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By William P. Litynski

Council on Foreign Relations President Richard N. Haass (left) chats with Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger at a dinner on January 25, 2008. Richard N. Haass and Lee C. Bollinger are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, an internationalist organization in New York City. (Photo: Flickr)

In June of 2001, the four living Harvard presidents gathered at Loeb House before the 350th Commencement. Standing are (left to right): Derek Bok, Lawrence H. Summers, and Neil L. Rudenstine. Seated is Nathan Pusey. (Photo: Staff photo by Jon Chase/Harvard University)

Harvard University President Lawrence Summers shakes hands with David Rockefeller at Harvard University on December 9, 2004.

At the COUR dinner Friday, Harvard University President Drew G. Faust (right) and Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow James R. Houghton 58 (left) flank David Rockefeller 36, whose $100 million gift was announced that morning. (Photo: The Crimson Magazine/Harvard University)

New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller (left) and Cornell University President James A. Perkins (right) shake hands during ceremonies on campus at Cornell University in 1966 at the College of Agriculture. (Photo: Cornell University)

Lawrence Summers (left), former President of Harvard University, and Microsoft co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates (right) sit on stage during commencement ceremonies at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts on June 7, 2007. Gates, who enrolled at Harvard in a pre-law program in 1973 and left in his junior year, received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. (Getty Images)

Drew Gilpin Faust (right) accepts a gift of two University seals from former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers during ceremonies installing her as the 28th President of Harvard University at the Tercentenary Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts on October 12, 2007. (Reuters)

Andrew Carnegie chats with Princeton University President Woodrow Wilson at Princeton University. Dean Andrew F. West and former President of the United States Grover Cleveland are seen walking behind Carnegie and Wilson. (Source: Andrew Carnegie by Joseph Frazier Wall)

Photo shows the dedication ceremony for the Cleveland Memorial Tower which was dedicated in a ceremony on October 22, 1913, at which former President William Howard Taft was the principal speaker. Also shown is John Grier Hibben (1861-1933), who was President of Princeton University from 1912 to 1932. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2010 and New York Times, Oct. 19, 1913) (Photo: George Grantham Bain Collection, Library of Congress)

U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who is flanked by Yale University President James R. Angell (left) and Harvard University James B. Conant (right), appears at Yale University to receive an honorary degree in 1934. Angell and Conant were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Source: A Yale Album: The Third Century, p. 150)

Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill (left) and Harvard University President James B. Conant are seen wearing cap and gown at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. in 1943. (Photo: Ralph Morse/Life Magazine)

Harvard University President James B. Conant walks with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Harvard University in 1943.

Harvard University President Nathan Pusey (left) shakes hands with former Harvard University President James B. Conant at Harvard University in 1964. Nathan Pusey and James B. Conant were members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The only known photograph of five Harvard presidents. Left to right, Josiah Quincy (1829-1845), Edward Everett (1846-1849), Jared Sparks (1849-1853), James Walker (1853-1860), and Cornelius Conway Felton (1860-1862). Photographer unknown. (Photo: Wikimedia)

Summers is greeted in the Loeb House by current President Neil L. Rudenstine. (Staff photo by Rose Lincoln)

(Source: Harvard University)

Pervez Musharraf, the dictator of Pakistan, speaks to guests about his vision of Pakistan in the 21st century as Joseph Nye (left), Dean of Kennedy School of Government, listens at the Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 8, 2002. (Photo By Douglas McFadd/Getty Images)

John H. Coatsworth (left), Dean of School of International Affairs at Columbia University, shakes hands with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after speaking at Columbia University in New York City on September 24, 2007. John H. Coatsworth is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Getty Images)

Left photo: Former President Bill Clinton (left), Allan Rosenfield (center), and Columbia University President Lee Bollinger meet together at Columbia University in 2006. (Photo: Columbia University) Right photo: Former Vice President Al Gore (right) with Columbia University President George Rupp during a campus visit. (Photo: Columbia University)

From left to right: Richard Holbrooke, President Rupp, Pamela Harriman, Strobe Talbott and Ambassador George Kennan. Photo Credit: Joe Pineiro. (Photo: Columbia University) Right photo: Columbia University president Lee C. Bollinger (left) walks with former Brown University president Vartan Gregorian.

Left photo: From left to right: Former Mayor of New York City David Dinkins, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, President of Columbia University Lee Bollinger, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and U.S. Institute of Peace President Richard Solomon. (Photo: United States Institute of Peace) Right photo: (Left to right) Dean of Woodrow Wilson School Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton University President Shirley M. Tilgman, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and Princeton Professor John Ikenberry smile for the camera during a meeting at Princeton University in February 2006. (Photo: Princeton University)

Brown University President Ruth Simmons and American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault smile for the camera in New York City on November 12, 2007. Ruth Simmons and Kenneth Chenault are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Brown University President Ruth Simmons (left) chats with NBC journalist Tom Brokaw. (Photograph by Nike Zachmanoglou) (Source: Carnegie Corporation of New York)

Left to right: Adlai E. Stevenson, Columbia University President Grayson Kirk, Queen Elizabeth (Queen Mother), West Germanys Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren prepare to receive a degree at Columbia University in 1954.

Indonesias dictator Sukarno is shown being invested by Dean Harry J. Carman of Columbia University with the hood of the degree of Doctor of Laws in ceremonies at Columbia University in New York City on May 24, 1956. Left to right: Dean Carman, Sukarno, and Dr. Grayson Kirk, President of Columbia University. (Bettmann/CORBIS)

Columbia University President Dwight D. Eisenhower (right) speaks to a crowd at the farewell dinner for retiring Yale President Charles Seymour (left) in February 1950. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Charles Seymour were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: Herbert Gehr/Time Life)

Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of Columbia University, appears with Columbia Universitys Board of Trustees. CBS Chairman William S. Paley is standing in the rear, fifth from right. (Source: As It Happened: A Memoir by William S. Paley)

Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger (right) appears with Pakistans dictator Pervez Musharraf (left).


Former Harvard University President A. Lawrence Lowell (front row, left) walks with Harvard University President James B. Conant (front row, center) at Harvard University in 1938. Lowell and Conant were members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Harvard University President James B. Conant (center) appears with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) President Karl T. Compton (left) and financier Bernard Baruch. Conant and Compton were members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Harvard University President James B. Conant walks with Frederick L. Hovde (left) and Carroll L. Wilson (right) in 1941. All three men were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Hovde was a Rhodes Scholar. Frederick L. Hovde would serve as President of Purdue University from 1946 to 1971. Carroll L. Wilson would serve as a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and as a director of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1964 to 1979.

