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Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Brand Guidelines
Published February 9, 2010




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines






Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Story & Mission

Our story dates back to 1859, when we began as the medical department of Lind University, eventually becoming Chicago Medical College in 1864. Our affiliation with Northwestern University took place in 1870, marking the start of a revolutionary approach to medical education.
In 2002, Northwestern University Medical School was renamed Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg) to recognize the generosity of the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation. Feinberg is one of Northwestern Universitys 11 colleges and schools and is a standout among the nations research-intensive medical schools. Our mission educate, discover, improve health is guided by our strategic vision, which can be summed up in three words: alignment, innovation, and impact. Our quest to fulfill that mission means that we consistently rely on and partner with other schools at Northwestern, as well as our clinical affiliates. These collaborative relationships lead to discoveries that have a great impact on the University, the general public, and the medical community at large. Feinberg is also a key component, along with Northwestern Memorial Hospital, of Northwestern Medicine; our shared commitment to transform healthcare and to be among the nations top 10 academic medical centers will be accomplished through innovation and excellence.




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines






Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Our Personality
Feinberg has a distinct voice. Materials developed should embody this voice to ensure a unified brand across all media. The words that most accurately characterize Feinberg are:

Sophisticated Distinguished Progressive Smart Research-oriented Professional Bold Clean Refined




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines






Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


The Importance of a Brand

A brand is a promise an organizations message to the world. It says This is who I am. A successful brand is recognizable, powerful, and ownable.
A brand should be executed consistently in order to retain its power. For both internal and external audiences, the repetition of messages and visuals serves to solidify a brands image. For Feinberg, these messages and visuals will convey the brands key personality traits: sophisticated, distinguished, progressive, smart, research-oriented, professional, bold, clean, and refined. The purpose of this document is to outline the appropriate means of executing the brand across media in order to maintain strength and consistency.




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


The Logo
The Type
We are Feinberg and our name is a big component of our brand. The large FEINBERG typeface speaks to the confidence of the medical school, who we are and where we are going. To complement the Feinberg typeface, the Northwestern University typeface references the Northwestern University seal, showing our strong connection to this world-class institution.

The Mark
The three pillars represent our mission areas research, education, and clinical services as well as the three components of our strategic vision alignment, innovation, and impact. The mark also is a reflection of the windows of one of Northwestern Universitys oldest structures, the Ward Building.

Rule Lines
The rule lines separate the different logo elements and are an important part of the Feinberg brand. These rule lines are used in collateral throughout the brand.




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Logo Usage
Feinbergs primary brand colors are PMS 267 and PMS Cool Gray 10.
The PMS colors should be used whenever possible, but for those applications where PMS colors cannot be used, please refer to page 16. The logo only exists in a horizontal format (as shown on the right). The logo should always be placed upon backgrounds that ensure its legibility. A white background is best, but light tints or gradients may be acceptable as long as all facets of the logo are still legible. When a dark background is needed, the reversed-out version of the logo is acceptable. It is the same configuration of the logo and is solid white. If a limited palette is a necessity, the one-color logo should be used. This can be solid black or a solid of either of the primary brand colors. If printing restrictions do not allow for a gradient, the windows may be solid, however, the gradient is the preferred option. Special printing techniques, such as foil stamping, embossing, blind embossing, etc., may be considered where appropriate. Recreating the logo should not be attempted. The provided vector (ai/eps) file should always be used.




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Variations of the Logo

Logo A: Preferred Version
This version of the logo is preferred and should be used in most cases. However, there will be instances where legibility is an issue. The minimum size of the logo is set at 0.5 in height, and should not appear smaller. Two alternative versions of the logo have been created. It is important to note that the preferred logo should always be used, except in unusual circumstances where space or size of the material doesnt allow for its use.

Logo A: Preferred Version

Logo B: Secondary Version

Secondary Version This version of the logo may be used as a secondary option when the preferred logo will not fit or needs to be smaller than 0.5 in height. The minimum size is set at 0.25 in height, and should not appear smaller.

