Questionnaire: Analysis of Customer Profile For Investment Instrument in IT Industry in Pune City

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Analysis of customer profile for investment Instrument in IT Industry in Pune city


Personal details:NAME: AGE: a) b) c) d) 21-30 31-40 41-50 50 & above



E-MAIL:___________________________________ ANNUAL INCOME: A) B) C) D) 0 - 1,80,000 1,80,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 8,00,000 Above 8,00,000

1. Do you invest? a) Yes b) No

Analysis of customer profile for investment Instrument in IT Industry in Pune city

2. What is the frequency of your Investment: a) Monthly b) Quarterly c) Half yearly d) Annually e) As an when Required
3. Who influences you the most for your investment decision? a) Personal Investment Agent/ Financial planner (e.g.: Money Plant Consulting) b) Broker (e.g.: Share Khan Etc.) c) Research on Internet/ Media d) Family & Friends 4. What is your investment objective or purpose behind investing? a) Long Term Growth b) Short Term Growth c) Tax Saving 5. How much return do you expect from your investment annually. a) 6 7% b) 8 10% c) 11 15% d) 16 25% 6. How would you categorize your risk appetite? a) High risk High gain b) Medium risk High gain c) Low risk Low gain 7. In which all investment do you invest? a) Bank fixed deposits b) Public provident fund c) National saving certificate d) Post office savings e) Government securities f) Mutual funds g) Insurance h) Bonds

Analysis of customer profile for investment Instrument in IT Industry in Pune city

i) j) k) l)

ULIP Share Market Real estate Gold/silver

8. What is the most important factor which is given as priority at the time of investment decision? a) Return b) Risk c) Safety of Principle d) Issuer e) Progressive values ______________________________________________________

9. Have you heard about Money Plant Consulting? a) Yes b) No 10. If no, what have been the reason for above? a) Lack of promotion b) Lack of customer connectivity c) Lack of companys personnel visit 11. From where have you heard about Money plant consulting? a) Family & friends. b) Companys personnel. c) Companys advertisement d) Companys website. 12. What comes to your mind when you hear the name of money plant consulting? a) A tax filling Firm b) A tax planner c) A financial planner(investing) d) An auditing Firm 13. Are you aware about the different services offered by money plant consulting? a) Yes b) No

Analysis of customer profile for investment Instrument in IT Industry in Pune city

14. What kind of image do you have for Money Plant Consulting? a) b) c) d) Very good Good Bad Very bad

15. Have you ever invested through Money Plant Consulting? a) Yes b) No 16. If no, what are the reasons for not using the services of money plant consulting? a) Lack of awareness b) Not satisfied with the service c) Lack of customer connectivity d) Lack of promotion 17. What do you expect from a financial planning company? a) Company should introduce more customer friendly investment plans. b) More visit by companies personnels to IT Companies c) Educating customers about investment plans d) More of advertising

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