Gathered at a buffet luncheon in New York City on April 16, 1948 which followed the dedication of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, largest of its kind in the world, are (left to right): Charles Kettering, member of the Board of Trustees; Alfred P. Sloan, chief financial contributor and Board Chairman; James B. Conant, President of Harvard University and a board member, and Karl T. Compton, President of MIT and also a board member. Sloan, Conant, and Compton were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Bettmann/CORBIS)

President Dwight D. Eisenhower meets with his advisory group on Presidential awards for Meritorious Civilian Service on September 19, 1956. From bottom to top left to right: Princeton University President Dr. Harold W. Dodds, President Dwight Eisenhower; Dr. Leonard Carmichael; Mr. Homer Brinkley; Rockefeller University President Dr. Detlev Bronk; Dr. John Nicholas Brown; Dr. Arthur Compton; Hon. Walter Gifford; Dr. Ernest Hopkins; Mr. Ralph MacGill; Dr. James L. McRill; Mr. Whitalaw Reid. Dodds, Eisenhower, Bronk, Gifford, and Reid were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Bettmann/CORBIS)

Vannevar Bush (left) watches President Harry S. Truman (center) present a Medal of Merit and Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster to Harvard University President James B. Conant (right) on May 27, 1948. (Photo: Harry S. Truman Presidential Library)

At a March 1971 dinner at the Harvard Club, Harvard President Nathan M. Pusey (center) talks with Harvard President-elect Bok (left) and Harvard President Emeritus Conant. (Gazette file photo)

Princeton University President Robert F. Goheen, center, poses with honorary degree recipients at the school's 219th commencement exercises, in this June 14, 1966 file photograph. From left to right: Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, retiring director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton; Commander Charles Conrad, Jr., U.S. Navy, astronaut on Gemini V and command pilot for the upcoming Gemini XI; John W. Gardner, U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare; and Nicholas de Belleville Katzenbach, U.S. Attorney General. (Associated Press photo by Anthony Camerano)

Left photo: Michael Chertoff, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, greets Woodrow Wilson School Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter (right) and Princeton University President Shirley Tilghman. (Photo: Princeton University) Right photo: Princeton University graduates (from left to right) Frank Carlucci, Princeton University President Harold T. Shapiro, George P. Shultz, and James A. Baker III smile for the camera.

President Ronald Reagan poses with his Cabinet on January 20, 1984. (Photo: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library) Front row: Donald Regan (HARVARD), Secretary of the Treasury; Vice President George H.W. Bush (YALE); President Ronald Reagan; George Shultz (PRINCETON), Secretary of State; Caspar Weinberger (HARVARD), Secretary of Defense Second row: Terrel Bell, Secretary of Education; Jeane Kirkpatrick (COLUMBIA), U.S. Representative to the United Nations; David Stockman, Director, Office of Management & Budget; William French Smith (Harvard Law School), U.S. Attorney General; Elizabeth Dole (Harvard Law School), Secretary of Transportation; Donald P. Hodel (HARVARD), Secretary of Energy; Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health & Human Services Third row: John Block, Secretary of Agriculture; Raymond Donovan, Secretary of Labor; Malcolm Baldrige (YALE), Secretary of Commerce; Samuel Pierce (CORNELL), Secretary of Housing & Urban Development; William Clark, Secretary of the Interior; William J. Casey, Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Edwin Meese III (YALE), Counselor to the President; William Brock, U.S. Trade Representative

American ambassadors to major European countries held another conference with President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House in Washington, D.C. on December 6, 1938. The subject discussed was not made public by the White House. Left to right: William C. Bullitt (B.A. Yale 1912), U.S. Ambassador to France; Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles (A.B. Harvard 1914); U.S. Ambassador to Nazi Germany HUGH R. WILSON (B.A. Yale 1906), and William Phillips (A.B. Harvard 1900), U.S. Ambassador to Fascist Italy. All four men in this photo were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Hugh R. Wilson was a member of Skull & Bones, a secret society at Yale University. William C. Bullitt was a member of Scroll & Key, a secret society at Yale University. William Phillips was a member of the Porcellian Club, a fraternity at Harvard University. (Photo: Harris & Ewing Collection/Library of Congress)

Nelson Rockefeller (left): Big Man on Campus at Dartmouth. (Source: Nelson Rockefeller: A Biography by Joe Alex Morris)

Barack Obama (center, holding a baton): Big Man on Campus at Harvard Law School

The Ivy League Fist Bump: President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama graduated from Harvard Law School.

The Ivy League Grin: President Barack Obama attended Columbia University and Harvard Law School while designated Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor attended Princeton University and Yale Law School.

Prominent Harvard University Undergraduate Students

Thomas W. Lamont A.B. Harvard 1892 Chairman of the board of J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. (1943-1948)

George Whitney A.B. Harvard 1907 Chairman of the board of J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. (1950-1955)

August Belmont Jr. A.B. Harvard 1874 Head of August Belmont & Co., bankers, New York City (1890-1924)

J.P. Jack Morgan Jr. A.B. Harvard 1889 Chairman of the board of J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. (1913-1943)

James H. Perkins A.B. Harvard 1898 Chairman of the board of National City Bank of New York (1933-1940)

James P. Warburg A.B. Harvard 1917 Vice Chairman of the board of Bank of Manhattan

Frederick M. Warburg A.B. Harvard 1919 Partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (1931-1973)

Winthrop W. Aldrich A.B. Harvard 1907 LL.B. Harvard 1910 Chairman of Chase National Bank (1934-1953)

Clarence Dillon A.B. Harvard 1905 Chairman of Dillon, Read & Co.

Henry S. Morgan A.B. Harvard 1923 Partner of J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. (1928-1935)

Lewis T. Preston B.A. Harvard 1951 Chairman and CEO of J.P. Morgan & Co. [Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York] (1980-1989)

Donald T. Regan B.A. Harvard 1940 Chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch & Co. (19731981); Secretary of the Treasury (1981-1985)

David Rockefeller B.S. Harvard 1936 Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank (1969-1981)

Robert E. Rubin B.A. Harvard 1960 Co-Chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (1990-1992); Secretary of the Treasury (1995-1999)

C. Douglas Dillon B.A. Harvard 1931 Chairman of the board of Dillon, Read & Co. (19461953); Secretary of the Treasury (1961-1965)

William Phillips A.B. Harvard 1900 U.S. Ambassador to Fascist Italy (1936-1941)

Joseph C. Grew A.B. Harvard 1902 U.S. Ambassador to Imperial Japan (1932-1941)

Franklin D. Roosevelt A.B. Harvard 1904 President of the United States (1933-1945)

Francis Biddle A.B. Harvard 1909; LL.B. Harvard 1911 U.S. Attorney General (1941-1945)

Sumner Welles A.B. Harvard 1914 Under Secretary of State (1937-1943)

Leland Harrison A.B. Harvard 1907 U.S. Minister to Switzerland (1937-1947)

Thomas H. McKittrick A.B. Harvard 1911 President of the Bank for International Settlements (1940-1946)

Joseph P. Kennedy A.B. Harvard 1912 U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (1938-1940)

Lincoln MacVeagh A.B. Harvard 1913 U.S. Minister to Greece (1933-1941, 1943-1947)

Leverett Saltonstall A.B. Harvard 1914 Governor of Massachusetts (1939-1945)

Cass Canfield A.B. Harvard 1919 President of Harper & Brothers (1931-1945)

Roger Nash Baldwin A.B. Harvard 1904 Founder and Director of American Civil Liberties Union (1917-1950)

James B. Conant A.B. Harvard 1913; Ph.D. Harvard 1916 President of Harvard University (1933-1953)

Wallace Brett Donham A.B. Harvard 1898; LL.B. Harvard 1901 Dean of Harvard Business School (1919-1942)