Logo B: Secondary Version

Logo C: Limited Use Version*

This version of the logo may be used in limited instances when logos A and B are not possible. The minimum size is set at 0.125 in height, and should not appear smaller.

Please note that Version C is for limited use only and should only be considered for use on select premium items where space is limited (e.g., pens).

Logo C: Limited Use Version




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Using the Tagline

When appropriate, the Feinberg tagline may be added to the logo. This should be considered for external collateral and e-mail signatures only.
The tagline is an important element of the brand. It offers a succinct and memorable summary of the mission and vision of Feinberg. Placement of the tagline is fixed and should not be altered. The supplied vector (ai/eps) files should always be used. The tagline should not be used in conjunction with the Version B or Version C logos.

Educate, Discover, Improve Health




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Incorrect Logo Usage

A Altering the typefaces used within the logo in any way is prohibited. B When resized, the logo should be kept proportionate (i.e., do not stretch
the logo).

C The logo should run parallel with the horizontal edge of the page. It should
not be tilted to any degree.

D The logo should not be used with any type of drop shadow, nor should it be
placed in an environment where a drop shadow is necessary for legibility.

E Elements should not be removed from the logo. F Only colors approved in the brand color palette should be used with the logo. G If the logo is placed on a dark background, it should be reversed to solid white
to ensure readability.

H The logo should never be outlined.




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Usage with Affiliate Logos

The Feinberg logo with affiliate logos
When affiliate logos are necessary on Feinberg materials, it is important that the logos are of equal size. Some common logos that will likely be affiliated with Feinberg are shown to the right. The logos can either be stacked vertically or placed next to each other, depending on the size/orientation of the collateral. The most important thing to keep in mind is to allow for the appropriate amount of clear space between each logo. Vector files should always be used for these logos.

The Feinberg logo with Northwestern University seal

For all Feinberg materials, use of the Northwestern University seal is not necessary. When materials are from Feinberg and Northwestern, the two logos should be used at equal sizes. It is important to leave the appropriate amount of clear space around the logo, whether stacked vertically or side by side.




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines





Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Trademark Usage
How Feinberg can be trademarked in collateral
Use the TM symbol at least the first time the mark appears in a given writing (e.g., brochure, article, webpage). The TM symbol need not be used every time the mark appears. Theres no harm in doing so from a legal perspective, but it can prove cumbersome from an aesthetic standpoint. You could (but are not required to) also add the following language at the bottom of a writing: NORTHWESTERN, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, FEINBERG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE and the Feinberg School of Medicine logo are trademarks of Northwestern University.





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo



Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Co-Branding Treatment
For all Feinberg departments, programs, and institutes there is one standard format to be incorporated within the new Feinberg brand. The formatted treatment is shown to the right, with the Feinberg mark sitting outside of the rule lines in a purple gradient. No individual department, program, or institute logos are to be used with this version.

Rule Lines
The rule lines should always be in purple at a 1 point stroke size. The rule lines do not have a maximum length, but should always be a minimum of 3, so that Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine has plenty of space along the top of the line. These rule lines should be scaled appropriately as the type size increases.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

The Mark
In this treatment option, the mark becomes the dominant element and sits just outside of the purple rule lines in a purple gradient. The top of the mark should align with the top rule line and the bottom of the mark should align with the bottom of the typography within (department, program, institute name). The mark should be a gradient of PMS 267 100% to 10% gradation to ensure all aspects of the mark are visible.

Comprehensive Transplant Center

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

The Center for name of the department is typeset (proportionately to this example) and centered vertically within the lines. Global Health should always purple rule GothicThe department, program, or institute name be in Trade Medium and in PMS 267. The title should always be formatted on two lines so that the rules remain consistent. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine should always be in Trade Gothic Bold No.2 and in PMS Cool Gray 10 and sit just above the top rule line.

