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Chaos Cultists

Unofficial gang for Games Workshop's Necromunda by korDOOMi

Disturbers are to be rebuked, the low-spirited to be encouraged, the infirm to be supported, objectors confuted, the treacherous guarded against, the unskilled taught, the lazy aroused, the contentious restrained, the haughty repressed, litigants pacified, the poor relieved and the oppressed liberated. 1 Special Rules 1.1 The Death of a Preacher 1.2 Outlaws 1.3 Trading and Income 1.4 Persecution 1.5 Hired Guns 1.6 Bounty 1.7 Capture 2 Gang Creation 3 Weapons including the Chaos Cultist Armoury 3.1 Cult of Khorne Weaponlist 3.2 Cult of Slaanesh Weaponlist 3.3 Cult of Nurgle Weaponlist 3.4 Cult of Tzeentch Weaponlist 4 Skills, Experience and Advances 4.1 Maximum Characteristics 4.2 Skill tables 4.3 Experience 4.4 Advancement 5 Gifts of Chaos 5.1 Champion Gifts of Chaos 5.2 Cultist Gifts of Chaos 6 Outlaw trade table result and item rarity changes Pages 12-13 Pages 9-12 Pages 7-9 Pages 3-4 Pages 4-7 Page 2

1 Special Rules
1.1 The Death of a Preacher If the Preacher of a gang is killed then the Elder with the highest Leadership becomes the new Preacher. If the gang has no Elders then the Cultist with the highest Leadership becomes the new Preacher. Whoever becomes the new Preacher gains all of the Special rules that apply to a Preacher. 1.2 Outlaws Hive officials, Guilders and other Imperials alike regard Chaos cultists as dangerous and they are always considered outlaws. They can never pay off their outlaw status. All of the usual outlaw rules apply to them with the following exceptions. 1.3 Trading and Income Operating with Chaos cultists poses a great risk even to those outside the Hive. Chaos cultists buy weapons and equipment for twice the normal price on the Outlaw price chart. They still sell items for half the normal price. When calculating the variable price of a rare item double the price before adding the variable cost. Eg. A needle pistol costs 100 credits plus variable of 5D6. First double the price of 100 to 200 and then add the variable cost to that. When determining what Rare items are offered to the gang leader on the Outlaw trade table the Chaos cultists treat some results differently. Also some weapons that are common to other Outlaws are rare to Chaos cultists as shown later. 1.4 Persecution Members of the Chaos cultist gang cause hatred in Redemptionists of any kind. 1.5 Hired Guns Chaos cultist gangs may only hire the following Hired Guns or Special characters: (from the Forgotten Guns) Crazy Doc Defense Force Deserter Ogryn Bodyguard 1.6 Bounty Chaos cultists are very bad for business so the Guilders will pay a bounty equal to twice the experience of any Chaos cultist killed or captured by a non-Outlaw gang. 1.7 Capture If a Chaos cultist gang member is captured by a gang other than another Chaos cultist gang they may only attempt a Rescue mission. They may only exchange prisoners or pay a ransom with another Chaos cultist gang. Members of other gangs who are captured by Chaos cultists will be sacrificed to the cults patron god unless they are rescued. For each sacrifice the gang leader gains D6 Experience points. The equipment of the sacrificed captive will be taken by the Chaos cult.

2 Gang Creation
First choose which god of Chaos the gang follows. The gang may only follow one Chaos god and this cannot be changed during a campaign. You have 1000 Guilder credits for recruiting and arming your gang with the following guidelines. Minimum of 3 fighters:Each gang must have at least three models. Preacher:Your gang must include one Preacher. Elders:The gang can have up to two Elders but no more. Cultists:As many Cultists can be included as you can afford. Acolytes:No more than half of the gang can be made up of Acolytes. Weapons:The gang maybe armed with weapons and equipment from the lists of their cult. Preacher 1 160 Creds M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 Weapons: The Preacher may be armed with weapons chosen from any of his cult's lists. Special Rules Leadership: Gang members within 6 of the leader may use his Leadership value when they take Leadership tests. Pinning: The leader may always attempt to recover from pinning even if he doesn't have another fighter within 2 of him. Mark of Khorne: Frenzy! Preachers of Khorne are subject to the rules for frenzy. Preachers of Khorne have a special unmodifiable 4+ save against all wyrd and psychic based powers. or Mark of Slaanesh: The Preacher is a wyrd with one random Telepathic Primary Power and one random Minor Power rolled at the start of each game. Unlike other Telepath wyrds the Preacher needs to have his targets in sight. or Mark of Nurgle: The Preacher is a wyrd with one random Pyromanic Primary Power and one random Minor Power rolled at the start of each game. or Mark of Tzeentch: The Preacher is a wyrd with one random Pyromanic or Telekinetic Primary Power and one random Minor Power rolled at the start of each game. Nominate which Primary table you are rolling on before you roll.

