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Chapter 4 - Wills POV

Her smile made my day. I knew that I wasnt making the best first impression on the class and they had started to avoid me after I refused to speak to them for the first week. But Carrie was different; she hadnt quite given up on me yet. I could feel it. I was so lost in reliving that dreaded day that I blocked out the noise, the chatter and the stares. I knew she was watching me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her frowning, deep in thought. As soon as she sat beside me, I felt better. It was her smile that did it. She practically radiated happiness when she smiled at me. And then, I smiled back. It had been a long time since I had done that but, it felt good. ...Also they need to say whether they are coming to the Information Evening next Thursday. Mum, Dad, whoever is at home... Wait, Will? Where are you going? I couldnt do it. I was so close though. It was bad enough that today was 2 years since he died but I just couldnt deal with anybody mentioning the word Dad. As soon as he said that I knew I would start crying and bawling like a baby. It was too embarrassing to do that in front of strangers. So without warning, I ran. My tears fell uncontrollably as I ran. Behind me I heard a faint conversation: Carrie get back here, let me... Mr Hutchinson began. No its ok sir, just give me a minute please! Carrie pleaded.

Carrie? What was she doing!? I continued running until I burst through the doors onto the piazza. I fell on the floor in a heap shaking and crying. The rain spattered on my face, my clothes, and my skin. Slowing footsteps echoed behind me but I didnt care who saw me now. They wouldnt understand. Will? Carries voice trembled and I barely heard it over the thundering rain and the howling wind. I still couldnt stop crying and my breathing came in short raspy breaths. Will, are you all right? What happened? Leave me alone! I managed to croak. You wont understand! I crouched down against the wall as I calmed myself. Carrie cautiously knelt next to me and reached out her hand. NO! I shouted in her face and turned away. She recoiled as if I had hit her and I instantly regretted it. She hadnt deserved that. Will please, she begged quietly. Let me try to help you, please? At least tell me whats wrong? You can trust me, I promise. I gradually turned to look at her, straight in the eye. She wouldnt hurt me or laugh at me; she actually seemed to comfort me. I just couldnt bring myself to trust her yet. Not yet, I whispered against the rain. Not yet. She sighed quietly, and took off her blazer. Crouching beside me, she wrapped it around me and herself. I looked at her closely and realised how genuine her promise was. I just needed some time. We sat there for a few minutes in silence. Just having someone near me was comforting and I felt relaxed around Carrie because she wasnt

repelled by me the rest of the class were. The rain soon subsided to a drizzle. I took a deep breath; this wasnt going to be easy. It was my Dad I began. She looked at me, probably shocked that I had calmly said more than one word to her. I continued: He was shot 2 years ago in front of our house. Carrie let out a small gasp, and then proceeded to gently take one of my hands that were resting on my knees and squeeze it tightly. I told her the whole story and still, she never let go. At the end, we were both crying silently. Im so sorry, I had no idea, she said softly, resting her head on my shoulder. Nobody does, not really anyway, I replied. But it will all be over soon. After I find his killer, I added as an afterthought.

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