M.A. Psychology Apr2011

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[3908] 101
M.A. (Semester I) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (Compulsory) EP-101 : Cognitive Processes (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 80

N.B. : 1) Attempt all questions as per the options given to each question. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Answer any one of the following in about 500 words : 20 a) Explain the nature of cognitive psychology. Elaborate on the brain-imaging techniques used in cognitive psychology. b) Compare speaking and writing, discuss the factors affecting speech comprehension. 2. Answer any one of the following in about 500 words : 20 a) Discuss in depth template matching and prototype theories of perception. Distinguish these theories from the top-down approach to perception. b) Differentiate between creativity and decision making, discuss the factors influencing decision-making. 3. Answer any two of the following in about 250 words each : 20 a) Explain the term transformational grammar giving suitable examples. b) Discuss the contribution of structuralist and functionalist thought to cognitive psychology. c) Explain the signal detection theory, in brief. d) Describe the various approaches to problem-solving. 4. Write short notes on any four of the following : a) Syllogistic reasoning b) Cognitive style c) Method of limits d) Speech errors e) Pre-operational stage of development f) Artificial intelligence. 20


[3908] 101



_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr. 1. ImbrbnH$s EH$m ZmMo gmYmaU 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 A) ~moY{ZH$ _mZgemmMo d$n nQ> H$am. ~moY{ZH$ _mZgemmV dmna`m OmUm`m _|Xy-{V_mboIZ VmMo {ddoMZ H$am. ~) ~mobUo Am{U {bhrUo `mMr VwbZm H$am, dmMm AmH$bZmda n[aUm_ H$aUm`m KQ>H$mMr MMm H$am. 2. ImbrbnH$s EH$m ZmMo gmYmaU 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 A) gdXZ{df`H$ Z_wZm-OwidUr Am{U A{Y$n {gmVmMr MMm H$am. gdXZm`m Cd-Vb {gmVmnjm o o o Vo {^Z H$go Vo gmJm. ~) gOZerbVm Am{U {ZU`Z `mVrb ^oX nQ> H$am. {ZU`Zmda n[aUm_ H$aUm`m KQ>H$mMr MMm H$am. 3. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm : A) g_nH$ CXmhaUmg{hV "n[adVZerb `mH$aU' `m gkoMo nQ>rH$aU H$am. ~) gaMZmdmXr Am{U H$m`dmXr {dMmam`m ~moY{ZH$ _mZgemmVrb `moJXmZmMr MMm H$am. H$) gHo$V emoY Cnnmr WmoS>`mV nQ> H$am. S>) g_`m-n[ahma{df`H$ {d{dY pQ>H$moZ dUZ H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda g{jV Q>rnm {bhm : A) gdm{MH$ `wpVdmX ~) ~moY{ZH$ e{b H$) _`mXm nVr S>) dm_mX B) {dH$mgmMr g{H$`m-nyd AdWm \$) H${_ ~w{_mm.





[3908] 302

M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (Optional) (Clinical Psychology) (Group A) EP-310 : Psychopathology I (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours N.B.: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one of the following in about 500 words : 1) What are the different types of phobias ? How are they treated ? 2) What are eating disorders ? Discuss in detail the etiological factors in eating disorders. 2. Answer any one of the following in about 500 words : 1) What is the role of family in the onset and maintenance of schizophrenia ? How does family therapy help in the relapse prevention of schizophrenia ? 2) What are the behavioristic and cognitive paradigms in psychopathology ? Discuss the significance of each in the context of psychopathology. 3. Answer any two of the following in about 250 words each : 1) Discuss the merits and demerits of the DSM classification system. 2) Discuss any two measures undertaken to prevent suicide. 3) What is Dissociative Identity Disorder ? What are the etiological factors in Dissociative Identity Disorder ? 4) What are delusional disorders ? Describe the clinical picture in delusional disorders. 4. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 100 words each : 1) Difference between hypochondriasis and somatization disorder. 2) Bleulers views on schizophrenia. 3) GAF. 4) Bipolar mood disorder. 5) Psychological factors in Asthma. 6) Somnambulism. 20 20 20 20 Max. Marks : 80


[3908] 302


_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : 1) gd A{Zdm`$ AmhoV. 2) gd mZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nmhUo. 1. ImbrbnH$s EH$m mMo Cma gw_mao 500 eXmV {bhm : 20 1) ^`JS> {dH$VrMo {d{dY H$ma H$moUVo ? `mda CnMma H$moUVo ? 2) Im`mer g~{YV (jwYm) {dH$Vr H$moU`m ? Im`mer g~{YV {dH$Vt`m H$maUm_H$ KQ>ZmMr {dVV MMm H$am. 2. ImbrbnH$s EH$m mMo Cma gw_mao 500 eXmV {bhm : 20 1) {N>Z_ZH$Vm {dH$Vr`m ma^m_Yrb d {dH$Vr {Q>Hy$Z amh`m_Yrb Hw$Qw>~mMr ^y{_H$m nQ> H$am. {N>Z_ZH$Vo`m nwZX^d {V~YmgmR>r Hw$Qw>~ CnMma nVrMr H$em H$mao _XV hmoVo ? 2) _Zmo{dH$VremmVrb dVZm_H$ d ~moYm_H$ pQ>H$moZ nQ> H$am. `m `oH$mMo _Zmo{dH$Vremm`m gX^mVrb `WmWVm gmJm. 3. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr XmoZ mMr Cmao `oH$s gw_mao 250 eXmV {bhm : 20 1) S>r.Eg.E_. dJuH$aU UmbrMo \$m`Xo d _`mXm `mMr MMm H$am. 2) Am_h`m {V~Ym`m gX^mVrb H$moU`mhr XmoZ _mnH$mMr MMm H$am. 3) {d`moOZm_H$ d-AmoiI {dH$Vr hUOo H$m` ? {d`moOZm_H$ d-AmoiI {dH$VrVrb H$maUm_H$ KQ>H$ H$moUVo ? 4) ^m{V ({d^_) {dH$Vr hUOo H$m` ? {d^_ {dH$Vr Vrb {M{H$gm_H$ {MmMo dUZ H$am. 4. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr Mma da gw_mao 100 eXmV {Q>nm {bhm : 1) H${VqMVmJVVm {dH$Vr d H$m{`H$ {dH$Vr (gmo_Q>mBPoeZ) `mVrb \$aH$. 2) {N>_ZH$Vodarb bm`b` `mMo {dMma. 3) Or.E.E\$. 4) XdrYwdr` ^mdpWVr {dH$Vr. 5) X`m_Yrb _mZgemr` KQ>H$. 6) {ZmMad.