0-2 Elders 55 Creds each M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Weapons: Elders may be armed with weapons chosen from the hand-to-hand, Pistols, Special, Basic Weapons and Grenades lists of their cult. Any number of Cultists 50 Creds each M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Weapons: Cultists may be armed with weapons chosen from the hand-to-hand, Pistols, Basic Weapons and Grenades lists of their cult. Acolytes 25 Creds each M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6 Weapons: Acolytes may be armed with weapons chosen from the hand-to-hand, Pistols and Grenades lists of their cult.

3 Weapons
3.1 Cult of Khorne Weaponlist Hand-to-Hand Weapons Knife (first knife free) Sword Club/Maul/Bludgeon Massive Axe/Club/Sword Chain/Flail Pistols Autopistol Stubgun Basic Weapons Shotgun Grenades Frag grenades Leader Only Laspistol Chainsword Khornate Chainaxe 3.2 Cult of Slaanesh Weaponlist Cost 5 10 10 10 10 15 10 20 30 15 25 80

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Knife (first knife free) Club/Maul/Bludgeon Massive Axe/Club/Sword Pistols Autopistol Stubgun Laspistol Basic Weapons Autogun Shotgun Grenades Frag grenades Leader Only Sword Lasgun Sonic pistol 3.3 Cult of Nurgle Weaponlist Hand-to-Hand Weapons Knife (first knife free) Club/Maul/Bludgeon Massive Axe/Club/Sword Chain or flail Pistols Autopistol Stubgun Laspistol Basic Weapons Autogun Shotgun Grenades Frag grenades Leader Only Sword Lasgun Bile Spewer 3.4 Cult of Tzeentch Weaponlist

Cost 5 10 10 15 10 15 20 20 30

10 25 50

Cost 5 10 10 10 15 10 15 20 20 30

10 25 150

Hand-to-Hand Weapons Knife (first knife free) Pistols Autopistol Stubgun Laspistol Basic Weapons Autogun Shotgun Grenades Frag grenades Leader Only Bolt pistol Lasgun Inferno Bolts 3.5 Chaos Cultist Armoury

Cost 5 15 10 15 20 20 30

20 25 40

Khornate Chainaxe The chainaxe excels at piercing armour and rending flesh. This weapon is prized by the followers of Khorne. Range Strength Damage Save Modifier Close Combat 6 1 -3 Special Rules: Loud! A fighter with the khornate chainaxe counts as two raiders in the Raid Scenario when determining if the noise from fighting causes the alarm to be sounded. Cumbersome: The chainaxe requires two hands to use and any fighter using one suffers a -1 penalty to Initiative in close combat. Sonic pistol The Sonic pistol is a short ranged sound weapon similar to those used by the Noise Marines. The piercing sound the weapon emits can cause heavy damage to internal organs of those nearby. Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Save Modifier Ammo 0-4 4-8 +2 -1 3 2 -1 5+ Special Rules: Sound Weapon: The Sonic pistol counts as a Strength 8 weapon in the Raid Scenarion when determining if the shot causes an alarm to be sounded. Unreloadable: The Sonic pistol cannot be reloaded with Weapon Reloads if an ammo roll is failed. Bile Spewer The Bile Spewer belches forth a stream of sticky caustic bile and while it is a most potent antiinfantry weapon it is practically useless against other targets. Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Save Modifier Ammo




Special Rules: Template. The bile spewers shot is represented by the larger teardrop-shaped flamer template. This is used as described in the Shooting section. Ammo Test. An Ammo test is required every time the bile spewer is fired regardless of your to hit roll. Armour Saves: No armour saves are allowed against attacks from the bile spewer but both Respirators and Filter Plugs confer a special 5+ save againt attacks from the bile spewer. This can be combined to a 3+ save if a fighter is wearing both. Immunity: Fighters that are immune to plague take no damage from attacks made with the bile spewer. Buildings and robots like the cyber mastiff take no damage from the bile spewer's biological attacks. Inferno Bolts Designed to work with Bolt pistols and Boltguns the Inferno Bolts are a sorcerous form of ammunition wreathed in blue-white fire. Range To Hit Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Save Modifier Ammo As weapon As weapon 5 Special -3 auto Special Rules: Damage: Inferno bolts cause 1 point of damage to all other targets except against wyrds and any daemons the Inferno bolts cause D6 damage instead. Flaming: If the May Catch Fire Rules are used then any target hit by Infeno Bolts may caught on fire.

