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Possible Test Questions, Exam 3 Chapters 11, 12, & 13 MULTIPLE CHOICE.

Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1)

A wiggle in time is a


_______ A)


B) vibrati on.


D) neithe r 2 )

The source of all wave motion is a


_______ A)

wp h rmonic aatt a object. ver en.

region of variable high and low pressure. D)

vibrating object. E)

none of these 3)

Which of the following is not a transverse wave?


_______ A)

sun r adio od

light D)

all of these E)

none of these 4)

The vibrations of a transverse wave move in a direction


_______ A)

adir a l ec t otio ri nn g gof h wat t ve htra eve l.

angles to the directio n of wave travel.

The vibrations of a longitudin al wave move in a direction


_______ A)

as a t to l th o re n i dir g gec htio tn of awa nve gtra l ve el.

the directio n of wave travel.

If the frequency of a certain wave is 10 Hz, its period is


_______ A)

10 s.

B) 100 s.

0.1 s.

D) none 7

of these )

Wave interferen ce occurs for


_______ A)

l t s und i wao waves. gve hs.

water waves. D)

all of these E)

none of these 8)

A node is a position of


_______ A)

minimum amplitude.

B) maxim um 9

a )

The Doppler effect is characteri stic of


_______ A)

sd li ht owag waves. uve ns.

water waves. D)

all of these E)

none of these 10)

A wave barrier is produced when a wave source moves


______ A)

n fas f et as a athe s r wa t l ves e yit r pro aduc s es.

than the waves it produc es.

as fast as the 11)

waves it produces.

An aircraft that flies faster than the speed of sound is said to be


______ A)




C) neit h

f 2)


As a supersoni c craft increases in speed, the angle of its Vshaped shock wave becomes


______ A)




C) neit h 3)

A floating leaf oscillates up and down two complete cycles each second as a water wave passes by. What is the wave's frequency ?


______ A)

1 Hz 0 .5 Hz

2 Hz D)

3 Hz E)

6 Hz 14)

A wave travels an average distance of 6 m in 1 s. What is the wave's velocity?


______ A)

1m/s 3 m/s

more than 6 m/s D)

6 m/s E)

less than 0.2 m/s 15)

The frequency of the second hand on a clock is


______ A)

1 Hz.


60 Hz.

C) 1/6 0 6)

The period of the second hand on a clock is


______ A)

300 1 /60 s. 6s.

60 s. D)

12 h. E)

1 s. 17)

A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves


______ A)

toward you.

B) at

right angles

both of these

D) none 1

of these 8)

Some of a wave's energy dissipates as heat. In time, this will reduce the wave's


______ A)

prio f equen ed. r cy.

amplitude. D)

wavelength. E)

speed. 19)

The amplitude of a particular wave is 1 m. The top to bottom distance of the disturbanc e is


______ A)

0.5 m.

B) 2 m.

1 m.

D) none 2

of these 0)

You dip your finger repeatedl y into water and make waves. If you dip your finger more frequently , the wavelengt h of the waves


______ A)

stays the same.



C) sho rt

. 1)

During a single period, the distance traveled by a wave is


______ A)

oalf t wavel nwa w engths evel o . - eng hth.

one wavelength. 22)

A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing the anchor chain every 5 s. The skipper estimates the distance between crests is 15 m. What is the speed of the water waves?


______ A)

3m/s 1 5 m/s

5 m/s D)

not enough

information given


A jet traveling at 1500 km/h passes between two observers, A and B, as shown in the figure. In a short time, a sonic boom will be heard by


______ A)

orve o server br A b B only. s onl ey.

observers A and B and the aircraft pilot. D)

observers A and B 24)


The source of all sounds is something that is


______ A)

ug moving. nsim dple ehar r mo gnic omo i tion n.

vibrating. D)

a net emitter of E)


accelerating. 25)

A sound source of high frequency emits a high


______ A)

ptch.s peed. i

amplitude. D)

all of these E)

none of these 26)

A sound wave is a


______ A)

s din s ock t g h wave. awa nve.

transverse wave. D)

longitudinal wave. E)

none of these 27)

Compressi ons and rarefactio ns are characteri stic of


______ A)

transverse waves.

