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Preparation books for JEE and IIT JEE study material

BY C R A C K I I T J E E ON A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 1 1 2 C O M M E N T S



For achieving absolutely anything in life, two things are of utmost importance: the knowledge of your destination and of the path that would lead you there. Knowledge of the path here includeschoosing the best books for preparation. Listed below are books often recommended by teachers for preparation of JEE. Go through the list, but remember:

The idea is not to buy all these books and pile them up in your study; rather to consult your teachers to take the best pick out of the list according to their pattern of teaching.

Alternatively, go to a library and analyse which of these preparation books appeals to you the most in terms of ease of understanding and then buy the books accordingly. All these IIT books for preparation are standard ones and can guide an aspirant to success if made good use of. Also remember that time management is as important as the books that you use. Get tips for time management here.

IIT JEE Physics Preparation Books

Serial Number

Concepts of Physics

H.C. Verma

Type of Book
Text-book for Basics

Best for Mechanics, Electrostatics, Optics, Modern Physics, Heat and waves. The book contains high quality solved numerical problems which would be of a great help in understanding the method of solving problems.

Serial Number

NCERT Physics


Type of Book
Text-book for Basics

Class XI and Class XII books for CBSE

Problems in General Physics

I.E. Irodov

Problems and solutions Reference Book

Consists of high level problems. Best for Mechanics, Electricity and Mechanism, modern Physics

Fundamentals of Physics

Resnick, Halliday, Walker D. C. Pandey

Good for Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Heat.

Arihant Physics

Reference Book

Consists of many solved problems. However must be used for reference only after understanding the basics properly Good numerical problems

University Physics Elements of Dynamics Advanced level Physics

Sears and Zemansky S.L.Loney

Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book

Nelson and Parker

IIT JEE Chemistry Preparation Books

Serial Number

NCERT Chemistry


Text Book for Basics

Class XI and class XII books for CBSE

Organic Chemistry

Morrison & Boyd Parmar and Chawla

Reference book Reference Book Reference Book

Best for strengthening conceptual knowledge

Reaction mechanism in Organic Chemistry Arihant Chemistry

Good for preparation when there is a lot of time in hand. Not recommended if there is time constraint.

Organic Chemistry

Francis Carey (TMH) J.D. Lee

Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book Solved numerical problems are good. Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium have been explained well. Highly recommended

Concise Inorganic Chemistry IIT Chemistry

O.P. Agarwal

Numerical Chemistry

R. C. Mukerjee P.W.Atkins

Physical Chemistry


Numerical Chemistry



General Chemistry


Reference Book

IIT JEE Maths Preparation Books

Serial Number Name Author Type Description

Serial Number


R.S. Agarwal

Text Book for Basics Text Book for Basics

X and XII


CBSE prescribed books for XI and XII

High school mathematics New Pattern Mathematics fot IIT JEE Algebra made easy

Hall and Knight

Reference Book Reference Book

M.L. Khanna


Reference Book Reference Book

A problem book in Mathematical analysis Calculus and analytic geometry Coordinate geometry Problems in calculus of one variable TMH Course in Mathematics for IIT JEE Plane Trigonometry

G.N. Berman

Thomas and Finney S. L. Loney

Reference Book Reference Book Reference Book Highly recommended book by coaching centres Considered very good for Differential Calculus

I.A. Maron


Tata McGraw Hill Publications

Reference Book


S.L. Loney

Reference Book

The book contains detailed conceptual knowledge of the subject. Great for strengthening the basics of Trigonometry. Great for understanding Vectors A high level book. Must be referred after an advanced understanding of the subject.


Higher Algebra

Bernard and Child

Reference Book Reference Books


Arihant Mathematics

Points to remember while selecting IIT JEE study material

Aim at getting a deep understanding of concepts: A deep conceptual knowledge is required for solving high standard problems of JEE. Therefore the IIT JEE study material and preparation books that you choose must match your understanding of the topics. A book that works well for your friend might not be good for you. For instance, Irodov is a great book for students at an advanced level of understanding, and would not work well for a beginner.