4 Skills, Experience and Advances

4.1 Maximum characteristics. Chaos Cult of Khorne M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 7 4 4 4 3 6 4 9 Chaos Cult of Slaanesh M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 5 6 5 3 4 3 7 3 9 Chaos Cult of Nurgle M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 9 Chaos Cult of Tzeentch M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld 4 4 6 4 4 3 6 3 10 4.2 Skill Tables

Skill Types Available CULT/FIGHTER KHORNE Acolytes Cultists Elders Preacher CULT/FIGHTER SLAANESH Acolytes Cultists Elders Preacher CULT/FIGHTER NURGLE Acolytes Cultists Elders Preacher CULT/FIGHTER TZEENTCH Acolytes Cultists Elders Preacher 4.3 Experience Starting Experience Preacher: 60+D6 Elders: 60+D6 Cultists: 20+D6 Acolytes: 0 Agility Combat Ferocity Muscle Shooting Stealth Techno

Agility Combat Ferocity Muscle Shooting Stealth Techno

Agility Combat Ferocity Muscle Shooting Stealth Techno

Agility Combat Ferocity Muscle Shooting Stealth Techno

Experience Advance Table

Experience Points Title Notes 0-5 Fresh Acolyte 6-10 Acolyte 11-15 Acolyte 16-20 Acolyte in Waiting 21-30 New Cultist Starting level for Cultists. Acolytes that reach this level become Cultists. 31-40 Cultist 41-50 Cultist 51-60 Cultist 61-80 Revered Cultist Starting level for Preachers & Elders 81-100 Revered Cultist

101-120 Revered Cultist 121-140 Revered Cultist 141-160 Revered Cultist 161-180 Revered Cultist 181-200 Revered Cultist 201-240 Venerable Cultist 241-280 Venerable Cultist 281-320 Venerable Cultist 321-360 Venerable Cultist 361-400 Venerable Cultist 401+ Cult Patriarch/Matriarch

A gang fighter that reaches this level may not advance any further.

4.4 Chaos Cultist Advance Rolls 2 New Skill. Choose any of the Skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it. 3-4 New Skill. Select one of the standard Skill tables for your gang and randomly generate a skill from it. 5 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attacks. 6 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS. 7 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Initiative; 4-6 = +1 Leadership. 8 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 WS; 4-6 = +1 BS. 9 Characteristic Increase. Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Wounds; 4-6 = +1 Toughness. 10-11 New Skill. Select one of the standard Skill tables for your gang and randomly generate a skill from it. 12 Gift of Chaos. For Preachers randomly generate a gift from the Champion Gifts of Chaos table of the approriate god. For Elders,Cultists and Acolytes use the Cultist Gifts of Chaos table of their appropriate god instead. If you roll a gift the fighter already has reroll the die until you get another one.

5 Gifts of Chaos
5.1 Champion Gifts of Chaos Khorne (Roll a D6)

1 Burning Blood: The first wound the Preacher causes in a game in close combat does +D2 damage. 2 Rage of Khorne: Friendly fighters within 6 of the Preacher that have the Frenzy! Special rule triple their Attack value in close combat instead of just doubling it. The Preacher himself is not affected. 3 Berserk: The Preacher gains +1 to Weapon Skill and +1 to Attacks.

4 Purity of Aggression: The Preacher may reroll any of his fumbled dice rolls. The second result stands. 5 Wrath of Khorne: The Preacher has a +1 Combat Score bonus.

6 Hand of Khorne: One of the Preacher's hands swells in size and he is able to wield any hand-to-hand weapons that require two hands to use with that hand as if they were one handed weapons. However the Preacher is unable to fire ranged weapons of any kind with that hand. Slaanesh (Roll a D6) 1 Allure of Slaanesh: Enemy fighters within 6 of the Preacher suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership value. 2 Steel-Hearted: The Preacher automatically passes all nerve, fear and terror tests he might be required to take and is unaffected by Frenzy and Stupidity. 3 Unnatural Swiftness: The Preacher gains +1 to Movement and +1 to Initiative.

4 Claw: One of the Preacher's hands transforms into a crab claw. Attacks in close combat with the claw are at +1 to Strength and ignore all armour saves. It is impossible to use weapons of any kind with the claw but if the Preacher also has a hand-to-hand weapon or a Pistol in his normal hand he counts as having a weapon in both hands and gains the usual benefit of +1 to Attacks. 5 One Thousand and One Senses: The Preacher may reroll any failed Initiative tests. Remember that a roll of 6 is always a failure and you may not reroll a reroll. 6 Extra Arm:The Preacher may use up to three pistols and/or hand-to-hand weapons in close combat or hold a basic weapon with one and still use two hand-to-hand weapons with the others. Using a special weapon with two hands and holding a hand-to-hand weapon with one is also possible. Nurgle (Roll a D6) 1 Regeneration: Roll a D6 for each Serious injury the Preacher has after each game. On a roll of 5+ the Preacher has recovered from the effects of the injury, erase it and the effect it has on him from the gang roster. All injuries except Dead, Captured, Full Recovery and Survives against the Odds can be regenerated. 2 Bloated: The Preacher has a 4+ armour save that can be combined with armour as usual to a maximum save of 2+.

