Lakshya Trayambakam

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chapter 50- Discourse on Lakshya Triyambakam

Swami wanted to visit Hyderabad and hence he took his Sri Guru Peetham and early morning itself stepped out along with his disciples. On the way they visited many villages like, Mallepalle, Porumamilla, Kalasapaadu, Giddalooru, Kambham, Donakonda, Markapuram, Sarparao Peta, Guntur, Mangalagiri. In all those villages he spent some time and received the greetings of many devotees of those villages. Then they reached Vijayawada where they all bathed in the waters of river Krishna, and then went up the indrakeeladri hill to worship the Goddess Sri Kanaka Durga. There they spent 5 days and then again started their journey. Then they travelled through Eluru, Rajamundry, and Warangal and on the way spent their time clarifying the spiritual doubts of the villagers and his disciples. Then they reached Secunderabad and spent that night in the Nawabs palace. The next day they stepped out towards Hyderabad but before that they sent a message to the people of Hyderabad village about theyr trip to their place. Hyderabad Viswa brahmin group felt exceedingly happy to receive Swami and his disciples, they immediately arranged for a palanquin and a band. With the band playing nice musical notes, Swami was carried in the palanquin across the streets and across the markets and finally everyone landed in the house of a very learned Viswa Brahmin. After having the dinner that learned Viswa Brahmin sat near the feet of Swami and asked, Swami! I have one doubt which I put before many people but they all being theoretically strong but practically inexperienced, they could not clarify my doubt. You seem to me like none other than an incarnation of Lord Shiva himself, so I am sure that I would be able to get my query answered by you. So kindly be graceful on me and clarify my doubts. Swami smiled and replied, Son! I know everything about your doubts. Listen carefully. You wanted to know the details of Lakshya triyambakam, isnt it? Ill explain, listen. Seeing the omniscience of the Swami, there were no bounds to the happiness of that Viswa Brahmin. With extreme and overwhelming happiness he said, Father! Before I could open my heart and ask my doubts you yourself told me what doubt I have. Im extremely happy. Swami said, Son! Listen. Since Taraka Yogis depend upon practice, for them LakshyaTriambakam is very important step.How that need to be done, Ill explain now. Then Swami turned towards Siddhaiyya who was doing Pada Seva of Swami sitting near his feet and said, Siddha! Here Im going to elaborate all about Lakshya Triambakam, you also listen carefully.

Then Swami again turned towards the Viswa Brahmin and said, Son! Lakshya Triambakam is of three typs viz. Bahya Lakshyam, Madhya Lakshyam, and Antar Lakshyam. Firstly Ill explain about Bahya Lakshyam. --*Bahya Lakshyam*-Listen! One should focus his mind constantly seeing at the tip of the nose. Sight should not be allowed to tremble. One can see 5 different colors up the nasal tip. From that nasal tip onwards above at a distance of 4 fingers length there is Nailyam (blue), at a distance of 6 fingers is, Dhoomram (grey/dusky), at a distance of 8 finger length there is Raktimam (Red), at a distance of 12 fingers is Peetam (Yellow). These five colors represent colors of five elements (Pancha bhootam). When the yogi observes these five colors, and lifts his head slowly upwards with a focused mind and focuses on them he would see a divine light. Then, if he closes all the 6 doors viz. his ears, nostrils & eyes with his fingers, and focuses his mind, he would hear a divine sound of Pranavam (Omkaram). Moreover he would also see a light comprising of colors of Navaratna (nine Gems). This is all about Bahya Lakshyam. Now I explain you the other two remaining ones. --*Madhya Lakshyam*-Madhya Lakshyam relates to focusing at the Bhroomadhyam (Center of the eyebrows). When a Yogi closes his eyelids, doesnt allow eyes to tremble and focuses on the Bhroromadhya area; he would find a micro-hole (sookshma randhram) in the Bhroomadhyam. When he enters his focus inside that micro hole, he would be able to see lightening, stars, illumination of sun & moon, colors of the five elements (pancha bhootam), Apart from this, he would be able to see infinitely extending sky, dark colored infinite sky, a sky resembling Kalagni (fire), a brilliantly shinning Tatwakasam (sky), a Suryakasam (sun-sky) shinning with the radiance of billion suns. He would see the aforementioned 5 divine skies. The sight of these divine skies would make anyone experience an unlimited bliss and joy. --*Antar Lakshyam*-Now listen about Antar Lakshyam. As told earlier, the brilliance of sun & moon pervading across everywhere with a hue of five elements is visible as the divine Jyoti. This is experienced in the middle region of ones eyes. The two Amrutankuram present within are of white and blue color. They remain in Vayu sthaana. This way while practicing Taraka Yogam one should not let the mind wander, and should control the winds within (Vayu). Due to that action soul (Atma) becomes united as one into the Supreme Being (Paramatma). That way Swami explained the three Lakshyams to that great Brahmin. After listening and understanding the details of Lakshya Triambakam from Swami, that Brahmin felt overwhelmingly blissful, and thanked Swami in many ways. Then everyone went to sleep in his house that night. The next day Swami performed worship and asked all the villagers to come and take the sacred food (prasadam) and sacred water (teerdham). Entire village assembled

at the Peetham but some of them who were suffering from some Bhoota Graha Peeda fell on the ground unconscious. Everywhere there was chaos. Swami immediately got up from the Peetham, and took his silver stick in his hand and waved it in the air. That made all the fallen people regain their consciousness and they all felt very happy with Swamis miraculous deed. Everyone consumed the sacred food & water and returned back to their homes happily. Every day Swami used to show many miraculous deeds which made everyone believe him as divine and converted many of them as his devotees. From the Viswa Brahmin the Nawab of that place came to know about the miracles and divinity of the Swami. Immediately that Nawab ordered his servants to take a palanquin to Swamis place and bring that Swami to his palace with all devotion and respect. Nawabs servants followed his order and went to Swamis Peetham with a palanquin.

Although those Yogic methods have been presented here as it is, it is awalys suggested that these are practiced under the guidance of a master. Without the supervision of Yoga trained self realized Guru these Yogic procedures wouldnt yield proper results.

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