[3908] 305

M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (Optional) (Industrial Psychology) (2008 Pattern) EP-321 : Organizational Behaviour
Time : 3 Hours N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : 20 1) Define Organisational Behaviour and describe its nature. Discuss the autocratic and custodial model of Organisational Behaviour. Also, explain which of the OB models are relevant in the developed nations. 2) Explain the term Work Motivation. Bring out the similarities and differences between Maslows theory of need hierarchy and Herzbergs two factor theory, by giving examples. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 20 1) Elucidate the nature, functions and types of communication in detail. 2) Explain Hersey and Blanchards leadership model. Is it based on the contingency approach to leadership. How ? 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 20 1) Discuss the emerging trends in OB. 2) Explain how managers can use the Goal-setting theory to motivate employees. 3) Clarify the different sources of work stress. What are its consequences ? 4) Discuss the different measures that are necessary for labour empowerment. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement 2) Trompanas view on organizational culture 3) Transformational leadership 4) Negotiation technique 5) Procedural justice 6) Self-leadership. 20 Max. Marks : 80


[3908] 305



_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr. 1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) "gKQ>Zm_H$ dVZ' `mMr `m`m m d `m`m d$nmMo dUZ H$am. "hHw$_emhr' d "n[aajr' hr gKQ>Zm_H$ dVZmMr m$no nQ> H$am. VgoM {dH${gV Xoem`m gX^mV, gKQ>Zm dVZmMo H$moUVo m$n `mo` R>$ eH$Vo ho gmJm. 2) "H$m` oaUm' hr gH$nZm nQ> H$am. _bmo `mMm oaUm dMd-loUr{df`H$ {gmV d r KQ>H$ {gmV `mVrb gm` d \$aH$ gmoXmhaU nQ> H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) gofUmMo d$n, H$m`} Am{U H$ma `mMo g{dVa {ddoMZ H$am. 2) hagr d bMS> `mMo ZoVd {df`H$ m$n {deX H$am. ho m$n "ZoVd{df`H$ AmZwf{JH$Vm' `mda AmYm[aV Amho H$m` ? Ag`mg H$go ? 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm : 20 1) gKQ>Zm dVZmVrb CX`mo_wI dmhm{df`r MMm H$am. 2) "`o` {ZpMVr' {df`H$ {gmVmMm Cn`moJ H$$Z `dWmnH$ Amn`m H$_Mm`mZm H$go o[aV H$$ eH$Vrb ho nQ> H$am. 3) gKQ>Zm_H$ VmUmMo moVmMm Iwbmgm H$am. `mMo n[aUm_ H$m` hmoVrb ? 4) H$_Mm`m`m g~brH$aUmgmR>r Amd`H$ Agbobo {d{dY CnH$_ {deX H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) H$m` g_r d H$m` {dVVr 2) gKQ>Zm_H$ gH$Vr {df`H$ "Q>monmZmg'Mm Q>rH$moZ 3) n[adVZerb ZoVd 4) dmQ>mKmQ>rMo V 5) H$m`nVrMr `m`~wr 6) dZoVd.




[3908] 306

M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY EP-330 : Counselling Process (Gr-C) (2008 Pattern) (Optional) (Counselling Psychology)
Time : 3 Hours N.B.: i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) Define Counselling. Explain three stages of the counselling process. 2) Discuss core conditions of counselling process. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) Explain various concepts in design and implementation of action plan. 2) What are the standardized techniques for human assessment ? Describe. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) What are outcome goals of counselling ? Explain. 2) What are the principles governing the use of feedback ? 3) Explain termination stage, in counselling process. 4) Evaluate DAT as an aptitude test. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) File composition 2) Role playing 3) Ability potential responses 4) Personality test 5) The concept of process goals 6) Drawbacks of excessive questioning.

Max. Marks : 80





[3908] 306


_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : 1) gd gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd mZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr n{H$m nhmdr.
1. H$moU`mhr EH$m mMo Cmao 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) g_wnXoeZmMr `m`m gmJm. g_wnXoeZ {H$`oVrb VrZ AdWm nQ> H$am. 2) g_wnXoeZ {H$`oVrb A{Zdm` AQ>tMr MMm H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m mMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) H$Vr {Z`moOZmMr AmIUr d A_b~OmdUrVrb {d{dY gH$nZm nQ> H$am. 2) _mZdr _w`{ZYmaUmVrb n_m{UV Vo H$moUVr ? `mMo dUZ H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ mMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm : 1) g_wnXoeZmVrb A{V_ `o`o H$moUVr Vo nQ> H$am. 2) n[aUm_kmZm`m dmnamMo {Z`U H$aUmar Vdo gmJm. 3) g_wnXoeZ {H$`oVrb A{V_ AdWm nQ> H$am. 4) S>r.E.Q>r. Mo EH$ A{^j_Vm MmMUr hUyZ _y`_mnZ H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmada `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) \$mBb_`o AV^yV AgUm`m JmoQ>r 2) ^y{_H$m dR>{dUo 3) j_Vm-{d^d {V{H$`m 4) `pV_d MmMUr 5) {H$`m `o`mMr gH$nZm 6) A{V {dMma`mMo VmoQ>o.







[3908] 307

M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (2008 Pattern) (Counselling Psychology) (Gr.-C) EP-331 : Counselling Skills and Approaches (Optional)
Time : 3 Hours N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) Discuss various techniques of empowering mind. 2) What are questioning skills ? Discuss various types of questions. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What are irrational thoughts ? Discuss how ABCDE factors affect on clients irrational thoughts with examples. 2) Discuss various techniques used in behaviour therapy with examples. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) What is YAPER ? Explain with a suitable example. 2) Explain four major listening mistakes with examples. 3) State the importance of the therapeutic relationship in person-centered therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy. 4) Explain the principles of reality therapy. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) Creating of self talk 2) Paraphrasing skills 3) Shaping behaviour 4) Ego-states 5) Logo-therapy 6) Total behaviour.

