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Welsh Mint

Five coloured rings linked from left to right Blue Yellow Black Green Red on a background of white A hint of five continents A tint from each flag A 19th century perspective of the ancient Olympiad Born of Olympus in the Eighth Century Re-ignited by Soutos in 1833 in his Dialogue Of The Dead the seed was thread in de Coubertins head to rise again like a Phoenix from the embers Starting with just 14 members with the intention to grow to enlighten the world in a golden show of athletic perfection endurance connection Nurtured or by natural selection A cocktail of specific genes or a banned hormone injection Faster Higher Stronger Last longer but lose in the long run if you abuse or treat as just fun The political games are played out before the passing of the flame and the starting gun Corporate sponsor pimps and partnership whores that wink with the One-eye and account for the scores

Real eyes realise real lies are dressed up to disguise and divert the probing glare of those that dare to criticise Whatever is the real price Whatever they paid for the marketing and PR advice were not impressed by them We marvel at the achievements of our super women and men Equality and quality that undo our tribal differences to unite under a tri-colour flag as we toast with our cup of tea a cream scone or a long drag that hits the spot Whether the weather is cold or hot We raise our voice to travel over waves with sails and boats with oars We scream till sore at cyclists on wooden floors and a team of brave riders on their magnificent horses Over fields and fences we follow the courses We shout until we are hoarse We jump the living room chair just as if we were there competing for gold However young or old For a moment we are free to be the age we feel and not the one were told To be or not to be The supreme effort inspires the likes of you and the lazy cynic in me to think anew and dare to dream If only we could give up the booze and the double-scoop of ice-cream But most of us dont have the discipline or that kind of hunger to win Not all are suited or built for sport but those that are deserve our support to get to the peak

and focus their aim to lift a medal beneath the symbolical flame An entry into the record books Celebrity and fame based on talent and achievement rather than vacant looks and profit from shame The largest margins separate the Ego and Id from the game of the genuine achiever and the Fools Gold deceiver Breaking records or a broken heart The most important thing is not to win, but to take part said the Bishop of Pennsylvania in the London Games of 1908 But for the quality of equality 27/8/2012 was the official date when never became not too late in the events of men and women... except in synchronised swimming But thats okay No thanks Leave that one to the pretty girls I dont want to see guys in Speedos doing balletic pirouettes and twirls Thats something for after the watershed or the 10 metre board Id change channels or go to bed after absorbing the all day drama and avoiding the Soaps Id rise invigorated with new hopes of a golden summer reign gathering joyous moments between the shock and pain from Sydney to Barcelona we sing `In Singapore 2005 it was decided wed be after Beijing A number recognised by old and new eyes alike that saw Sir Chris Hoy win more precious gold on his precision bike and team GB riders on machine and equine

Running Jumping Dancing along an imaginary line carved in the dirt Some fell and got hurt and silenced the crowds to hold onto the scream whilst glued to the replay screen to watch again and again the most heroic performances of our gifted women and men like Jessica, Katherine, Bradley and Ben They deserved what they got There are so many more to mention but I havent got the space or time to add them all to the collection But all will be remembered on letterboxes and stamps to commemorate the achievements of our solid gold Olympic champs No phoney or lame rewards for acting as someone else on TV or treading the boards Trading places with other faces racing for the next line not the finishing tape Just competing for fatuous awards that mark vacuous scores calculated behind closed doors Weve had our fill of these parasitic bores Our youth need role models not empty-headed celebrities chasing the vagaries of fame to be seen as somebody ahead of the game If theyre not on film they dont exist If they cant get onto the A list they crash and burn in their desperate attempt to earn the love and respect and treated better than the best Ive had enough of these parasitic pests Id rather marvel at the double-Mo and more See world records and barriers broken