B) longitu dinal

both of these

D) neithe r of these 2 8)

Sound travels faster in


______ A)

aacu s teel. um v.

water. D)

air. E)

Sound travels at 29)

about the same speed in all of these

Sound waves cannot travel in


______ A)

w ter. a ir. a

steel. D)

a vacuum. E)

Sound can travel in all of these. 30)

Sound travels faster in air if the air is


______ A)

w rm. c old. a

neither warm nor 31)


When the speed of sound near the ground is greater than higher in the air, sound tends to be bent


______ A)


B) upwar d. 3 2)

Refraction of sound can occur in


______ A)






D) n e 33

e r )

The energy of sound in air eventually becomes


______ A)

c by w and ades e weake ntru a r until c ctiv k it ee e disapp l inter ears. l rfer eenc de.

increased internal energy of the air. D)

cancelled by both 34)

destructive and constructive interference.

The frequencie s of sound that carry farther in air are relatively


______ A)




C) no di

re 5)


A bass fiddle is louder than a harp because of its


______ A)

s din t cker og h strings uboa i . nrd.

lower pitch. D)

all of these E)

none of these 36)

The object with the natural frequency of higher pitch is a


______ A)

large bell.

B) small 3

bell. 7)

The least amount of energy is required to produce forced vibration in an object


______ A)

as a natura bnat t l oura it freque vl s ncy. efre que i ncy t.

below its natural 38)


Sound waves can interfere with one another so that no sound results.


______ A)


B) False 3 9)

On some days, air nearest the ground is colder than air that is higher up. On one of these days, sound waves


______ A)

t be t erefr e nact n ded d do t t wn owar d.

o be refract ed upwar d.

travel without 40)


Sound refraction depends on the fact that the speed of sound is


______ A)

pion c nstant. r al o oto pfre oque r ncy t.

variable. D)

inversely E)

proportional to wavelength.

none of these 41)

An explosion occurs 34 km away. Knowing that sound travels at 340 m/s, the time it takes for the sound to reach you is


______ A)

10 s. 0 .1 s.

20 s. D)

1 s. E)

more than 20 s. 42)

Repeatedl y tap the side of a drinking glass with a spoon while filling it with water and you will notice that the pitch of the sound


______ A)

drea r ns eses e relativ c. mely a consta i nt.

increases. 43)

The pitch of a musical sound depends on the sound wave's


______ A)

w ele f equen angt r cy. vh.

amplitude. D)

speed. E)

all of these 44)

As we become older, the frequency range of human hearing


______ A)

i rea r ns nses e relativ c. mely a consta i nt.

decreases. 45)

The loudness of a musical sound is a measure of the sound wave's


______ A)

f quew veleng r ncy a th. e.

amplitude. D)

speed. E)

all of these 46)

Reverbera tion is a phenomen on you would be most likely to hear if you sing in the


______ A)


B) showe r. 4 7)

All other things being the same, strings that have more mass than other strings will produce


______ A)

h fre t i queh gncy e hnot s ees. r

ame freque ncy notes.

lower frequency 48)


Most of the electroma gnetic spectrum consists of visible light.


______ A)


B) False 4 9)

Relative to ultraviolet waves, the wavelengt h of infrared waves is


______ A)

the same.



C) lon g 0)

Which of the following is fundamen tally different from the others?


______ A)

gma X rays aray m s

radio waves D)

light waves E)

sound waves 51)

Materials generally become warmer when light is


______ A)

t mit a orbed r ted b by aby s them. nthe s m.

reflected by them. D)

all of these E)

none of these 52)

The color of an opaque object is the same as the light that is


______ A)

aorb r flected bed. e . s

transmitted. D)

all of these E)

none of these 53)

What color light is transmitte d by a piece of blue glass?