Max. Marks : 80





[3908] 307



_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) _Zm`m g~brH$aUm`m {d{dY VmMr MMm H$am. 2) Z {dMma`mMo H$me` hUOo H$m` ? Zm`m {d{dY H$mamMr MMm H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) AVm{H$H$ {dMma H$moUVo ? E ~r gr S>r B KQ>H$mMm bm^mWu`m AVm{H$H$ {dMmamda H$gm n[aUm_ hmoVmo `mMr gmoXmhaU MMm H$am. 2) dVZ CnMma nVrV dmna`m OmUm`m {d{dY VmMr gmoXmhaU MMm H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr Cmao 250 eXmV {bhm : 1) "dm` E nr B Ama' hUOo H$m` ? g_nH$ CXmhaUm`m ghm`mZo nQ> H$am. 2) EoHy$Z Ko`mVrb Mma _wI MwH$m gmoXmhaU nQ> H$am. 3) ~moY{ZH$ dVZ CnMmanVr d `pV-H|${V CnMma-nVrVrb CnMmam_H$ g~YmMo _hd {deX H$am. 4) dmVdVmdmXr CnMma-nVrMr Vdo nQ> H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) d-JV {Z_mU H$aUo 2) nam\o$qPJ H$me`o 3) dVZ AmH$maU 4) Ah_`m AdWm 5) bmoJmo CnMma 6) gnyU dVZ.







[3908] 403

M.A. (Psychology) (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 (Clinical Psychology Specialization) (Optional) EP 411 : PSYCHOTHERAPIES (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours N.B.: a) All questions are compulsory. b) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What is transactional analysis ? Explain in brief Ego states and Games in transactional analysis 2) Discuss in detail multimodal therapy. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What is Contingency Management ? Discuss in detail the elements of Contingency Management Programs. 2) Discuss in detail Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. 3. Answer any two in 250 words : 1) What is Psychotherapy ? Discuss nature of Psychotherapy. 2) Discuss assertiveness training as a technique of behaviour therapy. 3) What is Existentialism ? Explain in brief logo therapy. 4) Explain the application of Yoga therapy in clinical context. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) Free association 2) Token economy 3) Empathy 4) Buddhism 5) Reality therapy 6) Systematic desensitization.

Max. Marks : 80





[3908] 403


_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : 1) gd Z A{Zdm` AmhoV. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nmhUo.
1. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) {d{Z_` {dbofU hUOo H$m` ? {d{Z_` {dbofUmVrb Ah_H$ma d Ioi WmoS>`mV nQ> H$am. 2) ~hAm`m_H$ CnMmanVrMr g{dVa MMm H$am. 2. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) AmZwemJrH$Vm `dWmnZ hUOo H$m` ? AmZwemJrH$Vm `dWmnZ H$m`H$_m`m {d{dY AJmMr 20 20

g{dVa MMm H$am.

2) VH$gJV ^mdZrH$ dVZrH$ CnMma nVrMr g{dVa MMm H$am. 3. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr Cmao 250 eXmV {bhm : 1) _mZgmonMa hUOo H$m` ? _mZgmonMmamMo d$n g{dVa MMm H$am. 2) hmoH$am_H$ {ejUmMo dVZCnMma nVrMo EH$ V hUyZ MMm H$am. 3) ApVddmX hUOo H$m` ? bmoJmoCnMmanVr WmoS>`mV nQ> H$am. 4) {M{H$gmjomer g~{YV `moJ CnMmanVr WmoS>`mV nQ> H$am. 4. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr Mmada gw_mao 100 eXmV {Q>nm {bhm : 1) _wV gmhM` 2) Q>moH$Z BH$mZm_r 3) VXZw^Vr w 4) ~w{P_ 5) dmVd CnMmanVr 6) nVera AmdoXZerbZ





[3908] 404
M.A. (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (Optional) (Industrial Psychology) Gr B EP-420 : Human Resource Management (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours N.B.: i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words :

Max. Marks : 80


1) Explain the concept of Human Resource Management. Describe the functions of Human Resource Development (HRD). 2) Explain the concept of job satisfaction. Describe the various methods of measuring job satisfaction. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What is employee training ? Describe the different on-the-job and off-the-job training methods. 2) What is knowledge management ? Describe in detail the process of assessing need for knowledge management. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) Explain how HRD can be applied for improvement of corporate excellence. 2) Explain how training can be applied for career development and planning. 3) Describe in detail the causes and consequences of job satisfaction. 4) Describe knowledge management process and architecture in detail. 4. Write short note on any four in 100 words each : 1) HRD challenges in Indian scenario 2) Evaluation of training programme 3) Attitude and job satisfaction 4) Knowledge management deficits 5) Buying and borrowing talent 6) Equal employment opportunity. 20 20 20


[3908] 404


_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr. 1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 1) _mZdr ggmYZ {dH$mgmMr gH$nZm nQ> H$$Z `mMr H$m`} {deX H$am. 2) H$m`-g_mYmZmMr gH$nZm nQ> H$$Z H$m`-g_mYmZ _mnZm`m nVtMo dUZ H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 1) H$_Mmar {ejU hUOo H$m` ? H$m_mda AgVmZmMo {ejU d H$m_mda ZgVmZmMo {ejU nVtMo dUZ H$am. 2) kmZ `dWmnZ hUOo H$m` ? kmZ `dWmnZm {df`r`m JaOoMo _y`mH$Z H$a`m`m {H$`oMo g{dVa dUZ H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMo `oH$s 250 eXmV Cma {bhm : 1) "H$mnm}aoQ> Egbg' gmR>r _mZd ggmYZ {dH$gZmMm H$gm Cn`moJ H$aVm `oBb Vo nQ> H$am. 2) H$arAa {dH$mg Am{U {Z`moOZ `m_`o {ejUmMo Cn`moOZ H$m` Amho ? 3) H$m`-g_mYmZmMr H$maUo Am{U n[aUm_ g{dVanUo nQ> H$am. 4) kmZ `dWmnZmMr {H$`m d Am{H$Q>oMaMo g{dVa dUZ H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) ^maVr` gX^mV _mZdr ggmYZ-{dH$gZmVrb AmhmZo. 2) {ejU H$m`H$_mMo _y`_mnZ. 3) A{^dmr d H$m`-g_mYmZ. 4) kmZ `dWmnZmVrb CUrdm. 5) {deof j_VoMr IaoXr d CYmar. 6) g_mZ godm`moOZ gYr.