Consult your teachers and seniors: Carefully select the list of IIT books and books for AIEEE that you must own by consulting with your lecturers, previous years rank holders in IIT JEE or other engineering and medical entrance exams.

Set your priorities straight: There are many preparation books available in the market which leaves the students perplexed as to which are the ones really worth investing in. It is advisable to set your priorities straight:

First strengthen your conceptual basics, for which one might give a thorough reading to beginner level books like NCERT books (i.e. the books followed by CBSE board for class XI and class XII).

Once you are thorough with the concepts, only then the mock tests and high level books for IIT JEE and AIEEE books would prove to be of any help.

Dont overdo it, referring to too many books can leave you confused: The trick is to own the


conceptual text book (NCERT or CBSE text

books) in addition to one or two reference preparation books for each subject. Anything more than this would leave you out of cash and confused as to which books to refer. Wisely choose the IIT books and books for AIEEE that must be purchased. Any additional book for reference can be borrowed from the library as and when required. Try to get your hands on good mock tests and question papers to test your level of preparation.

Literally Never judge a book by its cover: Different authors might take different approaches to the same problem, so take some effort to get your hands on the best preparation books (according to your understanding) in addition to NCERT books. Dont be misguided by jazzy titles, authors with impressive names, higher prices or big publishing houses. Sometimes the best preparation books are the most inexpensive ones.

This is how you should proceed:

Study by dividing time between the three subjects. Understand the concepts of a particular chapter from your basic books (like NCERT books). Now consult your reference or guide books for IIT JEE to see if you missed out on anything. Test your understanding of the topic. For this, attempt the solved questions for that chapter from some suitable preparation book. For instance, while studying Physics, attempt problems from H.C.Verma during the beginning phase of your preparation, then only try to move on to more complex books for IIT JEE and AIEEE books, for example Problems in General Physics by Irodov (preferably) or Resnick and Halliday. This would ensure a systematic progress towards your goal of cracking the most prestigious examination of the country.

Take regular mock tests. You can use mock tests given by coaching institutes or devise your own. While taking a self-devised test, simulate a perfect class-room environment (with time limit and no distractions).

Analyse the problems, dont cram methods mindlessly

IIT JEE examination is not a race against time, but still it is imperative for the aspirants to solve the problems during the exam at a decent enough pace. To train oneself to solve the problems with the speed anywhere close to desired, the student must have a clear understanding of the topic in consideration in addition to the knowledge of speed enhancing tips and tricks. A student must learn to comprehensively analyze the problems rather them learning the procedures mechanically.

Practice intelligently to retain concepts and problem-solving methods: Cracking an entrance requires not just practising the problem, but retention of the method as well. For this, practice as much as you can, and recognize the crucial steps or tricks involved. Revise such concepts periodically to have them etched in your memory.

Last-minute tips for IIT JEE and AIEEE preparation

BY C R A C K I I T J E E ON S E P T E M B E R 5 , 2 0 1 1 L E A V E A C O M M E N T

Vaulting over the final Hurdle Make a revision time-table for the last three weeks before IIT JEE or AIEEE in a planned manner beforehand. This is to ensure that you give enough revision time to your strengths and give a final brush up to your weak subjects. Use your NCERT preparation books for revision of theory as you used them to study for class XI and class XII, so it would refresh your memory fast. At the last moment never ask your peers how prepared they are, of which students have a great tendency. How would knowing the preparation level of your friends going to help you in any way, other than creating stress of course. Dont try to overload yourself with revision of subjects on the eve of exam. Relax and keep those AIEEE and IIT books aside the last day. This would boost your confidence. A good night sleep is very important to have an uncluttered mind on the day of the exam, so dont be up too late the night before trying to do some last minute cramming of formulae. Prioritize once more during the last moment revision, i.e. a week before the exam. First brush up properly the concepts that you are most comfortable with using those books for IIT JEE and books for AIEEE that you used for preparation, and then take up the problem areas. Never try to learn too many new concepts at the last moment. It would just act as a confidence-annihilator and leave you perplexed.

