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Republic of the Philippines Philippine Model Congress Pasay City FIRST CONGRESS House Bill No.

________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Introduced by DELEGATES: Dave Robles, Nathaniel De Leon & Joyce Obien ______________________________________________________________________________ EXPLANATORY NOTE

Republic of the Philippines Philippine Model Congress Pasay City FIRST CONGRESS House Bill No. _____ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Introduced by DELEGATES: Dave Robles, Nathaniel De Leon & Joyce Obien ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

Be it enacted by the Philippine Model Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as Anti-Early Campaigning Act of 2013 Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The government shall provide equal opportunities for candidates to promote oneself. Section 3. Definition of Terms Early Campaigning Any act undertaken by a person in order to propagate himself/herself prior to designated campaign period. Public Officials Any person who holds position in public office whether elected or appointed. Campaign Period The designated period prescribed by COMELEC for a political candidate to undertake actions to propagate himself/herself.

Section 4. No public official, whether elected or appointed, shall undertake actions to propagate himself/herself within six (6) months prior to campaign period prescribed by COMELEC. These actions shall include: (a) Any printed materials such as posters, tarpaulins, billboards, etc., (b) Any forms of media such as radio and television, (c) Sponsorships, (d) Caucuses and; Section 5. Personal appearance of public officials in matters relating to his/her mandated duties and responsibilities within six (6) months prior to campaign period shall not violate provisions of this Act. Provided however that no such appearance shall propagate himself/herself. Section 6. Within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of this Act, the COMELEC shall formulate and adopt mechanisms to carry out the objectives of this Act. Section 7. Penalty SECTION 5. Repealing Clause - All laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, or any part thereof inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed or modified accordingly. SECTION 6. Separability Clause - If any part of provision of this Act shall be declared unconstitutional and valid, such declaration shall not invalidate other parts thereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. Effectivity - This Act shall take fifteen (15) days after its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation, whichever comes earlier. Approved,

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