______ A)

r ed b lue

white D)

orange E)

yellow 54)

The brightest color emitted by the Sun is


______ A)

gen- r ed. r blu ee.

violet. D)

orange. E)

yellow-green. 55)

Which will warm up quicker in sunlight?


______ A)

ae ofa ece of cle p colore par i d glass i gla ess c

both the same 56)

The colored dots that make up the color on a TV screen are


______ A)

m ta, r , blue, acya e yellow. gn, d eyell now.

yellow, blue, green. D)

red, green, yellow. E)

red, blue, green. 57)

Colors seen on TV result from color


______ A)


B) subtra ction.

either of these.

D) neithe r of these 5 8)

Colors seen on the cover of our physical science book result from color


______ A)


B) subtra ction.

either of these.

D) neithe r of these 5 9)

Look at a full-color picture in a magazine with a magnifyin g glass and you'll see that the inks used are


______ A)

mcy r green, aan, e and gyell d blue. eow, , nand t bla ack. ,

magenta, cyan, D)

and yellow.

red, green, blue, E)

and black.

none of these 60)

The sky is blue because air molecules in the sky act as tiny


______ A)

pism mrs that r s. i reflect r only r blue o light.

sources of white D)


resonators that E)

scatter blue light.

none of these 61)

Red sunsets are the result of the


______ A)

s ow l c er o afre n t queg t nci e ees r r by p i lar a nger t gpar ticl oes f in the l air.

h of air throug h which sunlig ht travels .

lower frequencies of light emitted late in the day by the Sun. D)

absorption effects of the smaller particles in the air. E)

pollutants emitted 62)

by humans in daylight hours.

If sunlight were green instead of white, the most comfortab le color to wear on a hot day would be


______ A)

blue. v iolet.

yellow. D)

green. E)

magenta. 63)

The fact that you can get sunburned while submerge d in water is evidence that water


______ A)

transmits infrared light.

B) trans


absorbs ultraviolet light.

D) absorb s infrared 6

l 4)

If molecules in the sky scattered orange light instead of blue light, sunsets would be colored


______ A)

oangg reen. r e.

blue. D)

yellow. E)

none of these 65)

Diffraction is more pronounce d through relatively


______ A)

large openings.


small openings.

C) sa

or 6)

Waves diffract the most when their wavelengt h is


______ A)

s ort. l ong. h

Both diffract the 67)


Interferen ce is a property of


______ A)

s d w ter owa a waves. uves n.

light waves. D)

all of these E)

none of these 68)

Polarizatio n is a property of


______ A)

transverse waves.

B) longitu dinal


D) neithe r. 6 9)

Light will not pass through a pair of Polaroids when their axes are


______ A)

prall 4 to ael. 5 each other.

perpendicular. D)

two of these E)

all of these 70)

Monochro matic light is light of a single


______ A)

c lor. w veleng o a th.

frequency. D)

all of these E)

none of these 71)

Consider the interferen ce colors seen in a film of gasoline on a wet street. The function of the water is to provide a


______ A)

s ref mlowing elect e the c ing a rapid osurfn evapor nace s ation d. o of f gasoli s ne.

means of spreading the gasoline into a thin film. D)

chemical bond with the gasoline. E)

all of these 72)

Which of the following is a property of light waves, but not of sound waves?


______ A)

w ele f equen angt r cy vh

amplitude D)

polarization E)

none of these 73)

The spacings between double-slit interferen ce fringes is increased if the slits are


______ A)

nrow w ider. aer. r

farther apart. D)

closer together. E)

none of these 74)

The incident light ray, the reflected light ray, and the normal between them


______ A)

l th ie esa me i pla nne.

li e i n p l a n

es that are perpe ndicul ar to one anothe r.

may or may not lie in the same plane. 75)

The law of reflection holds for


______ A)

curved mirrors.

B) plane


both of these

D) neithe r of these 7 6)

When light reflects from a surface, there is a change in its


______ A)

s eed f equen p. r cy.

wavelength. D)

all of these E)

none of these 77)

If you walk toward a mirror at a certain speed, the relative speed between you and your image is


______ A)

your speed.