Learned Hand A.B. Harvard 1893; LL.B. Harvard 1896 Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (1924-1951)

T.V. Soong A.B. Harvard 1915 Foreign Minister of the Republic of China (1942-1945)

Shigeaki Ikeda [formerly Seihin Ikeda] A.B. Harvard 1895 Governor of the Bank of Japan (1937); Finance Minister of Japan (1938-1939)

Ernst Putzi Hanfstaengl A.B. Harvard 1909 Adolf Hitlers personal adviser

J. Robert Oppenheimer A.B. Harvard 1925 Atomic bomb scientist

Walter S. Gifford A.B. Harvard 1905 President of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. [AT&T] (1925-1948)

Charles J. Bonaparte A.B. Harvard 1871 U.S. Attorney General (1906-1909); Secretary of the Navy (1905-1906)

William Henry Moody B.A. Harvard 1876 U.S. Attorney General (1904-1906)

Theodore Roosevelt B.A. Harvard 1880 President of the United States (1901-1909)

George von L. Meyer A.B. Harvard 1879 Secretary of the Navy (1909-1913); Postmaster General of the United States (1907-1909)

John Davis Long B.A. Harvard 1857 Secretary of the Navy (1897-1902)

William A. Richardson B.A. Harvard 1843; LL.B. Harvard 1846 Secretary of the Treasury (1873-1874)

Charles Devens B.A. Harvard 1838; LL.B. Harvard 1840 U.S. Attorney General (1877-1881)

Robert Todd Lincoln B.A. Harvard 1864 Secretary of War (1881-1885)

Ebenezer R. Hoar B.A. Harvard 1835; LL.B. Harvard 1839 U.S. Attorney General (1869-1870)

William Crowninshield Endicott B.A. Harvard 1847 Secretary of War (1885-1889)

Dwight F. Davis B.A. Harvard 1900 Secretary of War (1925-1929)

Sinclair Weeks B.A. Harvard 1914 Secretary of Commerce (1953-1958)

Charles Francis Adams III B.A. Harvard 1888; LL.B. Harvard 1892 Secretary of the Navy (1929-1933)

Ogden L. Mills A.B. Harvard 1904 Secretary of the Treasury (1932-1933)

Charles S. Fairchild B.A. Harvard 1863; LL.B. Harvard 1865 Secretary of the Treasury (1887-1889)

Neil H. McElroy B.A. Harvard 1925 Secretary of Defense (1957-1959); Chairman of Proctor & Gamble Co. (1959-1972)

Christian A. Herter A.B. Harvard 1915 Secretary of State (1959-1961)

John F. Kennedy B.S. Harvard 1940 President of the United States (1961-1963)

Robert F. Kennedy B.A. Harvard 1948 U.S. Attorney General (1961-1964)

Paul H. Nitze B.A. Harvard 1928 Secretary of the Navy (1963-1967)

Edmund Platt A.B. Harvard 1888 Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1920-1930)

Charles S. Hamlin A.B. Harvard 1883 Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1914-1916)

Frederic A. Delano A.B. Harvard 1885 Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1914-1916)

Henry Cabot Lodge Sr. B.A. Harvard 1871, LL.B. Harvard 1874, Ph.D. Harvard 1876 U.S. Senator (R-Mass., 1893-1924)

Jerome D. Greene A.B. Harvard 1896 Secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation (1913-1917)

Joseph Hodges Choate B.A. Harvard 1852; LL.B. Harvard 1854 U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (1899-1905); Vice President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1911-1917)

Charlemagne Tower B.A. Harvard 1872 U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1902-1908); Treasurer of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1912-1923)

Abbott Lawrence Lowell A.B. Harvard 1877; LL.B. Harvard 1880 President of Harvard University (1909-1933)

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. B.A. Harvard 1861; LL.B. Harvard 1866 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1902-1932)

Nicholas Longworth B.A. Harvard 1891 U.S. Congressman (R-Ohio, 1903-1913, 1915-1931)

James Brown Scott A.B. Harvard 1890 Secretary of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1910-1940)

Sidney Edward Mezes A.B. Harvard 1890; Ph.D. Harvard 1893 President of the City College of New York (1914-1927)

Garrett Droppers A.B. Harvard 1887 U.S. Minister to Greece (1914-1920)

Moorfield Storey A.B. Harvard 1866 President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (1910-1929)

W.E.B. Du Bois A.B. Harvard 1890; Ph.D. Harvard 1895 Director of Publications, NAACP (1910-1932)

Elliot L. Richardson B.A. Harvard 1941 U.S. Attorney General (1973-1974); Secretary of Commerce (1976-1977)

Caspar Weinberger B.A. Harvard 1938 Secretary of Defense (1981-1987)

Henry Kissinger B.A. Harvard 1950 Ph.D. Harvard 1954 Secretary of State (1973-1977)

James R. Schlesinger B.A. Harvard 1950 Secretary of Defense (1973-1975); Secretary of Energy (1977-1979)

Tom Ridge B.A. Harvard 1967 Secretary of Homeland Security (2003-2005)

Donald P. Hodel B.A. Harvard 1957 Secretary of Energy (1982-1985); Secretary of the Interior (1985-1989)

John G. Roberts Jr. B.A. Harvard 1976, J.D. Harvard 1979 Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2005-present)

Al Gore Jr. B.A. Harvard 1969 Vice President of the United States (1993-2001)

Shaun Donovan B.A. Harvard 1987 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (2009-present)

Arne Duncan B.A. Harvard 1987 Secretary of Education (2009-present)

Alanson B. Houghton A.B. Harvard 1886 U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1922-1925); U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (1925-1929)

W. Cameron Forbes A.B. Harvard 1892 U.S. Ambassador to Imperial Japan (1930-1932)

Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. B.A. Harvard 1924 U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam (19631964, 1965-1967)

Charles E. Bohlen A.B. Harvard 1927 U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1953-1957)

Arthur A. Hartman B.A. Harvard 1944 U.S. Ambassador to Soviet Union (1981-1987)

Perry Belmont A.B. Harvard 1872 U.S. Congressman (Democrat-New York, 1881-1888)

Robert Bacon A.B. Harvard 1880 U.S. Ambassador to France (1909-1912)

H. Percival Dodge A.B. Harvard 1892 U.S. Minister to Yugoslavia [Serbia] (1919-1926)

Peter Augustus Jay A.B. Harvard 1900 U.S. Minister to Romania (1921-1925)

William A.M. Burden A.B. Harvard 1927 U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (1959-1961)

Ben S. Bernanke B.A. Harvard 1975 Chairman of the Federal Reserve (2006-present)

Lloyd C. Blankfein B.A. Harvard 1975 J.D. Harvard 1978 Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs (2006-present)

Michael Chertoff B.A. Harvard 1975; J.D. Harvard 1978 Secretary of Homeland Security (2005-2009)

Douglas J. Feith B.A. Harvard 1975 Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (2001-2005)

Cass R. Sunstein B.A. Harvard 1975, J.D. Harvard 1978 Administrator of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (2009-present)

Keith P. Ellison B.A. Harvard 1972 Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas [Houston] (1999-present)

Jamie Gorelick B.A. Harvard 1972; J.D. Harvard 1975 Member of 9/11 Commission; Deputy U.S. Attorney General (1994-1997)

Nadine Strossen B.A. Harvard 1972; J.D. Harvard 1975 President of American Civil Liberties Union (1991-2008)

James H. Maloney B.A. Harvard 1972 U.S. Congressman (Democrat-Connecticut, 1997-2003)

Peter Olson B.A. Harvard 1972 Chairman and CEO of Random House, Inc. (1998-2008)

Susan Laura Carney B.A. Harvard 1973; J.D. Harvard 1977 Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (2011-present)

Roger W. Ferguson Jr. B.A. Harvard 1973; Ph.D. Harvard 1981 Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1999-2006)

Alan S. Al Franken B.A. Harvard 1973 U.S. Senator (D-Minn., 2009-present)

William Kristol B.A. Harvard 1973; Ph.D. Harvard 1979 Editor of The Weekly Standard

James B. Steinberg B.A. Harvard 1973 Deputy Secretary of State (2009-2011)

Charles Schumer B.A. Harvard 1971; J.D. Harvard 1974 U.S. Senator (D-New York, 1999-pres.)

