Psychology Notes

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Chapter1: The Science of Psychology Psychologist are probably the most diverse group of people to hold the same

title Psychology- The scientific study of the causes of behavior ,also the applications of finding of psychological research to the solution of the problem -The word psychology originated from greek , modern meaning psycho mind logy- science BUT it really is the Science of behavior - Early in the development of psychology, people thought :the mind as a independent free floating spirit, later they described it as its ultimate function was to control behavior, therefore the the focus turned from the mind to (which cant be directly observed) to behavior (which can be observed). Why is behavior studied? The main goal of research psychology is to understand human behavior: to explain why people do what they do. - To explain : we need to describe the behavior, become familiar with it, learn to categorize and measure the behavior , Discover the cause-the event responsible for the behavior occurrence - Causal events- Events that causes another events(including behavior) to occur.

Field of Psychology -Most research psychologists work in college,universities or employed by private or government research laboratories. -Research psychologist differ from one another in two principal ways: in the types of behavior they investigate an the casual events they analyze. e.g Two psychologist might be interested in memory but they might attempt to explain memory in different casual events., -one might focus on psychological event where the other might choose environmental Physiological Psychology- The branch in psychology that examines the physiological aspects of behavior.

- The organisms physiology, especially its nervous system is considered to be the appropriate level of explanation. - Physiological psychologist study all behavioral phenomena that can be observed on non-human animals, including learning,memory,sensory process,emotional behavior etc... - Each phenomena in a non-human animal is considered to be a role model for human behavior Comparative psychology-is the study of behavior of a variety of species in attempt to explain behavior in terms of evolutionary adaptations to environment - these psychologist study behavioral phenomena they likely to study inherited behavioral patterns such as courting and mating, predation and aggression,defensive behavior and parental behavior Behavior analysis- Branch of psychology that studies the effect of the environmental events on behavior. -Behavior analyst are primarily interested in learning and motivation. -they believe that an important cause of specific behavior is the relationship between the behavior and some consequent event. - Behavior that produces pleasant outcomes tend to be repeated whereas those that produce unpleasant or no consequence at all is less likely to be repeated. - Behavior analyst do their research in laboratories or applied settings such as school,homes and business. Behavior Genetics- Branch in psychology that the role of genetics in behavior. -genes inherit from parents includes a blueprint for the construction of human brain. -each blue print is different therefore no two brains would be identical -Behavior geneticist study the role of genetics in behavior by examining similarities in physical and behavioral characteristics of blood relatives,whose genes are more similar than those of unrelated individuals. - They perform breeding experiments

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