A specific tip for AIEEE: Chemistry is the most scoring of the three subjects and thus must be concentrated upon during the last 2 weeks properly. On the last days before the exams dont try to tackle the topics that you chose to leave during the full course of your preparation just for the sake of covering the whole syllabus. All you would achieve is wastage of many precious hours. The last resort methods of trying to learn new concepts at the eleventh hour generally prove useless as the students are too bewildered to be able to grasp anything new. Instead, concentrate on strengthening the topics that you already know. Dont pick up those brand newpreparation books now. During the last few days it is even more difficult to avoid distractions because of the nervous tension. Try to take control of that. Last minute revision should concentrate more on your ability to comprehend and analyze things rather than mugging up those books for IIT JEE and AIEEE. Also trying to learn new things at the last moment would aggravate your anxiousness by making you feel that you arent fully prepared. Stress Management Avoid doing combined studies during the final weeks, especially with those peers who have a tendency to get increasingly nervous before the examination. Stress is as infectious as plague. Dont let others level of preparation unnerve you in any way. Dont break the routine that works the best for you to compete with a peer who stays up late, or doesnt sleep at all. Keeping a positive attitude is very crucial. The best stress management is long term. If you have been in control of your time and your actions all through the course of action, chances are you would be very confident already. If you havent than at least do this for the final lap of the race. Inside the examination Hall Once you have the IIT JEE or AIEEE examination paper in your hands, avoid the practice of blindly attempting the question paper from the first question onwards. Take some time to understand the paper structure and try to attempt those questions first with which you are more comfortable or that carry more marks and are easier. Only then proceed to the difficult section. Divide the time between the three subjects wisely depending upon your strengths and weaknesses. Students might be tempted to spend more time in the section of their liking. However one must understand that the cutoff to all the subjects must be cleared. So make a conscious effort to refrain from unfairly giving more time to your favourite subject over the ones you are weak at.

Use your analysis of the morning exam performance to find the subject you performed poorly in, and try to devote some additional time to it in the second examination to ensure that you compensate for the mornings performance in IIT JEE. With these final tips you are all ready to take the leap

How to plan and manage time effectively for JEE preparation?

BY C R A C K I I T J E E ON A U G U S T 1 8 , 2 0 1 1 1 C O M M E N T



Time-management for JEE preparation: Dont spend your time, invest it

The greatest advantage of good time management practice for almost every conceivable thing is the freedom to avoid last-minute nervous-breakdowns, time-crunches etc. It gives confidence to the students preparing for JEE and other entrance exams as it ultimately gives them enough time for a detailed revision as well. And we know that with confidence comes optimism and thus enhanced performance in entrance exams. A wellplanned approach towards time management right from the beginning would ensure that the preparation is complete and no last minute short cut techniques like selective studies are used to cover the IIT syllabus. In short, control what you do with your time. Dont let the time control your moves. Steps for time management

First and foremost maintain a proper planner. This should include the dates of all the tests that you are aiming at in addition to your board exams schedule (when declared). Come 2013, there might be just one common entrance test for engineering colleges. Still this step is important as you would need to

plan for boards, internal tests and other exams that you wish to appear for in addition to JEE. In addition the planner must have the details of all the different mock tests that you have to appear for etc. and also the time-table of your preparation. Additionally list the complete IIT syllabus for assistance in goal-setting. (Long term plans)

Plan out your daily activities based on their importance level.Set your priorities straight: Finish the most important tasks first. (Short-term plans). This would ensure that you are right in the direction towards entrance exam preparation. For instance, look at a sample planner in the image here. Here one would need to finish the most urgent and important tasks first like preparing for a test scheduled on the next day. Then move on to the important, but not urgent tasks like practising Maths for JEE. Remember that the not important tasks can wait, you can take care of them while you are taking a break.

Identify your times of highs and lows. Some people are energetic in the morning hours whereas some people work the best at night.

Normally difficult activities must be handled first. Addressing most dreaded problems at that time of the day when one is energetic and fresh would increase the chance of success in entrance exams. Consequently one would feel motivated to work towards simpler goals after handling more complicated ones. Example: If Chemistry is your strength and the mention of Mathematics scares you, then you might want to practice Maths problems right in the morning and Chemistry at the end of the day, if you are a

morning person.

