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Tutorial System Response 2 d d A second order system is described by 1.5 2 0 + 3 0 + 6 0 = 6 i . Find the % overshoot of dt dt the response and the time taken to reach it when the system is subjected to a unit step input. [16.3%, 1.814] A second order position control system has a damping ratio of 0.5 and an undamped natural frequency of 6 rad./s. Find for a unit step input: (i) Output response as a function of time. [1-1.1547exp(-3t)sin(5.196+600) (ii) Value of the % peak overshoot [16.3%] (iii) Settling time. [1.046s] A flywheel driven by an electric motor is automatically controlled to follow the movement of a hand wheel. The inclusive Moment of Inertia of the flywheel is 150 Kg-m2 and the motor torque applied to it is 2400 Nm/rad. of misalignment between the flywheel and the hand wheel. The viscous friction is equivalent to a torque of 600 Nm/rad./s. If the hand wheel is suddenly turned through 600 when the system is at rest, find an expression for the subsequent angular position of the flywheel in relation to time. Ans: 0=(/3)[1-exp(-2t){Cos3.46t+0.58Sin3.46t}] 24 A control system has a forward transfer function given by and the feedback s(s + 1)(0.2s + 1) transfer function is s/6. Calculate (a) Undamped natural frequency, (b) Damped frequency, (c) Damping Ratio, (d) Maximum Overshoot, (e) Time at which maximum overshoot occurs. Assume negative feedback. [5 rad./s, 4 rad./s, 0.6, 0.095, 0.785s] 25 A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function given by . Determine the s(s + 8) damping ratio (0.8), peak overshoot (1.54%) and peak time (1.045). If a component having transfer function s/10 is introduced in the forward path, what will be its effect? 2500 A second order system has an overall transfer function of 2 and the step input s + 20s + 2500 is 40u(t). Calculate the (a) the % Overshoot, (b) the values of the first two response peaks and their corresponding times, (c) the times at which the response equals the input for the first and second times, (d) the settling time. [(a) 52.7%, (b) 61.1, 64.1 ms; 28.9, 128.2 ms, (c) 36.2 ms, 100.3 ms (d) 500 ms] The angular position of a flywheel on a test rig is controlled by an error actuated closed loop automatic system to follow the motion of an input lever. The lever is maintained in sinusoidal oscillations through 600 with an angular frequency = 2 rad./s. The moment of inertia of the flywheel is 150 Kgm2 and the stiffness of the control is 2400 Nm/rad. of misalignment. Calculate (a) the viscous frictional torque, (b) the amplitude of the swing of the flywheel and (c) the time lag between the flywheel and the control lever for critical damping. [1200 Nm/rad./s, 480, 0.464s] The angular position of an aerial is automatically controlled by an input wheel. To this wheel a sinusoidal supply of
5 sint 4

Control Systems

is applied. The system has an inertia of 100Kgm2 and viscous

friction is 400Nm/rad./s. If the system is critically damped, calculate the swing of the aerial and the time lag? [ rad, 0.91s ] 9- A servo system consists of a synchro unit, amplifier and a motor with connected load. J = 0.005 Kgm2, f = 0.01 Nm/rad./s, H = 0.05, combined amplifier and synchro gain (K) = 1000 V/rad, motor torque constant (Km) = 50 10 6 Nm/Volt. Calculate the steady state error when an input signal of 1 rad./s is applied? What is the effect of doubling the amplifier gain. [0.2 rad., 0.1414 rad.].

10- A servomechanism which is designed to control the angular position of a rotatable mass is stabilized by means of acceleration feedback. The moment of inertia of the system is 10 -5 Kgm2, the viscous frictional torque is 10-4 Nm per radian per second and the motor torque Tm is given Tm = 4 10-3[e + Ks2o] Nm Draw a block diagram of the system and develop the control equation. Hence determine the value of K in order that the damping shall be critical. What is the steady state error for an input signal of 1.26 rad./s. [2.34 10-3, 0.0315 rad.]. 11- A servomechanism is used to control the angular position o of a mass through a command signal i. The moment of inertia of the moving parts referred to the load shaft is 200 Kg-m2 and the motor toque at the load shaft is 200 Kgm2 and the motor torque at the load is 6.88104 Nm./rad. of error. The damping torque coefficient referred to the load shat is 5 10 3 Nm/rad./sec. (a) Find the time response of the servomechanism to a step input of 1 rad. and determine the frequency of transient oscillations, the peak time, and the maximum overshoot? [1 - 1.355exp(-12.5t)sin(13.7t+0.828), 13.7 rad./s, 0.229s, 5.6%] (b) Find the steady state error which exists when a steady torque of 1200 Nm is applied to the load shaft? [1 degree] (c) Find the steady state error when the input is a constant angular velocity of 1 revolution per minute? [0.44 degree] K 12- The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G (s) = , s(1 + sT ) where K and T are positive constants. By what factor would the amplifier gain be reduced so that the peak overshoot of a unit step response of the system is reduced from 75% to 25%? [20] K 13- A unity feedback system is characterised by an open loop transfer function G (s) = s(s + 10) Find the value of K so that the system will have a damping ratio of 0.5. For this value of K find the settling time, peak overshoot, and the peak time? [100, 0.8s, 16.2%, 0.364 s] 14- A system response when subjected to a unit step input is c(t)=1+0.2exp(-60t)-1.2exp(-10t) Find (a) the closed loop transfer function, (b) the undamped natural frequency and the 600 damping ratio. [(a) , (b) 24.5 rad./sec, 1.43] (s + 10)(s + 60)

CB/March 08

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