magnitude of L does not change with

Further as time.

31. (A), (B), (C), (D) All the variables in the choices such as F a etc., are always either parallel or antiparallel to each other. Hence their cross product is zero.
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32. (A), (B) As the cart is drawn by a force F, the water in the vessel takes up a start position rising upward at the back wall of the vessel. To prevent water from flowing out of the hole H the acceleration of the vessel should have such a value that it occupies a face area DBH and a width of the vessel given by A L as shown in Figure below.

Area DBH =

1 2

bc bcA 2L ma mg = a g

If is the density of water, then mass of water retained =

If is the inclination of water surface with the horizontal, tan = or a = g tan = g b c Q tan = b c

The required force F = mass acceleration = M bcA 2L gb c

where M is the mass of the vessel. 33. (B), (C) We have c = P P

1260 = P


at 0C = 11.34 105

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Further P = P = RT M RT P

RT is the perfect gas equation in terms of density

M =

8.3 273 11.34 10


= 2 10

kg = 2 g

Density of the gas cannot be determined from the given data. SECTION III 34. (C) 35. (A) Due to sharp points at the bases of the cylinder, discharge will be more in the case of cylinder than in the case of a sphere 36. (C) The windings of the helix carry currents in the same direction, therefore they experience an attractive force pulling the lower end out of mercury. As a result of this, the circuit breaks, current becomes zero and hence the force of attraction vanishes. Therefore, the helix comes back to its initial position completing the circuit again. In this way the process is repeated and the helix executes oscillatory motion. 37. (D) Due to cooling, terminal velocity decreases because eddy current is increased leading to decrease in resistance of the copper tube. Due to heating, eddy current decreases and hence terminal velocity increases. SECTION IV 38. (C) Vrms = 10 volt Irms = 2 amp V Impedance Z = But Z = 5= I r 1
2 rms

rms 2

10 = 5 2

R 3


Squaring we get 25 = 42 + (L)2 = f = 3 L 2 = 3 = 200 radsec 0.015 200 2

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= 32 Hz

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39. (B) tan =


= r 3 4 3

3 1

3 4

= tan

40. (C) Effective voltage across the coil VL = effective current reactance =2 =2 = 2 10 = 6.3 V 41. (D) Total energy of the hydrogen-like atom (atomic number Z) in the nth Bohr orbit is E =
n Z 2 Z

r 1

L 9

Z n

2 2

13.6 eV

Z 3

13.6 2 Z = 4 =
Z 2

3.4 Z eV

and E E
Z 3

13.6 2 Z = 9 E = 1.5 Z

1.5 Z eV 3.4 Z

= 1.5 Z2 + 3.4 Z2 = 1.9 Z eV

2 But 1.9 Z eV = 68.0 eV (given) 2

Z = Z=6

68.0 1.9

= 36

42. (A) Total energy in the I Bohr orbit is E =

1 z

13.6 Z eV

= 13.6 36 eV = 489.6 eV
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K.E. in the I Bohr orbit = (Total Energy) = 489.6 eV = 490 eV 43. (C) h = E E = 490 eV h c = 490 1.6 10 hc 490 1.6 10 = 6.6 10
34 19 8 19 z 1

= 0 ( 490 eV)


3 10

490 1.6 10

= 25.28 44. (C) When 4m mass is let fall, the equations of motion are 4mg T = 4ma T 3mg = 3ma From (1) and (2) 4mg 3mg = 7ma a= g 7

... (1) ... (2)

When mass 4m reaches 0.7 m above the table let the system be moving with a velocity v. Then v =0


0.7 7 1 10

v2 = 2 9.8 = 1.96

v = 1.96 = 1.4 m/s 45. (D) Let v be the new velocity when the 3m mass picks up 7m mass. Then by the law of conservation of momentum 3m 1.4 + 4m 1.4 = 3mv + 4 mv + 7mv v = 9.8 14
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= 0.7 ms

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46. (C) Because of the change in the mass of the system, the acceleration of the system has also changed. If new acceleration is 2 a m/s in the opposite direction to the previous acceleration, then 10 mg 4 mg = 14 ma a = 4.2 m/s2 Let the connected weights rise further upto a height hm before coming momentarily to rest. Then 0 = v2 2a h h= 0.7

2 4.2

0.7 = 0.058 m 12

The maximum height reached is H + h = 70 + 5.8 = 75.8 cm Calculation of time period: If t1 is the time taken before 3m mass picks up 7m mass, then 1.4 = 0 + 9.8 t 7 1 t1 = 7 1.4 = 1 s 9.8 After picking up 7m mass the motion of combined mass is
2 1.4 = 0.7 t2 1 4.2 t 2 2 2 0.7 = 0.7 t2 1 4.2 t 2 2