David B. Vitter B.A. Harvard 1983 U.S. Senator (R-Louisiana, 2005-pres.)

Edward Ted Kennedy B.A. Harvard 1956 U.S. Senator (D-Mass., 1962-2009)

Thomas E. Petri B.A. Harvard 1962; J.D. Harvard 1965 U.S. Congressman (R-Wisconsin, 1979-pres.)

Barney Frank B.A. Harvard 1962; J.D. Harvard 1977 U.S. Congressman (D-Mass., 1981-present)

Franklin D. Raines B.A. Harvard 1971; J.D. Harvard 1976 Chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae (1999-2004)

Daniel Ellsberg B.A. Harvard 1952; Ph.D. Harvard 1962 Pentagon Paper leaker

Elliott Abrams B.A. Harvard 1969; J.D. Harvard 1973 Asst. Sec. of State for International Organization Affairs (1981-1985)

Richard N. Gardner B.A. Harvard 1948 U.S. Ambassador to Spain (1993-1997)

Nicholas Platt B.A. Harvard 1957 U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines (1987-1991)

James F. Collins B.A. Harvard 1961 U.S. Ambassador to Russia (1996-2001)

David H. Souter B.A. Harvard 1961, LL.B. Harvard 1966 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1990-2009)

John D. Rockefeller IV B.A. Harvard 1961 U.S. Senator (Democrat-West Virginia, 1985-present)

Anthony Lake B.A. Harvard 1961 National Security Advisor (1993-1997)

Timothy E. Wirth B.A. Harvard 1961 U.S. Senator (1987-1993); Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs (19941997)

James Guy Tucker Jr. B.A. Harvard 1964 Governor of Arkansas (1992-1996)

Phil Bredesen B.A. Harvard 1967 Governor of Tennessee (2003-2011)

William F. Weld B.A. Harvard 1966 Governor of Massachusetts (1991-1997)

Deval Patrick B.A. Harvard 1978 Governor of Massachusetts (2007-present)

Angel Taveras B.A. Harvard 1992 Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island (2011-present)

Nathan M. Pusey B.A. Harvard 1928; Ph.D. Harvard 1937 President of Harvard University (1953-1971)

Lincoln Gordon B.A. Harvard 1933 President of Johns Hopkins University (1967-1971)

Courtney Craig Smith B.A. Harvard 1938; Ph.D. Harvard 1944 President of Swarthmore College (1953-1969)

John Brademas B.A. Harvard 1949 President of New York University (1981-1991)

James O. Freedman B.A. Harvard 1957 President of Dartmouth College (1987-1998)

David B. Frohnmayer B.A. Harvard 1962 President of University of Oregon (1994-2009)

David W. Oxtoby B.A. Harvard 1972 President of Pomona College [Claremont, California] (2003-present)

David W. Leebron B.A. Harvard 1976; J.D. Harvard 1979 President of Rice University [Houston, Texas] (2004-present)

Louis H. Pollak B.A. Harvard 1943 Dean of Yale Law School (1965-1970)

Harold Hongju Koh B.A. Harvard 1975; J.D. Harvard 1980 Dean of Yale Law School (2004-2009)

Joseph E. Johnson B.S. Harvard 1927; Ph.D. Harvard 1943 President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1950-1971)

Martin Feldstein B.A. Harvard 1961 President of National Bureau of Economic Research (1977-1982, 1984-present)

Peter C. Goldmark Jr. B.A. Harvard 1962 President of Rockefeller Foundation (1988-1997)

Walter Isaacson B.A. Harvard 1974 President of Aspen Institute (2003-present)

Luis A. Ubinas B.A. Harvard 1989 President of Ford Foundation (2008-present)

Robert W. Sarnoff B.A. Harvard 1939 Chairman of the board and CEO of RCA (1970-1975)

Sumner Redstone B.A. Harvard 1944; LL.B. Harvard 1947 Chairman of the board of Viacom (1987-present)

Peter R. Kann B.A. Harvard 1964 Chairman of Dow Jones & Co. (1991-2007)

Donald E. Graham B.A. Harvard 1966 Chairman and CEO of The Washington Post Co. (1993-present)

Boisfeuillet Jones Jr. B.A. Harvard 1968; J.D. Harvard 1974 Publisher and CEO of The Washington Post (2000-2008)

Early Harvard University Graduates

John Adams B.A. Harvard 1755 President of the United States (1797-1801)

Samuel Adams B.A. Harvard 1740 Governor of Massachusetts (1794-1797)

John Hancock B.A. Harvard 1754 Governor of Massachusetts (1780-1785, 1787-1793)

Robert Treat Paine B.A. Harvard 1749 Attorney General of Massachusetts (1777-1790)

Jonathan Trumbull Sr. B.A. Harvard 1727 Governor of Connecticut (1776-1784)

William Williams B.A. Harvard 1751 Member of the Continental Congress (Connecticut, 1776-1777)

Francis Dana B.A. Harvard 1762 Member of the Continental Congress (Massachusetts, 17771778, 1784)

Elbridge T. Gerry B.A. Harvard 1762 Vice President of the U.S. (March 4, 1813-November 23, 1814)

William Eustis B.A. Harvard 1772 U.S. Secretary of War (March 7, 1809-January 13, 1813)

Laban Wheaton B.A. Harvard 1774 U.S. Congressman (F-Mass., 1809-1817)

William Harris B.A. Harvard 1786 President of Columbia University (1811-1829)

John Thornton Kirkland B.A. Harvard 1789 President of Harvard University (1810-1828)

Christopher Gore B.A. Harvard 1776 U.S. Senator (F-Mass., 1813-1816)

Levi Lincoln Sr. B.A. Harvard 1772 U.S. Attorney General (1801-1805)

James Lloyd B.A. Harvard 1787 U.S. Senator (Federalist-Mass., 18081813, 1822-1826)

Thomas W. Thompson B.A. Harvard 1786 U.S. Senator (F-New Hampshire, 1814-1817)

Timothy Pickering B.A. Harvard 1763 U.S. Secretary of State (1795-1800)

Rufus King B.A. Harvard 1777 U.S. Senator (Federalist-New York, 1789-1796; 1813-1825)