Department, Program, Institute Names

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Back Forward Exit

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine


Department of

Department of

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding


Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Clear Space
To maintain the integrity of the logo as its own graphic, clear space must be allowed around the logo.
By securing a certain amount of breathing room around the logo, we are drawing more attention to the logo. This allows the logo itself to shine and further promotes Feinberg. A clear space of X, which is equal to the height of the FEINBERG type, has been established. No copy should interrupt this space. The Feinberg logo should not be infringed upon by other graphic elements. As the logo may be sized according to specific usage, spacing dimensions are determined by the size of the logo on a specific piece. Whenever possible, the logo should be surrounded by white space equal to the height of the FEINBERG name in the logo. This is represented by the X in the graphic to the right. The logo should never be framed by body copy. When the logo is near body copy, there should always be a distance of X or greater from the bottom line of the body copy.
x x x x x





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding


Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Appropriate Logo Placement

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Womens Cancer Program

Registration: Duis acil utat ertes nismodiate tie mod te feum alismolum vulput vullutatis eugait duip elenibh etaconum zzriuscilit. Dolortin hent autpat iriusti onsequatlaes jertous feugiam secte eniam. Duis acil utat ertes nismodiate tie mod tem feum alismolum vulput vullutatis eugait duip elenibh amet etaconum zzriuscilit.
Name Address City Phone email State Zip

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Volume 3 2009

1 Facility Shares the Care for Human Stem Cells 2 Nanavati Selected as Proteomics Specialist

3 New Site Shines Light on Research Computing

Appropriate placement of the logo is very important to the effectiveness of the brand. Keeping the logo legible and removed from other distracting elements is key.
Andrew Evens, DO, MS

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Facipit del eum dit nullaorero dolore velessed dolorer aut numsandreet num aut dionsequatem zzrilisl iriure molobore do eratio odo dolum iliquat incilis nulpute feui eu facidunt dipit am vel eummy nulput illamet ad et lumsandre dolobor sectet, volor sit in ulputpat prate facipit irit vent inibh eros at.
Alissecte vel ilisseq uisciliquip er inim velit praessit accum quis euguer iurerit volorperaese volore eu faccumsan hendiat praesto erostin eu feugait ulputem zzriustisl utpat vel ullandiam zzriure ming eu faccumsan et lum dionullaorem vercin vel ulpute dolobor ilit dio conseni sisciduissi.

Duis acil utat ertes: Account Number Signature



AmEx Exp. Date

If you think that raising a high-maintenance pet involves a lot of time and responsibility, then try caring for stem cells. These picky little cells take a lot of effort to cultivate. In fact, they need so much attention that its difficult for researchers to care for them while juggling their own research.
These cells have to be taken care of every single day, says Ljuba Lyass, director and manager of the Human Embryonic Stem (hES) Cell Facility. They dont care if its Christmas or Sunday. Someone has to be here. Formerly a part of Jack Kesslers lab, the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Facility became a core facility last month. It is now open to all interested researchers at Northwestern. Lyass and her staff are on hand to grow the cells, feed them daily, and prevent them from spontaneously differentiating. Embryonic stem cells are programmed by nature to differentiate, Lyass explains. It takes a lot of effort to grow them so they remain undifferentiated. You have to manually dispose of most of the differentiated cells. One thing that causes differentiation is antibiotics. Because of this, antibiotics cannot be added to the growth media, so the facility has to be kept completely sterile. Some tissue culture labs get very crowded and that leads to contamination, Lyass says. Lyass also organizes and teaches classes for those interested in learning the delicate skills needed for caring for stem cells. Classes are scheduled based on interest and last two half-days. Every procedure is taught, from thawing the frozen cells, growing them, and maintaining undifferentiated phenotype, to freezing them. Students first observe Lyass and then are given the hands-on opportunity to try every procedure. They even can take cells with them for practice.

