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GROUP-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Differentiate between Conventional and Non conventional machining process? Classify Non Traditional Machining process? What is the need of Non-traditional machining process? Why is abrasive jet machining is not suitable for soft materials? Why is graphite most preferred material in EDM? Why is a vacuum chamber needed in EBM? How does ECM process differ from electroplating? How do the discharge current and frequency of discharge affect MRR in EDM?

GROUP-II 1. With the help of neat sketch explain the mechanism of material removal in EDM? 2. What are the process characteristics of EDM? Also explain the characteristics of Dielectric and Electrode? 3. Find out the condition for which AJM will produce equal material removal both for ductile and brittle materials? [Equate both the equations and derive] 4. Explain with sketch the types of power generators used in EDM? 5. Explain the RC type relaxation generator? Derive the expression for Charging and discharging voltage and current? 6. Determine on time or discharge time if Vo = 100 V and Vd = 15 V. Spark energy = 0.5 J. Generator is expected for maximum power during charging. Machine resistance = 0.5 . 7. In an EDM operation with R-C circuit, the following data are available. Supply voltage 100 V Discharge voltage 65 V Resistance (R) 10 Percentage of discharge Energy used in Material Removal 20% Calculate the time required to drill a 10 mm diameter hole in a steel work piece having a thickness of 15 mm. Assume C = 100 F. 8. Write down the assumptions for deriving the MRR of USM. 9. Glass is being machined at a MRR of 7.5 mm3/min by Al2O3 abrasive grits having a grit dia of 140 m. If 110 m grits were used, what would be the MRR? For the same problem, the feed force is increased by 60% along with a reduction in concentration by 45%. What would be the effect on MRR? 10. Derive expression for MRR in machining of ductile material by USM? 11. Derive expression for MRR in machining of brittle material by USM? 12. Explain the effect of process parameters on MRR of USM with graphs?

13. Calculate the depth of indentation produced on a glass surface in ultrasonic machining by abrasive grain of 100 m diameter. The parameters are Amplitude of vibration 0.1 mm Frequency 20 kC/s Abrasive density 3.0 kg/m3 Yield strength of glass 4.0 x 1011 N/m2 14. Explain with neat sketch the working of Transducer and Horn in USM? 15. How does the tool shape reproduced over work piece surface in ECM? Explain with sketch? Discuss the advantages and limitations of ECM? 16. Explain the Lasing action in LBM? What are the lasing mediums? With neat sketch describe the different types of Laser constructions? 17. Estimate the material removal rate in AJM of a brittle material with flow strength of 3.8 Gpa. The abrasive flow rate is 3.4 gm/min, velocity is 210 m/s and density of the abrasive is 3.2 gm/cc. 18. The composition of a Nimonic alloy turbine blade is 18% Cobalt, 62% Ni, and 20% Chromium. It is being machined electrochemically with a current of 1500 amp. Find out the volume removal rate. The dissolution valency of chromium is 6, whereas that for both Nickel and Cobalt is 2 and densities are Co = 8.9 g/cc, Ni = 8.912 g/cc, Cr = 7.19 g/cc. 19. Explain the effect of the following parameters on machining accuracy and MRR in AJM with graphs? a) Jet velocity b) Mixing ratio c) SOD 20. Obtain the expression for MRR in ECM by considering the principle of electrolysis?

Faculty: T. R. Mahapatra Asst. Prof. SME 9861425597

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