Perez Morton B.A. Harvard 1771 Attorney General of Massachusetts (1810-1832)

Harrison Gray Otis B.A. Harvard 1783 U.S. Senator (F-Mass, 1817-1822)

George Bancroft B.A. Harvard 1817; Ph.D. Gottingen 1820 U.S. Minister to Prussia (1867-1871) and Germany (1871-1874)

Caleb Cushing B.A. Harvard 1817 U.S. Congressman U.S. Attorney General (1853-1857)

Joseph Coolidge B.A. Harvard 1817 Partner of Russell & Co. opium syndicate (1834-1840)

Samuel A. Eliot B.A. Harvard 1817 Mayor of Boston (1837-1839)

Alva Woods B.A. Harvard 1817 inaugural President of University of Alabama (1831-1837)

Joseph Story B.A. Harvard 1798 Justice of U.S. Supreme Court (1811-1845)

Josiah Quincy B.A. Harvard 1790 President of Harvard University (1829-1845); U.S. Congressman (F-Mass., 1805-1813)

Edward Everett B.A. Harvard 1811 Ph.D. Gottingen 1817 U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1841-1845); Gov. of Massachusetts (1836-1840)

Robert Charles Winthrop B.A. Harvard 1828 U.S. Congressman (Whig-Massachusetts, 1840-1842, 1842-1850)

Leverett Saltonstall B.A. Harvard 1802 U.S. Congressman (Whig-Massachusetts, 1838-1843)

Robert Rantoul Jr. B.A. Harvard 1826 Member of Massachusetts State Board of Education (1837-1842)

Lemuel Shaw B.A. Harvard 1800 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts (1830-1860)

John Quincy Adams B.A. Harvard 1787 President of the United States (1825-1829); U.S. Secretary of State (1817-1825)

Robert W. Barnwell B.A. Harvard 1821 President of University of South Carolina (1835-1841)

Charles Gordon Atherton B.A. Harvard 1822 U.S. Congressman (Democrat-New Hampshire, 1837-1843)

Jared Sparks A.B. Harvard 1815 President of Harvard University (1849-1853)

James Walker A.B. Harvard 1814 President of Harvard University (1853-1860)

Cornelius Conway Felton A.B. Harvard 1827 President of Harvard University (1860-1862)

Thomas Hill A.B. Harvard 1843 President of Harvard University (1862-1868)

Charles William Eliot A.B. Harvard 1853 President of Harvard University (1869-1909)

Prominent Harvard University Graduate Students

Barack Obama J.D. Harvard 1991 President of the United States (2009-present)

George W. Bush M.B.A. Harvard 1975 President of the United States (2001-2009)

Pierre E. Trudeau M.A. Harvard 1945 Prime Minister of Canada (1968-1979, 1980-1984)

Carlos Salinas Ph.D. Harvard 1978 President of Mexico (1988-1994)

Felipe Calderon Harvard 2000 President of Mexico (2006-present)

G. Stanley Hall Ph.D. Harvard 1878 President of Clark University (1888-1920)

Ralph J. Bunche Ph.D. Harvard 1934 Undersecretary-General of the United Nations (1968-1971)

Harry Dexter White Ph.D. Harvard 1935 Co-Founder of the World Bank and IMF

Gabriel Hauge Ph.D. Harvard 1947 Chairman of the board of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. (1971-1979)

Anthony M. Solomon Ph.D. Harvard 1950 President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1980-1985)

Zbigniew Brzezinski Ph.D. Harvard 1953 National Security Advisor (1977-1981)

Leslie H. Gelb Ph.D. Harvard 1964 President of the Council on Foreign Relations (1993-2003)

Neil L. Rudenstine Ph.D. Harvard 1964 President of Harvard University (1991-2001)

Ruth J. Simmons Ph.D. Harvard 1973 President of Brown University (2001-present)

Lawrence Summers Ph.D. Harvard 1982 Secretary of the Treasury (1999-2001)

Prominent Harvard University Graduate Students: Harvard Law School

Louis Brandeis LL.B. Harvard 1877 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1916-1939)

Felix Frankfurter LL.B. Harvard 1906 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1939-1962)

George L. Harrison LL.B. Harvard 1913 President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1928-1940)

Robert A. Taft LL.B. Harvard 1913 U.S. Senator (1939-1953)

Dean G. Acheson LL.B. Harvard 1918 U.S. Secretary of State (1949-1953)

John J. McCloy LL.B. Harvard 1921 Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank (1955-1961)

Alger Hiss LL.B. Harvard 1929 President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1946-1949)

Philip L. Graham LL.B. Harvard 1939 Publisher of The Washington Post (1946-1961)

Ralph Nader LL.B. Harvard 1958 Green Party presidential candidate

Michael Dukakis J.D. Harvard 1960 Governor of Massachusetts (19751979, 1983-1991)

Anthony M. Kennedy J.D. Harvard 1961 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1988-present)

Bob Graham LL.B. Harvard 1962 U.S. Senator (19872005); Governor of Florida (1979-1987)

Janet Reno LL.B. Harvard 1963 U.S. Attorney General (1993-2001)

Stephen Breyer LL.B. Harvard 1964 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1994-present)

Bruce E. Babbitt LL.B. Harvard 1965 Secretary of the Interior (1993-2001)

Kenneth I. Chenault J.D. Harvard 1976 Chairman and CEO of American Express Co. (2001-present)

Robert Zoellick J.D. Harvard 1981 President of the World Bank (2007-2012)

Alberto Gonzales J.D. Harvard 1982 U.S. Attorney General (2005-2007)

Eliot Spitzer J.D. Harvard 1984 Governor of New York (2007-2008)

Elena Kagan J.D. Harvard 1986 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2010-present)

Prominent Harvard University Graduate Students: Harvard Business School

Robert S. McNamara M.B.A. Harvard 1939 Secretary of Defense (1961-1968); President of World Bank (1968-1981)

John C. Whitehead M.B.A. Harvard 1947 Partner of Goldman Sachs; Deputy Secretary of State (1985-1989)

John L. Weinberg M.B.A. Harvard 1950 Senior Chairman of Goldman Sachs (1990-2001)

Nicholas F. Brady M.B.A. Harvard 1954 Secretary of the Treasury (1988-1993); Chairman of Dillon, Read & Co.

