2201 Group 9 Assessment 1 Feedback

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2201 Group 9: Assessment 1 General Feedback and Error Corrections Grammar errors: 1.

Sunchips uses solar panels for making the chips, this is a environmentally friendly way.

This is called a comma-splice. You cannot separate two complete sentences with a comma. See SB page 187 to learn more. 2. The Sunchips company help the environment by use solar energy to make its snacks.

There are two verb errors here: (1) a SV error and (2) a VT error. Remember that verbs that come after prepositions are usually in the gerund form: The Sunchips company helps the environment by using solar energy See SB pages 180-181 for the corrections answer key guide. Content issues: 1. Because Sun Chips is a healthy snack (NOT a junkfood) and produced from solar power, the target market is people who are health-conscious and who want to protect the environment, aged 8 80.


The theme of the ad is the light of the sun: the word sun is, of course, part of the logo of Sun Chips, it appears in the visual image of the ad, and is again indicated by the presence of solar panels. The text contained in the logos, We are living up to our name, and Live brightly are also in reference to the sun.

3. Therefore, the ad clearly depends on the brightness of the sun and the blue sky to create a sense of power and brilliance, which viewers will associate with the snack. The images of the solar panels in rows and illumined by the bright sun communicates to the viewer the message of sustainability and responsible business practices. The panels may also evoke a sense that Sun Chips is a cutting-edge business, as producing a product from the sun is assumed to be difficult in comparison with traditional production practices based on fossilfuels. The text communicates the message to viewers that Sun Chips is a responsible business because it cares about the environment: As of April 22 one of our plants is using solar energy to help make Sun Chips because its part of our vision for a healthy planet. Therefore, viewers will certainly associate such environmentally friendly business practices with Sun Chips. 4. On a subliminal level, the hidden message could be that Sun Chips is a more pure and healthy product due to the fact that it is produced in part from solar energy. A viewer would probably assume that no harmful chemicals go into Sun Chips. In addition, viewers may feel that if they consume Sun Chips they are being responsible consumers and contributing to environmental protection.

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