[3908] 407
M.A. (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 Gr-C : PSYCHOLOGY (2008 Pattern) EP-431 : Areas of Counselling (Optional) (Counselling Psychology)

Time : 3 Hours N.B.: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) Discuss the characteristics of Mentally Challenged Children. 2) Discuss the nature and characteristics of learning disabled. 2. Answer any one in 500 words :

Max. Marks : 80



1) Explain in detail the pre-test and post-test counselling process for HIV/AIDS counselling. 2) Discuss the pre-retirement and retirement counselling. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) Discuss the treatment of ADHD children. 2) Explain the essentials of pre-marital counselling. 3) Discuss the orientation of HIV/AIDS counselling. 4) Explain the importance of counselling at work place. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) Types of slow learner 2) Remedial measures for mentally challenged children 3) Counselling for terminal ill patients 4) Nature of occupational stress 5) Causes of ADHD 6) Clinical types of mentally challenged.



[3908] 407


_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : 1) gd gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd mZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr n{H$m nhmdr.
1. H$moU`mhr EH$m mMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) _mZ{gH$Q>m AmhmZm_H$ ~mbH$m`m d{eQ>mMr MMm H$am. 2) A``Z Aj_VoMo d$n d Aem `VtMr d{eQ>o `mMr MMm H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m mMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) HIV/AIDS UmgmR>rMr nyd MmMUr d nmV MmMUr g_wnXoeZ {H$`m dUZ H$am. 2) {Zdmrnyd Am{U {ZdmrZVa`m g_wnXoeZmMr MMm H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm : 1) ADHD `m ~mbH$mda Ho$`m OmUm`m CnMmamMr MMm H$am. 2) {ddmhnyU g_wnXoeZmMr Amd`H$Vm nQ> H$am. 3) HIV/AIDS g_wnXoeZmVrb Amo[aEQ>oeZMr MMm H$am. 4) H$m_m`m {R>H$mU`m g_wnXoeZmMo _hd nQ> H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) bmo bZgMo H$ma 2) _mZ{gH$Q>m AmhmZm_H$ ~mbH$mgmR>rMo gwYmaUm_H$ Cnm` 3) AmOmam`m A{V_ AdWoVrb UmMo g_wnXoeZ 4) `mdgm{`H$ VmUmMo d$n 5) ADHD Mr H$maUo 6) _mZ{gH$Q>m AmhmZm_H$ `VtMo {M{H$gm_H$ H$ma.







[3908] 103
M.A. (Semester I) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY EP 103 : Statistical Methods (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Use of statistical tables and calculator is allowed. 1. Answer in 500 words (any one) : A) i) Describe the characteristics of normal distribution curve. ii) Given a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and S.D. of 15. a) What percentage of cases will lie between 40 to 47 scores ? b) What percentage of cases will lie between the scores 47 to 60 ? B) Find the correlation coefficient between the following two sets of scores using the Pearsons product moment method.
Individuals Test X Score 15 18 22 17 19 20 16 21 Test Y Score 40 42 50 45 43 46 41 41


A B C D E F G H N =


[3908] 103 2. Answer in 500 words (any one) :


*3908103* 20

A) Dr. Walsh Et al. sampled 93 Patients. 49 patients were given Prozac (antidepression drug) for one year and 44 of them were given a Placebo. The dependent variable was the number of patients in each group who successfully maintained their weight over one year. The data in the form of 2 2 contingency table is as follows :
Outcome Treatment Prozac used Placebo used Total Success Relapse 13 14 27 36 30 66 Total 49 44 93

In this case use the x2 test and interpret the result. B) Two group of pre-medical students belonging to two different colleges took a standardized medical aptitude test. The data collected are as follows :
Group A Group B Mean S.D. N 32 6.2 145 36 7.4 82

Use an appropriate statistical test to see the significance of difference between the two means. 3. Answer each in 250 words (any two) : a) What do you mean by measures of central tendency ? State the measures of central tendency and its properties (uses). b) Explain the Biserial and The Point Biserial Correlation. c) State the meaning of ANOVA and underlying assumptions of ANOVA. d) Differentiate between parametric and non-parametric statistics. 20



[3908] 103 20

4. Write short notes in 100 words (any four) : a) Concept of Probability. b) Percentile and Percentile Rank. c) Concept of Standard Error. d) Tetrachoric correlation. e) Meaning and purpose of covariance. f) Sign test.

_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : i) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. ii) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. iii) gmp`H$s VVm d JUH$ ` dmna`mg nadmZJr Amho.
1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20

A) i) gm_m` {dVaU dH$ d{eQ>mMo dUZ H$am.

ii) 50 _` d 15 _mU {dMbZ Agbo`m gm_m` {dVaUmV A) 40 Vo 47 `m JwUmH$m_`o EHw$U g`o Mo {H$Vr {VeV _mU `oBb ? ~) 47 Vo 60 `m JwUmH$m _`o {H$Vr {VeV Ho$gog `oVrb ?

~) {nAagZ JwUmH$ma n[a~bdmn$Z Imbrb XmoZ JwUmH$ gMm_{Yb ghg~Y JwUmH$ H$mT>m.
M m M U r

A M m H $

~ H $

A B C D E F G H N=

15 18 22 17 19 20 16 21

40 42 50 45 43 46 41 41

[3908] 103 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm :


*3908103* 20

A) S>m. dmg AmXr gemoYH$mZr 93 UmMo Z_wZmM`Z H$$Z. 49 UmZm moPH$ (Zam`amoYr AmfY) Am{U 44 UmZm H$mH$ Jw{Q> (A^mgrAmfY) EH$$ dfm n`V {Xbo. `m UmZr df^a `mMo dOZ {Q>H$dbo A`m UmMr g`m hm Adb~r n[ad` hmoVm. `mMm Xm 22 AmZwf{JH$ H$moQ>H$mV Imbrb _mUo Amho.