William H. Donaldson M.B.A. Harvard 1958 Chairman of New York Stock Exchange (1991-1995)

James D. Wolfensohn M.B.A. Harvard 1959 President of the World Bank (1995-2005)

James D. Robinson III M.B.A. Harvard 1961 Chairman and CEO of American Express Co. (1977-1993)

Barbara Hackman Franklin M.B.A. Harvard 1964 U.S. Secretary of Commerce (1992-1993)

Charles O. Rossotti M.B.A. Harvard 1964 Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service (1997-2002)

Louis V. Gerstner Jr. M.B.A. Harvard 1965 Chairman and CEO of IBM; Chairman of The Carlyle Group

Michael R. Bloomberg M.B.A. Harvard 1966 Mayor of New York City (2002-present)

L. Paul Bremer III M.B.A. Harvard 1966 U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands (1983-1986); U.S. Proconsul to Iraq

Henry M. Paulson Jr. M.B.A. Harvard 1970 Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs; Secretary of the Treasury (2006-2009)

Mitt Romney M.B.A. Harvard 1975 Governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007)

W. James McNerney Jr. M.B.A. Harvard 1975 Chairman and CEO of The Boeing Co. (2005-present)

E. Stanley ONeal M.B.A. Harvard 1978 Chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch (2003-2007)

Elaine Chao M.B.A. Harvard 1979 U.S. Secretary of Labor (2001-2009)

John A. Thain M.B.A. Harvard 1979 Former Chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch

James L. Jamie Dimon M.B.A. Harvard 1982 Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase (2007-present)

Jeffrey R. Immelt M.B.A. Harvard 1982 Chairman and CEO of General Electric Co. (2001-present)

Princeton University Prominent Alumni

Government Officials:

John Foster Dulles A.B. Princeton 1908 Secretary of State (1953-1959)

Allen W. Dulles A.B. Princeton 1914 Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1953-1961)

Woodrow Wilson A.B. Princeton 1879 President of the United States (1913-1921)

Abram Piatt Andrew Jr. A.B. Princeton 1893 Director of the U.S. Mint (1909-1910);U.S. Congressman (R-Mass., 1921-1936)

William E. Colby A.B. Princeton 1940 Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1973-1976)

Frank C. Carlucci A.B. Princeton 1952 Secretary of Defense (1987-1989)

James A. Baker III A.B. Princeton 1952 Secretary of State (19891992); Secretary of the Treasury (1985-1988)

George P. Shultz A.B. Princeton 1942 Secretary of State (19821989); Secretary of the Treasury (1972-1974)

Donald H. Rumsfeld A.B. Princeton 1954 Secretary of Defense (1975-1977, 2001-2006)

Thomas Kean A.B. Princeton 1957 Governor of New Jersey (1982-1990)

Norman Armour A.B. Princeton 1909 U.S. Ambassador to Argentina (1939-1944)

Adlai E. Stevenson Jr. A.B. Princeton 1922 U.S. Representative to the United Nations (1961-1965)

George F. Kennan A.B. Princeton 1925 U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1952)

Jacob D. Beam A.B. Princeton 1929 U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1969-1973)

Harlan Cleveland A.B. Princeton 1938 U.S. Representative to NATO (1965-1969)

Roland S. Morris A.B. Princeton 1896 U.S. Ambassador to Japan (1917-1920)

John Van A. MacMurray A.B. Princeton 1902 U.S. Ambassador to Turkey (1936-1941); U.S. Minister to China (19251929)

W. Walton Butterworth A.B. Princeton 1925 U.S. Ambassador to Canada (1962-1968)

J. Stapleton Roy A.B. Princeton 1956 U.S. Ambassador to Communist China (1991-1995)

Frank G. Wisner II A.B. Princeton 1961 U.S. Ambassador to Egypt (1986-1991); U.S. Ambassador to India (1994-1997)

Mahlon Pitney A.B. Princeton 1879 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1912-1922)

John Marshall Harlan II A.B. Princeton 1920 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1955-1971)

Samuel Alito A.B. Princeton 1972 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2006-present)

Sonia Sotomayor A.B. Princeton 1976 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2009-present)

Elena Kagan A.B. Princeton 1981 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (2010-present); Dean of Harvard Law School (2003-2009)

Charles W. Yost A.B. Princeton 1928 U.S. Ambassador to Laos (1954-1956)

Cameron R. Hume A.B. Princeton 1968 U.S. Ambassador to South Africa (2001-2004); U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia (2007-2010)

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach A.B. Princeton 1945 U.S. Attorney General (1964-1966)

Robert S. Mueller III A.B. Princeton 1966 Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation (2001-present)

Howard Alexander Smith A.B. Princeton 1901 U.S. Senator (RepublicanNew Jersey, 1944-1959)

Claiborne Pell A.B. Princeton 1940 U.S. Senator (DemocratRhode Island, 1961-1997)

John C. Danforth A.B. Princeton 1958 U.S. Senator (RepublicanMissouri, 1976-1995)

Bill Frist A.B. Princeton 1974 U.S. Senate Majority Leader (2003-2007)

Bill Bradley A.B. Princeton 1965 U.S. Senator (DemocratNew Jersey, 1979-1997)

Paul Sarbanes A.B. 1954 U.S. Senator (DemocratMaryland, 1977-2007)

Mitch Daniels A.B. Princeton 1971 Governor of Indiana (2005-present)

Eliot Spitzer A.B. Princeton 1981 Governor of New York (2007-2008)

Richard Riordan A.B. Princeton 1952 Mayor of Los Angeles (1993-2001)

James A.S. Leach A.B. Princeton 1964 U.S. Congressman (R-Iowa, 1977-2007)

Christopher S. Kit Bond A.B. Princeton 1960 U.S. Senator (RepublicanMissouri, 1987-2011)

Businessmen, Bankers, and Journalists:

Gordon S. Rentschler A.B. Princeton 1907 Chairman of the board of National City Bank of New York [New York City] (1940-1948)

John L. Weinberg A.B. Princeton 1947 Partner of Goldman, Sachs & Co. [New York City] (1956-1990); Senior Chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (1990-2001)

Paul A. Volcker A.B. Princeton 1949 Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979-1987); President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York [New York City] (1975-1979)

John P. Birkelund A.B. Princeton 1952 Chairman and CEO of Dillon, Read & Co. [New York City] (1988-1993)

John F. McGillicuddy A.B. Princeton 1952 Chairman of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. [New York City] (1979-1991)

James T. Aubrey, Jr. A.B. Princeton 1941 President of CBS (19591965); President of MGM studios (1969-1973)

Eric Schmidt B.S. Princeton 1976 Chairman and CEO of Google Inc. (2001-present)

Norman R. Augustine B.S. Princeton 1957 Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin (1995-1997)

Steve Forbes A.B. Princeton 1970 Publisher of Forbes magazine

Alan S. Blinder A.B. Princeton 1967 Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1994-1996)

C.D. Jackson A.B. Princeton 1924 Publisher of Life magazine

Hamilton Fish Armstrong A.B. Princeton 1916 Editor of Foreign Affairs magazine (1928-1972)

Raymond B. Fosdick A.B. Princeton 1905 President of The Rockefeller Foundation (1936-1948)

John B. Oakes A.B. Princeton 1934 Editorial Page Editor of The New York Times (1961-1977)

Henry R. Labouisse A.B. Princeton 1926 Executive Director of UNICEF (1965-1979)

Frank Pace Jr. A.B. Princeton 1933 Chairman of General Dynamics Corp. (19591962); Secretary of the Army (1950-1953)

Bruce K. MacLaury A.B. Princeton 1953 President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (1971-1977)

John D. Rockefeller III B.S. Princeton 1929 Chairman of The Rockefeller Foundation (1952-1971)

Charlie Gibson A.B. Princeton 1965 Anchor of ABC World News Tonight (2006-2009)

Meg Whitman A.B. Princeton 1977 President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard (2011-present)

College Presidents and Miscellaneous:

John G. Hibben A.B. Princeton 1882 President of Princeton University (1912-1932)

Livingston Farrand A.B. Princeton 1888 President of Cornell University (1921-1937)