A white background is best, but light tints or gradients are also acceptable as long as all components of the logo are still legible. Placement on dark backgrounds or patterns which disrupt the integrity and readability of the logo are prohibited. See page 19 for more examples of how and where to place the logo.

Modolorem volorer aesecte tatet, qui tatio od dipit dunt euisim del ut at ulput laore facipisi bla consed tiniamet praessenit nullaore feu facidunt vent il dolor suscil ulla atuero delestin henim acinit ad exero odignim ad tie consecte consecte feugue facinibh et lut wisl iurem vel dunt vullaore veraestio eraessi estrud magna feugue faccumsan ullan ver suscil del ulla feugiat. Ut luptat. Uptat irilis del in velessecte dunt la conum quamcon elis nummod dit dipit lum quamconsecte

Andrew Evens, DO, MS Esequate min ullamco nullandit wiscilit ad tis doluptat autem dignim quisit inim venit aut nummy nullam nullut etOd exer ing et vulla facidui sisciduis amcortio euguercinit nisim.

Molore dit ilis et non utem quat. Feugiamet illum nullan hent ipsuscillum vero doluptatuero er acil inissequis del er adigna con vel ipit amVelisim zzrilisl eugue cortin ullam, vulla ad modio dolutpatem zzrit laorpero doluptat. Lam, sequate ex et wismodo lorerae ssequis num ing enim ipsuscil erit, venismod enim vullum ipit wisl iure velis at, sequis aliquipisi amet dolor asi.

The immediate practical results dont seem too close yet, but the model is obviously extremely promising, she says. Located on the 10th floor of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Research Center, the facility also distributes human embryonic stem cells, and Lyass has plans to begin distributing induced pluripotent cells in the near future as well. For more information about the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Facility or to inquire about scheduling a class, please contact Ljuba Lyass at

Secondary Logo Placement

The logo can also be placed on the back side of collateral, when necessary. For marketing collateral where contact information is necessary, the logo should be locked up with the address, phone number, and web site.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Ofce of Development 750 N Lake Shore Drive, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60611 312 503 1851 Tel 312 503 2729 Fax

Protocols 2009

Preferred Logo Placement

When possible, the logo should appear on the front of collateral. In these instances, the logo should always appear in the bottom right corner.





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing

Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Preferred Typography
Trade Gothic
Trade Gothic is the dominant typeface and should be used in most cases (i.e., headers, subheads, and callouts).

Trade Gothic Light

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Trade Gothic Medium

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Trade Gothic Oblique

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Trade Gothic Bold No. 2

Scala should be used in more traditional forms (i.e., body copy and instances when a smaller type size is needed). In instances when a formal approach or appearance is needed, Scala is a good option. In situations that call for a modern approach, Trade Gothic is ideal.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][

Scala Regular

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Scala Italic

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Scala Bold

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing

Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples


Web/Alternate Fonts
For programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word, or for online/ electronic applications, the established typefaces may not be available on all systems and should be substituted with these typefaces:

Arial Regular

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Arial Italic

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Arial Bold

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYy Zz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][

Arial in place of Trade Gothic and Georgia in place of Scala

Georgia Regular

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYy Zz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Georgia Italic

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYy Zz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][
Georgia Bold

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVv WwXxYyZz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+=-,.><?/:;}{][





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography
Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples

Color Palette

Primary & Secondary Colors

The color palette can be divided into two levels: primary colors and secondary colors. All of the secondary colors are intended to be used harmoniously with the primary color palette.