Q >

36 30 66

49 44 93


14 27


d[ab CXmhaUmV x2 "H$m`-dJ' MmMUr dmn$Z \${bVmMo AW{ddaU H$am. ~) d{H$` emIoV doe Ko`mnydu XmoZ {^Z _hm{dmb`mVrb {dm`mZm _m{UV d{H$` A{^j_Vm MmMUr {Xbr. `mMm Xm Imbrb _mUo Amho.



b Z

36 7.4 82




gw`mo` g`memr` MmMUr dmn$Z Xmohr g_yhm`m _`m_Yrb \$aH$mMr bjUr`Vm Vnmgm.

*3908103* 3. Cmao `oH$s 250 eXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :


[3908] 103 20

A) "_`dVu d{m _mnHo$' `mMm AW gmJm. _`dVu d{m _mnH$mMr Zmdo {bhm Am{U `mMr d{eR>o gmJm. ~) {loUr Am{U q~Xw {loUr ghg~Y H$ma nQ> H$am. H$) MaU {dbofUmMm AW Am{U MaU {dbofUmV AV^yV J{hVHo$ gmJm. S>) mMb Am{U AmMb gmp`H$sVrb ^oX nQ> H$am.
4. `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moU`mhr Mma) : 20

A) g^m`Vm gH$nZm. ~) eV_H$ Am{U eV_H$ JwUmZwH$_. H$) _mU Xmof gH$nZm. S>) MVwH$moQ>H$ ghg~Y. B) ghMaUmMm AW Am{U Co`. \$) gmBZ MmMUr.



[3908] 201
M.A. (Semester II) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY EP 201 : Learning and Memory (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours N.B. :

Max. Marks : 80 i) Attempt all the questions according to the options given in each question. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 20

1 Answer any one of the following in about 500 words : 1) Elaborate on how synapse and synaptic plasticity affect learning and memory. 2) How did Tolman and Hull explain Latent Learning ?

2. Answer any one of the following in about 500 words : 20 1) Describe physiological changes associated with Long Term Memory. 2) What is the multi-process view of memory ? Describe Craik and Lockharts approach to memory. 3. Answer any two of the following in about 250 words each : 20 1) Media today promote aggression Comment and support your view with research studies. 2) Explain the nature of codes used in STM. 3) How can memory be improved ? 4) What is the capacity of STM ? How was it supported by research findings ? 4. Answer any four of the following in about 100 words each : 20 1) Distinguish between learning and performance. 2) What is iconic and echoic memory ? Give examples. 3) What is the Millers magical number ? 4) What is encoding specificity ? 5) What is Short Term Memory ? Explain the Peterson and Petersons technique used to study STM. 6) Explain the Waugh and Norman Model of memory.

[3908] 201


_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr. 1. ImbrbnH$s EH$m ZmMo gmYmaU 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) MoVmg{Y Am{U MoVmg{Y bpQ>{gQ>r `mMm A``Z d _Vrda H$gm n[aUm_ hmoVmo `mMm Iwbgm H$am. 2) Q>mob_Z Am{U hb `mZr gwV A``ZmMo H$go nQ>rH$aU Ho$bo Amho ? 2. ImbrbnH$s EH$m ZmMo gmYmaU 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) XrK-H$mb _Vrer g~{YV - ear[aH$ ~XbmMo dUZ H$am. 2) _Vr{df`H$ ~h{dY-{H$`m pQ>H$moZ H$m` Amho ? Ho$ H$ Am{U bH$hQ> `m`m _Vr{df`H$ pQ>H$moZmMo dUZ H$am. 3. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr `oH$s gmYmaU 250 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) ""gH$mbrZ gma_m`_ AmH$_H$Vobm dVnmUr KmbVmV'' -`mda Vw_Mm A{^m` `V H$am, Am{U `mbm nyaH$ Aem gmeoYZ A`mgm`m AmYma m. 2) An H$m{b>Z _VrV dmnabo OmUmao gHo$V nQ> H$am. 3) _Vr H$er gwYmaVm `oVo ? 4) An-H$mb _VrMr j_Vm {H$Vr AgZo ? `mb gemoYZmMm H$m` AmYma Amho ? 4. H$moU`mhr Mma ZmMr `oH$s 100 eXmV g{jV Cmao {bhm : 20 1) A``Z Am{U {ZdVZ `mVrb ^oX gmJm. 2) {V_m _Vr Am{U lm` - _Vr hUOo H$m` ho ? gmoXmhaU {bhm. 3) {_ba `mMr ""OmXyMr g`m'' hUOo H$m` ? 4) gHo$VZ {deofVm hUOo H$m` ? 5) An-H$mb _Vr hUOo H$m` ? An-H$mb _VrMm A`mg H$a`mgmR>r dmnabobo {nQ>agZ Am{U {nQ>agZ `mMo V nQ> H$am. 6) dmK-Zm_Z `mMo _Vr-m$n nQ> H$am.



[3908] 301
M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (2008 Pattern) (Compulsory) EP-301 : Personality

Time : 3 Hours N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words :

Max. Marks : 80


1) What are the approaches to personality ? Discuss idiographic and nomothetic approaches to personality. 2) Explain Allports theory of personality. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What is existential perspective ? Describe Viktor Frankl theory of personality. 2) Discuss the psychosexual stages of development given by Freud. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) Describe characteristics of a good personality theory. 2) Explain Hans Eysenks theory of personality. 3) Explain the concept of locus of control given by Rotter. 4) Explain the concept of basic anxiety given by Horney. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) Applications of five-factor model. 2) Characteristics of self-actualized person. 3) Striving for superiority. 4) Corollaries given by Kelly (any three) 5) Nature of personality. 6) Personality types given by Jung.




[3908] 301



_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd emZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3 ) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) `pV_d{df`H$ {d{dY pQ>H$moZ H$moUVo ? `pV_d{df`H$ `pVgmnoj d {Z`_gmnoj pQ>H$moZmMr 20

MMm H$am.