Robert F. Goheen A.B. Princeton 1940; Ph.D. Princeton 1948 President of Princeton University (1957-1972)

James M. Hester A.B. Princeton 1945 President of New York University (1962-1975)

William E. Stevenson A.B. Princeton 1922 President of Oberlin College (1946-1959)

Steven G. Poskanzer A.B. Princeton 1980 President of Carleton College (2010-present)

W. Taylor Reveley III A.B. Princeton 1965 President of College of William and Mary (2008-present)

Don Michael Randel A.B. Princeton 1962; Ph.D. Princeton 1967 President of University of Chicago (2000-2006)

Neil L. Rudenstine A.B. Princeton 1956 President of Harvard University (1991-2001)

George E. Rupp A.B. Princeton 1964 President of Columbia University (1993-2002)

Edward W. Said A.B. Princeton 1957 Professor of English and Humanities at Columbia University (1970-2003)

Anne-Marie Slaughter A.B. Princeton 1980 Dean of Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University (2002-2009)

Joseph S. Nye Jr. A.B. Princeton 1958 Dean of John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard (1995-2004)

Michael H. Schill A.B. Princeton 1980 Dean of University of Chicago Law School (2010-present)

Edward W. Barrett A.B. Princeton 1932 Dean of Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University (1956-1968)

Queen Noor of Jordan [Lisa Halaby] A.B. Princeton 1974 Queen of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Michelle Obama A.B. Princeton 1985 First Lady of the United States (2009-present)

Peter R. Orszag A.B. Princeton 1991 Director of the Office of Management and Budget (2009-2010)

Norman M. Thomas A.B. Princeton 1905 Socialist Party presidential candidate

Ralph Nader A.B. Princeton 1955 Green Party presidential candidate

Early Princeton University Graduates

Henry Light Horse Harry Lee A.B. Princeton 1773 Governor of Virginia (1791-1794)

James Manning A.B. Princeton 1762 inaugural President of Brown University (1765-1791)

James Madison A.B. Princeton 1771 President of the U.S. (1809-1817); U.S. Sec. of State (1801-1809)

William Paterson A.B. Princeton 1763 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1793-1806)

Oliver Ellsworth A.B. Princeton 1766 Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1796-1800)

Rev. John Ewing A.B. Princeton 1754 Provost of the University of Pennsylvania (1779-1802); Professor of Natural Philosophy at Univ. of Pennsylvania (1762-1778)

John Blair Smith A.B. Princeton 1773 President of HampdenSydney College (1779-1789)

Samuel Stanhope Smith A.B. Princeton 1769 President of Princeton University (1795-1812); inaugural President of Hampden-Sydney College (1775-1779)

Richard Stockton A.B. Princeton 1748 Member of the Continental Congress (1776); Signer of the Declaration of Independence

Benjamin Rush A.B. Princeton 1760 Member of the Continental Congress (1776-1777); Signer of the Declaration of Independence

George W. Campbell A.B. Princeton 1794 U.S. Minister to Russia (1818-1821)

Robert Smith A.B. Princeton 1781 Secretary of the Navy (1801-1809); Secretary of State (1809-1811)

Edward Livingston A.B. Princeton 1781 Secretary of State (18311833); Mayor of New York City (1801-1803)

George M. Dallas A.B. Princeton 1810 Vice President of the United States (1845-1849)

George M. Bibb A.B. Princeton 1792 Secretary of the Treasury (1844-1845)

Richard Rush A.B. Princeton 1797 Secretary of the Treasury (1825-1828); U.S. Minister to Great Britain (1817-1825)

John Forsyth A.B. Princeton 1799 U.S. Secretary of State (1834-1841)

Aaron Burr Jr. A.B. Princeton 1772 Vice President of the United States (1801-1805)

Nicholas Biddle A.B. Princeton 1801 President of the Second Bank of the United States (1823-1836)

Jonathan Dayton A.B. Princeton 1776 U.S. Senator (FederalistNew Jersey, 1799-1805)

Columbia University Alumni

Harold Brown B.A. Columbia 1945 U.S. Secretary of Defense (1977-1981)

Michael Mukasey B.A. Columbia 1963 U.S. Attorney General (2007-2009)

Barack Obama B.A. Columbia 1983 President of the United States (2009-present)

Eric Holder B.A. Columbia 1973 U.S. Attorney General (2009-present)

Arthur F. Burns B.A. Columbia 1925 Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1970-1978)

Oscar S. Straus B.A. Columbia 1871 U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Labor (1906-1909)

Nicholas Murray Butler B.A. Columbia 1882 President of Columbia University (1902-1945)

William J. Wild Bill Donovan B.A. Columbia 1905 Director of Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (1942-1945)

Arthur Hays Sulzberger B.S. Columbia 1913 Chairman of the board of The New York Times Co. (1957-1968)

William G. Brady Jr. B.A. Columbia 1908 Chairman of the board of National City Bank of New York (1948-1952)

Norman Dorsen B.A. Columbia 1950 President of American Civil Liberties Union (1976-1991)

Franklin A. Thomas B.A. Columbia 1956 President of Ford Foundation (1979-1996)

Benjamin J. Buttenwieser B.A. Columbia 1919 Partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. [bank in New York City] (1932-1977)

Dov S. Zakheim B.A. Columbia 1970 Comptroller of the U.S. Department of Defense (2001-2004)

William P. Barr B.A. Columbia 1971 U.S. Attorney General (1991-1993)

DeWitt Clinton B.A. Columbia 1786 Mayor of New York City (1803-1807, 1808-1810, 1811-1815)

John Jay B.A. Columbia 1764 Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1795)

Alexander Hamilton B.A. Columbia 1774 Secretary of the Treasury (1789-1795)

Daniel D. Tompkins B.A. Columbia 1795 Governor of New York (1807-1817)

John Slidell B.A. Columbia 1810 U.S. Senator (DemocratLouisiana, 1853-1861); Confederate Envoy to France (1861-1865)

James T. Shotwell Ph.D. Columbia 1903 President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1949-1950)

(Lt. Gen.) Brent Scowcroft Ph.D. Columbia 1967 National Security Advisor (1975-1977, 1989-1993)

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Ph.D. Columbia 1968 U.S. Representative to the United Nations (1981-1985)

Judith Rodin Ph.D. Columbia 1970 President of the Rockefeller Foundation (2005-present)

Madeleine K. Albright Ph.D. Columbia 1976 U.S. Secretary of State (1997-2001)

Franklin MacVeagh LL.B. Columbia 1864 Secretary of the Treasury (1909-1913)

Henry Morgenthau Sr. LL.B. Columbia 1877 U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire (December 11, 1913February 1, 1916)

Charles Evans Hughes LL.B. Columbia 1884 Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1930-1941)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg LL.B. Columbia 1959 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1993-present)

Lee C. Bollinger J.D. Columbia 1971 President of Columbia University (2002-present)

Warren E. Buffett M.S. Columbia 1951 Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Alfred A. Knopf B.A. Columbia 1912 Founder of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Publishers

Armand Hammer B.S. Columbia 1919 Chairman of the board and CEO of Occidental Petroleum Corp. (1957-1990)