Primary Color Palette

pms cool gray 10 70% k R109, G110, B113 HEX#: 6d6e71

pms 267 75%c, 80%m, 0%y, 0%k R82, G0, B99 HEX#: 520063

Secondary: Progressive Palette

Primary Color Palette

PMS 267 and PMS Cool Gray 10 are the two colors used in the Feinberg logo, and are the two primary colors that should be used throughout the Feinberg brand.

pms cool gray 10 70% k R109, G110, B113 HEX#: 6d6e71

pms 267 75%c, 80%m, 0%y, 0%k R82, G0, B99 HEX#: 520063

pms 227 0%c, 100%m, 0%y, 20%k R174, G0, B96 HEX#: ae0060

pms 375 40%c, 0%m, 80%y, 0%k R142, G212, B0 HEX#: 8ed400

pms 7466 100%c, 0%m, 35%y, 0%k R0, G177, B192 HEX#: 00b1c0

Secondary Color Palette Progressive Palette

The progressive palette is composed of brighter swatches. These colors tend to feel more energetic and contemporary.

Secondary: Professional Palette

Professional Palette
The traditional palette consists of richer, more saturated tones that could be considered formal variations of the progressive colors.

pms cool gray 10 70% k R109, G110, B113 HEX#: 6d6e71

pms 2695 85%c, 85%m, 0%y, 35%k R51, G29, B84 HEX#: 331d54

pms 2425 35%c, 100%m, 0%y, 10%k R129, G2, B98 HEX#: 810262

pms 369 60%c, 0%m, 100%y, 10%k R85, G165, B26 HEX#: 55a51a

pms 7461 80%c, 25%m, 0%y, 5%k R0, G130, B191 HEX#: 0082bf





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography
Color Palette

Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples

Color Palette

Gradients & Metallics

Gradient Pairings
To add depth and another level of intrigue to the brand, the color palette expands itself into gradient pairings based on the colors from the previous page. These gradients should be used throughout Feinberg collateral.

Gradient Pairings

purple gradient pms 267 pms 2695; 75%c, 80%m, 0%y, 0%k 85%c, 85%m, 0%y, 35%k; R82, G0, B99 R51, G29, B84

magenta gradient pms 227 pms 2425; 0%c, 100%m, 0%y, 20%k 35%c, 100%m, 0%y, 10%k; R174, G0, B96 R129, G2, B98

green gradient pms 375 pms 369; 40%c, 0%m, 80%y, 0%k 60%c, 0%m, 100%y, 10%k; R142, G212, B0 R85, G165, B26

blue gradient pms 7466 pms 7461; 100%c, 0%m, 35%y, 0%k 80%c, 25%m, 0%y, 5%k; R0, G177, B192 R0, G130, B191

gray gradient 10% pms cool gray 10 100% pms cool gray 10; 10% k 70%k; R109, G110, B113 R230, G231, B232

SilverPMS 877 (For coated paper stocks only) Metallic SilverPMS 877 C
For special occasions and executive materials, when a high-end look is appropriate (i.e., Deans materials), metallic silver PMS 877 can be swapped for Cool Gray 10. When printing this metallic, a coated paper stock is necessary to ensure that the color does print. Silver, uncoated stocks will not print metallic.

pms 877





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette
Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples

Key Brand Attributes

Key Brand Attributes

Rule Element
The rule element is the main brand identifier and provides for flexible layouts and an easy way to identify the brand. The rule lines should always maintain a consistent ratio throughout the brand. The ratio is 4:1, with the top line always being thicker than the bottom line. The rule lines should be scaled appropriately, maintaining the consistent look and feel throughout all collateral. The title or main headline, which should be flush left, is always centered vertically between the rule lines in Trade Gothic Medium.

Brand Identifier
This element is taken directly from the logo and is always to appear in a gradient of Cool Gray 10 from 100% at the top, gradating to 10% at the bottom in order to maintain the integrity of the shape. This mark can also be used larger as a watermark or graphic to create visual interest. This brand identifier most commonly sits above the top rule line, bottom aligned with the type to its left. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine should always appear in Trade Gothic Bold No.2 and in Cool Gray 10. The height of the mark should be 2x the size of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in order to stay proportionate within the page.
Andrew Evens, DO, MS Esequate min ullamco nullandit wiscilit ad tis doluptat autem dignim quisit inim venit aut nummy nullam nullut etOd exer ing et vulla facidui sisciduis amcortio euguercinit nisim.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