2) AmbnmoQ> `mMm `pV_d {gmV nQ> H$am. 2. H$moU`hr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : 1) ApVddmXr pQ>H$moZ hUOo H$m` ? phQ>a \$Ho$b `mMm `pV_d{df`H$ {gmV dUZ H$am. 2) \$BS> `mZr gm{JVbo`m {dH$mgm`m _Zmob{JH$ AdWmMr MMm H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm : 1) MmJ`m `pV_d {gmVmMr d{eQ>o dUZ H$am. 2) hg Am`PmBH$ `mMm `pV_d {gmV nQ> H$am. 3) amQ>a `mZr gm{JVbobr "{Z`U H|$' hr gH$nZm nQ> H$am. 4) H$maZ hmZu `mZr gm{JVbr "_yb^yV {MVm'hr gH$nZm nQ> H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmada `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) nM-KQ>H$ m$nmMo Cn`moOZ 2) Am_ dmV{dH$sH$aU Pmbo`m `VrMr d{eQ>o 3) loR>dmH$S>o dmQ>Mmb (Striving for superiority) 4) Ho$br `mZr gm{JVbo`m "H$amobarg ' (H$moU`mhr VrZ) 5) `pV_dmMo d$n 6) OwJ `mZr gm{JVbobo `pV_dmMo H$ma.






[3908] 304

M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 Psychology (Optional) (Industrial Psychology) (Gr.B.) PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours N.B.: i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words. 1) What is job evaluation ? Describe the different methods of job evaluation in detail. 2) Explain the meaning of performance appraisal. Elaborate the methods of performance appraisal. 2. Answer any one in 500 words. 1) Define personnel psychology. Explain the systems view of personnel psychology. 2) What is recruitment ? Elucidate the various methods of recruitment. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) Explain the criteria of managerial selection. 2) Describe the utility theory of personnel psychology. 3) Explain the objectives and development of performance appraisal. 4) Discuss the importance of employment profile in job analysis. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each. 1) Interview technique of personnel selection. 2) Assessment Centre. 3) Scope of personnel psychology. 4) Importance of job analysis. 5) Job description. 6) Benefits of performance appraisal.

Max. Marks : 80





[3908] 304



_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr. 1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm. 1) H$m`-_y`_mnZ hUOo H$m` ? H$m` _y`_mnZm`m {d{dY nVtMo nyU Vnerbm g{hV dUZ H$am. 2) H$m`-{ZnmXZmMo _y`mH$Z `m gH$nZoMm AW nQ>> H$am. H$m` {ZnmXZ-_y`mH$Zm`m {d{dY nVr {deX H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm. 1) H$_Mmar _mZgemmMr `m`m m. H$_Mmar _mZgemmVrb gaMZm_H$ pQ>H$moUmMo nQ>rH$aU H$am. 2) H$_Mm`mMr ^aVr hUOo H$m` ? H$_Mmar ^aVr`m {d{dY nVtMo g{dVa {ddoMZ H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm. 1) `dWmnH$s` {ZdS>rMo {ZH$f nQ> H$am. 2) H$_Mmar _mZgemmVrb Cn`mo{JVm {gmVmMo dUZ H$am. 3) H$m`-{ZnmXZm`m _y`mH$ZmMo {dH$gZ d C{XXQ>`o nQ> H$am. 4) H$m` {dbofUm_`o godm`moOZo`m AmamIS>mMo _hd H$m` Amho `mMr MMm H$am. 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm. 1) H$_Mmar {ZdS>rVrb _wbmIVrMo V. 2) JwU_mnZ H|$. 3) H$_Mmar _mZgemmMr `mVr. 4) H$m` {dbofUmMo _hd. 5) H$m` dUZ. 6) H$m`-{ZnmXZm`m _y`mH$ZmMo bm^.







[3908] 402

M.A. (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 Psychology (Optional) CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Specialization Group A EP 410 : Psychopathology II (2008 Pattern)
Time: 3 Hours N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : (20) Max. Marks: 80

1) What is the clinical picture in personality disorders ? Write in detail about the etiology of borderline personality disorder. 2) What are stress disorders ? How is direct exposure therapy used in the treatment of stress disorders ? 2. Answer any one in 500 words : (20) 1) What are learning disabilities ? How is behaviour therapy used in the treatment of learning disabilities ? 2) What are paraphilias ? Explain the etiological factors in Sadism-Masochism. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) What is epilepsy ? What are the types of epilepsy ? 2) Describe the clinical picture in separation anxiety disorders. 3) Explain the terms substance abuse, substance dependence, tolerance and withdrawal symptoms in substance abuse disorders. 4) What is the clinical picture in intermittent explosive disorder ? 4. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 100 words each : 1) Trichotillomania 2) Vaginismus and dyspareunia 3) Alcoholics Anonymous 4) Delirium 5) Alzeimers disease 6) Oppositional defiant disorder.



[3908] 402



_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z A{Zdm` AmhoV. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nmhUo. 1. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm : (20) 1) `mpV_d {dH$VrVrb {M{H$gm_H$ {M nQ> H$am. gr_mdVu `pV_d {dH$Vr`m H$maU _r_mgMr o g{dVa MMm H$am. 2) VUmd {dH$Vr hUOo H$m` ? VUmd {dH$Vt gmR>r `j AZw^d CnMma nVrMm dmna H$em H$mao Ho$bm OmVmo ? 2. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm. (20) 1) A``Z Aj_Vm hUOo H$m` ? A``Z Aj_Vm {dH$VtgmR>r dVZ CnMma nVrMm dmna H$em H$mao Ho$bm OmVmo ? 2) b{JH$ AnH$m_wH$Vm {dH$Vr hUOo H$m` ? nanrS>Z-Am_nrS>Z AnH$m_wH$Vm {dH$Vr`m H$maU _r_mgMr o MMm H$am. 3. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr C>mao 250 eXmV {bhm : (20) 1) Ang_ma {dH$Vr hUOo H$m` ? Ang_ma {dH$VrMo H$ma H$moUVo ? 2) {dbJVm qMVm {dH$VrVrb {M{H$gm_H$ {M nQ> H$am. 3) `gZ {dH$Vr_Yrb `gZmYrZVm, _mXH$ nXmWmdb~Z, g{hUwVm d _mYma bjUo `m gH$nZm nQ> H$am. 4) AmH$p_H$ {d\$moQ>H$ dVZ {dH$VrVrb {M{H$gm_H$ {M nQ> H$am. 4. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr Mma da gw_mao 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm. 1) Ho$emoN>oXr C_mX 2) r `moZr AnH$m_wH$Vm {dH$Vr: hOm`{Zg_g d {S>gna`y{Z`m. 3) AH$mohmo{bH$ AZm{Z_g 4) S>o{b[a`_ (^mVr) 5) AbPm`_a {dH$Vr 6) {damoYm_H$ CXXm_nUm {dH$Vr