George Stephanopoulos B.A. Columbia 1982 Anchor of Good Morning America on ABC (2010-present)

Henry R. Kravis M.B.A. Columbia 1969 Senior Partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

Prominent Dartmouth College Graduates

Daniel Webster A.B. Dartmouth 1801 U.S. Senator (Whig-Mass., 1827-1841, 1845-1850)

Levi Woodbury A.B. Dartmouth 1809 Secretary of the Treasury (1834-1841)

Salmon P. Chase A.B. Dartmouth 1826 Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1864-1873)

Rufus Choate A.B. Dartmouth 1819 U.S. Senator (Whig-Mass., 1841-1845)

Thaddeus Stevens A.B. Dartmouth 1814 U.S. Congressman (Whig/Republican-Penn., 1849-1853, 1859-1868)

James W. Grimes A.B. Dartmouth 1836 U.S. Senator (R-Iowa, 1859-1869)

John Wentworth A.B. Dartmouth 1836 Mayor of Chicago (1857-1858, 1860-1861)

Benjamin F. Flanders A.B. Dartmouth 1842 Mayor of New Orleans (1870-1872)

John Dudley Philbrick A.B. Dartmouth 1842 Superintendent of Public Schools of Boston (1856-1874, 1875-1878)

Sylvanus Thayer A.B. Dartmouth 1807 Superintendent of U.S. Military Academy (1817-1833)

Redfield Proctor A.B. Dartmouth 1851 U.S. Senator (RepublicanVermont, 1891-1908)

Beardsley Ruml B.S. Dartmouth 1915 Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1941-1946); Treasurer of R.H. Macy & Co. [Macys department store] (1934-1945)

John Sloan Dickey A.B. Dartmouth 1929 President of Dartmouth College (1945-1970)

Nelson A. Rockefeller A.B. Dartmouth 1930 Vice President of the United States (1974-1977)

Paul E. Tsongas A.B. Dartmouth 1962 U.S. Senator (DemocratMass., 1979-1985)

Louis V. Gerstner Jr. A.B. Dartmouth 1963 Chairman and CEO of IBM (1993-2002); Chairman of the Carlyle Group (2003-present)

Jeffrey R. Immelt A.B. Dartmouth 1978 Chairman and CEO of General Electric Co. (2001-present)

Robert B. Reich A.B. Dartmouth 1968 U.S. Secretary of Labor (1993-1997)

Henry Paulson A.B. Dartmouth 1968 Secretary of the Treasury (2006-2009)

Timothy F. Geithner A.B. Dartmouth 1983 Secretary of the Treasury (2009-present)

Prominent Brown University Graduates

Jonathan Maxcy A.B. Brown 1787 President of University of South Carolina (1804-1820)

James Fenner A.B. Brown 1789 Governor of Rhode Island (1807-1811, 1824-1831, 1843-1845)

Horace Mann A.B. Brown 1819 U.S. Congressman (Whig-Mass., 1848-1853)

William Learned Marcy A.B. Brown 1808 Governor of New York (1833-1838)

Pendleton Murrah A.B. Brown 1848 Governor of Texas [Confederate] (1863-1865)

James Burrill Angell A.B. Brown 1849 President of University of Michigan (1871-1909)

John Hay A.B. Brown 1858 U.S. Secretary of State (1898-1905)

William H.P. Faunce A.B. Brown 1880 President of Brown University (1899-1929)

Charles Evans Hughes A.B. Brown 1881 Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1930-1941)

Theodore F. Green A.B. Brown 1887 Governor of Rhode Island (1933-1937); U.S. Senator (D-Rhode Island, 19371961)

Frederic M. Sackett A.B. Brown 1890 U.S. Ambassador to Germany (1930-1933)

Alexander Meiklejohn A.B. Brown 1893 President of Amherst College (1912-1924)

John D. Rockefeller Jr. A.B. Brown 1897 Chairman of the board of The Rockefeller Foundation (1917-1940)

Thomas J. Watson Jr. A.B. Brown 1937 Chairman and CEO of IBM (1961-1971)

Willard C. Butcher A.B. Brown 1947 Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank (1981-1990)

Richard C. Holbrooke A.B. Brown 1962 U.S. Representative to the United Nations (1999-2001)

Janet L. Yellen A.B. Brown 1967 Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve (2010-present)

Lincoln D. Chafee A.B. Brown 1975 U.S. Senator (RepublicanRhode Island, 19992007); Governor of Rhode Island (2011-present)

Jim Yong Kim A.B. Brown 1982 President of Dartmouth College (2009-2012); President of the World Bank (2012-present)

Bobby Jindal B.S. Brown 1991 Governor of Louisiana (2008-present)

Cornell University Alumni

Edward M. House (undergraduate 18771880, dropped out) Co-Founder, Council on Foreign Relations (1921)

Arthur H. Dean B.A. Cornell 1921 Partner of Sullivan & Cromwell [law firm in New York City] (1929-1976)

Barber B. Conable Jr. B.A. Cornell 1942 President of the World Bank (1986-1991)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg B.A. Cornell 1954 Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1993-present)

Sanford I. Weill B.A. Cornell 1955 Chairman (1998-2006) and CEO (1998-2003) of Citigroup

Stephen Friedman B.A. Cornell 1959 Chairman of Goldman, Sachs & Co. (1990-1994)

Janet Reno B.A. Cornell 1960 U.S. Attorney General (1993-2001)

Paul D. Wolfowitz B.A. Cornell 1965 President of the World Bank (2005-2007)

Sandy Berger B.A. Cornell 1967 National Security Advisor (1997-2001)

Stephen J. Hadley B.A. Cornell 1969 National Security Advisor (2005-2009)

Prominent Members of Quill & Dagger (senior society at Cornell University)

Prominent members of Quill & Dagger include Paul D. Wolfowitz, Sandy Berger, Stephen Friedman, Stephen J. Hadley, and Barber B. Conable Jr.

Prominent Presidents of Harvard University

Charles Chauncy, Increase Mather, Benjamin Wadsworth, Edward Holyoke

John Thornton Kirkland, Josiah Quincy, Edward Everett, Jared Sparks

James Walker, Cornelius Conway Felton, Thomas Hill, Charles William Eliot, Abbott Lawrence Lowell

James B. Conant, Nathan M. Pusey, Derek Bok, Neil L. Rudenstine, Lawrence H. Summers, Drew Gilpin Faust

University Hall at Harvard University, with the statue of John Harvard in front of the building. (Photo: Flickr)

Harvard Law School (Photo: Flickr)

Harvard Yard

Widener Library at Harvard University

Harvard University

Harvard Business School (Photo: Flickr)

Yale Law School (Photo: Wikimedia)

Yale University (Photo: Flickr)

Nassau Hall at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey (Photo: Flickr)

Whitman College at Princeton University (Photo: Flickr)

Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey (Photo: Flickr)

Butler Library at Columbia University in New York City (Photo: Flickr)

Columbia Graduate School of Journalism

Columbia University Library at Columbia University in New York City

Cornell University in Ithaca, New York (Photo: Cornell University)

University Hall, Brown University (Photo: Flickr)

Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S.A. (Photo: Flickr)

Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Princeton

Dartmouth College, Brown University, Cornell University

University of Pennsylvania

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