1 Facility Shares the Care for Human Stem Cells 2 Nanavati Selected as Proteomics Specialist

Volume 3 2009

3 New Site Shines Light on Research Computing

If you think that raising a high-maintenance pet involves a lot of time and responsibility, then try caring for stem cells. These picky little cells take a lot of effort to cultivate. In fact, they need so much attention that its difficult for researchers to care for them while juggling their own research.
These cells have to be taken care of every single day, says Ljuba Lyass, director and manager of the Human Embryonic Stem (hES) Cell Facility. They dont care if its Christmas or Sunday. Someone has to be here. Formerly a part of Jack Kesslers lab, the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Facility became a core facility last month. It is now open to all interested researchers at Northwestern. Lyass and her staff are on hand to grow the cells, feed them daily, and prevent them from spontaneously differentiating. Embryonic stem cells are programmed by nature to differentiate, Lyass explains. It takes a lot of effort to grow them so they remain undifferentiated. You have to manually dispose of most of the differentiated cells. One thing that causes differentiation is antibiotics. Because of this, antibiotics cannot be added to the growth media, so the facility has to be kept completely sterile. Some tissue culture labs get very crowded and that leads to contamination, Lyass says. Lyass also organizes and teaches classes for those interested in learning the delicate skills needed for caring for stem cells. Classes are scheduled based on interest and last two half-days. Every procedure is taught, from thawing the frozen cells, growing them, and maintaining undifferentiated phenotype, to freezing them. Students first observe Lyass and then are given the hands-on opportunity to try every procedure. They even can take cells with them for practice.

The immediate practical results dont seem too close yet, but the model is obviously extremely promising, she says. Located on the 10th floor of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Research Center, the facility also distributes human embryonic stem cells, and Lyass has plans to begin distributing induced pluripotent cells in the near future as well. For more information about the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Facility or to inquire about scheduling a class, please contact Ljuba Lyass at

Trade Gothic Light and Scala are the primary brand fonts. Headlines are treated larger and always in color. Secondary information is used in the same color as the headline. Body copy is always in PMS Cool Gray 10. Caption, chart, and other miscellaneous call out copy should be Trade Gothic Bold No.2.

When possible, leave a minimum of 1.5 margin at the top and 0.25 margin on all other sides. This margin should always be clear of any content or photos nothing will bleed off the edges. The margin size should be the amount of clear space given throughout graphics, type, etc. throughout the brand. This style choice creates a clean/airy feel to collateral. 18

Protocols 2009




Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette
Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples

Key Brand Attributes

Key Brand Attributes

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Gradient Bar Treatment

For collateral that needs more impact at first glance, a 1 gradient bar can be used in place of the top rule line. Within this bar, the standard items that once lived above the rule line in gray should knock out to white. The gradient in the brand identifier should gradate from 100% white to 100% of the color behind it (in this case the brand identifier gradates from 100% white to 100% PMS 2695). It is important to leave enough breathing room around these elements so the items fit comfortably within the bar. For the different gradient options, refer to page 17.

Innovations in Transplant Technology

High-intensity, 4-color photography should be used in the brand. Photography is a focal point of collateral and an important brand component (see page 21 for additional information).





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette
Key Brand Attributes


Brand Examples

Key Brand Attributes

Key Brand Attributes

Lorem Magnibh euis alisl etdip enis aliquam zzriusto lumodiam, sim iniscip sustrud eu feuisim quisi. Esed eliquipisl ulputat. Dui blaorem quis nibh et, quat. Ut ad dolorem nullamcor utat amet.

