2012 - Hoax or Reality ?

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2012 Hoax or Reality ?

Mystery of 2012 - will the world end or not ? The year 2012 is referring to the last year of the Long Count Maya calendar. The current Great Cycle, as the Mayas call it, is set to end on the winter solstice of 2012: December 21 2012 and many people believe that on that date, the world will change and never be the same. Some predict terrible events resulting in the destruction of our world and some predict that it wont necessarily end, but that we will enter a new era and massive changes will occur. For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle. It should be again a great celebration for them. December 21, as people think the world will end, will be known as the doomsday, when the world will end.

On the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in 26,000 years. This special alignment means that the usual energy that typically streams to earth from the center of the Milky Way will indeed be disrupted on 21.12.2012 at 11:11 pm Universal time. Now, let us check the beliefs of how the world will end. 1) Galactic Alignment. This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000, this is considered as the end-date in the Mayans Long Count calendar. It is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. 2) A comet hitting Earth (Nostradamus) Do you really think something as big as the end of the world wouldnt leak from any agency? Keep the NASA apart, do you really think the scientific

community would miss something as big as that? When theres no scientific data about a subject, you really have to doubt. Youve probably read a lot of information on websites from people claiming they know more than they should know and that the government is hiding all this information from you. Government is hiding a lot of things from you, more than you probably imagine and they would probably try to hide the end of the world if it was going to happen. But, lets picture this: The Mayas were there 1000 years before Christ which makes it about 3000 years from now. Do you think someone could hide the end of the world for 3000 years if it was really going to happen and was really that possible and scientific? There are many doubts about this.

Pole shift/reversal, the only 2012 end of the world possibility

The only rational 2012 End of world possibility is actually pole shifting. A Pole shift is a rare phenomenon and is characterized by the north and the south poles swapping places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 3,00,000 years; the last one was 7,80,000 years ago. Such event could really disrupt our planet thats true. Imagine the North Pole and South Pole swapping places: Telecommunications, animals, humans, etc. would all be affected and it would be a really important change. Theres only one thing you need to consider Ive read in a lot of different places that a polar shift is going to happen on December 21 2012 and it is totally false: Polar shift is a process that roughly takes 5,000 years to complete and

doesnt start on a specific date and time. The real truth is that nobody knows when the next one is due. The process takes time and another myth wants the earths magnetic field strength to be near zero during that transition time. It would actually be as strong as it is now but simply a lot more complicated. Nobody can tell, the Mayas cant, Nostradamus cant and the aliens cant. On December 21 2012, a comet wont hit the earth, a pole shift wont happen instantly and a massive gravity burst wont happen either. The only thing you can fear is a pole shift and it can take up to 5,000 years to complete If anyone is wrong, massive destruction will appear and everyone will die. Pole shifting, ozone holes, everything will occur, but only IF ANYONE IS WRONG.

I hope you enjoyed reading on the 2012 end of the world prophecy and that you are looking at it in a completely different way. Thank you.

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