2 2

t 1 6

1 = 0 12 = 1 6 13 s 13

t2 = 1

t1 + t2 = 7

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PART C : CHEMISTRY SECTION I 47. (A) (i) 558.5 g of Fe = 558.5 55.85


= 10 moles

No. of atoms of Fe present = 10 6.023 10 (ii) No. of atoms in 2 60 g of carbon = 2 60 12 6.023 10

23 23

= 10 6.023 10 (iii)No. of atoms in

1 8 g of helium 2 1 2
23 8 6.023 10 4

= 6.023 1023 48. (C) CN , CO and NO are isoelectronic species having a total of 14 electrons. The bond order is 3 in all the three cases.
+ 2+ 3 2 49. (B) F > Na > Mg and P > S > Cl show the trend of ionic radii. Each set is isoelectronic. +

50. (A) The emitted radiation has higher energy and appears violet in colour. 51. (D) I effect of NO2 group at ortho position is greater and it stabilises the carbanion. The amino group destabilises the carbanion by + M effect. 52. (C) Weaker base is a better leaving group. Acid strength order is F3C SO2 OH > CH3 SO2 OH > CH3OH Hence the basic strength of the conjugate base follows the order F3C SO2O < CH3 SO2 O < CH3O Therefore the order of leaving ability is F3C SO2O > CH3SO2 O > CH3O III
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SECTION II 53. (A), (B), (C) and (D) CH3 OH + CH3MgBr CH4 + CH3 O Mg Br C2H5 OH + CH3MgBr CH4 + C2H5 O Mg Br C2H5 NH2 + CH3MgBr CH4 + C2H5 NH Mg Br H2O + CH3MgBr CH4 + 54. (A), (C), (D) Collins reagent is CrO3 pyridine complex. It oxidises toluene to benzaldehyde. MnO2 as well as CrO2Cl2 oxidise toluene to benzaldehyde. KMnO4 oxidises toluene to benzoic acid both in acid and alkaline medium. 55. (B), (D) In solid state PBr5 is present as PBr


In PF5, equatorial P F bonds are shorter than axial P F bonds. 56. (A), (B), (C) Salt bridge does not develop an extra potential difference in the galvanic cell. SECTION III 57. (B) The acidic nature of hydroxides decreases from top to bottom in a group as the metallic nature of the element increases. 58. (C) The bond angle H Sb H in stibine SbH3 is about 90, because pure p-orbitals of Sb are utilized for bond formation with hydrogen atoms. 59. (A) R N = C
o red

is not hydrolysed by OH because of electrostatic repulsions.

60. (C) The E

of magnesium is lesser than that of aluminium.

61. (C) When -phenyl ethyl alcohol is strongly heated with alkali, elimination takes place and styrene is formed.

62. (B) CrO3 in glacial acetic acid oxidises only the secondary alcohol to ketone.

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63. (A)


OH group is tertiary and it is preferentially protonated and removed as

18 H2O to form the stable carbocation from which the cyclic ether is formed.

64. (D) For first order reaction. P 2.303 log o where Po = initial pressure of Cl2O7 and P = the pressure t P of Cl2O7 after 100 seconds k = = 0.06 2.303 log 100 0.03 2.303 0.3010 100 2.303 0.3010 100
3 1

= 6.932 10 65. (B) k =

a 2.303 log t a x
3 1

6.932 10

100 2.303 log t 1

6.932 10

2.303 2 t 2.303 2

t =

s =

6.932 10 66. (B) Cl2O7 Cl2 + 7 O 2 2

3 4.606 10 = 664.5 seconds 6.932

Rate of reaction = Rate of disappearances of Cl2O7 = k [pressure of Cl2O7]

Hence the graph is

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67. (B) C O

2 4

2CO2 + 2e

Since two electrons are involved equivalent mass of oxalate = 2 12 2 88 2 = 44 4 16

68. (D) 100 mL of oxalate solution = 90 mL of 0.05 N KMnO4 Normality of oxalate solution = 90 0.05 100

= 0.045 N = 4.5 10 N Eq.wt. normality 10


Amount of oxalate in 100 mL of solution =

= 44 4.5 10 10 = 0.198 g 69. (D) 0.3 g of oxalate sample contains 0.198 g of oxalate Percentage of oxalate present in the sample = 100 0.198 0.3 198 3

= 66% by weight.

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