Registration: Duis acil utat ertes nismodiate tie mod te feum alismolum vulput vullutatis eugait duip elenibh etaconum zzriuscilit. Dolortin hent autpat iriusti onsequatlaes jertous feugiam secte eniam. Duis acil utat ertes nismodiate tie mod tem feum alismolum vulput vullutatis eugait duip elenibh amet etaconum zzriuscilit.
Name Address City Phone email State Zip

Duis acil utat ertes: Account Number Signature



AmEx Exp. Date

Logo/Sign Off
The Feinberg logo should always appear on collateral that is created for the medical school. When a department, center, or institute is not included, refer to the lockup to the left. The address information is set in Trade Gothic and always in PMS Cool Gray 10.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Office of Development 750 N Lake Shore Drive, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60611 312 503 1851 Tel 312 503 2729 Fax

Center, Department & Institute treatment

The treatment described on pages 8 & 9 should be used on the back of materials, as shown to the right. The contact information should sit comfortably within matching rule lines that align to the center treatment. The name of the center should be in Trade Gothic Bold No.2 and the remaining contact information in Trade Gothic iversity Feinberg School of Medicine Medium. Maintain the appropriate amount of stern Comprehensive n Obesity space between the two items the margin size should be your measuring tool. The type should always appear in PMS Cool Gray 10.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Comprehensive Transplant Center

Comprehensive Transplant Center 303 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611-3008

312 503 8194 Tel 312 503 8199 Fax

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Comprehensive Transplant Center

Center for Global Health

iversity Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Cardiovascular h Institute

Department of Anesthesiology

Department of Anesthesiology Northwestern Comprehensive Center on Obesity



Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine


iversity Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette Key Brand Attributes

Brand Examples


Photography Style
Photography is an important component of the Feinberg brand. By choosing images that represent our mission and vision in content and style, we are able to further the continuity of the brand.
Photographs that best represent the Feinberg personality are cutting edge, bright, aspirational, forward thinking, and research driven. By using images that capture motion, we can show the energy of Feinberg. Images that are uncluttered and contain a greater ratio of white space tend to have a more modern feel.





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette Key Brand Attributes Photography
Brand Examples

Brand Examples

To order Feinberg letterhead, envelopes, and business cards, visit:

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Ofce of Lorem Ipsum 420 East Superior Street Rubloff Building, 9th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60611

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Ofce of Lorem Ipsum 420 East Superior Street Rubloff Building, 9th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60611

Jane Doe Lorem Ipsum Title

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Lorem Ipsum Dolor quiati utemre Alicill Oratem 303 East Chicago Avenue Ward Building 10 Chicago, Illinois 60611-3008

John B. Doe, MD Lorem Ipsum Dolor quiati utemre Alicill Oratem ProgramDirector, Lorem Ipsum Dolor Quiati utemre Alicill Oratem Amet et Phone 312-555-5555 Fax 312-555-5555





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette Key Brand Attributes Photography
Brand Examples

Brand Examples

Microsoft Office Templates

To download Feinberg PowerPoint and Word templates, visit





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette Key Brand Attributes Photography
Brand Examples

Brand Examples

Print Collateral
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

11.11.09 Business of Healthcare Conference

Scleroderma Research Program

Lorem Magnibh euis alisl etdip enis aliquam zzriusto lumodiam, sim iniscip sustrud eu feuisim quisi. Esed eliquipisl ulputat. Dui blaorem quis nibh et, quat. Ut ad dolorem nullamcor utat amet.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Jane Doe
Northwestern University

Andrew Evens, DO, MS

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Facipit del eum dit nullaorero dolore velessed dolorer aut numsandreet num aut dionsequatem zzrilisl iriure molobore do eratio odo dolum iliquat incilis nulpute feui eu facidunt dipit am vel eummy nulput illamet ad et lumsandre dolobor sectet, volor sit in ulputpat prate facipit irit vent inibh eros at.
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Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

1 Facility Shares the Care for Human Stem Cells 2 Nanavati Selected as Proteomics Specialist

Volume 3 2009

Comprehensive Transplant Center

Comprehensive Transplant Center 303 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611-3008

Innovations in Transplant Technology

312 503 8194 Tel 312 503 8199 Fax

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 3 New Site Shines Light on Research Computing