[3908] 405
M.A. (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY (Optional) (Industrial Psychology) (Gr-B) (2008 Pattern) EP 421 : Organizational Development

Time : 3 Hours N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words :

Max. Marks : 80


1) Elaborate on Team Interventions and Third Party Peacemaking Interventions for Organization Development. 2) Describe and state the importance of various historical stems of Organization Development. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What is organizational change ? Elaborate various models and theories of planned change. 2) Explain in detail the process of Action Research. How is Action Research important in Organization Development ? 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 1) Illustrate the application of O.D. interventions in Indian Organizations. 2) How are O.D. Interventions classified ? 3) What are the values and assumptions in Organization Development ? 4) What are the forces of change ? Why do people resist change ?



[3908] 405


*3908405* 20

4. Write short note on any four in 100 words each : 1) Organization Development 2) Kotters eight-step plan 3) Management by objectives 4) Diagnosis process in O.D. 5) Quality circles 6) Programme management component.

_amR>r $nmVa
gyMZm : i) gd gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. ii) gd mZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. iii) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr n{H$m nhmdr. 1. H$moU`mhr EH$m mMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) gKQ>Zm {dH$mgmgmR>r gK AmVa{ZagZ d VVr` nj emVVm WmnZ AmVa{ZagZmMr {dVV _m{hVr m. 2) gKQ>Zm {dH$mgm`m Eo{Vhm{gH$ dmhmMo _hd gmJm d {dVmamZo nQ> H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m mMo 500 eXmV Cma {bhm : 20 1) gKQ>Zm_H$ ~Xb hUOo H$m` ? {Z`mo{OV ~XbmMr {d{dY mno d {gmVmMr {dVmamZo _m{hVr m. 2) H$Vr-gemoYZ {H$`oMo g{dVa nQ>rH$aU m. H$Vr gemoYZmMo gKQ>Zm {dH$mgmV H$m` _hd Amho ? 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ mMr `oH$s 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm : 1) ^maVr` gKQ>Zm_Yo gKQ>Zm {dH$mg AmVa{ZagZmMo Cn`moOZ gmoXmhaU nQ> H$am. 2) gKQ>Zm {dH$mg AmVa{ZagZmMo dJuH$aU H$go Ho$bo OmVo ? 3) gKQ>Zm {dH$mgmMr _y`o d JhrVdo H$moUVr ? 4) ~Xb KS>{dUmao ^mdr KQ>H$ H$moUVo ? bmoH$ ~Xbmg {damoY H$m H$aVmV ? 4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm : 1) gKQ>Zm {dH$mg 2) H$mQ>aMr AQ>mdWm `moOZm 3) C{Q>m_m\$V `dWmnZ 4) gKQ>Zm {dH$mgmVrb {ZXmZ {H$`m 5) JwU-_S>bo 6) H$m`H$_ `dWmnZ KQ>H$.





[3908] 406

M.A. (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 (Gr-C) Optional PSYCHOLOGY EP-430 : Guidance and Career Counselling (2008 Pattern) (Counselling Psychology)
Time : 3 Hours N.B.: i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words. 1) What is career counselling ? Explain the various stages in career counselling. 2) Discuss in detail individual and group counselling with suitable examples. 2. Answer any one in 500 words. 1) Explain in detail supers development self concept approach. 2) Discuss career planning and explain career counselling in non school settings. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each. 1) Explain Bandurars social learning approach. 2) Explain the importance of career interest in career planning and describe what will you do to find out the interest of your client. 3) Explain self discovery stage of career counselling. Explain the role of career counsellor and activities as counsellor involved in the stage. 4) Explain career planning and decision making in school. 20 20 20 Max. Marks : 80


[3908] 406


*3908406* 20

4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each. 1) Life span and life space. 2) Career preparation. 3) Women and potential development. 4) Vicarious experience. 5) Techniques for career planning and decision making. 6) Self discovery diary.

_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : i) gd Z gmoS>{dUo Amd`H$ Amho. ii) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. iii) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
1. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm. 1) H$[aAa g_wnXoeZ hUOo H$m` ? H$[aAa g_wnXoeZmVrb {d{dY AdWm nQ> H$am. 2) `pVJV d gm_y{h>H$ g_wnXoeZmMr gmoXmhaU MMm H$am. 2. H$moU`mhr EH$m ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm. 1) gwna `mMm d-H$nZm {dH$mg pQ>H$moZ nQ> H$am. 2) H$[aAa {Z`moOZmMr MMm H$am Am{U embm-~mm n[apWVrVrb H$[aAa g_wnXoeZ nQ> H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMo Cmao `oH$s 250 eXmV {bhm. 1) ~mSw>am `mMm gm_m{OH$ A``Z pQ>H$moZ nQ> H$am. 2) H$[aAa {Z`moOZmVrb H$[aAa A{^MrMo _hd gmJm Am{U Vw_`m gmWuMr A{^Mr Vwhr H$er emoYmb Vo dUZ H$am. 3) H$[aAa g_wnXoeZmVrb "d-emoY' AdWm nQ> H$am Am{U `m AdWoVrb H$[aAa g_wnXoeH$mMr ^y{_H$m d H$m`} nQ> H$am. 4) emio_Yrb H$[aAa {Z`moOZ Am{U {ZU`-{H$`m nQ> H$am. 20 20 20



[3908] 406 20

4. H$moU`mhr Mmamda `oH$s 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm. 1) bmB\$ nZ Am{U bmB\$ nog 2) H$[aAaMr nydV`mar 3) p`m Am{U j_Vm {dH$mg 4) dMm[aH$ AZw^d 5) H$[aAa {Z`moOZ Am{U {ZU`-{H$`oMr Vo 6) d-emoY S>m`ar .



