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Thank you to Mister Chairman, a very warm greeting to all the heads of school, the honourable judges, teachers,

ladies and

Abdah was not happy with the answer. He still wanted the judge to punish the bees. You are not acting fairly. The thieves must be punished, he said angrily. The judge had to think of way to help Abdah.

gentlemen and all my friends. Good morning and Salam 1 Malaysia.

I am Syafika Liasin from SK Keguraan. Today, I am going to tell you a story with the title An Advice for a Fool.

The judge thought for a long time. Then, he said, Alright, you can hit every bee that you see.

Abdah was a foolish sweeper. One day, he was sweeping the road in town when he found a coin. He was very happy. This is a lucky day for my daughter, he said. He bought a bowl of honey with the money.

Abdah was very happy to hear this. Just then a bee flew into the room and rested on the judges nose. Abdah hit the bee with a broom. The broom hit the judges nose. A guard came in to arrest Abdah but the judge let him go.

Abdah ran home, he put the bowl of honey on the table. He called his daughter to eat the honey. Unfortunately, the bees ate all the honey. Later, when Abdah returned home, he saw his daughter crying. The bees ate all my honey. She cried. Abdah was very angry. He went to the judge. He told the judge what had happenned. The judge did not know what to say. I want you to punish the bees! They ate all my honey. Abdah said angrily. We have no law to punish the bees, the judge said. It is not easy to catch the bees.

This sweeper makes me realise that I should never give advice to a fool, said the judge. Ladies and gentlemen, the moral values that we can get from this story is, we must be careful to whom we are giving advices. That is the end of my story. Thank you.

Thank you to Mister Chairman, a very warm greeting to all the heads of school, the honourable judges, teachers, ladies and

cutting of trees. When these happen, they affect the web of life because there will be less food and many living things may die.

gentlemen and all my friends. Good morning and Salam 1 Malaysia. Ladies and gentlemen, We cannot prevent the natural disasters I am Mirrah Nadiah from SK Keguraan. Today, I am going to deliver my speech with the title Love Our Mother Nature. but we can curb human actions. The excessive cutting of trees must be stopped. New trees should be replanted where forests have been cleared before. Rivers are to be looked after to Ladies and gentlemen, Plants and animals are living things. Air, soil and water are non-living things. Together they help produce food and support life on earth. This is what we refer as the ecosystem. Placing this responsibility to one party at all is not the wisest option. All of us are the In the ecosystem, the sun is the natural source of energy. Plants absorb sunlight to grow roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Herbivourous animals eat the plants and the carnivourous animals in turn eat them. This food chain is known as web of life. It is part of the balance of nature. Ladies and gentlemen, Before I ended my speech today, I would like to share an old saying that the earth Ladies and gentlemen, When there are too many animals but less food for them to eat, it upsets the balance of nature. This affects the web of life and changes the ecosystem. That is the end of my speech. Thank you. we are living today is the earth that we borrow from our grandchildren. Thus, let us keep it green for the sake of our future generation. world community and as a good citizen of this mother earth, we all must work together so that our mother nature will be preserves for our next generation. avoid pollution. It is our responsibility to safeguard the ecosystem and maintain its balance.

Natural disasters and human actions could also change the balance of nature. Earthquakes, floods, and fires started by lightning are natural disasters. Human actions include air and water pollution and excessive

Coin of Anasia

Coin of Anasia



My family 1. There are ______ members in my family. 2. They include my father, mother, ____ brothers and _____ sisters. 3. My fathers name is _________. He is _____ years old. He works as a/an ____________. 4. My mothers name is ______. She is _____ years old. She works as a/an__________. 5. ____________ of my brothers/ sisters already have a job. 6. ___________ of my brothers/ sisters still study at _______. 7. I just love my family very much!

My school 1. My school is ___________. 2. It is situated in ___________________. 3. There are _______ buildings in my school. 4. _______________ is our head of school. 5. he/she is a very kind person. 6. I love my school because______________. 7. I just love my school so much!

My pet. 1. Everybody has their own pet. For those who dont have on, they might have their own dreamed pet. 2. My pet is __________ (name). It is a _____ (types of animal). 3. it likes to eat _________. 4. It likes to drinks _________. 5. it likes to __________ with me. 6. i just love my pet so much! My favourite food Myself My ambition 1. everybody has their own ambition. 2. For me, my ambition is to be a _______. 3. I want to be a ________ because i can/ want to ___________. 4. an/ a ___________( ambition) do ________. 5. to achive my dream, i must study hard and smart from now and go to the university. 6. I believe with my efforts, I can be ___________ someday.

My hobby 1. Everybody has their own hobby and i have mine too. My hobby is _______________. 2. I love to ____________ because _________. ...... 5. I love my hobby so much! My favourite teacher 1. everybody has their own favourite teacher. 2. For me, My favourite teacher is__________. 3. He/ She teaches me _____________. 4. he/ she is a _________ (race) and come from _________. 6. He/ she drives ________ to school everyday. 5. I love to be in his/ her class because he/she always treat us nicely during the lesson. 6. during the teachers day, i gave him/ her a gift/ flower/ card. 7.I love/ adore Mr/ Miss/ Madam ________ so much.

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