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Comprehensive Transplant Center

If you think that raising a high-maintenance pet involves a lot of time and responsibility, then try caring for stem cells. These picky little cells take a lot of effort to cultivate. In fact, they need so much attention that its difficult for researchers to care for them while juggling their own research.
These cells have to be taken care of every single day, says Ljuba Lyass, director and manager of the Human Embryonic Stem (hES) Cell Facility. They dont care if its Christmas or Sunday. Someone has to be here. Formerly a part of Jack Kesslers lab, the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Facility became a core facility last month. It is now open to all interested researchers at Northwestern. Lyass and her staff are on hand to grow the cells, feed them daily, and prevent them from spontaneously differentiating. Embryonic stem cells are programmed by nature to differentiate, Lyass explains. It takes a lot of effort to grow them so they remain undifferentiated. You have to manually dispose of most of the differentiated cells. One thing that causes differentiation is antibiotics. Because of this, antibiotics cannot be added to the growth media, so the facility has to be kept completely sterile. Some tissue culture labs get very crowded and that leads to contamination, Lyass says. Lyass also organizes and teaches classes for those interested in learning the delicate skills needed for caring for stem cells. Classes are scheduled based on interest and last two half-days. Every procedure is taught, from thawing the frozen cells, growing them, and maintaining undifferentiated phenotype, to freezing them. Students first observe Lyass and then are given the hands-on opportunity to try every procedure. They even can take cells with them for practice.

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Northwestern Center on Obesity

Center for Global Health

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute

Molore dit ilis et non utem quat. Feugiamet illum nullan hent ipsuscillum Anesthesiology vero doluptatuero er acil inissequis del er adigna con vel ipit amVelisim zzrilisl eugue cortin ullam, vulla ad modio dolutpatem zzrit laorpero doluptat. Lam, sequate ex et wismodo lorerae ssequis num ing enim ipsuscil erit, venismod enim vullum ipit wisl iure velis at, sequis aliquipisi amet dolor asi.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Department of

Department of Anesthesiology Northwestern Comprehensive Center on Obesity

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Andrew Evens, DO, MS Esequate min ullamco nullandit wiscilit ad tis doluptat autem dignim quisit inim venit aut nummy nullam nullut etOd exer ing et vulla facidui sisciduis amcortio euguercinit nisim.

Comprhensive Transplant Center

Department of Anesthesiology

Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

The immediate practical results dont seem too close yet, but the model is obviously extremely promising, she says. Located on the 10th floor of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Research Center, the facility also distributes human embryonic stem cells, and Lyass has plans to begin distributing induced pluripotent cells in the near future as well. For more information about the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Facility or to inquire about scheduling a class, please contact Ljuba Lyass at

You are invited to the Scleroderma Reception!

Friday, January 15, 2010
Ut nim vullut vero od eugue feuguer si tem zzrit auguercip ea facipis acilissis amet nostie diam, si ent vel exero el ut lor si tat nonsequ amconsed dolobortis aliquamet euismodipsum vulla commodit acilis am, conulla feugue tat alit at del ulla faccum vel dolor adit, sissequate faccummod el dolor sis adipit eriure tie feu feugiam dipit lobore exer alit loreetuercin hent velis nullaor accumsandit, cor at nim doloreet. Em volor alissequis nim ver ilisim vel ulput nos nonum incing exer senim vel ulput vel endre modolesequam vulputpat. Il ing ese te digniamet prat praessi te corperiure verit init pratem ea faccum in vulla amconsed eugiat, consequisim zzrit pratinci te ming eum alisse te facidunt nonulput luptat, volore endre et prat, vullutem quamet, consent ex eugait ullaore molorpero dipisi.

Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute

RSVP Online Today!

Protocols 2009





Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Brand Guidelines

Introduction Logo Co-branding Spacing Typography Color Palette Key Brand Attributes Photography
Brand Examples

Brand Examples

Premium Items





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