Keep your workplace organized.Students preparing for entrance exams often live and sleep on their books and notes. In experts opinions an uncluttered place of study generally ensures a clearer mind. Document your notes in a proper order. It would save your time by making it easy for you to find the notes as and when you require it.

Try to phase out as many unproductive tasks from your daily schedule as possible over time. Avoid procrastination: Most of the students continue postponing their plans of studying seriously for Tomorrow, whereas the fact of the matter is that without a strong resolve and determination this plan would never really materialize.

Give up the habit of saying later for everything: 1. One very practical reason for such an attitude of students is unrealistic goal setting. They end up resolving that theyll finish the whole IIT syllabus in a very limited time along with a host of other activities and when they fail to do so, become disheartened and thus discouraged and cant even finish half the IIT study material 2. Set short-term, more realistic goals for yourself during entrance exam preparation. Seeing yourself achieve them would act as an encouragement, and make you more positive. 3. Always remember to divide the task into smaller parts to keep it from becoming overwhelming. Dont aim at finishing all your IIT study material in one go, rather be realistic and take baby steps by dividing the IIT syllabus into smaller sections. 4. As the proverb states: The first step is always the hardest. Find the courage and motivation to take the first leap, the rest would automatically follow. 5. Whenever you get stuck with a problem, make note of it then and there, and refer to your IIT study material, online video lectures or take your lecturers help as soon as possible, so that you can take care of the confusion well in time and proceed further.Dont wait until the last moment to clarify your doubts.

Divide your time properly between then three subjects; Physics, Maths and Chemistry. Concentrating on your weak points might be a very good idea. A subject-wise and topic-wise time schedule might work wonders. In short, draft a time-table for yourself, but more importantly stick with it. Example of such a time schedule would be: 6:007:00am Physics (Vectors-Theory), 7:00-8:00am Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons (Chemical Equations)

While studying for IIT-JEE the better option is to study all the three subjects simultaneously instead of wrestling with a subject for a few days, abandoning it to study the other two, and resuming it again after a few days. The reason being: Simultaneously studying the three subjects ensures that the IIT syllabi for all the three proceeds at a reasonable pace, and time that would have otherwise been lost in revising a subject each time one picks it up after a break can be saved.

Note down the points to remember, concepts and short-cuts for each topic in a summarized form. This would help during last minute recapitulation just before the entrance exams.

Avoid overreactions and anxiety: No matter how well you plan out your each move, there will always be contingencies that might alter your planned course of action. Make sure not to let these hurdles impact you in anyway. The secret is to avoid overreacting and to keep your cool.

Get updated syllabus: Before starting your preparation for engineering entrance tests make sure to get the updated IIT syllabus from either IITs website or some other reliable source.

Reward yourself for each achieved goal and each met deadline. This would act as an excellent motivator and would give you something to look forward to. Each time you meet your goal, go catch your favorite movie.

Take breaks: Very importantly, dont forget to include in your schedule the time to socialize, engaging in your hobbies etc. to keep your mind refreshed. Take short breaks between your periods of study to rejuvenate yourself.

Time management during the Exam is also very important

In order to prepare yourself completely for entrance exams, dont use calculators while practicing numerical problems. Some Senior Secondary Boards like ISC allow the use of calculators board exams, so students are in a habit of using the same, however to crack IIT or some other engineering entrances one must be quick with mental calculations. This can be achieved only by continuous practice.

While practicing from IIT-JEE study material or practice papers for any of the engineering entrances, make sure to develop the habit of dividing time properly between different sections, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Aptitude, depending upon your hold on the subjects. This would ensure that during the actual entrance exam you manage to do justice to all the subjects.

While writing the engineering entrance test dont lose your composure. Move on to the next problem if you are unable to understand a question or are nowhere close to the end after your self-

allotted time for the particular problem is over.There is always the option of coming back to the problem later instead of losing time on it initially.

Attempt easier problems carrying more marks first as the rule of thumb. This would give you a good kick-start and boost your confidence.

Sometimes the answer can be arrived at just by eliminating the improbable options. Using this method at appropriate places can pace you up.

Time if managed properly for entrance exam preparation can thus act as the competitive advantage against ones fellow IIT aspirants.

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