[3908] 303

M.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY Clinical Psychology (Group A) (Optional) EP 311 : Psycho-Diagnostics and Community Mental Health (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. I. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) Differentiate between Psychoanalytic and Neo-psychoanalytic views. Explain Biological models in the context of Mental Health. 2) Explain the contribution of community mental health in the current status of HIV/AIDS. II. Answer any one in 500 words : 1) What is the use of projective test in psycho-diagnosis ? Explain TAT as a projective test. 2) Explain the use of Neuropsychological tests as diagnostic tools. III. Answer any two of the following in 250 words each : 1) Explain self-report inventories and its uses. 2) Discuss the role of SCID for diagnosis. 3) Discuss the role of clinical psychologists in non-Medical set-up. 4) Discuss cognitive views of Mental Health.

Max.Marks : 80




[3908] 303


*3908303* 20

IV. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 100 words each : 1) Rorschach Projective Test 2) Mammograms 3) Social Deviant Behavior 4) Report writing 5) WAIS and its use in clinical set-ups 6) What are the major concepts undertaken by Roger in reference to mental health ?

_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1) gd Z A{Zdm` AmhoV. 2) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3 ) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nmhUo.
I. ImbrbnH$r EH$m ZmMo Cma gw_mao 500 eXmV {bhm. 1) _Zmo{dbofUm_H$ Am{U Zd_Zmo{dbofUm_H$ {dMma dmhmMr _Yrb \$aH$ nQ> H$am. _mZ{gH$ 20

Amamo`m`m gX^mV O{dH$ m$no nQ> H$am.

2) EM Am` {h/ES>g`m gH$mbrZ pWVrV gm_w{hH$ _mZ{gH$ Amamo`mMm gh^mJ nQ> H$am. II. ImbrbnH$s EH$m ZmMo Cma gw_mao 500 eXmV {bhm. 1) _Zmo{ZXmZmemmVrb jonU MmM`mMo Cn`moJ H$moUVo ? TAT MmMUrMo EH$ jonU MmMUr hUwZ 20

nQ>rH$aU m.
2) Zg_mZgemr` MmM`mMo EH$ {ZXmZm_H$ gmYZ hUwZ Cn`moJ nQ> H$am.



[3908] 303

III. ImbrbnH$s XmoZ ZmMr Cmao gw_mao 250 eXmV {bhm. 1) d-dm emoYrH$m `m`m Cn`moJmgh nQ> H$am. 2) {ZXmZmgX^mV SCID> Umbr`m ^y_rHo$Mr MMm H$am. 3) {M{H$gm _mZgemkmMr AdH$s` jomVrb ^y_rHo$Mr MMm H$am. 4) _mZ{gH$ Amamo`m{df`r ~moY{ZH$ {dMmandmYMr MMm H$am. IV. ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr Mmada gw_mao 100 eXmV {Q>nm {bhm. 1) amoemMr jonZ MmMUr 2) __moJmg 3) gm_m{OH$ {dnWJm_r ({dMbrV) dVZ 4) Ahdmb boIZ 5) WAIS Am{U {VMo {M{H$gm_H$ jom{Vb Cn`moJ 6) _mZ{gH$ Amamo`m`m gX^mV "H$mb amOg'`mZr hmVmibo`m _yb^yV gH$nZm H$moU`m ?





[3908] 401

M.A. (Semester IV) Examination, 2011 PSYCHOLOGY EP 401 : Motivation and Emotion (Compulsory) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Answer any one in 500 words : 20 1) Explain the concepts of motivation and emotion. Describe the components of motivation. 2) Explain the state-trait model of stress and its relation to health and performance. 2. Answer any one in 500 words : 20 1) Explain the role of autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system in motivation and emotion. 2) Describe the neurological and peripheral mechanisms of hunger and thirst. 3. Answer any two in 250 words each : 20 1) Describe McClellands theory of motivation. 2) Explain cerebral lateralization of cognition. 3) Critically evaluate Fredriksons Broaden and Build theory of positive emotions and optimism. 4) Explain the developmental-interactionistic and socio-cultural approaches to the study of motivation and emotion. 4. Write short notes on any four in 100 words each : 1) Stress and the non-specific immune system 2) Positive-Incentive theory of hunger and eating 3) Atkinsons theory of motivation 4) The endocrine system 5) Emotional intelligence 6) Aggression. 20 Max.Marks : 80


[3908] 401


_amR>r $nmVa gyMZm : 1 ) gd Z A{Zdm` AmhoV. 2 ) gd ZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3 ) gX^mgmR>r _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nmhUo.
1. H$moUVohr EH$ Cma 500 eXmV {bhm. 1) oaUm Am{U ^mdZo`m gH$nZm nQ> H$am. oaUoMo KQ>H$ dUZ H$am. 2) VmUmMo AdWm - JwU{deof mn nQ> H$am Am{U `mMm Amamo` d {ZdVZmgmR>r AgUmam g~Y nQ> 20


2. H$moUVohr EH$ Cma 500 eXmV {bhm. 1) oaUm d ^mdZm_Yrb dm`m ZggWm Am{U AV:mdr gWmMr ^y{_H$m nQ> H$am. 2) ^yH$ d VhmZ `mMr MoVmemr` d gr_mdVu `Um dUZ H$am. 3. H$moU`mhr XmoZ ZmMr Cmao `oH$s 250 eXmV {bhm. 1) _bobmS> `mMr oaUm{df`H$ {gmV dUZ H$am. 2) ~moYZmMo _pVH$ nmduH$aU nQ> H$am. 3) gH$mam_H$ ^mdZm Am{U AmemdmX `m ~m~V`m \$o S>[aH$gZ ~mS>Z Am{U {~S> {gmVmMo {M{H$gm_H$



_y`_mnZ H$am. nQ> H$am.

4) oaUm d ^mdZm`m A`mgmMo {dH$mgm_H$ - AmV{H$`m_H$ Am{U gm_m{OH$ - gmH${VH$ pQ>H$moZ 4. H$moU`mhr Mmada `oH$r 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm. 1) VmU Am{U ZmZ-no{g{\$H$ {VH$ma `Um 2) ^yH$ d ImUo `mMm gH$mam_H$-~bZ {gmV 3) AQ>{H$gZ `mMm noaU{df`H$ {gmV 4) AV:mdr gWm 5) ^md{ZH$ ~w{_mm 6) AmH$_H$Vm.


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