B) half

your speed.

twice your speed.

D) none 7

of these 8)

A diver shines light up to the surface of a smooth pond at a 10 angle to the normal. Some light passes into the air above, and the part that reflects back into the water makes an angle to the normal of


______ A)

less than 10.


more than 10.

C) 10 . 9)

When you look at yourself in a pocket mirror, and then hold the mirror farther away, you see


______ A)

mof t oyou h r rsel e ef. s a

me amoun t of yourse lf.

less of yourself. 80)

It is difficult to see the roadway in front of you when you are driving on a rainy night mainly because


______ A)

t r li hon g ethe h roa t f dw s i ay c l ma a m kes t the t oroa e fd r les s w s adiff t use e.

from raindr ops and cuts down the light to reach your eyes.

of added D)

condensation on the inner surface of the windshield.

the film of water on your windshield provides an additional reflecting surface. E)

none of these 81)

The inversion of your image in a plane mirror is actually an inversion of


______ A)

front and back.

B) left

and right.

up and down.

D) all of 8

these 2)

When light passes through an ordinary window pane, its angle of emergenc e is


______ A)

t as u hits s eangu le a s of ll ainci y m denl ece.

ess than its angle of incide nce.

always less than its angle of incidence. D)

always more than its angle of incidence. E)

usually more than 83)

its angle of incidence.

Atmosphe ric refraction makes the daylight hours a bit


______ A)

s ort l onger. her.

longer in summer 84)

but shorter in winter.

A mirage is a result of atmosphe ric


______ A)

r lect a erratio eion. b ns. f

scattering. D)

refraction. E)

dispersion. 85)

Light refracts when traveling from air into glass because light


______ A)

i is f ngre r t ate e er in q ngla u s ss e i tha t n in yair.

ncy is greate r in glass than in air.

frequency is D)

greater in air than in glass.

intensity is greater in air than in glass. E)

travels slower in 86)

glass than in air.

Refraction causes the bottom of a swimming pool to appear


______ A)

f do c awn l r tha o t n it s hact e euall r ry is.

to the surfac e than it actuall y is.

neither 87)

Different colors are dispersed by a prism because different colors in the prism have different


______ A)

eerg f equen nies. r cies.

directions. D)

speeds. E)

none of these 88)

Rainbows are not usually seen as complete circles because


______ A)

rs t aare h i not e nper y dfecth r ly orou pnd.

ave no botto m part.

rainbows are D)

actually arched shaped.

they are actually E)


the ground is 89)

usually in the way.

The critical angle for a transpare nt material is the angle at and beyond which all light within the material is


______ A)

dper r flected i sed e . s.

diffused. D)

absorbed. E)

refracted. 90)

Your image in a plane mirror is


______ A)


B) real.

both of these

D) neithe r of these 9 1)

The type of lens that spreads parallel light is a


______ A)

c n c vergin ocon o g lens. m ver n bgin i gndiv aerg t ing i len os.

diverging lens. 92)

Which of the following can be projected onto a viewing screen?


______ A)

a virtual image

B) a real image


D) neithe r 9 3)

A "burning glass" used to concentra te sunlight in a tiny spot is a


______ A)

diverging lens.

B) conver ging lens.


D) neithe r 9 4)

The image in a pinhole camera is


______ A)

ays l inv w ert aed.

a ys l rightw side a up.

sometimes 95)


When the pinhole in a pinhole camera is made larger, the image is


______ A)






D) n e 96

e r )

Your vision is sharpest when your pupil is


______ A)

dlatec nstrict i d. o ed.

same either way 97)

Chromatic aberration is a conseque nce of different colors in a lens having different


______ A)

c ical f equen r angr cies. i les. t

energies. D)

aberrations. E)

speeds. 98)

A beam of light travels fastest in


______ A)

w ter. a ir. a

plastic. D)

glass. E)

Light travels the 99)

same in each of these.