and smashed like a glass door I want to be moved and inspired as quickly as the lightning Bolt is fired through one and two-hundred metre distance along the path of least resistance Pride lifted higher than the shifting pole as GB shot well over their Beijing goal of 22 golds in the twenty-ninth edition We got that plus 7 in addition Im not a nationalist and I dont follow tradition but I have to admit I was proud of each Britain that coped with the expectation and brought tears and smiles of joy to our rarely united nation It was an emotional ride A spiritual glide Another template and guide for future success Will the legacy live on after the flame has gone Will more people take up sport Will the children have the space with 10,000+ school playing fields already lost and bought in twenty years Ravaged by successive governments to their savage developer friends building new projects just for profit and trends But this is not how the story ends... Some of it was serious Some of it was fun It doesnt matter however it was spun USA were gifted the most gold Iran lifted the greater weights For those that had their prejudice and doubts Did you see Katie Taylor in her boxing bouts A proud Irish gal that punched her way to her prize to be seen and respected among the guys I saw more tears in the mens eyes alike Super-Sanchez mirroring his 2004 run and Sir Chris Hoy cried like his own and Michael Phelps mum So hysterically proud of their special boy

for their world-breaking medal run Happy tears shed under the roof They were among the stars that shone as the sun collecting more gold treasures than anyone Just as special as the very first one London celebrated the local boy Joshua whose opponent was the champion before he had begun his journey from the first ring to the highest podium Uganda wins the traditional Marathon and are toasted under the flames in the stadium No more I.O.C empty seats or disingenuous Badminton cheats that made my eyes and throat sore That ticketing lottery was a shambles as was the security debacle of Group 4 Thankfully that was sorted quickly so the public and armed services got more than they originally bargained for After that rough beginning the Sows ear was turned into Silk I watched from my morning coffee until it was time for my hot chocolate milk Then Id stay up too late to catch the events that Id missed I know I should have made a list of who was doing whatever wherever and when But its too late now The countdown started at 9pm with the unmistakable voice of Big Ben to announce end of the games and the start of the closing party After the national anthem we had a little bit of Madness ... in the middle of our street All the people So many people It was all a Blur of East End boys and West End girls heading into One Direction with a rhythmic injection they romp and Stomp Sha-la-la the connecting line Waterloo Sunset is fine I wish I was there to scream Cmon-Cmon

Weathering the rain or when the sun shone on all those that were there to shout, scream, clap, or just stare at the worlds most prestigious live show Basking in the afterglow 204 proud flag bearers arrive Elbow ruminates room between them as they gather the applause in the stadium On one day like this they can throw them curtains wide 440g of gold medallion projecting pride All athletes dancing on a Damian Hurst Smiling faces and eyes ready to burst forget the hurt from Running up that hill Running up that mountain with no problem Thats the victory of the Marathon and the mammoth task complete with 70,000 volunteers helping strangers negotiate the streets From the unemployed, retired to the highest returning careers The Olympic helpers earned their cheers Imagine all the people living for today In this dreamed of world we live as One No prejudice and barriers in the way now the hard work is done Freedom expressed in the music and rainbow light Who is here to party through the night Until it is time to go back to the life that is no show Little Bird Annie sang We reap what we sew We connect with the flow when we feel before we think we know red and white unite to make pink Russell was the Walrus and the Egg Man and in the breaks Fatboy Slim flipped vinyl like pancakes The Funk-Soul brother in cans (not the ones containing booze) Jessie J, Tinie Tempah and Taio Cruz

rock and rolling in convertible Rolls before making way for the Spice Girls zoom in London cabs that go Zig-a-zig-ah Girl Power reunion without a burning bra I said maybe youre gonna be the one that saves me and after all... I see no Oasis but a Beady Eye After singing Mr Blue Sky we can all wish to be Idle and Always look on the bright side of life Strike the match and light the fuse Muse a while if youre confused Listen to the messenger Larger than life we see Mercury and sing-along with his operatic melody With no language barrier set in tones voices are set free Singing we will, we will rock you Then the formalities unroll raising the Greek flag up the symbolical pole set alongside the fiery flower Proud Welsh voices sing in harmonies with such beauty and power as the 5-ringed flag is lowered from its mast From London to Rio the emblem is passed Brazilian performers give us a taste of the flavour they will add to the 31st modern Olympiad Then the flaming cauldron that burnt for 17 days is now lowered and openly displayed The Phoenix returns to her burning nest Only then the flames are laid to rest We Take That to Who finish the show spanning the sounds of My generation 9 years of preparations Athletes from age 13 to 71 180 spoken languages from 205 separate nations 10,500 individuals Forget about the psycho corporations the sycophantic politicians and the crappy merchandise sales Its good to know that every athlete with an Olympic glow wears a medal that was minted in Wales.

David Moule.13/08/2012

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