Unnatural Toughness: The Preacher gains +1 to Toughness and +1 to Wounds.

4 Biting Tongue: Enemies in close combat with the Preacher reduce their Attacks by -1 to minimum of 1. The Preacher also counts as having a Clip Harness. 5 6 Swarm of Flies: Enemies shooting at the Preacher suffer a -1 penalty to hit. Favour of Nurgle: The Preacher is immune to gas, plague and poison.

Tzeentch (Roll a D6) 1 Darksoul: Enemy wyrds and psykers fear the Preacher. If the Preacher already causes fear then he causes terror in enemy wyrds and psykers. 2 Two Heads: The Preacher gains +1 to Leadership.

3 Eye of Tzeentch: The Preacher may reroll any dice related to using wyrd powers, ie he may reroll results on the Perils of the Warp table. The second result stands even if it is worse than the first one. 4 Massive Intellect: The Preacher rolls two random Telekinetic and/or Pyromanic Primary powers at the start of each game instead of just one. 5 Warpsmith: The Preacher may use two wyrd powers on each of his turns instead of one.

6 Talisman of Tzeentch: Enemy wyrds and psykers within 24 of the Preacher must reroll all successful Leadership tests related to using wyrd powers. 5.2 Cultist Gifts of Chaos Khorne (Roll a D6) 1-2 3-4 5-6 Martial Nobility: The fighter gains +1 to Weapon Skill. Endless Rage: Frenzy! The fighter is subject to the rules for frenzy. Bloodlust: The fighter gains +1 to Attacks.

Slaanesh (Roll a D6) 1-2 3-4 5-6 Daemonic Speed: The fighter gains +1 to Movement. Hermaphrodite: All to wound rolls against the fighter are at -1. Unnatural Senses: The fighter gains +1 to Initiative.

Nurgle (Roll a D6) 1-2 Unholy Resilience: The fighter gains +1 to Toughness.

3-4 5-6

Favour of Nurgle: The fighter is immune to gas, plague and poison. Vigour: The fighter gains +1 to Wounds.

Tzeentch (Roll a D6) 1-3 Warp-Thrall: When the Preacher is forced to roll on the Perils of the Warp table the Preacher may choose a fighter with this gift within 12 of him to suffer the effects of the roll instead of himself. 4-5 Schemer: The fighter gains +1 to Leadership.

6 Wyrd: The fighter is a wyrd with one random Minor Wyrd Power rolled at the start of each game.

6 Outlaw trade table result and item rarity changes

Item Plasma pistol Hand flamer Boltgun Meltagun Plasma gun Cost* 50+2D6 40+2D6 70+3D6 190+5D6 140+5D6 Availability Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare

*These prices have already been increased as per the Chaos cultist Trading Special rule. Special note: Chaos cultists cannot use Heavy Weapons therefore it is not advisable to purchase them for your cult. 11: Special: Trialed for Heresy 12: Special: Run in with the Law 13: Special: False Rumour 14-15:Pistol Weapon. Roll a D6: 1-3 Plasma pistol 4-6 Hand flamer 16:Special Weapon or Basic Weapon. Roll a D6: 1 Meltagun 2-3 Plasma gun 4-6 Boltgun Special Results Trialed for Heresy: You are confronted by a patrol of Adeptus Arbites Enforcers who accuse you of heresy. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-5 the Enforcers give you a brief trial and followed by a swift execution. On a roll of 6 you make an miraculously escape. If the gang leader was looking for Rare items alone he is the one who is executed otherwise you may choose the poor unfortunate soul yourself. Note that this result takes precendence over any other result rolled on the Trade table

during a post-battle sequence. Other results except multiples of Trialed for Heresy are ignored when this result is rolled. Run in with the Law: The Enforcers are after you again. During a chase they open fire at you. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 a gang member is hit and wounded and must miss the next game. On a roll of 4-6 the hit is nothing but a scratch and you may proceed as normal. Again if the Preacher was searching for Rare items alone he is the one the Enforcers fired upon. If the Preacher had others with him you may instead choose the ganger who was shot at. False Rumour: Someone has lied to you or you followed a rumour that had no truth to it. Your opponent may modify their next dice roll on the Scenario Table by +1 or -1: the modifier is applied after the dice have been rolled and is in addition to any other modifiers they might have.

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