When seen from an airplane, a rainbow sometime s forms a complete circle. When this happens, the plane's shadow is


______ A)

i cen i nter n of t t the h hrai e enbo w.

upper part of the rainbo w.

totally outside the rainbow. D)

nowhere, for there is no shadow. E)

in the lower part of the rainbow. 100)

Stars twinkle when seen from the earth. When seen from the Moon, stars


_____ A)

twinkle less.


don't twinkle.

C) twi n

or 01)


Atmosphe ric refraction tends to make daytimes


_____ A)

l nger s orter. o. h

no change in day 102)


The reason diamonds display many colors is because


_____ A)

ds a refle i are cts a extr d much m eme i more o ly a light n hard mthan d. o it n absor d bs.

different colors of light undergo different changes of speed when exiting a diamond. D)

diamonds are E)


none of these 103)

A person standing waist deep in a swimming pool appears to be have short legs because of light


_____ A)

r fract d ffracti e ion. i on.

reflection. D)

interference. E)

absorption. 104)

Objects infinitely far away are focused by a convergin g lens


_____ A)

ae b nd t focal e the t poin y focal h t. o point.

in front of the focal point. 105)

If you wish to spear a fish with a regular spear, you should compensa te for refraction between the air and water and throw your spear


_____ A)

d ly at a e the i the b sight r sighto ed e ed v fish. c fish. t

below the sighted 106)


Ninety percent of light incident on a certain piece of glass passes through it. How much light passes through two pieces of this glass?


_____ A)








E) 8 9 7

Which of the following photons has the greatest energy?


_____ A)

i frare g een nd r light

ultraviolet D)

red light E)

blue light 108)

As a solid is gradually heated, the first color to glow is


_____ A)






D) bl u . 10 9)

The photoelect ric effect best demonstr ates the


_____ A)

particle nature of light.

B) wave

nature of

both of these

D) none 1

of these 10)

In the photoelect ric effect, the brighter the illuminatin g light on a photosens itive surface, the greater the


_____ A)

number of ejected electrons.

B) velocit y of ejected

both of these

D) neithe r of these 1 11)

A lump of energy associated with light is called a


_____ A)


B) quant um.

both of these

D) neithe r of these 1 12)

A quantum of light is called a


_____ A)

n utro n tron. e n. o

proton. D)

electron. E)

none of these 113)

Light behaves primarily as a wave when it


_____ A)

i acts t from n with r one t matt a place e er. v to r e anoth l er. s 4

Light behaves primarily as a particle when it


_____ A)

i acts t from n with r one t matt a place e er. v to r e anoth l er. s 5

A beam of electrons has


_____ A)

wave properties.

B) particl e

both of these

D) neithe r of these

1 )

B 2 )

D 3

A ) 4 )

B 5)

B 6)

C 7)

D 8)

A 9)

D 10)

C 11)

A 12)

B 13)

C 14)

D 15)

C 16)

C 17)

A 18)

C 19)

B 20)

C 21)

C 22)

A 23)

D 24)

C 25)

A 26)

D 27)

B 28)

B 29)

D 30)

A 31)

B 32)

C 33)

C 34)

B 35)

A 36)

B 37)

B 38)

A 39)

A 40)

C 41)

E 42)

A 43)

B 44)

C 45)

C 46)

B 47)

C 48)

B 49)

C 50)

E 51)

B 52)

B 53)

B 54)

E 55)

B 56)

E 57)

A 58)

B 59)

A 60)

D 61)

B 62)

D 63)

B 64)

C 65)

B 66)

B 67)

D 68)

A 69)

C 70)

D 71)

A 72)

D 73)

D 74)

A 75)

C 76)

E 77)

C 78)

C 79)

B 80)

A 81)

A 82)

A 83)

B 84)

D 85)

E 86)

B 87)

D 88)

E 89)

B 90)

A 91)

C 92)

B 93)

B 94)

A 95)

B 96)

B 97)

E 98)

B 99)

A 100)

B 101)

A 102)

C 103)

A 104)

A 105)

C 106)

C 107)

C 108)

B 109)

A 110)

A 111)

C 112)

E 113)

B 114)

A 115)

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